06-03-2008 Workshop
City Commission
Workshop Meeting
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June 3, 2008
5 P.M.
Executive Conference Room
19200 West COllntrv Clllh Drive Aventura FI 111 RO
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1. Shuttle Bus Service Survey*
2. Proposed Naming Rights Agreement
3. Adjournment
*Backup Information Attached
**Revised 6/2/08
This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are
disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the
Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-890], not later than two days prior to such proceeding.
City Commission
Workshop Meeting
19200 West COllntrv C1l1h Drive Aventllra FI 111 RO
June 3, 2008
5 P.M.
Executive Conference Room
1. Shuttle Bus Service Survey*
2. Adjournment
*Backup Information Attached
This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of ] 990, all persons who are
disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because ofthat disability should contact the
Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-890], not later than two days prior to such proceeding.
Karen J. Lanke, Infor
echnology Director
TO: Eric M. Soroka, City
DATE: May 22, 2008
SUBJECT: Aventura Express Schedule Survey
Two methods were reviewed to distribute and collect results from the Aventura Express
Schedule Survey. The survey could be designed as a tear out page in the next edition
of the Aventura Update newsletter with a reply mail option or as an online survey
accessed via the Internet.
Tear Out Survey Included in the Newsletter
There are specific printing requirements that must be met in order to have the survey
included as a tear out page in the newsletter. The return section of the survey
preaddressed with the City's address must be designed to meet US Postal Service
regulations and it must be approved by them before it can be used. In order for the
survey to be returned via the mail, it must be printed on specific card stock approved by
the Post Office and then inserted into the newsletter. The estimated cost to include a
one page survey with the newsletter is $2,615.
There are two options that can be used to have the preaddressed reply mail survey
mailed back to the City, Business Reply Mail or Courtesy Reply Mail. Business Reply
Mail is free to the recipient but will cost the City $189 for a permit and $1.14 for each
survey that is returned. Courtesy Reply Mail requires the participant to place a stamp
on the survey before it is returned and has no postage costs to the City.
Once the survey has been returned to the City the responses will be entered into an
online survey collection system for reporting purposes. This may be a time consuming
effort depending on the number of surveys that are returned.
Online Survey
An online survey could be used to gather this information. This method is free for both
the participant and the City as the survey is available via the Internet. The online survey
can be setup to track the source of the survey, i.e. from a delivered copy of the
newsletter, from the online version of newsletter, returned via the mail, from the website,
etc. This would allow the results to be analyzed in many ways.
In addition, the survey can be setup to allow the participant to select the language they
prefer: English, Spanish or other predetermined languages. This method will not
require the City to manually enter survey responses as the participant's answers are
immediately available for reporting purposes.
An online survey has been setup from the survey questions for testing purposes. Please
visit htto://www.citvofaventura.com/docs/testsurvev.htmlto participate in the test survey.
Costs, Advantages and Disadvantages
There are specific costs, advantages and disadvantage associated with each survey
Aventur. Express Schedule Survey Estlm.ted Costs
Bulin... Reply Mill CourtelV Reply Mill
online Survey
$ervlce Requirements
Annuli PlI'mlt Fit
coctl!ur\lty Aeturned
Estlmlttd Cost with 10" R.turr'11d
Plrtlclplnt Provides Stlmp
Totll Cost of SeNko Requirements
AddltloMI Prlntlna Requirements
Cud Stock. 0)( 9"
Insertion Into Newslener
Totll Addltlona' Prlntlna Requirements
Totti COlt of SUrvey
BOf.a on 21.000 n'loWltft.ft
Tear Out Survey Included in the Newsletter
Ensures responses are from residents
Business Reply Mail Option - No postage cost for participant to return survey
Courtesy Reply Mail Option - No postage cost for the City
City must design return portion of survey per Post Office specifications and
receive their approval before survey can be printed
Additional paper and service cost of $2,615 to include the survey in the
City must manually enter all responses into survey data collection software
Business Reply Mail Option - City must apply for $180 permit
Business Reply Mail Option - City will be charged $1.14 for each survey that is
Courtesy Reply Mail Option - Participant must provide first class stamp
Online Survey
No cost for participant
No cost to the City
Can provide survey in other languages
Can track source of survey: newsletter, newsletter via website, mail, website,
etc. and provide statistical reports based upon the source
No manual data entry by the City is required as the survey results are already in
the collection software
May still want to provide hard copy surveys for citizens that do not have access
to the Internet
Cannot assure survey results are only from residents but the source code can be
used analyze the survey results
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Participate in City Shuttle Bus Survey
If Aventura Express is increased to every 15 minutes, would you take it?
The City of Aventura provides a free shuttle bus transit system that operates Monday through
Saturday from 7:45 AM until 6:30 PM and consists of five routes that stop hourly at most residential
buildings, retail areas, and medical facilities. All routes converge at the Aventura Mall every hour. The
average trip time for most routes to or from the Aventura Mall is a 26 minute ride.
The City of Aventura is considering improving the frequency of transit service provided through the
Aventura Express shuttle buses on Saturdays to once every 15 minutes to the Aventura Mall. This
would make using the service much easier and more convenient and reduce the amount of time you
would wait for a bus to travel to the Aventura Mall. We would appreciate your carefully considered and
honest answers to the following questions:
1. Please tell us how likely you, or someone in your household, would be to use the
Aventura Express shuttle buses on Saturdays if the service was provided every 15
minutes from 10 AM to 3 PM and resumes normal service after that time, by circling the
answer that best describes your actions:
a) Would likely never use it
b) Would you be willing to try it?
c) Would use it once in a while
d) Would use it on many Saturdays
e) Would use it every Saturday
2. Have you ever ridden the Aventura Express Shuttle Bus?
a) Yes
b) No
3. If you have ridden the Aventura Express Shuttle Bus system, how would you rate the
City of Aventura Express Shuttle Bus compared to other communities you are familiar
with? Would you say the Aventura Express Shuttle Bus system is:
a) Much better than others
b) Better than others
c) About the same as others
d) Somewhat worse than others
e) Much worse than others
f) Don't know
4. If you haven't ridden the Aventura Express Shuttle Bus, what would you say is the main
reason you have not ridden the Aventura Express Shuttle Bus?
a) Aventura Shuttle Bus doesn't operate when I need to travel
b) Aventura Shuttle Bus is inconvenient
c) I have a car
d) I carpool
e) I don't know where the Aventura Shuttle Bus services go
f) Other (specify
5. Other than yourself, do any members of your household use the City of Aventura
Express Shuttle Bus transit system?
a) Yes
b) No
6. Would the escalating price of fuel influence your decision to use the Aventura Express Shuttle
Bus system?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Somewhat
d) Don't know
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"Your full service transportation specialist"
May 29, 2008
City of A ventura
19200 W. Country Club Drive
A ventura, FL 33180
Atten: Robert Sherman, Director of Community Services
RE: Additional Saturday Community Shuttle Bus Service
Dear Mr. Sherman,
Per our conversation and your request for an additional three (3) buses per route for the
existing five (5) routes to operate on Saturday's only, between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 3 :00 p.m. This would equate to an additional 15 buses for Saturday Service.
The cost to add three (3) buses to each of your existing five (5) routes would be an
additional $156,000.00 per year for the additional 5 hours of service requested for
Saturday's. This amount has been established by multiplying the three additional buses
by the five existing routes, time the five hours per day, time fifty-two weeks multiplied
by the $40.00 per hour rate.
Unfortunately we would not be able to provide this service as we do not have driver that
will be available to work just one day per week and also we do not have enough buses
that will be available for Saturday service only. As you know, we are always willing to
purchase equipment for your needs, but to purchase vehicles that will only work one day
per week is not cost effective.
I would ask that you reconsider your request and possibly ask for something that would
be more feasible and cost effective to supply. If you need any additional information,
please feel free to contact me at anytime.
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