2008-008 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA, TWENTY-SIX NON EXEMPT MUNICIPALITIES, MIAMI- DADE COUNTY AND THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 8.4 OF THE AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission hereby approves and authorizes the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement substantially in the form attached as Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, between the City of Aventura, twenty-six nonexempt municipalities, Miami-Dade County and the School Board of Miami-Dade County, as required by 9163.31777 and 91013.33, Florida Statutes, with the following change in underlined text to Section 8.4: "8.4 In order to maximize the efficient utilization of public funding and to further the collocation and shared use of county and municipal facilities with School Board-owned and operated public schools, local governments are strongly encouraged not to require the provision or enhancement of privately owned and operated charter school facilities as a condition of local development approval." Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Weinberg, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Auerbach, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes Commissioner Teri Holzberg yes Commissioner Billy Joel yes Commissioner Michael Stern yes Commissioner Luz Urbaez Weinberg yes Vice Mayor Bob Diamond yes Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes Resolution No. 2008- 0'2:> Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of January, 2008. PROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~ CITY ATTORNEY AMENDED AND RESTATED1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY .-"-'" This Amended and Restated Aagreement is entered into between Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "County"), the Municipalities Cities of City of Aventura, Town of Bay Harbor Islands, City of Coral Gables, Town of Cutler Bay. City of Doral. Village of EI Portal, City of Florida City, City of Hialeah, City of Hialeah Gardens, City of Homestead, Village of Indian Crook, Village of Key Biscayne, City of Miami, City of Miami Beach, Town of Miami Lakes, Village of Miami Shores, City of Miami Springs, City of North Bay Village, City of North Miami, City of North Miami Beach, City of Miami Gardens. City of Opa-Locka, Village of Palmetto Bay, Village of Pinecrest, City of South Miami, City of Sunny Isles Beach, City of Sweetwater, and the City of West Miami (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Cities"), and The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "School Board"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the County, Cities and the School Board recognize their mutual obligation and responsibility for the education, nurturing and general well-being of the children within their respective communities; and, WHEREAS. the School Board has the statutory and constitutional responsibility to provide a uniform system of free and adequate public schools on a countywide basis; and. WHEREAS, the County, Cities, and School Board recognize the benefits that will flow to the citizens and students of their communities by more closely coordinating their comprehensive land use and school facilities planning programs namely: (1) better coordination of new schools in time and place with 1 The base document includes the Agreement, 1st Supplemental Agreement, and 2nd Supplemental Agreement, all originally adopted in 2003, combined into one restated interlocal agreement. Strikethrough and Underline shows changes for the 2007 Amendment to the Agreement. - land development, (2) greater efficiency for the school board and local governments by placing schools to take advantage of existing and planned roads, water, sewer, and parks, (3) improved student access and safety by coordinating the construction of new and expanded schools with the road and sidewalk construction programs of the local governments, (4) better defined urban form by locating and designing schools to serve as community focal points, (5) greater efficiency and convenience by co-locating schools with parks, ball fields, libraries, and other community facilities to take advantage of joint use opportunities, (6) reduction of pressures contributing to urban sprawl and support of existing neighborhoods by appropriately locating new schools and expand ing and renovating existing schools, and (7) improving the quality of education in existing, renovated and proposed schools; and, WHEREAS, Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes, requires that the location of public educational facilities must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and implementing land development regulations of the appropriate local governing body; and, WHEREAS, the County has iurisdiction over land use and qrowth manaqement decisions within its unincorporated boundaries. includinq the authority to approve or deny comprehensive plan amendments and rezoninqs, or other development orders that qenerate students and impact the school system. and the Cities have similar iurisdiction within their boundaries: and, WHEREAS, Sections 163.3177(6)(h) 1 and 2, Florida Statutes, require each local government to adopt an intergovernmental coordination element as part of their comprehensive plan that states principles and guidelines to be used in the accomplishment of coordination of the adopted comprehensive plan with the plans of the school boards, and describes the processes for collaborative planning and decision-making on population projections and public school siting; and, WHEREAS, Sections 163.31777 and 1013.33, Florida Statutes, further require each county and the non-exempt municipalities within that county to enter into an interlocal agreement with the district school board to establish jointly the specific ways in which the plans and processes of the district school board and the local governments are to be coordinated; and, WHEREAS, the 2005 Florida Leqislature adopted Chapter 2005-98, Laws of Florida. codified at Sections 163.31777. 163.3180(13) and 1013.33. Florida Statutes, which. in relevant part, required that all school interlocal aqreements be updated to reflect a new statutory mandate to implement public school concurrency; and ,- WHEREAS. the School Board. County and Cities have further determined that it is necessary and appropriate to cooperate with each other to coordinate the approval of residential development with the provision of adequate public school facilities in a timely manner and at appropriate locations. to eliminate any deficit 2 of capacity and provide capacity for proiected new qrowth, as further specified herein; and WHEREAS. the County and Cities are enterinq into this Amended and Restated Aqreement in reliance on the School Board's obliqation to prepare. adopt and implement a financially feasible capital facilities proqram that will result in public schools operatinq at the adopted Level of Service Standard consistent with the timinq specified in the School Board's adopted five-year district educational facilities plan (hereinafter referred to as the "District Facilities Work Proqram"); and WHEREAS. the School Board has further committed to update and adopt the District Facilities Work Proqram yearly to add enouqh capacity in the new fifth year to address proiected qrowth and to adiust the District Facilities Work Proqram in order to maintain the adopted Level of Service Standard and to demonstrate that the utilization of school capacity is maximized to the qreatest extent possible pursuant to Sections 163.3180(13)(d)2 and 1013.35, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, hBy entering into this Amended and Restated Aagreement, the School Board, County, and the Cities are fulfilling their statutory obligations and requirements recognizing the benefits that will accrue to their citizens and students described abovej AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, be it mutually agreed between the School Board, the County and the Cities that the following procedures will be followed in coordinating land use and public school facilities planning: Section 1. Joint MeetinQs - 1.1 Staff Workinq Group: A Staff Working Group comprised of the County Mayor/Manager and/or designee, School Board Superintendent and/or designee, and City Mayor/Manager and/or their designees will meet at least on a semi-annual basis to discuss issues and formulate recommendations regarding public education in the School District, and coordination of land use and school facilities planning, including such issues as population and student projections, development trends, a work program for five~, ten-11.Q.} and twenty~ year intervals and its relationship to the local government comprehensive plans, particularly as it relates to identification of potential school sites in the comprehensive plan's future land use map series, school needs (school capacity and school funding), the implementation of public school concurrency, collocation and joint use opportunities, and ancillary infrastructure improvements needed to support the school and ensure safe student access. Representatives from the South Florida Regional Planning 3 Council, the Latin Builders Association and the Builders Association of South Florida will also be invited to attend and participate. The initial Meeting~ of the working group shall be held within 60 days of the date of execution of the interlocal agreement, upon at least thirty (30} days written advance notice, and shall be coordinated by the School Board Superintendent, or designee, provided hm....ever, that the School BO::lrd staff shall use its best eff-orts to schedule the initial meeting to occur in a timely manner to provide meaningful participation by local governments in the School Board's 2003 01 planning process. The Staff Workinq Group shall meet no later than March 31 each year to address student enrollment proiections, and by April 30 and October 31 of each year to address the public school concurrency manaqement system. and any proposed amendments to the school-related comprehensive plan provisions. The April 30 deadline shall apply where chanqes are proposed for the County's first comprehensive plan amendment cycle of the followinq year, and the October 31 deadline shall apply for chanqes proposed in the second cycle of the followinq year. ,- 1.2 Elected Officials Forum: The School Board Superintendent and/or designee shall coordinate all bi annual joint workshop sessions at least annually and invite one or more representatives of the County Commission or their designee(s), the governing body of each City or their designee(s), and the School Board or their designee(s). A representative of the South Florida Regional Planning Council will also be invited to attend. The School Board shall provide the meeting invitations with at least thirty {30} days advance written notice of such meeting to the person designated as a contact in this Amended and Restated Agreement. +Ae initial joint workshop session shall be held '.vithin six (6) months of the date of the execution of the Interlocal Agreement by all parties, but no later than March 1, 2004 to present, discuss, consider and negotiate modifications or amendments to the Agreement; pro'.'ided however, that any such modifications and amendments shall be consistent v.'ith the statutes governing the Agreement. Modifications and amendments shall be considered by each party to this Amended and Restated Agreement in accordance with Section 1-4-5, and may be discussed at the ioint workshop sessions. The joint workshop sessions provide opportunities for the County Commission, the City Commissions or Councils, and the School Board to hear reports, discuss policy, set direction, and reach understandings concerning issues of mutual concern regarding public education, and coordination of land use and school facilities planning, including population and student growth, development trends, school needs, off-site improvements, public school concurrency. school capacity, school funding, options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations, and joint use opportunities. 4 Section 2. Student Enrollment and Population Projections 2.1 In fulfillment of their respective planning duties, the County, Cities, and School Board agree to coordinate their plans upon consistent projections of the amount, type, and distribution of population growth and student enrollment. Countywide five @-year population projections shall be updated at least once every two {gLyears by the County. The School Board may enter into a separate agreement with the County for the preparation of student enrollment projections. Updated County and School District data shall be provided at least once every two ill years for review at the Staff Working Group meeting described at Subsection 1 .1. 2.2 The School Board shall utilize student population projections based on information produced by the demographic, revenue, and education estimating conferences pursuant to Section 216.136, Florida Statutes, where available, as modified by the School Board based on development data and . agreement with the local governments and the Office of Educational Facilities and SMART Schools Clearinghouse. The School Board may request adjustment to the estimating conferences' projections to reflect actual enrollment and development trends usinq the COHORT Proiection Waiver available on the Florida Department of Education website. In formulating such a request, the School Board will coordinate with the Cities and County regarding development trends and future population projections. 2.3 The School Board, working with the County and Cities via the Staff Working Group, will use the information described in subsection 3.4 and any other relevant information provided as part of the requirements of this Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement, to allocate projected student enrollment by Minor Statistical Areas. The allocation of projected student enrollment 'Nill be determined at the first staff meeting described in subsection 1.1. Section 3. CoordinatinQ and sharinQ of Information 3.1 Tentative District Educational Facilities Work Progr3mPlan: By May lLJune 30th of each year, the School Board shall submit to the County and eaeR Citiesy the tentative district educational facilities prior to adoption by the Board. The tentative plan will be consistent with the requirements of Section 1013.35, Florida Statutes, and include projected student populations geographically, an inventory of existing school facilities, projections of facility space needs, information on relocatables, general locations of new schools for the five (51-, ten (101-, and twenty f201-year time periods, and options to reduce the need for additional permanent student stations. The tentative plan will also include a financially feasible district facilities work program for a five (51-year period. The Cities and County shall review and evaluate the tentative plan and 5 comment to the School Board by June 30v.'ithin 60 days on the consistency of the tentative plan with the local comprehensive plan, including its compatibility with the comprehensive plan's future land use map series, and whether a comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary for any proposed educational facility. The School Board shall provide the District's adopted Facilities Work Proqram to the County and Cities no later than October 20, and it shall be adopted into the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans each year no later than December 1. 3.2 Educational Plant Survey: The School Board will remain responsible for reporting and submission of updates. The Educational Plant Survey shall be consistent with the requirements of Section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, and include at least an inventory of existing educational facilities, recommendations for new and existing facilities, and the general location of each in coordination with existing land use plans. The Staff Working Group, in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 3.5, will evaluate and make recommendations regarding the location and need for new, significant renovation or expansion, closures of educational facilities, and the consistency of such plans with the local government comprehensive plans and relevant issues including, but not limited to, those listed in subsections 4.3, 7.6, 7.7 and 8.1 of this Amended and Restated Aagreement. 3.3 Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance: The County and the School Board shall annually perform a review at least every three (3) years of the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, its formula, and the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Methodology and Technical Report, and if appropriate, make recommendations for revisions to the Board of County Commissioners. The first review shall be performed within three (3) years after the effective date of the impact fee ordinance, as amended. Among the goals of this review will be the adjustment of impact fee structure to ensure the full eligible capital costs, as allowed by the governing ordinances, associated with development of public school capacity is included. In reviewing the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, (EFIFO) the County and School Board shall employ their best efforts to evaluate a more equitable distribution of impact fee assessments, including redistricting to create east!v.'est alignments of benefit districts throughout the County. Such benefit districts should combine urban infill and emerging development areas 'Nithin the County. The School Board and County will are encouraged to provide for local government, industry and citizen participation and input... prior to submitting recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for substantive revisions to the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, its formula, and/or the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Methodology and Technical Report, including the adjustment of impact fee structure or benefit district boundaries. 6 - 3.4 Growth and Development Trends: By September 30 January 31st-of each year, local governments will provide the School Board with a report on growth and development trends within their jurisdiction, based on the most current available data the pro'lious calendar year. This report will be in tabular, graphic, and/or textual formats and will include the following: (a) The type, number, and location of residential units, which have received zoning approval, plat approval or site plan approval; (b) Information regarding adopted future land use map amendments, which may have an impact on school facilities; (c) The County shall report to the School Board the school impact fees collected annually on building permit applications. This.,.--saffi report shall include the amount of the fee collected and location of the proposed residential development. The School Board shall report to the County and to each City how the impact fee revenue and all other school contributions have been spent within the Benefit District in which it was collected. All data shall include source information for verification and be provided in a format consistent with other capital expenditures; (d) Information, if available, regarding the conversion or redevelopment of non-residential structures into residential units that are likely to generate new students, and... conversely... information on the number of residential units converted to non- residential uses; and ~~ (e) The identification of any development orders issued that contains a requirement for the provision of a public school site as a condition of development approval. If at all possible, data required to be submitted in this section should also be sent in a format that can be loaded into the Geoqraphic Information Systems (GIS) database maintained by the School Board. 3.5 New. Expanded and Renovated School Facilities: The Staff Working Group shall provide recommendations on the planning of new facilities, additions or renovations for consideration by School Board staff and the School Site Planninq and Construction Committee ("SSPCC:} in formulating the tentative district educational facilities plan. Likewise, the Staff Working Group shall also provide input and comments, recommendations on the update of the Five-Year Educational Plant Survey and any revisions thereto. 7 ,,~ CALENDAR OF KEY ANNUAL DATES March 31 Staff Workinq Group meetinq re enrollment proiections April 30 Staff Workinq Group Meetinq re any proposed amendments to the school-related comprehensive plan provisions proposed for the first County transmittal cycle May 31 Planninq Forum to review Tentative Capital Plan includinq but not limited to. new schools, additions. closures, and sjqnificant renovations, at a Joint Meetinq of the Staff Workinq Group and the School Site Planninq and Construction Committee (SSPCC) June 30 Cities and County provide School Board with written comments on Tentative Educational Facilities Plan introduced at Planninq Forum August 31 School Board provides final proposed Tentative Educational Facilities Plan to County and Cities "~ September 30 Cities' and County's Growth Reports to School Board September 30 School Board adoption of District's updated Five Year Plan as a part of the Tentative Educational Facilities Plan October 20 School Board's provision of copy of adopted version District's updated Five Year Plan to County and Cities October 31 Staff Workinq Group meetinq re any proposed amendments to the school-related comprehensive plan provisions proposed for the second County transmittal cycle December 1 District's Updated Five Year Plan adopted into Cities' and County's comprehensive plans, and provision of adopted versions to School Board 8 3.6 Public School Facilities Element: (a) Initial comprehensive plan amendments related to the Public Schools Facilities Element to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 2005-98. Laws of Florida: The amendments to the Public School Facilities Element and related amendments to the Capital Improvements Element and the Interqovernmental Coordination Element in the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans ("school-related element amendments" or "school- related element provisions") required to satisfy Chapter 2005-98, Laws of Florida are beinq adopted into the comprehensive plans of the County and Cities concurrently with the execution of this Amended and Restated Aqreement by the County and Cities. Some provisions relevant to public schools may remain in the Future Land Use Element or other elements as may be appropriate. /~ (b) Subsequent school-related element amendments: Thereafter, the experience with implementinq the revised comprehensive plans and the School Board's District Facilities Work Proqram shall be reviewed by the County and Cities each year. at a Staff Workinq Group meetinq to be held no later than April 30 (County's first comprehensive plan amendment cycle) or October 31 (County's second comprehensive plan amendment cycle), to determine whether updates to the comprehensive plans are required. At a minimum. the District Facilities Work Proqram shall be updated annually by the addition of a new fifth year as provided in Section 9.3. Any other amendments to the comprehensive plans shall be transmitted in time to allow their adoption concurrently with the update to the District Facilities Work Proqram, where feasible. Amendments to the comprehensive plans shall be considered in accordance with the County's comprehensive planninq cycle. (c) School Board review of school-related element amendments: All school-related element amendments shall be provided to the School Board at least ninety (90) days prior to transmittal (or adoption if no transmittal is required). The School Board shall review the school-related element amendments and provide comments, if any, to the relevant local qovernment either (i) in writinq at least thirty (30) days prior to the local planninq aqency meetinq on the school-related element amendment. or (ii) by attendinq and providinq comments at the local planninq aqency meetinq. (d) Countvwide consistency of school-related element amendments: The County's and Cities' school-related element provisions must be consistent with the uniform district-wide public school concurrency system. with each other. and with the School Board's facilities. plans and policies. Each City may choose to adopt all or a portion of the County's school-related element provisions into its comprehensive plan by reference, or it ma'( 9 f~, adopt its own school-related element provisions. If a City adopts its own school-related element provisions. any qoal, obiective, policy or other provision relevant to the establishment and maintenance of a uniform district-wide public school concurrency system shall be substantially the same as its counterpart in the County comprehensive plan and other Cities' comprehensive plans. If any school-related element amendment is proposed that deviates from the uniform district-wide public school concurrency system. it shall not become effective until the last party adopts it into its comprehensive plan. Such proposals shall be forwarded to the Staff Workinq Group for review. and the adoption of any such chanqes shall be timed to coincide with the County's comprehensive plan amendment cycle. Once each City and the County have adopted such a plan amendment and these amendments have all become effective, then the new requirement shall apply countywide. Each City and the County may adopt the District Facilities Work Proqram into its comprehensive plan either by reference or by restatement of the relevant portions of that Facilities Work Proqram. but in no event shall a City or the County attempt to modify that Facilities Work Proqram. The County and Cities aqree to coordinate the timinq of approval of school-related element amendments, to the extent that it is feasible to do so. To the extent that a proposed school-related element amendment is inconsistent with this Amended and Restated Aqreement. an amendment to this Aqreement shall also be required before the amended element becomes effective. (d) Evaluation and Appraisal Report: In addition to the other coordination procedures provided for in this Amended and Restated Aqreement. at the time of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, the County and Cities shall schedule at least one Staff Workinq Group meetinq with the School Board to address needed updates to the school-related comprehensive plan provisions. Section 4. School Site Selection. Significant Renovations, and Potential School Closures 4.1 The School Board staff has amended shall endea'.'or to ensure rule making proceedings are completed by the May 1"1, 2003 meeting, so that final reading is given to the amendment to rRule 6Gx13-2C-1.083, Section II.D. Membership, to expand the membership of its standing School Site Planning and Construction Committee (SSPCC) by four voting members as follows: "a floating member" designated by the City Manager of the most impacted municipality to which the agenda item relates whenever an agenda item concerns any incorporated area of Miami-Dade County, or if it concerns an unincorporated area, this "floating member" shall be from the geographically nearest municipality most impacted by the agenda item; a representative selected by the Miami-Dade County League of Cities; a Miami-Dade County representative selected by the County 10 -,-."'~ Manager or designee;~ and ::a member of the residential construction industry.:: For purposes of this Section, a floating member from the most impacted local government shall be defined as the local government jurisdiction in which the proposed project is located. Based upon a projected completion of rule making proceedings by the School Board's May 14, 2003 meeting, the School Board staff shall endeavor to ensure the SSPCC is operational and holds its initial meeting by June 2003, to provide meaningful participation to local governments in the School Board's 2003 01 planning process. In the event that this rule change is not accomplished as required herein, the School Board shall approach the Cities and County and negotiate an amondment to this I\greement v/ith a mutually acceptable alternative means of coordination on all issues herein allocated to the SSPCC. The SSPCC shall review potential sites for new schools and proposals for significant renovation, the location of relocatables or additions to existing buildings, and potential closure of existing schools, and make recommendations on these and all other issues within its purview under the Rule for consideration by School Board staff. The SSPCC shall also: (a) Host a planning forum. by May 31, as a ioint meetinq of the Staff Workinq Group and School Site Planninq and Construction Committee on an annual basis or more often as may be needed. For purposes of this forum, the SSPCC shall invite a representative from each of the impacted units of government to participate in the proceedings and to provide input and comments, for consideration by the SSPCC in its deliberations. The forum will review the School Board's acquisition schedule and all other relevant issues addressed in this Amended and Restated Agreement and required by statute, and will include appropriate staff members of the School Board, at least one staff member of the County and a representative from each of the affected Cities. Based on information gathered during the review, the SSPCC will submit recommendations to the Superintendent or designee for the upcoming year. (b) Invite a staff representative from each unit of local government affected by an agenda item at any SSPCC meeting throughout the year to attend that meeting. It shall provide a full opportunity for such local government representatives to provide comments, and shall consider those comments in its deliberations. Based on information gathered during the review, the SSPCC will submit recommendations to the Superintendent or designee on these items. For purposes of this Sub Section, an affected local government shall be defined as follows: a. Any jurisdiction within fifteen hundred (1.500) feet of the property or improvement; and 11 b. Any jurisdiction whose utilities are utilized by the School Board property or improvement. The School Board Superintendent and/or designee shall provide the invitations referenced in this Section 4.1, with at least thirty (30} days advance written notice of such meeting to the person designated as a contact in this Amended and Restated Agreement. The Superintendent or designee shall forward the SSPCC recommendations referenced in this Amended and Restated Agreement to the School Board so that they may be considered by the Board at the time that it deals with the issues to which the recommendations relate. ",'-- 4.2 When the need for a new school is identified and funded in the District Facilities Work Proqram district educational facilities plan, the SSPCC will developreview a list of potential sites in the area of need. The list of potential sites for new schools and the list of schools identified and funded in the District Facilities Work Proqram district educational facilities f}laA for significant renovation, the location of relocatables, or additions to existing buildings and potential closure and opportunities for collocation will be submitted to the local government with jurisdiction over the use of the land for an informal assessment regarding consistency with the local government comprehensive plan. 4.3 The evaluation of new school sites or significant expansion of student stations at existing schools shall be in accordance with School Board Rule 6Gx13-2C-1.083, as may be amended from time to time and attached hereto as Exhibit 1~. Any proposed amendments to this rule, which may impact upon the terms of this Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement, shall be submitted to the affected local units of government prior to submission to the SSPCC and to the School Board. 4.4 Pursuant to Section 1013.33(11), Florida Statutes, at least sixty {60} days prior to acquiring or leasing property that may be used for a new public educational facility, the School Board shall provide written notice to the local government with jurisdiction over the use of the land. The local government, upon receipt of this notice, shall notify the School Board within forty-five (451-days if the proposed new school site is consistent with the land use categories as depicted in the future land use map series, as well as the policies of the local government's comprehensive plan. If the site is not consistent, it shall not be used as a school site until and unless otherwise approved by the local government. This preliminary notice does not constitute the local government's determination of consistency pursuant to sSection 1013.33(12), Florida Statutes. Section 5. supportina Infrastructure 5.1 In conjunction with the preliminary consistency determination described at subsection 4.4 of this Amended and Restated Aagreement, 12 the School Board and affected local governments will jointly determine the need for, and timing of, on-site and off-site improvements necessary to support each new school or the proposed significant expansion renovation of an existing school. in those instances where capacity is beinq added to accommodate new student populations. Ssignificant expansion renovation shall include construction improvements that result in a greater than five (5) percent increase in student capacity, the location of relocatables portables, or additions to existing buildings for hiqh schools with a capacity of more than 2.000 students. For siqnificant expansions to hiqh schools with a capacity of less than 2.000 and for middle schools. the applicable percentaqe shall be ten (10) percent. and for siqnificant expansions to elementary schools (includinq K-8 centers). the applicable percentaqe shall be fifteen (15) percent. The School Board and affected local government will enter into a letter of agreement as to the timing, location, and the party or parties responsible for constructing, operating and maintaining the required on-site and off-site improvements related to the expansions and new schools referenced above, respectively. This section shall not be construed to require the affected local unit of government to bear any costs of infrastructure improvements related to school improvements. Section 6. Public Education Facilities Site Plan Review 6.1 The School Board and the County will continue to coordinate any and all proposed construction or expansion of public educational facilities, including the general location of new schools in unincorporated Miami- Dade County, with the County's Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) and local land development regulations in accordance with the review procedures outlined in Miami-Dade County Resolution R-678- 06R 535 92, as adopted on June May Q~, 2006~ 6.2 The School Board will coordinate any and all proposed construction or expansion of public educational facilities, including the location of new schools or relocatables, within any City's jurisdiction with that City's adopted comprehensive plan and land development regulations. This coordination shall be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of Section~ 10 13.33( 12) through (15), Florida Statutes. The affected City shall provide all of its comments to the School Board as expeditiously as feasible, and not later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the complete site plan. Section 7. Local Plannina Aaency, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Rezoninas, and Develooments of Reaionallmoact ovolopmont l\ppro'lals 7.1 In accordance with the requirements of and to the extent required by Section 163.3174(1), Florida Statutes, the County and Cities will invite a staff representative appointed by the School Board, 3S a non voting 13 ,,.,~.. member, to attend meetings, on an as needed basis, of their local planning agencies or equivalent agencies that first consider comprehensive plan amendments and rezonings at which comprehensive plan amendments,L ~rezonings. or Development of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments are considered that would, if approved, increase residential density. The County and Cities may, at their sole discretion, appoint such School Board representative to the planning agency, and. at their sole discretion, may grant voting status to the School Board representative member. 7.2 The School Board will designate a staff representative to serve in an advisory support capacity on the County's staff development review committee, or equivalent body. In addition, the School Board representative will be invited to participate at the meetings of the Cities' staff development review committees, or equivalent body, as appropriate, when comprehensive plan amendments. rezoninqs or Development of Reqional Impact proposals or amendmentsdevelopment and redevelopment proposals are proposed that would create an increase in the number of residential units. It shall be the responsibility of School Board staff to review the potential impact of a proposed (re) development based on current Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity (both permanent and relocatables) and be prepared to commentconvey this information in writing to the local staff development review committees at least five ~days prior to the meeting or development review committee review, for their consideration. These comments shall include a statement that the application will be subiect to public school concurrency review at the plat. site plan or functional equivalent staqe, consistent with Section 9 of this Amended and Restated Aqreement. +fle School Board shall only be required to provide such review 'Nhere the proposed (re) developmont will result in an increase in FISH capacity (permanent and relocatables) in excess of 115%, except 'Nhen such review is roquested by the local staff development review committee. This figure shall be considered only as a revie'lI threshold and shall not be construed to obligate the County or a City to deny a development should the School Board fail to identify options to meet anticipated demand or should the collaborative process described in this Section fail to yield a means to ensure sufficient capacity. A copy of the applicationpIaRs shall be delivered to the School Board representative at least fifteen ( 15} working days prior to the proposed meeting date, or on the date the agenda is distributed. The School Board's review shall be conducted in accordance with the methods set forth in the ~Procedures mManual ta-be adopted in accordance with agreed upon procedures to be developed through a collaborative process with the Staff Working Group.:. and the School Board staff shall use its best efforts to facilitate development of the manual in a timely manner. 7.3 The County and the Cities agree to transmit to the School Board ,-<.-- 14 .,,'~ copies of proposed comprehensive plan amendments, rezoninas, and Development of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments land use applications and devolopment proposals that may affect student enrollment, enrollment projections, or school facilities. This requirement applies to amendments to the comprehensive plan future land use map, rezonings, developments of regional impact, and other major residential or mixed use development projects with a rosidential component. 7.4 Within thirty (301 days after receipt of notification by the local government, which notification shall include development plans, the School Board will advise the local government of the school enrollment impacts anticipated to result from the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. land use application rezoninq, or aDevelopment of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments and whether sufficient capacity exists or is planned to accommodate the impacts. School capacity '/Jill be reported consistent with State Requirements for Educational Facilities, and shall be based on current FISH capacity at impacted schools (including permanent and relocatable satisfactory student stations), as ~NolI as any proposed student station additions in the area of impact. The School Board will also include capacity information on approved charter schools that provide relief in the area of impact. The School Board may charqe a non- refundable application fee payable to the School Board to reimburse the cost to review comprehensive plans, rezoninqs and Development of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments pursuant to this Section. In that event. payment may be required prior to the commencement of review. 7.5 If sufficient capacity is not available or planned to serve the development at the time of impact, the School Board 'Nill determine and specify the options available to it to moet the anticipated student enrollment demand. Alternatively, the School Board, local government, and developer will use their best efforts to collaboratively develop options that aim to provide the capacity to accommodate nev.' students generated from the ne'N residential development The School Board shall be responsible to review and consider funding options for the incremental increase in the projected number of students \\'hich include, but are not limited to, creation of new community dc'.'elopment districts pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, creation of educational facilities benefit districts as described in Section 1013.355, Florida Statutes, other available broad based funding mechanisms to fund school capital construction, developer contributions in the form of land donation set asides, monetary contributions, or developer provided facility improvements in lieu of impact fees and other School Board approved measures such as public charter schools, public private partnerships, or a combination of any of those. In its analysis of need, School Board ctaff shall also include information on the estimated educational facilities impact fee revonues to be generated by the development, as well as on any other 15 availablo funding for capital projects specifically intended to mitigate the area of impact.This Section shall not be construed to obligate a City to impose, assess or collect a school impact fee, unless provided by general law. I\s it relates to the collection of impact foos, this provision shall not be subject to dispute resolution under Section 9 of this Agreement. The review by the School Board staff reqardinq comprehensive plan amendments. rezoninqs and Development of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments containinq residential units shall be classified as "Public Schools Planninq Level Review (Schools Planninq Level Review)". The Schools Planninq Level Review does not constitute pUblic school concurrency review. This Section shall not be construed to obligate a City or County to deny or approve (or to preclude a City or County from approvinq or denyinq) an application development should the School Board fail to identify options to meet anticipated demand or should the collaborative process described in this Section fail to yield a means to ensure sufficient capacity. 7.6 In the review and consideration of comprehensive plan amendments, rezonings, and aDevelopment of Reqional Impact proposals or amendments, and their respective potential school impacts, the County and Cities should consider the following issues: a. School Board comments, which may include available school capacity or planned improvements to increase school capacity, including School Board approved charter schools and operational constraints (e.g., establishment of or modifications to attendance boundaries and controlled choice zones), if any, that may impact school capacity within an area, including public-private partnerships-,-Failure of the School Board to provide comments to the County or Cities within thirty (301 days as specified in Section 7.4 may be considered by the parties as a response of "no comment." In such a scenario, the County and Cities shall not be obligated to delay final action by the County Commission or City Council; b. The provision of school sites and facilities within planned neighborhoods; c. Compatibility of land uses adjacent to existing schools and reserved or proposed school sites; d. The potential for collocation of parks, recreation and neighborhood facilities with school sites; e. The potential for linkage of schools, parks, libraries and other public facilities with bikeways, trails, and sidewalks for safe access; f. Traffic circulation plans that serve schools and the surrounding 16 neighborhood, including off-site signalization, signage, and access improvements; and g. The general location of public schools proposed in the District Facilities Work Proqram fivo year 'Nork plan as well as other available information over a ten (10) and twenty (201-year time frame. 7.7 In formulating community development plans and programs, the County and Cities should consider the following issues: a. Giving priority to scheduling capital improvements that are coordinated with and meet the capital needs identified in the District Facilities Work Proqram School Board District Educational Facilities P-taR ; b. Providing incentives that promote collaborative efforts between the School Board and the private sector to develop adequate school facilities in residential developments; c. Targeting community development improvements in older and distressed neighborhoods near existing or proposed School Board owned and operated public schools and School Board approved charter schools; aM d. Coordination with neighboring jurisdictions to address public school issues of mutual concern; and-:- e. Approval and funding of community development districts (CDD!.S) and other available funding mechanisms created by state law. Section 8. Collocation and Shared Use 8.1 Collocation and shared use of facilities are important to both the School Board and local governments. The School Board... aRd-Cities and County will work together, via the Staff Working Group...--aR€J-the SSPCC, and the Citizens Oversiqht Committee to look for opportunities to collocate and share use of school facilities and civic facilities when preparing the District Facilities Work Proqram District Educational Facilities Plan. Likewise, collocation and shared use opportunities will be considered by the local governments when preparing the annual update to the comprehensive plan's schedule of capital improvements and when planning and designing new, or renovating existing, community facilities. For example, potential opportunities for collocation and shared use with public schools will be considered where compatible for existing or planned libraries, parks, recreation facilities, community centers, auditoriums, learning centers, museums, performing arts centers, and stadiums. In addition, the potential for collocation and shared use of school and 17 governmental facilities for joint use by the community will also be considered. 8.2 A separate agreement or an amendment to a master agreement between the School Board and the appropriate local government will be developed for each instance of collocation and shared use, which addresses legal liability, operating and maintenance costs, scheduling of use, and facility supervision or any other issues that may arise from collocation and shared use. 8.3 Collocation and shared use as provided for in this Amended and Restated Agreement may include the sharing of county and municipal facilities for student use, such as use of a park for park purposes by students from a neighboring public school, and similarly may include the use of public school facilities by the community. 8.4 In order to maximize the efficient utilization of public fundinq and to further the collocation and shared use of county and municipal facilities with School Board-owned and operated public schools. local qovernments are stronqly encouraqed not to require the provision or enhancement of charter school facilities as a condition of local development approval. Section 9. Implementation of Public School Concurrency 9.1 This section establishes the mechanisms for coordinatinq the development, adoption. and amendment of the District Facilities Work Proqram, as well as the Public School Facilities Elements and the Interqovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements Elements of the County and Cities' comprehensive plans. in order to implement a uniform districtwide public school concurrency system as required by law. 9.2 The School Board. County and Cities aqree to the followinq principles for public school concurrency in Miami-Dade County: (a) CafJacitv Methodoloav and Formula for A vailabilitv: The uniform methodoloqy for determininq if a particular school is overcapacity shall be determined by the School Board and adopted into the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans. The School Board hereby selects Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity as the uniform methodoloqy to determine the capacity of each school. The capacity and enrollment numbers for a school shall be determined once a year, in October. The School Board will issue an evaluation report determininq whether adequate school capacity exists for a proposed development. based on the adopted Level of Service Standards. concurrency service areas, and 18 other standards set forth in this Amended and Restated Aqreement, as follows: 1. Calculate total school facility capacity by addinq the capacity provided by an existinq school facility to the capacity of any planned school facilities proqrammed to provide relief to that school facility. listed in the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram. 2. Calculate available school facility capacity by subtractinq from the total school facility capacity the sum of: a. Current student enrollment (school facility capacity consumed by preexistinq development); b. The portion of reserved capacity havinq a valid unexpired certificate of concurrency from the School Board; and c. The portion of previously approved development (vested from concurrency) proiected to be developed within three (3) years. 3. Calculate the proposed development's demand for school facility capacity by: a. Applyinq the student Qeneration rate to the proposed development to determine its total demand; and b. Subtractinq a credit for the total district-wide enrollment of maqnet and charter school facilities. 4. Subtract the proposed development's demand for school facility capacity from the available school facility capacity to determine if there is a deficit. If so, repeat the process to determine if school facility capacity is available in any contiquous Concurrency Service Area ("CSA") in the same Geoqraphic Area (Northwest Northeast, Southwest, or Southeast), which map is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. The School Board may charQe a non-refundable application fee payable to the School Board to reimburse the cost to review matters related to public school concurrency. In that event, payment may be required prior to the commencement of review. ,..~ 19 In evaluatinq a final subdivision, site plan, or functional equivalent for concurrency, any relevant proqrammed improvements in the current year. or Years 2 or 3 of the District Facilities Work Proqram shall be considered available capacity for the proiect and factored into the Level of Service analysis. Any relevant proqrammed improvements in Years 4 or 5 of the District Facilities Work Proqram shall not be considered available capacity for the proiect unless fundinq to accelerate the improvement is assured throuqh the School Board, throuqh proportionate share mitiqation or some other means of assurinq adequate capacity will be available within three (3) years. Relocatable classrooms may be used by the Miami-Dade County Public School System as an operational solution durinq replacement, renovation. remodelinq or expansion of a public school facility: and in the event of a disaster or emerqency which prevents the School Board from usinq a portion of the affected school facility. (b) Level of Service Standards: Public school concurrency shall be applied on a less than district-wide basis, to concurrency service areas as described in subsection (c). except for Maqnet Schools where public school concurrency shall be applied on a district wide basis. Level of Service standards for public school facilities apply to those traditional educational facilities. owned and operated by Miami-Dade County Public Schools. that are required to serve the residential development within their established concurrency service area. Level of Service standards do not apply to charter schools. However. the actual enrollment (October Full Time Equivalent (FTE)) of both maqnet and charter schools as a percentaqe of the total district enrollment will be credited aqainst the impact of development. The uniform, district-wide Level of Service Standards for Public School Facilities are initially set as follows, and shall be adopted in the County's and Cities' Public School Facilities Elements and Capital Improvements Elements: 1. The adopted Level of Service (LOS) Standard for all Miami-Dade County Public School facilities is 100% FISH Capacity (With Relocatable Classrooms). This LOS Standard. except for Maqnet Schools, shall be applicable in each public school concurrency service area (CSA), defined as the public school attendance boundary established by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 2. The adopted LOS standard for Maqnet Schools is 100% of FISH (With Relocatable Classrooms) which shall be calculated on a district-wide basis. 20 3. It is the qoal of Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Miami-Dade County for all public school facilities to achieve 100% utilization of Permanent FISH (No Relocatable Classrooms) by January 1. 2018. To help achieve the desired 100% of permanent FISH utilization by 2018. Miami-Dade County Public Schools should continue to decrease the number of relocatable classrooms over time. Public school facilities that achieve 100% utilization of Permanent FISH capacity (No Relocatable Classrooms) should. to the extent possible. no lonqer utilize relocatable classrooms. except as an operational solution. Beqinninq January 1, 2013. the Miami- Dade County Public Schools will implement a schedule to eliminate all remaininq relocatable classrooms by January 1,2018. By December 2010. Miami-Dade County in cooperation with Miami- Dade County Public Schools will assess the viability of modifvinq the adopted LOS standard to 100% utilization of Permanent FISH (No Relocatable Classrooms) for all CSAs. ~~ 4. Relocatable classrooms may be used by the Miami-Dade County Public School System as an operational solution durinq replacement. renovation, remodelinq or expansion of a public school facility; and in the event of a disaster or emerqency which prevents the School Board from usinq a portion of the affected school facility. Potential amendments to these LOS Standards shall be considered at least annually at the Staff Workinq Group meetinq to take place no later than April 30 or October 31 of each year. If there is a consensus to amend any LOS Standard. it shall be accomplished by the execution of an amendment to this Amended and Restated Aqreement by all parties and the adoption of amendments to the County's and each City's comprehensive plan. The amended LOS Standard shall not be effective until all plan amendments are effective and the amendment to this Amended and Restated A~reement is fully executed. No LOS Standard shall be amended without a showinq that the amended LOS Standard is financially feasible and can be achieved and maintained over the five years of the District Facilities Work Proqram. After adoption of the District's first Facilities Work Proqram which was relied on for public school concurrency requirements. capacity shall be maintained within each year of the District's subsequent Facilities Work Proqram. If the impact of the project will not be felt until Years 2 or 3 of the District Facilities Work Proqram, then any relevant proqrammed improvements in those years shall be considered available capacity for the project and factored into the Level of Service analysis. If the impact of the project will not be felt until Years 4 or 5 of the District Facilities Work 21 "....-..... Proqram. then any relevant proqrammed improvements shall not be considered available capacity for the proiect unless fundinq of the improvement is assured, throuqh School Board fundinq. the proportionate share mitiqation process, or some other means. and the proiect is accelerated into the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram. (c) Concurrency Service Areas: The Concurrency Service Area (CSA) shall be the student attendance boundaries for elementary, middle and hiqh schools. The concurrency service area boundaries shall be part of the data and analysis in support of the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans. Concurrency service areas shall maximize capacity utilization. takinq into account transportation costs. limitinq maximum student travel times, the effect of court-approved deseqreqation plans, achievinq socio-economic. racial. cultural and diversity obiectives, and other relevant factors as determined by the School Board's policy on maxim ization of capacity. The School Board shall address how capacity has been maximized in the affected concurrency service area. For purposes of this Amended and Restated Aqreement, maximization of capacity shall mean any operational or physical adiustment that increases the available capacity of a school or a concurrency service area. Maximization may take into account several factors. includinq transportation costs. student travel times. socio- economic obiectives, and recoqnition of the timinq of capacity commitments. These adjustments may include, but are not limited to. physical chanqes to the school facility such as expansions or renovations, and operational chanqes such as staqqered schedules. floatinq teachers, or reassiqnment of students. The types of physical and operational adiustments to school capacity that will be used in Miami-Dade County. and the circumstances under which they are appropriate. will be determined by the School Board's policy on maximization of capacity, as set forth in the Public School Facilities Element. Potential amendments to the concurrency service areas, other than periodic adiustments to student attendance boundaries. or to redefine the concurrency service area as a different type of boundary or area shall be considered annually at the Staff Workinq Group meetinq to take place each year no later than April 30 or October 31, and shall take into account the issue of maximization of capacity. Other considerations for amendinq the concurrency service areas may include safe access (includinq factors such as the presence of sidewalks. bicycle paths. turn lanes and siqnalization. qeneral walkability), diversity. and qeoqraphic or manmade constraints to travel. If there is a consensus to chanqe the concurrency service area to a different type of service area or qeoqraphic confiquration, 22 it shall be accomplished by the execution of an amendment to this Amended and Restated Aqreement. The chanqed concurrency service area shall not be effective until the amendment to this Amended and Restated Aqreement is fully executed and related amendments to the County and Cities' comprehensive plans are adopted. Proposed amendments to the concurrency service areas shall be presented to. the Staff Workinq Group and incorporated as updated data and analysis in support of the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans. No concurrency service area shall be amended or redefined without a showinq that the amended or redefined concurrency service area boundaries are financially feasible and can be achieved and that the adopted LOS Standard can be maintained over the five years of the District Facilities Work Proqram. If maximization of capacity has not resulted in sufficient capacity. so that the adoption of the development proposal would result in a failure to meet the Level of Service Standard, and if capacity is available in one or more contiquous concurrency service areas within the first three years of the District Facilities Work Proqram in the same Geoqraphic Area (Northwest. Northeast. Southwest. Southeast) as the development. the School Board, at its discretion. shall determine the contiquous concurrency service area to which the development impacts will be shifted. If there is still not enouqh capacity to absorb the impacts of the development proposal after maximization of capacity and shiftinq of impacts. then the School Board will notify the local qovernment in writinq of the findinq. and the local qovernment shall then notify the applicant of the findinq. (d) Student Generation Multipliers: The School Board staff, workinq with the County staff and Cities' staffs, have developed and applied student qeneration multipliers for residential units by type and Minor Statistical Area for schools of each type. considerinq past trends in student enrollment in order to project school enrollment. The student qeneration rates shall be determined by the School Board in accordance with professionally accepted methodoloqies. shall be updated at least every three (3) years inasmuch as possible. and shall be adopted into the County's and Cities' comprehensive plans. The school enrollment proiections will be included in the tentative district educational facilities plan provided to the County. and Cities each year as specified in Subsection 3.1 of this Amended and Restated Aqreement. .~. (e) Concurrency Manaqement System: The County and Cities shall amend the concurrency manaqement systems in their land development requlations to require that all non-exempt new residential units be reviewed for public school concurrency at the time of final plat or site plan (or functional equivalent), usinq the coordination processes specified in Section 7 above. within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan amendment(s) implementinq 23 ""'........ public school concurrency. In the event that the Comprehensive Plan amendment(s) or amendment(s) to this Amended and Restated Aqreement, which are necessary to implement public school concurrency are challenqed. the land development requlations shall be adopted within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the resolution of such challenqe. The County or any City may choose to request from the School Board's staff and provide an informational assessment of public school concurrency at the time of preliminary plat or subdivision. but the test of concurrency shall be at final subdivision. site plan (or functional equivalent). The assessment of available capacity by the School Board shall consider maximization of capacity and shiftinq of impacts as further detailed above. The County and Cities shall not deny a final subdivision or site plan (or functional equivalent) for the failure to achieve and maintain the adopted Level of Service Standard for public school capacity where: (i) adequate school facilities will be in place or under actual construction within three (3) years after the issuance of the final subdivision or site plan (or functional equivalent); or (ii) the developer executes a leqally bindinq commitment to provide mitiqation proportionate to the demand for public school facilities to be created by the actual development of the property subiect to the final plat or site plan (or functional equivalent) as provided in Section 9.2(q) below. However. this Amended and Restated Aqreement shall not be construed to limit the authority of any City or the County to deny the final plat or site plan (or functional equivalent) for reasons other than failure to achieve and maintain the adopted Level of Service Standard for public school capacity. The County and Cities, in consultation with the School Board, shall also amend their concurrency manaqement systems in their land development requlations to address public school facilities. so that the annual monitorinq reports provided to their qoverninq bodies shall cover schools as well as the other concurrency facilities within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the effective date of this Amended and Restated Aqreement. Upon final action by the City or County reqardinq the application for final plat, site plan or functional equivalent, the City or County shall send written notice to the School Board indicatinq that the application was qranted final approval or denied. If the application received final approval, the school concurrency approval for the development and anticipated students shall be valid for up to two (2) years. beqinning from the date the application received final approval from the City or County. except as may be provided by federal law and as further specified in the applicable concurrency manaqement system requlations. unless otherwise released 24 4~ by the appropriate qoverninq body in which case. within ten (10) business days of the release the appropriate qoverninq body shall notify the School Board of such and request the capacity reservation be cancelled. An extension of the reservation period may be qranted when the applicant demonstrates that development has commenced on a timely basis and is continuinq in qood faith. provided that the total reservation period does not exceed six (6) years. as further specified in the applicable concurrency manaqement system requlations. If the application was denied. the School Board's staff shall deduct from its database the students associated with the application. (f) Proportionate Share Mitiaation: The School Board shall establish within the District Facilities Work Proqram the followinq standards for the application of proportionate share mitiqation: 1. Student Generation Multipliers for sinqle family. multi family and mobile home housinq types for elementary. middle and hiqh schools. Student Generation Multipliers shall be based upon the best available district-specific data and derived by a professionally acceptable methodoloqy acceptable to the School Board: 2. Cost per Student Station estimates for elementary. middle and hiqh schools. Such estimates shall include all cost of providinq instructional and core capacity includinq. without limitation, land, desiqn. buildinqs, equipment and furniture, and site improvements. The cost of ancillary facilities that qenerally support the School Board and the capital costs associated with the transportation of students shall not be included in the Cost per Student Station estimate used for proportionate share mitiqation: 3. The capacity of each school; and 4. The current and reserved enrollment of each school. The above factors shall be reviewed annually and certified for application for proportionate share mitiqation purposes durinq the period that the District Facilities Work Proqram is in effect. In the event that there is not sufficient capacity in the affected or contiquous concurrency service area to address the impacts of a proposed development. the followinq steps shall apply. Either (i) the proiect must provide capacity enhancement sufficient to meet its impacts throuqh proportionate share mitiqation: or (in a condition of approval of the site plan or final plat (or functional equivalent) shall be that the proiect's impacts shall be phased and buildinq permits shall be delayed to a date 25 when capacity enhancement and Level of Service can be assured; or (iii) the project must not be approved. The school board and the affected local qovernment shall coordinate on the possibility of mitiqation. Options for providinq proportionate share mitiqation for any approval of additional residential dwellinq units that triqqers a failure to meet the Level of Service Standard for public school capacity will be specified in the County's and Cities' Public School Facilities Elements. Options shall include the followinq: 1. Money - Contribute full capital cost of a planned proiect, or proiect proposed to be added to the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram. in the affected concurrency. service areas, providinq sufficient capacity to absorb the excess impacts of the development, on land owned by the School Board or donated by another development. 2. Land - Donate land to and/or capital dollars equal to the cost of impact to the School Board needed for construction of a planned project. or project proposed to be added to the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram in the affected concurrency service areas. and the School Board or some other entity funds the construction of or constructs the proiect. 3. Construction - Build a planned proiect, or proiect proposed to be added to the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram, on land owned by the School Board or donated by another development, with sufficient capacity to absorb the excess impact of the development in the affected concurrency service area. (Usually, projects are more than one classroom). 4. Mix and Match - Combine two or more of these options to provide sufficient capacity to mitiqate the estimated impact of the residential development on the affected concurrency service areas. 5. Mitiqation bankinq - Mitiqation bankinq within desiqnated areas based on the construction of a public school facility in exchanqe for the riqht to sell capacity credits. Capacity credits shall only be transferred to developments within the same concurrency service area or a contiquous concurrency service area. Mitiqation bankinq shall be administered by the School Board in accordance with the requirements of the concurrency mitiqation system. 26 Proportionate-share mitiqation must be acceptable to the School Board. Mitiqation shall be directed to proiects in the first three (3) years of the District Facilities Work Proqram that the School Board aqrees will satisfy the demand created by that development approval. The amount of mitiqation required shall be calculated based on the cost per student station, as defined above, and for each school type (elementary. middle and hiqh) for which there is not sufficient capacity. The Proportionate Share for a development shall be determined by the followinq formulas: Number Of New Student Stations Required For Mitigation (By School Type) = [Number Of Dwelling Units Generated By Development Proposal, By Housing Type x Student Generation Multiplier (By Housing Type And School Type)J..= Credit for Districtwide Capacity of Maqnet Schools and Charter Schools - Number of A vailable Student Stations Cost of Proportionate Share Mitigation = Number Of New Student Stations Required For Mitigation (By School Type) x Cost Per Student Station (By School Type). The full cost of proportionate share mitiqation shall be required from the proposed development. The local qovernment and the School Board shall consider the evaluation report and the options that may be available for proportionate share mitiqation includinq the amendment of the District Facilities Work Proqram. If the local qovernment and the School Board find that options exist for proportionate share mitiqation, they shall authorize the preparation of a development aqreement and other documentation appropriate to implement the proportionate share mitiqation option(s). A leqally bindinq development aqreement shall be entered into between the School Board. the relevant local qovernment. and the applicant and executed prior to issuance of the final plat. site plan or functional equivalent. In that aqreement. if the School Board accepts the mitiqation. the School Board must commit to place the improvement required for mitiqation on the first three (3) years of the Five Year Plan. This development aqreement shall include the landowner's commitment to continuinq renewal of the development aqreement until the mitiqation is completed as determined by the School Board. This aqreement shall also address the amount of the impact fee credit that may be due for the mitiqation. and the manner in which it will be credited. 27 Upon execution of a development aqreement amonq the applicant. the local qovernment and the School Board. the local qovernment may issue a development order for the development. The development order shall condition approval upon compliance with the development aqreement. 9.3 Updates to Public School Concurrency: The School Board, County and Cities shall use the processes and information sharinq mechanisms outlined in this Amended and Restated Aqreement to ensure that the uniform district-wide public school concurrency system is updated, the District Facilities Work Proqram remains financially feasible in the future. and any desired modifications are made. The District's updated Five-Year Plan will be adopted into the County's and Cities' capital improvement elements no later than December 1 of each year. The School Board shall not amend the District Facilities Work Proqram as to modify. delay or delete any proiect that affects student capacity in the first three (3) years of the Five Year Plan unless the School District staff, with the concurrence of a majority of the School Board members. provides written confirmation that: 1. The modification. delay or deletion of a project is required in order to meet the School Board's constitutional obliqation to provide a county-wide uniform system of free public schools or other leqal obliqations imposed by state or federal law; or 2. The modification. delay or deletion of a proiect is occasioned by unanticipated chanqe in population projections or qrowth patterns or is required in order to provide needed capacity in a location that has a current qreater need than the oriqinally planned location and does not cause the adopted LOS standard to be exceeded in the Concurrency Service Area from which the originally planned proiect is modified, delayed or deleted; or 3. The project schedule or scope has been modified to address local qovernment concerns, and the modification does not cause the adopted LOS standard to be exceeded in the Concurrency Service Area from which the oriqinally planned proiect is modified. delayed or deleted; and 4. The Staff Workinq Group has had the opportunity to review the proposed amendment and has submitted its recommendation to the Superintendent or desiqnee. The School Board may amend the District Facilities Work Proqram at any time to add necessary capacity proiects to satisfy the provisions of this 28 Aqreement. For additions to the District Facilities Work Proqram, the School Board must demonstrate its ability to maintain its financial feasibility. 9.4 Exemptions and Vested Development: The followinq types of developments shall be exempt from the requirements of public school concurrency: a. Developments that result in a total impact of less than one (1) student in any level or type of school; and b. Development with covenants restrictinq occupancy to exclude school aqe children (e.q., 55 and over). The followinq types of developments shall be considered vested from the requirements of public school concurrency: a. Developments with a valid. unexpired site plan or final plat or functional equivalent, as of December 31,2007; b. Developments that have executed and recorded covenants or have provided monetary mitiqation payments. as of December 31. 2007. under the School Board's current voluntary mitiqation procedures; c. Any Development of Reqional Impact for which a development order was issued, pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, prior to July 1. 2005. Also, any Development of Reqional Impact for which an application was submitted prior to May 1. 2005. Section 109. Resolution of Disputes 109.1 If the parties to this Amended and Restated Aagreement are unable to resolve any issue in which they may be in disagreement covered in this Amended and Restated Aagreement, the applicable parties to the dispute will employ dispute resolution procedures pursuant to Chapter 164 or Chapter 186, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, or any other mutually acceptable means of alternative dispute resolution. Each party shall bear their own attorney's fees and costs. Section 110. Oversight Process 11Q.1 The School Board shall appoint up to nine (9) citizen members, the County and the Miami-Dade County League of Cities shall each appoint up to five (5) citizen members to serve on a committee to monitor implementation of this Amended and Restatede interlocal aAgreement. 29 The School Board shall organize and staff the meetings of this Citizens Oversiqht Committee, calling on the Staff Working Group for assistance as needed. It shall provide thirty (30)no less than seven (7) days written notice of any meeting to the members of the Citizens Oversiqht Committee, the Staff Working Group, the SSPCC, County, Cities and to the public. Citizens Oversiqht Committee members shall be invited by the School Board to attend all meetings referenced in Sections 1 and 4 and shall receive copies of all reports and documents produced pursuant to this Amended and Restated Aqreement. The Citizens Oversiqht Committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet at least annually, and report to participating local governments, the School Board and the general public on the effectiveness with which the interlocal agreement is being implemented. At least sixty (601 days prior to the annual meeting of the Citizens Oversiqht Committee, the Staff Working Group and the SSPCC shall each submit an annual report regarding the status of the implementation and effectiveness of the Agreement. These annual reports shall additionally be distributed to all parties to this Amended and Restated Agreement. Meetings of the Citizens Oversiqht Committee shall be conducted as public meetings, and provide opportunities for public participation. The Citizens Oversiqht Committee shall adopt bylaws that shall qovern its operation. ,,~'-'---. Section 12t. Effective Date and Term ,,,"- This Amended and Restated Aqreement shall take effect upon the date of publication of a Notice of Intent to find it consistent with the requirements of Section 163.31777(2). Florida Statutes. This Amended and Restated may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an oriqinal. but all of which toqether will constitute one and the same instrument and be the aqreement between the parties. +J::Hs /\grooment shall become effective upon the signatures of the School Board and County, and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of five (5) years from the effective date. The execution of the Agreement by each City shall make it effective as to that City. The failure of any party to execute the Agreement by January 1. 2008 March 1, 2003 may subject that party to penalties as provided by statute. This Amended and Restated Aqreement may be amended by mutual adoption by all parties, at the yearly ioint meetinq or as the situation warrants. This Amended and Restated Agreement may be earlier cancelled by mutual agreement of individual Cities or County and the School Board, unless otherwise cancelled as provided or allowed by law. In such a case. the withdrawinQ partylies and the School Board may be subiect to sanctions from the Administration Commission and the Florida Department of Education, unless they enter into a separate aqreement within 30 days that satisfies all of the relevant requirements of Florida Statutes. Any separate aqreement must be consistent with the uniform district-wide public school 30 concurrency system. This Agreement may be extended upon the mutual consent of the parties to this Agreement for an additional five (5) years, on the same terms and conditions as provided herein, provided that the party seeking an extension givos written notice to the other parties of such intent to extend no later than one (1) year prior to the expiration of the then current term, and the other parties agree in 'Nriting to such extension. Extensions shall be valid as to those parties consenting in writing thereto, even if not all parties hereto so consent. Section 1.32. severabilitv If any item or provision of this Amended and Restated Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected and every other term and provision of this Amended and Restated Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. Section 143. Notice and General Conditions ~~, A. All notices which may be given pursuant to this Amended and Restated Agreement, except notices for meetings provided for elsewhere herein this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal service or by certified mail return receipt requested addressed to the parties at their respective addresses indicated below or as the same may be changed in writing from time to time. Such notice shall be deemed given on the day on which personally served, or if by mail, on the fifth day after being posted or the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier. City Manager City of Aventura 19200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 Phone: (305) 446 8910 Fax: (305) 166 8919 Town Manager Town of Bay Harbor Islands 9665 Bay Harbor Terrace Bay Harbor Islands, Florida 33154 ,~ 31 City Manager City of Coral Gables P.O. Box 141549 Coral Gables, Florida 33114-1549 Town Manaqer Town of Cutler Bay 10720 Caribbean Blvd., Suite 105 Cutler Bay, FL 33189 City Manaqer City of Doral 8300 NW 53rd Street. Suite 100 Dora!. FL 33166 Mayor Village of EI Portal 500 N. E. 87 Street EI Portal, Florida 33138-3517 Mayor City of Florida City P.O. Box 343570 Florida City, Florida 33034-0570 Mayor City of Hialeah P.O. Box 110040 Hialeah, Florida 33011-0040 Chief Zoning OffiGefcial City of Hialeah Gardens 10001 N.W. 87 Avenue Hialeah, Gardens, Florida 33016 City Manager City of Homestead 790 North Homestead Boulevard Homestead, Florida 33030 Village Manager Village of Indian Creek 9080 Bay Drive Indian Creek Village, Florida 33154 32 Village Manager Village of Key Biscayne 85 West Mcintyre Street Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 City Manager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 City Manager City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 City Manaqer City of Miami Gardens 1515 NW 16th Street, Suite 200 Miami Gardens. FL 33169 Town Manager Town of Miami Lakes 6853 Main Street Miami Lakes, Florida 33014 Village Manager Village of Miami Shores 10050 N.E. Second Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 City of Miami Springs 201 Westward Drive Miami Springs, Florida 33166-5259 City Manager City of North Bay Village 7903 East Drive North Bay Village, Florida 33141 City Manager City of North Miami 776 N.E. 125 Street North Miami, Florida 33161 33 - City Manager City of North Miami Beach 17011 N.E. 19 Avenue North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Director of Community Development and Planning City of Opa-Locka 777 Sharazad Boulevard Opa-Locka, Florida 33054 Village Attorney The Village of Palmetto Bay 3225 Aviation Avenue, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33133 Planning Director Village of Pinecrest 12645 Pinecrest Parkway11551 S. Dixie High'l.'ay Pinecrest, Florida 33156 City Manager City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Deputy City Attorney City of Sunny Isles Beach 17070 Collins Avenue Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160 Mayor City of Sweetwater 500 S.W. 109 Avenue Sweetwater, Florida 33174-1398 City Manager City of West Miami 901 S.W. 62 Avenue West Miami, Florida 33144 Miami-Dade County Director Department of Planning & Zoning 111 N.W. First Street Miami, Florida 33128 34 Superintendent The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida 1450 N. E. 2 Avenue, Room 912 Miami, Florida 33132 B. Title and Paragraph headings are for convenient reference and are not intended to confer any rights or obligations upon the parties to this Amended and Restated Agreement. Section 154-. Meraer Clause - This Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement" together with the Exhibits hereto" sets forth the entire agreement between the parties and there are no promises or understandings other than those stated therein. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration of this Amended and Restated Agreement shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herein. The Exhibits to this Amended and Restated Agreement will be deemed to be incorporated by reference as though set forth in full herein. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this Amended and Restated Agreement and the provisions in the incorporated Exhibits, then Amended and Restated Agreement will prevail. Any amendment to this Amended and Restated Agreement requested by a local legislative body of the County or a participating municipality will be placed on a School Board Agenda for consideration within sixty (60) days of the School Board's receipt of such request. Likewise, any amendments to this Amended and Restated Agreement requested by the School Board will be placed on the agenda of the local legislative body of the County and participating municipalities for consideration, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request. Section 165 Counterparts Clause This Amended and Restatedlnterlocal Agreement may be executed in counterparts and facsimiles shall constitute best evidence for all purposes. Section 176. Supplementary Aareements All parties to this Amended and Restatedlnterlocal Agreement stipulate that the School Board may enter into Supplementary Agreements with individual municipalities to address individual circumstances. Any such Supplementary Agreement shall be consistent with the statutes governing this Amended and Restatedlnterlocal Agreement. 35 Section 181. Favored Nations Should the School Board enter into an agreement with another municipality or County, separate or otherwise, which provides more beneficial terms than those agreed to herein, the School Board shall offer the same terms to all other parties to this Amended and Restatedlnterlocal Agreement. Section 1~3. Exempt or Waived Municipalities - 1~g.1. In cases where a municipality or other unit of local government (that is not a party to this Amended and Restated Agreement by virtue of statutory exemption or waiver) and whose decisions and/or actions with respect to development within the municipality's or unit of local government's jurisdiction, may impact on municipalities or units of local government which are parties to this Amended and Restated Agreement, the School Board agrees to contact, through its representatives or appropriate designees, these non-parties and invite them to become signatories to this Amended and Restated Agreement. Failure to secure a response or to have non-signatories become signatories to this Amended and Restated Agreement shall neither constitute, nor be considered, a breach of this Amended and Restated Agreement. 1~g.2 This section shall not be interpreted to prevent exempt or waived municipalities from participating in the processes under this Amended and Restatede Agreement and the First Supplemental Agreement as they may relate to any public school facilities located in unincorporated Miami-Dade County. Section 20. No Third Party Beneficiaries. The parties expressly acknowledqe that it is not their intent to create or confer any riqhts or obljqations in or upon any third person or entity under this Amended and Restated Aqreement. None of the parties intend to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Amended and Restated Aqreement. The parties aqree that there are no third party beneficiaries to this Amended and Restated Aqreement. and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a claim aqainst any of the parties based upon this Amended and Restated Aqreement. Nothinq herein shall be construed as consent by any aqency or political subdivision of the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arisinq out of any contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement has been executed by and on behalf of Miami-Dade County, the Cities of City of Aventura, Town of Bay Harbor Islands, City of Coral Gables, Town of Cutler Bay. City of Doral, Village of EI Portal, Cjty of Florida City, City of Hialeah, City of 36 ~ Hialeah Gardens, City of Homestead, Village of Indian Creek, Village of Key Biscayne, City of Miami, City of Miami Beach, City of Miami Gardens. Town of Miami Lakes, Village of Miami Shores, City of Miami Springs, City of North Bay Village, City of North Miami, City of North Miami Beach, City of Opa-Locka, Village of Palmetto Bay, Village of Pinecrest, City of South Miami, City of Sunny Isles Beach, City of Sweetwater, and the City of West Miami, and the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, on this day of 200~Z. The School Board of Miami Dade County, Florida Attest: (print) By: , Chair Attest: (print) By: , Secretary Approved as to form: School Board Attorney 37 Signature page to be provided by each municipality. .,~ 38 GLOSSARY Contiguous Concurrency Service Areas: Concurrency Service Areas which are contiauous and touch alona one side of their outside aeoaraphic boundary. Affected Local Government: Anv iurisdiction within 1,500 feet of, or whose utilities are utilized bv the property or improvement under consideration bv the School Board. Ancillary Facilities: The buildina, site and site improvements necessary to provide support services to the School Board's educational proaram includina, but not limited to vehicle storaae and maintenance, warehouses or administrative buildinas. Applicant: For the purposes of school concurrency, any person or entity undertakina a residential development. Attendance Boundary: The aeoaraphic area which is established to identify the public school assianment of students residina within that area. Available Capacity: Existina school capacity which is available within a Concurrency Service Area includina any new school capacity that will be in place or under actual construction, as identified in the first three years of the School District's Five Year Capital Plan. ~"~ Cities: The municipalities within Miami-Dade County, except those that are exempt from the Public School Facilities Element. pursuant to Section 163.3177(12), F.S. Comprehensive Plan: As provided bv Section 163.3164(4), F.S., as amended, a plan that meets the requirements of 163.3177 and 163.3178, F.S. Concurrency: As provided for in Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003, the necessary public facilities and services to maintain the adopted level of service standards are available when the impacts of development occur. Concurrency Service Area lCSAl: A aeoaraphic area in which the level of service for schools is measured when an application for residential development is reviewed for school concurrency purposes. Consistency: See Section 163.3194, F.S. Development Order: As provided bv Section 163.3164(7), F.S., as amended. any order arantina, or arantina with conditions, an application for a development permit. Educational Facilitv: The buildinas and equipment. structures and special educational use areas that are built. installed or established to serve educational purposes onlv. Educational Plant Survey: a systematic study of schools conducted at least every five years and submitted to the DOE for review and validation. The survey includes an inventory of existina educational and ancillary plants, and recommendations for future needs. 39 Evaluation Report: A report prepared by the School District, identifyinq if school capacity is available to serve a residential proiect, and if capacity exists, whether the proposed development is conceptually approved or vested. Exempt Local Government: A municipality which is not required to participate in school concurrency when meetinq all the requirements for havinq no siqnificant impact on school enrollment, per Section 163.3177(12)(b), F.S., or because it has received a waiver from the Department of Community Affairs per Section 163.31777(1 )(c), F.S. Financial Feasibility: As provided in Section 163.3164(32), F.S., as amended, sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed fundinq sources for the first 3 years, or will be available from committed or planned fundinq sources for years 4 and 5, of a 5-year capital improvement schedule for financinq capital improvements, such as ad valorem taxes, bonds, state and federal funds, tax revenues, impact fees, and Applicant contributions, which are adequate to fund the proiected costs of the capital improvements identified in the comprehensive plan necessary to ensure that adopted level of service standards are achieved and maintained within the period covered by the 5-year schedule of capital improvements. Five Year Plan: School District's annual comprehensive capital planninq document, that includes lonq ranqe planninq for facility needs over a five-year, ten-year and twenty-year planninq horizon. The adopted School District's Five-Year Work Proqram and Capital Budqet as authorized by Section 1013.35, F.S. Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) - Permanent Capacity: The report of the permanent capacity of existinq public school facilities. The FISH capacity is the number of students that may be housed in a facility (school) at any qiven time based on a percentaqe of the total number of existinq student stations and a desiqnated size for each proqram. Geographic Area: One of four quadrants (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest. Southeast) of Miami-Dade County as depicted in Exhibit 3 (attached). Level of Service (LOS) Standard: As provided for in the Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003, an indicator of the extent or deqree of service provided by. or proposed to be provided by, a facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the facility. Local Governments: Miami-Dade County and/or the Cities located within its boundary. Maximize Capacity Utilization: The use of student capacity in each CSA to the qreatest extent possible, based on the adopted level of service and the total number of permanent student stations accordinq to the FISH inventory, takinq into account special considerations such as. core capacity, special proqrams, transportation costs, qeoqraphic impediments, court-ordered deseqreqation, and class size reduction requirements to prevent disparate enrollment levels between schools of the same type (elementary, middle. hiqh) and provide an equitable distribution of student enrollment district-wide. 40 Permanent School District Facilities: An area within a school that provides instructional space for the maximum number of students in core-curricula courses which are assiqned to a teacher based on the constitutional amendment for class size reduction and is not moveable. Permanent Student Station: The floor area in a permanent classroom required to house a student in an instructional proqram, as determined bv the FDOE. Proportionate Share Mitiaation: An Applicant improvement or contribution identified in a bindinq and enforceable aqreement between the Applicant. the School Board and the Local Government with iurisdiction over the approval of the plat. site plan or functional equivalent provide compensation for the additional demand on public school facilities caused bv the residential development of the property, as set forth in Section 163.3180(13)(e), F.S. Public School Facilities: Facilities for the education of children from pre-kinderqarten throuqh twelfth qrade operated bv the School District. School Board: The qoverninq body of the School District. a political subdivision of the State of Florida and a body corporate pursuant to Section 1001.40, F.S. School District of Miami-Dade County: The School District created and existinq pursuant to Section 4. Article IX of the State of Florida Constitution. ~. Student Generation Multiplier (SGM): A rate used to calculate the number of students bv school type (elementarv. middle, hiqh) and housinq type (sinqle-familv, multifamilv, etc.) that can be anticipated from a new residential development. Tvpe of School: Schools providinq the same level of education, i.e. elementary, middle. hiqh school. or other combination of qrade levels. Utilization: A ratio showinq the comparison of the total number of students enrolled to the overall capacity of a public school facilitv within a Concurrency Service Area (CSA). 41 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 Administrative Operations EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES PLANNING, SITE SELECTION AND ACQUISITION, AND CONSTRUCTION I. Intent --The intent of the School Board is: A. To establish a broad-based, external educational facilities committee, to be called School Site Planning and Construction (SSPC) Committee, to advise the School Board on the implementation of the District's adopted five-year work program, and to make independent recommendations to the School Board and the Superintendent of Schools, which promote internal accountability and facilitate efficient and effective delivery of public educational facilities throughout Miami- Dade County. B. To establish an internal, interdisciplinary staff committee, to be called Technical Review (TR) Committee to provide staff coordination, accountability and oversight of the formulation and implementation of the District's adopted educational facilities plan. C. To establish policies, procedures and assign responsibilities for the planning, site selection and acquisition and construction of ed ucational facilities that will provide for public educational plant needs throughout Miami-Dade County in accordance with School Board policy and State law as set forth in Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes (F.S.). D. To ensure that all priority educational facility projects are included in the District's adopted educational facilities plan as provided in Section 1013.35, F .S. and that any changes to the adopted educational facilities plan are supported by identified needs and priorities and approved by the School Board. E. To integrate the District's planning, site selection and acquisition and construction functions so that educational facilities are available on a timely and cost-effective basis in accordance with the District's adopted educational facilities plan. F. To establish policies and procedures for land acquisition in accordance with Chapter 1013, Florida Statutes. G. To establish effective procedures for obtaining appraisals pursuant to Section 253.025, Florida Statutes, and for reviewing said appraisals. 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 H. To establish procedures and assign responsibilities to provide full information to the School Board on all recommended land purchases including the estimated cost of any work that must be performed on an unimproved site to make it usable for the desired purpose, appraisals of market value obtained in connection with the proposed acquisition, and any other material information. II. School Site Planninq and Construction Committee A. Establishment -- The School Board shall establish as a standing, external committee, an educational facilities committee, to be called the School Site Planning and Construction (SSPC) Committee, which shall include parents, business community representatives, construction, appraisal and real estate professionals and other community stakeholders, which shall serve in an advisory capacity and report directly to the School Board. B. Purpose -- The purpose of the SSPC Committee shall be as follows: 1. To advise the School Board on the formulation, priorities and implementation of the District's adopted five-year work program for educational plants and other related matters; ~.~ 2. To make recommendations to the School Board on site acquisitions, including alternatives, if any; and, 3. To make independent recommendations to the School Board and to the Superintendent of Schools which promote internal accountability and facilitate more efficient and effective delivery by the District of public educational facilities throughout Miami- Dade County. C. Responsibilities -- The responsibilities of the SSPC Committee shall be as follows: 1. Provide input, priorities and monitor the formulation, amendment and implementation of the District's educational facilities plan and other long-range plans as prescribed by Section 1013.35, F.S.; 2. Provide input and monitor the District's educational plant survey as prescribed by Section 1013.31, F.S.; 3. Provide input, monitor and make recommendations including priorities, to the School Board on the District's annual capital outlay budget, as prescribed by Section 1013.61, F.S.; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 4. Provide input, monitor and make recommendations to the School Board on the District's site facilities planning, site selection and acquisition, and construction programs and alternatives, to ensure they are cost-effective and timely; 5. Review and transmit reports to the School Board, which provide recommendation(s) on site acquisitions, and contain all relevant site analysis and supporting documentation for the School Board's review and final action; 6. Review quarterly and forward to the School Board, status reports on site selection and acquisition activities; 7. Evaluate annually and provide to the School Board a year-end report on the progress of site acquisition activities and facility planning and construction programs, and where appropriate provide recommendations for improved accountability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness; 8. Provide such other advice or input as may become necessary to ensure compliance with applicable state statutes and the adopted educational facilities plan, and respond in writing to requests from the School Board or the Superintendent of Schools. ,-~ 9. Review potential sites for new schools, as well as proposals for significant renovation, location of relocatables or additions to existing buildings, and potential closure of existing schools, and make recommendations on these and all other issues within its purview under this Rule for consideration by School Board staff. As part of its deliberations, the SSPC Committee shall ensure that the affected local governments, as defined under the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami-Dade County, and any Supplemental Agreements hereto, are afforded an opportunity to provide comments and shall consider those comments in its deliberations. 10. Host a planning forum on an annual basis or more often as may be needed, to review the School Board's acquisition schedule and all other relevant issues stipulated under that certain Interlocal Agreement that was entered into by the School Board, Miami-Dade County. and all non-exempt local governments, in accordance with Section 1013.33, Florida Statutes. The SSPC Committee shall invite a representative from each of the impacted units of government to participate in the proceedings and to provide input and comments for 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 consideration by the SSPC Committee in its deliberations. The forum will review the School Board's acquisition schedule and all other relevant issues required by statute, and will include appropriate staff members of the School Board, at least one staff member of the County, and a representative from each of the affected non-exempt local governments. Based on information gathered during the review, the SSPC Committee will submit recommendations to the Superintendent or designee. 11. Assign one member to the Historic Schools Working Group (Working Group) to provide a communications link between the Working Group and the Committee. The SSPC will review planning strategies and funding initiatives of the Working Group for coordination with other district planning and budget documents as provided, and will receive an annual planning and progress report from the Working Group for transmittal to the School Board. D. Membership -- The SSPC Committee shall be composed of the following voting members: A business community representative appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; The president of the Dade County PTAlPTSA, or designee; The chair of the Diversity, Equity and Excellence Advisory Committee (DEEAC) or designee; The chair of the Attendance Boundary Committee, or designee; A real estate appraiser appointed by the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board and practicing in Miami-Dade County; Two real estate experts, one of whom is appointed by the Realtor Association of Greater Miami and the Beaches, Commercial Section, and one appointed by the Realtor Association of Miami-Dade County. One appointee shall represent the commercial real estate market and one appointee shall represent the residential real estate market; A registered surveyor, architect or engineer appointed by the Chair of the School Board; A School Board Member appointed on an annual basis by the Chair of the School Board; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 A Miami-Dade County representative selected by the County Manager or designee; A representative selected by the Miami-Dade County League of Cities; A floating member designated by the City Manager of the most impacted municipality to which an SSPC agenda item relates, or if it concerns an unincorporated area of Miami-Dade County, this floating member shall be from the geographically nearest municipality most impacted by the agenda item; A member of the residential construction industry appointed by the Builders Association of South Florida. A member of the residential construction industry appointed by the Latin Builders Association. E. Operation --The SSPC Committee shall operate as follows: a. Term of appointments and special conditions: Effective April?, 2004, the term for fifty percent (50%) of the appointees of the SSPC Committee shall be three (3) years, and fifty percent (50%) of the appointees of the SSPC Committee shall be two (2) years; the Chair shall delegate which appointees shall serve two (2) year terms and three (3) year terms. Effective April 7, 2006, and thereafter, the term for all appointments and reappointments shall be two (2) years. Prior to the expiration of each appointment, the respective appointing entity shall be requested to make an appointment or reappointment; b. Quorum and Committee Chair: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership. The SSPC Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair every year; c. MeetinQs: Meetings shall be held regularly on a monthly basis, unless there is no business to be conducted. Meetings shall be conducted as prescribed in Section 286.011, F.S., and shall be advertised at least five working days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting date. A notice of the meeting shall be posted at the Citizen Information Center. The meetings shall be recorded and summary minutes distributed with the subsequent meeting's agenda packet; d. Staff Support: The Administrative Director, Facilities Planning, and the Executive Director, Facilities Planning, shall provide primary staff support to the SSPC Committee, including preparation of agenda packets and meeting minutes, analytical 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 reports and supporting documentation. The Office of the School Board Attorney shall provide legal support to the SSPC Committee. The SSPC Committee may from time to time, as required, request support from other District personnel; e. Code of Ethics: The SSPC Committee is an advisory body to the School Board. As such, as provided by F.S. 112.313(1), the members of the SSPC Committee are subject to the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees. set forth in Chapter 112. Part III of the Florida Statutes. f. Lobbyists: Any and all lobbyists, as defined in School Board Rule 6Gx13- 8C-1.21, present at an SSPC Committee meeting, who wish to speak on an item being considered by the SSPC Committee, shall first execute and file the required form with the School Board Clerk's Office. A copy of the executed form shall be made part of the official record for the SSPC Committee meeting at which the lobbyists are present, and shall be attached to the minutes of the meeting. g. Lobbyinq: In the event that a SSPC Committee member is contacted directly by a lobbyist in connection with any matter that may foreseeably come before the Committee for action, the Committee member shall orally disclose such contact at the meeting in which the matter is up for consideration, and file a memorandum of voting conflict, if applicable, as may be required by in the State Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees. III. Technical Review Committee A. Establishment -- The School Board shall establish the Technical Review (TR) Committee, which shall be comprised of District staff members and which shall serve in an advisory capacity and report directly to the Superintendent of Schools. B. Purpose -- The purpose of the TR Committee shall be to provide staff coordination, accountability and oversight of the formulation and implementation of the District's adopted educational facilities plan. C. Responsibilities -- The responsibilities of the TR Committee shall be as follows: 1. To formulate and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools and to the SSPC Committee a tentative District facilities educational facilities plan. as provided in Section 1013.35, F.S.; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 2. To review and provide oversight of the annual capital outlay budget report, to include: expenditures, encumbrances and balances by fund. and a mid-year budget evaluation of project status of all funded and unfunded projects, against the approved budget and the undistributed capital contingency, for possible recommendation for Board action to amend the budget and educational facilities plan; 3. To review the District's educational plant survey prepared and submitted by Facilities Planning and Construction, as prescribed in Section 1013.31, F.S., and transmit same to the SSPC Committee for review and a recommendation to the School Board; 4. To submit annually to the SSPC Committee a progress report on the District's facilities planning and construction programs; 5. To expeditiously review and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools and the SSPC Committee on any construction change orders, which exceed the total appropriation for the particular project; .~ 6. To expeditiously review and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools and to the School Board on construction change orders if funds are available in project contingency, except that change orders of less than $50,000 may be approved administratively by the Superintendent or his designee and subsequently confirmed by the TR Committee; 7. To review and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools the award or rejection of construction bids, which exceed the project budget by 5%; 8. To review and recommend to the Superintendent of Schools, based upon recommended awards of construction bids, amendments to the affected project budget. Project budgets should be reduced when construction awards are less than the amount budgeted or increased when the construction award is more than the amount budgeted. The source or destination of such budget amendments should be undistributed contingency in each affected fund; 9. To review administrative procedures and perform other functions as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools. 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 ,- D. Membership -- The TR Committee shall be comprised of the following voting members, or their designees: Chief Business Officer - Chair; Administrative Director, Facilities Planning; Administrative Director, Facilities Operations and Legislative Support; Chief Financial Officer; Administrative Director - Maintenance; Associate Superintendent of School Operations; Associate Superintendent - Education. E. Operation -- A quorum of the TR Committee shall consist of a majority. Meetings shall be held as called by the Chair. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and upon approval by the TR Committee a copy shall be distributed to the Superintendent of Schools and to the School Board. IV. Site Selection A. Use of District's Adopted Educational Facilities Plan -- Only those sites for projects included within the District's adopted educational facilities plan shall be investigated and evaluated for potential purchase by the School Board. B. Criteria -- Criteria for evaluating and selecting sites for locating educational facilities shall include or address the following elements: 1. Size and shape of site; 2. Expansion capacity of site; 3. Whether the site is adequate to relieve overcrowding in existing schools; 4. Whether there are pending or approved charter school applications which would impact the proposed educational facility or the site search; 5. Whether the site is reserved in a recorded subdivision, or set aside for donation or purchase by the School Board as a result of Developmental Impact Committee (DIC) or Development of Regional Impact (DRI) approvals; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 6. Location of site in relation to both the intended service area, as well as major traffic arteries and accessibility to school buses and private vehicles for student drop-off and pickup; 7. Site location should seek to the extent practicable to promote diverse school enrollments, reflecting the broad mix of cultures, experiences and ideas to be found in the community, through the consideration of various factors, including but not limited to the socioeconomic circumstances, unique language needs and abilities, race and ethnicity of the students to be served; 8. Location of site and potential impact on the attendance boundaries of surrounding schools; 9. Occupancy of the site, specifically whether any residents will require relocation; 10. Location of site in relation to existing or planned public recreation sites, which might make possible the joint use of facilities; 11. Whether there are any existing or anticipated land uses in the area, which could adversely affect the site due to traffic generation, noise, odor, safety or other factors; 12. Whether there are any major street improvements or expressways planned in the vicinity, which could affect the site or the intended service area; 13. Whether there are adequate traffic control devices and sufficient road capacity for the intended use of the site; 14. Whether site access requires crossing a canal, railroad, major street or other physical barrier or hazard; 15. Whether there are any archeological or historical designations or any biological, zoning or environmental problems (e.g., incinerators, active or inactive dump sites, toxic soil, underground storage tanks) on the property that could adversely impact the timely use of the property for the intended purpose; 16. The extent of site development work that must be done on an unimproved site in order to make it usable for the intended purpose; 17. The condition of title to the site or any known title defects; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 18. The compatibility or incompatibility of present and projected uses of adjacent properties with the intended use. C. Site Selection Procedures -- The Chief Business Officer or his/her designee shall ensure that thorough site selection procedures are followed, including the following seven-step due process, as described below. The Chief Business Officer shall have the option to secure the services of a third party or parties, under contract with the District, to identify sites and/or negotiate conditional agreements for purchase and sale of real property on behalf of the School Board, as may be deemed appropriate. 1. Identify through the appropriate school district regions, the general search boundaries for the proposed educational facility, any relevant educational, recreational, and community requirements that may be applicable, minimum required site size, and the educational facilities to be relieved; 2. Inventory available sites that meet the search parameters, including School Board-owned sites, properties designated for donation to the School Board, properties set aside by developers or property owners for purchase, as approved by the School Board, and properties owned by public entities which may be available under cooperative partnerships; 3. Conduct preliminary due diligence and with input from School Operations and Transportation staff, identify the sites most suitable for the intended purpose; 4. Submit to the SSPC Committee the record of all suitable sites for direction. Pursuant to this direction, authorize the Superintendent, his designee, or the third party, to execute conditional purchase and sale agreements based on a not to exceed purchase price, to be determined by the SSPC Committee based on a restricted use appraisal report generated by District authorized licensed appraiser. This shall be subject to additional due diligence, to include environmental assessments, site preparation and development costs, appraisals and any other reviews deemed necessary. As part of the conditional agreements, a fully refundable deposit not to exceed 10% of the purchase price, may be deposited in escrow with the School Board Attorney, as earnest money; 5. Present the results of negotiations for the selected sites to the SSPC Committee for final ranking if necessary, including any adjustments of the not to exceed price and a recommendation to the School Board for approval of the negotiated agreements. The SSPC Committee shall also consider the need foreminent domain where negotiations prove unsuccessful; 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 6. Submit recommendation to the School Board for approval of a purchase and sale agreement, or upon a recommendation by the SSPC Committee to authorize eminent domain proceedings; 7. Upon review of the sites and recommended ranking, the School Board shall accept the sites as ranked or re-rank them and authorize acquisition. If none of the sites are acceptable, the School Board shall reject them. V. Site Acquisition A. Criteria for Acquisition of Sites for School Facilities 1. Overall suitability of a site for the intended purpose; 2. Total estimated costs to place a site in use for the intended purpose, including acquisition cost and cost of necessary site improvements; and 3. The reasonableness of the total cost to acquire and place a site into use, as compared to other sites or options. -,- B. Criteria for DetermininQ "Reasonableness" of Costs of Site Acquisition and Improvements 1. The foundation, or starting point, for determining what is a reasonable price for the School Board to pay for the acquisition of land is an appraisal(s) of market value of sites as provided in Section 253.025, F.S.; 2. Adjustment downward or upward of the appraised market value of a site based upon the following: a. Total costs, other than the cost of acquisition, to place the site in use; b. Availability of alternative, suitable sites for the project; c. Both the general real estate market conditions and the specific real estate market conditions in the geographic area of the project; and d. Any other identified factors which may impact the reasonableness of site acquisition costs, including but not limited to the total estimated costs of the eminent domain process to acquire the site as provided by 6Gx13- 2C-1 .083 Sections 73.091 and 73.092, F.S., and for the District's costs for attorneys' fees and other expenses of the eminent domain. C. Appraisal Procurement and Review Process -- The Chief Business Officer or his/her designee shall ensure the following is provided: 1. Initiating, overseeing and documenting the procurement of professional appraisals of market value of the sites determined by the School Site Planning and Construction Committee to be suitable for projects in the District's adopted educational facilities plan or long-range plan, as required by Section 1013.35, F .S.; 2. Where two appraisals are required under state law, request in writing a formal professional review appraisal from an appraiser selected in accordance with Section 253.025(6)(b), F.S. The reviewing appraiser's certification of the recommended or approved value of the property shall be set forth in a signed statement which identifies the specific appraisal reports reviewed and explains the basis for such recommendation or approval. D. Neaotiations and Authorization for the Voluntary Purchase and Sale of Sites -- The Chief Business Officer or his/her designee shall ensure of the following: 1. Conducting negotiations within the authorization granted by the SSPC Committee for the voluntary purchase and sale of sites suitable for projects included within the District's adopted educational facilities plan or long-range plan and maintaining a written record of all such negotiations; 2. Reporting to the SSPC Committee the results of such negotiations for further input as may be needed; 3. Preparing for presentation to the School Board an item with full information for the voluntary purchase and sale of a school site as contained in the site list as ranked by the SSPC Committee, suitable for the projects included within the District's adopted educational facilities plan or long-range plan within the price parameters established by the SSPC Committee, based upon the criteria for "reasonableness" of cost of site acquisition and improvements established herein; 4. Ensuring that where the agreed to purchase price exceeds the appraised value where only one appraisal is required by state law, orthe reviewed appraised value in all other instances. and 6Gx13- 2C-1.083 the School Board finds that the agreed price is reasonable under the criteria established herein, said purchase is approved by an extraordinary vote. Extraordinary vote, for purposes of this section, means a majority vote plus one additional vote of the members of the School Board present at the meeting where such action is taken. E. Acquisition bv Eminent Domain 1. In the event that negotiations for voluntary sale of a site for a reasonable price are unsuccessful, then the SSPC Committee shall formulate and forward to the School Board an item recommending the commencement of eminent domain proceedings as authorized by Section 1013.24, F.S. 2. The item recommending the commencement of eminent domain proceedings shall include the full record of the site selection and investigation process; 3. Upon School Board approval, eminent domain proceedings shall be initiated as provided for in Section 73.015, F .S. Specific Authority: 1001.41 (1 )(2); 1001.42(22); 1001.43(10) F .S. Law Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: 73.015; 73.091; 73.092; 112.313(1); 112.3143; 253.025(6)(b); 286.011; 1013.24; 1013.31; 1013.33; 1013.35; 1013.36; 1013.61, F.S. Historv: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA New: 12-12-01 Amended: 4-17-02; 6-19-02; 9-12-02; 5-14-03; 7-14-04 I Geographic Areas I ~ <v' d' .{!' ~ North Ar est a N ~ > I " .- UNINCORPORATED MIAMI. DADE Southwe t Area ~~ .... swaT T ~ " D GeographicAreas