98-023 RESOLUTION NO. 98-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND LOCKHEED MARTIN IMS FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE WELFARE TO WAGES PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement by and between the City of Aventura and Lockheed Martin IMS for participation in the Welfare to Wages program by providing two Work and Gain Economic Self-Sufficiency (WAGES customers with a non-paid job training experience. Section 2. The City Manager ~s hereby authorized to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Councilmember Rogers-Libert, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Cohen, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Councilmember Arthur Berger yes Councilmember Ken Cohen yes Councilmember Harry Holzberg yes Resolution No. 98-23 Page 2 Councilmember Jeffrey Perlow yes Councilmember Patricia Rogers-Libert yes Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin yes Mayor Arthur I. Snyder yes PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1998. AR'rHUR I. SN~AYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SMITH, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY EMS/tms Developer: Ao~reement No.: I.ife Zone: LOCKHEED MARTIN IMS \\:OtLK ANrD GAIN ECONOM2C SELF-SUFFICIENCY (WAGES) CO.~ft~rlTY SERVICE x,VO1LK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM AGREE?vFEN'T TIt2IS AGREEMZ"NT is entered between LOCtCH-EED MARTIN I-MS, located at America.~ Ccnler, 150 SE ? Avenue, Suite 1200, Miami, Florida 33131, hcreinalter referred to as '%ockheed .Maa-tin' and lhe following Employer hereinafter referred to as the "Pro~Sder." 1. PROVIDER: The City of Aventura 2. Add,'~ss: 2999 N.E. 191st Street Suite 500 Aventura, Florida 33180 3. FEIN No.: 65-0662615 4. Description o f Orga~i?~tion: municipality PROVIDER REPRESENTATIONS The, Provider represents that (I) it is a private non-profit Or public non-profit corporation. or local governmental entity and (2) is capable of' pro'~Sding Work Expcfience in azcordance with the terms of this A~eement. I. The Provider Agrees .\. To develop and provide agency work siles designed to provide Work and Gain Economic Self-Sufficiency (WAGES) cuStomers referred by Lockheed Martin with a non-paid..job training experience com.mordy referred to as "Work Experience." 1. The Pro¼der slmLl not disclose :he WAGES customer's status as a recipient ofpubllc assistance to anyone other than personnel authorized by Lockheed Martin or provider. B. Services to be Provided 1. The Proxdder ,.viii develop a Training Outline (Attachment 1) for each emplo)vnent poskion and pro¼de Community Service Work Experience Program training to WAGES customers so az to ermble them to obtain the knowledge ~ad skills essential to an adequate level of performance of the job in accordance with the approved Training Out ilLne. The Training Oral/ne CWEP AGREEMENT Revisit 1;22/98 shall for provide a rnmSmtuu of twenly (20) horns per ~ee,k of work experience Ibr a period nol Io exceed six (6) monlhs. 2. ,.Progress Reports ,"md Notification - Tho Provider shall notice Locklneed Marlin in v,q-iting of the slatus of WAGES cus-tomers ,a't~en one or more of the following situatio~ occur. a. The indMdual has rifled to attend the irfilial interview, refused a suitable work site training- offer, or voluntarily quit trair~g. b. The individual was not accepted for participation in the conm~urfiD' work experience training program. c. The individual has ex'perSenced eonlinued absenteeism, sicM'ness or other problenxq th.at may :'.rise. d. The individual tem~inated trairdng and eilher. (1) Secured unsubsidized employment; or (2) Is no longer in tr~,~oJng. C. Manner of Service Provision 1. The Training Omline must be approved, in writing, by Lockheed Martin for each WAGES customer, prior to the proxSsion of seiwSces cr a~y work experience commencing. 2. The Pro'drier must pro~-ide the necessary, h~s~ructions supervision a,d equipment necessary, Io tram the trainee. D. Special Provisions 1. The Provider shall leach the WAGES customer the skills necessao.' for entu level work in the designmed job title. 2. No indi¼dual may participae in Con'wnunity Service Work Experience fumed by Loc 'k.heed Martin unless Loc 'kheed Martin officially refers the individual to the Provider in accordance wi~h th/s a~eemem. 3. 'l-ne trainee(s) under tkis aweemem or any amendment hereto is to be provided with the same terms of emplo?ment, and workS_rig conditions accorded to other employees presemly in the Providcr's work force; however, workers' compensation ,aSll be provided as .-,'~a~ed i.n section II.C. 4. No currently, employed worker shall be displaced by a lraine¢. Tkis includes panlal displacement such a~ reduction in the hours of non- overtime work wages or emplo~vment benefits. CWEP AGREE.~T Revi.'~:11722~8 5. No train¢c shall be ltl;cd i2~to or remain working in any position when same or substantially equivalent position is vac~l due lo a ~g fr~ze or when ~y re~ employee ~ on Jay-off,om the s~e or subst~Iia~y ~ equfv~ent posftion or when the regular employee has ~en bumped m~d re~ or bt~mp~g Nghts ~o l}lat posLlion p~suam ~o the Pro~der's personnel policy or coBective b~ga~ing a~eement. 6. The Pro~Sder sh~] Ndemni~ and hold ha~ess Loc~eed M~ its o~rs, its agents, its employees, ~d the WAGES Co~tioa .~P Region 23 from ~b~ of ~y ~l~e and ~d, ~cludhg costs, e~e~es, and a~omey's f~s, for or on accomit of ~)' actions, c]~s, s~Is or damsges of~y c~acter wMtsoever ~Nhg out of~y neg~gent act or omsion of the Provider or ~y employee, agent, subconlraclor, or representalive of ~he ProxSder. 7. ~ne Pro~Sders s~ m~ ~-- a~g, opr,~te emplo)ment m~d tN2e records nm)' be requ~ed by WAGES ~d sh~l provide such records upon roaso~ble request for mo~torNg purposes. II. Lockheed M~in AErem~: A Loc~eed M~N sha~ refer e~ble WAGES customers ~e ~he Pro~Sder cemideration N emplo>mcnr ~q a cow~' se~Sce work e~erience component. B. Loc~e~ ~Ln shall pro~dde child c~e, tr~sportaiio~ ~d other work-rela~gd expenses as n~ed by the ~ee ~o t~e extent ~nds ~e available, and the e~em;e N au~lorNed ~. law or C. Loc~eed M~N ~ ~ge for workers' compe~ation linbility ~d or claims cove~e for all tr~ees to ~ provid~ tNough tho stare of Florida for WAGES W ' Co~ Se~ce ork Experience customers. The Provider and Loc~eed Matin Muluall¥ A~ree: A. Effective Date: ~is a~eemen~ s~ begN on the da'e on wNch tt~ agreement ~s ~en si~ed ~h p~i~ ~8 sh~l ~e~nale m ~Ne~ (3) y~s. In t~ cvcm t~ a p~ici~ employed N the work expefien~ at the end of the le~ of ins A~m~nt. t~ A~mem s~ ~ N force ~d effect for the d~ation of the re~g requff~ oNy for ~ch pa~icip~ to ~mplere their work B. Termination: Termination at Will: This agreement may be terminated by either parry upon no less than 'thirty (30) da)'s notice, ~.Sthout cause, or immediately if for cause. This cv~qzp AGR.EEI~I.ENT R~wised t 0_2/98 Agreement may a~so be termiv2ted or modified upon any notice ofch,-m~e o~ amendment to any law or regulation wbSch governs tbis work e×Perience program. C. Notice' and Contact: The r-,~ne, address and telephone number or,he representative for Lockh=ed Martin ~'br this a~eement is: Barbara Fernandez 150 S.E. 2nd Ave. Ste. 1200 Hl~mi, FL 33131 Thc name, address, zip code and lelephone nmnber of the representative ~br the Pro¥Sder responsible for the adn'drfistration of the pro~an~ under ti-ds agreement is: Jules Bevis, Admluistrative Assistant to the City Manager 2999 N.E. 191st St. Ste. 500 Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 466-8911 In thc event that different representatives are designated by cithcr party aSer cxecution of th.is agreement, notice of uhe name m~d address of the new representative wS.[l be rendered in ~x~khag to the other parry and said notification attached ~o originals of tkis agreement. This a~eement and its attachments as referenced, (Attachment 1), contain all the terrr~ and conditions agreed upon by the pamies. t'N WITN'ESS TI-I.EREOF. the parties hereto have caused this a$Treement to be executed by their tmdcrsigned officials az duly authorized. PROVIDER LOCKHEED MARTIN, IMS City of Aventura BY: ~(~_. . d. ~~~0~¢ BY: S~p. namre Signature Name -- Nme Witness Whness Date Date CW~PAGREEdvLF. NT Revi.~ed 1/22Y95 position one Developer: Agreement No. TR AI,~TN G OUTLINE Providcr/Orsm~iz~on: City of Aventura 2999 N.E. 191st St. Ste. 500 C~VEP Job Sile (Add:ess & Zip Code): Aventura, FL 33180 Contact Person & Telephone: Jules Bevis (305) 466-8911 1) Job Title: Clerk 2) Tra/nee Name (if zva~!able): N/A 3) Sta~ Dale of Tra~rhng: As soon as possible 4) Leng% of Training: six months 5) End/ng Date of Training: 6) TrvAvJng Days & SbJg: twenty hours a week 7) Job Duties: The responsibilities of a clerk include filing, light computer work, answering phones, organizing files, copying, faxing and distributing mil within the Department of Comunity Development. 8) Special Requirements: 9) Number of Positions Available: 2 I0) Occupalional Title (ifavailablc'): N/A ll) DOI Code (ifava/lable): N/A 12) CaseMmaager/Life Zone (if available): ~/A Au~.~By: Provid~ &uthor~ed By: LOCKHEED MARTIN, IMS SignarareI~t -,. Si~amre - Fffnted Nam~ I d Printed Name Dale Dale position two Developer:__ AF, reement .No. TRAI,NIN'G OLTLINE Providcr'Org',~i~zfiou: City of Aventura CX~EPJob$ile(3. dd.,¢ss&ZipCode): 2999 N.E. !91st St. Ste. 500 Aventura, FL 33180 Contact Person & Telephone: Jules Bevis (305) 466-8911 1) Job Title: Clerk 2) Trainee Name (if avaSlable): 3) St,m Dale of TrahnSng: As soon as possible 4) Len~h of Trak~ng: six months 53 Ending Date of Yraming: 6) Tr?2wsng Da.~s & 5Nfi: twenty hours a week 7) Job Duties: The responsibilities of a cterk include filing, light computer work, answering phones, organizing files, copying, faxing and distributing mail within the Department of Co--unity Development. 8) Special Requirements: N/A 9) Number of Positions Available: 2 I0) Occupational Title (ifavailablc~: N/A I 1) DOT Code (ifavMlable): ~/A 12) Case .Max~agor/Life Zone (if available): N/A .-kuthpeizrd By: Provider Authorized By: LOCBLHEED MARTIN, Si~ . Si~m~arm'e printed Name / Printed Name Dale Dale