97-051 RESOLUTION NO. 97-,51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 15414.30 ENTITLED "USER FEE PROGRAM PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION" FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the attached Work Authorization No. 15414.30 in the amount of $72,750 entitled "User Fee Program Phase II Implementation" for professional engineering services by and between the City and Keith and Schnars, P.A. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Councilmember Beskin, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Cohen, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Councilmember Arthur Berger yes Councilmember Jay R. Beskin yes Resolution No. 97-51 Page 2 Councilmember Ken Cohen yes Councilmember Harry Holzberg yes Councilmember Patricia Rogers-Libert yes Vice Mayor Jeffrey M. Pedow yes Mayor Arlhur I. Snyder absent PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 1997~.~ j~?/-AR~THU~ I. SNYDER, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SMITH, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY A'I-rORNEY KEITH and SCHNARS, P.A. WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 15414.30 The City of Aventura has requested Work Authorization No. 15414.30, as provided for in the agreement between the City of Aventura and Keith and Schnars, P.A. and approved by the City Commission on August 20, 1996. This Work Authorization No. 15414.30 provides for technical services in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the agreement as further detailed in the scope of services in Exhibit A. Payment for such services shall be in accordance with Article 5 of the agreement. Total estimated labor and reimbursable expenses are $72,750.00 The time period for this work authorization will be 120 days. CITY: ATTEST CITY OF AVENT_~J~, FLORID,a/, ~z:~)~_~~, through~anager / BY ,.--.,-v , BY 4' _ ~ ...... City Clerk (~ty Manager~ / Teresa M. Smith Eric M. 8oroka ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM BY ~~V~ Notice to Proceed ~s__No City A~orney ,ro ec, / ¢ ~EGOMM~DfiD through ~ire~C~mmunity Director of Community Se~ice Robe~ M. She~an 6500 North Andrews Avenue · Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-2132 (954) 776-1616 · (800) 488-1255 · Fax (954) 771-7690 Exhibit A Work Authorization No. 15414.30 Stormwater User Fee Program Phase II - Implementation Scope of Consulting Services between The City of Aventura, Florida and Keith and Schnars, P.A. July 30, 1997 Exhibit A WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 15414.30 Stormwater User Fee Program Phase II - Implementation SCOPE OF CONSULTING SERVICES PREAMBLE The following scope of services identifies the specific tasks that need to be performed for implementation of the stormwater management program for the City of Aventura and will clearly document the resources needed to implement this transition. The necessary stormwater management implementation components will be clarified to allow the City to move forward in a positive effort to solve problems that exist or will be created as de- velopmentJredevelopment occurs. TASK 1 - MASTER BILLING DATA FILE COLLECTION Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc. (CDM) will develop master billing data file that contains the customer information for the stormwater user fee billing system. The data will be developed from three sources of information previously described in Phase h 1. Dade County Appraiser's information; 2. Water and sewer billing information available from Metro Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD); and 3. Pamel and matching information developed by CDM. Recommended procedures will include access to parcel data from the following sources provided by the City: appraiser information, water and sewer utility information, aerial photographs, parcel boundary maps, site visits, and other information which may be available to the City. The City will provide these items and other documents as necessary and will make information available from appropriate files that will be of assistance in the data development process. TASK 2 - PARCEL DATA DEVELOPMENT ~ CDM will determine the impervious area, dwelling units and possibly other parcel information for developed on-residential and non-single family residential parcels within the City. These procedures will be dependent upon the sources of information gathered in Task 1. Preliminary Appraiser data indicates that there are approximately 648 non-residential accounts within the City. The impervious area values developed from this process will be used to expand the equivalent residential units (ERUs) estimated in Phase I. CDM will provide the necessary staff, facilities, equipment, and supervision for this task. CDM will meet with the City's staff as needed, approximately once per month. TASK :3 - MATCH PARCEL DATA TO UTILITY ACCOUNTS CDM will perform a computer cross-reference between the parcel address in the appraiser information and the service address in the utility information. Non-residential and non- single family residential parcels that cannot be matched to a utility account by computer will be matched manually by CDM. CDM will implement quality control procedures to check the accuracy of the matched parcel/utility information and will correct observed data deficiencies. CDM will provide the necessary staff, facilities, equipment, and supervision to conduct the matching process. TASK 4 - MASTER BILLING DATA FILE DEVELOPMENT Upon completion of Task 3, CDM will develop master billing data file which contains the customer information necessary for stormwater user fee billing. The data will be developed from the sources of information described in this scope: 1. Appraiser information acquired in Task 1; 2. Water and sewer utility information provided by WASD during Phase I; 3. The parcel data and matching information developed by CDM in Task 2 and 3; 4. Upon completion of these tasks, CDM will provide file(s) containing the data to the City in a format compatible with the City's data management system. As is customary in projects of this type, the City will be responsible for making appropriate alterations to the City's hardware and software systems to merge the new stormwater management user fee billing with existing data. After this is accomplished, the City will have the necessary facilities to perform pedodic updates (e.g., new accounts, etc.) as discussed' in Task 7. TASK 5 - CALCULATION OF USER FEE CHARGE CDM will calculate the number of units (ERUs) and the corresponding stormwater user fee charge for accounts in the master customer data file. Algorithms to calculate user fee charges will be provided so that the City can understand the procedure. Updates and corrections to the customer data will be performed on CDM's data management system until the data are turned over to the City. TASK 6 - DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CDM will provide guideline recommendations in a letter report format to the City staff for the following items: · How to update and append the City's database with the new stormwater user fee information. · How to establish file and information maintenance procedures for the stormwater user fee information in the City's computer system. · How to establish data transfer procedures for billing the storrnwater user fees through WASD. · How to establish procedures for updating the City's database with new information from the Appraiser's Office and code enforcement. TASK 7 - FILE MAINTENANCE OF STORMWATER USER FEE DATABASE CDM will provide an outline recommending procedures for updating the stormwater user fee data with information from building permits, code enforcement, water and sewer billing system, or other data soumes. Procedures developed will be incorporated by the City into the routine file maintenance procedures. Staffing levels and equipment required to answer customer complaints and maintain the stormwater utility data management system will be recommended by CDM. TASK 8 - ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CDM will develop a Policies and Procedures letter report addressing computation of fees and billing. This will include guidance for developing policies and procedures for handling parcels that currently are not receiving a utility bill, multiple meters on a single pamel, and a single user fee account serving more than one parcel. CDM will provide guideline recommendations in the letter report for developing policies and procedures for other special cases. TASK 9 - INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS CDM will present the findings of previous tasks at the following two meetings: 1. Upon completion of developing the billing units, a presentation regarding the base unit charge will be made to the staff. 2. Presentation of the study results of the City C~uncil. SCHEDULE CDM will make its best efforts to complete our work such that billing can begin to all customers beginning October 1, 1997. Those parcels which entail difficult allocations may be delayed for initial billing beginning November 1, 1997, with retroactive charges for the month of October. The City will be made aware of the number of these accounts by Monday, August 25, 1997. (:DM CITY OF AVENTURA 8TORMWATER MANAGEMENT USER FEE PROGRAM fMPLEMENTATION FEE ESTIMATE JUly 30 15a3' 1. Mattel Billing File Data Collection 2 8 8 4 16 38 $3,140 2. Parcel Data Development 2 6 8 4 16 36 $3,140 3. Match Parcel Dale to Utility Accounts 2 8 24 60 46 142 $10,660 4 Manet Bill~rtg Data Development 2 8 8 60 48 126 $9,220 5. Calculation of User Fee Charge 2 8 8 16 4 38 $3,500 6. Database Management Sy~tam 0 0 0 16 I 0 26 $1,760 7, Fife Maintenance of Stcrmwatar User Fee Database 2 6 0 28 12 50 $4,140 8. Administrative Policies and Procedures 0 18 24 28 14 82 $7,180 9. Informational Meetings 8 30 24 12 16 90 $8,660 Total Labor Hours 20 94 104 228 ~ Totall.aborCo~ ~6__30_ $51,620 (') S~nim Cor~ulttnl ie Stays Sadgwfck CDM CITY OF AVENTURA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT USER FEE PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION ESTIMATED OTHER DIRECT COSTS July 30, 1997 Air faro (JAX-MIA) $ trip ¢~ $300 $1,500 Carrenfal 15 day ~ $50 $750 Hotel 25 day {~ $100 $2,500 Meals 30 day ~ $28 $840 Auto 5000 miles @ $0.22 $1,100 Misc. (park,loll,el(:.) 15 day (~ $50 ~ $7,440 2 months @ $100 $200 Postage 2 months ~ $50 $100 )fas 10,000 copies ~ $0.10 $1,000 400 hm. ~ $6 $2,400 ~liscellaneous Data end Suppl!ee OSTS ~ $12,090 *~ AVCOS?I ,TRS 7/30/97