2000-015RESOLUTION NO. 2000-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMSSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND OTHERWISE ENTER INTO THAT CERTAIN MULTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT ATTACHED HERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute and otherwise enter into that certain Multi-Agency Money Laundering and Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force ("Impact") Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement attached hereto. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Rogers-Libert, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holzberg, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Jay R. Beskin yes Commissioner Ken Cohen yes Commissioner Harry Holzberg yes Commissioner Jeffrey M. Perlow yes Commissioner Patricia Rogers-Libert yes Vice Mayor Arthur Berger yes Mayor Arthur I. Snyder yes Resolution No. 2000- t~5 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of March, 2000. ,3~l~']'hbR I. S~NYD~R, MAYOR ATTEST: '~'~E~SA M S~jKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: EMS/tms MULTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") ¥OLLrNTA.RY COOPERATION MUTUAL Ail2) AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the below subscribed law enforcement agencies have joined together, in a mull> jurisdictional task force intended to combat illegal money laundering, drug trafficking and oth~r' drug law violations, and related cdminal violations and to disrupt organizations engaging in activity through coordinated and long-term investigative, forfeiture, and prosecution efforts; an:l WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws prosecute criminal, civil, forfeiture, and regulatory actions against identified violators, appropriate; and WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies have the authority under Part I, Chapter 23, Florid;~ Statutes, "the Florida Mutual Aid Act," to enter into a voluntaq/ cooperation agreement f:~r cooperation and assistance of a routine law enforcement nature that crosses.iurisdictiona~ line~; and ,' WHEREAS, the undersigned agencies acknowledge and recognize that they have be,,h operating under the existing agreement and modifications thereto, that the agreement continued in full force and effect, and express their present intent to renew and refine original agreement amt subsequent renewals thereof in order to l~etter reflect the continued present focus of the efforts of the agencies in this task force; NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Each of the undersigned Jaw enforcement agencies approve, authorize and enter into this Agreement at the request of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to impleme'R within the jurisdictional and other limits as noted herein the Money Laundering and Anti-DrL ;1 Trafficking Task Force for the purposes and goals indicated. Parties To This Agreement: · The Florida Department of Law' Enforcement, The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Florida Highway Patrol, The City of Coral Gables Police Department, The City of Miami Police Department, The City of Miami Beach Police Department, The City of North Miami Police Department The City of North Miami Beach Police Department, The City of Homestead Police Department, The City of Aventura Police Department, The City of Golden Beach Police Depa~ment, The Monroe County Sheriff's Office, The Broward County Sheriff's Office, and The Office of the State Attorney of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida Additional parties may, at the request of FDLE and with ~he approval of the other iask for~:e members, enter into this Agreement ~t a I~ter date as evidenced by thc-ir signing of t~'i:~ Agreement. Any party may cancel ~ participation in thio Agreement upon delivery of writt~ notice of cancellation to the Task Force Steering Committee ("Steering Committee"), made [q~ of representatives of each Party, which shall immediately forward same to Florida Departme of Law Enforcement. Nature of Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation To Be Rendered,' The task force is to effect dedicated and intensive investigative, preventative, and general enforcement efforts pdmadly with regard to the investigation of illegal money laundering arid drug trafficking operations, other dPJg law violations and related crimes, and in efforts dismantle and disrupt the organizations committing such violations. The Task Force's effort:~ are commonly referred to as "IMPACT." The principal goal of the task force shall be the successful prosecution of perpetrators of such crimes, with particular emphasis on designed to identify and dismantle organized cdminal enterprises. Such efforts shall includ!L but are not limited to, undercover operations designed to detect illegal activity and to identi:!f those involved in such activity including those directing or otherwise controlling such activit?, interception of communications related to such activity as may .be authorized by law, the arre and prosecution of those invo~ed (utilizing state and federal or other prosecutions, appropriate); the seizure and forfeiture ot~ assets of those engaged in such activity or otherwi. supporting"such activity (u/iiizir~g state and federal forfeiture options, as appropriate); prosecution of regulatory and cml actions designed to end such criminal activity, appropriate; and the referral of investigative leads and intelligence to such other federal, stat,!~, foreign or local law enforcement authonties as ma~/be required and appropriate under the Force's operations. The Parties to this Agreement are contributing personnel and resources in support of the Ta.' Force efforts, with the operations of the Task( Force being coordinated by FDLE and other Force members. Nothing herein shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction and powers normally possessed by ar,:i employee as a member of the employee's Agency. Nothing herein shall otherwise limit tl'e ability of participating task force members to provide, as provided by or allowed by law, sucl'~ assistance in any enforcement action unrelated to Task Force operations as may be lawful requested by ia law enforcement officer having jurisdiction over any such incident, crime (~r matter under [consideration. However, extension of jurisdiction qnder the authority of th Agreement shall occur only as provided below. EXTENSION OF PARTICIPANTS' JURISDICTION; NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: The principal sites of Task Force activity are Miami-Dado Count.,, and Monroe County, Fiodd~: but Task Force activities may occur elsewhere within the State cf Florida consistent with th~ purpose and terms ot= this Agreement. As provided by Section 23.127(1), Florida Statutes, ;! Task Force member engaged in an authorized Task Force operation outside the member':! jurisdiction but inside the State of Florida that is pursuant to, and consistent with, the purpos~ and terms of this Agreement shall have the same powers, duties, dghts, privileges, an:! immunities under the laws of ~he State o[ Florida as if the member was performing duties insid~ the member's jurisdiction as provided by the "Florida Mutual Aid Act" and this Agreement. Multi-Agency Mome~y Laundenng Task ForCe ("IMPACT') Voluntary Coope~'a~Jon Mutuat .Aid A~raame~t (Janu3~. ~age 2 of 29 Pages Sheriff o~ me ~nun~ nr fh~ ~h~ ~f P~I~ ~f the ....... mu.i~i.~i~ ',~.., e~ra-terri[oriai powem arid aU[hgrJ[y al~, UlJt~ gul~lw[~ suppoAed by ~aw, d~r{ved by ar..~ t~ropgh this Agreement. A~ivities shall be considered authorized and under the this ~greement when the amivities have been approved and directed by an iMPACT Task For~,~ suPe~isor or command designee. No e~ension of judsdimion or authonty is granted solely mason of this Agreement for law enfor~ment amivities umess they are approved a~,:l supe~ised by a designated and approved Task Force supe~isor and are related to Task Force o~rations or have been encountered dimply incident to an approved and supe~ised Ta~:,: For~ operation. Actual operations of the Task Force will be supervised and directed by any member(s) of th~! Task Force agreed upon to serve in a supervisory role. Each Task Force member participatinl; in a Task Force operation shall follow and adhere to, and is presumed to be following an:: adhering to, the supervision and direction given by the designated supervisor of the operation. If at ~ny time the supervisor determines that the Task Force operation should be terminated, ;. actions related to said operation as authorized by this Agreement are to be promptly terminate:J in a manner assuring the safety (~f all involved law enforcement officer's. However, Task Forc~ · assigned officers or agents whn am. within their normal territorial jurisdiction(s) may, actinll uni!gtera!!,J as officers or agents of their employing agency, engage in continued investigatiw~ or enforcement actions as authorized by their agency ~upervisor(s) Any such unilateral actiom~ -~-'-" "'~ be ~, '~'~. ~i,~,~ of m.. T~.~ Fnrn~, end ~h~ll n~t fall within fhR privil~.ge.~ and obi,gat .............. . Upon any termination (~f Task Force operations, the supervisor shall document circumstances of tho termination, including whether there appears ~o have been an agency's; I unilateral continuation of investigative or enforcement activity, and the documentation shall b,~ retained by the IMPACT Task Force. The Task Force and its member agencies are nc:: responsible for the actions of any participating agency or its officers or agents done after Task Force operation has been terminated or performed outside the scope of this Agreement. A listfng'of Task Force personnel serving as supervisors or designated shall be maintained b'., the IMPACT Task Force. Documentation shall be maintained by the Task Force that will reflecl the involvement of sworn members in each Task Force operation or investigative activity and the assigned supervisor or designated leader for each such operation or activity. No membe' of the Task Force shall engage in Task Force related activities that are unauthorized, unreported or otherwise unknown to'the assigned Task Force supervisor or designated leade' and which are not documented as provided herein. Any officer or agent participating in Task Force operations shaft promptly report to any Tash Force supervisor any suspected unauthorized, unreported, undocumented, or unsupervised investigative or enforcement activity of Task Force personnel. Any agency head of a party to this Agreement may request that a particular member of the task: force no longer be allowed to participate in the Task Force. Upon receiving the request, th( Task Force Steering Committee shall determine whether the request should be honored. Upor receipt from the Steering Committee of a request to no longer allow a particular agenc~ member's participation in the Task Force, the employing Agency shall promptly terminate th~ member's participation in the Task Force. Absent an objection by any other Party to thi,. Agreement, a Party to this Agreement may otherwise add, substitute, reinstate, or replace an} Multi-Agency Monet Laundering Tasl( Force ("IMPACT~) Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (January, 2000) Page 3 of 29 Pages of its sworn or support employees participating in the Task Force. If a Party objects to any su ::h action, the Steering Committee shall determine whether the action may proceed or h,~ maintained. ' If a conflict adses between an order or direction provided by the assigned supervisor ,:r designated leader and a Task Force member's employing Agency's rules, standards, =:~ policies, the conflict shall be promptly reported to the supervisor or leader when circumstanc,~,s safely allow a concern to be raised. The super'visor or team leader, in conjunction wi~:~ available members of the IMPACT governing board as may be necessary, shall attempt resolve the conflict in a manner to allow the Task Force operation to continue appropriately. officer or agent shall be required to knowingly violate the policy of his or her employing agen.::y' while participating in Task Force operations. The Parties to this Agreement'may, by a written memorandum of understanding or writt,~ attachments to this Agreement,. identify or further define particular guidelines, policies, :~r procedures to be utilized by members of the Task Force when engaged in Task Fon:e operations, provided that all such guidelines, policies and procedures are consistent wi:il Florida law and Florida or federal forfeiture guidelines and the terms of this Agreemer~l. However, Task Force members' jurisdiction as provided under this Agreement may not altered by any such written attachment. In the absence of a written memoranda :}f understanding or attachments, the policies and procedures to be utilized by Task For(;~ members shall be clearly iden'~ified by the Task Fo]ce supervisor, or if a supervisor unavailable, by a Task Force team leader as designated by the supervisor. Wdtten guidelines;. policies, or procedures adopted for use by the Task Force as provided herein may not I: waived or abandoned by Task Force supervisors or participants. However, when engaged Task Force operations no Task Force member, will be expected or required to violate ,:~ otherwise fail to maintain the member's employing Agency's standards of conduct, or t- required to fail to abide by restrictions or limitations as may be imposed by law, or the member employing Agency's rules, standards, or policies. USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF SEIZED FUNDS AND PROPERTY; TASK FORCE ADMINISTRA TirE EXPENSES: The Parties to this Agreement recognize that law enforcement is the principal objective of ~ asset forfeiture and that, as mandated by Section 932.704(11)(a), Florida Statutes, as enacte:: by Chapter 95-265, Laws of Florida, the Task Force's operations and each Party's use (d' property, currency, or proceeds received by reason of state forfeiture actions are to conform with "Florida's Forfeiture Guidelines" as developed and adopted by the Flodda Department (,I Law Enforcement, the Florida Shedffs Association, and the Florida Police Chiefs Association, ;t copy of which are incorporated herein as Attachment C. In the case of federal forfeiture'.;, applicable federal guidelines apply. All Parties recognize that they are to avoid the appearance of impropriety in the acquisitior, sale, retention or transfer of any forfeited property, curTency cr proceeds dedved from suc't forfeiture, and that forfeiture funds may not he used to meet normal law enforcement agency' operating expenses of each Party. The Task Force has no independent authority to expend or dispense f~nds or incur financi; I obligations. Authorizations for expenditures must be consistent with law and authority grante,: to participating agencies. The City of Coral Gables Police Department as empowered by th,~ City of Coral Gables is currently responsible for handling /he administrative and support expenses incurred by the Task Force in its operations ("Administrative Party"}. Such expense,~ for which expenditure has been authorized may include, but are not limited to, expense:~ Multi-Agency Mon~ Laundering Task Force ("IMPACT Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Ag?eement {January, Page 4 of 29 Pages incurred in the storage of seized funds pending forfeiture, expenditures for rent of Task Fo~ :'..~ facilities, rental of vehicles utilized in Task Force investigative activity, providing phones, office supplies and equipment in support 0¢'Task Force operations, and [he payment of :1¥~ salades of a limited number of Task Force administrative and operational support personnel. properly authorized by law and the party's governing body, any other party to this Agreement". may be authorized by the Steering Committee to assume the role of Administrative Party. Administrative expenses do not include the salaries or overtime compensation of offic~ 's, agents, aoalysts, or other employees of Party agencies assigned to the Task Force, or :'~. purchase of regular or special equipment or resources by a Party agency that may be or ~ '~: utilized in support of Task Force operations Compensation for such costs is the s,:d,~t responsibility of the employing agency, and may, if authorized by law and applicable forfeitu~',~t guidelines, be paid from forfeiture funds received by the agency. Anticipated administrative expenses for a budget year are to be identified by the Administrat'. Party as a Task Force operational budget item, and are to be approved for reimbursement the Steering Committee in the Task Force operational budget for the fiscal year. The Steeri;'~ Committee may approve all or a portion of the proposed administrative expenses. On,:e, approved, the administrative expenses may be reimbursed to the Administrative Par/y in manner noted below. The Administrative Party is not obligated to expend resources ir administrative support of the Task Force if the Steedng Committee does not approve t'le expenses for reimbursement wa the budget process. All Parties acknowledge that the Ta~; Force itself has no authority to independently authorize the expenditure of seized or forfeit,~,d funds, or to make grants from such funds to others. As a result, reimbursement to tJ'~e Administrative Party (currently the Coral Gables Police Department) for its administrath'e expenditures shall be done by a voluntary deferral of each Party's equitable share of forfeitur~ funds otherwise due to it in the mann3r set forth below. Flodda and Federal forfeiture laws allow multiple agencies participating in the seizure forfeiture of property to equitably proportion the distribution of such property upon successl~.~l conclusion of the forfeiture. Distribution of the proceeds from successful i:orfeiture actions sh~ be equitable among the Parties to this Agreement and shall take into account their relative in support of the efforts of the Task Pome unless an alternate distribution allocation among Parties has been agreed to. To reasonably address the additional expenses incurred by the Administrative Party for administrative and support expense role described herein and approved by the Steerir Committee in its Operational budget, the other Parties agree that ?eir respective proportiona~ share in the distribution of forfeited funds will .be reduced as approved by the Steedr~;i Committee in such manner and amount to effect an increase in the share of forfeitures receiwd by the Administrafi,,~e Party (currently, the Coral Gables Police Department) for the administrative expenses so incurred. All Partfes have an equitable ownership in the funds seized for forfeiture and interest earned those funds pending perfection of ownership via final order of forfeiture. However, to furthE address the additional expenses incurred by the Administrative Party Cot the administrative an support expense role described herein and approved by the Steering Committee in operational budget, the Parties have agreed that all interest earned yeady on funds seized an pending forfeiture up to a maximum amount set by the Steering Committee at the time th~ yearly budget is approved shall be disthbuted to the Administrative Party upon final order forfeiture in a manner consistent with this Agreement and law, with such funds to be applied the approved administrative and support expenses. Any interest earned yearly in excess of thai maximum amount set by the Steering Committee shall be included in the funds to be equitabl;,' distributed among the Parties to this Agreement and shall take into account [heir retative rele:~ MuEf-Agency Money Laundering Task Force ('iMPACT") Voluntai'y Cooperation Mutual AJd Agreement (January, 2~00) Page 5 of 29 Pages in support of the efforts of the Task Force unless an alternate distribution allocation among t':(,, Parties has been agreed to. The Steering Committee may approve on a case-by-case basis the adjustment of one or mc ;~:, distributions of forfeiture funds to Task Force parficipating agencies to specifically increase r; Party's share of forfeiture distribution funds for an unusual or substantial expense incurred t:!~: the Party directly associated with its participation in Task Force activities. In order for su::J' reimbursement to occur, the expenses must have a substantial nexus with the Task Forc~'.,~ operations and mission. The Task Force members acknowledge they have no independ(rtl authority by reason of this Agreement to disburse funds other than as authorized by law and ~::~ approved by each party's governing entity. The Parties to this Agreement acknowledge that under federal guidelines, funds derived ftc 'n federal forfeitures are not to be commingled with funds dedved from state forfeitures, and are :o be maintained in a separate trust fund account, to be expended onty in a manner as allowed applicable federal guidelines. All Parties agree to file in a timely fashion all reports accountings of receipts or expenditures of forfeiture funds as are required by state or fede[~d law or applicable guidelines. The Steedng Committee shall assure regular training of Task Force officers and agents required by the State Guidelines.occurs. PROPERTY SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE CONSIDERATIONS: No funds or other property seized by Task Forqe operations are to be utilized by any Force agency prior to successful forfeiture or until title or interest in the funds otherwise lawfu i7 vests in one or more Task Force agencies. Forfeiture actions based upon seizure,'made the Task Force may be pursued in either state or federal actions. Actions shall be based current statutory and case law, and shall be consistent with applicable state or federal forfeitu:'~.~ guidelines. The Parties agree that the Office of the State Attorney of the Eleventh Judicial! Circuit, through its attorneys, will be primarily responsible under this Agreement for pursuing Task Force forfeiture actions on behalf of all of the Parties in state court in Miami-Dado Count¢: that the Flodda Department of Law Enforcement will be primarily.responsible for forCeitu~ actions in Florida state cou~ other than in Miami-Dade County; and that the Office of the Unite :1 States Attorney, Southern Distdct of Florida, will be primarily responsible for federal forfeitu~ actions. However, this .provision shale not preclude the use of other forfeiture attorneys <: personnel as needed on particular matters and as authorized by the Steering Committee ar,:l agreed to by the above-bored three pdmaw entities respbnsible for forfeiture litigation. Any Party to this Agreement or any prosecutor handling the criminal prosecution of Task Foro~, cases may request copies of forfeiture complaints and pleadings filed by reason of Task Foro? seizures and such copies shall be promptly provided to the requester. Forfeiture actions are be coordinated with criminal prosecutions, if any legal dispute or concern as to the form or sufficiency of forfeiture actions or other action proposing to vest the interest of Task Force! agency(ies) in seized cash or properfy is raised by any of the Parties to this Agreement, attempt to resolve the issue through informal discussion and contact shelf_be made. In th~ event any Party responsible for filing and handling a forfeiture action believes there is a'~ insufficient basis upon which to pursue the forfeiture of particular seized' cash or property, an the concerns cannot be resolved, no forfeiture action on behalf of the Task Force is to be filed. All options available under law to state and local law enforcement agencies with regard unclaimed evidence or abandoned property, gifts and plea agreements are available to th,~, Multi-Agency Mone~'y Laundering Task Force ("IMPACT"} Voluntary Coopecation MutualAid Agreement (January, 2000) Page 6 of 29 Pages Task Force, provided the property under consideration otherwise qualifies under law for s~ :;h consideration, GUIDELINES FOR MONEY PICKUPS, TRANSFERS AND SECURITY; AUDITS AND REVlEI/VS: The Parties tO .this Agreement recognize that substantial sums of cash will be seized by reason of Task Force operations, and are committed to assuring that all such seizures are done ~i*:h the greatest degree of secudty and integrity possible. The Task Force will utilize procedu~,!~s established by written directive of the Task Force relating to the seizure of property for forfeitu~ e and the seizure of contraband. At no time shall a Task Force participant seize, handle transport or count seized funds alone. The Task Fo~'ce will utilize procedures established in wdting by the Task Force relating to handling of evidence. A copy of Task Force Directive 1.3, rotating to forfeitures and seizures, '.~. attached as Attachment A to this Agreement. A copy of Task Force Directive 1.4, relating the handling of evidence, is attached as Attachment B to this Agreement: Both of the~ie Directives currently apply to Task Force operations. The Parties to this Agreem( rd acknowledge in signing this Agreement that they have reviewed the Attachments. The Task Force may modify, wapplement or substitute written guidelines, provided that a 'ly modification, supplementation, or substitution assures as a minimum that all non-cash properly coming int(5 the custody of Task Force members shall be treated as evidence, utilizing standaFfl and commonly-accepted means of securing and handling same, and that all seizures of cal-~ shall be done with appropriate checks and balances implemented to assure that all cash seiz~ :~ is accounted for, and properly secured untf~ such'time as title or interest in such funds [awfu ly. vests in the seizing agency(les) and the Task Force. Copies of written guidelines or directiv,~ .~ shall be provided any Party upon request. The Flodda Department of Law Enforcement may at any time order a review and audit h FDLE's Inspector General's Office of Task Force operations with regard to the seizure arm handling of all evidence, property or cash, use and disposition of property, currency or proceeds received by any Party by reason of a forfeiture, or any other aspect of Task Force operation,.,. The Steering Committee may request at any time that such a review and audit be performed FDLE. The Parties agree to cooperate in any such audit by allowing full access to document~k personnel and facilities necessary to perform the audit function. The Parties agree to coopera :? in any federal audit of Task Force forfeiture activities as may be required or requested by ti' United States government. Multi-Agency Money Launclenng Task Force ("IMPACT') Voluntaw Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (January, 2000) Page 7 oi¢2g Pages COMPLAINTS AGAINST. TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Each person assigned to the Task Fc~ce shall promptly report any suspected criminal activity violation of rule or policy of any other member of the Task Force or any person with whom th,~ Task Force is conducting business. Whenever a complaint has been lodged as a result of Task Fo[ce efforts, a designee of Florida Department of Law Enforcement shall ascertain at a minimtlm: The identity(les) of the complainant(s) and an address where the complainant(s) may bi: contacted, the nature of'the complaint any supporting evidence or facts as may be availabl~ including the names and addresses of witnesses to that which has been complained about, th~!~ identity(les) of the Task Force participant(s) accused and the employing Agency(ies) of th,~ participant(s) accused. FDLE will promptly provide to each affected employing Agency the above information for administrative review and appropriate handling or disposition. Each affected employing Agenc;, shall; upon completion of said review, promptly notify FDLE of its findings and any action:~ taken. Upon assignment to the Task F(J;'ce, and once yearly, each person assigned to the Task Forcu shall be PrOvided notification that he or she is obliged to report any wrongdoing or improprie~, by any Task Force personnel. A local method of reporting such shall be provided, and th~ name, email address and phone number of the Director of FDLE's Executive Investigation.'; sh~ll also be provided as an option for making any such report. (The current Director of FDLE'.'~ Executive Investigations is Jamie McLaughlin, iamiemclauo-h]in~fdie.$tate.t~.us, whose number is (850) 410-8240.) INTERPLAY WITH FEDERAL AUTHOR~TIES: The Parties to this Agreement recognize that the federal law enforcement authorities haw, requested that the efforts of the Task Force be closely coordinated with federal authodtie.' having interests in money laundering investigations. The Parties recognize that federal agent.' will, as necessary, be co-located at the Task Force headquarters or otherwise provided acc. es., to Task Force operations and planning. No movement of morley having interstate or international implications, including transaction.· such as do[Jar/peso transactions which are directly intended to facilitate or are otherwise ~ precursor transaction to international movements of money, will occur unless the fedora agent(s) assigned to work with the Task Force are provided prior notice. The federal agent(s): upon receiving notification as provided herein, may coordinate the Task Force's efforts witt' other federal law enforcement agencies and advise them of the proposed transaction(s). If -- federal agency has an objection to any proposed operation of the Task Force involving interstate or international movements of money, the operation is not to proceed until an attempl to resolve the federal objection is made, giving federal interstate and internationai responsibilities and concerns appropriate deference. The Task Force shall not engage i. international movements of money absent federal notification and shall not engage in such movements without securing authorization and participation from at least one Federal agency having appropriate jurisdiction. LIABILITY'AND RELA TED ISSUES; TASK FORCE S UPPOR T CONSIDERATIONS: Multi-Agency Money Laundering Task Fo~ce ("IMPACT") Volunta~ Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (Janua~, Page 8 of 29 Pages Each Party engaging in any mutual cooper.alton and assistance pursuant to this Agreem~u'rl agrees to assume its own liability and respor~sibility for the acts, omission, or conduct of si~,;.'~ Party's own employees while such employees are engaged in rendering such aid, cooperati=:~'~ and assistance pursuant to this Agreement. subject to the provisions of Section 768.28, Flor Statutes, where applicable. Each Party to this Agreement agrees to furnish necessary personnel, property, polr~; equipment, vehicles, resources and facilities to render services to each other Party to Agreement in order to effect the purposes of the Task Force and agrees to bear the cost of I(~:~.'~ or damage to its equipment, vehicles, or property so provided. Parties understand and that they will be responsible for their own liability and bear their own costs with regard to property and resources, or personnel expenses incurred by reason of death, injury or incider ,.~ ' giving dso to liability. This provision shall not preclude, as otherwise authorized herein, purchase of administrative support property or resources. Each Agency furnishing aid pursuant to this Agreement shall compensate its employees dud the time such aid is rendered and shall defray the actual expenses of its employees while are rendering such aid, including any amounts paid or due for compensation due to persor~i injury or death while such employees are engaged in rendering such aid. The privileges a.'id immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinances, and rules, and all pensic '~, insurance, relief, disability, work, rs' compensation, salary (including overtime compensation compensatory time), death and other benefits that apply to the activity of an employee of ;; ~ Agency when performing the employee's duties within the territorial limits of the employe( ~s Agency shall apply to the employee to the same degree, manner, and extent while su,:i~ employee acts under this Agreement. This provisi.on shall not preclude payment by a Party ::f compensation (including overtime compensation) tn the Party's officers, agents, analysts. :~r other personnel assigned to the Task Fome, if allowed by Florida or federal ~aw and applicabl~.~ state or federal guidelines, through the use of legally vested Task Force funds if the Party obtained the necessary approval and authorization for such payment from the Party's governir ;t commission or (if a state agency) the Legislature. The privileges and immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinances, and rules, ar,:l pension, insurance, relief, disability, workers' compensation, salary, death, and other benefit!; that apply to the activity of an employee of an agency when performing the employee's dutiE:!. within the territorial limits of the employee's agency apply to the emptoyee to the same degre<~ manner, and extent while engaged in the performance of the employee's duties extraterdtoriall:, under the provisions of this Agreement. Each participating Party shall bear its own adsing from acts undertaken under the Agreement except as may be other~Vise allowed und(" Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, and any agreement by a participant to the contrary is void. Th Administrative Agency may request purchase of optional insurance or other reasonable action by the other Parties as a means of helping reduce the Administrative Agency's exposure t,:, claims or liability incurred solely by reason of its role as Administrative Agency in rentin!; automobiles or entering into contractual agreements on behalf of the Task Force. Sucl' requests shall be approved by the Steedng Committee, but if not approved, the Administratiw: Agency shall not be obligated to enter into any particular rental or contractual obligation behalf of the Task Force. Multi-Agency Money Laundering Task Force ("IMPACT') Voluntary CooPerati~n Mutual Aid Agreement (Januan/, 2gO0) Page g of 29 Pages OBLIGATION TO COORDINATE WITH PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE: A principal goal of this Task Forc~ is the successful prosecution of criminal violato~.=;. Successful prosecution requires close coordination with prosecuting authorities, both in t't~; state and federal courts. Members of the Task Force are obligated to coordinate their efforts such a way as to support the efficient prosecution cf cases, including, but not limited to, pror~ responses to requests from prosecutors for information or assistance jn~ handling Task For:*:e generated cases, and reasonable availability for pratriai conferences with prosecute,% discovery depositions, pretrial hearings and trials. Civil or administrativ~ actions dedved ftc Task Fome operations are likewise to receive coordinated support efforts from Task For::~ members. Task Force supervisors shall monitor the efforts of Task Force members in support of crimJr:~d prosecutions, civil actions, administrative actions and forfeiture cases. Such monitoring sh~dl include regular contact with assigned prosecutors or attorneys pursuing actions on behalf of Task Force to assure the expected level of support from Task Force members is occurrin!;'. Failure by a member of the Task Force to support such efforts on a routine and regular basis the manner set forth herein sh~ll constitute grounds fcr removal from the Task Force. PR/MARY TASK FORCE EFFORTS; SEMIANNT. IAL PROGRESS ASSESSMENT: The Task Force has as its pdme mission these primary areas of activity: Mone~ laundering investigations, including the seizure and forfeiture of funds derived fro'ri drug or other criminal activity and the investigation and prosecution of those involved ;~ such activity; Cdminal investigation and prosecution of those involved in organized drug traffickir,;r enterprises and those involved in other drug related cdminal activity, and efforts to disrul:,i and dismantle organizations involved in such illegal activity. The Parties agree to provide sufficient and continued support and personnel resources to earl' of the above areas of activity, in a manner and to an extent determined and approved by th~ Steedng Committee, or as may be requested by the Flodda Department of Law Enforcement. The Steering Committee no less than twice yearly review and evaluate the progress an:: success of efforts in each of the primary areas of activity. To the extent resources ar:~ available, they shall be reallocated to address observed deficiencies or lo otherwi.~e bett~r assure the balanced success of the primary Task Force efforts. COPY TO EACH PARTICIPATING TASK FORCE MEMBER: When this Agreement is fully executed, a copy shall be provided to each Task Force member' so that each member may be fully aware of the powers, limitations, and expectations applicabl,? to Task Force members and operations. Multi-Agency. Monkey Laundering Task Force ('IMPACT") Voluntary CooDeratien MuRal Aid Agteemertt (January, 2000) Page 10 of 29 Pagee TERM AND EFFECT OF AGREEMENT; OBLIGATION TO TIMELY RA T/FY; MEANS OF CANCELLA ION; AUTOMA TIC EXTENSION; INTERIM CLARIFICATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: This Agreement is a clarification, continuation, and renewal of the original Agreement fir?; establishing the Task Force and ail subsequent renewals thereof, it shall be effective as to thai= executing Parties upon execution by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and at lea:?: one other participating Agency. As each additional Party executes this Agreement, it shall b[~, effective as to the newly executing Party. Upon execution, this Agreement supercede:i~ previous versions of the Task Force agreements. Failure by a Party to secure a time' ratification of this superceding agreement may result in said party's participation in the Tasl, Force being suspended until such time as the Agreement is executed by the Party. This Agreement shall remain in full force as to all participating Parties until September 30, unless earlier canceled in writing by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as to all separate Parties, or as canceled in writing by an individual Party as provided herein. Howeve if the Task Force continues operations beyond September 30, 2003, the Agreement shall automaticaJJy extended on a month-by-month basis, until such time as a revised or subsequerd written Agreement has been ratified by each participating Party. The terms.of this Agreement may be clarified or modified, consistent with state and federal and guidelines, by supplemental Memoranda of Understanding signed by the parficipatin;i parties. Any such Memorandum shall incorporate by reference this Agreement, and shall become a part of this Agreement by inclusion as an Exhibit hereto. All such Exhibits are to b~ sequentially lettered and labeled as an attachment. Master copies of the cue'ent Agreement will be maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Mutual Aid Coordinator and be the Steering Committee, This Agreement. may be duplicated for dissemination to all Parties, and such duplicates shall b.~ of the same force and effect as the original. Execution of this Agreement may be signified properly signing a separate signature page, the original of which shall be returned to th,, attention of Michael Ramage, FDLE General Counsel, P.O. Box 1489, Tallahassee, Flodd.~ 32302-1489. Upon receipt, originals will- maintained by the FDLE Office of Mutual Aid Coordinator. Any wdtten cancellation or extension shall be forwarded to FDLE at the address. By signing the agreement, each representative of a party represents that he or she is full,' authorized to enter into this agreemeht, and that the Party for which the representative i:~: signing aecepts the terms, responsibilities, obligations and limitations of this Agreement, an,: agrees to bound thereto to the fullest extent ailowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of Parties hereto sign on the date specified hereafter' Multi-Agency Mon~ Laundering Task Force ("IMPACT') Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (Janua~', 2000) Page 11 oi' 29 Pages A. FORFEITURE - means actior~ to perfect agency interest in and title to anything thai i:~ taken into custody by Task Force investigators that may be forfeited under the Contraband Forfeiture Act or under federal law. In general, all seizures of property for Forfeitures will be conducted under Coral Gables Police Department procedures. 1. All non-realty property that is seized for forfeiture will be: Placed into the Coral Gables Police Department Property Unit or, in the case vehicles, recorded on Coral Gables Police Department Vehicle Storage Repo after inventory search, and placed in secure storage. b. All property will be listed in the forfeiture and confiscation report and copies se 'd within one work day to the attorney(s) handling the forfeiture action. Unle~;~; otherwise designated, the Miami-Dado State Attorney's Office will handle Ta~; Force forfeitures arising within Miami-Dado County, while the Florida Departme,'~l: of Law Enforcement will handle Task Force forfeitures arising in counties oth~r than Miami-Dade. SEIZURES OF CONTRABAND - means taking into custody anything illegal to posses.~. (s~e Currency Handling Procedures) Alt seizures will be placed in the Coral Gables police Department Properb/Unit. Ail property that is taken into custody will be: a, Futly documented on Coral Gables Police Department Property Receipt. All seizures will be listed in the Forfeiture/Confiscations Report and copies se~l~ within one work day to the Coral Gables Police Department Confiscation Unil and to the appropriate attorney(s) handling the forfeiture as noted above. In all instances v~here controlled substances are-seized that are in the amount whic'~ warrants trafficking charges (1 ounce of cocainell00 pounds of marijuana) or instance where monies are seized in excess cf $1,000, the Task Force will assign at least b~v,:, investigators to the custody of the contraband or rponies. The investigators will maintai~ ~ custody until the controlled substance or monies is placed into the Corel Gables Poiic,~ Department Property Unit. Whenever possible, and as authorized by the prosecuting attorney and the attome,., handling the forfeiture, cash seized for forfeiture will be deposited into an interesl bearing account pending resolution of the forfeiture. Appropriate steps to document th,~ condition of the cash prior to deposit into the account must be taken as may be required by the prosecutor or forfeiture attorney. Mu~i-Agency Mo~e¥ Launderir~g Task Force ('IMPACT"} Voluntary Cooperation Mu£ual Aid Agreement (JanuaP/, 2000) Page 25 of 29 Pages :,: . Task:Force, EvidenCe:Directive .. ..... :~: F. G. H. Each investigator is responsible for the evidence which he or she has occasion to purchase or seize. All controlled substances are to be treated in a careful manner. All evidence will be turned in to the Coral Gables Police Department Property/Evidenc:~ Unit as soon as possible after its seizure. Evidence will not be stored in any facility other than the Coral Gables Police Departm~ .fl Property Unit (i.e-. desk, lockers, etc.). All seized controlled substances will be checke:: into the Coral Gables Police Department Property Unit pdor to the end of the investigator's tour of duty. Tests of controlled substances to establish probable cause will be done at the scene the impounding investigator and the results documented in the investigator's Task For, i:e operational report(s). Confirmation chemical analysis of controlled substances will be performed by the Metro- Dade Cdme Lab. S Two investigators are required when handling trafficking amounts of controlled substances or amounts of currency amounting in excess of $1,000. When an arrest for a controlled substance~is made, the arresting investigator will be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the evidence. Any member of the Task Force having reason to believe that evidence, cash, property or contraband is not, or has not, been handled propedy by any Task Force member or other person coming into contact with the item(s) shall immediately report any such belief to a Task Force supervisor. The supervisor shall immediately conduct or cause to be conducted all necessary inquiry and steps to assure the integrity of the Task Force operation. Multi-Agency Mone~Laundedng Task Farce Voluntary Cooperation Mub~al Aid Agreement (January, Page 26 of 29 Pages Guidelines And Training Procedures To Be Used By State .~.nd Local Law Enforcement Agencies And State Attorneys In Implementing The Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act I. Policy Statement The Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, Sections 932.701 through 932.707, Florida Statutory, (Act) authorizes law enforcement agencies to seize and forfeit real and personal proper~.~ including currency, vehicles, aircraft, and other contraband articles that are used in violation the Act. The Act also allows seizure and forfeiture of any controlled substance as defined in Chapter Florida Statutes, or any substance, device, paraphernalia, or currency or other means of exehang that was used, was attempted to be used, or was intended to be used in violation of any prOvisio:~ of Chapter 893, Florida Statutes if a nexus can be clearly demonstrated between the article(~, seized and the narcotics activity, whether or not the use of the contraband article(s) can be trace to a specific narcotics transaction. It is the policy of the State of Florida that law enforcement agencies shall utilize the provisions the Act to deter and prevent the continued use of contraband articles for criminal purposes whil.:, protecting the proprietary interests of mocent owners and lienlaolders and to authorize such lat. enforcement agencies to use the proceeds collected under the Act as supplemental funding fo: authorized purposes. The potential for obtaining revenues from forfeitures must not oven'id,,. fundamental considerations such as public safety, the safety of law enforcement officers, or thc inx~estigation and prosecution of cminal activity. It is also the policy of this state that law enlT, orcement agencies ensure that, in all seizures made u~der the Act, their Officers adhere to federal a. ud state constitutional limitations regarding ax. individual's right to be free fi-om tmreasonable searches and seizures, including, but not limitec to, the illegal use of stops based on a pretext, coercive consent searches, or a search based solel3 upon an individual's race or ethnicit7. The Act provides procedural safeguards for those claiming or having an interest in the seized properS, including bona fide lienholders, iessors, and innocent co-owners. The complements the other options available to Florida law enforcement agencies in addressing criminal activity, is a valuable tool of law enforcement to be used by Florida law enforcemem agencies to assist their law enforcement mission, and is to be preserved and wisety used as a valuable weapon in Florida's law enfomement arsenal. Muit.~Agency Money Laundering Task Force ~'IMPACT") Valuntary Co~13e~tioh Mutuat Aid Agreement (January. 2000) Page 27 of 29 Pages II. Purpose The purpose of these Uniform Standards is to provide statew~de guidelines for law enforcem,~r:.l policies and procedures used in selzi~g, maintaining, and forfeiting property under the Act an('. t.:~ provide training procedures to be used by state and local law enforcement agencies and s~t:,. attorneys in implementing the Act. Compliance with these Standards will enhance the goal establishing more uniform forfeiture practices throughout the state. These Uniform Standards to be interpreted in a manner to assure that to the greatest extent possible there is uniformity ~f policy and procedure tZroughout the state. I,; is not the intent or purpose of these Standards m create new fights of parties or new defenses to forfeiture actions. Afl rights and actions de£med by the substantive provisions Of the Act itself or other applicable law. HI. Principles The following principles should be incorporated within the policies and procedures of any or local law enforcement agency involved in the seizure and foffeirare of property under the A. LAW ENFORCEMENT IS TIlE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE OF ASSLT FORFEITURE. The potentia~ for obtaining revenues from forfeitures must not override fundamental considerations such as public safety, the safety of law enforcement officers, t/~e investigation and prosecution of criminal activity, and respect for the rights of individuals ~ts provided by law. B. The employment, salary, promotion or other compensa.tion of a law enforcement offic or attorney should not depend on obtaining a quota of seizures. C. Agencies should ensure, through the use of written policy and procedures and trainin~i:, compliance with all applicable legal requirements regarding seizing, maintaining, and foffeidr;.: property under the Act. D. When property other than currency is seized for forfeiture, the probable cause supportin!! the seizure should be promptly reviewed by a supervisor who is not directly involved in makini~ the seizure. The determination of whether to seize currency must be made by supervisor!, l~ersonnel. The agency's legal counsel must;be notified as soon as possible of all seizures. E. The determination of whether an agency will file a civil forfeiture'action should be mad ~: by the agency head or other command level designee who is not directly involved in ma_kLug th,: seizure. F. Every seizing agency should have policies and procedures promoting, when there is n(, other legitimate basis for holding seized property, the prompt release of such property as may bt, required by the Act or by agency determination. To help assure that property is not wrongf~ll~ held after seizure, every agency shall have policies and procedures ensuring that all assertec claims of interest in seized property are promptly reviewed for potential validity. G. A sei~ing agency may not use the seized property for any purpose until the rights to, i.nt. erest in, and title to the seized property are perfected in accordance w/th the Act. This does Muit~Agency Mone~ Laundering Tasg Force ("IMPAC'~) Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (January, 20~0) Pa<je 28 of 29 Pages not prohibit the use or operation necessary for reasonable maintenance of seized prope~[f. Reasonable efforts shall be made to maintai~ seized property in such a manner as to minim: loss of value. H. Settlement of any forfeiture action shall be consistent with the mandates of the Act and is: compliance with agency pohcy or directive. ~ I. All forfeited property retained for law enforcement use should be maintained and utiliz~:d in accordance with the Act, mad should be subject to the same controls with regard to prope~ acquired through the agency's normal appropriations process. J. Any agency receiving forfeiture proceeds should maintain such moneys in a special fm:,i as provided by law, which is subject to normal accounting controls and financial audits of ~11 deposits and expenditures. If the seizing agency is a county or municipal agency, the procee,:!s and interest thereon may not be used to meet normal operating expenses of the law enfomeme:~t agency. Seizing agencies must file reports as required by the Act. K. Each state or local law enforcement agency that seizes property for the purposes ,:.f forfeiture shall periodically review the agency's seizures of property, as well as settlements ax forfeiture proceedings in/flared I~y the agency to determine whether such seizures, settlemen::; and forfeitures ~ comply with the Act and these Standards. Such review should occur at lea~.: annually, if the review suggests deficiencies, the agency shall promptly move to ensure ti agency's compliance with the Act and these Standards. L. Agencies should avoid the appearance of impropriety in the acquisition, sale, retention, transfer of any forfeited propeky or proceeds derived fi-om such property. M. Agency personnel involved in the seizure of property for forfeiture shall receive periodi:: training as noted in Section IV, below. IV. Training Procedures Each state or local law enforcement agency shall ensure that its officers involved in seizinl~: property for forfeiture under the Act receive basic training and continuing education as requ/red by the Act.~ Each agency shall maintain records demonstrating ag office['s complilnce with these mining requirements. A portion of such training must address legal aspects of forfeiture. including search and seizure, or other coffstitutional considerations. (End ~f Guidelines) End Of Mutual Aid Agreement and Attachments (Page 29 of 29 pages, including signature pages and attachments) Multi-Agency Mons~Laundefing Task Fome ('IMPACT") Volunta~ Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (Janua~j, Page 29 of 29 Pages Party's Acceptance of the January, 2000 MULTI-AGENCy MONEY '~AUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT .... For the Florida Department of Law EnfOrcement: Ja es '~. Moore, Exec~ive Oirect°r Mull[~q~ellcy Maney Laum~dng Task Force ("IMPACT') Velu~ta~' Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (January. 2000) ?age 12 of 2g ;'ages 09/8672001 09:21 858-410-B392 FDLE MUTUAL AID PAGE iPark's Acceptance of the January, 2000 M.U,.LTI-AG.E,,N. CY MONEY LAUNDERING AND "'] ANTI-DRUG TRAFF'ICKING TASK: FORCE ( IMPACT ) VOLUNTARY COOPEI;~TION I MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT [ Pursuant to F.S. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chi~ executive officer-of a municipality or county on behalf of 3 law enforcement agency, authorized by the governing body of the municipality or county. BY signing below, an indicatio;'~ of such authorization is being made. Any signatory may attach to-this signature page any further evidence of authorization you wish to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that l have been authorized by the governin(j body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of th(~ City of Coral Gables Police Department. Print or Type Name Title: 0 Mayor O Chief Executive Officer, to wit Date: 3/].7/00 MuItt-Agency Mo~tay Laundering Task Fo¢c.e Voluntary Cooperation Mutt~al AJd Agreement (Jenue~/, 2000) Pursuant to 'F.$. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or ch[el' executive officer 'of a municipality or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, il authorized by the governing body of the municipality or county. By signing below, an indication of such authorization is being made. toAny $ignato~ may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authoriZation you wish remain on file at FDLE alo~lg with this signature page. I' hereby acknowledge thai')have been authorized by the ooverninn b.o. dy of the municipality to enter into this Agreement'on behalf of th; CI~~rtment. Signature, Donald R. ~aPsha~ Print or Type Name T-iris: Mayor Chief Executive Officer. to wit: Date; Chief of Police Mull~engy Money ~,sundedng Task Fracas ("IMPACT") VolunlaW Cec~pera~Je~ Mu~uSl Ak:l Agreement {Janu;ipj, 2{300) ~,ags 15 o[29 Pages 8910B/2001 89:21 850-410-8392 FDLE ~.~JTUAL AID PAGE P;rty's Acceptance of the January, 2000 MULTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND- ...... ANTI.DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT ,J Pursuant to F.S. 23,1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chief executive officer of a municipality or county on behalf of a law chloe'cement agency, authorized by the governing body of the municipality or county. By signing below, an Jndicaticr: of such authorization [$ being made. Any $ignato~ may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authod*zation you wish to remain on file at FOLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that I have been authorized by the governing body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the City of Miami Beach PoNce Department. Signature Ne J. sea Y~$ d, ta Print or Type Name Title: · Mayor O Chief ExecutNe Officer, to wit: Date: Chief of Police - ~l. ch~rd Barreco Date: ~t' - {'"~'- o 0 ,~-%~ROVED ,tS TO & FOR EXECUT,~ON Multi.Agency Money LaU~tdeHn;i Task For~e ('IMPACT') Cooperation Mufual add Agreemertt (January, 2000) ~ 16 of ~ Pages 89/86/2881 88:21 858-418-8382 FDLE MUTUAL AID PAG~ · -/~a~y ~ Acceptance of ~e January, 2000 MULTI'-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND .... ' · ~IMUTUALt ANT/-DRUGAioTRAFFICKINGAGREEMENTTASK. FORCE. ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION Pursuant to F.S~ 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chi~; executive officer of a municipaii~y or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, authorized by ~e governing body of the municipality or county. By signing below, an indicatio;~ of such authorization is being made. Any signatory may attach to this signature page any further evidence ol' authorization you wish to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that i have been authorized by the governin(:~ body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of th~'~ City of North Miami Police Department. /'f3ignatUre Print or Type Name Title: 0 Mayor ~] Chief Executive Officer, to wit: Date:, ~ /~,~;,/~CmO<:D> C1£y Maria§ e,r MulU~Agency'Mettey [,,aunderl~g Ta~k Form CIMPA~ V~ ~gimflon Mural ~ ~re~[ (Janus. 2000) 09:21 850-410-8392 FDLE NUTUAL ~ID PAC~ arty $ Acceptance of the January, 2000 M,~LTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE (IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION [ MUTUAL AlD AGREEMENT Pursuant to F.S. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chief executive officer of a municipality or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, i=: authorized by the governing body of the municipality or county. Ely signing belOW,, an indication: of such authorization is being mede, Any signatory may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authorizafior~ you wish to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that .I have been authorized by the governinc. body of the mullicipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the City of North Miami Beach Police Department. Print or Type Name Title: of Executive Officer, to Date: Mullf-Agengy Money Launde~ng Task Force ('IMPACT') Voluntm7 Coape~iition MutualAId Agreement (Januaiy, 2000) ~Rege 18 0f29 Pa~es Party's Acceptance of the January, 2000 MULTI-AGENCY MONEy I~AUNDERING AND' ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT') VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Pursuant to F.S. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chi~f executive officer of a municJparity or courffy on behalf of a law enforcement agency, authorized by the governing body cf ~e~ munlcipality or county. By signing below, an indicatk,~ of such authorization is being made. Any signatory may attach to this signati~re page any further evidence of authorization you wisl' to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that I have been authorized by the governin!il body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of th~;; City of Homestead Police Department. Print or Type Name Title: [] Mayor "~l~Chief Executive Officer, to wit: Date:~~D O Chief orr Police MuSty M0(ley [.aunde~ Te~k For~* ('tMPAG'P') Volunl, ary Ce~peralian Mural Aid A~memen[ (Jaflua~. 2000) 0~/86/2~01 09:~1 858-418-8392 FDL5 HUTU~L ~IW ~ ~:~ Pagqt's Acceptance of the Janua~,~'2000 M,U. LTI.AG~E..N, CY MONEY LAUNDERING AND" ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK'FORCE ( IMPACT ) VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUT..U, AL AID AGREEMENT Pllrsuant to F.$. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by.a sheriff, a mayor or chief e~ecufive officer of a municipality or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, if authorized by the governing body of the municipality or county. By signing below, an indication of such authorization is be~tg made. Any signatory may attach to this sign. ature page any further evidence of authorization you wish to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknowledge that I have been authorized by the governing body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the City of Aventura Police Department. Zrlc ~t. Soroir. a., Print or Type Name Title: O Mayor i~ Chief Executive Officer. to wit: ClcT Ka~aSer Chief of Police - l'ham~a E. ~ibel Date: ~}~ I~ Multi-Agency Money LJundedng Task FOrce ('IUPACl") Vofuntaf~ Coope~aYon Mutual .Nd Agreement (Janua~, 2000) P~e'.,20 of 29. Pagea 09/0G/2~01 89:21 858-~10-8392 FDLE MUTUAL Party's Acceptance of [he January, 2000 MI:ILTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATfON MUTUAL. AID AGREEMENT' Pursuant [o F.S. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or' chief executive officer of a municipality or c~unty on behalf of a law enforcement agency, if authoHT, ed by the governing body of the municipality or county. By signing below, an indication of such authorization ia being mede. Any signatory may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authorization you wish to remain on file et FDLE along wi{h this signature page. I hereby acknowledge tha't*'l have been authorized by the governing body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the City of Golden Beach Police Department. Pdnt er Type Name ~ Mayor D Chief Executive Officer, to wit: Date: t~ch 29, 2000 -CHIEF OF POLICE Chief of Police Mul~-Agen~y Mona;' Laung~dng Ta~k Forc~ {"IMPACT') Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement (January, 2000) P~ge 21 ef 29 P~ges 0910B/~001 09:21 8§0-410-8392 FDLE h~]TUAL AID Party's Acceptance of the Januap/, 2000 MULTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FgRCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT ·.. Pursuant to F.S. 23.1225(3), this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chiel executive officer of a municipality or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, authorized by the governing body of the muniCipality or county. By signing below, an indicatio~ of such authorization is being made. Any $ignator~ may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authorization you wish to remain on file at FDLE 'along with thia signature page. I hereby acknowledge that I have been authorized by the governance body of the municipality to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Monroe County Sheriff's Office. $ign,~ Print or Type Name Title: 8/'Sheriff C] Chief Executive Officer, to wit: Date: ~/2..-/'/o'~ Shedff (if above.signed by Chief Executive Officer'of County) Multi-Agency Moi"~y Lnunda4ng Task Force Vlilanla~' Caoperali~ Mutual A~d Agreement (JmnumP/. 2000) Puge 22 of Z9 Pages BB/O6/2BO1 0B~21 850-410-BBB2 F~LE ~dTUAL AID PAF~ ]? Party'e Acceptance of the Janus,, 2000 M,U. LTI-AGE.N. CY MONEY lAUNDERING AND Pursuant to F.S., this agreement may be entered into by a sheriff, a mayor or chi~l executive officer of a municipality or county on behalf of a law enforcement agency, authorized by the governing body of the municipality or*county. By signing below, an indicatio of such authorization ia being made. Any signatory may attach to this signature page any further evidence of authorization you wish to remain on file at FDLE along with this signature page. I hereby acknoWledge that I have been authorized by the governin!: body of the municipality to enter Into this Agreement on behalf of th,;~ B ro~_~//heriff's Office. Kenneth C. Jenne, Print or Type Name Sheriff of Broward County Title: ~3 Sheriff 0 Chief Executive Otficer, to wit: Date: Sheriff (if above Signed by Chief Executive Officer of County) Date: MuitI-Age~--y Mo~ly Leurt~lefll~ Teak Force ~'IMPAC~ Volu~ry C~.-.~ratid~ Mu,ual Aid Agreement (Janun~/. 2000) ~)=ge 23 of 29 Pag,e$ 0~/06/2B01 0B:21 850-410-B3~2 FDLE ~UIUAL AlU ~AGE Party's Acceptance of the January, 2000 MULTI-AGENCY MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-DRUG TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE ("IMPACT") VOLUNTARY COOPERATION MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT For the Office of the State Attorney of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Of' nty, Florida): ~fgrrature ;; / Date:~ Multi-Agency Mone~ Launc~ertng Task Farce ("IMPACT") Voluntary CoopacaEi~ MutuaJ Aid Agmemen[ (January. 2000) Page 24 0f29 Pages