03-27-2003MINUTES Aventura Government Center
MARCH 27, 2003 10:00 AM Aventura, Florida 33180
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were
Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Jay R. Beskin, Ken Cohen, Bob Diamond, Manny
Grossman, Vice Mayor Harry Holzberg, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City
Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined
to be present, the meeting commenced.
LAND DEDICATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM: Mr. Soroka advised the Commission of
a request from an owner of property on NE 188th Street to dedicate approximately 1.5
acres of land adjacent to the Charter Elementary School site to the City in consideration
for the City allowing increased height for residential development planned on the north
side of NE 188t~ Street.
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed with land dedication incentive
program through preparation of ordinance amending land development regulations for
consideration at May Commission meeting.
names for consideration for appointment to the Foundation as recommended by current
members. Commissioner Beskin recommended also Landmark resident Barbara Jonas.
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed with appointment of individuals
AVENTURA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Mr. Soroka recommended that the City
reinstates its membership in the Chamber of Commerce in light of the Chamber's
withdrawal from the billboard litigation and the resignation of Emil Hubschman.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Membership to be reinstated and City Manager to
monitor Chamber's relationship with the City.
4. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM (Commissioner Cohen): Commissioner Cohen noted
that the Florida League of Cities concurs that the City cannot set a cap on campaign
expenditures and suggested pursuing change in state law. Commissioner Beskin
discussed consideration of voluntary limits on expenditures in exchange for certain
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Commissioner Beskin and City Attorney to further
research the concept of establishing provisions for voluntary campaign expenditure
7. JOINT COUNCIL OF AVENTURA (Commissioner Grossman): (Taken out of order)
Commissioner Grossman proposed discussion regarding continuation of membership in
the Joint Council in light of its participation in recent litigation against the City. Joint
Council President Len Brenner advised that the matter of withdrawing from the lawsuit
would be placed before the Joint Council's general membership for approval.
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: No action taken.
The meeting adjourned for five minutes at this time.
Mr. Soroka advised the Commission that the Metro-Dade Fire Department has
requested the City's support of the construction of a new fire station at Ives Dairy Road
and 1-95, as opposed to the placement of an additional fire truck at Station 8. He also
recommended that we request they place a Hazardous Materials unit at that new
location also. Consensus of Commission to proceed with support of new fire station.
discussed request of World Olympians Association to relocate their offices to the City of
Aventura and that the City provide assistance in obtaining corporate sponsorships to
defray their costs.
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to participate only to the extent of
facilitating their meetings with potential corporate sponsors.
6. LIONS OF JERUSALEM (Mayor Periow): Mr. Soroka advised the Commission of the
request for City's participation in a project whereby lion statutes are displayed in various
areas of the City and later auctioned with proceeds going to underprivileged children in
Jerusalem. (Commissioner Beskin left at 1:25 p.m. during this discussion.)
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus that they be invited to make a presentation
at the next Commission Workshop.
The next Workshop Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 10 a.m.
Mayor Perlow suggested consideration of a resolution expressing the City's
recommendation to the Florida Department of Transportation and the Miami-Dade
County Public Works Department for construction of a link between the Lehman
Causeway and West Dixie Highway.
CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed
8. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at
this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned
at 2:00 p.m.
Approved by the Commission on April 1, 2003.
M. Soro(~MC{ City Clerk
Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter
considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may
need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony
and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.