11-21-1996RECREATION AND CULTURAL ARTS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1996 - 9 A.M. AVENTURA GOVERNMENT CENTER 2999 NE 191sT STREET SUITE 500 AVENTURA, FLORIDA Call To Order. The meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor Arthur Berger at 9 a.m. Present were members Ruth Demming, Janet Laine, Irving Kanowitz, William Heiberger, Vice Mayor Berger, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Smith and Community Services Director Robert Sherman. 2. Introduction and Orientation. Vice Mayor Berger welcomed members and provided an initial orientation, explaining the requirements of members, term of office, responsibilities and Government in the Sunshine. Mr. Soroka explained the relationship of City Boards to the City Council, financial disclosure and explained the manner in which the minutes would be recorded. 3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair. It was the consensus of members to defer election of the Chair and Vice Chair until such time as all members are in attendance. 4. Proposed Agenda Format. Robert Sherman explained the format of the agenda and how the meetings would be conducted. This format was accepted by the members. Programming Update. Mr. Sherman advised members of scheduled activities and proposed activities for 1997. It was the general consensus that publicity is the main key and members advised staff that City activities should be publicized and coordinated with the social clubs of each condominium association. Further discussion included the following: direct mail to residents in advance of activities; selling tickets at individual condominiums for events; the Aventura Festival of the Arts; surveying residents for their input as to their interests and facilities they would recommend; renting movie theaters; the Performing Arts series; health series; trips to natural South Florida attractions; and placing ads in condominium newsletters. 6. Meeting Times and Date. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, December 23, 1996 at 10 a.m. It was the consensus of the members that future meetings be scheduled for the 4~h Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. All meetings to be held at Government Center. Them being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Teresa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk Approved on February 25, 1997. 2