APRIL 24, 2000 10 A.M.
2999 NE 191sT STREET SUITE 500
Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Janet Laine at
10:00 a.m. Gall Fishman, Executive Assistant, called the roll.
Members present:
Janet Laine
Patricia Crook
Irving Kanowitz
Barbara Brighton
Lenore Toby-Simmons
Randi Rapp
Members absent: Don Gustin
Others present:
Mayor Arthur I. Snyder
Commissioner Ken Cohen
Robert M. Sherman, Director of Community Services
Approval of Minutes: After motion made by Ms. Laine, seconded by Mr.
Kanowitz and unanimously passed, the minutes of the March 27, 2000 meeting
were approved.
Chairman's Report: A motion was offered by Ms. Crook, seconded by Mr.
Kanowitz and unanimously passed to appoint Ms. Laine to serve as Chairperson
of the Board for a one-year term. A motion was offered by Ms. Laine and
seconded by Ms. Brighton to appoint Ms. Simmons to serve as Vice Chairperson
for a one-year term. A motion was offered by Ms. Toby-Simmons to appoint Mr.
Gustin as Vice Chair. That motion died for a lack of a second. The motion
appointing Ms. Toby-Simmons as Vice Chairperson unanimously passed.
Founders Ball (November 5~ 2000): A motion was offered by Mr. Kanowitz,
seconded by Ms. Crook and unanimously passed to recommend to the
Commission that the ticket price be increased from $50 to $75. Mr. Sherman will
inquire as to a different meal selection. The Board suggested additional hors
d'oeuvres and smaller meal portions and the same band as last year. Mr.
Sherman will also inquire into the cost for video pictures and individual guest
photos, to be paid by each guest.
Founders Day (November 12, 2000): Board suggestions included craft booths
on the south side of the park, Dixieland band, jazz for kids, swing band, time
capsule, newspaper supplement in the Aventura News. Mr. Sherman to obtain
tapes and videos of area bands for the Board to view in the near future. Some
activities from "Spring Fling" will be added. Theme for the art expo to be
decided at the May meeting.
Trips and Tours: Mr. Sherman presented the Board with the proposed trips
and tours for August through January. The Board approved all trips, except for
"A Day in Key West". Ms. Laine suggested a future performance by the Miami
City Ballet.
VII. July 4th: Mr. Sherman reviewed scheduled events.
VIII. Cultural Center: Consultant to present a report to the City Commission at the
May Workshop.
Arbor Day: Mr. Sherman explained the program to the Board, which will be held
on Friday, April 28, 2000 at 10 a.m.
The next meeting date was announced as May 22, 2000 at 10 a.m. Consensus not to
schedule meetings during July and August.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
TeY'e~a M. Sorol~.~, MC, Gity Cierk, CMC
Approved by the Board on May 22, 2000.