10-24-2000 Commission Workshop MINUTES Aventura Government Center COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING 2999 NE 191~' Street #500 OCTOBER 24, 2000 9 AM Aventura, Florida 33180 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arthur Snyder at 9:15 a.m. following the 9 a.m. Special Meeting City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka called the roll. Present were Commissioners Arthur Berger, Ken Cohen, Harry Holzberg, Jeffrey M. Perlow, Patricia Rogers-Libert, Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin, Mayor Snyder, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. There being a quorum present, the meeting commenced: 1. School - Charter School Report:. Mr. Soroka provided a Powerpoint presentation regarding the feasibility of a Charter School in the City and addressed concerns of the Commission. Further discussed was the School Board's proposal to construct a primary learning center (PLC) near 31at Avenue. City Manager's Summary: Commission approved City Manager's recommendations regarding charter school. Consensus of Commission to request deferral on PLC decision from School Board. Proceed with negotiations for purchase of property from Gulfstream as a potential school site and bring back agreement including zoning requirements for the adjacent site. Subsequent thereto, schedule a Town Hall meeting with Commission, School Board and residents to discuss the issue of a school in the City, including the PLC. 5. Teen Council: (Commissioner Berger) Commissioner Berger suggested the formation of a Teen Council, whereby resident teenagers would be a voice to local government. Also present were students from Krop High School and the New World School of the Arts and their teachers to further explain the process. City Manager's Summary: Consensus of Commission to wholeheartedly support such a project for the City. 2. Visioning Session Update: Mr. Soroka provided an update on items stemming from the Visioning Session including status of purchase from Gulfstream, appraisal on Tempest property anticipated next week; hiring of architect for cultural center. City Manager's Summary: No action taken. 3. Charter Review: Mr. Soroka reviewed the appointment of the charter review commission as set forth in the City Charter. After detailed discussion, consensus to appoint Burton Young from the previous Charter Commission, Leonard Brenner as one of the electors and that each Commissioner submit one name to the City Manager to be interviewed at a Workshop Meeting on November 1, 2000 at 4 p.m. Commissioner appointment to be made at that time. City Manager's Summary: Consensus of Commission to appoint Burton Young and Leonard Brenner and discuss Commissioner and 2 elector appointments at a Workshop Meeting on November 1, 2000 at 4 p.m. 4. Real Estate Window Signs: At the request of the Commission, Brenda Kelley, Community Development Director, provided further information on window signage in other municipalities and addressed Commission's concerns. City Manager's Summary: No action taken. 6. 199th Street Crossing: George Berlin, Turnberry & Associates, consultants Lisa Berkson and Fred Schwartz, updated the Commission on meetings with the FEC railway and requested Commission's support of the closure of the 179th Street/Biscayne Blvd. crossing in order to maintain the crossing at 199th Street. City Manager's Summary: Consultants to provide City with further information regarding impact of 179tn Street crossing closure and impact of left-hand turn lane backup at 199th Street. Consensus to discuss at November 14, 2000 meeting. 7. Lehman Causeway Safety Study: Deferred to November Workshop. 8. Formosan Termites: (City Attorney Report): Deferred to November Workshop. 9. Campai.qn Financing: (Vice Mayor Beskin) Vice Mayor Beskin discussed the Statement of Fair Campaign Practices and requested that this be discussed further at a future meeting. Municipal regulation of campaign financing was also briefly discussed by Vice Mayor Beskin with the suggestion that the matter be considered at the November workshop meeting. City Manager's Summary: To be discussed further at a future meeting. 10. Campaign Signs: (Commissioner Cohen) Commissioner Cohen discussed the City's campaign sign regulations. City Manager's Summary: No action taken. 11. HR 5625 Full & Fair Disclosure Act: (Commissioner Rogers-Libert) Deferred to November Workshop meeting. 12. Board Reports: Janet Laine, Chair of Recreation and Cultural Arts Advisory Board, updated the Commission on the Board's recent meetings. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 1:20. The meeting was reconvened at 1:25 p.m. to select the Commissioner appointment to the Charter Review commission. Commissioner Holzberg was appointed to this 2 commission by a 4-3 vote of the Commission with Commissioners Berger, Rogers- Libert and Vice Mayor Beskin voting for Commissioner Berger and Commissioners Cohen, Holzberg, Perlow and Mayor Snyder voting in favor of C~ommi~Sioner Holzberg. / The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m. " , ~ Approved by the Commission on November 14, 2000. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.