08-25-1999 Commission Workshop CITY COMMISSION
Avent a
AUGUST 26, 1999 9 AM
Biscayne Medical Ads Center
21110 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 101
Aventura, Florida
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Mayor Arthur I. Snyder. Present were
Commissioners Arthur Berger, Jay R. Beskin, Ken Cohen, Harry Holzberg, Jeffrey M
Perlow, Vice Mayor Patdcia Rogers-Libert, Mayor Snyder, City Manager Eric M. Soroka,
City Clerk Teresa M Soroka, and City Attorney Steven W. Zelkowitz. As a quorum was
determined to be present, the meeting commenced.
1. Town Center Redevelopment (Commissioner Pedow): Mr. Perlow reported on his
meetings with staff, also attended by the Vice Mayor, regarding possibte
redevelopment of the marina area as a town center. City Manager provided
information and a conceptual drawing of the proposed town center area for
Commission consideration. Representatives of Wallace, Roberts & Todd and Miami
Economy Associates, redevelopment consultants, addressed concerns of the
Commission. City Manager authorized to present conceptual plan to current
property owners for their comments.
2. Proposed Water Feature Feasibility Study: Mr. Soroka presented to Commission
a proposed work authorization for a feasibility study in the amount of $9680 for
construction of a water feature in Founders Park. Consensus of Commission to
proceed with feasibility study.
3. Library Update: Mr. Soroka provided an update on this matter, including actions
taken by Sunny Isles Beach and the Village of Key Biscayne, and his recent meeting
with the County regarding their latest proposal. Consensus to invite County
Commissioner Gwen Margolis to September Workshop meeting to listen to City
Commissions' concerns regarding the library. Staff to prepare two Resolutions for
consideration at that time as follows 1) withdrawing from the County library system;
and 2) directing City Manager to initiate process of withdrawing from the County
library system and explore the feasibility of operating City library.
4. Termite Report: Commission discussed whether or not to adopt legislation
concerning the issue of Formosan termites. Consensus to meet with Condominium
Presidents to inform them of this potential problem and obtain their comments and
input, and add to City's legislative agenda. City Attorney to further review the intent
of the existing statute.
5. Lobbyist Ordinance: Proposed ordinance presented to Commission for discussion
and consideration. Consensus to proceed with enactment.
6. Street Naming Policy: Consensus to accept City Manager's recommendation not
to establish guidelines for renaming streets within the City.
7. Community Programs (Commissioner Berger): Commissioner Berger proposed
the idea of establishing programs with a positive theme within the City, encouraging
youth padicipation. City Manager to review similar programs for further
consideration by Commission. Commissioner Berger then discussed potential Y2K
problems and special needs of certain citizens in the City. City Manager directed to
review this matter further to determine what procedures are in place to address
special needs residents,
8. Advisory Board Reports: In accordance with Commission direction, Janet Laine,
Chair of the Recreation and Cultural Arts Advisory Board, made a presentation to
the Commission providing an update as to the actions of the Recreation and Cultural
Arts Advisory Board. Marian Nesbitt, Vice Chair of the Beautification Advisory Board,
provided an update as to the actions of the Beautification Advisory Board.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, after
motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned at 11 a.m
Teresa M. Soroka; C. MC/A.~E City Clerk
Approved by the Commission on September 7, 1999.
Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a
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