09-08-1998 Commission Workshop MINUTES
SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 - 4:00 p.m.
Aventura Government Center
2999 NE 191a Street Suite 500
Aventura, Florida 33180
The meeting was celled to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Arthur I. Snyder. Present
were Commissioners Arthur Berger, Jay R. Beskin, Harry Holzberg, Jeffrey M.
Perlow, Patricia Rogers-Libert, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Arthur I. Snyder,
City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Smith and City Attorney
Richard Jay Weiss (arrived at 4:20 p.m.). As a quorum was determined to be
present, the meeting commenced.
3. Arapahoe Investment Company Comprehensive Plan Amendment:
(Taken out of order) - Michael Snyder, Esq., representing Arapahoe
Investment Company, addressed the Commission, requesting
Commission's support of an amendment to the Miami Dade County
master plan relative to property in the unincorporated area adjacent to the
City located between NE 202 Street, theoreticel NE 198th Street, NE 26th
Avenue and West Dixie Highway. Amendment would change the land use
from residential to office/commercial use. Consensus not to object.
1. Town Center Concept: Gary Dickens, Ivey, Harris & Walls, the City's
Comprehensive Plan consultant, discussed a town center concept for NE
29th Avenue and surrounding areas, and NE 29th Avenue as a four lane
road or provide for on-street parking. Stanley Price, Esq. and George
Berlin addressed these issues. Consensus to proceed with town center
concept and provide for 29th Avenue as four-lane road.
2. Redevelopment District Policy (Commissioner Beskin):
Commissioner Beskin suggested prioritizing areas in the City where
redevelopment districts may be created. Consensus that staff and City's
Bond counsel make a presentation to Commission relative to all aspects
of the creation of a redevelopment district and that a feasibility study be
conducted for the City. Additionally, consensus that areas in need of
redevelopment include not only the hospital area, but Loehmann's Plaza
also and that hospital representatives be notified accordingly. A decision
on which district or both to be made at later date.
4. Mayor's Committee (Mayor Snyder): Removed from agenda by Mayor
5. Sister Cities Program (Commissioner Berger): Postponed until
September 28, 1998 Workshop Meeting.
6. Other Business: None.
The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Teresa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk
Approved by the Commission on October 6, 1998.