09-28-1998 Commission Workshop MINUTES
SEPTEMBER 28, 1998 - 9:00 A.M.
Aventura Government Center
2999 NE 'i91~t Street Suite 500
Aventura, Florida 33180
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Mayor Arthur I. Snyder. Present
were Commissioners Arthur Berger, Jay R. Beskin, Harry HoIzberg, Jeffrey M.
Perlow, Patricia Rogers-Libert, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Snyder, City
Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Smith and City Attorney David M.
Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced.
1. Sister Cities Proqram (Commissioner Berger): Commissioner Berger
reported on a recent workshop he attended and provided information to
the Commission relative to the Sister Cities International Program. He
suggested that such a program be introduced to the residents via the City
newsletter and that the program should be a project of residents and not
the Commission.
2. State Le.qislative Session (Ron Book): Mr. Book addressed the
Commission relative to the upcoming legislative session and the
Commission's priorities. He suggested that along with the priority issues
established by the Commission (government center funding; street/median
landscaping; purchase of park land; reimbursement of funds for additional
police enforcement at Ives Dairy/Biscayne; library and redevelopment at
the county level), that the Commission provide the City Manager with the
flexibility to work with him on all issues as they become available that
would benefit the City.
3. Community Redevelopment District Proqram: Steven Miller,
representative of the City's Bond Counsel, Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson,
reviewed the report of Staff and explained the community redevelopment
process to the Commission. Consensus of Commission to proceed with
an RFP for a feasibility study relative to the creation of a community
redevelopment district.
4. Quasi-Judicial Ordinance {Vice Mayor Cohen): In response to the
Commission's request, Mr. Soroka reported that staff could find no record
of another city with an ordinance similar to that passed on first reading by
the Commission. Consensus of a majority of the Commission to proceed
with ordinance on second reading and upon passage, an explanation of it
be provided to the public via the City newsletter.
$. Other Business: Other items discussed include: Interamerican Car
Rental (Vice Mayor Cohen); pending legislative issues (Commissioner
Rogers-Libert); discussion of future meeting dates, as follows:
Workshop Meetings: October 19, 1998 and October 29, 1998 at 9 a.m.
Commission Meeting - November 10, 1998 at 6 p.m.
(changed from November 3rd)
The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Teresa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk
Approved by the Commission on October 6, 1998.