06-17-1997BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JUNE 17, 1997 - 9 A.M. AVENTURA GOVERNMENT CENTER 2999 NE 191sT STREET SUITE 500 AVENTURA, FLORIDA I. Call To Order. The meeting was celled to order by Chairman Bob Diamond at 9:00 a.m. and the roll was celled. Members present: Bob Diamond Dr. Henry Diamond Janice Albin Ruby Steiner Patty Robinson Members absent: Richard Brooks Fanny Fraynd Singer Staff: Community Services Director Robert M. Sherman City Clerk Teresa M. Smith Others present: Councilmember Harry Holzberg Councilmember Arthur Berger II. Approval of Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1997 meeting was made by Mr. Steiner, seconded by Dr. Diamond and unanimously passed. III. Chairman's Report. None IV. Staff Report. Mr. Sherman provided members with a sample of the proposed colors for the bus shelters. By consensus, Board members selected the darker green color. Mr. Sherman also reported on the beautificetion of the Aventura Boulevard median. V. Other Business. A. Councilmember Berger showed a video of a beautificetion buffer concealing the railroad tracks in Boce Raton. After discussion, it was the consensus of Board members to place this matter on the next agenda and invite Landscepe Architect William O'Leary to be present. Beautification Recognition Program: Ms. Albin to meet with Mr. Sherman and report back to the Board. Mr. Sherman announced that the next meeting is scheduled for September 16, 1997. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjoumed at 10:05 a.m. Teresa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk Approved on September 16, 1997. 2