05-20-1997BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 20, 1997 - 9 A.M. AVENTURA GOVERNMENT CENTER 2999 NE 191sT STREET SUITE 500 AVENTURA, FLORIDA I. Call To Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bob Diamond at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Sherman called the roll. Members present: Bob Diamond Dr. Henry Diamond Janice AIbin Ruby Steiner Fanny Fraynd Singer (arrived at 9:15) Members absent: Richard Brooks Patty Robinson Staff: City Manager Eric M. Soroka City Clerk Teresa M. Smith Community Services Director Robert M. Sherman Others present: Councilmember Harry Holzberg Mr. Sherman noted that Mr. Brooks has missed the last four consecutive meetings. Mr. Diamond suggested that he be removed from the Board. Mr. Sherman was directed to take the appropriate action in accordance with the Ordinance establishing the Board. II. Approval of Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the April 15, 1997 meeting was made by Dr. Diamond, seconded by Ms. Albin and unanimously passed. The Board then discussed their recommendation to City Council concerning the proposed Flyover which was made at the April 15, 1997 meeting. After extensive discussion, a motion was offered by Mr. Steiner, seconded by Dr. Diamond and unanimously passed to rescind the motion concerning the Board's recommendation to City Council regarding the Flyover. A motion was then made by Mr. Steiner, seconded by Dr. Diamond and unanimously passed to recommend to City Council as follows: In the event the Flyover is constructed, the Beautification Advisory Board requests the landscape design concept developed by O'Leary Design, the City's landscape architect, be incorporated as a part of this project; and that all costs for beautification to be paid by F.D.O.T. for a) design and installation; b) irrigation system; c) all plantings; d) maintenance; and e) lighting. III. Chairman's Report. None IV. Staff Report. Mr. Soroka provided members with a copy of the proposed Capital Improvement Program; reviewed the highlights of the overall program and specifically explained the beautification and park facilities improvements as proposed. V. Other Business. A. Beautification Recognition Program: It was the consensus of the Board to defer this item to the next meeting, scheduled for June 17, 1997. A motion to cancel the meetings scheduled for July and August was offered by Ms. Singer, seconded by Mr. Steiner and unanimously passed. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Teresa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk Approved on May 20, 1997. 2