04-22-1997RECREATION AND CULTURAL ARTS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING APRIL 22, 1997 - 1 P.M. AVENTURA GOVERNMENT CENTER 2999 NE 191sT STREET SUITE 500 AVENTURA, FLORIDA I, Call to Order. The meeting was celled to order by Ms. Demming at 1 p.m. Community Services Director Robert Sherman celled the roll. Members present: Ruth Demming Irving Kanowitz William Heiberger Donna Miller (arrived late) Janet Laine Dr. Joseph Hardy Members Absent: Rhoda Bernstein Staff: Robert M. Sherman, Community Services Director Others Present: Councilmember Arthur Berger A motion to excuse the absence of Rhoda Bernstein was offered by Ms. Laine, seconded by Mr. Heiberger and unanimously passed. II. Approval of Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the March 25, 1997 meeting was offered by Mr. Heiberger, seconded by Mr. Kanowitz and unanimously passed. III. Chaim~an's Report. Ms. Demming expressed her concerns as to the Board's input in the plans for Aventura Founders Park, Mr. Sherman suggested that this be discussed under "Other Business". IV. Staff Report. Mr. Sherman advised the Board of the Arbor Day Ceremony scheduled for April 29t~ at 10 a.m. at Founders Park and the Open House for the Police Department scheduled for May 9, 1997 from 3-6 p.m. He then provided an update of all activities held, and future activities and events scheduled. V. Other Business. The Board discussed possible activities or events in recognition of Mother's Day and Father's Day. It was suggested that the Mayor be requested to issue a Proclamation for each of these days. Discussion ensued as to fireworks for the Fourth of July. A motion was offered by Mr. Kanowitz, seconded by Mr. Heiberger and unanimously passed to cancel the regular meetings of the Board for July and August. It was the consensus of the Board not to meet in May and to schedule the next meeting for June 24, 1997 at 1 p.m. Mr. Sherman presented to the Board the proposed modified Plan C for Aventura Founders Park. VI. Adjournment. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Approved on June 24, 1997. Teresa M. Sr~ith, CMC, City Clerk 2