12-15-1997 Council Workshop CITY OF AVENTURA COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1997 - 9 A.M. Aventura Government Center 2999 NE 191~t Street Suite 500 Aventura, Florida 33180 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Mayor Arthur I. Snyder. Present were Councilmembers Arthur Berger, Ken Cohen, Harry Holzberg, Jeffrey M. Perlow, Patdcia Rogers-Libert, Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin, Mayor Snyder, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Smith and City Attorneys Richard Jay Weiss and David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 1. Library Report. City Manager provided an update, including correspondence from the Director of Libraries, and a list of capital items requested by the Library. After discussion, this matter wes deferred to next Council Workshop meeting in order to obtain a more detailed 5-year plan and further information. 2. Recreation and Cultural Arts Advisory Board Report. City Manager provided an overview of the Council Subcommittee's recommendations, including increasing the composition of the Board, changes in the appointment process, meeting times and Board member duties. Consensus to advertise for membership, specifying criteria for eligibility. 4. Founders Day Subcommittee. (Taken out of order). Consensus that founders not be included on the Subcommittee. Mayor removed Bob Diamond from Subcommittee. Marian Nesbitt, Don Gustin, Ginger Grossman and Dan Eichmann added to original Subcommittee consisting of Councilmembers Berger and Cohen. Councilmembers Berger, Holzberg and Cohen to recommend other appointments. 3. Comprehensive Plan Update. Gary Dickens, Melinda Claybrook, Ed Lindquist and Todd Popriva, representatives of the City's comprehensive planners, Ivey, Harris & Wall, addressed Council, providing an update as to their progress in preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. A proposed Summary Vision Statement presented for Council consideration. After discussion, City Manager to redraft Vision Statement. In addition, a preliminary concept for the development of Thunder Boat Alley area was presented to Council. City Manager to research feasibility of obtaining 14 + acres at eastern end of area for park land. To be discussed further at the January 1998 Workshop Meeting. 5. Annexation (Councilmember Cohen). Councilmember Cohen requested that Council make a statement to the public that no plans are anticipated to modify the present City boundaries. No action taken. 6. North/South Alignment Study. Deferred to January 1998 Workshop Meeting. City Manager to obtain input from affected property owners. 7. Other Business. Council discussed placement of holiday ornaments in the City. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Terosa M. Smith, CMC, City Clerk Approved by Council on January 6, 1998.