MARCH 14, 2002 3 P.M.
Aventura Government Center
19200 West Count~/Club Ddve
Aventura, Florida 33180
Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Diamond
and City Clerk Teresa M. Soreka called the roll.
Members present:
Deborah Carr
Ted Cohen
Robert Diamond
Patricia Frank
Manuel Grife
Ginger Grossman
Shirlee Levin
Larry Orenstein
Michael Stern
Madeline Zern
Members absent:
Julie Israel
Marian Nesbitt
Phil Sturtz
Others present:
City Manager Eric M. Soroka
City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka
Community Services Director Robert M. Sherman
A motion to excuse the absences of Mr. Sturtz, Ms. Israel and Ms. Nesbitt was offered
by Ms. Levin, seconded by Mr. Grife and unanimously passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the February 14, 2002 minutes was
offered by Mr. Cohen, seconded by Mr. Frank and unanimously passed.
III. Chairperson's Report: None.
Staff Report: Mr. Sherman distributed a list of entries submitted for the
Beautification Recognition Awards. The bus tour of properties was scheduled
for March 25, 2002 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Government Center. Mr. Grife
noted that he would be out of town and not able to attend. Mr. Diamond
requested that Mr. Sherman provide members with criteria for selection. A
motion was offered by Ms. Carr and seconded by Mr. Cohen that members not
participate in discussions concerning properties where they reside. The motion
passed 9-1, with Ms. Grossman voting no. It was noted that members would not
abstain from voting on properties where they reside.
V. Recreation Center ProRrammin,q Goals: Staff provided program suggestions
as submitted by members and recommended by Staff. After detailed discussion,
the following programs were listed as high priority:
Lifelonq Education: Computer training, internet caf~ hours, language classes,
lecture series, senior programs
Performin.q Arts: Art Appreciation, dance classes
Fine Arts/Crafts: Painting, pottery, sculpture, ceramics, crafts, drawing
Club/Classes/Activities: Age appropriate social skills, babysitting certification,
book club/readings, summer recreation programs, First aid/CPR (separate
category - one-time classes)
Community Enrichment: Cultural diversity programs, hurricane response
training, red cress programs, support groups, volunteer service center
Athletics/Wellness Pro.qrams: Ballet, basketball, exercise, fitness training, floor
hockey, gymnastics, martial arts, volleyball, yoga
Staff to revise programs suggestions as recommended by the Board for further
discussion at April meeting.
The next meeting was scheduled for April 11,2002 at 3 p.m.
VI. Adiournment. There being no further bjpsiness to come before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned.
Te~a'M. Soroka,(k~M(~, City4~lerk
Approved by the Board on April 11, 2002.