04-02-2002~~'a MINUTES Aventura Government Center CITY COMMISSION MEETING 19200 w. country Club Drive ....~I~ APRIL 2, 2002 6 PM Aventura, Florida 33180 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were Commissioners Jay R. Beskin, Ken Cohen, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Vice Mayor Patricia Rogers-Libert, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. Commissioner Arthur Berger was absent due to illness. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. ZONING HEARINGS: Ex-parte communications by Commissioners, if any, were disclosed and filed with the City Clerk in accordance with City Code Section 34. All witnesses giving testimony in these hearings were sworn in by the City Clerk. Mayor Perlow declared his conflict of interest in that he has provided legal services to the applicant and left the meeting at this time. Mr. Wolpin read the following resolution by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL TO PERMIT OFFICE AND BANK USES IN THE TCl (TOWN CENTER) ZONING DISTRICT; GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31-171(a)(7) OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ALLOW A PARKING PAVEMENT SETBACK OF 2' ON THE NORTH PROPERTY LIMIT AND 9' ON THE WEST PROPERTY LIMIT WHERE A 10' PARKING PAVEMENT SETBACK IS REQUIRED BY CODE; GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31-221(i)(2) OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ALLOW A 2' LANDSCAPED BUFFER ON THE NORTH LIMIT, A 4.3' LANDSCAPED BUFFER ON THE WEST LIMIT AND A 0' LANDSCAPED BUFFER ON THE SOUTH LIMIT WHERE A 7' LANDSCAPED BUFFER IS REQUIRED BY CODE; DENYING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31-171(a)(6)(a) OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ALLOW PARKING SPACES MEASURING 8.44' WIDE WHERE A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 9' IS REQUIRED BY CODE; DENYING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31-145(b)(5)(h) OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ALLOW OPEN SPACE OF APPROXIMATELY 25% WHERE 35% IS REQUIRED BY CODE, WITH ONE-HALF OF THAT, OR 17.5% TO BE UNENCUMBERED WITH ANY STRUCTURE AND LANDSCAPED WITH GRASS AND VEGETATION, WHERE APPROXIMATELY 12% IS PROVIDED; AND DENYING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31-221(i)(7) OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ALLOW A DUMPSTER SITE WITH NO PERIMETER LANDSCAPING ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES, WHERE SCREENING WITH WALLS OR FENCES AND LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED BY CODE, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 18901 NE 29 AVENUE, CITY OF AVENTURA; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Brenda Kelley, Community Development Director, explained the request of the applicant and entered the staff report into the record. Vice Mayor Rogers-Libert opened the public hearing. The following individuals addressed the Commission: Stanley Price, Esq., 2500 First Uniot~ Financial Center, representing Gampel Aventura Properties, Inc. and Northern Trust Bank; Margo Absher and Harry Gampel, Gampel Aventura Properties, Inc., applicant; Ray Leightman, Northern Trust Bank; and Eric Albin, Waterways. There being no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Cohen, and seconded by Commissioner Beskin. A motion to delete Section 6 was offered by Commissioner Cohen, seconded by Commissioner Holzberg and unanimously passed. A motion to defer action on Section 4 to the May 7, 2002 Commission meeting was offered by Commissioner Cohen, seconded by Commissioner Holzberg and unanimously passed. A motion to amend Section 5 to provide for approval was offered by Commissioner Beskin, seconded by Commissioner Holzberg and unanimously passed. The motion for approval, as amended, passed 5-0 with Mayor Pedow absent from the room, and Resolution No, 2002-17 was adopted. Mayor Pedow returned to the meeting at this time. 4. ELECTION OF VICE MAYOR: A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers- Libert, seconded by Commissioner Cohen and unanimously passed to appoint Commissioner Berger as Vice Mayor for the next six-month period. 5. AGENDA: REQUEST FOR DELETIONS/EMERGENCYADDITIONS: None. 6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was offered by Commissioner Rogers-Libert, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, unanimously passed (6-0) and the following action was taken: A. Minutes were approved as follows: March 5, 2002 Commission Meeting March 21, 2002 Workshop Meeting Resolution No. 2002-18 was adopted as follows: 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED WORK AUTHORIZATION #01-0103-016 FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES WITH CRAVEN THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PERFORM A MUNICIPAL PUBLIC TRANSIT STUDY IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,000; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. C. Resolution No. 2002-19 was adopted as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN OWNER (CITY OF AVENTURA) AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (JAMES A. CUMMINGS, INC.) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER PROJECT/NE 188TM STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE III; ESTABLISHING THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE FOR PHASE III; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING/PUBLIC INPUT: A. Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FOR FOUNDERS PARK LOCATED AT 3105 AND 3200 NE 190 STREET FROM TOWN CENTER TO PARKS AND RECREATION; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Kelley addressed the Commission. A motion for approval, including the incorporation by reference into this hearing of all amendments and testimony, written and verbal, relative to this item given at the preceding Local Planning Agency meeting, was offered by Commissioner Rogers- Libert, and seconded by Commissioner Holzberg. The following individual addressed the Commission: Bernie Weinstein, Terraces at Turnberry. 3 8. PUBLIC A. There being no further public input, the motion for approval passed unanimously (5-0 with Commissioner Cohen absent from the reom for the vote) by roll call vote. Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 31-21 OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO AMEND DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 31- 145 OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO AMEND REGULATIONS REGARDING MINIMUM FLOOR AREAS IN THE TCl ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. After motion made by Commissioner Rogers-Libert, seconded by Commissioner Beskin and unanimously passed (5-0 with Commissioner Cohen absent from the reom), this item was deferred to the April 30, 2002 Workshop Meeting for further discussion and consideration at May 7, 2002 Regular Commission Meeting. Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FOR THE CITY'S COMMUNITY RECREATION FACILITY SITE LOCATED AT 3375 NE 188 STREET FROM BUSINESS AND OFFICE TO PARKS AND RECREATION; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Kelley addressed the Commission. A motion for approval, including the incorporation by reference into this hearing of all amendments and testimony, written and verbal, relative to this item given at the preceding Local Planning Agency meeting, was offered by Commissioner Rogers- Libert and seconded by Commissioner Grossman. There being no public input, the motion for approval passed unanimously (6-0) by roll call vote. HEARING: ORDINANCES - SECOND READING: Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: 4 Bo AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR RESOLVING PROTESTS CONCERNING BIDS (BIDS), REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP'S), REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ'S), REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST (RFLI'S), AND PURCHASE ORDERS BASED ON WRITTEN OR ORAL QUOTATIONS, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION"; BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV ENTITLED "FINANCE" DIVISION 3 ENTITLED "PURCHASING"; BY CREATING SECTION 2-259 ENTITLED "AUTHORITY TO RESOLVE PROTESTED BIDS AND PROPOSED AWARDS"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Beskin and seconded by Commissioner Cohen. Mayor Perlow opened the public hearing. There being no speakers, the public hearing was closed. The motion for approval passed unanimously by roll call vote (4-0 with Commissioners Grossman and Rogers-Libert absent from the reom) and Ordinance No. 2002-11 was enacted. Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE CITY TO OPT OUT OF AND EXEMPT ITSELF FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 2-11.1(T) OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING CONE OF SILENCE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO PURCHASING TRANSACTIONS; AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY ADOPTING SECTION 2-260 "CONE OF SILENCE" OF CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION," PROVIDING CITY'S CONE OF SILENCE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE CITY DURING PURCHASING TRANSACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Rogers-Libert and seconded by Commissioner Cohen. Mayor Pedow opened the public hearing. The following individual addressed the Commission: Mr, Albin. There being no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. The motion for approval passed unanimously by roll call vote (6-0) and Ordinance No. 2002-12 was enacted. 10.RESOLUTIONS: Mr. Wolpin read the following resolution by title: 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE AVENTURA CULTURAL CENTER FOUNDATION, INC.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval was offered seconded by Commissioner Beskin, Resolution No, 2002-20 was adopted. by Commissioner Rogers-Libert, unanimously passed (6-0) and 11. OTHER BUSINESS: None. 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The following individuals addressed the Commission: Mr. Albin and Patricia Frank, Commodore Plaza. 13. REPORTS: As presented. 14. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, after motion made, seconded and u~imously ps adjourned at 8 p.m. meeting VIC, ~ty Clerk Approved by the Commission on May 7, 2002. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 6 FORM BB. MEMORANDUM OF VOTIN .CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER. LOCAL PUBLIC. OFFICERS WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form ia far usz by ~my person s~rving nt the c~uncy, city, or ~her l~l level of goverrrment ~m an nppointed or elated bonrd, cou~l. ~ommissi~. auth~ity. ~ eommitt4~. It &pplias ~quaily to members of adv~ry s~d non-advieory t~!es who ~e prezen~d with a voting conflict of interest under ~ 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your re~pondbfli~ias under the law when far~d with rating on a me~ in ~i~ y~ ~ n ~flict of in~r~ ~1l va~ ~y ~n~ on wheth~ you hold ~ el~ m ap~in~ve ~on. For ~is r~, plea~ ~y ~ at~n~ m ~e i~hona on t~s f~ ~ e~ple~ t~ ~ve~ ~ ~d fili~ ~ fo~. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person ho~ding eSect~ve or appoin~ve oounty, municipal, o~ other ]oc~ publle office MUST ABSTAIN from voting o~ a m~ure which inures to his or her special privam gain or Io~. Each elected ar appointecl local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting e~ a measure which inures to tho special gain or 10aa of a principal (other than a government agent) by whom he or she is retained (ineludlng the parent eeganintio~ ar sub. diary ara eml~rste principal by which he or she is retainacl); to the sp~ial private gain or lace of a roi&tire; or r,o the 0pe~dal plivam gain or ~m of t bu~nasa a~eociato. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies umier ~ 163 -~$6 or 1~3.31~7, Fol.. and officerw of indeper~tent spa, lei tax districts eleetmi oe~ a or. acre, one-vote basis nr~ not pre- hg, lmd from vofir, g i~ that mp~-ity. Far pm~a~, of this law. a 'mln~v~' inelud~ mdy th~ officer's f~ther, mother, son. d~u~n~', hushemi, wif,. brother, sieur, father- in-law, moth~-in-I~v. ~-in-~w. and da~h~r4n4aw. &'oosir~ ~a~i~t~" m~sns ~y p~reon or ~n~ty eng~.~d i~ or ~Al~yi~g a~ a b~ls~r~,s ~t~Frl,~ with th~ offi~r ~ & pm~er, joint v~n~uror. ~mv~r of im~x~rty, or COrl~'~to sh~rchalder (wher~ the sharzs of In ~lditio~ to ~d~ining from voting in tl~ aituM~ons d~m~rib~d above, you must aisc lose the COnflict: PRIOR TO THR VOTE BRING TAKEN by publicly st~i~g t~ tl~ assembly tho ~lature ar your interest in tl~ measure on WITHD~ 15 DA~S AFTER ~ VOTR OCCUP.~ by ee.-.~ple~ and filing this fo~m with the perean responsible for recording ti~ mlnutos of the m~,ting, who d~mld im~l~ret~ th. form in the minute. You mu~t abstain from voting and di~l~e the ~0nfliet in the gtuations daaerib~l above and in the m~nrmr a-scribed for olde'cad o~- cert. In order to perticip~to in the~ matters, you mu~ dledo~ th~ nature of tile conflict before malting any ntmmpt to influenCe tho dedsim, la, ether orally or in writing tnd whether made by you or &t your direction. 1F YOU IHt'END TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE ~ DRCISION PRIOR TO TI-IR MRETING AT WHICIt THE VOTE WILL B~- TAKEN: · You must complete and file this form (b4fore ma~ing any uttampt ta influence the de~ision) with the person rSSl~nsible for m~rding ti~ minums arthe m~et~n~, who will incorporate the fm~n iD the minut~s_ · A copy ar the form must be provided tmm~llat~ly to th$ o~her members of the agency. · The form must he read publicly at the next meeting ai~r the farm is filed. CE FORM ~ - REV. 1;95 PAGE I DISCt. OSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER*S IN'[EREST measure came or will a~ne I~f~ my agency which (check one) inured co my sl~dnl p~iv~te pin or 1o~; inured to the speci&l ~n or I~s M'my business se~ocia~, inured to the ap~ia] gain or I~s ~my ~la~ve, in~d ~ ~] ~n ~ is ~ ~t ~ ~ n~ of a pdn~pa] which hu re~n~ me. ~ me~u~ ~f~e my ~ea~ ~d ~ nat~ of my ~nflic~ng in~ro~ in ~e m~u~ is ~ follows: , W~lCh NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §III.SI?, A FAILLrRE TO MAKE ANY RF~ DISCLO- SURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1MI~RAcHMI~IT. P. EMOVAL OR SUSI'RNSION FROM OFFICE. OR ~LO~. DEMOTION. REDUCTION SALARY, II.EPRIMAIqD. OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCR. RD $10,000. CE FORM 8~- P4'**V. 1J95 PAGe