05-21-2001RECREATION AND CULTURAL ARTS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 21, 2001 10 A.M. Aventura Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Janet Laine at 10:00 a.m. Community Services Director Robert M, Sherman called the roll. Members present: Janet Laine Barbara Brighton Irving Kanowitz Patricia Crook Randi Rapp (arrived at 10:10 a.m.) Members absent: Don Gustin Lenore Toby-Simmons Others present: Robert M. Sherman, Director of Community Services II. Approval of Minutes: After motion made by Mr. Kanowitz, seconded by Ms. Brighton and unanimously passed, the minutes of the April 23, 2001 meeting were approved. III. Chairman's Report: Ms. Laine advised members that the City Commission was discussing a change in the composition of the current advisory boards, She thanked members and staff for their support and hard work during the last 5 years. A motion to cancel meetings during the months of June, July and August 2001 was offered by Ms. Crook, seconded by Mr. Kanowitz and unanimously passed. IV. Staff Report: Mr. Sherman thanked Ms. Laine and all board members (past and present) for their invaluable input and participation since 1996 that has led to successful programs, activities and events for the City of Aventura residents. IV. Other Business: None. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Teresa M. Soroka, CMO, City Clerk, CMC Approved by the Board on 1. Call to Order: Chairman Janet Laine called The meeting to order at 10 Am. CSD Robert M. Sherman called the roll. 2. Members present: Janet Laine Barbara Brighton Irving Kanowitz Patricia Crook Randi Rapp (10:10 AM) Members absent: Others Present: Lenore Toby-Simmons Don Gustin Robert M. Sherman, DCS II. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Irving Kanowitz, seconded by Barbara Brighton approved minutes of April 23. III. Chairman's Report: Ms. Laine reported that all of the Advisory Board composition was under consideration to be changed by the City Commission, combining the Beautification Advisory Board and the Recreation and Cultural Arts Advisory Board. Ms. Laine announced that she does not intend to seek the chairmanship of this or any other advisory board, and thanked the Board Members and staff for their support and hard work over the past five years. In light of these proposed changes, Patricia Crook moved that the Board not meet during the months of June, July and August of 2001. Seconded by Irving Kanowitz. Passed unanimously. IV. Staff Report: Mr. Sherman thanked Ms. Laine and all of the board members(past and present) for all of their valuable input and ideas since 1996 that have led to successful programs, activities, and events for the residents of Aventura. V. Other Business: None There being no further business to come before the obard the meeting adjourned at 10 20 AM.