09-13-2001 MINUTES COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 9 AM Aventura Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were Commissioners Arthur Berger, Jay R. Beskin, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Patricia Rogers-Libert, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD APPLICANTS: Commission discussed 13 applications received. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to select Davide Carbone, Ray Leightman and Bruce Perry, and interview Alfred Golden, Ron Rodriguez, Arthur Barr, Leonard Brenner, Paula Berliner, David Arnovitz, Leo Zern and Robert Lieberman. City Manager to notify those appointed as of this date and explain in detail requirements for service, including financial disclosure. = COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD APPLICANTS: Commission discussed 16 applications submitted. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to select Phillip Sturtz, Manuel Grife, Stephanie Trump, and interview Deborah Carr, Melissa Garey, Morton Deutsch, Seymour London, Larry Orenstein, Madeiine Zern, Joni Braunstein, Ted Cohen, and Miles Kuttler. City Manager to notify those appointed as of this date and explain in detail requirements for service, including financial disclosure. 4. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES - 2002: City's Lobbyist, Ron Book, provided update of legislative progress last year and status to date and discussed proposed priorities for 2002. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus that proposed 2002 legislative program, as presented, be placed on 0c{0ber 2n~ agenda for approval. Commission to discuss in the future a program to assist the elderly. 3. AVENTURA CULTURAL CENTER FOUNDATION: Revised Articles of Incorporation distributed to Commission for review, with sample similar documents. CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to defer to October Workshop meeting. 5. TRAVEL EXPENSES (Vice Mayor Cohen): Vice Mayor Cohen discussed amendment to travel expenses policy to provide that Commission members who are serving on local, state and national league committees be provided travel, hotel and related expenses to fulfill service on such committees. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to amend resolution to raise travel expenditure to $4,000 beginning fiscal year 2001 and provide additional travel-related expenses for Commissioners to fulfill their service, if any, on local, state, and national league committees or other municipal-related committees, as approved by Commission. Consensus that Commissioners now appointed to committees are approved and approval to be ratified at October Commission meeting. 7. DELEGATE TO NLC (Mayor Perlow): Discussion ensued as to appointment of delegates to league conferences. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Policy established by Mayor as follows: Mayor to be designee if he is attending, in his absence, Vice Mayor to be delegate, or if neither attending, Mayor to appoint delegate. As to this year's NLC Conference, Commissioner Rogers-Libert delegate, alternates Commissioners Holzberg and Cohen. CAMPAIGN FINANCING REFORM (Vice Mayor Cohen): Vice Mayor Cohen requested City Attorney's opinion as to City's position on campaign financing reform. City Attorney's opinion that campaign financing is pre-empted and addressed by state statute and advised against City establishing its own legislation. Commission discussed adding campaign donations to current disclosure ordinance. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: City Attorney to draft resolution to submit to state urging campaign finance reform. Commissioners serving on league Committees to discuss the issue with those committees. Issue to be considered as a legislative priority for 2003. City Attorney to research process whereby Tucson, Arizona was able to enact campaign financing limitations. CITY CHORUS (Commissioner Ber,qer): Commissioner Berger updated Commission on his recent meetings regarding City orchestra (report to be deferred to a later workshop) and chorus. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus that City Manager research other cities who have such a program and report back to Commission. City Manager updated Commission on progress of charter school process. City Manager discussed City's plans for security during high holy days. City Attorney to amend termite ordinance to address at future meeting. City Manager announced next Workshop Meeting for October 18, 2001. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before ~he Commission at this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, t~3~ m~/~ing adjourned at 2:00 Approved by the Commission on October 2, ~lla M. Sor~__.~CMC] City Clerk Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 2