10-29-1999 CC Workshop MeetingA nt:C d ufa 2999NE191~gtroetSuRe500 Ave~ura. FL33180 City Commission Workshop Meeting October 29,1999 9:00 A.M. Executive Conference Room AGENDA 1. Library Committee Update 2, Town Center Meeting Update 3. Aventura Blvd Entrance Feature 4. Waterways Park Improvements s. Telecommunications Ordinance 6. Cultural Arts Center Feasibility Study Update ? Hospital District Property 8. Defibrillators (Commissioner Cohen) 9. Dade League Representative (Commissioner Cohen) 10. Board Reports Next Meeting November 23, 1999 · Legislative Session Priorities This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-8901, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. CITY OF AVENTURA CITY COMMISSION SUB COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1999 3:30 P.M. Aventura Government Center 2999 NE 191s~ Street Suite 500 Aventura, Florida 33180 At the request of Mayor Arthur I. Snyder, a meeting was held with Commissioners Jay R. Beskin (chair), Jeffrey M. Perlow, Vice Mayor Arthur Berger and the City Manager to discuss issues relating to the Library. The meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m. by Commissioner Beskin. Those present at the meeting were Commissioners Beskin, Perlow, Vice Mayor Berger and City Manager Eric M. Soroka. Also in attendance were City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, Commissioners Harry Holzberg and Patricia Rogers-Libert. Possible alternatives and considerations were outlined and discussed. It was the consensus of the Committee that the first pdority would be to determine what the City wants in a Library. The Committee requested that the City Manager obtain demographics concerning the users of the North Dade Regional Library from Miami-Dade County. Board members recommended that the Committee hold 2- 3 Town Hall Meetings to obtain public input, with Library Consultant as facilitator. It was suggested that the meetings be scheduled as follows: Waterways Coronado Point East mid-November December/January mid-November Information obtained from public headngs and the Commission to be provided to Consultant for preparation of cost analysis. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. THE CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Eric M' Sor°ka' Ci ~ ~h~c~ "C~y Manager~ Jules Bevis, Assist'ant to~'~ October 19, 1999 Northeast Dade Library Statistics At the request of the City Commission Subcommittee on the Library, I requested the subject statistics from Raymond Santiago, Director of the Miami-Dade County Library System. Mr. Santiago informed me that statistics on who uses a particular branch are not available. According to Mr. Santiago, each book (or other library material) is assigned a bar code, and each library card has a bar code. When a user checks out a book, these bar codes are linked to one another. However, when the book is returned, the link is deleted from the system. This makes it impossible to gather statistics over a period of time for any one library branch. You would only be able to take a "snapshot" of who had books checked out today. Furthermore, addresses associated with each library card could not be given to us because library circulation records are confidential and protected by Florida State Statute. Mr. Santiago informed me that the best they could do would be to pull up how many residents within a particular zip code have library cards, and then look at the last activity on those cards. For instance, in the 33180 zip code area there are approximately 10,000 library cardholders and 5,000 of those cardholders have checked out a book within the last two years. This data does not indicate which branch they used, and it also does not reflect patrons who might have visited the branch and simply used the internet, read a magazine or researched an issue without checking out any materials. Mr. Santiago suggested we conduct an informal survey at the Northeast branch to find out who uses it. Please let me know if you need any additional information. CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City C°mmissi°n ~. L.' Eric M Soroka, City~a~.~r October 25, 1999 ~ Town Center Redevelopment Update The Property Manager for Loehmann's Fashion Island has met with the owners regarding the City's Town Center Redevelopment Concept. They are interested in the overall concept, but they are not ready to make any formal commitments at this time. They would be interested in the City proceeding with the feasibility study. However, they are not inclined to assist in funding the study. ~=~P-JVED Realty Group, [nc. October 26, 1999 Brenda Kelley, Dir. of Community Development Dept. The City of Aventura 2999 NE 191~t Street Aventura, FL 33180 Via Fax: {30,5) 466-8949 TOWN CENTER CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT LOEHMANN'8 FASHION 18LAND, AVENTURA, FL Dear Brenda: I have shared your proposed Town Center Conceptual Development plans with SEC Commercial Realty Group, thc management of Loehmann's Fashion Island and Prudential Insurance Company of America, the owners. Everyone agrees that the concept is intriguing and would benefit the community. As a main component for Town Center, we encourage the City of Aventura to proceed at its own costs with the marketing study and additional master plans. Once completed, we will be able to better asses the viability of the project. The owners have a fiduciary responsibility to maintain an annual ten percent return on its investment for its portfolio investors. Any public- private redevelopment of Loehmann's Fashion Island must keep this in mind. Best regards, S~EALTY_ F1/ank J. Colatosti, CSM General Manager FOC / mz /3 AVFNTURA: 2855 N.[. 187 S~[REEI * AVENTURA. ~:L 33180 · TELEPHONE (305) 932-0520 · FAX (305) 932-2753 ~'1 BOCA RATON: 7050 W. PALMETTO PARK RD,, #51 * ~OCA RATON, FL 33433 · TELEPHONE (560 347-0888 · FAX (561) 347-1669 C] CORAL GABLES: 1541 SUNSET DR., SUITE 300. CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 · TELEPHONE (305) 666-2140 ,, FAX (305) 667-1586 D SARASOTA: 240 Nr W,A. SH! .N.,G. TON BLVD., SUITE 320 t SARA.SOTA, FL 34236. · TELEPHONE (94.1) 955-2022,. FAX (941) 955:3505 Licensed Real Estate Broker 510 9417 LEIBOIITZ ~SS~CI~TEi ~/o~,;u~ lb:4i F.~!ul~u/ LEIBOWITZ &ASSOCIATES, P.A. JOSEPH A. BELISLE ILA L. FELD ALLISON K. HIFT MATTHEWL. LEI~OWITZ SUITE 1450 SUNTRUSTINTERNATIt0NAL CENTER ONE SOUTHEASTTHIR0 AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131-1715 TELEPHONE (305) 530-1322 TELECOPIER (305) 530-9417 E-MAIL: broadlaw~aol.com FA(~SIMILETRANSMITTAL DATE: _October S_ 1999 TO: Erie Soroka COMPANY NAME: City0fAvenl;ura TELECOPIER NO:_ (305~ 466-8919 FROM: ~raulio L. RE: MESSAGE: CL[ENTNO:~400 THIS TRANSMISSION CONSISTS OF._.~..~ PAGES, INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL PAGE. IF ALL THE PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL -~Mar ~1, AT (305) 530-1322. A HARD COPY WILL FOLLOW BY: Overnight Delivery AHard CopyWlll Not Follow U.S. Mail CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE TIlE INI~ORMATION IN Tills FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION I$ INTENDED ONLY FOR TIlE FER$ONAL AND CONFIDENT[AL USE OFTREDESIGNATEDRECI~IENTS NAMED ABOV£. TH[SMES~AGg MAY BE AN ATTORNEY.CLIENT COMMUNICATION ANDAS SUCH IS PRIVILEGED. IF T~E READER OF T~IS RECEIVgO IH[~ DOCUMENt IN ERROR, AND ANY REVIEW. DISSEMINATION, ~gI~IIUIION OR COPYINGO~HISM~$$AG~IS$TRICILY~RORI~iTEO. IFYOUHAVERECEIVEDTHtSDOCUMENT INERROR, PLEAS~NOTIFYTHISOFF~CE IMMEDI~TELYVIATELEPHO~E, AND RETURN THE ORIG~NALMESSAGE TO TREABOVEADDRESS 9YMAIL- ~HANKvt~rr .. II LEI~OWlTZ & ASSOC~&~S, October 8, 1999 Faic Soroka City Mana~uer City of Aventura t999 NE tgi" Sa'ret Suite 500 Aveneara, FL 33180 RE: /5xgposed Tclecommunical/ons Ord~aaace Dear Mr. Soro 'ka: At the Commission Workshop on September 99, 1999, the Law Firm was directed ta produce a comparison of provisions conhahaed wflhin the exis&~g BellSouth limtcl~e ,'md relevant sec~ons of the proposed telecommunications ordimm~e trader consideration by tile City ol"Aveatura. Enclosed please find that comparisot~ for your recvicw. As yt:m c~au see, we ]lave pointed out certain sections of thc BellSouth fianchise whcxe the City's interests may not be ,adequately' protectcd, and co~ttrasted them with corresponding portions of the proposed ordinance. In addition, we have -also listed ccrlam sec6ons of thc proposed ordixiance which are not addressed by tltc existing BdlSouth fianct~e. As was discussed at the workshop, in the absertcc of the City's adop6on of a more comprehensive telecomraunicalions ord/nancc, the existing Belk$outh franchise will establish thc bcncbax~ark against which other fi.'anchises with telecommunications prov/ders will be negotiated. The proposed telecommunkatiom o~xlinance seeks to se~te flu'cc ftmdmnental purposes: (1) esbablis]l thc level of playing field for access m the Cit3% rlgt~-ol:way by compel/live telecomntunk.alions service providers; (~) establish mason,able regulations for access to thc City's rights-of-way; and (3) fix the nondiscriminatory compensation to be p~d by telecommmfica6ons sea-icc providers [o t}~e (2ity for access to thc righ~of~ways. 530 9~i7 L~IBO~iTZ Leacr to F~c Soroka October 8, 1999 P~ge ~2 CC: M~Lhew L Leibowi~, Eaq. Ila L Fe]d, Esq. Enclosure LHIBOWtTZ Comparison of City of Aventura Ordinance 97-02 (BellSouth F~-mchlse) and the Proposed Telecommunications Ordinance Issue ! F, xisting BellSouth Franchise Proposed Tel~om~tmications Ordinance I. Nelth~ the existing BellSouth Section 2 of the proposed ordinance Recurring franchiae, nor cun~t appEcable conlai~ a de~rfifion of recurring local I Local taw, defines the term "r¢CUmng sendcc which seel~ to lend certainty to Service local service." As competition the revenue base used to calculate Revenues spurs the development of new, and franchise fees, and also address future often mlanticipated, services, a advances in services. lack of definition, combined with lack of adequate information (see Issue 2 below), creates uncertainty as to the adequacy of h~mchise fee payments, with no means of 'addressing that uncertainty. 2. Section 4 of the BellSouth Section 6 of the proposed ordinance' Review of Frauchisc reserves the City's fight reserves tim City's rights to inspect on an Records and 'to review the Company's billing annual basis all books and records which Audit and paymet~t records, upon wMeh relate to the calculation of the franchise tee Rights. theJ~ttyments were beset..." The payments, or any other payments to the language implies that ifapayment City, or to proper performance of any was not based on a cemfin record, terms of the franchise. In addition, the BellSouth wouldnot bo obligated to or~li~nnee also establishes that in the event xovidc that information for review, the City audits the Company's books and Therefore, the language in the determines that there is an underpayment existing Franchise limits of franchise fees to the City in excess of BcllSouth's obhgation to provide two (2%) percent, th~ Company shall pay records for iuspection by theCiryto all reasonable costs and expenses of the ontythose which, in the Company's audit. discretion, were used to a calculate the payments due to the City. 3. Section S of the existing BellSouth Section 11 of the proposed ordinance Transfers. fi-atlchise stales that if the rights of reserves the City's authority to consider +,he fzanehise are transferred or the transfer ofrlghts under the l~,,tnchise in assigned by BellSouth to any third the context of addressing any outstanding party, such third puny shall he noncompliance by the existing f~axchisee, obligated to comply with all of the and securing the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the franchise's terms and eoaclitions by the! tinmchise. The provision does not proposed transferee. address any unmet obligations by tl~ transferor (BellSouth) and any methods to address such existing issues o f noncompliance. ,~. Section 6 of the BellSouth Section 16 o~' the proposed ordinance Revocation franchise establishes that the establishes procsdur~s which thc City md Company's noncompliance "in any must tinder'take ha order to revoke the Forfeiture. substantial respect~ with material franchise for material violation of its ~rovisions of the franchise shall be terms, and/or Federal, state or local law. grounds for forfeiture. Only a This Section establishes specific notice Court can d~termiae that the and hearing requirements ia order to effect Corapany has failed to comply with the rgvooarion, la addition, the s~tion~ a provision of thc franchise. It is addresses any roliefftom appropriate state unclear as to the process or agencies which amy be necessary ia order , procedure which thc City must to overcome a telecommunicafons follow, if any, to effect the company's legal rightto access to a City's revocation and subsequent rights-of-way punnmnt to Federal law. forfeiture of the Company's rights under the franchise. ~10~ ~tO !~]'i LBI~O~ITZ AE~OCIAT~ IO/OL!! 15:~ P.008/007 - Section 9 of the existi.ug BellSouthSection 8 of the proposed ordiuauce in Coustructinu fi'anchise sets forth the obligations part, obligates the fi'anchis~e to comply and of the franchisee to replace and with and abide by all applic'ableprovisious Maintenance restore the rights-of-way incident to of state ~nd local law, including applicable its cons~-uctioa of facihties w~thinzooming regulations and permir~ng the rights-of-way. The last sentenceprocedures. This section father obligates states that the City 'shall promptlythe franchisee to obtain any and 'all ' i provide all permits, licenses and required permits and pay any and all ~ other authorizations necessary forrequired fees before eom~aeacing any the purpose of installing, construction on the public right-o£-way. naain~ining, and operating and repairing the system and facilities." Tl~e language seems to unconditionally commit fl~e City to provide permits to BellSouth for construction of its fac~lities. There ~s no corresponding obligation of BellSouth to follow the permitting procedures of the City. 6. None. To the extent that ft franchisee fails to Enforoeraent comply with the terms of a fanchise or the Remedies. ordinance, certain remedies in the way of fi~.es would be available to the City u~der the ordinance. The existiag BellSoulb franchise only offers revoeatioa as a remedy for a materlal violatinn of the terms of the ~ranchise. This fails to ad&ess the possibility of other violations which may not rise to the level of uaaterial mad therefore Rot merit revocation, but still affect the City's management oflts fights- of-way. IIln JlU j;[l LtiblJlil, j"Ijl.I!ltl 7. t'one Security Fund. 8. None Renewal of Franchise. \\Wldillit\l999\A 'o'Q"'llril\Mcmos.~4Hft.b1.~irJe..WJld Page 4 I IJ U 0' j ~ I J 4, f. U IJ I / I) U I The proposed ordinance establishes a requirement for a telecommunications service provider to establish a security fund, in the form of cash, bond or corporate guaranty, in order to ensure the provider's compliance with the terms of the ordinance and franchise. The security fund establishes an available source of funds to address violations of the tenus of the franchise, including any penalties or liquidated damages that may be assessed as a result. This issue may be of importance to the City, in light of the fact that competition will result in new providers increasing demand for access to the City's rights-of-way, thereby increasing the risk of noncompliance or violations of the terms of a franchise. The proposed ordinance establishes a procedure by which franchises will be renewed with the City. It sets forth specific criteria which will be considered consistent with applicable law, such as the status ofa franchisee's cornplianeewith its current franchise. CITY OF AVENTURA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Eric M. Soroka, City Manager Brenda Kelley, Community Development Directg~~ , tJ September 24, 1999 lr Vacant Lots in Hospital District The Meldonians own 14 lots in the hospital district and have requested as to if the City may be interested in purchasing these lots. I have pulled information from the Miami-Dade County property appraiser's database and prepared the following information regarding the assessed value of these and adjacent lots, in addition to information regarding available past sales history in the area. SUBJECT PROPERTIES: ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT NE 214 Terrace BLK 29 Lot 5 $ 5,615 $1.70 28-1234-004-0580 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 30 Lot 1 $ 9,723 $2.95 28-1234-004-0620 (3300 st) NE 214 Terrace BLK 30 Lot 2 $ 9,723 $2.95 28-1234-004-0630 (3300 st) No sales data available NE 214 Terrace BLK 30 Lot 3 $ 9,723 $2.95 For any of these folios 28-1234-004-0640 (3300 st) NE 214 Terrace BLK 30 Lot 4 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-0650 (3300 st) NE 214 Terrace BLK 30 Lot 5 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-0660 (3300 st) NE 214 Street BLK 30 Lot 8 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-0690 (3300 st) NE 214 Street BLK 30 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-0700 (3300 st) ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq ft) NE 214 Street BLK 30 Lot 10 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-0710 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 37 Lot 1 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-1220 (3300 sf) No sales data available NE 214 Street BLK 37 Lot 2 $11,230 $3.40 for any of these folios 28-1234-004-1230 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 37 Lot 3 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-1240 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 37 Lot 4 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-1250 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 37 Lot 5 $11,230 $3.40 28-1234-004-1260 (3300 st') The total assessed value of the subject properties is $147,084. They comprise 46,200 square feet, for an average assessed value of $3.18 per square foot. COMPARABLE PROPERTIES: ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq ft) 2801 NE 214 Terr BLK 20 Lot 6 $ 5,615 $1.70 03/86 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-0130 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 20 Lot 7 $11,230 $3.40 06/96 $155,000 28-1234-004-0140 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 20 Lot 8 $11,230 $3.40 06/96 $155,000 28-1234-004-0150 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 20 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 06~96 $155,000 28-1234-004-0160 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 20 Lot 10 $11,230 $3.40 06/96 $155,000 28-1234-004-0170 (3300 sf) (11.74 sf) 2823 NE 214 Terr BLK 21 Lot 6 $ 9,723 $2.95 09/97 $210,000 28-1234-004-0180 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 21 Lot 7 $ 9,723 $2.95 09/97 $210,000 28-1234-004-0190 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 21 Lot 8 $ 9,723 $2.95 09/97 $210,000 28-1234-004-0200 (3300 sf) (21.21 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 21 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 01/98 $ 32,500 28-1234-004-0210 (3300 sf) ( 9.85 sf) 2 ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq fi) NE 214 Terrace BLK 21 Lot 10 $11,230 $3.40 01/98 $ 32,500 28-1234-004-0210 (3300 sf) ( 9.85 sf) 2831 NE 214 Terr BLK 22 $29,170 $2.95 01/98 $ 32,500 28-1234-004-0230 Lots 6, 7 & 8 (9900 sf) ( 3.28 sf) 2833 NE 214 Terr BLK 22 Lot 9 $12,736 $3.22 08/96 $ 15,000 28-1234-004-0250 (3960 st') ( 3.79 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK22 Lot 10 $ 5,615 $1.70 08/96 $ 5,000 28-1234-004-0260 (3300 sf) ( 1.52 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 23 Lot 6 $ 5,615 $1.70 28-1234-004-0270 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 23 Lot 7 $ 5,615 $1.70 28-1234-004-0280 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 23 $29,170 $2.95 02/98 $ 75,000 28-1234-004-0290 Lots 8, 9 & 10 (9900 sf) ( 7.58 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 28 Lots 1, $42,181 $3.65 12/98 $106,000 28-1234-004-0500 2 & 3 & pt rd (11550 sf) 2821 NE 214 Terr BLK 28 $44,920 $3.40 04/94 $ 28,000 28-1234-004-0510 Lots 4,5,9, 10 (13200 sf) ( 2.12 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 28 Lot 6 $17,872 $3.61 12/98 $106,000 28-1234-004-0520 (4950 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 28 Lot 7 $11,915 $3.61 12/98 $106,000 28-1234-004-0530 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 28 Lot 8 $11,915 $3.61 12/98 $106,000 28-1234-004-0520 (3300 sf) ( 4.59 sf) 2832 NE 214 Terr. BLK29 $22,460 $3.40 07/96 $ 44,000 28-1234-004-0560 Lots 1 & 2 (6600 sf) ( 6.67 sf) 2834 NE 214 Terr BLK 29 $22,460 $3.40 28-1234-004-0570 Lots 3 &4 (6600 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK29 $22,460 $3.40 03/73 $ 5,900 28-1234-004-0590 Lots 6 & 7 (6600 sf) ( 0.89 sf) 2833 NE 214 St BLK 29 $22,460 $3.40 28-1234-004-0600 Lots 8 & 9 (6600 sf) 2861-53 NE 214 BLK 29 Lot 10 $29,170 $2.95 05/79 $ 40,000 28-1234-004-0670 BLK 30 Lt 6&7 (9900 sf) ( 4.04 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 1 $ 5,615 $1.70 02/82 $ 5,500 28-1234-004-0720 (3300 sf) ( 1.66 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 2 $ 5,615 $1.70 28-1234-004-0730 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 3 $ 9,723 $2.95 05/98 $ 65,000 28-1234-004-0740 (3300 sf) 3 ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq ft) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 4 $ 9,723 $2.95 05/98 $ 65,000 28-1234-004-0750 (3300 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 5 $ 9,723 $2.95 05/98 $ 65,000 28-1234-004-0760 (3300 sf) ( 6.56 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 Lot 6 $ 5,615 $1.70 02/82 $ 5,500 28-1234-004-0770 (3300 sf) ( 1.66 sf) NE 214 Terrace BLK 31 $22,460 $3.40 05/81 $ 46,000 28-1234-004-0780 Lots 7 & 8 (6600 sf) ( 6.97 sf) 2849 NE 214 St BLK 31 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 03/95 $ 23,500 28-1234-004-0790 (3300 sf) ( 7.12 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 31 Lot 10 $11,230 $3.40 03/95 $ 23,500 28-1234-004-0800 (3300 sf) ( 7.12 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 32 Lot 6 $11,230 $3.40 03/95 $ 23,500 28-1234-004-0850 (3300 sf) ( 7.12 sO NE 214 Street BLK 32 Lot 7 $11,230 $3.40 03/95 $ 23,500 28-1234-004-0860 (3300 sf) ( 7.12 sf) 2911-17 NE 214 BLK 32 $29,170 $2.95 02/97 $125,000 28-1234-004-0870 Lots 8, 9 & 10 (9900 sf) ( 12.63 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 32 Lot 1 $7,872 $3.61 03/98 $128,000 28-1234-004-1120 (4950 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 36 Lot 2 $11,915 $3.61 03/98 $128,000 28-1234-004-1130 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 36 Lot 3 $11,915 $3.61 03/98 $128,000 28-1234-004-1140 (3300 sf) ( 12.92 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 36 Lot 4 $11,230 $3.40 04/98 $ 38,000 28-1234-004-1150 (3300 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 36 Lot 5 $11,230 $3.40 04/98 $ 38,000 28-1234-004-1160 (3300 sf) ( 5.75 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 36 Lot 6 $17,872 $3.61 02/97 $ 30,000 28-1234-004~1170 & part of road (4950 sf) ( 6.06 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 36 Lot 7 $11,915 $3.61 02/97 $ 30,000 28-1234-004-1180 (3300 sf) ( 6.06 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 36 Lot 8 $11,915 $3.61 02/97 $ 30,000 28-1234-004-1190 (3300 sf) ( 6.06 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 36 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 07/81 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1200 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 36 Lot 10 $11,230 $3.40 07/81 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1210 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 37 Lot 6 $11,230 $3.40 02/72 $ 2,000 28-1234-004-1270 (3300 sf) ( 0.60 sf) 4 ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq ft) NE 213 Street BLK 37 Lot 7 $11,230 $3.40 02/72 $ 2,000 28-1234-004-1280 (3300 sf) ( 0.60 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 37 Lot 8 $11,230 $3.40 08/84 $ 7,000 28-1234-004-1290 (3300 sf) ( 2.12 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 37 Lot 9 $11,230 $3.40 08/84 $ 7,000 28-1234-004-1300 (3300 sf) ( 2.12 sf) 2870 NE 214 St BLK 38 $29,170 $2.95 11/77 $ 62,500 28-1234-004-1320 Lots 1, 2 & 3 (9900 sf) ( 6.31 sf) 2880 NE 214 St BLK 38 $22,460 $3.40 04/79 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1350 Lots 4 & 5 (6600 sf) ( 3.33 sf) 2803-05 NE 213 BLK 37 Lot 10 $29,170 $2.95 06/92 $ 84,000 28-1234-004-1360 BLK48, Lots6 (9900sf) (8.48sf) &7 NE 213 Street BLK 38 Lot 8 $ 9,723 $2.95 12/88 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1380 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 38 Lot 9 $ 9,723 $2.95 12/88 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1390 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 38 Lot 10 $ 9,723 $2.95 12/88 $ 22,000 28-1234-004-1400 (3300 sf) ( 6.66 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 39 Lot 1 $ 5,615 $1.70 10/88 $ 4,000 28-1234-004-1410 (3300 sf) ( 1.21 sO NE 214 Street BLK 39 $22,460 $3.40 06/84 $ 63,000 28~1234-004-1420 Lots 2, 3 (6600 sf) ( 9.55 sf) 2890 NE 214 St BLK 39 $22,460 $3.40 06/84 $ 52,000 28-1234-004-1430 Lots 4, 5 (6600 sf) ( 7.88 sf) 2885 NE 213 St BLK 39 $29,170 $2.95 03/80 $ 37,500 28-1234-004-1450 Lots 6, 7,8 ( 9900 sf) ( 3.79 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 39 Lot 9 $ 9,723 $2.95 07/73 $ 25,000 28-1234-004-1470 (3300 sf) ( 7.58 sf) 2901 NE 213 St BLK 39 Lot 10 $19,447 $2.95 07/73 $ 25,000 28-1234-004-1480 BLK 40 Lot 6 (6600 sf) ( 3.78 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 40 Lot I $12,189 $3.69 04/94 $ 35,000 28-1234-004-1490 (3300 sf) ( 10.60 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 40 $36,566 $3.69 04/94 $ 35,000 28-1234-004-1500 Lots 2,3,4 (9900 sf) ( 10.60 sf) NE 214 Street BLK 40 Lot 5 $12,189 $3.69 04/94 $ 35,000 28~1234-004-1530 (3300 sf) ( 10.60 sf) NE 213 Street BLK 40 $22,460 $3.40 07/73 $ 25,000 28-1234-004-1540 Lots 7,8 (6600 sf) ( 3.79 sf) 5 ADDRESS LEGAL ASSESSED VALUE LAST SALE LAST (folio #) (land) PER DATE SALE VALUE SQUARE (if applicable) AMOUNT FOOT (value per sq ft) 2919 NE 213 St BLK 40 $22,460 $3.40 05/84 $ 25,000 28-1234-004-1550 Lots 9, 10 (6600 sf) ( 3.79 sf) The table above shows that the assessed value of surrounding lots ranges from a Iow of $1.70 to a high of $3.69 per square foot. The last sale value of surrounding lots, for sales within the past five years ranges from a Iow of $1.52 per square foot to a high of $21.21 per square foot, with an average of $8.17 per square foot. I have attached a copy of the Hospital District Study of the City's Comprehensive Plan to show the approximate location of these lots. As you can see from the map, the lots fall in the vicinity of a proposed public area. Furthermore, if the City were to proceed with a CRA District in this location, the acquirement of these lots may be an important step towards redevelopment of this district. I would recommend that the City proceed with obtaining more information as to acquiring the lots in the following manner: 1. Find out how much the Meldonian's are asking for these lots. If their request is not reasonable, then the pursual of additional information is not necessary. If their request is reasonable then we may want to pursue the possibility of commencing negotiations and further research, such that an appraisal is obtained prior to making an offer or counteroffer. Once a purchase price is agreed upon: a. a Phase I Environmental report shall be obtained; b. a survey of the property shall be obtained; c. an Opinion of Title shall be obtained. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. /rnemo/soroka 032499 meldonian 6 Hospital District Study City of Aventura ZI5TH t NE. , ~"° I I'N' I ~J '1'~1, I,olq .I. I, ~l~ffi~l~ffi ~ I~1~ I~E~ m,~ ~/~ll I I FI ~/~i I I~ ~ Isle 967 ~ ~,1 ~1 I~ ~1~ "' ~ I~1' I"/"/' ~~4 ~L'I~. ~& r~dq~'[ 11d~ ~1~1-~1~1 [I '~1 ~1~' ~ ~1~,~ ,,~1 ~1~,~, ~,~ --- i~I~T~ ll ~ ~ 'Il