11-04-1996 CC Workshop Agenda~r~w. c~rsrlj o.T 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Next workshop meeting - November 18,1996 at 9:00 A.M. CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: David M. Wolpin, Es~N~iss Eric M. Soroka, Ci~/~a?a~er October 29, 1996 Response to The Miami Herald's Newsrack Ordinance Semta & Helfman, P.A. Comments on the Proposed I have had an opportunity to review The Miami Herald's concems regarding the City's proposed newsrack ordinance as outlined in their letter dated October 18, 1996. The following is a summary of the response to their concerns: Permit Requirement and Fees. Agree to revise Section 6 to provide for only a one- time permit fee. The fee is appropriate in order to cover the costs incurred by the City to implement the requirements of the Ordinance. Distance Restrictions. It was our intent to not allow and deter newsracks from being placed on sidewalks throughout the City. Sidewalks were constructed as a method for residents to travel from one point to another. They were not designed or intended to be a newsrack staging area. In order to further clarify Section 9(4)viii the word "lawn" could be deleted. Additional information or clarification is needed to address concems regarding 9(4)(v). It is our interpretation that the English Miami Herald and the Spanish El Nuevo Herald would be treated as two different newspapers. 3. Size of Newsracks. We do not concur with increasing the size of the racks by allowing double racks. 4. Appeal Procedure. We concur with the suggestion to provide ten (10) days after receipt of the citation order to correct the problems or appeal. 5. Effective Date. As part of the implementation process, we normally would provide thirty (30) days' notice to all newspaper vendors to comply with the Ordinance. Memo to David M. Wolpin, Esq. October 29, 1996 Page 2 Please share the above comments with the attorney representing The Miami Herald in order to determine if we need to agendize this matter at a workshop meeting. EMS/ne cc: City Council CM0138-96 A Knight-Ridder Newspaper Jerold I. Budney Associate Gem, ral Cvunsel ~3051 376-4.586 RECEIVED Via Fax Mr. David Wolpin Aventura City Attorney Weiss, Serota & Helfman 2665 S. Bayshore Dr., Ste. Miami, FL 33133 0 C T 2 i 1996 OFFICE OF 'lite CITY MANAGER 204 October 18, 1996 Aventura Newsrack Ordinance Dear David: The Miami Herald appreciates the Council's willingness to listen to our concerns about the proposed newsrack ordinance. We are happy to summarize in writing the major issues, and look forward to attending the upcoming workshop to discuss them in greater detail. Please let me know when you have decided on the date and time of the workshop. We would like the Council to consider the following concerns about the current form of the proposed ordinance: 1. Permit Requirement and Fees. The Herald has no objection to notifying the City of the location of our newsracks. The ordinance appears to require us to provide that information in an application for a one-time permit for those locations. The permit is to be issued without prior inspection, but conditioned on continued compliance with the provisions of the ordinance. However, the ordinance is ambiguous in Section 6 as to whether the permit fee is a one-time fee accompanying the one-time permit application, or whether it is an annual fee. We would be greatly concerned if you are intending to impose an annual fee on each of our newsracks. Permit fees are unconstitutional unless a City can show they do not exceed the City's actual cost of administering the newsrack ordinance. City of Hallandale v~ Miami Herald, 637 So.2d 929 (Fla. 4th DCA 1994)(Hallandale's annual $10 per newsrack fee held unconstitutional). We do not believe the City can show its actual cost of administering this ordinance would equal the revenue generated by annual fees on every newsrack in the City. This is particularly true because Section 11 of the ordinance also imposes an additional $10 per newsrack fee for every failed inspection. I do not believe the City has done such a cost/revenue analysis, which it would be required to do before imposing such an annual fee. Chicaqo Newspaper Publishers v. city of Wheaton, 697 F. Supp. 1464, 1471 (N.D. Ill. 1989) Other South Florida cities have either eliminated fees entirely (for example, Hollywood), or imposed a one-time fee significantly less than the $10 per newsrack fee you have proposed based on a detailed cost analysis (for example, Miami Beach). Attached are copies of those ordinances for you to consider as models for eliminating or revising your proposed permit fee. 2. Distance Restrictions. We understand the City did not intend to restrict the public's ability to obtain newspapers through newsracks in Aventura. However, some of the proposed distance restrictions may have that unintended effect unless they are clarified or modified. For example, Section 9(4)(vii) requires at least six feet of clearance on sidewalks. The Herald agrees there needs to be sufficient clearance for pedestrians, including handicap access. However, the ADA and Section 337.408, Florida Statutes, only require three feet of clearance for wheelchairs. Moreover, many of your sidewalks are less than six feet wide~ confirming that less than six feet is needed for adequate clearance. Because newsracks are usually two feet deep, you would effectively be banning newsracks from all sidewalks in the city which are less than eight feet wide. We respectfully request you modify this restriction to require three feet of clearance. This would conform with Federal and State law, and still allow newsracks on most sidewalks without interfering with pedestrian traffic. In addition, we would appreciate a clarification of Section 9(4) (viii). We do not believe you intended to ban newsracks from the "parkway" area between the street and the sidewalk. Indeed, Section 10 of the ordinance expressly applies to newsracks resting on "any public sidewalk or parkway". However, that area often has grass. We believe such grass was not intended to be included in the definition of "lawn" or "landscaping", but suggest this provision should be clarified to prevent future confusion. Similarly, Section 9(4) (v) regarding the distance from bus stop signs is ambiguous, and should be clarified. Finally, Section 9(4)(ix) prohibits placing a newsrack within 100 feet of another rack "containing the same issue or edition of the same publication". We are unclear how this would be applied to our situation. We publish both the English Miami Herald newspaper and the Spanish E1 Nuevo Herald newspaper. Some of our newsracks contain only the English newspaper, and other racks have both the Spanish and English papers combined. This is because of the varying needs and interests of the residents of Aventura. Each of these two types of newsracks is colored and lettered differently so our readers can recognize which newspaper is being distributed from each newsrack. We do not think we should be prohibited from having one of these newsracks within 100 feet of the other. We request that this provision be modified to clarify this situation. 3. Size of Newsracks. Section 10(A) specifies the maximum width of newsracks to be 30 inches. We request the width be modified to 32 inches, as that is the width of our double racks. We only use double racks where demand for newspapers at a location exceeds the capacity of a single rack. We use double racks instead of two single racks because they take up less space. We understand the City wants to reduce the length of long rows of newsracks without disrupting the public's ability to obtain newspapers. Making this slight revision would be consistent with this policy. 4. Appeal Procedures. Section 11 provides that a newsrack which has been cited for violating the ordinance will be removed unless we correct the violation "within five (5) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after the mailing date of the order or appeal the order within three (3) days after its receipt." Section 12 provides an appeal "must be perfected within 10 days after r~ceipt of notice" by filing a letter of appeal with the City Manager. I do not have a copy of Ordinance No. 96-14 which spells out the City's appellate procedures. I would appreciate it if you could fax me a copy at your earliest convenience. Although we do not anticipate there being violations, sometimes our racks are moved or defaced by third parties which could create a violation without our knowledge. Or we may disagree with your code inspector as to whether there is a violation, and wish to appeal the citation order. We want to make sure we have a reasonable amount of time after receiving notice to assess the situation and either correct the problem or prepare an appeal letter. But if the mail takes five days to arrive, or if it arrives on the Friday before a holiday weekend, we would not have time to make the assessment and take corrective action. Moreover, Section 12 anticipates there being 10 days after receipt of notice to file an appeal, but under Section 11 the rack would have been pulled seven days earlier. We therefore request that we be given 10 days after receipt of the citation order to correct the problem or appeal before the city removes our newsrack. 5. Effective Date. The ordinance provides it is to become effective immediately upon passage. We request 30 days to prepare and file the permit applications, and adjust our locations to comply with the ordinance. David, although we do not believe an ordinance is necessary, we want to work with the City to prevent safety and aesthetic problems. However, we do believe the above changes and clarifications are necessary. I am looking forward to explaining our concerns to you and the Council at the upcoming workshop. As soon as the date and time of the workshop are finalized, please let me know. Thank you again for your cooperation. cc: Mr. Eric M. Soroka, Sincerely, City Manager (w/o encl) CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council Proposed Newsrack Regulation Ordinance 1st Reading October 2, 1996 City Council Agenda Item 7-._.~1 2nd Reading October 16, 1996 City Council Agenda Item ?- ~, Recommendation Based on the concems expressed by Councilmembers regarding the uncontrolled placement of newsracks in the City, it is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance regulating newsracks. The attached updated Ordinance includes the comments and revisions requested by Councilmember Beskin. Backqround The City Attorneys' Office and I have reviewed various ordinances regulating newsmcks adopted by other cities. As you are aware there are various constitutional issues involved in establishing regulations regarding the placement of newsracks. Our goal was to develop an ordinance that addresses safety issues and the unsightly placement of newsmcks throughout the City. The following represents the major points of the Ordinance: 1. Requires all vendors to obtain a permit from the City, specifying the exact location of each newsrack. 2. Requires all vendors to affix the permit number, name, address, and telephone number to the newsrack. 3. Establishes specific standards for the maintenance and installation of newsracks. 4. Establishes the following cdteria for the location, placement and number of newsracks: (a) No Newsrack shall be used or maintained which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street, or which rests, wholly or in part upon, along or over any portion of the roadway of any public street. (b) No Newsrack shall be chained, bolted, or otherwise attached to any fixture located in the public right-of-way, except to other Newsracks. (c) Newsracks may be placed next to each other, provided that no group of Newsracks shall extend for a distance of more than eight (8) feel along a cub, and a space of not less than three (3) feet shall separate each group of Newsracks. (d) No Newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained: (i) Within five (5) feet of any marked crosswalk. (ii) Within fifteen (15) feet of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk. (iii) Within five (5) feet of any fire hydrant, fire call box, police call box or other emergency facility. (iv) Within give (5) feet of any driveway. (v) Within three (3) feet ahead or twenty-five (25) feet to the rear of any sign marking a designated bus stop. (vi) Within five (5) of the outer end of any bus bench. (vii) At any location whereby the clear space for the passageway of pedestrians is reduced to less than six (6) feet. (viii) Within three (3) feet of or on any public area improved with lawn, flowers, shrubs, trees or other landscaping, or within three (3) feet of any display window of any building abutting the sidewalk or parkway or in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of such window for display purposes. (ix) Within one hundred (100) feet of any other Newsrack on the same side of the street in the same block containing the same issue or edition of the same publication. (x) On any access ramp for disabled persons. (e) No more than eight (8) Newsracks shall be located on any public right-of-way within a space of two hundred (200) feet in any direction within the same block of the same street; provided, however, that no more than sixteen (16) Newsracks shall be allowed on any one block. 5, The following criteda shall be utilized to determine the pdodty of the placement of the newsracks: (a) As between newspapers included within any single category of priority above, the City Manager shall also be guided by the following criteria of priorities whenever more than eight (8) newsracks are proposed for any one location (two hundred [200] foot space) or more than sixteen (16) Newsracks are proposed for any one block: (i) Fimt pdodty shall be daily publications (published five [5] or more days per week). (ii) Second priodty shall be publications published two (2) to four (4) days per week. (iii) Third priodty shall be publications published one (1) day per week. Staff is in the process of reviewing all existing locations in the City to determine the number and location of newsracks that would not be in compliance with the proposed Ordinance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/ne Attachment CC0104-96 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, ADOPTING NEWSRACK REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE NEWSRACK ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROHIBITING NEWSRACKS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; REQUIRING A PERMIT TO MAINTAIN OR OPERATE A NEWSRACK; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION FOR A NEWSRACK PERMIT AND PROVIDING CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF A NEWSRACK PERMIT; PROVIDING FOR A HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF AVENTURA; REQUIRING NEWSRACK IDENTIFICATION; REGULATING THE LOCATION, PLACEMENT AND NUMBER OF NEWSRACKS; PROVIDING FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION OF NEWSRACKS; PROVIDING FOR THE DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; DETERMINING NEWSRACK ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES AND ALL RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH BE REPEALED TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the uncontrolled placement of Newsracks in public rights-of-way presents an inconvenience and danger to the safety and welfare of persons using such rights-of-way, including pedestrians, persons entedng and leaving vehicles and buildings, and persons performing essential utility, traffic control and emergency services; and WHEREAS, the installation and placement of Newsmcks in public rights-of-way has resulted in concerns by the public and City officials with regard to the safety, convenience and aesthetics thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there is a need to regulate and establish procedures regarding installation, placement and maintenance of Newsracks within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such regulations and procedures goveming Newsracks will serve to promote the health, safety,--aesthetics-and welfare of the citizens of Aventur~~. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety and welfare through the regulation of placement, type, appearance and servicing of Newsracks on public rights-of-way so as to: A. Provide for pedestrian and driving safety and convenience. B. Restrict unreasonable interference with the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic including ingress into or egress from any residence or place of business, or from the street to the sidewalk by persons exiting or entering parked or standing vehicles. C. Provide reasonable access for the use and maintenance of poles, posts, tra~c signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes and access to locations used for public transportation purposes. D. Relocate and/or replace Newsracks which result in a visual blight and/or excessive space allocation on the public rights-of-way or which unreasonably detract from the aesthetics of store window displays, adjacent landscaping or other improvements, as well as to have abandoned Newsracks removed. 2 E. Maintain and protect the values of surrounding properties and prevent damage to grass ~ right-of-way areas. F. Reduce unnecessary exposure of the public to personal injury or property damage. G. Maintain and preserve freedom of the press. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise clearly indicates: A. Block means on (1) side of a street between two (2) consecutive interacting streets. B. Distributor means the person responsible for placing and maintaining a newsrack in a public right-of-way. C. News/ack means any self-service or coin-operated box, container, storage unit or other dispenser installed, used, or maintained for the display and sale of newspapers or other news periodicals. D. Parkway means the area between the sidewalk and the curb of any street, and where there is no sidewalk ~, the area between the edge of the roadway and the ~ property line adjacent thereto. Parkway shall also include any area within a roadway that is not open to vehicular travel. E. Person means any person or persons, or entity including, but not limited to, a corporation. F. City Manager refers to the City Manager of the City of Aventura or the designee of the City Manager. G. Roadway means that portion of a street improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. H. Sidewalk means any surface provided for the exclusive use of pedestrians. I. Street means all the area dedicated to public use for public street purposes and shall include, but not be limited to, roadways, parkways, alleys and sidewalks. Section 3. Newsracks Prohibited. A. No person shall install, use, or maintain any Newsrack which projects onto, into, or which rests, wholly or in part, upon the roadway of any public street. B. No person shall install, use, or maintain any Newsrack which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any public sidewalk, ~ or parkway: (1) when such installation, use, or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property; (2) when such site or location is used for public utility purposes, public transportation purposes, or other governmental use; (3) when such Newsrack unreasonably interferes with or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including parked or stopped vehicles; the ingress in or egress from any residence or place of business; the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes, or other objects permitted at or near said location; (4) when such Newsrack interferes with the cleaning of any sidewalk by the use of mechanical sidewalk cleaning machinery; or (5) in any manner inconsistent with or in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 4. Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, place, maintain or operate, on any public street or sidewalk, or in any other public way or place in the City any Newsrack without first having obtained a permit from the City Manager specifying the exact location of such Newsrack. One permit may be issued to include any number of Newsracks, and shall be signed by the applicant. Section 5. Application for Permit. A. Application for such permit shall be made, in writing, to the City Manager upon such form as shall be provided by him, and shall contain the name, address, and phone number of the applicant, the proposed specific location of said Newsrack, and shall be signed by the applicant. B. From the above application information, the City Manager shall approve the locations. He shall be guided therein solely by the standards and cdteda set forth in this Ordinance. In any case where the City Manager disapproves of a particular location, such disapproval shall be without prejudice to the applicant designating a different location or locations. Section 6. Conditions for Permit. Permits shall be issued for the installation of a Newsreck or Newsracks without prior inspection of the location, but such Newsreck or Newsracks and the installation, use or maintenance thereof shall be conditioned upon observance of the provisions of this Ordinance. Permits shall be issued within five (5) days (excluding Saturdays, Sunday and legal holidays) after the application has been filed. A~_am~ml permit fee of $25.00 shall be required for each newspaper publisher plus $10.00 per Newsrack. The above fees will be used to defray administrative expenses with relation to this Ordinance. Section 7. Hold Harmless. Every owner of a Newsrack who places or maintains a Newsrack on a public sidewalk or parkway in the City of Aventura shall file a written statement with the City Manager in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, whereby such owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, and employees, from any loss, liability, or damage, including expenses and costs, for bodily or personal injury, and for property damage sustained by any person as a result of the installation, use and/or maintenance of a Newsrack within the City. This paragraph shall only be applicable to the same extent required by City for other public right-of-way permittees. Section 8. Newsrack Identification Required. Every person who places or maintains a Newsrack on the streets of the City of Aventura shall have his permit number, name, address, and telephone number affixed to the Newsrack in a place where such information may be easily seen. Pdor to the designation of location by the City under Section 9 herein, the Distributor shall present evidence of compliance with this Section. Section 9. Location, Placement and Number of Newsracks. A. Any Newsrack which rests in whole or in part upon, or on any portion of a public right-of-way or which projects onto, into, or over any part of a public 6 right-of-way shall be located in accordance with the following provisions of this Section: (1) No Newsmck shall be used or maintained which projects onto, into or over any part of the roadway of any public street, or which rests, wholly or in part upon, along or over any portion of the roadway of any public street. (2) No Newsmck shall be chained, bolted, or otherwise attached to any fixture located in the public right-of-way, except to other Newsmcks. (3) Newsracks may be placed next to each other, provided that no group of Newsracks shall extend for a distance of more than eight (8) feet along a curb, and a space of not less than three (3) feet shall separate each group of Newsracks. (4) No Newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained: (i) Within five (5) feet of any marked crosswalk. (ii) Within fifteen (15) feet of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk. (iii) W'~hin ten (10) feet of any fire hydrant, fire call box, police call box or other emergency facility. (iv) VV'lthin ten (10) feet of any driveway. (v) W~thin three (3) feet ahead or twenty-five (25) feet to the rear of any sign marking a designated bus stop. (1) First priority shall be dally publications (published five [5] or more days per week). (2) Second pdodty shall be publications published two (2) to four (4) days per week. (3) Third pdority shall be publications published one (1) day per week. (4) Fourth pdodty shall be publications published less than one (1) day per week. Section 10. Standards for Maintenance and Installation. Any Newsrack which in whole or in part rests upon, in or over any public sidewalk or parkway, shall comply with the following standards: A. No Newsrack shall exceed five (5) feet in height, thirty (30) inches in width, or two (2) feet in thickness. B. No Newsrack shall be used for advertising signs or publicity purposes other than that dealing with the display, sale, or pumhase of the newspaper or news periodical sold therein. C. Each coin-operated Newsreck shall be equipped with a coin-return mechanism to permit a person using the machine to secure an immediate refund in the event the person is unable to receive the paid-for publication. The coin-retum mechanism shall be maintained in good working order. D. Each Newsrack shall have affixed to it in a readily visible place so as to be seen by anyone using the Newsrack, a notice setting forth the name and address of the distributor and the telephone number of a working telephone service to call to report a malfunction, or to secure a refund in the event of a malfunction, or to secure a refund in the event of a malfunction of the coin- retum mechanism or to give the notices provided for in this Ordinance. E. Each Newsrack shall be maintained by the Distributor in a neat and clean condition and in good repair at all times. Specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Newsrack shall be serviced and maintained so that: (1) It is reasonably free of dirt and grease; (2) It is reasonably free of chipped, faded, peeling and cracked paint in the visible painted areas thereof. (3) It is reasonably free of rust and corrosion in the visible unpainted metal areas thereon; (4) The clear plastic or glass parts thereof, if any, through which the publications therein are viewed are unbroken and reasonably free of cracks, dents, blemishes and discoloration; (5) The paper or cardboard parts or inserts thereof are reasonably free of team, peeling or fading; and (6) The structural parts thereof are not broken or unduly misshapen. Section 11. Violations. Upon determination by the City Manager that a Newsrack has been installed, used or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, an order to correct the offending condition shall be issued to the Distributor of the Newsrack. Such order shall 10 be telephoned to the Distributor and confirmed by mailing a copy of the order by certified mail return receipt requested. The order shall specifically descdbe the offending condition, suggest actions necessary to correct the condition, and inform the Newsrack Distributor of the dght to appeal. Failure to properly correct the offending condition within five (5) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after the mailing date of the order or to appeal the order within three (3) days after its receipt shall result in the offending Newsrack being summarily removed and processed as unclaimed property. If the offending Newsrack is not propedy identified as to owner under the previsions of Section 8 hereof, it shall be removed immediately and processed as unclaimed property. An impound fee, which shall be measured by the City's cost and expense of impounding, shall be assessed against each Newsrack summarily removed. The City Manger shall cause inspection to be made of the corrected condition or of a Newsrack reinstalled after removal under this Section. The distributor of said Newsrack shall be charged a $10.00 inspection fee for each Newsrack so inspected. This charge shall be in addition to all other fees and charges required under this Ordinance. Section 12.. Appeals. Any person or entity aggrieved by a finding, determination, notice, order or action taken under the provisions of this Ordinance may appeal and shall be appdsed of his dght to appeal to the City's Special Master established pursuant to Ordinance No. 96-14. An appeal must be per[ected within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of any protested decision or action by filing with the City Manger a letter of appeal bdefly stating therein the basis for such appeal. Prompt judicial review of the Special Master's decision shall be 11 provided pursuant to Sec. 15 of Ordinance No. 96-14. Section 13. Abandonment. In the event that a Newsrack remains empty for a period of thirty (30) continuous days, the same shall be deemed abandoned, and may be treated in the manner as provided in Section 11 for Newsracks in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 14. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part, Section 15. Conflicts. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 16. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Councilmember , who moved its adoption on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember , and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Councilmember Arthur Berger Councilmember Jay R. Beskin Councilmember Ken Cohen 12 Councilmember Harry Holzberg Councilmember Jeffrey M. Perlow Vice Mayor Patdcia Rogers-Libert Mayor Arthur I. Snyder The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Councilmember , who moved its adoption on second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilmember and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Councilmember Arthur Berger Councilmember Jay R. Beskin Councilmember Ken Cohen Coun¢ilmember Harry Holzberg Councilmember Jeffrey M. Perlow Vice Mayor Patricia Rogers-Libert Mayor Arthur I. Snyder PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this __ day of PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this __ day of ., 1996. ,1996. ATTEST: ARTHURI. SNYDER, MAYOR TERESA M. SMITH, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY EMS/tins 13 CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: October 31, 1996 Implementation of Proposed Newsrack Ordinance The comments which follow identify proposed code provisions which would impact each of these locations. EXHIBIT A and Al 14 NEWSRACK - located on Aventura Boulevard 3050 Aventura Blvd. SAVINGS OF AMERICA BANK Within 5' of any driveway · Located on sidewalk where passageway is reduced to less than 6' · Within 200' of other newsrack, located across the street · More than 8 newsracks located on public right-of-way EXHIBIT B 3 NEWSRACK - located within bus bench in front of 3001 Aventura Blvd. NORTHERN TRUST BANK · Within 5' of fire hydrant · Chained to bus bench fixture EXHIBIT C and C1 13 NEWSRACK- located by 203rd St. Exit of Promanade Shops Located on sidewalk where passageway is reduced to less than 6' Within 5' of a driveway More than 8 newsracks located on public right-of-way · Abandoned newsrack EXHIBIT D NEWSRACK BY THE TRAFFIC LIGHT POLE · Newsmck chained to public right-of-way · Located on sidewalk where passageway is reduced to less than 6' · Within 5' of marked crosswalk. · Within 100' of other newsrack on the same side of the street EXHIBIT E NEWSRACK BY BUS BENCH-Aventura Boulevard · Chained to bus bench fixture · Within 3' ahead or 25' to rear of designated bus stop EXHIBIT F COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - TOTAL OF 5 LOCATIONS WHICH COMBINE BUS BENCH WITH NEWSRACKS. In each case the newsracks are situated within the 28 feet clear zone required by the proposed ordinance. EXHIBIT G NE 28 COURT and 187TM STREET · Chained to stop sign · Within 5' of a driveway · Within 5' of fire emergency fixture EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT C1 EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E EMHIBIT F EMHIBIT G CITY OF AVENTURA 2999 N.E. 191sT STREET, SUITE 500, AVENTURA~ FL 33180 PHONE (305) 466-8940 FAX (305)466-89~9 APPLICATION TO MAINTAIN OR OPERATE A NEWSRACK An annual fee of $25.00 Publisher / $10.00 per Newsrack PERMIT #: NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: PHONE#: LOCATION OF NEWSRACK: Sketch of location: APPLICANTS SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: As per Ordinance No. adopting newsrack regulation. See attached Section 9 OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVAL: DATE: NEW LICENSE [] RENEWAL [] DISAPPROVAL: DATE: BEVERLY HILLS DESIGN CO.. 2838 Northeast 187th St. ~ AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180 Phone (305) 935q~00 ~ Fax (305) 935q~o1 October 18, 1996 City Manager Eric M. Soroka 2999 N. E. 191st. Street Aventura, Florida 33180 Dear Mr. Soroka: As a new "Resident - Shopkeeper" to the Aventura area, we, along with the other tenants located on Northeast 187th Street, are requesting the oppommtly to be placed on the agenda of your next Council Meeting. We would like to bring before the board two main concerns we are all facing; 1. The timing of the Traffic Lights located at U. S. I and N. E. 187th Street. 2. The re-naming of 187th Street to something that would greatly enhance the image of our Aventura area. We would appreciate your response as soon as possible se that we may prepare accordingly. forward to being part of Aventura and its family of residents and shopkeepers.. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ELAINE E. RUBIN EILEEN K. FRIED We are looking LENORE ELIAS RECEIVED OFFICE or: THE Oily ~IAGER