06-13-2002 Workshop enEU City Commission Workshop Meeting June 13, 2002 9:30 A.M. AGENDA Charter School Management Agreement*~2002 Financing Update Hotel Definition* Lobbyist Ordinance (Commissioner Cohen)* Campaign Finance Ordinance* (Commissioner Cohen) Term Limits (Commissioner Cohen) NE 188th Street Re-Zoning - Incentive Package 2* Proposed Town Center LDR Revisions* Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists Next Meeting: July 18, 2002 2002/03 Budget Document This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-8901, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City CommissiOrcJ~ Eric M Soroka, June 6, 2002 Resolution Authorizing Execution of Management Agreement for the Aventura Charter Elementary School July 2, 2001 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the execution of the Management Agreement for the Aventura Charter Elementary School between the City and Charter Schools USA, Inc. BACKGROUND Resolution No. 2001-50 selected the firm of Charter Schools USA, Inc., in association with Charter Schoolhouse Developers, Inc., to design, build, operate and maintain a charter elementary school and authorized the City Manager to negotiate the terms and fees for said services. On October 2, 2002 the City Commission authorized the execution of the Planning Agreement for start-up services. That Planning Agreement expires on June 30, 2003, and will be replaced by the Management Agreement on July 1, 2003, to operate the school once it opens. Attached is the Management Agreement (Agreement) that has been negotiated with Charter Schools USA, Inc. (CSUSA). The Agreement provides for operating requirements, including the following components: · Education Management - Curriculum, Accountability, Testing and Sustainable Performance; Parent Activities; and Extracurricular Program/Activities · Development and Operations Management - Public Relations; Contract Administration; Cafeteria Management and Food Service; Transportation; Student Recruitment, Registration and Enrollment; Staff Recruitment; State, Local and School Board Compliance; Annual Report and School Improvement Plan; and Records Retention; Public Records and Insurance. Memo to City Commission Page 2 · Financial Management - Annual Budget; Fund Raising Activities; Grants; Accounting, Budgeting & Financial Reporting; Audits; and Monthly Progress Reports. · Facilities Management · Human Resources Management - Administrator and Teacher Evaluation and Assessment; Training and Professional Development; Personnel Administration, Employee Benefits, and Personnel Policies and Procedures; and Payroll Administration · Technology Management The Agreement is for a five (5) year period. It is an extensive Agreement that incorporates the requirements contained in the RFP and the response documents. Importantly, the Agreement emphasizes performance criteria. In fact, a portion of the management fee is performance based and failure to obtain any one of the performance criteria outlined in Section 5.7 of the document is cause for the City to terminate the Agreement. The Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney's office and Kathi Wilbur of Creative Land Development Services. The major points of the Agreement are as follows: 1. The documents filed in response to RFP #01-06-01-02, the approved Charter School Application and the Charter School Contract have been incorporated in the documents. 2. Expires on June 30, 2008. 3. Establishes minimum performance criteria, that are summarized in Table I, attached hereto. 3. Requires monthly written progress reports and financial statements. 4. Based on input from CSUSA, the City will be responsible for purchasing the furniture, fixtures, equipment, books and supplies for the school. 5. The principal will be hired by the City in concurrence .with CSUSA and remain on the City's payroll but will be accountable to CSUSA. 6. All other school employees will be provided by and be employees of CSUSA. 7. The original RFP outlined a 14% management fee. Based on our negotiations with CSUSA, we have developed a fee structure that includes a base fee and additional fees that can be earned for meeting certain goals and performance criteria. The Base Fee for year 1 is 13%, years 2 and 3 is 11%, and years 4 and 5 is 10%. In addition, based on incentives and provided that all performance criteria outlined in Section 5.7 are met, additional fees can be earned. The following chart indicates how the fee structure contained in the Agreement will be implemented: Memo to City Commission Page 3 Management Fee Structure YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 Base Fee 13% 11% 11% 10% 10% Incentive Fee: Parent Survey - Students feel 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% safe; 80%-Yr. 1; 90%-Yr. 2+ Parent Survey -Student will re* 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% enroll; 80%-Yr. 1; 90%-Yr. 2+ Florida A+ Plan rating = 'A" 0 1% 1% 1% 1% 5 point gain - Reading. 0 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 10 point gain - Math 0 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Max. Mgret. Fee 14% 14% 14% 13% 13% The following outlines other incentives that CSUSA may earn: · Ten percent (10%) of all revenues received from sources other than the County, State or Federal funds normally associated with the operation and development of a school and that are directly attributable to CSUSA's efforts. · In any year that a land reimbursement payment exceeds the land reimbursement payment specified for that same year in the Management Agreement Documents, then an amount equal to five percent (5%) of this excess shall be payable to CSUSA. 8. All employment agreements provide for the immediate assignability to the City in the event the Agreement is terminated. 9. Provides for default provisions. 10. May be terminated with or without cause. The Agreement may be terminated with cause or for non-performance for the following reasons: a. Failure for CSUSA to account for its expenditures or to pay operating costs; failure to follow the policies, procedures, rules, regulations or curriculum as adopted by CSUSA. b. The failure to obtain any one of the performance criteria in Section 5.7 of the Agreement, shall be cause for the City to terminate the Agreement with cause, unless CSUSA, within thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice from the City, presents and agrees to implement an action plan, acceptable to the City Manager, detailing the actions to be taken by CSUSA to raise the performance level to Memo to City Commission Page 4 acceptable standards, provided however that the revocation of the Charter by the Chartering Entity, shall be cause for the City to terminate with cause, without providing CSUSA an opportunity to cure. The Agreement may be terminated without cause for the following reasons: a. Changes in Federal, State of local law policy, rule or appropriations which would materially impact the ability to design, build, operate or maintain the Charter School in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents. Such changes could include, but not be limited to, a charter school capital outlay funds appropriation that does not provide for the Charter School to receive funding substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents, or a modification that would substantially impact the ability to limit the enrollment process to target the children of the City. b. By the City, at any time and for any reason or no reason, upon six (6) months days advance written notice. 11. Establishes the requirements and procedures for the transfer of functions and documents from CSUSA in the event the Agreement is terminated. 12. Addresses the issue of proprietary information. 13. Incorporates City charter language, whereby because the school is treated as a City department, neither the City Commission nor its members shall give orders to CSUSA, its employees or employees of the City Charter School Department, either publicly or privately. Recommendations for improvements in Charter School operations by Commissioners shall be made solely to and through the City Manager. 14. Provides for the subordination of a portion of fees to the operating expenses and the debt service on the debt incurred by the City for the acquisition, design, construction, and development of the Charter School Facility, in any year where there is a shortfall in total revenues (operating and capital outlay), unless an amended balanced budget based on the reduced revenues and in substantial conformance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, can be prepared by CSUSA. I want to take this opportunity to thank Kathi Wilbur and CSUSA for providing valuable assistance in the preparation of this innovative document that provides a strong foundation for the operations of the new charter elementary school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS~ca Memo to City Commission Page 5 Attachment CC01085~02 Memo to City Commission Page 6 Table 1 Performance Criteria Education Mana,qement. 1. For the first year of operation, the Charter School shall attain the following: a) Reading - 70% of student test scores will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS). b) Reading - 70% of student test scores will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the CTBS or norm-referenced/criterion-referenced test administered by the Charter School over the first test administration in the fall of year 1. c) Reading - Students in grades 3 - 5 will gain a year's growth in a years time as measured by CSUSA's criterion referenced tests, teacher made assessments and student portfolios. d) Mathematics - The average test score by grade will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the CTBS or norm-referenced/criterion -referenced test over the first administration of the test. e) Mathematics - Students in grades 3 - 5 will gain a year's growth in a years time as measured by CSUSA's criterion referenced tests, teacher made assessments and student portfolios. 2. For each year of operation, the Charter School shall attain the following: a) All students will maintain a portfolio demonstrating and charting improvement and mastery of skills required at that grade level. This portfolio will be part of the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) that is the compendium of parent, student and teacher conferences. Each PLP will establish academic goals for each individual student in relation to his/her performance and progress. b) The median percentile by each grade level for the Reading and Mathematics subtests of the State or Chartering Entity-required norm-referenced test shall be no lower than three (3) percentile points below those median percentiles achieved by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools that the students of the CITY would otherwise attend based on established attendance boundaries (currently, Highland Oaks and Ojus Elementaries). This section will be automatically amended on an annual basis to include additional subtests required by the State or Chartering Entity-required norm-referenced tests, if any. c) Beginning in Year 2, the State of Florida A+ Plan Grade shall be no lower than a "B". Memo to City Commission Page 7 d) Meet the requirements delineated in Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-1.09981, Implementation of Florida's System of School Improvement and Accountability, as may be amended from time to time. Development and Operations Mana.qement. 1. The number of enrolled students shall be 95% of the number of students allowed under the Charter. 2. The year-to-year student retention rate shall be 80% from the 2003-04 school year to the 2004-05 school year, 85% from the 2004-05 school year to the 2005-06 school year, and 90% for each year-to-year period thereafter. The year-to-year student retention rate shall be determined by expressing the number of students who were enrolled in the Charter School at both the beginning of the earlier school year and at the beginning of the subsequent school year as a percentage of the number of students who were enrolled in the Charter School at the beginning of the earlier school year. For purposes of retention rate calculation, a student shall not be included in either the earlier or subsequent enrollment counts if he/she has left the school for non-causal reasons, as determined by an exit survey. Non-causal reasons shall be: a change of residence, change in transportation requirements, articulation beyond the fifth grade, repeated discipline issues or expulsion. The exit survey to be used shall be approved by the City Manager. 3. The percentage of parents who on the Parent Survey agree or strongly agree to the statement that "1 would recommend the Charter School to a friend" is 80% in year 1 and 90% each year thereafter. Financial ManaRement. 1. The Charter School Annual Budget is substantially in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents. The proposed Charter School Annual Budget shall specifically include an amount to be reimbursed to the CITY for the cost of the Site that is no less than the amount identified in the Management Agreement Documents, and shall maintain the amount of Total Salaries and/or Total Salaries as a percent of Total Revenues substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. 2. CSUSA shall operate the Charter School within the Charter School Annual Budget, as approved by the Aventura City Commission. 3. The Charter School shall complete the year with no deficits. Memo to City Commission Page 8 4. The audits required by State Law and the Charter shall indicate that the financial statements are presented fairly and that tests of compliance with laws and regulations and consideration of the internal control over financial reporting disclose no instances of non-compliance, nor any material weaknesses. Facilities Mana,qernent. 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of any Charter School Maintenance Agreement, the percentage of parents who on the Parent Survey agree or strongly agree to the statement "The school buildings and grounds are clean and well maintained" is 90%. Human Resources Management. 1. The amount paid for Total Salaries and/or Total Salaries as a percent of Total Revenues shall be substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. 2. Class size and student/classroom teacher ratios shall be maintained throughout the school year at 20:1 for Kindergarten and 25:1 for Grades 1 through 5. Any vacancy in a classroom teacher position that results in an increase to the student/classroom teacher ratio shall be filled with a permanent qualified teacher as soon as possible, provided however, that no such vacancy shall remain unfilled by a permanent qualified teacher for more than four weeks from the date of the vacancy, unless authorized by the City Manager, unless the lack of such authorization would contradict applicable local, state or federal law. 3. CSUSA shall make every reasonable effort to insure that the experience level of the Charter School's instructional staff shall be substantially distributed such that at least 1/3 are categorized as "Veterans" (teachers with more than 7 years of teaching experience) and at least 2/3 are categorized as "Veteran" or "Mid-Level" (Teachers with three to seven years of teaching experience). In determining experience levels, advance degrees and other relevant work experience may be considered. If the experience levels of the Charter School's instructional staff are not substantially in compliance with this section, CSUSA shall provide reasonable documentation and information to the City Manager detailing the recruiting efforts that were made to attract experienced instructional staff, explanations and/or special circumstances and actions planned to achieve substantial compliance with this section. 4. Beginning in the third year, the year-to-year retention rates for permanent staff and for classroom teachers, excluding staff or teachers dismissed for cause and as adjusted for mobility, shall be 80%. MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT among CHARTER SCHOOLS USA, INC., and CHARTER SCHOOLS USA AT AVENTURA, L.C., and CITY OF AVENTURA for the AVENTURA CHARTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Recitals 2. Definitions 3. Term 4. Charter School 5. Services to be provided by CSUSA 6. Responsibilities of the City 7. Cooperation 8. Additional Mutual Obligations 9. Charter Schools Funding Resources 10. Management and Incentive Fees 11. Insurance 12. Indemnification 13. Default 14. Termination of this Agreement 15. Transfer of Functions Upon Termination 16. Entire Agreement 17. Assignments 18. Further Assurances 19. Relationship of Parties 20. Interpretations 21. Time of the Essence 22. Binding Effect 23. Notices 24. Headings 25. Severability 26. Waivers 27. Outside Business 28. Third Parties 29. Jurisdiction and Venue 30. Enforcement Costs 31. Remedies Cumulative 32. Contracts and Subcontracts 33. Counterparts 34. Governing Law 35. Proprietary Information 36, Sale or Transfer of interest in CSUSA 37. Additional Audits 38. Police/Regulatory Powers 3 3 4 4 4 19 21 21 22 22 25 25 26 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 35 MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FORTHE AVENTURA ELEMENTARY CHARTERSCHOOL THIS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the day of ,2002, by and among CHARTER SCHOOLS USA, INC., a Delaware corporation; CHARTER SCHOOLS USA AT AVENTURA, L.C., a Florida limited liability company (collectively ~CSUSA~); and CITY OF AVENTURA (~CITY"), a Florida municipal corporation. WITN ESSETH: WHEREAS, the CITY issued RFP #01-06-01-2 to design, build, operate and maintain a Charter Elementary School for the City of Aventura at the site currently known as the Tempest Parcel, at 3333 N. E. 188th Street, Aventura, Florida hereinafter referred to as the "Site"; and WHEREAS, after extensive review of the submittal by City staff, staff recommended that CSUSA in association with Charter Schoolhouse Developers, Inc., be selected to design, build, operate and maintain a Charter Elementary School for the City of Aventura; hereinafter referred to as "Charter School"; and WHEREAS, CSUSA has associated with Charter Schoolhouse Developers, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER"), for the design, construction and development of the Charter School Site and Facility, hereinafter referred to as "Facility"; and WHEREAS, at the July 3, 2001, City Commission meeting, the Commission approved a Resolution selecting the firm of CSUSA in association with the DEVELOPER, to design, build, operate and maintain a Charter Elementary School for the CITY and authorized the City Manager to negotiate the terms and fees and finalize agreements necessary to implement said Resolution; and WHEREAS, the CITY has entered into the DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE AVENTURA ELEMENTARY CHARTER SCHOOL FACILITY between CHARTER SCHOOLHOUSE DEVELOPERS, INC. and THE CITY OF AVENTURA For AVENTURA CHARTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (hereinafter referred to as "Development Agreement"), and the PLANNING AGREEMENT among CHARTER SCHOOLS USA, INC., and CHARTER SCHOOLS USA AT AVENTURA, L.C., and CITY OF AVENTURA for the AVENTURA CHARTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (hereinafter referred to as "Planning Agreement") to assist in the acquisition of the Charter and to plan, design and develop the Charter School; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the CITY to enter into a Management 6/7102 2 Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") with CSUSA, to develop, organize, manage, staff, operate and maintain the Charter School upon the termination of the Planning Agreement; now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and undertakings and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. All exhibits to this Agreement are hereby deemed to be a part hereof. 2. Definitions. Wherever used in this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 2.1 Agreement - The written agreement between CITY and CSUSA covering the Services to be performed, including the Management Agreement Documents, as hereinafter defined, and that are attached to this Agreement or made a part thereof. 2.2 CITY - The City of Aventura with whom CSUSA has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Services are to be provided. 2.3 City Manaaer - The City Manager or his designee (hereinafter referred to as" City Manager") of the City of Aventura, who has the authority on behalf of the CITY to grant or deny approvals and perform the CITY's responsibilities required by this Agreement. 2.4 Management A.qreement Documents - The Management Agreement Documents consist of the Certificate(s) of Insurance, all applicable provisions of State, Federal, Chartering Entity or local laws, ordinances, regulations, rules or policies (incorporated herein by reference), including the State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction and the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (hereinafter referred to as "SREF"), as incorporated into the Florida Building Code, including Chapter 423; the RFP Response (as hereinafter defined), the Charter School Application for the Charter School as approved by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Chartering Entity") on December 12, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as "Charter Application"), the Charter School Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Charter") approved by the Chartering Entity on April 17, 2002 and any additional documents which are required to be submitted under this Agreement, and all amendments, modifications and supplements issued or to take effect on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 6/7102 3 2.5 cSUSA - Where CSUSA is indicated as the responsible party to perform an obligation pursuant to this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that Charter Schools USA, Inc. and Charter Schools USA at Aventura, L.C. shall have joint and several liability and responsibility to perform such obligation. 2.6 Effective Date of the Aqreement - The effective date of this Agreement shall be July 1, 2003, provided however, that this Agreement shall not become effective: 2.6.1 Until the execution of the Charter with the Chartering Entity, or 2.6.2 If the Planning Agreement is terminated pursuant to Planning Agreement Sections 15.1, 15.2.3, 15.2.5, or 15.2.6. 2.7 Services - Those activities that must be performed to organize, manage, staff, operate and maintain the Charter School as set forth in this Agreement. 2.8 RFP Response - The June 1, 2001 submittal by Charter Schools USA, Inc. in association with DEVELOPER in response to RFP #01-06-01-2 to design, build, operate and maintain a Charter Elementary School for the City of Aventura, which is hereinafter incorporated by reference, and as further represented or clarified by Charter Schools USA, Inc. to the CITY during the selection process. 2.9 Written Amendment - A written amendment of the Agreement and/or the Management Agreement Documents, signed by CITY and CSUSA to take effect on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 3. Term. The CITY agrees to contract with CSUSA, and CSUSA agrees to be contracted with, for the purpose of providing the Services, including the organization, management, staffing, operation and maintenance of the Charter School in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence as of the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall terminate on June 30, 2008, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, subject to any further obligations (including payment obligations) of the parties that survive termination. 4. Charter School. The Charter School shall be an elementary school commencing in the 2003-2004 school year. CSUSA shall operate the Charter School in accordance with the Charter, and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 6. Services To Be Provided By CSUSA. CSUSA's fees hereunder shall compensate it for the performance of the Services for the organization, management, staffing, operation, administration, maintenance and reporting of the Charter School. Any 6/7102 4 funds required or expenditures to be made by CSUSA in the performance of these responsibilities shall be substantially in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents and the approved Charter School Annual Budget (as hereinafter defined). It is the specific intent of the parties that the costs associated with CSUSA's management responsibilities (and fees), shall not be shifted from CSUSA into the Charter School's operating budget. Responsibilities of CSUSA shall include, but are not limited to, the following areas: 5.1 Education Mana.qement. 5.1.1 Curriculum, Accountability and Testin.q and Sustainable Performance. CSUSA shall: Plan, implement, and oversee a curriculum for the Charter School that incorporates the performance-based Florida Sunshine State Standards and complies with the Management Agreement Documents. Provide for appropriate programs for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students and Limited English Proficient (LEP) students, implemented in accordance with federal and state laws, local policies and procedures, and the Management Agreement Documents. Administer all standard tests to the students that are required by law, Chartering Entity policy and the Management Agreement Documents. CSUSA shall ensure that students at the Charter School participate in all assessment programs in which the Chartering Entity's students in comparable grades/schools participate. Administer all required tests in a timely fashion consistent with the State's and Chartering Entity's testing schedule and in conformance with the State's and Chartering Entity's policies and procedures related to test security and test administration. CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School's testing administrator attends all test administration training sessions provided by the Chartering Entity and shall follow all Florida Department of Education Testing Guidelines specified in the Test Administration Manuals, as well as, the District Standards for Test Administration and Security. Evaluate the Charter School's success in achieving the objectives stated in the Management Agreement Documents and the School Improvement Plan on at least an annual basis. Be responsible for the Charter School's compliance with the requirements delineated in Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A- 6/7/02 5 1.09981, Imp/ementation of Florida's System of School Improvement and Accountability, as may be amended from time to time. $.1.1.7 Ensure that the Charter School's program is consistent with the state education goals established by Florida Statute 229.591 (3). $.1.1.8 Make every reasonable effort to ensure that student performance increases from year to year, assess the possible reasons for such performance and take all reasonable steps to enable the students to continually progress and improve their academic performance. CSUSA shall be required to meet or exceed all performance criteria as set forth in the Management Agreement Documents and perform to the satisfaction of the CITY, as herein after defined in Section 5.7. 5.1.2 Parent Activities. Through the Charter School, CSUSA shall coordinate and oversee all organized parental involvement. In addition, CSUSA shall establish and work with the approved School Advisory Board and any parent-teacher organization to be established for the purposes of furthering the goals of the Charter School. CSUSA shall provide assistance in the establishment and coordination of parent, teacher and student organizations. A Parent Survey substantially similar to that attached as Exhibit "A' shall be conducted in the spring of each year. 5.1.3 Extracurricular Proqram/Activities. On an annual basis and after consultation and review with the CITY, CSUSA shall determine the extracurricular programs/activities that will be offered at the Charter School for the subsequent school year, and shall include any anticipated revenues and costs associated with such extracurricular program/activities in the Charter School Annual Budget. Said extracurricular programs/activities shall include, but are not limited to, before and after school programs/activities at the Charter School, unless otherwise determined by the CITY. The fees charged for such extracurricular programs/activities shall be approved by the City Manager and be customary and consistent with local practice and applicable law. Funds collected for such extracurricular programs/activities shall be segregated in a separate Charter School account until CSUSA provides the CITY with all necessary and appropriate documentation supporting the funds collected and costs incurred. Funds collected that are in excess of the costs incurred for such extracurricular programs/activities shall be shared equally between CSUSA and the Charter School. 5.1.4 Summer School. After consultation and review with the CITY and in the event that the Chartering Entity agrees to implement and fund a summer school program at the Charter School, CSUSA shall coordinate, manage, staff and operate the 6/7102 6 summer school program. CSUSA shall prepare and submit to the CITY a Charter School Summer Budget, that shall be reviewed and modified, as necessary, by the City Manager and be approved by the Aventura City Commission in accordance with Section 5.3.1. Funds received for the summer school program shall not be included for the purposes of calculating or determining the base Management Fee or Incentive Fees delineated in Section 10. CSUSA shall be entitled to a separate Summer School Management Fee for the performance of its summer school responsibilities in an amount equal to 8.5% of summer school revenues. The Summer School Management Fee shall be subordinate to the operating expenses incurred by the Charter School for the summer school program. CSUSA shall implement, manage, staff and operate any summer school program in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. 5.2 Development and Operations Mana.qement. 5.2.1 Public Relations. CSUSA shall coordinate, cooperate and work with the City Manager's Office as to all official public relations for the Charter School including, without limitation, community outreach, press releases and media relations. All media relations initiated by CSUSA, including press releases, shall require the prior written approval of the City Manager. Press releases shall contain the name of the CITY and its seal as designated by the City Manager. Where media contact to CSUSA is not initiated by CSUSA, CSUSA shall notify the City Manager. 5.2.2 Contracted Services and Contract Administration. Contract Administration. CSUSA shall coordinate, negotiate and administer those contracts for necessary uses or services to be performed or provided by third parties or the CITY and which must be entered into by the Charter School during the term of this Agreement to ensure the efficient operation of the Charter School. Said agreement and services shall comply with all federal, State, local and School Board laws, ordinances, 'rules and regulations, if applicable. Cafeteria Management and Food Service. In accordance with the Management Agreement Documents, CSUSA shall be responsible for contracting with public or private entities or individuals for the provision of food service and shall provide management services for the Charter School's cafeteria which enables the Charter School to comply with all federal, state, and Chartering Entity, laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations and the Charter regarding the provision of food service to ail students attending the Charter School. The costs associated with such service shall be included in the approved Charter School Annual Budget and paid for from the Charter School Fund. The City shall serve as the food service Sponsor as defined by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) for the purpose of filing an application with the DOE to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Once approved, the Sponsor shall ensure that all federal guidelines and procedures are followed with regard to the 6/7102 7 administration of NSLP as outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture and DOE. The Sponsor shall appoint a designee to be responsible for maintaining student applications and processing monthly reimbursements through the DOE. CSUSA shall assist in the preparation of the NSLP application and distribution of student applications. CSUS^ shall assist the Sponsor in the collection of data to be provided in accordance with NSLP policy and procedure. Transportation. CSUSA shall be responsible for contracting with public or private entities or individuals for the provision of transportation, in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. The costs associated with such services shall be included in the approved Charter School Annual Budget and paid for from the Charter School Fund. 5.2.3 Student Recruitment, Registration and Enrollment. CSUSA shall conduct marketing, public relations and recruitment efforts throughout the CITY in order to attract a sufficient pool of applicants to achieve and maintain the targeted student population of the Charter School. Such efforts will include informational meetings to inform interested parents of the mission of the Charter School, the registration process and required contractual obligations. CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School's enrollment and registration processes are in compliance with Florida Statutes and the Management Agreement Documents. As permitted by Florida Statute, CSUSA will give preference to children of CITY residents. 5.2.4 Staff Recruitment. CSUSA shall conduct marketing, public relations and recruitment efforts to target well-qualified and enthusiastic administrative personnel, teachers and staff in order to attract and employ sufficient Charter School personnel to maintain staffing and experience levels, class sizes and student/classroom teacher ratios in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. 5.2.5 State, Local and School Board Compliance. Coordination with the Charterinq Entity. CSUSA shall be responsible for coordinating any and all activities of the Charter School with the requirements of the Chartering Entity and for complying with all reasonable requests of the Chartering Entity regarding the Charter School. Compliance with Applicable Law. CSUSA acknowledges that the CITY is entering into this Agreement based, in part, on CSUSA's expertise in the business of developing, organizing, managing, staffing, operating and maintaining charter schools in the State of Florida and with the Chartering Entity. CSUSA 6/7102 8 shall be responsible for ensuring that the Charter School complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The CITY agrees to negotiate in good faith with CSUSA and pay such additional sums as are necessary to enable the Charter School to comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations which are enacted subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement, unless however, the CITY elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 14. 5.2.6 Annual Report and School Improvement Plan. CSUSA shall prepare and submit an annual report to the CITY by August 5th of each year. The annual report shall include the following sections: (a) Section I shall be those components of the Annual Report required by Florida Law and the Charter and shall include, but shall not be limited to, pertinent financial reports; performance reports, including the Charter School's progress toward achieving the goals outlined in the Charter; information required in the annual school report pursuant to Section 229.592( 1 ), F.S.; fi nancial records of the Charter School, including revenues and expenditures; salary and benefit levels of the Charter School's employees; recap of previous school year and plans and projections for the upcoming school year and shall be in accordance with the Charter, and (b) Section 2 shall include, but shall not be limited to, the additional reports and information required by this Management Agreement, as may be amended from time to time, including, but not limited to the documentation, information and reports (including measurement methodology and assumptions), necessary to determine the Charter School's compliance with the minimum performance criteria pursuant to Section 5.7 and CSUSA's eligibility for Incentive Fees pursuant to Section 10.2. Upon approval of the Annual Report by the Aventura City Commission, CSUSA shall ensure that Section 1 is submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner consistent with the Charter. Each year, at least three weeks prior to the due date established by the Chartering Entity (currently the 3rd Monday in September), CSUSA shall provide the City Manager with a School Improvement Plan, in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents, that will contain the measurable objectives that will be pursued by the Charter School during that school year. The measurable objectives specified in the School Improvement Plan shall be substantially as indicated in the Management Agreement Documents unless otherwise authorized by the CITY. CSUSA shall ensure that the School Improvement Plan is submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner consistent with the Charter. 6/7102 9 5.2.7 Records Retention; Public Records. CSUSA shall provide, protect, preserve, transfer and maintain both active and archival records for current/former students in accordance with Florida Statutes and the provisions of the Charter. CSUSA shall provide, protect, preserve, and maintain all books, records and related documents of or affecting the Charter School that are not proprietary to CSUSA (the "Public Records"), pursuant to the provisions of the Charter and Chapter 119, F.S. as amended from time to time. In the event of termination of this Agreement, CSUSA shall, pursuant to Section 15, deliver any and all Public Records in its possession to the CITY within thirty (30) calendar days of such termination. 5.2.8 Insurance. CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School complies with all insurance requirements set forth in this Agreement, the Management Agreement Documents and those required by the Chartering Entity. The costs associated with such insurance shall be included in the approved Charter School Annual Budget and paid for from the Charter School Fund; provided, however, that CSUSA's corporate insurance requirements as outlined in Section 11 of this Agreement herein, shall be separate and distinct from the insurance requirements of the Charter School. 5.3 Financial ManaRement. 5.3.1 Annual Budget. CSUSA shall prepare and submit to the CITY a detailed annual budget (on a modified cash basis) (the "Charter School Annual Budget") by May 1, of each year. The budgets shall be substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents and shall include, as appropriate, the total number of student stations for the coming academic year, all capital purchase requests, debt repayments and/or cash loans required, operating revenues and operating expenditures for the respective school year. The proposed Charter School Annual Budget shall specifically include an amount to be reimbursed to the CITY for the cost of the Site that is no less than the amounts identified in the Management Agreement Documents. Further, the proposed Charter School Annual Budget shall maintain the amount of Total Salaries and/or Total Salaries as a percent of Total Revenues substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. The Charter School Annual Budget shall be reviewed and modified, as necessary, by the City Manager. The parties shall work cooperatively together on any and all budgetary matters and issues prior to the submission of the proposed budget to the Aventura City Commission. The parties agree that it is the intent of this provision that they jointly prepare and submit a balanced budget and that any and all budgetary issues and matters 6/7/02 10 be resolved between CSUSA and the City Manager prior to the Aventura City Commission's review and consideration of same. The final agreed proposed Charter School Annual Budget shall be submitted to the Aventura City Commission for approval no later than May 15 of each year. CSUSA is responsible for and shall maintain a balanced financial budget at all times during the term of this Agreement. CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School Annual Budget is submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner consistent with the Charter. CSUSA shall operate within its approved Charter School Annual Budget, as approved by the Aventura City Commission. Budget amendments shall be processed in accordance with current CITY procedures in conjunction with the City Manager. The City Manager shall have final approval to forward any budget amendments to the City Commission. 5.3.2 Fund RaisinR Activities. CSUSA shall be responsible for fund raising activities on behalf of the Charter School, during the term of this Agreement, and CSUSA and the CITY shall coordinate and cooperate with such fund raising efforts. 5.3.3 Grants During the term of this Agreement, CSUSA shall actively and aggressively pursue grants and other funding sources and resources subject to the approval of the City Manager for the application of same. For purposes of this section "grants and other funding sources and resources" shall be defined as funds, services or supplies procured by CSUSA other than FTE, PECO, or other County, State or Federal funds that are normally associated with the operation and development of a charter school. Notwithstanding the above, CSUSA shall be responsible for preparing not less than two (2) grant applications per calendar year during the term of this Agreement. The CITY and/or CSUSA, with mutual agreement, may apply for and receive grant money in the name of the other party. 5.3.4 Accountint:h Bud,qefinq & Financial Reportin,q. CSUSA shall perform all accounting, financial management, and reporting functions for the Charter School as required under the Charter and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles including, without limitation, approving and paying all approved costs of the Charter School, making deposits related to the Charter School, recording amounts due to the Charter School and recording accounts payable. CSUSA shall be responsible for ensuring that the Charter School's accounting records and procedures clearly establish for each asset whether it was purchased with public funds (other than CITY funds) or non-public funds, so that only the appropriate assets will revert to the ownership of the Chartering Entity in the event the Charter is not renewed or is terminated. CSUSA shall not commingle its corporate funds with the funds of the Charter School. CSUSA shall prepare and submit to the CITY monthly financial statements for the Charter School within twenty (20) days after the end of the preceding month. These monthly 6/7102 11 financial statements shall include a balance sheet and a statement of revenues and expenditures and changes in fund balance reflecting the Charter School's monthly and year-to-date activity for both budget and actual activity. CSUSA shall ensure that quarterly financial statements are submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner and in accordance with the Charter. CSUSA shall additionally ensure the preparation of an annual financial report as of June 30~" of each year. These reports shall include a complete set of annual financial statements and notes thereto, prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting principles and as required by the Charter. CSUSA shall ensure that the required annual financial statements are prepared in a timely manner and shall provide the Unaudited Statements to the City Manager no later than August 5th of each year and the Audited Statements no later than September 1" of each year. Additionally, a cumulative listing of tangible personal property, fixtures and improvements of a non-consumable nature purchased with public funds as defined in the Charter, shall be submitted yearly with the annual audited financial statements. Upon authorization of the City Manager for the Unaudited Statements and authorization of the Aventura City Commission for the Audited Statements, CSUSA shall ensure that the Unaudited and Audited Statements are submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner consistent with the Charter. 5.$.5 Audits. CSUSA shall accommodate all required audits of the Charter School and shall ensure the availability of office space, telephone and copying equipment, and access to all school records and source documents. The cost of audits required by State Law and the Charter shall be included in the approved Charter School Annual Budget and paid from the Charter School Fund. CSUSA shall ensure that required audits are performed in accordance with the Charter and provided to the City Manager in a timely manner no later than September l't of each year. Upon authorization of the Aventura City Commission, CSUSA shall ensure that the annual audit is submitted to the Chartering Entity in a timely manner consistent with the Charter. 5.3.6 Monthly Pro.qress Reports CSUSA shall submit monthly written reports, in a form substantially as indicated in Exhibit "B", detailing the progress and achievements of the Charter School for the prior month to the City Manager. These progress reports shall be transmitted with the monthly financial statements. 5.4 Facilities Manafiement. 5.4.1 The parties acknowledge that the CITY is currently constructing a Community Recreation Center (the "Center"), on property adjacent to the Site. This Center will include a gymnasium that will be available for use by the Charter School. It is 6/7102 12 the intent of the parties to enter into a separate Shared Use Agreement that will specify the respective rights and responsibilities of the parties for the Charter School's use of the Center and the CITY's use of the Facility. 5.5 Human Resource ManaRement. 5.5.1 Payroll Administration. CSUSA shall prepare, maintain, administer, and report all payroll of CSUSA's employees hired to work at the Charter School, including, without limitation, processing and issuing all checks, maintaining all reports and payroll records and filing all necessary forms and returns, including worker's compensation compliance, unemployment insurance compliance, withholding and social security taxes and all tax and other forms relating to employment as may be required by any federal, state or municipal authority during the term of this Agreement. All payroll and other financial or operational records for the Charter School shall be segregated and separated from all other CSUSA payroll records and shall be reported in a manner allowing the payroll costs to be traced directly to the financial expenditures of the Charter School. CSUSA shall deposit such payroll taxes as may be required by the Internal Revenue Service for the payment of payroll taxes for the employees referenced herein. All penalties incurred by reason of late filing, failure to file or failure to pay shall be borne by CSUSA and shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of CSUSA. 5.5.2 Personnel Administration, Employee Benefits, and Personnel Policies and Procedures. CSUSA shall recruit and employ sufficient qualified personnel to operate the Charter School (as is necessary and appropriate during the Term of this Agreement), including without limitation, administrators, teachers, clerical, cafeteria, and other staff to enable CSUS^ to operate the Charter School in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents. CSUSA shall also recruit qualified personnel for the Charter School Principal, who shall be selected by mutual agreement between CSUSA and the City Manager and shall be an employee of the CITY. The CITY agrees, with the cooperation and involvement of CSUSA, to establish a job description, salaries and benefits for the Charter School Principal. The parties agree that the Charter School Principal shall be accountable to CSUSA for the day-to-day operations of the Charter School and for carrying out the mission of the Charter School based on the goals and objectives as stated in the Management Agreement Documents. CSUSA shall have the right, at any time, to make recommendations to the City Manager regarding disciplinary matters, including possible termination, of the Charter School Principal. The City Manager will consider such recommendations of CSUSA and act in accordance with his responsibilities as City Manager. CSUSA shall provide such other personnel as CSUSA, in its sole judgment, determines is necessary to properly operate the Charter School. CSUSA shall determine, in its sole discretion, the benefits that will be provide to such personnel and shall administer the provision of such benefits. Any and all employment agreements shall provide for the immediate assignability to the CITY at its option in the event that this Agreement is terminated as provided herein. 6/7102 13 In order to attract and compensate teachers and administrators necessary to achieve the performance criteria set forth in this Agreement, CSUSA agrees that, in the event additional funds are necessary to attract and compensate such teachers and administrators, as determined by CSUSA after consultation with the City Manager, CSUSA shall commit such funds from its Management Fee as are necessary to accomplish this goal. The parties acknowledge that the school personnel are crucial to the operation of the school. CSUSA shall not, in any fashion, or for any reason whatsoever, act to preclude personnel from working their required and designated days and hours. Additionally, CSUSA shall use its best efforts to prevent work stoppages caused by the absence of school personnel. The parties further acknowledge that the CITY shall be irreparably harmed should school personnel fail to work their required and designated days and hours for such reasons as labor and/or economic disputes. In the event of such work stoppages, the CITY shall be entitled to seek any available legal or equitable remedies, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief from a court of appropriate jurisdiction, to best protect the interests of the CITY incident to its obligation to provide education for the students of the Charter School. CSUSA shall ensure that all personnel that it employs for the Charter School are subject to the terms of this paragraph. 5.5.3 Trainin.q and Professional Development. CSUSA shall be responsible for the training and continuing education of its educational faculty, including the Charter School Principal, administrators, and State of Florida certified teachers associated with the Charter School. CSUSA shall additionally be responsible for implementing and monitoring professional development activity requirements applicable to the Charter School's administrative and instructional personnel. Insofar as is possible, CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School's teachers are encouraged to participate in professional development opportunities sponsored by the Chartering Entity in order to increase teachers' content knowledge and pedagogy. 5.5.4 Administrator and Teacher Evaluation and Assessment. CSUSA shall ensure that the Charter School implements an Administrator and Teacher Evaluation and Assessment system in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. 5.6 Technology Mana,qement. 5.6.1 Mana,qement Information Systems. On behalf of the Charter School, CSUSA, at its sole discretion, shall determine the Management Information System ("MIS") to be utilized at the Charter School, provided however, that such MIS will comply with the terms of this Section and the Management Agreement Documents. CSUSA 6/7/02 14 shall, in coordination and cooperation with the CITY and in accordance with Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of this Agreement, design, order, purchase, install, implement and administer a MIS for the Charter School, consistent with the Charter School's purpose and goals. This system, in conjunction with the applications required by the Chartering Entity, shall include business applications that meet, on an ongoing basis, any and all Federal, State, County, CITY, or Chartering Entity reporting mandates, applicable for the Charter School or the CITY. At a minimum the following functions shall be provided: Cash Receipts, Records Management, Payroll/Personnel, General Ledger, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable/Billing, Fixed Assets, Admissions, Scheduling, Registration, Records, and Reporting. The City Manager, with reasonable notice to CSUSA and except as provided for in Chapter 119, F.S., shall have full and unlimited access to the Charter School-based MIS system with assistance from a representative of CSUSA. Upon termination of this Agreement, all hardware, software, business applications (including password and configuration information) and other intellectual property purchased by the CITY shall remain the property of the CITY. The MIS system shall be and remain the property of the CITY, except as proprietary to CSUSA as set forth in this Agreement. Responsibility for maintaining all data and records stored and used by the Charter School shall be with CSUSA and shall be in accordance with the Charter. The cost associated with any design, license, implementation, and administration shall be included in the approved Charter School Annual Budget and paid from the Charter School Fund. 5.7 Performance Criteria. following minimum performance criteria: The CITY and CSUSA shall agree to the 5.7.1 Education Management. For the first year of operation, the Charter School shall attain the following: a) Reading - 70% of student test scores will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS). b) Reading - 70% of student test scores will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the CTBS or norm-referenced/criterion-referenced test administered by the Charter School over the first test administration in the fall of year 1. c) Reading - Students in grades 3- 5 will gain a year's growth in a years time as measured by CSUSA's criterion referenced tests, teacher made assessments and student portfolios. d) Mathematics - The average test score by grade will improve by ten (10) percentage points on the CTBS or norm-referenced/criterion - referenced test over the first administration of the test. 6/7102 ~5 e) Mathematics - Students in grades 3 - 5 will gain a year's growth in a year's time as measured by CSUSA's criterion referenced tests, teacher made assessments and student portfolios. For each year of operation, the Charter School shall attain the following: a) All students will maintain a portfolio demonstrating and charting improvement and mastery of skills required at that grade level. This portfolio will be part of the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) that is the compendium of parent, student and teacher conferences. Each PLP will establish academic goals for each individual student in relation to his/her performance and progress. b) The median percentile by each grade level for the Reading and Mathematics subtests of the State or Chartering Entity-required norm- referenced test shall be no lower than three (3) percentile points below those median percentiles achieved by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools that the students of the CITY would otherwise attend based on established attendance boundaries (currently, Highland Oaks and Ojus Elementaries). This section will be automatically amended on an annual basis to include additional subtests required by the State or Chartering Entity- required norm-referenced tests, if any. c) Beginning in Year 2, the State of Florida A+ Plan Grade shall be no lower than a "B". d) Meet the requirements delineated in Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-1.09981, Implementation of Fio#da's System of School Improvement and Accountability, as may be amended from time to time. 5.7.2 Development and Operations Management. The number of enrolled students, as defined in Section 1 O, shall be 95% of the number of students allowed under the Charter. The year-to-year student retention rate shall be 80% from the 2003-04 school year to the 2004-05 school year, 85% from the 2004-05 school year to the 2005-06 school year, and 90% for each year-to-year period thereafter. The 6/7102 16 year-to-year student retention rate shall be determined by expressing the number of students who were enrolled in the Charter School at both the beginning of the earlier school year (October enrollment period) and at the beginning of the subsequent school year (October enrollment period), as a percentage of the number of students who were enrolled in the Charter School at the beginning of the earlier school year (October enrollment period). For purposes of retention rate calculation, a student shall not be included in either the earlier or subsequent enrollment counts if he/she has left the school for non-causal reasons, as determined by an exit survey. Non-causal reasons shall be: a change of residence, change in transportation requirements, articulation beyond the fifth grade, repeated discipline issues or expulsion. The non-causal identifiers may be reviewed annually and revised by mutual agreement between CSUSA and the CITY. The exit survey to be used shall be approved by the City Manager; whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The percentage of parents who on the Parent Survey agree or strongly agree to the statement that "1 would recommend the Charter School to a friend" is 80% in year 1 and 90% each year thereafter. 5.7.3. Financial Management. The Charter School Annual Budget is substantially in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents. The proposed Charter School Annual Budget shall specifically include an amount to be reimbursed to the CITY for the cost of the Site that is no less than the amount identified in the Management Agreement Documents, and shall maintain the amount of Total Salaries and/or Total Salaries as a percent of Total Revenues substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. CSUSA shall operate the Charter School within the Charter School Annual Budget, as approved by the Aventura City Commission. The Charter School shall complete the year with no deficits. The audits required by State Law and the Charter shall indicate that the financial statements are presented fairly and that tests of compliance with laws and regulations and consideration of the internal control over financial reporting disclose no instances of non-compliance, nor any material weaknesses. 5.7.4 Facilities Management. Subject to the terms and conditions of any Charter School Maintenance Agreement established pursuant to Section 6.4, the percentage of 6/7/02 17 parents who on the Parent Survey agree or strongly agree to the statement "The school buildings and grounds are clean and well maintained" is 90%. 5.7.5 Human Resources Management. The amount paid for Total Salaries and/or Total Salaries as a percent of Total Revenues shall be substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents. Class size and student/classroom teacher ratios shall be maintained throughout the school year at 20:1 for Kindergarten and 25:1 for Grades 1 through 5. Any vacancy in a classroom teacher position that results in an increase to the student/classroom teacher ratio shall be filled with a permanent qualified teacher as soon as possible, provided however, that no such vacancy shall remain unfilled by a permanent qualified teacher for more than four weeks from the date of the vacancy, unless authorized by the City Manager, unless the lack of such authorization would contradict applicable local, state or federal law. CSUSA shall make every reasonable effort to insure that the experience level of the Charter School's instructional staff shall be substantially distributed such that at least 1/3 are categorized as "Veterans" (teachers with more than 7 years of teaching experience) and at least 2/3 are categorized as "Veteran" or "Mid-Level" (Teachers with three to seven years of teaching experience). In determining experience levels, advance degrees and other relevant work experience may be considered. If the experience levels of the Charter School's instructional staff are not substantially in compliance with this section, CSUSA shall provide reasonable documentation and information to the City Manager detailing the recruiting efforts that were made to attract experienced instructional staff, explanations and/or special circumstances and actions planned to achieve substantial compliance with this section. Beginning in the third year, the year-to-year retention rates for permanent staff and for classroom teachers, excluding staff or teachers dismissed for cause and as adjusted for mobility, shall be 80%. 5.8 Other. 5.8.1 Provision of Liaison Services. CSUSA shall designate a member of senior management personnel to be the point of contact for the City Manager for all issues. 5.8.2 Other Activities. CSUSA shall be responsible for ensuring that the Charter School complies with the terms and conditions of the Charter and shall, in a 6/7102 18 timely manner, provide information and perform all other activities required of CSUSA during the term of this Agreement to maintain a fully operational Charter School. following: Responsibilities of the CITY. The CITY shall be responsible for the 6.1 Maintenance of Charter. The CITY shall do, or cause to be done, all things necessary to ensure that all legal requirements applicable to the CITY, and all such conditions as may have been imposed on the CITY by the Chartering Entity, are fully complied with at all times. If the CITY or CSUSA shall at any time receive notice from any public authority or other person that the Charter School is or may be in violation of the Charter, the rules of the Chartering Entity or any provision of any applicable law or regulation, the party receiving such notice shall immediately notify the other party of the asserted violation and shall thereafter work diligently together to determine whether such asserted violation in fact exists, to correct any violation found to exist, and vigorously contest the asserted violation if the same is found not to exist. No changes will be made by the CITY to the approved Charter between the CITY and the Chartering Entity that directly impact CSUSA's performance without CSUSA's consent and approval; such consent and approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.2 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment ("FF&E"). Upon written instructions from CSUSA, the CITY shall be responsible for obtaining, ordering and purchasing any FF&E to be utilized in or by the Charter School during the term of this Agreement. At the CITY's option, the CITY may request that CSUSA order some or all of the FF&E. Regardless of whether the CITY or CSUSA orders the FF&E, such order(s) shall be in compliance with the written instructions from CSUSA unless mutually agreed otherwise. 6.3 Books and Supplies. Upon written instructions from CSUSA, the CITY shall be responsible for obtaining, ordering and purchasing the books and supplies to be utilized in or by the Charter School during the term of this Agreement. At the CITY's option, the CITY may request that CSUSA order some or all of the books and supplies. Regardless of whether the CITY or CSUSA order the books and supplies, such order(s) shall be in compliance with the written instructions from CSUSA unless mutually agreed otherwise. 6.4 Facility Maintenance. At the CITY's option, the CITY may elect to be responsible for all or part of the Charter School's Facility maintenance, that may include but is not limited to ground maintenance, custodial services and maintenance of the physical plant. Should the CITY elect to be responsible for all or part of the Charter School's Facility maintenance, it is the intent of the parties to enter into a separate Charter School Maintenance Agreement that will specify the respective rights, responsibilities and 6/7/02 19 costs of each party and the Charter School, provided however, that the costs associated with the maintenance services shall be in compliance with the Charter School Annual Budget, as may be amended from time to time. 6.6 Tax Exempt Fund Raisin.q Activities. If the CITY concludes it is appropriate to do so, the Charter School may seek to establish a separate tax-exempt organization to conduct fund raising activities and receive tax deductible contributions in support of the Charter School and/or of education generally. CSUSA shall cooperate with such tax-exempt organization as necessary and appropriate. 6.6 Fundin.q For Charter School Costs and Expenses. The CITY shall maintain a Charter School Fund to account for expenditures and revenues associated with the Charter School. It is understood by CSUSA and the CITY, that any and all funds expended by the CITY pursuant to this Agreement and the Planning Agreement, including costs and expenses associated with the planning and development of the Charter School such as, start up funding, land acquisition and capital improvements including construction of the Facility and CSUSA Fees, professional services contract fees and other out-of- pocket costs and expenses, shall be reimbursed to the CITY from Charter School revenues. The reimbursement schedule shall be included in the proposed Charter School Annual Budget. The CITY shall provide CSUSA with an estimate of any and all funds expected to be expended by the CITY pursuant to this Section during each subsequent budget year, that would not be generally known to CSUSA or included in the Management Agreement Documents; such estimate shall be included in the proposed Charter School Annual Budget. 6.6.1 Procedure for Payment. In order to receive funds from the CITY pursuant to this Section, CSUSA shall prepare and submit monthly financial statements and invoices to the City Manager, which shall include the fund(s) for which CSUSA is seeking payment, and all of the Charter School's actual expenditures, reported on a modified cash basis of accounting (including but not limited to all capital expenditures). The City Manager shall direct payment from the Charter School Fund to CSUSA for all approved expenditures within seven (7) business days of receipt by the CITY of the monthly financial statement and invoices. CSUSA agrees to provide the CITY, within ten (10) business days, source documents, supporting schedules, summaries and explanations as may reasonably be requested by the City Manager from time to time. CSUSA shall immediately reimburse the CITY for any unallowable Charter School expenditures as determined by a licensed auditor of the CITY, the Chartering Entity, or any Department or Division of the State of Florida or Federal Government. 6.7 Charter School Department. It is the intent of the CITY to establish a Charter School Department which shall be responsible to the City Manager. CSUSA shall be accountable to the City Manager. Neither the City Commission nor its members shall give orders to CSUSA, its employees or employees of the City Charter School Department, 6/7102 2O either publicly or privately. Recommendations for improvements in Charter School operations by Commissioners shall be made solely to and through the City Manager. 6.8 Annual Review of Performance Criteria. On an annual basis, the CITY and CSUSA shall review the minimum performance criteria established in Section 5.7 and the Incentive Fee eligibility requirements established in Section 10.2, including measurement methodology and assumptions, to jointly verify and/or modify the criteria, requirements, measurement methods and assumptions to accurately and appropriately evaluate the performance and effectiveness of CSUSA and the Charter School as contemplated in the Management Agreement Documents. The CITY may, at its sole option, modify the measurement methods and/or assumptions should it determine that such modifications are necessary to more accurately and appropriately evaluate the performance and effectiveness of CSUSA and the Charter School as contemplated in the Management Agreement Documents. During the annual review, CSUSA and the CITY shall additionally determine the specific tests/instruments upon which the minimum performance criteria delineated in Section 5.7.1 shall be based for the subsequent school year. 6.9 Other Activities. The CITY shall, in a timely manner, provide all information and perform all other activities required of the CITY during the term of this Agreement to maintain a fully operational Charter School. 7. Cooperation. The parties shall, in good faith, share all information received from the Chartering Entity so as to comply with mutual obligations herein. Any information, whether written or oral, which is transmitted by the Chartering Entity to the parties shall be shared between the parties promptly. 8. Additional Mutual Obli,qations. The parties hereto shall actively and diligently coordinate all extracurricular activities, grant writing, community involvement, responsiveness and response to compliance to all federal, state, and local rules and regulations, and any other operational activities or functions occasioned by the relationship set forth in this Agreement in a concerted effort to meet the goals and objectives established in the Management Agreement Documents and the Planning Agreement. 9. Charter Schools Funding Resources. All revenues, grants, and revenue allocations received by or targeted to the Charter School, shall be directed to and retained in the Charter School Fund, as established by the CITY. 10. Mana,qement and Incentive Fees. Subject to annual appropriations by the City Commission and the provisions of Section 10.3, the CITY shall pay CSUSA annual management and incentive fees for the performance by CSUSA of its responsibilities as provided in this Agreement as follows: 6/7102 21 0.1 ManaRement Fee. The base Management Fee shall be as follows: Year 1 Years 2-3 Years 4-5 13% of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted. 11% of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted. 10% of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted. The funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, shall be the sum of district operating funds from the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP), including gross state and local funds, discretionary lottery funds, and discretionary operating millage funds divided by total district funded weighted full-time equivalent (WFTE) students times the weighted full-time equivalent students of the Charter School and the Charter School's proportionate share of categorical program funds included in the FEFP, less 5 %, and as may be adjusted for factors including, but not limited to, changes in the number of enrolled students, state holdbacks and state prorations, and a proportional share of any unfounded WFTE for Group 2 programs. All payments to CSUSA for the base Management Fee shall be paid and deemed earned pro-rata by CSUSA on a monthly basis, beginning July 1,2003, with each payment representing 1/12 of the annual base Management Fee. Payments to CSUSA shall not begin until the operating funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, in the Charter School are received by the CITY from the Chartering Entity, provided however, that the first payment to CSUSA shall include retroactive payments to July 1,2003, if any, and provided further, that the final monthly payment of each year shall be paid upon the acceptance of year-end financial reports demonstrating that the Charter School completed the year with no deficit. For the purposes of this Agreement, the number of "enrolled students" shall be equal to the Chartering Entity's FTE student count used to determine FTE Funding for the Charter School 10.2 Incentive Fees. In any year where CSUSA and the Charter School meet or exceed all the performance criteria specified in Section 5.7 of this Agreement, the CITY shall award a separate Incentive Fee upon any of the following events: 10.2.1 In order to supplement and enhance the County, State or Federal funds that are normally associated with the operation and development of a school, the CITY and CSUSA shall endeavor to obtain revenues from other sources, including grants and donations (the "Additional Revenues"). CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of all revenues received from Additional Revenues directly attributable to CSUSA's efforts. 6/7/02 22 10.2.2. Starting in Year 2, if the median percentile by each grade level on the State or Chartering Entity required norm-referenced test: Reading - exceeds the performance criteria established in Section by at least five (5) median percentile points or exceeds the performance criteria established in Section and is equal to or greater than the 75th percentile, CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to one-half percent (.5%) of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, for that year. Mathematics - exceeds the performance criteria established in Section by at least ten (10) median percentile points or exceeds the performance criteria established in Section and is equal to or greater than the 85th percentile, CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to one-half percent (.5%) of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, for that year. 10.2.3 If the cumulative response on an annual parent survey results in: Re-enrollment - The percentage of parents who Agree or Strongly Agree to the statement "1 intend to re-enroll my child for the next school year" is 80% in year 1 and 90% in each year thereafter, then CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to one-half percent (.5%) of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, for that year. Safety - The percentage of parents who Agree or Strongly Agree to the statement that ~Students feel safe at Aventura Charter Elementary School" is 80% in year 1 and 90% in each year thereafter, then CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to one-half percent (.5%) of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, for that year. 10.2.4. Starting in Year 2, if the Charter School achieves a grade of "A" under the State of Florida A+ Plan, CSUSA shall be entitled to an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the funding for student enrollment, as adjusted, for that year. 10.2.5. In any year that a land reimbursement payment is made to the CITY and that payment exceeds the land reimbursement payment specified for that same year in the Management Agreement Documents, then an amount equal to five percent (5%) of this excess shall be payable to CSUSA. 10.2.6 All Incentive Fees shall be paid and deemed earned by CSUSA in one payment on an annual basis, after verification by the CITY of eligibility based on the documentation, information and reports submitted by CSUSA pursuant to Section and upon the acceptance by the CITY of the year-end financial reports. If the CITY terminates this Agreement without cause in accordance with Section 14.2, 6/7102 23 CSUSA shall be entitled to a pro-rata share of the annual Incentive Fee to be paid pursuant to this section, if any, The pro-rata share will be 1/12 of the annual Incentive Fee times the number of months in which CSUSA performed Services pursuant to this Agreement for the school year on which the annual Incentive Fee is based. Any pm-rata share of Incentive Fees pursuant to this Section, shall be paid to CSUSA in one payment after the close of the then school year and after verification by the CITY of eligibility based on the documentation, information and reports submitted by CSUSA pursuant to Section and upon the acceptance by the CITY of the year-end financial reports. 10.3 Subordination of Management and Incentive Fees. In any year where there is a shortfall in total revenues (operating and capital outlay), the base Management Fees and Incentive Fees provided in Section 10 shall be subordinate to the operating expenses of the Charter School and the debt service on the debt incurred bythe CITY for the acquisition, design, construction, and development of the Charter School Facility, in the amounts as herein specified, unless an amended balanced Charter School Annual Budget, based on the raducad revenues and that substantially conforms with the terms and conditions of the Management Agreement Documents, can be prepared by CSUSA in accordance with Section 5.3.1., The subordination amounts shall be as follows: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Maximum subordination of 2% Maximum subordination of 2% Maximum subordination of 3% Maximum subordination of 4% Maximum subordination of 4% Further, the payment of the Management and Incentive Fees to CSUSA by CITY is subject to availability and payment of FTE Funds, funds allocated for Charter School capital outlay purposes, and any other education funds from the State of Flodda, as provided by law. 11. Insurance. CSUSA shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the amount of Five Million and no/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence and Five Million and no/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00) in the aggregate, insuring against property damage and personal injury and death occurring in connection with the Charter School. In addition, CSUSA shall maintain workers compensation insurance in the amount of the greater of Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($50,000.00) or the minimum amount required by law. 12. Indemnification. 12.1 CSUSA agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel (reasonably acceptable to the CITY) and hold the CITY, and its respective officers, employees, and agents (the "Indemnified Parties"), harmless from any and all claims, actions, costs, 6/7102 expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs at both the trial and appellate levels, arising out of, connected with or resulting from (a) the negligence, intentional wrongful act or misconduct of CSUSA in connection with the Agreement, (b) CSUSA's breach of this Agreement or law, and/or (c) any failure by CSUSA to pay its suppliers or subcontractors. The duty to indemnify will continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the expiration or termination of the Agreement with respect to any claims based on facts or conditions that occurred prior to such expiration or termination. 12.2 Subject to the provisions and monetary limitations of F.S. 768.28, the CITY agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel (reasonably acceptable to CSUSA) and hold CSUSA, its officers, employees, and agents (the "CSUSA Indemnified Parties"), harmless from any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs at both the tdal and appellate levels, arising out of, connected with or resulting from (a) the negligence, intentional wrongful act or misconduct of the CITY in connection with the Agreement, (b) the CITY's breach of this Agreement or taw, and/or (c) any failure by the CITY to pay its suppliers or subcontractors. The duty to indemnify will continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the expiration er termination of the Agreement with respect to any claims based on facts or conditions that occurred prior to such expiration or termination. 12.3 Upon becoming aware of the potential for a claim hereunder, the party seeking indemnification shall notify the other party of the existence of such claim, demand or other action giving rise to a claim for indemnification under this provision (a"Third Party Claim") and shall give such other party a reasonable opportunity to defend the same at its own expense and with its own counsel, provided however that the CITY or CSUSA shall at all times have the right to participate in such defense at its own expense. 12.4 If, within a reasonable amount of time after receipt of notice of a Third Party Claim, the CITY or CSUSA shall fail to undertake to so defend, the party seeking indemnification shall have the right, but not the obligation, to defend and to compromise or settle (exercising reasonable business judgment) the Third Party Claim for the account and at the risk and expense of the party responsible for indemnification hereunder. Each party agrees to cooperate and to make available to the other party, such information and assistance as may be reasonably requested in connection with the defense of a Third Party Claim. 13. Default. A default shall be deemed to have occurred for certain events or conditions (each, an "Event of Default"), which include, but are not limited to the following: 13.1 Any action, inaction or creation of circumstances that put the Charter in jeopardy of non-renewal or termination pursuant to Florida law, School Board rule or the Charter; or 6/7/02 25 13.2 Failure to pay any amount due hereunder within thirty (30) days after written notice that such amount is due; or 13.3 Failure to remedy a material breach of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, a default in the due and punctual observance or performance of any provision contained herein, within thirty (30) days after written notice to the defaulting party; or 13.4 If CSUSA shall under such law as shall be applicable to it commence any case or proceeding, or file any petition in bankruptcy, or for reorganization, liquidation or dissolution, or be adjudicated, insolvent or bankrupt, or shall apply to any tribunal for a receiver, intervenor, conservator or trustee for itself or for any substantial part of its property; or if there shall be commenced against it any such action and the same shall remain un-dismissed; or if by any act it shall indicate its consent to, approval of, or acquiescence in any such proceeding, or the appointment of any receiver, intervener, conservator or trustee for it or any substantial part of its property or shall suffer any of the same to continue undischarged; or if it shall become subject to any intervention whatsoever that shall deprive it of the management of the aggregate of its property or any substantial part thereof; or if it shall wind up or liquidate its affairs or there shall be issued a warrant of attachment, execution, or similar process against any substantial part of its property, and such warrant, execution or process shall remain un-dismissed, unbounded or undischarged for a period of ninety (90) days, this Agreement shall be deemed immediately terminated upon the occurrence of such event; or 13.5 If the ownership of CSUSA shall be transferred or assigned, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the CITY, in accordance with Section 36; or 13.6 If CSUSA is found to have made fraudulent use of funds, or if CSUSA fails to obtain or maintain any license, including the revocation of such license by an administrative or judicial body, that may be required for CSUSA to carry on its business and perform its obligations and functions under this Agreement. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting party shall be entitled to pursue all remedies available under law or equity, including without limitation, terminating this Agreement in accordance with Section 14. 14. Termination of this A,qreement. This Agreement may be terminated by the parties as follows: 14.1 Termination with Cause or for Nonperformance. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with cause or for nonperformance (hereinafter referred to as "Termination with Cause"), prior to the end of the term, with seven (7) days prior written notice. 6/7/02 26 14.1.1 Termination with Cause may include, but is not limited to, failure for CSUSA to account for its expenditures or to pay operating costs; failure to follow the policies, procedures, rules, regulations or curriculum as adopted by CSUSA. 14.1.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the failure to obtain any one of the performance criteria in Section 5.7 of this Management Agreement, shall be cause for the CITY to terminate this Management Agreement with cause, unless CSUSA, within thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice from the CITY, presents and agrees to implement an action plan, acceptable to the City Manager, detailing the actions to be taken by CSUSA to raise the performance level to acceptable standards, provided however that the revocation of the Charter by the Chartering Entity, shall be cause for the CITY to terminate with cause this Management Agreement, without providing CSUSA an opportunity to cure. 14.1.3 Upon Termination with Cause, the parties shall immediately end their performance of obligations pursuant to this Agreement and shall have no further obligations or responsibilities to each other as of the date of such termination, including any payment obligations (except reimbursement of authorized expenses incurred by CSUSA on behalf of the CITY or the Charter School and unpaid earned Fees), except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, and the non-defaulting party shall be entitled to pursue all remedies available under law or equity. 14.2 Termination without Cause. This Agreement may be terminated without cause (hereinafter referred to as "Termination without Cause"), as follows: 14.2.1 This Agreement shall terminate on June 30, 2008, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of Section 14 or as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 14.2.2 By the CITY, upon thirty (30) days advanced written notice, due to a change in federal, state or local law, policy, rule or appropriations during the term of this Agreement which would materially impact the ability to design, build, operate or maintain the Charter School substantially in conformance with the Management Agreement Documents. Such changes could include, but not be limited to, a charter school capital outlay funds appropriation that does not provide for the Charter School to receive funding substantially in accordance with the Management Agreement Documents, or a modification that would substantially impact the ability to limit the enrollment process to target the chitdren of the CITY. 14.2.3 By the CITY, at any time and for any reason or no reason, upon six (6) months days advance written notice. 6/7102 27 14.2.4 Upon Termination without Cause, the parties shall have no further obligations or responsibilities to each other as of the date of such termination, including any payment obligations (except reimbursement of authorized expenses incurred by CSUSA on behalf of the CITY or the Charter School and unpaid earned Fees), except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement. 15. Transfer of Functions Upon Termination. In recognition of the paramount importance of maintaining the integrity and continuing operations of the Charter School, in the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 14, or as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, CSUSA agrees to cooperate with the CITY during the transition of operations of the Charter School and for the transfer, within thirty (30) calendar days of such termination, of the documents which relate to the planning, design, development and operating functions of the Charter School (to the extent such documents are owned by the CITY) from CSUSA to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY. Such cooperation shall include, but is not limited, to: 15.1 Assignment of all employees and employment contracts of the Charter School and the transfer of employee records to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY. 15.2 Transfer of all student records, then current curriculum programs and class syllabi of the Charter School (unless the same is proprietary to CSUSA), if any, to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY. 15.3 Assignment of all contracts or subcontracts, if any, entered into by CSUSA for the Charter School, to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY, if such contracts or subcontracts ara assignable. 15.4 CSUSA shall provide the CITY, or an entity selected by the CITY, all hardware, software, business applications and other intellectual property (with password and configuration information) purchased by CITY. If CSUSA uses software or applications to operate the Charter School that is not owned by CITY or the Charter School, the CITY, at its sole option, may continue to use such software or applications. If the CITY elects to continue to utilize CSUSA software or applications to operate the Charter School, the CITY shall execute a license agreement with CSUSA for the use of the same for a license fee to be negotiated by the parties. 15.5 Transfer of all property including, but not limited to, furniture, fixtures, equipment, materials, software and hardware acquired for the Charter School bythe CITY and purchased by the CITY or through the use of funds designated for the Charter School, to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY. 15.6 The delivery of any and all Public Records in CSUSA's possession to the CITY or an entity selected by the CITY. 6/7102 28 15.7 Transfer of any and all other information owned by the CITY, or provision of assistance, to ensure the least disruption of the continuing operations of the Charter School as a result of the termination of this Agreement. 15.8 The provisions of Section 15 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 16. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all other negotiations, understandings, and representations (if any) made by and between such parties. The provisions of this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, or waived orally, but only by a writing signed by the parties and making specific reference to this Agreement. 17. Assignments. No party shall assign its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party to this Agreement, which consent may be withheld by such party in its sole discretion except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 18. Further Assurances. The parties hereby agree from time to time to execute and deliver such further and other assurances, assignments and documents and do all matters and things that may be convenient or necessary to more effectively and completely carry out the intentions of this Agreement. 19. Relationship of Parties. The relationship between the parties hereto shall be solely as set forth herein and neither party shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, partner, or joint venturer of the other. 20. Interpretations. This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly against one party than against the other merely because it may have been prepared by counsel for one of the parties, it being recognized that both parties have contributed substantially and materially to its preparation. 21. Time of the Essence. Time of performance by either party of each and every provision or covenant herein contained is of the essence of this Agreement. CSUSA shall be responsible for ensuring the timely performance of all activities and responsibilities required during the term of this Agreement, including the production of documents, in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, to ensure that the Charter School is fully operational for the 2003-2004 school year and is maintained as a fully operational Charter School in compliance with the Management Agreement Documents during the term of this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, "timely" shall include a reasonable time for review, consideration, and/or 6/7102 29 modification by the City Manager, and, whenever deemed necessary by the City Manager, shall include the appropriate time necessary for submission, consideration and/or approval by the Aventura City Commission. 22. Binding Effect. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, whether so expressed or not, shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. 23. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by: 23.1 hand delivery; 23.2 registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; 23.3 overnight courier, or 23.4 facsimile to: If to CSUSA: Charter Schools USA at Aventura, L.C. 6245 N. Federal Highway, Suite 500 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Attention: Mr. Jonathan K. Hage, President Fax: (954) 202-2047 With a copy to: Tripp Scott, P.A. 110 S.E. 6th Street, 15th Floor Fort Lauderdate, Florida 33301 Attn: Edward J. Pozzuoli, Esq. Fax: (954) 761-8475 If to the City: Eric M Soroka City Manager City of Aventura 19200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 Fax: (305) 466-8919 With a copy to: Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza & Guedes, P.A. 2665 South Bayshore Drive Suite 420 Miami, Florida 33133 Attn: Steven W. Zelkowitz, Esq. 6/7102 3O Fax: (305) 854-2323 or to such other address as any party may designate by notice complying with the terms of this Section. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered: 23,4,1 on the date delivered if by hand delivery or overnight courier, 23.4.2 on the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed; and 23.4.3 on the date of transmission with confirmed answer if by fax. 24. Headin,qs. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 25. Severability. If any part of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into pursuant hereto is contrary to, prohibited by or deemed invalid under applicable law or regulation, such provision shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited or invalid, but the remainder hereof shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect so far as possible. 26. Waivers. The failure or delay of any party at any time to enforce this Agreement shall not affect such party's right to enforce this Agreement at any other time. Any waiver by any party of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach of such provision, a waiver of the provision itself, or a waiver of any right, power, or remedy under this Agreement. No notice to or demand on any party in any case shall entitle such party to any other or further notice or demand in any other circumstance. 27. Outside Business. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict or prevent, in any matter, CSUSA or its representatives or principals from providing services to any third-party similar to the services provided pursuant to this Agreement. 28. Third Parties. Nothing in this Agreement, whether express or implied, is intended to confer any rights or remedies on any person other than the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns, nor is anything in this Agreement intended to relieve or discharge the obligation or liability of any third person to any party to this Agreement, nor shall any provision give any third person any right to subrogation or action over or against any party to this Agreement. 6/7/02 31 29. Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties acknowledge that a substantial portion of the negotiations, anticipated performance and execution of this Agreement occurred or shall occur in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and that, therefore, without limiting the jurisdiction or venue of any other federal or state courts, each of the parties irrevocably and unconditionally: 29.1 agrees that any suit, action or legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement may be brought in the courts of record of the State of Florida in Miami -Dade County or the court of the United States, Southern District of Florida in Miami -Dade County. 29.2 consents to the jurisdiction of each such court in any suit, action, or proceeding; and 29.3 waives any objection which it may have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action, or proceeding in any of such courts. 30. Enforcement Costs. In the event of any controversy arising under or relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement or any breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all court costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees (including, without limitation, all pre-trial, trial and appellate proceedings) incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. 31. Remedies Cumulative. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity, by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. 32. Contracts and Subcontracts CSUSA may contract and/orsubcontract for the performance of any of its responsibilities set forth in this Agreement, subject to notice to the CITY, such notice to indicate if the contract and/orsubcontract will provide for assignment to the CITY in the event of the termination of this Agreement, and the CITY's opportunity to review any and all proposed contracts and/or subcontracts in connection with the performance of the duties, functions, and responsibilities under this Agreement. CSUSA shall be responsible for the management of all contractors and/or subcontractors in the performance of their work. If possible, any and all contracts ahd/or subcontracts shall include provisions that provide for the assignment of these contracts to the CITY, or an entity of the CITY's selection, should this Agreement with CSUSA be terminated pursuant to the terms herein. 6/7/02 32 33. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 34. Governin(~ Law. This Agreement and all transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be govemed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Florida, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. 35, Proprietary Information. The CITY agrees that CSUSA shall own all copyrighted and other proprietary rights to all instructional materials, training materials, curriculum and lesson plans, or any other materials created and developed by CSUSA, its employees, agents or subcontractors, or by any individual working for or supervised by CSUSA, which is developed during working hours or during time for which the individual is being paid and which is specifically identified by CSUSA in writing as being copyrighted or proprietary. CSUSA shall have the sole and exclusive right to license such materials for use by other school districts, other public schools, or other customers, or to modify and/or sell such materials for use by school districts, other public schools or other customers. Notwithstanding the same, in the event of expiration or termination of this Agreement, the CITY shall have the right to use such materials during the life of the Charter School provided the CITY pays a reasonable license fee (based upon the then existing market value) to CSUSA; however, the CITY shall have no rights to use such materials beyond the life ofthe Charter School. During the term of this Agreement, CSUSA may disclose such proprietary information, including that which is currently in existence as well as that which may be created in the future. The CITY, to the extent permitted by law, shall treat all proprietary information specifically identified in writing by CSUSA as though it were a trade secret and copyrighted and shall use efforts as may be reasonably requested by CSUSA so as not to disclose, publish, copy, transmit, modify, alter or utilize such proprietary information during the Term of this Agreement or at any time after its expiration other than to the extent necessary for implementation of this Agreement or as licensed from CSUSA for the continuing planning, design, development and operation of the Charter School; provided, however, that CSUSA acknowledges that any information provided to the CITY may be a public record under Florida law and may be subject to disclosure. 36. Sale or Transfer of Interest in CSUSA. This Agreement is made by the CITY with CSUSA in its current ownership form and in reliance on the expertise of the current principals and owners of CSUSA, including Jonathan Hage. No substantial ownership or any other form of control of CSUSA, including the development and planning of the Charter School, shall be transferred or assigned, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the CITY, through the City Manager. For purposes of this Agreement "substantial change in ownership" shall be defined as when a majority of CSUSA ownership is not maintained by Jonathan Hage. In determining whether to approve of any such transfer or assignment, the City Manager may consider, without limitation: 6/7102 33 36.1 whether the now current individual principals and managers of CSUSA will continue to retain total administrative control over the Charter School; 36.2 the qualifications and character of the individuals or entities that are to receive the transferred or assigned interest from CSUSA. The CITY, upon considering the approval of the transfer or assignment, shall not unreasonably withhold approval of such based upon the foregoing criteria. 37. Additional Audits. In addition to the audits required pursuant to Section 5.3.5 of this Agreement, the CITY shall have the right, at any time during business hours, at the CITY's sole expense, and with reasonable notice to CSUSA, to inspect and audit, or caused to be inspected and audited by a certified public accounting firm selected by the CITY, the business records, bookkeeping and accounting records, tax records and returns and other records of CSUSA with respect to this Charter School and this Agreement. CSUSA shall cooperate with CITY and the certified public accounting firm. If any of the foregoing business records are retained by CSUSA following the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement and not delivered to the CITY, CSUSA shall maintain and make available to the CITY such books and records for a period of six (6) years following the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 38. PolicelRe!:lulatory Powers. CITY cannot, and hereby specifically does not, waive or relinquish any of its regulatory approval or enforcement rights and obligations as it may relate to regulations of general applicability which may govern the Charter School and the Facility, and any improvements or operations relative thereto. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create an affirmative duty of CITY to abrogate its sovereign right to exercise its police powers and governmental powers by approving or disapproving or taking any other action in accordance with its zoning and land use codes, administrative codes, ordinances, rules and regulations, federal laws and regulations, state laws and regulations, and grant agreements. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE NEXT PAGE] 6/7102 34 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CSUSA have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to CITY and CSUSA. ATTEST: CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA By: By: Teresa M Soroka, CMC City Clerk Eric M Soroka, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney WITNESSES: Signature Print Name CHARTER SCHOOLS USA AT AVENTURA, LC. By: Jonathan K. Hage, President Signature Print Name CHARTER SCHOOLS USA, INC. By: Jonathan K. Hage, President 6/7102 35 CITY OF AVENTURA FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Eric M. Soroka, City k,J~ua~(~erl Harry M. Kilgore, June 10, 2002 Services Director Financing Program Update for 2002 June 13TM Workshop Agenda Item __ As you are aware, the CIP and Budget reflect the need for long-term financing(s) in the 2001/02 fiscal year. The purpose of including this item on the workshop agenda is to update the City Commission on the current status and schedule for issuing the long- term debt. The only action required at the workshop meeting is discussion and input from the City Commission. Future regular meetings of the City Commission will include the necessary documents for approval by the City Commission. Back.qround At their January workshop, the City Commission approved the concept of borrowing funds for Charter School Land Acquisition ($4.6 million), Charter School Construction ($6 million), and the balance of the cost of the Community Center ($0.9 million). The 2001/02 Budget also included $2.1 million to finance stormwater improvements. The City Commission on February 27, 2002, approved a resolution authorizing reimbursement of the costs of these projects prior to closing of the financing. At the May 16th Special Meeting, the Commission discussed the Charter School Proposed Budget for the School's 2002/03 fiscal year (July 2002 to June 2003). Since the school will not open until August 2003 (the 2003~04 fiscal year for the school), there will be no revenues to pay operating costs and debt service for the 2002/03 fiscal year. Rather than have the General Fund subsidize the school for all debt service and startup costs for the period prior to July 2003 (which would have required a transfer of $679,494 from the General Fund) staff was asked to review the feasibility/legality of including some of the costs in the bond issue. The outcome of the review was that we could include the interest expense and startup costs within the bond issue. Any principal payment could not be reimbursed from the bond issue. However, we can structure the maturity schedule so that the first principal payment occurs after the 2002/2003 fiscal year. The result was that the General Fund transfer was reduced to $58,494 (the cost of School Administration only) as reflected in the recently adopted budget for the school. Page (2) Financing Program Update for 2002 However, this required the size of the borrowing to be increased from $6 million to $6.48 million. The term of the borrowings for School Land Acquisition ($4.6 million) and Charter School Construction ($6.48 million) was increased to 30 years in order to have debt service costs better match School Capital Outlay receipts for future years. In addition, we have received grants for 188th Street Improvements for $650,000 and 30th Avenue for $500,000, and have received bids for the Biscayne Lake Gardens Drainage Improvements of $450,000 instead of the $1.4 million originally anticipated in the Budget and CIP. Therefore, the $2.1 million anticipated borrowing for Stormwater Drainage Improvements is no longer necessary. I have worked with Vivian Escribano, of Dain Rauscher, the City's Financial Advisor, over the past six months to explore the alternative methods and/or entities to finance the program. Instead of going through a full blown bond issue on our own, both Vivian and I believed that we would be best served by concentrating on existing and active municipal borrowing pools. The most active of these pools are the Florida Municipal Loan Council (FMLC) and the Florida Intergovernmental Finance Commission (FIFC). We borrowed $21 million from FMLC in 1999 to finance the Government Center and other projects. Over the past few months, Vivian has obtained rates from both of these entities for various maturities ranging from 15 to 30 years. Both operate substantially the same for fixed rate programs with both requiring municipal bond insurance and setting interest rates based on AAA insured scales. The coupon rates for 30 year funds (Charter School Land Acquisition and Charter School Construction) would be in the 5.1% range and all inclusive costs (including costs of issuance) in the 5.3% to 5.4% range and the 15 year component (Community Center Completion) at 4.3% coupon and 4.7% all inclusive. These rates have been relatively stable over the past six months. However, short term rates have been extremely Iow for the past year. Therefore, Vivian Escribano has worked with J.P. Morgan, the Underwriter for the FIFC program, to obtain rates for variable term financing in order to receive more favorable rates. The rates for variable rate financing, assuming a rate similar to the average of the past 10 years for the particular index used to calculate the variable rate, the equivalent loan rate would be approximately 3.83% (compared to the 5.1% for fixed rate) and 4.02% all inclusive (compared to 5.35% for fixed rate). Rates for the near future would be even lower because the index used to calculate the rate is currently 1.53% compared to the 10 year average of 3.25% used to calculate the projected rates over longer periods. However, going with variable rate financing would entail the risk that rates will increase in the future. If variable rates increased in the future, we could lock in fixed rates at a future date. However, those rates would be higher than those we could obtain today. Page (3) Financing Program Update for 2002 The current FIFC proposal combines the features of a guaranteed maximum rate over the life of the borrowing (30 years for charter School Land Acquisition, Charter School Construction, and 15 years for the Community Center) while allowing the City to receive the benefits of lower variable rates for at least a portion of the period. The mechanism to do this would be for the City to issue Fixed Rate Bonds through FIFC. FIFC will then enter into an Interest Rate Swap with J.P. Morgan that converts the loan to a floating rate. FIFC then lends the bond proceeds to the City on a floating rate basis. However, at any point in the future, if rates start to go up, the City can cancel the floating rate provisions. Although there is some possibility that a sudden change in rates could require a payment by the City to undo the underlying swap transaction, this cost would be far less than the savings by including the variable rate component to the borrowing. Attachment 2 is a table depicting the projected savings of the floating rate loan to the City assuming we stayed in the floating rate for 30 years. It is based on a total borrowing of $13.6 million and the long term rates in effect at May 29, 2002 and the index rate for the variable rate being at the 10 year average for the index. Since current rates are significantly less than the 10 year average, actual projected savings by the variable rate provision would be significantly greater in the short run (estimated over $200,000 savings for the first year). The borrowing amount will be adjusted to actual requirements prior to finalization of the financing. It is anticipated that we will have documents for Commission approval on the July 2nd Commission meeting. Although the program is somewhat more exotic than I would normally recommend, I believe the savings in interest costs justifies the City's participation in the variable rate program, at least for the first couple of years. If short term rates and, therefore, the index for the variable rate, stay at their current level, the total savings will be in the $200,000 range the first year. Even if short term rates increase quickly, there will be at least $150,000 savings in the first year. Any cost savings to the Charter School would be beneficial and allow for further improvement to the school. This program allows the City to receive the benefit of short term variable rates while allowing us to know that the City can return to the guaranteed long term fixed rate at any point in the future. Attachments C-1 through C-3 was prepared by J.P. Morgan and reflect the flow of transactions under the proposed program. HMK/mn ATTACHMENT A CITY OF AVENTURA RECALCULATION OF LONG TERM BORROWING NEEDS 2002 FINANCING PROGRAM SERIES A SERIES B SERIES C TOTAL CHARTER SCHOOL LAND ACQUISITION 4,600,000 4,600,000 CHARTER SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION 6,000,000 6,000,000 BALANCE TO COMPLETE COMMUNITY CENTER 900,000 900,000 STORMWATER DRAINAGE PROJECTS 2,100,000 2,100,000 TOTALS AS OF FEBRUARY 27 2002 4,600,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 '13,600,000 ADD ONE YEAR INTEREST ON SERIES B TO AMOUNT FINANCED 340,000 340,000 ADD FIRST YEAR STARTUP COSTS TO AMOUNT FINANCED 141,000 141,000 DEDUCT SAVINGS ON BISCAYNE LAKE GARDENS BID FROM PROJECTED (950,000) (950,000) DEDUCT GRANT FOR 188 ST DRAINAGE (650,000) (650,000) DEDUCT GRANT FOR 30TH AVENUE DRAINAGE (500,000) (500,000) IREVISED TOTALS TO BE FINANCED 4 600 000 i 6,481,000 900,000 11,981,000 -I ..q "r m --I CITY OF AVENTURA TO: FROM: BY: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM City Commission /' Joanne Carr, Seniorll~la~ June 7, 2002 Amendment to Section 31-21 to amend definitions in the City's Land Development Regulations (02-LDR-02) July 2, 2002 Local Planning Agency Agenda Item __ July 2, 2002 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item __ August 6, 2002 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item __ RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission: 1. Approve an amendment to the preamble to Section 31-21 to further clarify the purpose of this section. 2. Approve an amendment to the definition of "hotet' in the City's Land Development Regulations. 3. Approve an amendment to include the definition of "multi-family residential dwelling" in the City's Land Development Regulations. 4. Approve an amendment to the definition of "residence or residential use" in the City's Land Development Regulations. THE REQUEST City staff is requesting amendments to Section 31-21 of the City's Land Development Regulations to clarify the purpose in the preamble to the section, to change the definition of "hotel', to change the definition of "residence or residential use" and to add the definition of "multi-family residential dwelling". ANALYSIS Standards for reviewing proposed amendments to the text of the LDR: 1. The proposed amendment is legally required. The proposed amendments improve the administration or~ution development process in that it clarifies language and definitions. of the 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed amendment is consistent with the authority and purpose of the LDR. The proposed amendments are consistent with the authority and purpose of the Land Development Regulations. 4. The proposed amendment furthers the orderly development of the City. The proposed amendments further the orderly development of the City. 5. The proposed amendment improves the administration or execution of the development process. The proposed amendments improve the administration or execution of the development process in that it clarifies language and definitions. Description/Background of Proposed Amendments~: 1. Sec. 31-21. Definitions. (see Exhibit #1) [For the purposes of this chapter, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings herein set out.] When these definitions include restrictions, conditions or limitations, such restrictions, conditions or limitations shall be subiect to enforcement upon the same basis as other provisions of these Land Development Regulations. The proposed amendment is required to clarify the purpose of Section 31-21 of the City's Land Development Regulations. Underlined provisions constitute proposed additions to existing text; :tr!c~cn thrcugh provisions indicate proposed deletions from existing text. 2. Section 31-21. Definitions. (see Exhibit #2) ~n~r."¢~ '" 'provides Hotel shall mean a commercial establishment which ry overnight sleeping accommodations for the ,qeneral public. No more than five (5) percent of the individual hotel units shall be occupied for more than ninety (90) continuous days by the same occupant of the unit. Principal access to all rental rooms shall be through an inside lobby or office supervised by a person in charge at all hours. Other typical hotel services must be provided includinq daily linen and maid service, and receipt and disbursement of keys and mail by the attendant at the desk in the lobby, for the occupants of the hotel. No hotel facility shall be converted to or used as a multi-family residential dwellinq. Compliance with the restrictions, conditions or limitations set forth in this definition, shall be certified by the licensee at the time of issuance and renewal of the applicable City occupational license. The proposed amendment is required to provide clarification of the definition of hotel within the City's Land Development Regulations. 3. Section 31-21. Definitions. Multi-Family residential dwelling shall mean any .qroup of more than four (4) dwellinq units occupyin.q a sin.qle buildin.q site, composed of one (1) or more buildinqs. The proposed amendment is required to provide a definition of multi-family residential dwelling in the City's Land Development Regulations. 4. Section 31-21. Definitions. (see Exhibit#3) Residence or residential use shall mean used or intended for use exclusively for dwelling purposes,.,.v.__,,.~"~'"~= ..... -~.-,...,.....~"'""~ ~'"~"~",........., as applied to any lot, plat, plot, parcel, tract, area or building, but not including hotel rooms. The proposed amendment is required to cladfy the definition of residence or residential use in the City's Land Development Regulations. Underlined provisions constitute proposed add tons to ex sbng text ................. =.. provisions indicate proposed deletions from existing text. ORDINANCE NO. 2002- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 31-21 "DEFINITIONS" OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO SPECIFY THE ENFORCEABILITY OF RESTRICTIONS, LIMITATIONS OR CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN ALL DEFINITIONS; AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF "HOTEL," AND CREATING RESTRICTIONS, LIMITATIONS OR CONDITIONS CONCERNING HOTELS; AMENDING DEFINITION OF "RESIDENCE OR RESIDENTIAL USE," CREATING DEFINITION FOR "MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING;" PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Aventura is desirous of amending the City's Land Development Regulations to provide additional restrictions and text and to clarify Section 31-21 of the Code; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has been designated as the local planning agency for the City pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the application pursuant to the required public hearing and has recommended approval to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has held the required public hearings, duly noticed in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed the legislative action set forth in this Ordinance and has determined that such action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Code Amended. That Section 31-21 "Definitions" of the City's Land Development Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for clarification and amendment of definitions, as follows': ~ Underlined provisions constitute proposed additions to existing text; :~!cke= x~exghprovisions indicate proposed deletions from existing text. Ordinance No. 2002 - Page 2 Sec. 31-21. Definitions, For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meaning herein set out. When these definitions include restrictions, conditions or limitations, such restrictions, conditions or limitations shall be subiect to enforcement upon the same basis as other provisions of these Land Development Re,qulations. Hotel shall mean a commercial establishment which provides temporary overnight sleeping accommodations for the general public. No more than five (5) percent of the individual hotel units shall be occupied for more than ninety (90) continuous days by the same occupant of the unit. Principal access to all rental rooms shall be through an inside lobby or office supervised by a person in charge at all hours. Other typical hotel services must be provided includinq daily linen and maid service, and receipt and disbursement of keys and mail by the attendant at the desk in the lobby or office, for the occupants of the hotel. No hotel facility shall be converted to or used as a multi-family residential dwelling. Compliance with the restrictions, conditions or limitations set forth in this definition, shall be certified by the licensee at the time of issuance and renewal of the applicable City occupational license. Multi-family residential dwelling shall mean any group of more than four (4) dwelling units occupying a single building site, composed of one (1) or more buildinqs. Residence or residential use shall mean used or intended for use exclusively for dwelling purposes,,,,~,~,,,~=""~' ''~ ..... .~..~,.,,,..,,.'*'"""* ,,.....,v,r'"*"~- as applied to any lot, plat, plot, parcel, tract, area or building, but not including hotel rooms. Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 3. Inclusion in the Code. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Aventura; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word "Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word. Ordinance No. 2002 - Page 3 Section 4. Penalty. Any person who violates any provisions Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment in the County jail not to exceed sixty (60) days or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate violation. This Ordinance shall also be subject to enforcement under the Local Government Code Enforcement Act, Chapter 162, F.S., as amended, and City Code Section 2-331, et. seq., as amended. Enforcement may also be by suit for declaratory, injunctive or other appropriate relief in a court of competent jurisdiction. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner ., who moved its adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Jay Beskin Commissioner Ken Cohen Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Commissioner Patricia Rogers-Libert Vice Mayor Arthur Berger Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner , who moved its adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Jay Beskin Commissioner Ken Cohen Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Commissioner Patricia Rogers-Libert Vice Mayor Arthur Berger Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow PASSED on first reading this day of ., 2002. Ordinance No. 2002 - Page 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this day of_~~_,2002. ATTEST: JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY This Ordinance was filed in the Office of the City Clerk this day of ,2002. CITY CLERK MURRAY B. DUBBIN Ci~ A~omey OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY f L 0 R ! D A (306') 67~7470 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MAY 8, 2002 MAYOR DAVID DERMER, b~MB~RS OF THE CITY COMMISSION MURRAY IL DUBBIN. ~ PUBLIC AMI~DMENTS TO MIAMI BEACH c[[~ CODE, ~ ~~G ~BB~~. Pursuant to discussion held by the Miami Beech City Commissioo at ils March 20, 2002 meeting. attached are three proposed amcodme~ to thc City Code governing lobbyim. Specifically, these proposals would 1) r~quim tho mmual disclosure of lobbyists' compensation; 2) prohibit certain representations by lobbyists ofthlrd parties; and 3) prohibit lobbyist contingency fce~ The aRaohed ord/nsncos are in proper form and ready for City Co,,~,~;~ion ~view. 1700 Con~enflon Crater Drive - Fourth ]~,oor - Mbtmi b Agenda Item Date ORDINANCE NO. 2002-3363 AN ORDINANCE OF THE~ MAYOR AND (~r]*~ COMMISSION OF THE url'¥ OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, DIVISION 3, SECTION 2-485 THEREOF ENTITLED "l.l~qT OF EXPENDITURES; FEE DISCLOSURE; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS", BY REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYISTS' FEES; PROVIDI~qG FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILrr~', CODIFICATION, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TUE. MAYOR AND COMMISSION OF TRY. ~ OF MIAM] BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION I. That Miami Beach City Code Cluq~r 2 entitled'Ai:,~:~.lltmion". Div~on 3 en~tled ~Lobbyists". Section 2-485 lherenf is hereby amended to mid as follows: (a) On October 1 of each yesr. lobbyists subject to lobbyist realsUmion requirema~ shll submit to the city clerk a signed statement und~ oath as provided herein li~:..~ all lobbying expenditm~es in the city for the preceding calendar year. A mtesnent shrill be filed even ifthere hnve by category, including R~d and beverage, entettoinment, resem~h, communication, media adverlisins, publications, lravel, locl.~ng and ~cial evmu. ponaltios which may bo imposed as wovid~d in section 2-455.1, · fine of $50.00 pot day shall be assessed for repol~ filed after the due date. (~ ~ The city clet~ ~hall no~ lhe ~atni-l)ade ~utlty C~,m~,;~io~l on ~ca az~d ~ Trust of the fifilure of a lobbyist (c~ _mincitml) to file ~ e~thef of the report~ ~mmced above and/of pay the m~m~ed fn~ after notification. (4) ffl A lobbyist for ~cit~ may appeal a fine and may request a h~ring before flxe Miami-Dade CMmmi~on c~ Ethics trod Public Trust. A request for a hearing on the fine must be filed with ~ ]~iami-I]~dc ~mmiSsion on l~hics 8nd Public Tt~t within 1~ calend~r d~s of _rec_~_pt of the notification of the ~ to file the ~equ~ed di~clos~e f~m. The l~iatni-Dade COmmi~iO~ oll Ethics arid Ptlb]ic Trt~t ~ havo tho II~tlority to W~VO ~ ~ in WhO[O OF in A11 ordinanc~ orpm~ of ordinaries in conflict herewith be and ~he s~ne are hereby If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, th~a said holding shall in no wsy affect the validity oftbe rcmalnin8 portions of this ordinance. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commlssi~m of the City oflvfiami ~ and it is hm'~by o~A~i*~l that the provisions oftixis ordinanoc shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florid~ The sections of this ordinance may be m~umbet'ed or relettc~l to accomplish such intention, end thc word "ontinsnco" may be cbenged to "section", "article,'* m* ot~ appropriate word. This Or~;-,,-ee ~ ta~e effect the. XSch day of PASSED and ADOPTED this 8th A'i-r~ST: __ day of~ (Requested by Commissioner Matti Bowc~ and Co-sponsored by Cobbie*lone. Simon Cruz, Jose Smith and Richard Stei~ ORDINANC~ NO. 2002-3364 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AM]~NDING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAl~TER 2, DIVISION 3 FANTITI,I~ "LOBBYISTS" BY CREATING SECTION 2-485A 13qTITLKI} "PROlflnlTED LOBBYING ACTIVITIES" PRO~L'RIBING CERTAIN REPRESENTATIONS OF TiflRO PARru~ BY CrrY LOBBYISTS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, 8~VERABHaTY, CODIFICATION, AND EI~'I~-~TIVE DATE. NOW, r]'H'~aF~FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CFFY COMMISSION OF Tl~ ~[r~' OF MIAMI BEACH, FLOBIDA: SRCTION l. That Miami Beach City Code Chap~ 2 entitled 'A~:-:-'- ~ion', Division 3 enfiliod "Lob~", is heroby amencl~i via lhe clarion of a Section 2-485A entitled "Prolfibit~! iobby~g ~ ~AI.I~il, .MI ordinances or parts of o~dhaances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby tepe_z!_ed. ~ ~VEIO, BIUTY If any amion, semen,, ciaus~ or pM of this oraira~:~ is held to be in,aiM or unc~t~hdlonal by m3y com't of compe%*nt jurisdiction, ~hcn said holdin~ shall in no way ~ ~ validity of the rcmainin$ pofli(~s of this ordimmce. it is hereby ordained ~hat ~ho provisions or,his ordinsnce ~1! become sad be made a pm~ of the Code of the City of Miami Beech, Florkh. The sections oft~i~ .ord~zn~ may be re.umbered or ~lettered to accomplish such intention, and the wo~ "o~limmce" may be ch,m~oed tO "section", "article," ~ other appfopri~ word. ThisOrdinfm~shlltakgeffectthe 18ch dayof 2002. (RoquesUd by Co~if~ione~ MaUl Bower ami Co-sponsored by Commi~iouers Sim~u C:mz, Jose Smith and Richard Steinberg) 2 MURRAY IL DUBBIN City Attorney OFFICE OF THE CiTY ATTORNEY f i. 0 R I D A Telephone: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ~rRoM: SUB,IgC'T: DATE: MAY 8, 2002 MAYOR DAVID DERMER, MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION Pu~mm ~o discussion held by the Miami Beach City Co, mi,lssion at its ~ 20, 2002 meeting, atUched are ti~ee proposed amendments to the City Code govm~ing lobbyists. Sp~i~mlly, ~ propo--~s would 1) require the annual disclosu~ of lobbyim' compewmlon; 2) prohibit c~r~in representations by lobbyists of third parties; and 3) prohibit lobbyist con~ f~s. The attached ord~mces are in proper form and ready for City Commin~ion review. 1700 Couventiout Cretin' Drive - Fourth Floor-- Miami Bern A~nda Item ~'C. ORDllNANCE NO. 2002-3365 AH ORDENAHCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMIS~ON OF ~ ~;l'i'Y OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CODE CHAPTER 2, DIVISION 3 ENTITLED 'LOBBYIgI~', BY CREATING A SECTION 2-485B ENTITLED "CONTINGENCY FEE PROHIBITED", PROI~RITIiNG LOBBY/ST CONTINGENCY FEES; PROVIDING FOR REI~-F~LE~, SEVERABH~ITY, CODIFICATION, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: ~ That Miami Brach City Code C~ 2 t~nfitled "Admlni~'afion~, Division 3 entitled "Lobbyists", is hereby amended via ~he c~afion of a 8ec~i~m 2-48513 entitled "Contingenc~ f~e pml~'bil~l" to ~ as follows: ~ 2=4~q 1L (~ontln_t*ent? f~ _nrnhild~nd. ~0 _ner~m or eniity tony. in whole m in _mm. _nay. _hive m _n~.ee to _nny or _hive a enmin? fee M a lnb _byist No lob _byist may. in whole m in_tort, receive ~r _n~ee to reeelve n ~nnttn?mc? fe~. A~ used ~ #COntra_mmv7_ fi~" n'mnn~ n ~ bcmu~ _~m~-~ntion which i~ ~d~dent on or in nn_v way contin_nent on the ~ defmL or modi~e~e.- of: tD a~ ~dlnnnee. re.~lutlc, n_ nciion m de~nn of the City Cnmmi~.dnn: f2] any Imtlom de~i~irm or l~ctmm~ndatlrm of~nv Citv ]~nrd m' commltt~e: oF f3] any stolon, de~islon or rer,flmrmmdnti,n~ of Citw _n~'~nel dur~ lhe time nerind of the entire the City Cflmmi~qi~t. or a City bonrd ar All ordinnnc~ orpam of ordinnnc~ in conflict herewilh be snd the same n~e hereby ~ SEVER~Rn.FFY If any section, sentn~ce, damc OF phra~ of this ordinance is held to be invalid uncomtitufional by any c, ourt of coa~geteat ~'~ then mid holding shall in no way affe~ the validity of the remaining porfiom of this ordinance. ofthe City of Mhmi Beach, Florlchl. The sections ofthis ord~nancc may be l~m-n~aedm'mleffz~[ to accomplish such intention, ~md the word ~o~l~muce~ may be chs~ed to "section", 'article,' or This OA4tnn. ce ~hnll take efl'ect the 18th day of l~ty ,2002. Al'Pr:lOVED AS TO & r-of:t f~ctmo~ 06/03/2002 02~23 ~54B2B5021 CITYOFFTI-I~GR PAGE 82/89 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, ~ELECTIONS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 12-1 TO PROVIDE FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCING PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTING STATE LAW; CREATINg SECTION 12-3, "DEFINITIONS"; CREATIN~ S~CTION 12-4, ~CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITS AND PROHIBITED CONTRIBUTIONS," TO PROVIDE FOE CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITATIONS AND SPECIFYING ENTITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS PROHIBITED FROM MAKING CONTRI~UTIONS TO CANDIDATES IN ELECTIONS FOR MAYOR-COMMISSIONER AND CITY COMMISSIONEE: AND CREATIN~ ~ECTION 12-5. ~PENALTIES." W~EREAS, the United States Supreme Court has held in several instances beginning with the decision in B v. V , 424 U.S. i (1976), that the perception of corruption is inherent in a system Of large financial contributions to candidates for public office, and the City Commission of the City of Fort Lauderdale has determined that it is necessary to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption that results from large campaign contributions and campaign contributions from certain entities and organizations must be prevented from having an adverse effect on municipal elections for mayor-commissioner and city commissioner; and WHEREAS, in the case of Claravella v. Board of County Commissioners of Sarasota County. et al., No. 99-4201 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Sept. 10, 1999), local election campaign contribution limits lower than provided for in Section 106.08, Florida Statutes, have been upheld as enforceable and constitutional; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has found =hat it is necessary for the preservation of the integrity of representative democracy in the City of Fort Lauderdale to impose llmltations and restrictions on campaign contributions, which includes direct expenditures on behalf of candidates, in municipal elections in order to remove the perceived corruption stemming from candidate dependence upon large contributors and contributors such as corporations, special interest groups and other entities and organizations; and I C-02-09 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 I,~.I~RRAS, the United States Supreme Court has found that when the perception of corruption is not addressed, the resulting cynical assumption of voters that large donors unduly influence the work of government could jeopardize the willingness of voters to par~icipate in the democratic process of representative government; and WHEREA~, the City Co~ission has loud that the public's awareness of the possibilities of abuse and corruption arising from large contributors and contributions from certain entities and organizations erodes the public's confidence in the democratic system and in the integrity of municipal elections in the City of Fort Lauderdale; and WHEREAS. the City Commission has determined that in order to prevent the appearance 0£ undue influence and access to candidates by contributors and to prevent candidates £rom gaining an unfair advantage in the political marketplace, it iS necessary to address the potentlal for abuses associated with campaign contributions, including direct expenditures, by entities formed for business purposes such as corporations, limlted liability companies, professional associations, national and state banks, unincorporated associations, labor organizations, and limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and general partnerships, as well as special interest groups such as political committees, political action committees, committees of continuous existence and unincorporated associations; and WHEREAS, business entities and entities formed £or business purposes have the ability to amass great wealth in the economic marketplace and to utilize such wealth to disproportionately impact municipal elections with campaigncontrlbutlons, which unfairly influences elections and creates the perception that public officials may be influenced by special interests to the public detriment; and ~IIEREAS, resources in the treasury and accounts of a business entity are not an indication of popular support of the entity's political ideas, but instead reflect the economically- motivated decisions of investors, owners, and customers; and 06/03/2002 02:23 9548285021 CITYOFFTLMGR PAC~ 84/89 ORDZNANC~ NO. C-02-0~ P~GS 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that in order to prevent abuses that are likely to result from an ordinance limiting campaign contribution amounts and prohibiting specified business entities from contributing to a candidate, it is necessarY to prohibit contributions from other groups and organizations to inhibit circumvention of the ordinanoe's contribution limitations; and WHEREAS, there is a danger that a candidate's reliance on contributions from corporations, special interest groups and other entities and organizations for election assistance will impair such candidate's ability to make independent choices; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the appearance of quid pro quo relationships between special interest contributors and political recipients, whether or not it exists, seriously undermines public confidence in the political system, and has the potential for disproportionate impact on elections in the City of Port Lauderdale; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that campaign contributions in previous elections demonstrate that candidates can amass the resources necessary to participate effectively in the electoral process, by means of contributions from individuals and without relying ou contributions from corporations, special interest groups and other entities and organizations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined the campaign finance provisions of this ordinance will eliminate the appearance of and the potential for undue and unfair influence on elected city officials helping to instill more faith and trust in government, will ensure that competition among candidates in the political arena is truly a competition of political ideas, and will level the playing field for qualified individuals, who may not otherwise choose to run for public office, desiring to devote the time and effort necessary seek and held the office of mayor-commissioner or city commissioner of the City of Fort Lauderclale; C-02-09 86/83/2882 82:23 9548285021 CITYOFFTLMGR PAGE 05/09 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 PAGE 4 NOW, THEREFORe, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA: ~,~. That Section 1~-1~ entitled "State law to apply," of the Code of Ordinances o~ the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12-1. State law to apply. Ail city elections shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth ~n Florida Statutea~_~.~ the coexlstino Drovleions of this chanter. SECTION2. That Section 12-3, entitled "Definitions," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is hereby created as follows: For the nur~oses of this chanter, the followln~ terms. ~hrm~es. words and their derivation~ shall have the meaning ~iven herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the nresent tense include the future tens~, words ~ the nlural n~T ~nclude the slnuular number, an~ words in the singular number include the ulural numbe~, Words not defined in this article shall be defined ~ accordance with state and federal law or otherwise shall b~ ~iven their common and ord~narvmeanln~, unles~ the context c!earlv Provides otherwise, Candidate shall have the mean{n~iven to such term in Chapter 10~. Florida Statutes. as amended from Committee of continuous existence ~hall have ~eanin~ ~iven to such term in~b~ter 106. Flori~ Statutes. as amended from time to time C-02-09 06/83/2002 82:23 9548285821 ClTYOFFTLI,~C-~ PAGE 86/89 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 (e) (q Con~r~ibutio~ ~hall have the meanin~ olden to such J~rm in Chanter 10~. FloridaStatutes. as amend~ from time to time. An independent exDenditu~e, a~ that term is defined in Cha~ter 106. Flort~ Statutes. is not included within the mean~n~ o¢ Labor or~amization or ~n4~u mean= any oroan~atlon Of any kln~. or any agency or em_nlo¥~¢ =e~resentatlon committee or_p/an, in which emulovees participate an~ which exists fo~ th~ D~trDOSe. in whole or in Dart. o~ Qeallno with emDlover~ concernin~ oTievances, labo=disnutes. wanes, rates of Day. hour~ of employment. Or conditions of wor~. Natural ~mr$on shall mean an~ human beino other than an ~em~ne~nated child ~nder the aoe Political Committee shall have the ~ean~ oiven ~0 such te~-m in Chapter 10~. Florida Statutes. ae amended from time to t~me_ O~incoroorated association means any ~rOUD OP natural persons ~oTmed [or a common our~os~ Or UnonDosed candidate shall have tb~ ~ean~n~ oiven ~0 such term in Section 106.011{1~1. Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time~ ~. That Sec~£on 12-4, entitled "Campaign contribution limits and 9rohibite~ ¢ontrihu~ions,, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is hereby created as follows: C-02-09 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 PA~E 6 It shall be unlawful for any natural oersonj eithe~ directly Or indirectlv~ to make contributions tO any candidate with respect to any ele=t~on for office of mayor-commissioner or city commissioner. which, in the aeore~ate, exceed It shall be unlawful for any candidate or other natural person to knowlnglv accept or receive an~ campaign contribution nrohiblte~ bV thin section, The contribution limitations of th~s section apulv to each election conducted to fill a particular office. Each 9r/mary. snecial and ~enera] elect~on are separate ~lsctlons provided the candidate is not an unopposed candidate. No cOntribution mhall be made to any tend{date with resDect to any election for the office of mayor- commissioner or city commissioner, except by natural person. It shall be unlawf~:l for entity or or~anization listed below to make contribution in connection with any primary. general, or s~ecial elect~on held to select candidates for ma¥or-co~issioner or commissioner, or for any candidate orJDther =o accent or ~ecelve any contribution nrohiblted bs, this section, or any officer or director of any entltV or or~anization below to consent to any cont~ibution by the entity'or oruanization, as _case may be. prohibited bv this section: any cornoration, corooration not for Droflt, DartnershfD. limited Partnership. llmite~ liability partnership, as~ociatio~ cooperative. 4oint venture, business tr%/st. limited liability company. ProfeSSional sez-vice corooration, or sole nroDrietQrsh]? organized under the laws of the Stat~ O~ C-02-09 06/83/2002 02:23 9548285021 CITYO~FTL~R ORDIN~/qCE N0. C-02-09 PA~E 7 [3! Florida or any other state or fore~un country. and as defined in Florida Statute8! any bank or f~nanclal institution oraan~zed doina bus~ness un,er the laws of the United States. the State of Florida or any other any labor oroan~zatlon or union; any Political committee or ~olitlcal action any committee of COntinuous exlstence! any unlncorDo=ated association. ~J~_{. That Section 12-5, entitled "PenalCles," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fort ~auderdale, Florida is' hereby created as follows: Anv candidate, natural ~erson. entity or or~anlZation wh,, violates, nermit~ to be violated or causes to be violate,] any provision of this chauter shall, uPOn such a ~indino ~y a court of comuetent 4urisdiction. be assessed a clv~l fin~ in an amount not to exceed five hundred ~500.00) dollaz.' $-~-C~QN_~. That if any clause, section or other part of this Ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect. ii e-o2-o~ 06103/2002 02:23 9548285021 ClTYOFFTLMGR PAGE 09/89 ORDINANCE NO. C-02-09 PA~E 8 S~CTION6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon passage. PASSED FIRST READIN~ this the 23rd day of April, 2002 PASSED SECOND READING this the 7th day of May, 2002 Ma~or ~ ' JIM NAUGL F. ATTEST: C-02-09 BILZlN .$UMBERG DUNN BAENA PRICE & AXELROD LLP A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ~1~oo FIRST UNION FINANCIAL CENTER June 5,2002 Eric Soroka, City Manager City of Aventura 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura, FL 33180 VIA COURIER 8. No FAR requirements; and \75061\16395~571207 vi 6/5/02 Dear Mr. City Manager: Consistent with our past conversations and my presentation to the City Commission, I would like you to review and analyze the following modifications to the RMF-3B Ordinance. A conditional use, pursuant to the following standards: A density not to exceed 40 units per acre; The average square footage per unit shall not be less than 1,500 square feet per unit; The maximum height is proposed at 10-stories, which is not to exceed 110 feet to top of roof; The applicant is required to demolish all existing non-conforming buildings on the site on or before August 1, 2003; The applicant will be required to pay up front impact fees in accordance with previous directives of the City; The developer will agree to dedicate and construct, at its own cost, a sidewalk fronting N.E. 188th Street, as well as a promenade along the finger canal; The Promenade shall be counted toward open space and density calculations; RE: Proposed Conditional Use; Thunder Alley District B~LZIN SUIVlB£RG DUNN BAENA PRICE: & AX£LROD LLP Mr. Eric Soroka June 5, 2002 Page 2 Private property underwater can be counted toward open space in density calculations. For your edification, I am enclosing a copy of a proposed floor plan for my client's site located on the south side of 188th Street. This proposed plan under the above scenario would result in a density of less than 40 units to the acre. I strongly suggest that under the existing RMF-3B medium density residential district category, the City is assuring that small rental units will be built along Thunder Alley in order to achieve the maximum present density of 35 units to the acre. While there may be a need within the City to provide rental units, it is in my opinion counter-productive to not permit larger condominium units for families in order to service the proposed charter school, as well as to create a critical mass for the utilization of the proposed Town Center at Loehman's Plaza. I will, of course, be more than happy to meet with you and your staffto further refine this proposal and answer any questions you may have. Respectfully yours, Stanley B. Price SBP:cm Encl. cc: Mr. Glenn Laken Ms. Susan Fried Ms. Joanne Carr \75061\16395~571207 vi 6/5/02 VIA FAX & P. m3ULAIt MAIL ~ R,d~,M4 (}l, OUl~-,~'S Ft~hifln I*bnd Doer Mr. Soroh: As )~u know. this or,ce rel~uem. Ihe Rdmat Omup nd we ire in the proce~ of ,,~ alto plm te,4ew rot die fir~ plmo of b red~ oF Lodmmm's Fubion bbnd- wouM reolri~ the nbilily of my devdoMr to ereilo · wo~.ablo end finsnoilJly fk~ibb ~t pmjm fbr thls ~ size. which is eavbioned to be tho omtUr-l~OOo of b TC-! zooJ~dlstrl~. Whbit bnot ,muauel to fmdmmhinommbten~e~ when a thmx~o~ly zonin{ code b specificgly q~mlied to a" rui" pr~ the LDRs of ~he Ci~ ~ m ~w ~ Vsrianem, however, are a dittleult bpi pmbknn due to ~ peammteel dlilleuluy in proviuib u ~,w~uired by )~,ur i. Dib, s kpl "hmbhlp". Whil~ doin{ so is not m imposu~ility, it is mm gut a tmo Iosti haldd~ ¢,an be shown in tho history of Florida zonin8 law. As a remdt, such vL-iaucea may nlm sub, eot au~a · project to difficult, Imgthily tnb eontly ~ scrutiny if On the olha'bnd, it is ubo ixMmtl~ ~u~ the C~mimku m dui wlth the~ reno inuee in a nu~ i'L~tb~ lepi way...mi ~lmis ~hrouih ~be "~nditionsl use' ela~Ovd pn~m. ~n o~som~ the ~ idmtifled below, are e~ill ~ bv tho r,__,~,,~ ,,,~,.;~ gI · uublic J,~.ri,,~ but hod, the develeyer md rise City hlv~ n~m I~d {l~dbili~ ~o judp duse mmuro on a pt~ee~ spe~lfJ~ basis, publ~ hoa~ns Moceu. 'file anundmeat wiJl add tim follow~nE m conditiomd useo ~n ~h~ ?C-I zonin~ dis~ct: Ploor arum iht ar~ lm than the minimum t~r ax'~a~ S~otumt imklns ~at is not inco~orst~d into the bm'Idles envelope of · ptinu~ uso m'ucture S~tured pui~i~_~ that con be seen from a pr~ uso INildlns nnd ~lmt do~s not lmvo tho ~ea of tho top bvel laflds~:aped ancFoe dtF, orativ~¥ paved in orckn' to provide amenity areas for t~ldin~ occupants, ~vev~y sMndards. Driveways for mixed-use projects ex~Moding twenty (20) m in s~ may oonuin driv~vays with ~ s~u-mion of less than feet of lambcq~ fro~q~ m ~on8 ss it k det~'~ned, -- pm of she phn a. 1~ b th~ to~al l~Ct t~e ~._ _~, the minimum requh'enuf~ of ~hfs Cod~ b. It is de~nn~sd tbzoush ~c ~ ~hst a I~se~ di~an~e b~smen U'Lqlc. We would respe~hlly l,~ques~ thc Commlmion amslder the~ proposed chants at em~est oonvuieflce. If tha~ oro my que~ons r~trdln~ thls mattt~, phase f~l fl~e to call.