ORDINANCE NO. 2007- 01
WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous
and ongoing process; and
WHEREAS, Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, directs local governments to
periodically assess the success or failure of the adopted plan to adequately address
changing conditions and state policies and rules; and
WHEREAS, Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, directs local governments to
adopt needed amendments to ensure that the plan provides appropriate policy
guidance for growth and development; and
WHEREAS, the City adopted its revised Evaluation and Appraisal Report on
November 1, 2005, and;
WHEREAS, the South Florida Regional Planning Council found the adopted
EAR sufficient on January 31,2006, and;
WHEREAS, the City has completed its proposed Evaluation and Appraisal
Report-based amendments consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II,
F.S., and Rule 9J-5 and 9J-11, F.A.C.; and;
WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the 2005 Evaluation and
Appraisal Report-based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, held an advertised
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 2
public hearing, provided for public participation in the process and rendered its
recommendation to the City Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission, upon first reading of this Ordinance,
authorized transmission of the EAR-Based Amendments to the Department of
Community Affairs and review agencies for the purpose of a review in accordance with
Sections 163.3184,163.3187,163.3189 and 163.3191, Florida Statutes.
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing facts and recitations contained in the
preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully
set forth herein.
Section 2. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The 2005 Evaluation
and Appraisal Report-Based Amendments to the City of Aventura Comprehensive Plan,
attached as Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance and as revised to address any objections,
recommendations and comments provided by the Department of Community Affairs
and review agencies, are hereby adopted.
Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any
reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 3
but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall
stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part.
Section 4. Inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the City
Commission and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of Exhibit "A" to this
Ordinance shall become and made part of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of
Section 5. Transmittal. The City Clerk is directed to transmit the amendments
to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs and other review agencies.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective pursuant to
Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes.
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Joel, who moved its
adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Auerbach, and
upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes
Commissioner Bob Diamond yes
Commissioner Harry Holzberg yes
Commissioner Billy Joel yes
Commissioner Michael Stern yes
Vice Mayor Luz Urbaez Weinberg yes
Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Joel, who moved its
adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Weinberg,
and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes
Commissioner Bob Diamond yes
Commissioner Luz Urbaez Weinberg yes
Commissioner Billy Joel yes
Commissioner Michael Stern yes
Vice Mayor Harry Holzberg yes
Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes
Ordinance No. 2007---'JL
Page 4
PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this 11 th day of July, 2006.
PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 9th day of January, 2007.
.ud da~
/'vi h'Yj ~
in the Office of the City Clerk this ID~ay of jGtltL"~1 ,2007.
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 5
1. Add a new Objective 1, as follows:
Obiective 1
The Land Development Reaulations shall provide a cohesive blueprint for development
and redevelopment in the City that accommodates arowth while maintainina the
intearity of the built and natural environment.
2. Add a new Policy 1.1, as follows:
Policy 1.1. Development is herein defined as construction. alteration. or material
chanae on/to vacant land. and is limited to the vacant lands shown on Map 1-10. In
the event that development has occurred on vacant land. Map 1-10 shall be amended
to reflect such development durina the next reaularly scheduled Comprehensive Plan
amendment cycle.
3. Add a new Policy 1.2, as follows:
Policy 1.2. Redevelopment is herein defined as the demolition and reconstruction.
renewal. alteration. or material chanae on/to lands not shown as vacant on Map 1-10.
as it is periodically amended.
4. Add a new Policy 1.3, as follows:
Policy 1.3. Development and redevelopment shall conform to the buildina heiaht
limitations. site development standards. and desian auidelines established in the Land
Development Reaulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan.
5. Add a new Policy 1.4, as follows:
Policy 1.4. In order to minimize neaative impacts to the City's infrastructure. traffic
conaestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times. and Quality of life. the density and
intensity of development and redevelopment shall be limited to reflect existina
development patterns. in accordance with the Land Development Reaulations.
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Page 6
6. Add a new Policy 1.5, as follows:
Policy 1.5. The Land Development Reaulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan shall
contain provisions that provide for appropriate transitions between different Future Land
Use Districts. lonina Districts. uses. and neiahborhoods. and that buffer existina
neiahborhoods. buildinas. uses and natural areas from the encroachment of
incompatible uses.
7. Add a new Policy 1.6, as follows:
Policy 1 .6. The City shall encouraae pedestrian friendly desian and walkable
neiahborhoods throuah its development review processes. desian auidelines. and
taraeted redevelopment efforts.
8. Add a new Policy 1.7, as follows:
Policy 1.7. Redevelopment shall conform to site development standards as outlined
in the Land Development Reaulations.
9. Add a monitoring measure for Objective 1, as follows:
Measure: Incorporation of the policy provisions into the Land Development
10. Renumber Objective 1, as follows:
Objective -1-~
11. Renumber Policy 1.1, and amend as follows:
Policy -1-~.1
The Future Land Use map shall identify all residential land as one of the following
Residential Land Use Categories:
Low Density
(No change)
Low-Medium Density
(No change)
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 7
Medium Density This category authorizos apartment buildings ranging allows a
ranae of densities from 13 to 25 dwelling units per gross acre. The type2 of housing
structure typically permitted in this category include townhouses and low-rise and
medium-rise apartments. but may also include sinale family detached. duplexes.
triplexes Quadruplexes and townhouses.
Medium-High Density This category authorizos apartment buildings ranging allows
a ranae of densities from 25 to 60 dwelling units per gross acre. In this category, the
height of buildings, and, therefore, the attainment of densities approaching the
maximum, depends to a great extent on the dimensions of the site, conditions such as
location and availability of services, zonina. type of housina structure. the ability to
provide sufficient off-street parking, and the compatibility with and impact of the
development on surrounding areas. The type of housina structure typically permitted in
this cateaorv includes low. medium and hiah-rise apartments. but may also include
sinale family detached. duplexes. triplexes. Quadruplexes and townhouses.
Additionally. the heiaht of buildinas and attainment of densities approachina the
maximum shall also be continaent on the ability of the developer to ensure appropriate
transitions and buffers with the surroundina neiahborhood. and to alleviate impacts that
will adversely impact service levels and Quality of life.
12. Renumber Policy 1.2, and amend as follows:
Policy -1-:-2.~
The Future Land Use map shall identify all nonresidential land as one of the following
nonresidential land use categories:
Industrial and Office
(No change)
Business and Office This category accommodates the full range of sales and
service activities. Included are retail, wholesale, personal and professional services,
commercial and professional offices, hotels, motels, hospitals, medical buildings,
nursing homes, entertainment and cultural facilities, amusements, and commercial
recreation establishments. However, private commercial marinas may only be
permitted as a conditional use as contained within the land development regulations.
These uses may occur in self-contained centers, high-rise structures, campus parks,
Town Centers, or in nodes defined by the intersection of two arterial roadways or at the
intersection of an arterial and a local or collector street. Additionally, the Metropolitan
Urban Center designation as described and adopted within the Miami-Dade
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 8
Comprehensive Development Master Plan may be applied as an overlay within this
land use category.
The specific range and intensity of uses appropriate in a particular Business and Office
property is dependent on the particular land use, design, urban services, transportation,
environmental and social conditions on and around the subject parcels at the time of
approval including consideration of applicable goals, objectives and policies, and the
provisions of applicable land development regulations which serve to implement the
comprehensive plan.
The maximum allowable development intensity shall be a floor area ratio of total
building square footage (not including parking structures) divided by the net lot area of
the development parcel of 2.0. Actual intensities approvable to a given site may be
significantly lower than the maximum where necessary to conform to an overriding Plan
policy, or to maintain compatibility of the development with its surroundings. The
maximum intensity allowable on a aiven site shall also be continaent on the ability of the
developer to ensure appropriate transitions and buffers with the surroundina
neiahborhood. and to alleviate impacts that will adversely impact service levels of
service and Quality of life.
Town Center
(First Paragraph)
Town Centers are encouraged to be hubs of future urban development in Aventura,
around which a more compact and efficient urban structure will evolve. Town Centers
are not intended to be Reaional Activity Centers. but instead are intended to serve the
City's existina and future residents and businesses. Town Centers are intended to be
moderato to high intonsity design-unified areas which will contain a mixture of different
urban functions integrated both horizontally and vertically. Town Centers shall be
characterized by physical cohesiveness, direct accessibility by mass transit service, and
high quality urban design. The development of each Town Center will be managed
through the creation of a thematic plan...
Parks and Recreation
(No change)
The areas that are desianated Water on the Future Land Use map reflect natural and
man-made water bodies within the City. These areas provide numerous benefits to the
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 9
City of Aventura and are an important component of the City's multi-modal
transportation network. stormwater drainaae infrastructure. and natural and built
environments. The use of these areas shall be limited to recreational and commercial
boatina facilities and uses (includina water taxis and ferries). the provision of open
space and urban relief: recreation. waterways. wetlands. flood control. stormwater
drainaae and storaae. and natural resource protection and enhancement. and comply
with the requirements of Chapter 24. "Environmental Protection. ..". of the Miami-Dade
County Code of Ordinances. Development in or above areas desianated "Water" that
will diminish these functions shall be prohibited. and development and redevelopment
adiacent to these areas shall include provisions to enhance these functions where
13. Renumber Policy 1.3 as follows:
Policy -1-~.3
14. Renumber Objective 2 as follows:
Objective ~
15. Renumber Policy 2.1, and amend as follows:
Policy ~~.1 In planning and designing all new development and redevelopment, the
City shall vigorously promote implementation of the guidelines contained in tho "Urban
Design Elemont" redevelopment plans. the Redevelopment Element. and Land
Development Reaulations.
16. Renumber Policy 2.2 as follows:
Policy ~.2
17. Renumber Policy 2.3 as follows:
Policy ~~.3
18. Renumber Policy 2.4, and amend as follows:
Policy ~.4 The City shall promote good urban design, water and energy conservation
and wildlife habitat when designing sites and selecting landscape material for all public
projects. Native landscapina materials shall be used where feasible and appropriate in
public projects.
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Page 10
19. Renumber Policy 2.5 as follows:
Policy ~.5
20. Renumber Policy 2.6, and amend as follows:
Policy ~~.6 In formulating or amending development regulations, Aventura shall avoid
creating disincentives to redevelopment that otherwise conforms to the Comprehensive
21. Renumber Objective 3, and amend as follows:
Objective ~ Decisions regarding the location, extent and intensity of future land use in
Aventura will be based on suitable environmental conditions. compatibility with the
natural and built environment. the minimization of adverse impacts to neiahborhoods.
the ability to maintain a hurricane evacuation clearance time of 12 hours or less. and
the financial feasibility of providing, by the year 20G15, services at levels of service
(LOS) that meet or exceed the minimum standards adopted in the Capital
Improvements Element. [9J-5.006(3)(b)1]
22. Renumber Policy 3.1 as follows:
Policy ~.1
23. Renumber Policy 3.2 as follows:
Policy ~.2
24. Renumber Policy 3.3 as follows:
Policy ~.3
25. Renumber Policy 3.4 as follows:
Policy ~.4
26. Renumber Objective 4 as follows:
Objective 4Q
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 11
27. Renumber Policy 4.1 as follows:
Policy 42.1
28. Renumber Objective 5, and amend as follows:
Objective 9Q. Aventura shall, by the year 20Q15, continue to reduce the number of land
uses inconsistent with the uses designated on the LUP map or with the character of the
surrounding community. [9J-5.006(3)(b)3].
29. Renumber Policy 5.1, and amend as follows:
Policy 92..1 When evaluating compatibility among proximate land uses, the City shall
consider such factors as the character and function of the surroundina neiahborhood.
consistency with the aoals and obiectives of the Comprehensive Plan. specific
neiahborhood and redevelopment plans. noise, lighting, shadows, glare, vibration, odor,
runoff, access, traffic, parking, heights, bulk, scale of architectural elements,
landscaping, hours of operations, buffering, and safety, as applicable.
30. Renumber Policy 5.2, and amend as follows:
Policy 9Q..2 Through implementation of the land development regulations, residontial
neighborhoods shall be protected from intrusion of uses that would disrupt or degrade
the health, safety, tranquility, character, and overall welfare of the neighborhood.
31. Renumber Policy 5.3 as follows:
Policy 92..3
32. Renumber Policy 5.4 as follows:
Policy 92..4
33. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 6 (old Objective 5)
Policy 6.5 AlthoUQh there are currently no militarv installations within or proximate to
Aventura. the City shall adhere to State statutory requirements to ensure compatibility
of new development and redevelopment with militarv operations if a militarv installation
is located within or within one-half mile of its boundaries in the future.
34. Renumber Objective 6, and amend as follows:
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 12
Objective eI Upon tho adoption of the Avontura Plan, aAII subsoquent public and
private activities regarding the use, development and redevelopment of land and the
provision of urban services and infrastructure shall be consistent with the goal2,
objectives and policies of this and all ~Iements of the Comprehensive Plan, witt:.
recognized Population Estimates and Projections, and-witA future uses designated on
the adopted Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) map, and as balanced 'Nith tho Goals,
Objectivos and Policios of all Elements of the Comprohensivo Plan.
35. Renumber Policy 6.1 as follows:
36. Renumber Objective 7 as follows:
Objective ~
37. Renumber Policy 7.1, and amend as follows:
Policy ~.1 The City shall undort3ke efforts to locato sitos with confirmed historio,
3rchitootural and archaoological significance If any historically-. architecturally-. or
archaeoloaically-sionificant sites are identified within the City. the City shall coordinate
with the appropriate aaencies to and shall take timely and appropriate measures to
preserve identifiod these sites.
38. Renumber Objective 8 as follows:
Objective g~
39. Renumber Policy 8.1, and amend as follows:
Policy g~.1 Tho City Commission, upon recommondation of tho City Managor, shall
establish opportunities for the consideration of amondments to tho Avontura
Comprehensivo Plan. Tho City Commission shall not establish mora than the Stato
imposod maximum number of opportunitios, currontly tv/O opportunitios per yom. Small
scalo amendments or emorgency amondments shall bo oxompt from this limitation as
pro'Jidod for in Stato law. The City of Aventura shall propose or consider applications to
amend the Comprehensive Plan twice a year. on dates established in the Code of
Ordinances. with exceptions to this limitation as provided for in State law.
40. Renumber Policy 8.2, and amend as follows:
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 13
Policy Sf!.2 Applications to amend the City's Future Land Use Plan map shall be
evaluated to consider consistency with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of all
Elements, other timely issues, and in particular the extent to which the proposal, if
approved, would:
1 . Satisfy a deficiency in the Plan map to accommodate projected population or
economic growth of the City;
2. Enhance or impede provision of services at adopted LOS Standards;
3. Be compatible with abutting and nearby land uses and protect the character
of established neighborhoods; aM
4. Enhance or degrade environmental or historical resources, features or
systems of significance-:-: and
5. Impact the City's ability to maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times of
12 hours or less.
41. Renumber Policy 8.3 as follows:
Policy Sf!.3
42. Renumber Objective 9 as follows:
Objective 910
43. Renumber Policy 9.1, and amend as follows:
Policy 910.1 Aventura shall continue to maintain, and enhance as necessary,
regulations consistent with the Plan which govern the use and development of land, and
which, as a minimum, regulate: {9J-5.006(3)(c)1]
1. Land use consistent with the Land Use Element and Level of Service
2. Subdivision of land;
3. Areas subject to seasonal and periodic flooding;
4. Stormwater management;
5. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands;
6. Protection of the character and function of the surroundina neiahborhood and
7. Signage; and
8. On-site traffic flow and parking to ensure safety and convenience and that no
avoidable off-site traffic flow impediments are caused by development.
44. Renumber Policy 9.2 as follows:
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 14
Policy 910.2
45. Renumber Policy 9.3, and amend as follows:
Policy 910.3 The City, within ono yoar of adoption of this Plan shall aAa6t implement
land development regulations. as may be amended from time to time. that include
provisions for: [(J-5.006(3)(c)4]
1. Open space in the form of squares, plaza, or green areas in residential and
commercial zoning categories;
2. Diversity of uses in or adjacent to residential districts, including neighborhood
designs that have a mixtures of retail, residential, office, institutional and
service business uses in close proximity;
3. Diversity of housing and construction types;
4. Parking requirements for all zoning districts that allow and retain on-street
parking where appropriate~: and
5. A hierarchy of street types and designs, ranging from pedestrian and bike
paths to boulevards that serve both neighborhoods and area-wide vehicular
and pedestrian trips.
46. Renumber Objective 10 as follows:
Objective -W.1l
47. Renumber Policy 10.1 as follows:
Policy -Wll.1
48. Renumber Objective 11, and amend as follows:
Objective #12. Upon tho adoption of tho Plan, tThe location, design and
management practices of development shall ensure the protection of natural resources
and systems by recognizing, and sensitively responding to constraints posed by soil
conditions, topography, water table level, vegetation type, wildlife habitat, and hurricane
and other flood hazards.
49. Renumber Policy 11.1 as follows:
Policy #12.1
50. Renumber Policy 11.2 as follows:
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 15
Policy U12.2
51. Renumber Objective 12, and amend as follows:
Objective ~13. The City of Aventura shall coordinate its coastal planning area
population densities with the South Florida Regional Planning Council. adiacent
iurisdictions. and the Miami-Dade County eOffice of eEmergency mManagement.
52. Renumber Policy 12.1, and amend as follows:
Policy ~13.1 All proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments that
increase density (population) shall be required to submit, at the time of application, an
analysis of the impacts of the proposed amendment tijX)n tAe evacuation routes and
evacuation clearance times based on the best and most recent South Florida Reaional
Plannina Council data reaardina hurricane evacuation routes and clearance times in the
City 3S included within tho South Florida Rogional Hurricano E'.'acuation Study, April,
1996, or as may be amended from timo to time.
53. Renumber Policy 12.2 as follows:
Policy ~13.2
54. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 13 (old Objective 12)
Policy 13.3 By 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City shall coordinate with the
appropriate aaencies to ensure that updated data and methodoloaies are beina utilized
in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas. and encouraae the use of consistent
evacuation clearance time standards by northeast Miami-Dade County and southeast
Broward County municipalities.
55. Renumber Objective 13 as follows:
Objective ~ 14.
56. Renumber Policy 13.1, and amend as follows;
Policy ~ 14.1 By Docombor J 1 1999 tThe City shall continue to coordinate with
Miami-Dade County Public School2 Board, Miami-Dade County, other northeast Miami-
Dade County municipalities of Northoast Miami Dado County.l. aM the South Florida
Regional Planning Council. and other aaencies as appropriate in order to develop
alternate solutions to tAe projected public school siting needs.l. includea.ina in tho data
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 16
and analysis. Thoso altornati':e solutions should includo but not limited to the utilization
of existing vacant sites, vacant office space, and the addition of ~AG stories to existing
schools, as 'Nell as other altornati'lo solutions.
57. Amend the Adopted Future Land Use Plan Map Series as follows:
a. Revise Map 1-7 to delete the proposed Community Facility depicted adjacent
to the proposed Park in the northwest area of the City (Hospital District), and
update the timeframes to 2010, 2015, and 2025.
b. Include a new Map 1-10, "Vacant Land Map" (Figure II.A.3. in the adopted
Ordinance No. 2006-
Page 17
D E.tate Den.ity
D ~':id~~~y
o ~~:Id:W;:r Density
o ~=~tl~gh Density
D ~=d~::1~ty
D Park. and CI TY
Recreatlan L1MI T
~ Buolneos Ives Dair
E';'l'J Muselxed
~ Road
.---J Medium O...slty
L-..J Re.ld... tla!
~R;,t~l3 ~:::~:~~:Qh Oensity
o Parks and Recreation
~ Business and Office
o Industrial and Office
11IIIII Town Center
D Water
Porl< *
Exl.tlng Community
Map 1-7
Future Land Use Map
With Adjacent Land Uses &
Parks & Open Space
City of Aventura Comprehensive Plan - 1998
Adopted December 1998
Note: EnGbllng am__ to the Comprth....I.. PIon hOWl;
been odoptsd, Ill. following "",,01_ ..... mode:
RMAIakan Dale t"Ir.4ft4II\M No
8/9/00 2000-03/ 04 / 05 / oe / 15
11/11/01 2001-18
1/8/02 2002-01
3/5/02 2002-04
7/2/02 2002-17
9/2/03 2003-09
o 1000 2000 4000
Ivey, Horr;s & Walls, Inc.
snE PL"-N N'f'PCNN...
D :u.
12 10 00
1'"' :;: 600'
p o.
10 CAD
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 19
1. Amend Policy 1.1 as follows:
Policy 1.1 As per 9J-5.005(8)U), the City of Aventura adopts the level of service
standard as described in the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master
Plan, Traffic Circulation Subelemont 1997, Objoctivo 1 Policy 1 B, as it relates to Urban
Infill Areas (UI:\) [9J 5.019(1 )(c)1], and more particularly described as follows:
The minimum acceptable peak-period LOS for all State roads and on all City roads
shall be the following:
(a) Where no public mass transit service exists, roadways shall operate at or above
(b) Where mass transit service having headways of 20 minutes or less is provided
within % mile distance, roadways shall operate at no greater than 120 percent of their
(c) Where extraordinary transit service such as commuter rail or express bus service
exists parallel roadways within % mile shall operate at no greater than 150 percent of
their capacity.
2. Amend Policy 1.2 as follows:
Policy 1.2 The City of Aventura accepts Miami-Dade County's mass transit level of
service as stated in the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan.
as followsthoir 1997 CDMP Capital Improvomonts Eloment and the Mass Transit
Subelemont of tho Traffic Circulation Elomont which follow:
1) The average combined population and employment density along the corridor
between the existing transit network and the area of expansion exceeds 4,000 per
square mile, and the corridor is 0.5 miles on either side of any necessary new routes or
route extensions to the area of expansion;
2) It is estimated that there is sufficient demand to warrant service;
3) The service is economically feasible; and
4) The expansion of transit service into new areas is not provided at a detriment to
existing or planned services in higher density areas with greater need.
3. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.7 The City of Aventura. in coordination with the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT). shall annually evaluate the impact of the Transportation
Concurrency Exception Area on its transportation system. the Strateqic Intermodal
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 20
Transportation System. and adopted level of service standards of roadways funded in
accordance with Section 339.2819. F.S.. and identify strateaies to alleviate or mitiaate
such impacts. The City shall coordinate with FDOT. Miami-Dade County. and other
jurisdictions in the County in the development of common methodoloaies for measurina
such impacts. If it is determined that the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area is
no lonaer adequate. the City shall evaluate the establishment of a Transportation
Concurrency Manaaement Area. and/or other alternatives. as appropriate.
4. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.8 The City of Aventura shall continue to identify projects to support and fund
mobility. enhance alternative modes of transportation. and ensure connectivity in its
Capital Improvements Proaram in accordance with Section 163.3180. F.S.
5. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.9 The City of Aventura. in consultation with the Florida Department of
Transportation. shall evaluate the impacts of proposed development and
redevelopment on its transportation system. Strateoic Intermodal System facilities. and
the adopted level of service standards of transportation facilities. and identify strateaies
to alleviate or mitiaate such impacts in coordination with the developer and other
aaencies as appropriate. The City shall coordinate with FDOT. Miami-Dade County.
and other jurisdictions in the County in the development of common methodoloaies for
measurina such impacts.
6. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.10 In evaluatina impacts on the transportation system. a proiect determined
to have a de minimus impact (an impact that would not affect more than one percent of
the maximum volume at the Level of Service Standard) may be exempted from
mitiaation requirements. The City shall maintain records to determine whether a
cumulative 110% de minimus transportation impact threshold has been reached. and
shall submit such documentation as part of its annual updates to the Capital
Improvements Schedule. which shall be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan by
7. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.11 The City of Aventura shall. by ordinance. include proportionate fair share
mitiaation options in its concurrency manaoement prOQram. consistent with the
requirements of Chapter 163. Florida Statutes. The intent of these options is to
provide for the mitioation of transportation impacts throuah mechanisms that mioht
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 21
include. but are not limited to. private funds. public funds. contributions of land. and the
construction or contribution of facilities. Transportation facilities or seaments identified
for improvement throuah the use of proportionate fair share mitiaation options must be
included in the CIE. or in the next reaularly scheduled update of the CIE.
8. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.12 By 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City of Aventura will develop
impacts fees and other methods by which developers can mitiaate impacts to the
transportation system by contributina funds for alternative modes of transportation.
particularly the expansion. operation and maintenance of the Circulator System.
9. Amend Policy 3.2 as follows:
Policy 3.2 Upon adoption of this element, and the Intergovornmontal Coordination
Elomont, tTransportation coordination related mechanisms, appropriate agreements,
and strategies will be developod utilized to implement the area wide transportation, land
use, parking, and other provisions of the multi-modal plan. [9J-5.019(4)(c)11]
10. Amend the monitoring measure under Objective 4 as follows:
By 2005, ilncreased public transit ridershipby 10% .
11. Amend Policy 4.1 as follows:
Policy 4.1 \Nithin one yoar of adoption of tho ComprohonEi'lo Plan, tThe City shall
implement a local public transit system. [9J-5.019(4)(c)9]
11. Add the following new Objective:
Obiective 6 The City will utilize its Land Development Reaulations in order to ensure
that new development enhances mobility options and redevelopment does not further
dearade transportation levels of service.
12. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 6:
Policy 6.1 By 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City shall review and amend
its Land Development Reaulations in order to provide a cohesive blueprint for
development and redevelopment in the City to ensure that new development enhances
mobility options and that redevelopment does not further dearade transportation levels
of service.
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13. Amend the Adopted Transportation Map Series as follows:
a. Revise Map 2-5 to update the timeframe to 2025.
b. Revise Map 2-6 to update the timeframe to 2025 and to update the Levels of
Service as documented on Figure II.D.1. in the adopted EAR.
c. Revise Map 2-7 to update the timeframe to 2025
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1. Amend Objective 2 as follows:
Objective 2 Through implemontation of tho adopted Parks and Recreation and Capital
Improvomonts Elomonts, and tho concurrency managomont system !The City will
continue to coordinate the provision of public and private resources to meet recreation
demands ':.'ithin ono yoar of Plan adoption.
2. Amend Policy 2.1 as follows:
Policy 2.1 /\t the time of this adoption of tho Parks and Recreation Elomont there are
no racroation f-3cility doficiencies, howovor, through The City shall continue to meet its
adopted Level of Service Standard for Recreation and Open Space throuah
implementation of the concurrency management system. the collection of Park Impact
Fees. and other strateaies tho City '.viII onsure that facilities ara developed concurrently
with tho impacts of now dO'Jelopmont.
3. Amend Policy 3.1 as follows:
Policy 3.1 \^Jithin one (1) yoar of Plan adoption, tThe City will continue to ensure that
open space requirements for new development and redevelopment are met throuah the
implementation and enforcement of its devolop Land Development Regulations te
includo appropriato dofinitions for opon space noods , and standards.
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1. Add a new Policy under Objective 1 as follows:
Policy 1.6 The City shall support public and private sector efforts to provide an
adequate supply of housina units that are affordable to households of all incomes in
proportions that are reflective of the housina demand and needs. and encouraae
developers to provide a variety of housina types. includina housina affordable to City
residents of all income levels. in residential proiects and communities.
2. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows:
Policy 1.7 The City shall coordinate. as appropriate. with the South Florida Reaional
Plannina Council in the development and implementation of the Reaional Housina Plan.
3. Amend Objective 3, as follows:
Objective 3 Due to tho valuo of land, and tho Iimitod undovolopablo land available
within :\vontura it is difficult to determine tho 10\'01 of aftordablo housing sitos that will bo
accossiblo, however, because of tho uniform valuo of tho land any affordablo units
providod 'J.'ill bo distributed hiah and increasina property values and the scarcity of
developable land. the City will coordinate with the private sector in order to encouraae
the provision of a variety of housina types. includina housina affordable to City residents
of all income levels. in residential and Town Center communities throuahout the City.
There are no sites available for mobile homes. [9J-5.1 01 (3 )(b )3]
4. Amend Policy 3.1 as follows:
Policy 3.1 Through implementation of tho housing program, and ostablishmont of tho
The City of Aventura. throuah its Land Development Reaulations and other appropriate
mechanisms. shall implement LDRs, appropriate criteria allowing diverse housing types~
includina housina affordable to City residents of all income levels. '....ill bo dO'.'olopod,
including and ensure the provision of services to support the housing stock through the
concurrency management ordinance. Aventura is an urban area, therefore, there are
no rural uses or need for farmworker houslngeholds. [9J-5.010(3)(c)5]
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1. Amend Policy 2.2 under Infrastructure Goal 1, Objective 2 as follows:
Policy 2.2 By 2000, tIhe City of Aventura and Miami-Dade Water and Sewer
Department shall explore the adopted levels-of-service for non-residential flows within
the City.
2. Amend the Monitoring Measure for Objective 3 under Infrastructure Goal 1 as
Measure: New land uses not connected to public sanitary sawor supply sanitary
sewer collection system.
3. Amend Policy 3.1 under Infrastructure Goal 1 , Objective 3 as follows:
Policy 3.1 Aventura shall prohibit the use of septic tanks in soils that are not suitable
for Euch use. Throughout the City, additional septic tanks should not be permittod for
the disposal or discharge of industrial or othor non domestic waste nor should they bo
permitted ',:here soasonally high wator tablo will impair proper functioning. Soptic tanks
should be avoided whom privato wolls am in use. No new septic tanks shall be
permitted or allowed in the City.
4. Add a new Policy under Infrastructure Goal 1, Objective 5 as follows:
Policy 5.3 The City shall review the water supply facility workplans of Miami-Dade
County and North Miami Beach. as they are adopted and/or periodically updated. in
order to identify alternative projects that will increase its water supply. and shall
coordinate with Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach. as appropriate. in the
implementation of these proiects.
5. Amend Policy 1.2 under Infrastructure Goal 2, Objective 1 as follows:
Policy 1.2 By 2003, ilndustries and businesses which generate and/or handle more
than fifty (50) gallons of industrial wastes per year shall continue to be identified and
monitored. Coordination amona aaencies that require reportina of hazardous wastes
shall be improved.
6. Amend Policy 1.1 under the Solid Waste Goal, Objective 1, as follows:
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Policy 1.1 By 200~, in order to serve the residents of Aventura in a more efficient
manner the City shall study and consider assuming the responsibility of solid waste
services that are currently being servicprovided by Miami-Dade County.
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1 . Amend Objective 1 as follows:
Objective 1 Upon adoption of this Plan, tThe Capital Improvements Element (CIE)
shall provide for the necessary replacement of existing facilities, upgrading of facilities
when necessary to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards, and for new
facility investments which are needed and affordable. [9J-5.016(3)(b)1]
2. Amend Policy 1.5 as follows:
Policy 1.5 By 2001, tlhe City of Aventura shall conduct a feasibility study to consider
the location of a multi-purpose public facility in the north area of the City. The facility is
envisioned to be a joint use facility, which may include a public works stor3ge and
mainton3nco aro3, shelter and public park. Said park is designed to afford its use as a
staging area in case of a natural disaster, including major storms and hurricanes.
3. Amend Objective 2 as follows:
Objective 2 Upon adoption of this Plan land use decisions will be made in the context
of available fiscal resources such that scheduling and providing capital facilities for new
development will not degrade adopted service levels and/or neaatively impact hurricane
evacuation clearance times. [(J-5.016(3)(b)(4)]
4. Amend Policy 2.1 as follows:
Policy 2.1 The capital facilities and infrastructure implications of land use and
development plan implementation will be analyzed and set forth with attention to the
a) safety improvements and elimination of hazards;
b) elimination of below standard conditions and capacity deficits;
c) demonstrated linkage between projected growth and facility service area;
d) trade-off between supporting new growth or redevelopment;
e) financial feasibility, including operating costs;
f) coordination with the capital programming of other public agencies; aAG
g) contractual and/or mandated obligations.,.; and
h) maintenance or reduction of hurricane evacuation clearance times.
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5. Amend Objective 3 as follows:
Objective 3 Future development will be permitted only when the adopted level of
service standard for those services listed in the CIE will be upgraded or maintained at
adopted levels of service. or when demonstrated neaative impacts on hurricane
evacuation clearance times will be mitiaated. by asensurina that adequate fiscal
resources are made available including, the proportionate cost of improvements
necessitated by the development.
6. Add a new Policy under Obiective 4. as follows:
Policy 4.17 The City shall annually review the capital improvements plans of other
aaencies havina iurisdiction over infrastructure and services which impacts its adopted
Level of Service Standards. includinQ Miami-Dade County and City of North Miami
Beach. in order to monitor its ability to meet its Level of Service Standards throuah the
plannina period. and ensure the financial feasibility of the Comprehensive Plan.
Proiects deemed necessary to maintain the Level of Service standard as a result of this
review shall be referenced in the City's Capital Improvement Proaram and Schedule.
Policy 4.18 The City of Aventura 2005/06 - 2009/10 Capital Improvement Proaram.
and the Capital Improvements Schedule included therein. contains a schedule of
projects that the City shall implement in order to meet its adopted Level of Service
Standards and ensure the financial feasibility of this Comprehensive Plan. The 2005/06
- 2009/10 Capital Improvements Proaram is hereby adopted bY reference as part of the
Capital Improvements Element.
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Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element as follows:
1. Amend Policy 1.1 as follows:
Policy 1.1 Make full use of the coordination mechanisms built into the
intergovernmental review and comment provisions of the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act to seek consistency
between the Aventura Comprehensive Plan and the local comprehensive plans of the
adjacent Miami-Dade municipalities of North Miami Beach, Sunny Isles Beach and
Golden Beach; Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties; aM the adjacent municipality of
Hallandale Beach, within Broward County: and any Campus Master Plan that will
impact or be impacted by the City.
2. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.17 The City of Aventura. on an on-aoinq basis. shall seek opportunities to
coordinate with Miami-Dade County. Broward County. the City of Hallandale Beach.
Town of Golden Beach. City of Sunny Isles Beach. and City of North Miami Beach in
order to ensure compatible development and address the unique challenaes and
opportunities that face northeast Miami-Dade and southeast Broward counties.
3. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1 :
Policy 1.18 The City of Aventura shall coordinate as appropriate with other aQencies
and iurisdictions in the implementation of the ioint Florida Department of Community
Affairs/South Florida Reaional Plannina Council Reaional Affordable Housina Strateay.
4. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.19 In accordance with the adopted "Interlocal Aareement for Public School
Facility Plannina in Miami-Dade Countv". the City shall participate as appropriate in
Miami-Dade Countv Public School's School Site Planninq and Construction Committee.
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and shall seek. where feasible and mutually acceptable. to collocate schools with other
public facilities. such as parks. libraries. and community centers.
5. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.20 The City shall utilize the procedures called for in the "Interlocal AQreement
for Public School Facility Plannina in Miami-Dade County" and Section 1013.33. F.S.. in
order to evaluate the appropriateness of prospective public school sites within the City.
6. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.21 The City will annually review Miami-Dade County Public School's
Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan and the 5-Year Workplan. as provided for
in the "Interlocal Aareement for Public School Facility Plannina in Miami-Dade County".
This review will include an analysis of the Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan
and the 5-Year Workplan's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. and the
identification of any necessary Comprehensive Plan amendments.-
7. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.22 The City shall continue to coordinate with the State and other
aaencies. as appropriate, in achievina the Qoals. obiectives. and policies of the State
Comprehensive Plan.
8. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.23 The City shall continue to coordinate with the South Florida Reaional
Plannina Council. and other aaencies as appropriate. in achievina the aoals. obiectives.
and policies of the South Florida Strateaic Reaional Policy Plan.
9. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1:
Policy 1.24 The City shall coordinate. as appropriate. with the State of Florida. South
Florida Reaional Plannina Council. Miami-Dade County Public Schools. and other
aaencies in the adoption of a Public Schools Element into the Comprehensive Plan by
2008. Areas to be addressed in the Public Schools Element include. but are not limited
to. public school concurrency requirements. coordination with other iurisdiction in the
development and implementation of uniform school concurrency procedures.
proportionate share school impact mitiQation options for developers. the collocation of
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 31
schools with other public facilities. the location of schools proximate to residential areas.
the use of schools as emeraency shelters. the location of existina and planned school
facilities (includina maps).
10. Add the following new Policy under Objective 2:
Policy 2.3 The City shall support. as appropriate. Miami-Dade County's and North
Miami Beach's development and implementation of the Water Supply Facilities
Workplan reauired by Florida Statute. and the water conservation efforts of other
11. Amend Objective 4 as follows:
Objective 4 Coordinate with the appropriate aaencies to implement strateaies to
maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times to 12 hours of less. ensure that updated
data and methodoloaies are beina utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time
formulas. and €ensure adequate and timely shelter within the region for those residing
in hurricane evacuation area.
12. Add the following new Policy under Objective 4:
Policy 4.5 The City of Aventura shall coordinate with the appropriate aaencies to
ensure that updated data and methodoloaies are beina utilized in hurricane evacuation
clearance time formulas. and encouraae the use of consistent evacuation clearance
time standards by northeast Miami-Dade County and southeast Broward County
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1. Amend Policy 6.1 under the Coastal Management Goal as follows:
Policy 6.1 Any new marina, marina expansion or similar water dependent use shall
meet the following criteria: [9J-5.012(3)(c)9]
1. Construction or subsequent operation of any proposed marina/water
dependent project shall not destroy:
a. Mangrove Protection Areas; or
b. Sea grass or hard bottom communities
c. Habitats used by endangered or threatened species.
2. The proposed marina/water dependent facility shall be:
a. compatible with existing, surrounding land uses;
b. of sufficient size to accommodate the project and the required parking;
c. provide god land accessibility.
3. The proposed marina/water dependent facility shall:
a. preserve or improve traditional public shoreline uses and public access to
estuarine or coastal waters; and
b. preserve or enhance the quality of the estuarine and coastal waters, water
circulation, tidal flushing and light penetration.
Tho abovo shall bo incorporatod into tho Land Dovolopment Regulations v.'ithin one
year of Plan adoption.
2. Amend Objective 10 under the Coastal Management Goal as follows:
Objective 10 The City of Aventura shall provido immodiato rosponso to post hurricano
situations in concort ':lith a post disastor rodevelopmont plan '/{hich will reduco or
oliminato tho exposuro of human Iif-e and public and private property to natural hazards
implement pre- and post-emeraency procedures in accordance with its adopted
emeraency plans and procedures. as they are amended from time to time.
3. Delete Policy 10.1, as follows:
Policy 10.1 Tho current Miami Dade County Hurricane Procodures Plan shall be
modifiod to comply with tho policios undor this objoctivo, and shall contain stop by step
dotails for post disastor reco'.'ory operations.
4. Delete Policy 10.2, as follows:
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Page 33
Policy 10.2 Aftor a hurricano but prior to ro entry of tho population into evacuated
aroas, tho City Commission shall moot to hoar proliminary damage assossmonts,
appoint a Recovory Task Forco and considor a tomporary moratorium of building
activitios not nocessary for tho public hoalth, safety and 'lJelfaro.
5. Delete Policy 10.3, as follows:
Policy 10.3 The Rocovery Task Forco shall include tho City Managor, Community
DO'/elopmont Diroctor, Building Official, Community Sorvices Director and other staff
membors as directod by tho City Commission. Staff shall bo pro'lidod by the
departments whoso diroctors aro Task Force momborE. Tho Task Force shall be
torminatod after implemonting its rosponsibility under Policy 10.6.
6. Delete Policy 10.4, as follows:
Policy 10.4 Tho Rocovery Task Forco shall reviow and decido upon omergoncy
building permits; coordinate with Miami Dado County, Stato and Foderal officials to
preparo disaster assistanco applications; analyzo and recommond to the City
Commission hazard mitigation options including reconstruction or rolocation of
damagod public facilities; dovelop a rede'.'olopmont plan; and rocommond amondments
to tho comprohensivo plan, Miami Dado County Hurricano Procodure Plan and othor
appropriato policies and procodures.
7. Delete Policy 10.5, as follows:
Policy 10.5 Immediato repair and cloan up actions neodod to protect tho public health
and safoty include ropairs to potablo water, ':.'astO't\'ater and pO'.ver facilities; romoval of
building and/or vogetativo debris; stabilization or romoval of structuros about to
collapso; and minimal ropairs to moko d'.vollings habitablo such as minor roof repairs
and other 'Noatherproofing/socurity moasures. Theso actions shall rocei'lo first priority
in permitting decisions. Long torm rodevelopment activitios shall be postponod until the
Recovory Task Forco has completod its tasks.
8. Delete Policy 10.6, as follows:
Policy 10.6 The Roco'.'ory Task Forco shall proposo comprehonsivo plan
amondments which rofloct tho rocommondations in any intemgoncy hazard mitigation
roports or othor reports proparod pursuant to Section 406 of tho Disaster Reliof Act of
1974 (PL9J 288).
9. Renumber Policy 10.7 as follows:
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Page 34
Policy 10.71
10. Renumber Policy 10.8, as follows:
Policy 10.3~
11. Renumber Policy 10.9, and amend as follows:
Policy 1 O.Q~ Following a natural disaster and prior to the implementation of long-term
development, the City shall do the following: Based upon the damage assessment
report2 prepared by the Miami D3de Public \Norks Departmont in accordance with the
City's emeraency plans and procedures, the City shall oonsult with its City Managor,
Community Services Director, Community Developmont Diroctor and Building Official
and engineers to evaluate options for damaged public facilities including abandonment,
repair in place, relocation and repair with structural modification, to determine the most
strategic approach to long-term development. The evaluation shall include but not be
limited to issues pertaining to damage caused by natural disaster, cost to construct
repairs, cost to relocate, cost to structurally modify, limitations of right-or-way, and
maintenance costs.
12. Renumber Policy 10.10, and amend as follows:
Policy 10..:1-Q1 Structures which are damaged in excess of fifty percent (50%) of
their current replacement value shall be required to be rebuilt to meet all current land
development requirements as dotormin€ld by the City Building Official.
13. Renumber Policy 10.11 as follows:
Policy 10.-1--1-,Q
14. Renumber Policy 10.12 as follows:
Policy 10.~Q
15. Renumber Policy 10.13, as follows:
Policy 10A-JI
16. Renumber Policy 10.14 as follows:
Policy 10.~
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Page 35
17. Renumber Policy 10.15 as follows:
Policy 10.4a~
18. Renumber Policy 10.16, and amend as follows:
Policy 10.4910 The applicable provisions of the South Florida Building Code
relating to hurricane precautions, inspections and permitting are hereby adopted by
19. Renumber Policy 10.17 as follows:
Policy 10A-711
20. Renumber Policy 10.18 as follows:
Policy 10.4-312
21. Renumber Policy 10.19 as follows:
Policy 10A-913
22. Renumber Policy 10.20, and amend as follows:
Policy 10.2Q14 The City shall prepare a implement its local mitigation strategy in
accordance with the guidelines provided in the Local Mitigation Strategy: A Guidebook
for Florida Cities and Counties 3nd will bo usod in order to fulfill the requirements of
Rule 9J-5.012, F.A.C. relating to post disaster planning, repair, and reconstruction.
23. Amend Policy 12.2 under Objective 12 of the Costal Management Goal as
Policy 12.2 Prior to 2001, tlhe City shall conduct a survey of land uses on parcels
adjacent to marine waters. The survey shall include the location, acreage and linear
feet of shoreline for each use.
24. Add a new Policy under Objective 12 of the Coastal Management Goal as
Policy 12.8 The use of areas desiqnated "Water" on the Future Land Use Plan Map
shall be limited to recreational and commercial boatinq (jncludinq water taxis and
ferries), the provision of open space and urban relief. recreation. stormwater drainaqe.
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Page 36
and natural resource protection and enhancement. and comply with the requirements of
Chapter 24. "Environmental Protection...". of the Miami-Dade County Code of
Ordinances. Development in or above such areas in a manner that will diminish these
functions shall be prohibited.
25. Amend Objective 5 under the Conservation Goal as follows:
Objective 5 +e-FReduce per capita water consumption rates by at least 10% through
26. Amend Policy 5.2 under the Conservation Goal as follows:
Policy 5.2 Prior to 2005, tlhe City shall consider funding, either individually or
cooperatively, at least one xeriscape demonstration project.
27. Delete Policy 5.4 under the Conservation Goal as follows:
Policy 5. <I In conjunction ':lith tho Miami Dade 'Nator and Se'Nor Departmont, the
City shall oxplore tho roasibility of inst311ing a transmission line from tho North D3de
Wastewater Tro3tment Plant to convoy recyclod 'Nastewator for irrigation use at
Turnberry Golf Course and Founders Park.
28. Amend Policy 8.2 under the Conservation Goal as follows:
Policy 8.2 Upon Plan adoption, iln order to comply with policies of the South Florida
Water Management District directed toward conservation of potable water supply and to
achieve a reduction in the current rates of water consumption the following
performance standards shall apply...
29. Add a new Policy under Obiective 8 of the Conservation Goal as follows:
Policy 8.7 The City shall support. as appropriate. Miami-Dade County and the City of
North Miami Beach in their development and implementation of the Water Supply
Facilities Workplan required by Florida Statute. and the water conservation efforts of
these and other aaencies.
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Page 37
1. Delete the Economic Development Element as follows:
Economic De'lolopmont Goal Tho City of Avontura shall actively promote
and attompt to maintain or improvo the oconomic vitality of tho City, in ordor to maintain
a low municipal proporty tax rate.
Objective 1 By 2000, tho City shall identify aroas for improvomont in tho dovolopmont
approval proooss.
Policy 1.1 Tho reviow should oonsidor all facots of tho devolopmont approval
procoss, from tho formal applications to identification for targotod businosses and roport
their finding to tho City Commission.
Policy 1.2 Tho dovelopment approval process shall bo examinod to identify
opportunities for stroamlining to remove any stops that am duplicativo or candidatos for
Policy 1.3 Tho Community Developmont Dopartment should idontify emorging
devolopmont tronds such as Crimo Provention ThFough EnviFOnmental Dosign
(CPTED) and ne'.'J urbanism dosign techniquos for considoration for and inclusion
'....ithin tho land devolopment codo.
Objoctivo 2 Prior to 2001, tho City of I'wontura shall con'leno a mooting bet\voen the
City, tho h.'ontuFa Markoting Council and tho rocontly formod J\.ventura Chambor of
Commorco to discuss the proparation of a unifiod approach to markoting tho City and
businoss attraction.
Policy 2.1 Tho attraction of new businessos to Avontura is a function bost dolivored
through a coordinatod and cooporativo effort doveloped cognizant of other's pFoposed
Objoctive 3 By 2001, tho City of /\vontura shall study and rO'liow tho possibility of
creating a Community Rodovolopment Agoncy (CRA).
Policy 3.1 Tho study area for a CRA shall includo somo portion, if not all, of the
Hospital area, tho Thunder Alley area, and/or the Biscayno Boulovard corridor.
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1. Delete the Urban Design Element as follows. The Figures 1 and 2 in this
Element are deleted as well.
Urban Dosign Goal To further ostablish and enhance Avontura as a sustainable
community with an idontifiablo aosthotic urban charactor.
Objocti'.'e 1 \^!ithin ono year of adoption of tho Plan, enact Land Dovelopmont
Rogulations that imploment tho concopt containod in tho Urban Design Eloment.
Policy 1.1 In order to oncourago redovelopmont, mixod uso dovelopmont will bo
oncouraged within areas targetod for redovolopmont.
Policy 1.2 Tho schomatic land uso pattorns displayod on tho study aroa maps within
this Elemont are for rof-orenco only and do not depict oxaot locations or preciso land
uso ratios within tho subject areas. Howevor, they do reprosont tho City's dosire to mix
land usos within those aroas.
Policy 1.3 Eliminato obstaclos to rodovelopmont and infill dO'Jolopmont prosontly
found in Land Dovelopmont Rogulations.
Policy 1.1 During plat and sito plan rO'.'iew, transit orionted dosign concepts will be
considored and oncouraged.
Policy 1.5 Coro commorcial aroas shall bo dosignod to includo lush tropical
landscaping and for safe and convonient access by all modos of transportation,
including bus servico, bicyclos and pedostrians.
Policy 1.6 Small parks (less than 5 acros) aro oncouraged throughout the City to
provido auto froo zonos for residonts and nooded visual broaks of greon 'A'ithin
Avontura's urban framo'Nork.
Policy 1.7 Tho location of parking, curb cuts, \valkways, biko lanos, signago, lighting,
and landsoape troatments shall be coordinatod to provido maximum usor safoty, whilo
impro'.'ing tho comprohensivo aesthetic appearance of Aventura.
Policy 1.8 Tho City of Nlontura shall encourago tho propor placoment of public and
privato utilitios undorground within tho right of way or oasomonts.
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Page 39
Policy 1.9 The design of struoturod parking, within mixod uso devolopmont, is
oncouraged to includo opportunities for retail or offico usos at tho stroot le'lol.
Policy 1 .10 The dosign and placoment of public buildings should follow tho urban
design conoepts of pulling tho building c1oso to tho front property Iino and placing
parking at tho rear of tho sito with amplo shado and landscapo treatments.
Policy 1.11 To assist privata devolopors, tho City shall proparo roadv.'ay edge
troatmont guidelinos that doscribo and i1lustrato proper planning and dosign for right of
'A'ay and pri~/ato proporty frontage.
Policy 1.12 Tho City shall ombark on 3 process of mapping and classification of
en'.'ironmental rosourcos that exist ~Nithin the City, to ascertain the noed for
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 40
1 . Add a new Redevelopment Element as follows:
Redevelopment Goal To provide for redevelopment and economic development in the
City that accommodates arowth while maintainina and improvina the intearity of the built
and natural environment. promotes an identifiable aesthetic urban character. and
maintains or improves economic vitality in order to maintain a low municipal property tax
Obiective 1 The Land Development ReQulations shall provide a cohesive blueprint for
development and redevelopment in the City that accommodates arowth and economic
development while maintainina the intearity of the built and natural environment.
Measure: Incorporation of the policy provIsions into the Land Development
Policy 1.1 Redevelopment is herein defined as the demolition and reconstruction.
renewal. alteration. or material chanae on/to lands not shown as vacant on Map 1-2 in
the Future Land Use Element. as it is periodically amended.
Policy 1.2 Redevelopment shall conform to the buildinQ heiaht limitations. site
development standards. and desian Quidelines established in the Land Development
Reaulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan.
Policy 1.3 In order to minimize neaative impacts to the City's infrastructure. traffic
conaestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times. and Quality of life. the density and
intensity of redevelopment shall be limited to reflect existina development patterns. in
accordance with the Land Development ReQulations.
Policy 1.4. The Land Development Reaulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan shall
contain provisions that provide for appropriate transitions between different Future Land
Use Districts. Zonina Districts. uses. and neiQhborhoods. and that buffer existina
neiahborhoods. buildinas. uses and natural areas from the encroachment of
incompatible uses.
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Policy 1.5. The City shall encouraae pedestrian friendly desian and walkable
neiahborhoods throuQh its development review processes. desian auidelines. and
taraeted redevelopment efforts.
Policy 1.6. Redevelopment shall conform to site development standards as outlined
in the Land Development Reaulations.
Policy 1.7 The City shall coordinate with the private sector and other aQencies as
appropriate. to implement strateaies to market the City of Aventura as a location for
new businesses. promote the retention and expansion of existina businesses. ensure
an adequate supply of non-residential land uses to address economic development
aoals. provide services and employment opportunities to existina and future residents.
and coordinate economic development. development. and redevelopment aoals.
Obiective 2 The City of Aventura shall encouraae redevelopment that emphasizes
well desianed communities that contain a variety of uses. housina types. amenities and
public services: promotes aood urban desian: and that will result in the renewal and
rehabilitation of bliahted areas.
Measure: The adoption and implementation of redevelopment plans that address
the followina policy provisions.
Policy 2.1 In planninQ and desiqnina all new development and redevelopment. the
City shall viaorously promote implementation of the quidelines contained in
redevelopment plans. the Comprehensive Plan. and Land Development Reaulations.
Policy 2.2 To promote housina diversity and to avoid creation of monotonous
developments. the City shall viaorously promote a variety of housina types in residential
communities and Town Centers throuah its plannina and redevelopment activities.
Policy 2.3 In the provision of public facilities and services. the City shall aive priority
to the elimination of infrastructure deficiencies to facilitate the renewal or rehabilitation
of bliahted areas.
Policy 2.4 In formulatina or amendina development reQulations. Aventura shall avoid
creatinq disincentives to redevelopment that otherwise conforms to the Comprehensive
Policy 2.5 By 2007. the City shall refine development/desian auidelines throuah the
land development reaulations for the Town Center that provides for its redevelopment
as a desian-unified downtown that primarily serves City residents. The Town Center
shall be characterized by a mixture of different urban functions inteQrated horizontally
Ordinance No. 2007- 01
Page 42
and vertically. multi-modal transportation access and circulation. and hiah Quality urban
Policy 2.6 By 2007. the City shall review and amend its Land Development
Reaulations in order to reduce potential development/redevelopment intensities on the
Biscayne Boulevard corridor. The City should also evaluate strateaies to improve the
Biscayne Boulevard corridor throuah cohesive desian and development patterns. and
appropriate redevelopment.
Policy 2.7 In order to encouraae redevelopment. mixed use development will be
encouraaed within areas taraeted for redevelopment.
Policy 2.8 Durina plat and site plan review. transit-oriented desian concepts will be
considered and encouraaed.
Policy 2.9 Core commercial areas shall be desianed to include lush tropical
landscapina and for safe and convenient access by all modes of transportation.
includina bus service. bicycles and pedestrians.
Policy 2.10 Small parks (less than 5 acres) are encouraaed throuahout the City to
provide auto free zones for residents and needed visual breaks of areen within
Aventura's urban framework.
Policy 2.11 The location of parkina. curb cuts. walkways. bike lanes. sianaae. Iiahtina.
and landscape treatments shall be coordinated to provide maximum user safety. while
improvina the comprehensive aesthetic appearance of Aventura.
Policy 2.12 The City of Aventura shall encouraae the proper placement of public and
private utilities underaround within the riaht of way or easements.
Policy 2.13 The desian of structured parkina. within mixed use development. is
encouraaed to include opportunities for retail or office uses at the street level.
Policy 2.14 The desian and placement of public buildinas should follow the urban
desian concepts of pullina the buildina close to the front property line and placina
parkina at the rear of the site with ample shade and landscape treatments.
Policy 2.15 The City shall continue to identify. map and classify environmental
resources that exist within the City to ascertain the need for conservation/preservation.