06-09-2006 Workshop A~&~ ,~. 1 Q200 West COllntrv (]uh Drive AventllTfI. FT. 1.11 RO City Commission Workshop Meeting June 9, 2006 9A.M. Executive Conference Room " :;t;~t,j;'-i'-'><4;: :~';.)~'?;'!J.i !.,#,'~fi4j,':~':'t<";:.~?-;':'f:~;p::;S!-U:fi;'i~r" j;;,;" ;!,;.:., AGENDA 1. Ex parte Communications (Commissioner Diamond)* Future Action Required: Amend Ordinance 2. Selection of Community Services Advisory Board Members (City Manager)* Future Action Required: Resolution 3. Resolution Supporting Light Rail Regional Transportation Solutions (Commissioner Auerbach)* Future Action Required: Resolution 4. EAR Based Amendments (City Manager)* Future Action Required: Ordinance 5. Resolution of FPL Franchise Fee Dispute (City Manager)* 6. Founders Day Program (City Manager)* 7. Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-890 I, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. Article IV. Administration of the Zoning Ordinance Sec. 30-69. Ex parte communications. The following process shall apply to quasi judicial actions pending before the Village Council: (I) Communications between Council and public. All oral and written communications with the public involving quasi judicial action pending before the Village Council must take place at the public hearing. Outside of the public hearing, the Council is prohibited from discussing the merits of any matter on which action may be taken by the Council. (2) Communications between Council and staff Written and oral communications between Council members and staff shall be allowed. (3) Written communications. In the event that a Council member receives a written ex parte communication, the Council member shall immediately submit the written communication to the staff so that it can be placed in the file and made a part of the record either before or during the public hearing prior to the Council voting on the application. (4) Site visits. A Council member may make a site visit regarding a quasi judicial matter pending before the Council, provided that the existence of the site visit is made part of the record prior to the Council taking final action on the application. * 34-33 AVENTURA CODE Staff shall mean members of the City staff. {Ord. No. 2001-06, ~ 3, 6-5-01) Note-See the editor's note to Art. II. ~/ Sec. 34-34. Ex-parte communications. (a) Except as otherwise specified herein, this section is adopted to follow the disclosure processes of F.S. ~ 286.0115(1), and shall be construed so as to be consistent therewith. (b) Except for the specific issue which is the subject of a pending quasi-judicial matter for which an application has been filed with the City pursuant to section 34-32 of this Code, any Commissioner may choose to discuss the merits of any proposed project or development on which action may be taken by the Commission with any person not otherwise prohibited by statute, charter provision, section 34-40 or other ordinance, if the Commissioner complies with the applicable procedures of paragraph (c) and (d) of this section 34-34. As to any Ulecific issue which is the subject of a pending quasi-judicial matter for which an application has been filed with the City pursuant to section 34-32, outside of the public hearing Commissioners are prohibited from discussing the merits of the specific issue for which approval is sought by the pending application with any person other than the City staff. The term "specific issue", as used in this paragraph, refers to the specific variance, conditional use, rezoning, site plan, plat approval or like item for which approval is sought, rather than referring to the general matter, as opposed to the merits, of the proposed project or development itself. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this paragraph (b), the prohibitions ofthis paragraph (b) shall not apply to applicant conferences with the City Manager which are attended by individual Commis- sioners (no more than one Commissioner at each conference) provided that the City Manager first finds and certifies in writing that the application concerns a project of significant impact, and schedules such conferences. The term "project of significant impact," as used in this paragraph, means a project which has the potential to substantially enhance or substantially impair the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Compliance with the procedures of this section 34-34 shall remove any presumption of prejudice arising from ex-parte communication with any Commissioner. (1) Oral communications. The subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place shall be disclosed and made a part of the record before final action on the application. At the quasi-judicial hearing the person or persons responsible for the ex-parte communication, any party to the hearing and any participant shall have the opportunity to contest the accuracy of the matters disclosed. --" (2) Written communications. Any written communication related to an application pend- ing before the Commission shall be forwarded to the appropriate staff for inclusion in the official file for the application, and shall be disclosed on the record before final action on the matter. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to review the official file periodically to determine whether written ex-parte communications have been placed in the official file. Supp. No.8 CD34:4.2 _/ CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM FROM: Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, TO: City Commission DATE: June 2, 2006 SUBJECT: Selection of Community Services Advisory Board Members The following individuals have made application to be selected for the Community Services Advisory Board: Marina Blachman Julie R. Israel Melvin Taks Gary Pyott Evie Hernandez Amit Z. Bloom Jonathan P. Evans Ruthe Cohen I have placed this matter on the Workshop Agenda for action by the City Commission. EMS/act Attachment CC01496-06 CITY OF AVENTURA APPLlCA TION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD m" \\'1/, .;: , -;". - r ~:: '" '. .,. . '. , , ~. -..., ~ .. ......... , --.0',' ii" ,~\ F';;:", ~ ''::' - ., i.' ~~ _ Potential board members must be registered voters who have resided in the City of A ventura for six (6) months immediately prior to an appointment to the Board. Applicants must have expressed interest and/or experience in landscape design and architecture, beautification projects, youth and/or senior citizen programs, recreation activities, culture and the arts. Name of Applicant: fvl G1 r I no. C B JOt c h fI1 (); () ,(Z"iase Print) ~ ,_ Address: ;) \ 0-00 Po\\\\ tJ QCe. t-')llO\ +t~e<\l 33 \ S?O , Home Phone: 3G:59.33 'to":::: I Email Address IY!()(!{JOIbJadmUt7cV:( l1otrJ1wI OJlJ1 Business Name:~ci ,s.ic\ (on~I'{IU\\~~l Se,VlQ) Occupation: Business Address: I g f.jq9 fD J \ CO!'f I) f 01 v"J # <bo AI F I ~ '3 i cg 0 Business Phone: J, uS 9 j 39 g ,10 Fax: 305 -.q 33 G 8'" Lt 3 Qualifications: ~ee o.ffo.. che.d reI;.Ume (Briefly describe the specific expertise and/or abilities you can contribute as a member of this Board.) List community or civic involvement: A~e()T()rtli G tv of ExCd/eflLt' \;;c\--'co I f 11<\'-.)\,01' 1?:cc1.\d t<le..rt'\\oe\ . too r-cli.. lor ~\ Hen c t\\<btQ;I'1.Q:[)"t't"OESQ'N\ C~C:S)'I A--~\.sl\'f'\~ \<\ -:\=OSIer U:l.re (JCb Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncom ensated services and f will be subject to the requirements of the . ateO(Florida Fi n ial Disclosure Requirements. OS. O~_o6. Date Fax or Mail completed application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 466-8910 (305) 466-8919 fax Marina Blachman 21200 Point Place, #2401, Aventura, Florida 33180 Tel, (305) 933-8021 Cell, (305) 439-9909 Fax, (305) 933-3024 Emait, marinablachman@hotmail.com Education Family Therapy . ChIld P'ychology . Learnmg DisabilitIes Bachelor of Psychology Universit)' qf Buenos AircJ Master of Mental Health / Counselor Internship Oro Center qf AJJistance Instrudion & Prevention in Alcnta! Health Associate Member Ameriwn Ps..vchotherapy Association Teaching Counseling I\lanagement & ~-\dm1nistrat10n Areas of Specialty Buenos Aires, Argentina 1991 Buenos Aires, Argentina 1994 Credentials Sina December 1998 Experience JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE ~liaml, Flonda July 1997-Prmnl Contract Therapist (Family Services) Provide individual, family, and group: assessments, counseling, and case management. Counseling duties include: dIagnosIs, treatment plans, ongoing intervention, and proper termination; case management dutIes include: record preparation and maintenance. MICHAEL-ANN RUSSELJ.C.C. ~lianl1, Flonda June 1996-]une 2003 Psychologist (August 1999 -June 2003) . Teaching behavioral skills with Intervention in the classroom, dealing mainly "\vith: learmng to work and play cooperatively, responsibility, and dealing with feelings ECD Extended Day Director & ECD Mini Camp Supervisor (August 1996 -June 1999) . Supervise counselors, oversee scheduling and payroll, facilitate parent communication Senior Counselor- Summer Camp J c. c., Pre-K (fune 1996 - August 1997) . Leadership of group, writIng of records for individual & group activitIes, program planning Hebraica, Director of Olam Hayeled & Staff of Madrichim (June 1996 - August 1997) . Supenrise the 1.Iadrichim: planning, staff trainIng, speCial events, enrichment actiVlties, and case management CHABBAD CHAYIL 1lialIl1, Flonda June 1995-Aug1lJt 1996 Case Worker . SupportIve counseling & aid to foreign families & inruVlduals reqwnng assistance dunng relocatIon & adjustment period. Documenting of migrant problems & family drifting. PRIVATE PRACTICE Buenos }"ltes, "\rgenuna January 1992-]une 1995 Psychologist . Psychotherapy & counseling of private clients: adnussions, evaluation, ruagnosis, and treatment. Children, adults, & families. CENTRO ORO EN SALUD MENTAL Buenos .\ires, _\rgenuna March 1992-]une 1995 Psychologist . Treatment of clients from assessment through discharge, inruvidual case management, family facilitation, comprehenslve discharges, & recommendatIons Languages PEDRO ELIZADE'S HOSPITAL Buenos "\ires, _\rgenUna March 1992-D",mber 1994 Psychologist (Endocrinology Department) Extensive interviewing & follow-ups on in-house patJ.ents of the hospital Full fluency in both Spanish & English \'(7orking knowledge of Hebrew * . cs www.jcsfl.org Jewish Community Services OFoSaUTH FLO!l:IDA,INC Marina C. Blachman, M.S., RMHI Registered Mental Health Intern Behavioral Health Division marinablachman@hotmail.com 18999 Biscayne Blvd. #200, Aventura, FL 33180 305-933-9820 fAX 305-933-9843 '\ CITY OF AVENTURA APPUCA TlON FOR COMMUNllY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD c.- .Ij" W, 1/, - ~\ ',""" '-1 ~ /1 ;'- - _I ' - - . .'":... .......1 -;,. .-:--.;...:.:.........::::. -1' - i I n\\. Potential.board members must be registered voters who have resided in the City of A ventura for SIX (6) months immediately prior 10 an appointment to the Board. Applicants must have expressed interest and/or experience in landscape design and architecture. beautification projects, youth and/or senior citizen programs, recreation activities, culture and the arls. Name of Applicant JULI E R. ISRAEL (Please Print) Address: 20291 N.E. 30 Ave. #116. Aventura. PI. 33180 Home Phone: ,0 s q, 1 -0 ,Sq Email Address: :iT; <:Trlpl f<lhpll ",,"th npt Business Name: Occupation: Business Address: Business Phone: Fax: 305 931-7753 Qualifications: Member .Manhattan Planninq Board 11. Member Educational (Briefly describe the specific expertise and/o r abilities you can contribute as a member of this Board.) Task Force with .Mavor Bearne:Manaaer Busfnf'!ss Affa; rs' and . , Administration,Board of Education, City of 'New York , ' Ust community or civic involvement President (8 years) Villa Dora.da Condominium; Member/Secretary Joint Council of Aventura; President, Marina Condominium Association, Please attach a resume along with your application. , understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Govemment in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the State of Florida Financial Disclosure Requirements. /7 ((. "gnature of Applicant Date 5/i/::WOG , eu-JL- Fax or Mail completed application & resume to: Office ot the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 466-8910 (305) 461H1919 fax JULIE R. ISRAEL Experience: Manager, Business Affairs &. Administration; N.Y.C. Board of Education Comptroller; N.Y.C. Board of Education University of Pennsylvania Office of Admissions Representative Klock Real Estate Agent Comptroller; Amusement Devices, Inc. President, Treasurer; Skin The Wire, Inc. Planning Board 11 member; Manhattan Educational Task Force member; Manhattan Member/Secretary; Joint Council of Aventura Member; City of Aventura Community Services Advisory Board President; Marina Condominium Association, Inc. President, Treasurer, Secretary; Villa Dorada Condominium Association, Inc. Ma~ 03 06 11134a p.2 CITY OF AVENTURA APPL.ICAnON FOR. COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD 8' , ' '," -:;.: ",' c-:.; .t :".;" Peten/J1Ii boenJ members must be reg/sI_..... .."" "- tuIded In /lie CI/y d A.....tunt "" six (6) _I_."~ ptIorto en appotmnentlothe-. 'IppIf_ must "- ."",..edlntereat _-'_In~dINign_an:ilIlll_. __pIOject4. youffl__ dIIz...~___. __the-. Name9f Applicant Melvin I Tales (P_ PrInl) Address: lOi0 M~Tr.n~ Drlvp. T ~01 305-935-2450 Home Phone: Business Name: Retired pixfixshop@yahoo.com ErnaU Address: Occupation: Administrator BuslnessAddress: Business Phone: , Fax: Qualifications: (8IIefIy _be1lle opecllloexper1loe o_roblllllooyou con __.0 member oflhl1l Boord.) PLEASE SEE ATTACHED NOTE List community or civic involvement PLEASE SEE ATTACHED NOTE Please 8llaCh a'J'Bsume along VIoflh yeti' appication. / understttnd thtlt In accordance with tfle StaiB of Florida Govemment in the Sunshine Law, this Information may be made pub/k;. / understand that 81/ board appointments ate for voluntary, uncompenSBtlld UMcea anell win be subject to the requirements of /he State of Florida FinIInc/aI Dlscl0SUf8 Requ/mments. , ~~..~-=- . () s--' 10 r/?-i) 06' SIgnature of Applicant Dall! Fax or Mall complo4llcl appllcalloA & _uma to: 0lII0e 0' tile CIty Ma_ ' aovammant CenW. 11200 WaoI Country Club DrIwl, Awntura. FL 33180 (305J oIll8-8I10 (305J _11 fIIx QUALIFICA nONS Attended classes at the University of Florida Master Gardiner Program. Received my Master Gardiner Certification. Worked as a volunteer Master Gardiner Lee County Agriculture Extension. Lectured on gardening in libraries throughout Lee County, FL Instructed on water saving techniques in the home garden. The use of mulch and its proper application. The use of natural pesticides verses chemical. The importance of proper soil preparation and the use of the right plant for the right location. Planting in a semi-tropical environment. Volunteered Broward County Extension office worked with school children on home vegetable gardens. Volunteer at the Broward County Museum Of Discovery and Science 954-713-0942 Enjoyed lecturing on the ecology of the Everglades and working with people on the nature floor. Worked for three seasons as a volunteer park ranger at the Cradle Of Forestry, Pisgah National Forest N.C. (United States Department Of Agriculture). Have traveled extensively throughout our country and have many articles published in magazines and newspapers. Written three, ecology connected books for children. I am now finishing writing photographing and producing a DVD show called Our American Wonderlands. I will soon submit this to the travel show for national exposure. At the request of their purchasing agent I am presently designing post cards and bookmarkers for Everglades National Park. Please e~oy enclosed samples of some of my work. I am considered by all those who have heard or read my work, as a very gifted poet. Written and edited and produced our condo newsletter. I have served on the board of directors on the following boards: Beth Torah Jewish Center, Smithtown, NY Lehigh Acres Jewish Center Lehigh Acres, FL. Keys Jewish Community Center Key Largo, FL Presently, North Dade Orchid Club North Miami Beach, FL Presently, the president of Corporation Four, Point East Condominiums Aventura, FL. 3030 Marcos Dr. T503 Aventura, Florida 33160 3lJ5.935-2450 Mel~DbdixshoD.com MELVIN TAKS Objective To continue in my lifetime to be productive and of service to my community. ExtA-ieIlCe 2000-2003 Self Employed Aventura, Florida . WEB DESIGN AND MAINTINANCE . PHOTO RESTORATION, PHOTO ALTERATIONS ETC. . GRAPHIC ART . COMPUTER REPAIR . SEE SAMPLE OF MY WORK. hltp:/IpixfixshoP.com 1990-2000 Freelance Travel Writer North American Continent 1986-1990 Mutual of Omaha Fort Myers, FL Sales R8p1sssntiillllve . My sales production for my first year ranked 19th among all first year producers in the entire United States, Canada, Canal Zone and Puerto Rico. 1972-1986 TAK SPEAKER CORP. MIAMI, FL President Design electronics and styled and manufactured speaker systems. Oversee all tasks necessary for the proper functioning of a manufacturing business. 1954-1972 TEK TV SALES & SERVICE Proprietor, Repaired electronics devices New Hyde Park, NY 1950-1954 United States Navy Education 1947-1948 City College 1948-1950 New York Technical Institute Graduated Electronics. New York, NY Brooklyn, NY I nterests I Board of directors, North Dade Orchid Club, Board of directors KJCC, writing, computers, scuba diving, boating, gardening & photography. I presently own and operate an 18 ft. runabout. In the past I have owned and operated larger crafts. I am also a volunteer at the Museum of Discovery & Science where I lecture on the ecology of our Everglades. I have also been a volunteer National Forest Park Ranger. I have recently completed a 1 hour show on DVD regarding our national parks. It is titled Our American Wonderlands. GARYPYOTT 20505 East Country Club Drive PH36 Aventura, Florida 33180 305-933-8356 May 15,2006 Dear Mayor and Commission, Please find attached my application and personnel highlights as required for consideration to be re-appointed to the City of A ventura Community Services Advisory Board. As the current Chairman and a member for the past three (#3) years I am requesting to be considered for re-appointment to one of the only Community Advisory Boards remaining in the city. As the Chairman this past year I believe the current Board made several strides in an attempt to broaden the offerings made to the residents of our great city and believe that next year we would continue this path of providing quality programming in conjunction with an outstanding staff of dedicated and hardworking city staff members. In addition, I believe that consideration must be given to keep experienced and dedicated members of our community involved year after year injunction with a level of consistency to better serve the needs of our community. " ~ ~o#r your consideration. 0;/';'t -~ , " P ott , I I , CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD m" 11/1// ,~ I" . ::- .1 . <I *.--1 ., ...._,~ .... --t, . -. ,_;:~ ',' ,~ --:,- I!\)\''\ Potential board members must be registered voters who have resided in the City of Aventura for six (6) months immediately prior to an appointment to the Board. Applicants must have expressed interest and/or experience in landscape design and a~ itecture, beautification projects, youth and/or senior citizen programs, recreation tivities, cultur nd the arts. Home Phone: .J Business Phone: Qualifications: (Briefly describe the specific expertise and/or abilities you can contribute as a member of this Board.) List community or civic involvement: .Jtl:~ "oJ-;n;}C//t:.)\ Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for volunt mpensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the State 0 'nancial Disclosure Requirements. r~;;6~ Date Fax or Mail completed application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 466-8910 (305) 466-8919 fax GARY PYOTT 20505 East Country Club Drive PH36 AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180 305-933-8356 1999 - Present Senior Vice President, The Continental Group, Inc. Hollywood Florida Responsibilities include but not limited to direct supervision of a portfolio consisting of # 154 condominium and homeowner associations from South Beach to Port S1. Lucie Florida. Supervision and evaluation of association management and support staff, yearly budget preparation and continuous association rmancial review (amount in excess of fifteen million dollars), preventative maintenance of building components, exterior/interior building evaluations and maintenance, direct working relationship with association Board of Directors. 1996 - 1999 District Manager, Discovery Zone Play Centers Miami Florida Responsibilities included but not limited to direct supervision of a portfolio of fun centers covering Miami Dade and Broward counties, supervision and evaluation of management staff, preparation of budgets and review, evaluation and goal setting for retail components, evaluation and setting of action plans for fun center food components, direct staff training sessions, hiring and evaluation of part-time/full time fun center staff. 1984 - 1990 Director of Lower School Education, Admiral Farragut Academy Pine Beacb New Jersey Responsibilities included but not limited to direction of educational/recreation program for boarding and day students of grades five thru eight, Director of teacher/staff hiring and the evaluation and training of staff to meet specific educational programs and requirements, Director of summer sleep away camp. 1979 - 1984 Director of Sports Programming, Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center Miami Florida Responsibilities included but not limited to director of programming for youth, teen and adult sports. Supervision of full-time/part-time staff, coordinate sports leagues for youth, teens and adults, supervision of aquatics program, supervision of tennis center, supervision of fitness facility, budget preparation and review, Director of summer sports camps (general sports, gymnastics & tennis). Current Civic Involvement: President of The Arts Ballet Theater of Florida and Fort Lauderdale City Ballet, Anoointed member and cnrrent Chairman of the Aventura Community Services Advisory Board (last three vears). Chairman of Aventura Cbarter School Advisory Board (last three years). Active member ofthe Aventura Marketing Council and Cbairman's Ronndtable and Miami Beacb Cbamber of Com me ranee, Recipient of the 2003 Businessman of the Year Award. CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERViCES ADVISORY BOARD ~f., ':-~~.;I:;~(~ - K'- ".; r \' ~ ';.hi - , . ~. :-:~!,,- . ,'" ~. . . e<l'~'I!'Z~ PolenllSl boan1 ~mbers must be registered IfOlel1l w/lo /lev. relicJecl in the City of AVfJntUl'll for six (6) mon/1Is immediately prior /0 an appoin/menllo /ha Boarc1. AppliCllntlS mu$t /I."", ex_d Interest ancVor experience in landscape design and arohit9C/ure. beautilicalion projects. youth and/or S8nlOr citizen programs, recreation activities, cultuffl and Iha arts. , Name of Applicant 611 e.. Address: t- J.J3~ tOm. Pho'~1IX" Em'~ mN' .",.loI..a. B"_.",~ ~ ~~J~ """potiM~J , Business Address: ~~ ~.) "51 I ~ BusinessPhone:~"acii"c.;>3c:, Fax: ~$ 'l~-~ li' ~~ a member of lhia oard. So. expenise aMlor ablHtles you CIIn con bUll QualifICations: (Illleny List cornmunltYOrCIVlclnvolvemen~ IOJ".Ju{O ~u If'/U1. 0..1.l r.A.~ <VRjr.A. W cae ~ ~- , I' Please attlich a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government In the Sunshine Ltlw, thilS infomu.tioll IIIoY tJe made pUCIIC. I understan(j mat all Coara appointments are ntary, U mpensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the Florid ancial DiscI sura Raquirements. \J. a.......t ~~ 'UIO ~ i5i"le\ Fax or Mail c plotld application & ...uma to: omee 01 the City ManalNr Goverrvnent Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Avantura, FL 33180 (305) ..U110 1305'.....91 I fax - Hil 39\1d eeeeeeeeee 8t:8e ~eelllll.e CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD !!'\\\/I/ :::...:..,-. " - 1"'- -j . , . --". . . -.--. .......~, . - -. --' - ,'~ :,' 111)\- Potential board members must be registered voters who have resided in the City of Aventura for six (6) months immediately prior to an appointment to the Board. Applicants must have expressed interest and/or experience in landscape design and architecture, beautification projects, youth and/or senior citizen programs, recreation activities, culture and the arts. Business Address: \1;, g \ Z. @JLCC>'t--1 (Please Print) C ov€T . f\-cIFl..:n: L>{2'.A / Email Address: Ch-'\.',-tD~CuX'41~HCtY'-L"I'\€.(c)M \-\C..s,r.7,r< Occupation: ?,)\.)\:b~ u be, Sc 4y 0 €- DC\.) \c'-)C~ ~re" ,T-<..h{L", \ ' Name of Applicant: 1\'0. \ 1 Address: J.03J-.n ~ '?--'l Home Phone: 2DSJI3?:>-~C\S Business Name: A0E0'f,)(LA Business Phone: &:,S.- 9 "3>;).. - d... 4c-,n Fax: 2x:-jS - y c,G - '1.2 8' 5 Qualifications: See- Ci fur JpAJ \ .p~ (Briefly describe the specific expertise andlor abilities you can contribute as a member of this Board.) List community or civic involvement: See a~*,cO I ~ -j- \&'JLX4e < Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the State of F/~~'da F a= Disclosure ReqUirements.w, Q,_----~ fQt 122cx'J0 Signa ure f Applicant Date ( Fax or Mail completed application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 466-8910 (305) 466-8919 fax AMIT Z. BLOOM 20320 NE 34 Court. Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 933-2015 . E-mail: amitb@aventuramagazine.com .........."".........................."..............................................................................."..................................................,.............................................................................. PROFESSIONAL DISCOVER MAGAZINE, INC., Aventura, FL. PUBLISHER 1998. Present Publisher of both AVENTURA magazine, South Florida's magazine for the luxury lifestyle (8 issues annually) and Aventura Phone Book, the city's premier telephone directory and resource guide (one editon annually). Responsibilities include over- seeing, managing and directing the entire Editorial Department as well as the Art and Production Departments. I also work closely with the Sales Department in developing and implementing added value programs for existing advertisers and potential advertisers. AMIT GRAPHIC DESIGN, Aventura, FL - OWNER 1997 - 2003 Owner and Art Director of a graphic design company specializing in magazine and newsletter layout and design. Clients included Discover Magazine, Inc., The City of Aventura, Business in Broward magazine, ArtSpirit magazine, Weston First, Lewis International and more. INBLOOM DESKTOP & GRAPHIC DESIGN, Miami Beach, FL - ASSIST. ART DIRECTOR 1996 Assistant Art Director for a full-service graphic design company. Clients included Dancer magazine, Cafe Cola, Inc., South Beach Cigars, Inc., and more. PACE THEATRICAL GROUP, INC., Miami, FL. PUBLIC RELATIONS 1991-1994 Public Relations Representative for PTG-Florida, a SUbsidiary of PACE Entertainment Corp. (currently Clear Channel Entertainment), one of the largest producers and presenters of live entertainment in the U.S. Responsibilities for Broadway national touring productions in the Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach and Tampa markets included: writing and distributing press releases; pitching stories to local media; accompany artists on interviews; organizing opening night/cast parties; assisting in press conferences: assisting in building ads, brochures and other promotional materials; implementation of special promotions. ALAN WASSER ASSOCIATES, New York, NY - INTERN 1990 Intern in general management office of Cameron Macintosh, Inc., producer of the Broadway productions Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Ooera, and Miss Saifion. RING THEATRE, Coral Gables, FL - ASSISTANT MANAGING DIRECTOR 1989-90 Assistant Managing Director for the Ring Theatre (currently the Jerry Herman Theatre) responsible for supervising House Management and Box Office activities: assigning season SUbscriptions; hiring College Work Study students; CWS payroll; assist in advertising; assist in hardwood reports, audience problems and daily upkeep of box office activities. HIRSCHFELD THEATRE, Miami Beach, FL - PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 1989 Production Assistant responsible for follow-up calls to agents and unions; calculation of union dues; and assist visiting guest directors and actors. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT City of Aventura Community Services Advisory Board City of Aventura Cultural Arts Foundation (committee is no longer active) Trustee Level member Aventura Marketing Council Board member of Delvista Homeowners Association EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, Coral Gables, FL - BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS in Theatre Management/Business Administration, 1991 May 12, 2006 Office of the City Monager City of Aventura 1 9200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, FL 331 80 RE: Community Services Advisory Board I currently serve on the City of Aventura Community Services Advisory Boord, and am apply- ing for another term. My experience volunteering as a board member for the City has given me the opportunity to intimately understand the needs of residents of all ages. Further, my dedication and knowledge of the City is not only from a personal perspective, but also professional. I am Co-Publisher of both AVENTURA magazine and Aventura Phone Book. Through my involvement as a business owner in the community, I have hod the oppor- tunity of gaining a unique perspective into the City's growing needs. Finally, my husband and I have been residents since 1998. My parents have been residents of the City since approximately 1993. My family and I frequent our parks, and enroll our children in classes and summer camp at the Community Recreation Center. We are proud of our City and it's accomplishments. I am confident that residents and profes- sionals alike will find me to be an objective and fair representative on the Community Services Advisory Board. Mall 31 06 04:53p Jonathan P. Evans 305 792-7046 p. 1 CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD m,,\\I/,/, "~'.;i~".:' ..-:: -,-.--- . -- .- ,- ,'. II \'- Potential board members must be registered voters who have resided in the City of Aventura for six (6) months immediately prior to an appointment to the Board. Applicants must have expressed interest and/or experience in landscape design and architecture, beautification projects, youth and/or senior citizen programs, recreation activities, culture and the arts. Name of Applicant: ~'Nk~ ,. Gv~ (Please Print) G LVi? I -H '2$)""2., Av ~J pt.... '3"3/1..0 , Email Address: ~f\ot\le...? j@ 0..0\ . ~ Address: 1000 '.t\..'MJ 1) Home Phone: (3 0" 1"1'2.- 70~S' . Business Name: Occupation: Business Address: Business Phone: Fax: Qualifications: A-cJ;\:Je"fU~ ~ ~. (Briefly describe the specific expertise and/or abilities you can contribute as a member of this Board.) ,?N;)~ et\ ~ \;.l~ \.r\~ ~O 'A ~()~ fIl~ ~a.. o.tn~ c.)j w. 1:. . ~ i ~ 'Q'~ r-n'vd.CVl List community or civic involvement:--.A~ -.s'Y ~ ~ "'1f. ~LV ~ e:~l Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the State of Florida Financial Disclosure Requirements. -;(.~~ Signature of ,4pplicant Date '5 W:J ot. Fax or Mail completed application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 46lH1910 (305) 466-8919 fax Mal:! 31 06 04:541" Jona~han P. Evans 305 792-7046 Jonathan P. Evans 7000 Island Boulevard, Unit 2002 Aventura, FL 33160 305 792-7045 305607-6714 (cell) Exoerience 1999-Present Board of Directors, 7000 Island Boulevard Condominium Association. Served in various officer position of the Board of the 300 unit building since moving to Williams Island in 1998. 2004-Present President, The Lunch Bunch of A ventura, Inc. Serves as President and member of the Round Table of this 110 man comedy club. 2005 President, Williams Island Property Owners' Association. President of the 1,700 family condominium community in A ventura. Additionally, served as chairman of the tennis committee at Williams Island. Also many other committee assigmnents. 2001-2005 Representative for 7000 Building to Property Owners' Association, Williams Island. 2004-2005 Campaign Manager for successful election of Billy Joel to City of A ventura Commission. 1982-1997 Owner, President, Camp Greenhill, Cambridge, Massachusetts Founded and ran the summer day camp for children from 4-12 years old. 1973-1998 Teacher, The Shady Hill School, Cambridge, Massachusetts Taught mathematics and coached soccer to 6_8th grade students. Served on the School's Board of Overseers as the Faculty representative. Education 2005 Graduate of A ventura 101 course. 1968-1971 Nottingham University, Nottingham, England, B.Sc., Metallurgy 1964-1968 King Edward School, Birmingham, England ",.2 Mal:j 31 06 04:54p 305 792-7046 Jonathan P. Evans Personal Information Married, One daughter Actively participates in tennis and swimming. Enjoys observing most team sports, particularly cricket and rugby. Worked on political campaigns for Bob Diamond to City of Aventura Commission and Jay Beskin for District #4 of the Miami-Dade Commission p.3 JUN-01-06 05:41 PM GERALD COHEN 305 932 2553 P.01 CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD .~ , . Po/ential bOilrd memool'$ must bt registered votelS who heve residfld In the City of Aven/ur. for si. (6) montlls immediately prior to an eppolntmentlo the 8oerd. Applicants must have a.pressed interost and/or ew.pcrienc(J in landscape design and architecture. beautification projectR. youth ,ncJlo, senior citizen programs. recreation aclivflies, cunure and the arts Name of Applicant: :J< u -r u ~ Ci!I U t:. N (F'lease F'rint) Address:..ftldd T.~..Jb Ill-Vb APr. I~#!J . Home Phone;.:l',r. '9'7.IfI."'6~ Business Name: IV/A 1V/4 IV/A- . Emsil Address:~ .......eo... ~ "~LS.IJ TII. J,/lir' Occupation: N 11/ Business Address: Business Phone: Fax:J'#~"!1;t4~SS~ . Qualifications: _. (Briefly dellcribe the specific eKpertise and/or 8blhtiet you cln contribute 8S . member ofthis~) ~ IW I4fT,'TlJl)&" F.~ ~'TH c.,i.,A..... ~6../t:.,., ../!t,vl>_ Hit 111:. . W,A.Y- .. W,r14 ,sE.A.1II/L -f".t:.LA~~ . lIoJ WR$H-'';~-r.,.; I b. Co. list communily or civic involvement: Ct4MPA/~"'fi.ll ~~~lJ Please allach a resume along with your application, I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated servicas and I will be subject to the requirements of the Stale londa Financial Disclosure Requirements. ~ -j - ~ ~ Date Signature of Applicant Fax or Mall completed eppllcatlon & re.ume to: Ot'llce of the City Manager Government Center "zoo w..t Country Club Drive. Aventut.. FL 33110 (305) .61-8110 (3051.....818 fa. CITY OF AVENTURA APPL.ICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD ajl4clv '~9..' () ;~?- e.............. .,,, "-, ~ i '.,; - ~ . Po'""',,,1 board m"mbars mu.t be "'glsIered volers who havs ",.icted in tile C/ly of Aventflra for Stx (6) months immsdiately prior to an appointmsnt to the Boa"" Applicants must have 9xprossod interest and/or oxperiflnce In landscaps design and 8reh/tse/ure, bsalJtlflCa/lon pro~ets. youth anrJ.k>r ssnior C'''lSll programs, recrealion set,vlli8., culflJ1'8 and Ihs arts. Name of Applicant: ~ V T"l-( l!. Address~ XlIU. "141~ Home Phone:.I~S'. 'f6? ~7.s$ Business Name: AI / A- Business Address: flIllr Business Phone: /11111- C:JHI!!.N (Please Prinl) I!S'L U .b. JfJ tfJ -r: t 'f 1I.!!t . EmaiIAddrl!ssJ...cloJ4. 'f~8. /I CDUT~we7"' Occupation: IV I k Fax,$.r.'f9/J.. ~ SS.3 Qualifications' (Briefly describe the specific expertise and/or abilities YOu Cln contrfbute as. member of thll BoarcT SEe Ar-rAt!.H~b "+?.:~I.I"'l!. __n___.'_'__ Ust community or civic inllolvemenl: Please aUach a resume along with your application. .' understand that in accordance with the State of Ftorida Government in the Sunshine Law, this information may bfJ mad6 pUblic I understand that a/l board appointm6nts 8r6 for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requirements o( the State lorida Financial DISClosure Requirements. ~ - /- .0 "- Dat& Fax or MIll compl.ted appllc.tion I r..um. 10: Office of the City Manager Cov.rnmont Center 18200 W.II Countly Club Ori.., "..ntur., FL 33180 (308) 488-1'10 (305) 488-1'18 f.x -- RUTH S. COHEN 3000 leland BlVd" Apt. 1903 Avanlutl, Florida 33160 Homo Pnone (305)937.2755 F.. (305. UZ.2553 Emall JERUC~BELLSOUTH.NET "f.){SONi\I,: Marrl~d .1"0 children and .illlrandlons. F'ull'lim~ Florida .....id'.nl .in," s.-pleml",r 1997: parl-lione Florida re.id~nl sillce 1989. EI>IICA'I'ION: Allended Unlvenlly of Pill'burgh, Partldpall'Cl in numerous nlllnagemenl prollrllms, areounling programs and markrling and r..ruilinll ..mlnars ,",rlaining 10 Hl'hlll. Food Srn>h'c aod lhe Hospilllllly Indu.lry. PRon:SSIONAL: President of Eltecutive Recruiters, Inc. 1979 to 1990 -Ocvdoped an Eueutive recruiting Corporation thllt Ilrew 10 multiplr OmCe8 in Washtngton, D.C., Marylllnd and Virginll. -Selected all Search Recruiter., all real eslale loulions, mllrketed and visited exlstlnll Bnd potential clienls. Rellred in 1990 10 spend more time with children in Soulh Florida. COMI\1lJNITY SERVICE/VOLUNTEE.R ORGANIZATION HI(;UUGHTS: .WASHINGTON HEBREW HOME Advisory Committee Membcr--2000+ members on this roster .sHAKESPEARE AWARDS Committee Member--Washington, D.C. .WORLAND HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION Member-- Potomac, Md. -Oversight for Landscape, Roads and Architecture .S.:CONU GENESIS volunteer--Drug Rehabilitation Program(s) .WICS--WOMEN IN COMMUNITY SERVICE, WASHINGTON. D.C. CHAPTER -Volunteer in agenda and focus group activities .EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OFTHE NATIONAL CAPITOL AREA--Volunteer and Fundraiser .MERCEDES BENZ CLUB OF SOUTH FLORIDA -Board Member with activities including social and eduClltional responsibilities .AlIsisted with Campaign duties for candidates in last Aventura Commissioner F.lel.'tinn CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Eric M. Soroka, City Manager FROM: Zev Auerbach, City Commissioner DATE: May 31, 2006 SUBJECT: Light Rail Regional Transit Solutions Please place on the Workshop Agenda, a discussion regarding the City Commission adopting a Resolution of support for light rail regional transit solutions utilizing the FEC railroad. CITY OF AVENTURA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: City Commission ~ Eric M. Soroka, ~~ City Manager ... . Joanne Carr, AI Planning Director BY: DATE: June 2, 2006 SUBJECT: EAR Based Amendments (03-CPA-05) June 9, 2006 City Commission Workshop On January 31, 2006, the South Florida Regional Planning Council advised that the 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) for the City's Comprehensive Plan had been found sufficient to meet the requirements of state statute. The recommendations of the EAR may now be incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan by way of ordinance. The City's Planning Consultant, Bell David Planning Group, has prepared the attached Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications. These amendments follow the summary of recommendations listed in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, a copy of which is attached for reference. Following discussion at the June 9 workshop meeting, staff will prepare an ordinance to adopt these amendments for first reading by the City Commission at its July 11, 2006 meeting. INTRODUCTION This report is comprised of eleven applications for amendments to the A ventura Comprehensive Plan based on Aventura's 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The EAR was adopted by the City on November I, 2005, and found sufficient by the South Florida Regional Planning Council on January 31,2006. The purpose of these amendments is to implement the recommendations contained in the City's adopted EAR. The proposed amendments are collectively referred to as EAR-based amendments. With a 2000 population of 25,267, Aventura is the ninth most populous municipality in Miami-Dade County. Although it was not incorporated until 1995, between 1990 and 2000, the City's population increased from 15,375 to 25,267, a 67 percent increase. By 2010, the City's population is anticipated to increase to 32,925, an increase of 30 percent since 2000. Based on projections prepared by the University of Florida, by 2015, it is projected that its population will increase to 37,307 (48% above the 2000 Census), and by 2025, it is projected that it will increase to 46,329 (83% above the 2000 Census)1. It should be noted, however, that these estimates are based on historic and current population figures and growth trends, and do not reflect local conditions. The City is rapidly approaching build-out, and its future development potential and population growth is limited by the scarcity of vacant and developable land. For these reasons, the City estimates that its population will cap out at around 32,925, the year 2010 population estimate. The City of Aventura has a land area of approximately 3.2 square miles bounded by: Broward County and the City of Hallandale Beach to the north; Golden Beach and Sunny Isles across Dumfounding Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway to the east; North Miami Beach to the south, and; unincorporated Miami-Dade County to the west. There have been no changes in the City's land area since it was incorporated in 1995. In 1998, the State of Florida revised the statutory requirements for the EAR to allow local governments to base their analysis on the key local issues that they are facing. In order to comply with these requirements, and in recognition of the complicated and diverse range of planning issues that the City of A ventura is currently facing, the City initiated its EAR process with a public workshop on December 16, 2004, and conducted an interagency scoping meeting with members of State, regional and County agencies and representatives of adjacent municipalities on December 20, 2004. Based on input received via this process, the City of A ventura identified five major issues for inclusion in the EAR. On January 14, 2005 the City provided the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) with a request for a Letter of Understanding regarding these issues, and the City's proposed Scope of Work. On February 2, 2005, DCA provided the City with a Letter of Understanding agreeing to the proposed issues and Scope. The five major issues are as follows: Development and Redevelopment; Housing; Emergency Management; Transportation, and; Quality of Life. 1 University of Florida Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing, Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, 2003 I The eleven staff applications contained in this report correspond to the ten Comprehensive Plan Elements in which amendments are recommended, and the addition of a new Redevelopment Element. Only goals, objectives, and policies for which specific amendments are recommended are included. 2 APPLICATION No.1 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Add a new Objective 1, as follows: Obiective 1 The Land Development Regulations shall provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the Citv that accommodates growth while maintaining the integritv of the built and natural environment. 2. Add a new Policy 1.1, as follows: Policy 1.1. Development is herein defined as construction. alteration. or material change on/to vacant land. and is limited to the vacant lands shown on Map 1-2. In the event that development has occurred on vacant land. Map 1-2 shall be amended to reflect such development during the next regularly scheduled Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle. 3. Add a new Policy 1.2, as follows: Policy 1.2. Redevelopment is herein defined as the demolition and reconstruction. renewaL alteration. or material change on/to lands not shown as vacant on Map 1-2. as it is periodically amended. 4. Add a new Policy 1.3, as follows: Policv 1.3. Development and redevelopment shall conform to the building height limitations. site development standards. and design guidelines established in the Land Development Regulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Add a new Policy 1.4, as follows: Policv 1.4. In order to minimize negative impacts to the City's infrastructure. traffic congestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times. and auality of life. the densitv and intensity of development and redevelopment shall be limited to reflect existing development patterns. in accordance with the Land Development Regulations. 6. Add a new Policy 1.5, as follows: Policv 1.5. The Land Development Regulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan shall contain provisions that provide for appropriate transitions between different Future Land Use Districts. Zoning Districts. uses. and neighborhoods. and that buffer existing neighborhoods. buildings. uses and natural areas from the encroachment of incompatible uses. 3 7. Add a new Policy 1.6, as follows: Policy 1.6. The City shall encourage pedestrian friendly design and walkable neighborhoods through its development review processes. design guidelines. and targeted redeyelopment efforts. 8. Add a new Policy 1.7, as follows: Policy 1.7. Redevelopment shall conform to site development standards as outlined in the Land Development Reg:ulations. 9. Add a monitoring measure for Objective I, as follows: Measure: Incorooration of the oolicy provisions into the Land Develooment Regulations. 10. Renumber Objective I, as follows: Objective +~ 11. Renumber Policy 1.1, and amend as follows: Policy +~.1 The Future Land Use map shall identify all residential land as one of the following Residential Land Use Categories: Low Density (No change) Low-Medium Density (No change) Medium Density This category llHtaorizeG fIj'lartment lmilaings ranging allows a range of densities from 13 to 25 dwelling units per gross acre. The type~ of housing structure typically permitted in this category include townhouses and low-rise and medium-rise apartments. but mav also include single family detached. duolexes. triolexes quadruolexes and townhouses. Medium-High Density This category llHtaorizes fIj'lartment Bllilaings rooging allows a range of densities from 25 to 60 dwelling units per gross acre. In this category, the height of buildings, and, therefore, the attainment of densities approaching the maximum, depends to a great extent on the dimensions of the site, conditions such as 4 location and availability of services, zoning. type of housing structure, the ability to provide sufficient off-street parking, and the compatibility with and impact of the development on surrounding areas. The type of housing structure typically permitted in this categorv includes low. medium and high-rise apartments. but mav also include single familv detached, duplexes, triplexes. Quadruplexes and townhouses. Additionally, the height of buildings and attainment of densities approaching the maximum shall also be contingent on the ability of the developer to ensure appropriate transitions and buffers with the surrounding neighborhood. and to alleviate impacts that will adverselv impact service levels and Quality oflife. 12. Renumber Policy 1.2, and amend as follows: Policy -h2.I The Future Land Use map shall identify all nonresidential land as one of the following nonresidential land use categories: Industrial and Office (No change) Business and Office This category accommodates the full range of sales and service activities. Included are retail, wholesale, personal and professional services, commercial and professional offices, hotels, motels, hospitals, medical buildings, nursing homes, entertainment and cultural facilities, amusements, and commercial recreation establishments. However, private commercial marinas may only be permitted as a conditional use as contained within the land development regulations. These uses may occur in self-contained centers, high-rise structures, campus parks, Town Centers, or in nodes defined by the intersection of two arterial roadways or at the intersection of an arterial and a local or collector street. Additionally, the Metropolitan Urban Center designation as described and adopted within the Miami-Dade Comprehensive Development Master Plan may be applied as an overlay within this land use category. The specific range and intensity of uses appropriate in a particular Business and Office property is dependent on the particular land use, design, urban services, transportation, environmental and social conditions on and around the subject parcels at the time of approval including consideration of applicable goals, objectives and policies, and the provisions of applicable land development regulations which serve to implement the comprehensive plan. The maximum allowable development intensity shall be a floor area ratio of total building square footage (not including parking structures) divided by the net lot area of the development parcel of 2.0. Actual intensities approvable to a given site may be significantly lower than the maximum where necessary to conform to an overriding Plan policy, or to maintain compatibility of the development with its surroundings. The maximum intensity allowable on a given site shall also be contingent on the ability of the 5 developer to ensure appropriate transitions and buffers with the surrounding neighborhood, and to alleviate impacts that will adverselv impact service levels of service and auality oflife. Town Center (First Paragraph) Town Centers are encouraged to be hubs of future urban development in Aventura, around which a more compact and efficient urban structure will evolve. Town Centers are not intended to be Regional Activitv Centers, but instead are intended to serve the Citv's existing and future residents and businesses. Town Centers are intended to be moderate t8 high illtellsity design-unified areas which will contain a mixture of different urban functions integrated both horizontally and vertically. Town Centers shall be characterized by physical cohesiveness, direct accessibility by mass transit service, and high quality urban design. The development of each Town Center will be managed through the creation of a thematic plan... Parks and Recreation (No change) Water The areas that are designated Water on the Future Land Use map reflect natural and man- made water bodies within the Citv. These areas provide numerous benefits to the City of Aventura and are an important component of the Citv's multi-modal transportation network, stormwater drainage infrastructure, and natural and built environments. The use of these areas shall be limited to recreational and commercial boating facilities and uses (including water taxis and ferries). the provision of open space and urban relief: recreation, waterwavs. wetlands, flood control. stormwater drainage and storage. and natural resource protection and enhancement. and complv with the reauirements of Chapter 24. "Environmental Protection...". of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances. Development in or above areas designated "Water" that will diminish these functions shall be prohibited. and development and redevelopment adiacent to these areas shall include provisions to enhance these functions where appropriate. 13. Renumber Policy 1.3 as follows: Policy -1-2.3 14. Renumber Objective 2 as follows: Objective :;;,1 6 15. Renumber Policy 2.1, and amend as follows: Policy ;1,J I In planning and designing all new development and redevelopment, the City shall vigorously promote implementation of the guidelines contained in the "Urban Desiga Elemeat" redevelopment plans. the Redevelopment Element. and Land Development Regulations. 16. Renumber Policy 2.2 as follows: Policy;1,1.2 17. Renumber Policy 2.3 as follows: Policy ;1,1.3 18. Renumber Policy 2.4, and amend as follows: Policy;1,l.4 The City shall promote good urban design, water and energy conservation and wildlife habitat when designing sites and selecting landscape material for all public projects. Native landscaping materials shall be used where feasible and appropriate in public projects. 19. Renumber Policy 2.5 as follows: Policy 201.5 20. Renumber Policy 2.6, and amend as follows: Policy;1,1.6 In formulating or amending development regulations, Aventura shall avoid creating disincentives to redevelopment that otherwise conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. 21. Renumber Objective 3, and amend as follows: Objective 31 Decisions regarding the location, extent and intensity of future land use in Aventura will be based on suitable environmental conditions. compatibilitv with the natural and built environment. the minimization of adverse impacts to neighborhoods. the abilitv to maintain a hurricane evacuation clearance time of 12 hours or less. and the financial feasibility of providing, by the year 20015, services at levels of service (LOS) that meet or exceed the minimum standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. [9J-5.006(3)(b)I] 22. Renumber Policy 3.1 as follows: Policy 31.1 7 23. Renumber Policy 3.2 as follows: Policy 3:l.2 24. Renumber Policy 3.3 as follows: Policy 3:l.3 25. Renumber Policy 3.4 as follows: Policy 3:l.4 26. Renumber Objective 4 as follows: Objective 42. 27. Renumber Policy 4.1 as follows: Policy 42..1 28. Renumber Objective 5, and amend as follows: Objective ~Q A ventura shall, by the year 20915, continue to reduce the number of land uses inconsistent with the uses designated on the LUP map or with the character of the surrounding community. [9J-5.006(3)(b)3]. 29. Renumber Policy 5.1, and amend as follows: Policy ~.1 When evaluating compatibility among proximate land uses, the City shall consider such factors as the character and function of the surrounding neighborhood. consistencv with the goals and obiectives of the Comorehensive Plan. soecific neighborhood and redevelooment olans. noise, lighting, shadows, glare, vibration, odor, runoff, access, traffic, parking, heights, bulk, scale of architectural elements, landscaping, hours of operations, buffering, and safety, as applicable. 30. Renumber Policy 5.2, and amend as follows: Policy ~Q.2 Through implementation of the land development regulations, residential neighborhoods shall be protected from intrusion of uses that would disrupt or degrade the health, safety, tranquility, character, and overall welfare ofthe neighborhood. 31. Renumber Policy 5.3 as follows: Policy ~.3 8 32. Renumber Policy 5.4 as follows: Policy ~n.4 33. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 6 (old Objective 5) Policv 6.5 Although there are currentlv no militarv installations within or proximate to A ventura. the Citv shall adhere to State statutory requirements to ensure compatibility of new development and redevelopment with military operations if a militarv installation is located within or within one-half mile of its boundaries in the future. 34. Renumber Objective 6, and amend as follows: Objective 61 UlleR the aaofltioR of the i\'ieffilira Plan, aAll sooseqaent public and private activities regarding the use, development and redevelopment of land and the provision of urban services and infrastructure shall be consistent with the goal.!!, objectives and policies of this and all E.5]lements of the Comprehensive Plan, with recognized Population Estimates and Projections, and-with future uses designated on the adopted Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) map, aRa aG Balaneea with the Goals, OBjeetives ana Polieies of all Elements efthe Comflrehensive Plan. 35. Renumber Policy 6.1 as follows: Policy 61.1 36. Renumber Objective 7 as follows: o bj ecti ve =7.8. 37. Renumber Policy 7.1, and amend as follows: Policy =7.8..1 The City shall Ufleefl:ake efforts to loeate sites with eonB.rmed hiGtorie, arehiteetaral ana arehaeelogiea1 signifieanee By 2010. the City shall coordinate with the Miami-Dade Countv Office of Historic Preservation and Florida Department of State in order to identify significant historically. architecturally. or archaeologically-significant sites. if any. within its iurisdiction. and shall take timely and appropriate measures to preserve identified sites. 38. Renumber Objective 8 as follows: Objective &2 9 39. Renumber Policy 8.1, and amend as follows: Policy &2.1 The City Cemmission, Hfl6n reeommenaation of the City Manager, shall establish oppeftunities for the eElnsiaeration Elf amenaments to the },ventura Comprehensi'/e Plan. The City CelRlRission shall net establish lRere than the State iHljlosea ma-ximUIR FHImiler of opportunities, currently two oPPorUmities per year. Small seale amen8ments or emergeney amenaments shall 13e eJlempt from this limitation as proviaea for in State la-VI. The Citv of Aventura shall propose or consider applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan twice a vear. on dates established in the Code of Ordinances. with exceptions to this limitation as provided for in State law. 40. Renumber Policy 8.2, and amend as follows: Policy &2.2 Applications to amend the City's Future Land Use Plan map shall be evaluated to consider consistency with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of all Elements, other timely issues, and in particular the extent to which the proposal, if approved, would: 1. Satisfy a deficiency in the Plan map to accommodate projected population or economic growth of the City; 2. Enhance or impede provision of services at adopted LOS Standards; 3. Be compatible with abutting and nearby land uses and protect the character of established neighborhoods; and 4. Enhance or degrade environmental or historical resources, features or systems of significance.,; and 5. Impact the Citv's abilitv to maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times of 12 hours or less. 41. Renumber Policy 8.3 as follows: Policy &2.3 42. Renumber Objective 9 as follows: Objective 910 43. Renumber Policy 9.1, and amend as follows: Policy 910.1 A ventura shall continue to maintain, and enhance as necessary, regulations consistent with the Plan which govern the use and development of land, and which, as a minimum, regulate: {9J-5.006(3)(c)1] 1. Land use consistent with the Land Use Element and Level of Service Standards; 2. Subdivision ofland; 3. Areas subject to seasonal and periodic flooding; 4. Stormwater management; 10 5. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands; 6. Protection of the character and function of the surrounding neighborhood and uses; 7. Signage; and 8. On-site traffic flow and parking to ensure safety and convenience and that no avoidable off-site traffic flow impediments are caused by development. 44. Renumber Policy 9.2 as follows: Policy 910.2 45. Renumber Policy 9.3, and amend as follows: Policy910.3 The City, within ene year ef aSBlltien BOhis Plan shall eflllet implement land development regulations, as mav be amended from time to time, that include provisions for: [(J-5.006(3)(c)4] I. Open space in the form of squares, plaza, or green areas in residential and commercial zoning categories; 2. Diversity of uses in or adjacent to residential districts, including neighborhood designs that have a mixtures of retail, residential, office, institutional and service business uses in close proximity; 3. Diversity of housing and construction types; 4. Parking requirements for all zoning districts that allow and retain on-street parking where appropriate,; and 5. A hierarchy of street types and designs, ranging from pedestrian and bike paths to boulevards that serve both neighborhoods and area-wide vehicular and pedestrian trips. 46. Renumber Objective 10 as follows: Objective Mil. 47. Renumber Policy 10.1 as follows: Policy M il.1 48. Renumber Objective II, and amend as follows: Objective H12. Uflen the adolltien ef the Plan, tThe location, design and management practices of development shall ensure the protection of natural resources and systems by recognizing, and sensitively responding to constraints posed by soil conditions, topography, water table level, vegetation type, wildlife habitat, and hurricane and other flood hazards. 11 49. Renumber Policy 11.1 as follows: Policy -1+12.1 50. Renumber Policy 11.2 as follows: Policy -1+12.2 51. Renumber Objective 12, and amend as follows: Objective Hll. The City of A ventura shall coordinate its coastal planning area population densities with the South Florida Regional Planning Council. adiacent iurisdictions. and the Miami-Dade County eOffice of eEmergency mManagement. 52. Renumber Policy 12.1, and amend as follows: Policy H13.1 All proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments that increase density (population) shall be required to submit, at the time of application, an analysis of the impacts of the proposed amendment tIpon the evacuation routes and e'/1l611ation clearance times based on the best and most recent South Florida Regional Planning Council data regarding hurricane evacuation routes and clearance times in the Citv as inellllled within the Smith Florida Regional IlllffieaHe Eyaeuation Study, Aflril, 1996, or as may be amended frem time to time. 53. Renumber Policy 12.2 as follows: Policy H 13.2 54. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 13 (old Objective 12) Policv 13.3 Bv 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies to ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas. and encourage the use of consistent evacuation clearance time standards bv northeast Miami-Dade County and southeast Broward Countv municipalities. 55. Renumber Objective 13 as follows: Objective -814. 56. Renumber Policy 13.1, and amend as follows; Policy -814.1 By December 31 1999 tThe City shall continue to coordinate with Miami. Dade County Public Schoo1~ Board, Miami-Dade County, other northeast Miami-Dade County municipalities of Northeast Miami Dade County, llf!d the South Florida Regional Planning Council. and other agencies as appropriate in order to develop alternate 12 solutions to the projected public school siting needs, includedillg ia the aata aaa aaalyais. These altemative sellitioas oheuhl iaslaae but not limited to the utilization of existing vacant sites, vacant office space, and the addition of ;;00 stories to existing schools,-as well as ether alternatiye selutieas. 57. Amend the Future Land Use Plan Map to delete the proposed Community Facility depicted adjacent to the proposed Park in the northwest area of the City (Hospital District). 13 AMENDED FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP 14 APPLICATION No.2 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORT A nON ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Amend Policy 1.1 as follows: Policy 1.1 As per 9J-5.005(8)(j), the City of Aventura adopts the level of service standard as described in the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan, Traffic Circulatioll Sabelemellt 1997, Objective I Policy IB, as it relates to UrBan Illfilll\reas (DU.) [9J 5.019(1)(e)I], !Hut mere partielilarly described as follows: The minimum acceptable peak-period LOS for all State roads and on all City roads shall be the following: (a) Where no public mass transit service exists, roadways shall operate at or above LOS E' , (b) Where mass transit service having headways of 20 minutes or less is provided within Yz mile distance, roadways shall operate at no greater than 120 percent of their capacity; (c) Where extraordinary transit service such as commuter rail or express bus service exists parallel roadways within Yz mile shall operate at no greater than 150 percent of their capacity. 2. Amend Policy 1.2 as follows: Policy 1.2 The City of Aventura accepts Miami-Dade County's mass transit level of service as stated in the Miami-Dade Countv Comprehensive Development Master Plan. as followstheir 1997 CDMP Carital Improvemellts Elemellt aHa the Mass Transit Sabelemellt of the TrafFie Cireulation Element .....hieh fellew: I) The average combined population and employment density along the corridor between the existing transit network and the area of expansion exceeds 4,000 per square mile, and the corridor is 0.5 miles on either side of any necessary new routes or route extensions to the area of expansion; 2) It is estimated that there is sufficient demand to warrant service; 3) The service is economically feasible; and 4) The expansion of transit service into new areas is not provided at a detriment to existing or planned services in higher density areas with greater need. 3. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policv 1.7 The City of Aventura. in coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). shall annually evaluate the impact of the Transportation Concurrencv Exception Area on its transportation system. the Strategic Intermodal Transportation Svstem. and adopted level of service standards of roadways funded in accordance with Section 339.2819. F.S.. and identifv strategies to alleviate or miti~ate such impacts. The City shall coordinate with FDOT. Miami-Dade Countv. and other iurisdictions in the Countv in the development of common methodologies for measuring such impacts. If it is determined that the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area is 15 no longer adequate. the City shall evaluate the establishment of a Transportation Concurrencv Management Area. and/or other alternatives. as appropriate. 4. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policy 1.8 The City of A ventura shall continue to identify proiects to support and fund mobilitv. enhance alternative modes oftransportation. and ensure connectivitv in its Capital Improvements Program in accordance with Section 163.3180. F.S. 5. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policy 1.9 The City of Aventura. in consultation with the Florida Department of Transportation. shall evaluate the impacts of proposed development and redevelopment on its transportation svstem. Strategic Intermodal Svstem facilities. and the adopted level of service standards of transportation facilities. and identifv strategies to alleviate or mitigate such impacts in coordination with the developer and other agencies as appropriate. The Citv shall coordinate with FDOT. Miami-Dade County. and other iurisdictions in the Countv in the development of common methodologies for measuring such impacts. 6. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policv 1.10 In evaluating impacts on the transportation system. a proiect determined to have a de minimus impact (an impact that would not affect more than one percent of the maximum volume at the Level of Service Standard) mav be exempted from mitigation requirements. The City shall maintain records to determine whether a cumulative 110% de minimus transportation impact threshold has been reached. and shall submit such documentation as part of its annual updates to the Capital Improvements Schedule. which shall be incomorated into the Comprehensive Plan by amendment. 7. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policy 1.1 I The City of A ventura shalL by ordinance. include proportionate fair share mitigation options in its concurrencv management program. consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163. Florida Statutes. The intent of these options is to provide for the mitigation of transportation impacts through mechanisms that might include. but are not limited to. private funds. public funds. contributions of land. and the construction or contribution of facilities. Transportation facilities or segments identified for improvement through the use of proportionate fair share mitigation options must be included in the CIE. or in the next regularlv scheduled update ofthe CIE. 8. Add a new Policy under Objective 1, as follows: Policy 1.12 By 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City of A ventura will develop impacts fees and other methods bv which developers can mitigate impacts to the transportation svstem bv contributing funds for alternative modes of transportation. particularlv the expansion. operation and maintenance of the Circulator Svstem. 16 9. Amend Policy 3.2 as follows: Policy 3.2 VpeR adElptiElR ef this elemeRt, and the IHterge'/emmeRtlll CElordinatien ElemeRt, tTransportation coordination related mechanisms, appropriate agreements, and strategies will be developed utilized to implement the area wide transportation, land use, parking, and other provisions of the multi-modal plan. [9J-5.0 19(4)(c) I I] 10. Amend the monitoring measure under Objective 4 as follows: Measure: By 2005, iIncreased public transit ridershipey 10% . 11. Amend Policy 4.1 as follows: Policy 4.1 WithiR eRe year of adoptieR Elf the CompreheRGive PlaR, tIhe City shall implement a local public transit system. [9J-5.0I9(4)(c)9] 11. Add the following new Objective: Obiective 6 The City will utilize its Land Development Regulations in order to ensure that new development enhances mobilitv options and redevelopment does not further degrade transportation levels of service. 12. Add the following new Policy under new Objective 6: Policv 6.1 By 2007. or at the earliest feasible date. the City shall review and amend its Land Development Regulations in order to provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the Citv to ensure that new develooment enhances mobilitv options and that redevelopment does not further degrade transportation levels of service. 17 APPLICATION No.3 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Amend Objective 2 as follows: Objective 2 ThFoligh implemefltatiofl of the adopted Paries and Recreatiofl aFld Capital ImprovemeHts BlemeFlts, and the eOfleaffoflcy maFlagemeHt system tIhe City will continue to coordinate the provision of public and private resources to meet recreation demands '.vithifl OFle year of Plan adoptiofl. 2. Amend Policy 2.1 as follows: Policy 2.1 :\t the time of this adeptiofl of the Parks aFld Recreatiofl ElemelH thcre are FlO reereatioFl faeility deficieFleies, hB'.yever, throagh The Citv shall continue to meet its adopted Level of Service Standard for Recreation and Open Space through implementation of the concurrency management system. the collection of Park Impact Fees. and other strategies the City ',viII eflsure that faeilities are developed eOflclfffeFltly with the impacts of Flew deyelopmoflt. 3. Amend Policy 3.1 as follows: Policy 3.1 Withifl OFle (I) year of PlaFl adoptieFl, tThe City will continue to ensure that open space requirements for new development and redevelopment are met through the implementation and enforcement of its develop Land Development Regulations te iFlclude appropriate eeHFlitioFls fer opefl space Fleeds , and staFldards. 18 APPLICATION No.4 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT AMENDMENTS I. Add a new Policy under Objective I as follows: Policv 1.6 The City shall suooort oublic and orivate sector efforts to orovide an adequate suoolv of housing units that are affordable to households of all incomes in orooortions that are reflective of the housing demand and needs. and encourage develooers to orovide a variety of housing tvoes. including housing affordable to City residents of all income levels. in residential oroiects and communities. 2. Add a new Policy under Objective I, as follows: Policy 1.7 The City shall coordinate. as aoorooriate. with the South Florida Regional Planning Council in the develooment and implementation of the Regional Housing Plan. 3. Amend Objective 3, as follows: Objective 3 Due to the valae of llll1G, $d the limited allGe'lelopllble lalld available withill f.veiH1lfa it is diffieult tEl dete_ille the leyel Elf affElrdllble hElasillg sites that will be aeeessible, hElwever, boellHse of the ullifElrm yalue sf the lalld allY affElrdable Mllits pravided 'I.-ill be distributed high and increasing oraperty values and the scarcity of develooable land. the City will coordinate with the orivate sector in order to encourage the orovision of a variety of housing tvoes. including housing affordable to City residents of all income levels. in residential and Town Center communities throughout the City. There are no sites available for mobile homes. [9J-5.101(3)(b)3] 4. Amend Policy 3.1 as follows: Policy 3.1 ThrElugh implomolltatioll of the heusillg program, llHd ostablishmellt of the The City of A ventura. through its Land Develooment Regulations and other aoprooriate mechanisms. shall implement LDRs, appropriate criteria allowing diverse housing types, including housing affordable to City residents of all income levels. ''vill be deyeloj'led, iaeludillg and ensure the provision of services to support the housing stock through the concurrency management ordinance. A ventura is an urban area, therefore, there are no rural uses or need for farmworker housingehelds. [9J-5.010(3)(c)5] 19 APPLICATION No.5 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT AMENDMENTS I. Amend Policy 2.2 under Infrastructure Goal I , Objective 2 as follows: Policy 2.2 By 2000, tlhe City of Aventura and Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department shall explore the adopted levels-of-service for non-residential flows within the City. 2. Amend the Monitoring Measure for Objective 3 under Infrastructure Goal I as follows: Measure: New land uses not connected to public saaitary sewer sHflply the sanitary sewer collection svstem. 3. Amend Policy 3.1 under Infrastructure Goal I, Objective 3 as follows: Policy 3.1 Aventura shall prohibit the use of septic tanks in soils that are not suitable for such use. Throughout the City, additional septic tanks should not be permitted for the disposal or discharge of industrial or other non-domestic waste nor should they be permitted where seasonally high water table will impair proper functioning. Septic tanks should be avoided where private wells are in use. The City shall evaluate options to connect all existing septic systems to public sanitarv sewer and/or wastewater treatment facilities by 20 I O. 4. Add a new Policy under Infrastructure Goal I, Objective 5 as follows: Policv 5.3 The City shall review the water supplv facility workplans of Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach. as they are adopted and/or periodically updated. in order to identify alternative proiects that will increase its water supplv. and shall coordinate with Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach. as appropriate. in the implementation ofthese proiects. 5. Amend Policy 1.2 under Infrastructure Goal 2, Objective I as follows: Policy 1.2 By 20G3, i.[ndustries and businesses which generate and/or handle more than fifty (50) gallons of industrial wastes per year shall continue to be identified and monitored. Coordination among agencies that require reporting of hazardous wastes shall be improved. 6. Amend Policy 1.1 under the Solid Waste Goal, Objective I, as follows: Policy 1.1 By 200Gli, in order to serve the residents of A ventura in a more efficient manner the City shall study and consider assuming the responsibility of solid waste services that are currently being seFYieprovided by Miami-Dade County. 20 APPLICATION No.6 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Amend Objective I as follows: Objective I Upon adoption of this Plan, tIhe Capital Improvements Element (CIE) shall provide for the necessary replacement of existing facilities, upgrading of facilities when necessary to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards, and for new facility investments which are needed and affordable. [9J-5.016(3)(b)I] 2. Amend Policy 1.5 as follows: Policy 1.5 By 2001, tIhe City of Aventura shall conduct a feasibility study to consider the location of a multi-purpose public facility in the north area of the City. The facility is envisioned to be a joint use facility, which may include a pHIllie works storage aHd maintenaHee area, shelter and public park. Said park is designed to afford its use as a staging area in case of a natural disaster, including major storms and hurricanes. 3. Amend Objective 2 as follows: Objective 2 Upon adoption of this Plan land use decisions will be made in the context of available fiscal resources such that scheduling and providing capital facilities for new development will not degrade adopted service levels andlor negatively impact hurricane evacuation clearance times. [(J-5.016(3)(b)(4)] 4. Amend Policy 2.1 as follows: Policy 2.1 The capital facilities and infrastructure implications of land use and development plan implementation will be analyzed and set forth with attention to the following: a) safety improvements and elimination of hazards; b) elimination of below standard conditions and capacity deficits; c) demonstrated linkage between projected growth and facility service area; d) trade-off between supporting new growth or redevelopment; e) financial feasibility, including operating costs; f) coordination with the capital programming of other public agencies; llllii g) contractual andlor mandated obligations,; and h) maintenance or reduction of hurricane evacuation clearance times. 21 5. Amend Objective 3 as follows: Objective 3 Future development will be permitted only when the adopted level of service standard for those services listed in the CIB will be upgraded or maintained at adopted levels of service. or when demonstrated negative impacts on hurricane evacuation clearance times will be mitigated, bv asensuring that adequate fiscal resources are made available including; the proportionate cost of improvements necessitated by the development. 6. Add a new Policy under Objective 4, as follows: Policv 4.17 The Citv of A ventura 2005/06 - 2009/1 0 Capital Improvement Program, and the Capital Improvements Schedule included therein, is herebv adopted bv reference as part of the Capital Improvements Element. 22 APPLICATION No.7 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element as follows: 1. Amend Policy 1.1 as follows: Policy 1.1 Make full use of the coordination mechanisms built into the intergovernmental review and comment provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act to seek consistency between the Aventura Comprehensive Plan and the local comprehensive plans of the adjacent Miami-Dade municipalities of North Miami Beach, Sunny Isles Beach and Golden Beach; Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties; ana the adjacent municipality of Hallandale Beach, within Broward County; and any Campus Master Plan that will impact or be impacted bv the City. 2. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policv 1.17 The City of A ventura. on an on-going basis. shall seek opportunities to coordinate with Miami-Dade County. Broward County. the City of Hallandale Beach. Town of Golden Beach. City of Sunny Isles Beach. and City of North Miami Beach in order to ensure compatible development and address the unique challenges and opportunities that face northeast Miami-Dade and southeast Broward counties. 3. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policy 1.18 The City of A ventura shall coordinate as appropriate with other agencies and iurisdictions in the implementation of the ioint Florida Department of Community Affairs/South Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Affordable Housing Strategy. 4. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policv 1.19 In accordance with the adopted "Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facilitv Planning in Miami-Dade Countv". the City shall participate as appropriate in Miami-Dade County Public School's School Site Planning and Construction Committee. and shall seek. where feasible and mutually acceptable. to collocate schools with other public facilities. such as parks. libraries. and community centers. 5. Add the following new Policy under Objective 1: Policv 1.20 The City shall utilize the procedures called for in the "Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami-Dade County" and Section 1013.33. F.S.. in order to evaluate the appropriateness of prospective public school sites within the City. 23 6. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policy 1.21 The City will annually review Miami-Dade County Public School's Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan and the 5-Year Workplan. as provided for in the "lnterlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami- Dade County". This review will include an analysis of the Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan and the 5-Year Workplan's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. and the identification of anv necessarv Comprehensive Plan amendments. 7. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policy 1.22 The City shall continue to coordinate with the State and other agencies. as appropriate. in achieving the goals. obiectives. and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan. 8. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policv 1.23 The Citv shall continue to coordinate with the South Florida Regional Planning Council. and other agencies as appropriate. in achieving the goals. obiectives. and policies of the South Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. 9. Add the following new Policy under Objective I: Policy 1.24 The Citv shall coordinate. as appropriate. with the State of Florida. South Florida Regional Planning Council. Miami-Dade County Public Schools. and other agencies in the adoption of a Public Schools Element into the Comprehensive Plan by 2008. Areas to be addressed in the Public Schools Element include. but are not limited to. public school concurrencv requirements. coordination with other iurisdiction in the development and implementation of uniform school concurrency procedures. proportionate share school impact mitigation options for developers. the collocation of schools with other public facilities. the location of schools proximate to residential areas. the use of schools as emergencv shelters. the location of existing and planned school facilities (including maps). 10. Add the following new Policy under Objective 2: Policv 2.3 The City shall support. as appropriate. Miami-Dade County's and North Miami Beach's development and implementation of the Water Supplv Facilities W orkplan required bv Florida Statute. and the water conservation efforts of other agenCies. 24 II. Amend Objective 4 as follows: Objective 4 Coordinate with the appropriate agencies to implement strategies to maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times to 12 hours of less. ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas. and Bensure adequate and timely shelter within the region for those residing in hurricane evacuation area. 12. Add the following new Policy under Objective 4: Policv 4.5 The City of Aventura shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies to ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas. and encourage the use of consistent evacuation clearance time standards bv northeast Miami-Dade County and southeast Broward Countv municipalities. 25 APPLICATION No.8 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSERV A nON AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT AMENDMENTS I. Amend Policy 6.1 under the Coastal Management Goal as follows: Policy 6.1 Any new marina, marina expansion or similar water dependent use shall meet the following criteria: [9J-5.012(3)(c)9] I. Construction or subsequent operation of any proposed marina/water dependent project shall not destroy: a. Mangrove Protection Areas; or b. Sea grass or hard bottom communities c. Habitats used by endangered or threatened species. 2. The proposed marina/water dependent facility shall be: a. compatible with existing, surrounding land uses; b. of sufficient size to accommodate the project and the required parking; and, c. provide god land accessibility. 3. The proposed marina/water dependent facility shall: a. preserve or improve traditional public shoreline uses and public access to estuarine or coastal waters; and b. preserve or enhance the quality of the estuarine and coastal waters, water circulation, tidal flushing and light penetration. The abo'ie shall be ineoFfloratea into the LaRa Deyelopment Regulations within one year of PlaIl aaoption. 2. Amend Objective 10 under the Coastal Management Goal as follows: Objective 10 The City of A ventura shall proyiae immeaiate response to post lffirrieane situations in eoneert with a pest aisaster redeyelopment plan whieh will reduee or eliminate the eRposure of human life ana publie ana priyate property to natural hazards imolement ore- and oost-emergency orocedures in accordance with its adooted emergencv olans and orocedures, as thev are amended from time to time. 3. Delete Policy 10.1, as follows: Policy 19.1 The Cliffent Miami Daae COlinty lIumeane Proeecl1lres PlaIl shall be moaifiea te eOffii3ly with the polieies unaer this objeetive, aIla shall eontain step by step aetails fer post disaster reee'/ery eperatiens. 4. Delete Policy 10.2, as follows: Poliey 19.2 :\fter a lffirrieane but prier to re entry ef the population into evaeuated areas, the City Commission shall meet te hear preliminary damage assessments, llJlpoint a Reeoyery Task Foree ana eonsider a teffii3eflH)' moratorium of bHilcling activities not neeessary fer the Pliblie health, safet)" aHa ',velfare. 26 5. Delete Policy 10.3, as follows: Policy 19.3 The Recevery Task Force shall incluee the City Manager, ComllRlnity Development Director, Bliilding Official, Cemmllnity Services Director ane other staff members as eirectee BY the City Commissisn. Staff shall Be prsyieee BY the eepartments '.vhose eirectors are Task Ferce members. The Task Force shall Be terminatee after implementing its responsibility lineer Policy 10.6. 6. Delete Policy 10.4, as follows: Pelicy 10.4 The Recoyery Task Force shall review ane eeciee lipon emergeney lmilding pe_its; cooreinate '.'.'ith Miami Daee COllllty, State ana Federal officials to prepare disaster assistallce IlJlplieatiolls; analyze alia recommend to the City Cemmission hazara mitigatioll epliells inclllding reconstruction or relocation of damaged poolic facilities; ee'/elop a reeevelopmellt plan; ane recommend amelldments to the eomprchellsive plllll, Miami Daee COlinty Hurrieane Proceclare Plan and other IlJlprepriate polieies ana proeeeares. 7. Delete Policy 10.5, as follows: Pel icy 10.5 Immediate repair and dean up aetiens lIeeded to proteet the poolie health and safety inelllde repairs to potaBle water, waste'. vater and power facilities; remoyal of Builaing ElIId/or vegetative debris; staBilization or remeval of struetures about to collllJlse; and minimal repairs to malee dwellings haBitaBle sHeh as minor roof repairs and other weat-herproefingiseellrity measures. These aetions shall recei'/e firat priority in permitting deeisions. Long term reeevelopmellt activities shall be postponed until the Reeo'/ery Task Force has eOFllJlletee its tasks. 8. Delete Policy 10.6, as follows: Poliey 10.6 The Reco'/ery Task Foree shall propose eomprehensive plan amensmellts whieh refleet the recommeneatiells in any interagelley hazara mitigation reports or other reports preparea pursuant to Seetion 406 of the Disaster Relief f.ct of 1974 (PL93 288). 9. Renumber Policy 10.7 as follows: Policy 10.-71 10. Renumber Policy 10.8, as follows: Policy 10.&~ 27 II. Renumber Policy 10.9, and amend as follows: Policy 10.91 Following a natural disaster and prior to the implementation of long-term development, the City shall do the following: Based upon the damage assessment report!> prepared by the Miami Daae Plllllic Worles DepartHleat in accordance with the City's emergency plans and procedures, the City shall CeHGHlt with its City Manager, CommHnity Services Direeter, CemmHllity Develoflment Directer aHd BHildiag Official and engiHeem te evaluate options for damaged public facilities including abandonment, repair in place, relocation and repair with structural modification, to determine the most strategic approach to long-term development. in accordance with Section 31-3 of the Miami-Ddae County Code of Ordinances. The evaluation shall include but not be limited to issues pertaining to damage caused by natural disaster, cost to construct repairs, cost to relocate, cost to structurally modify, limitations of right-or-way, and maintenance costs. 12. Renumber Policy 10.10, and amend as follows: Policy 10.+ll4 Structures which are damaged in excess of fifty percent (50%) of their current replacement value shall be required to be rebuilt to meet all current land development requirements as aete_iaed by tile City Buildiag Oftieial. 13. Renumber Policy 10.11 as follows: Policy IO.H-~ 14. Renumber Policy 10.12 as follows: Policy 10.HQ IS. Renumber Policy 10.13, as follows: Policy IO.H1 16. Renumber Policy 10.14 as follows: Policy 10.+4.8. 17. Renumber Policy 10.15 as follows: Policy 10.H2 18. Renumber Policy 10.16, and amend as follows: Policy 10.MlQ The applicable provisions of the 8etIth Florida Building Code relating to hurricane precautions, inspections and permitting are hereby adopted by reference. 28 19. Renumber Policy 10.17 as follows: Policy 10.+711 20. Renumber Policy 10.18 as follows: Policy 10.-l&1l 21. Renumber Policy 10.19 as follows: Policy 10.-l-9U 22. Renumber Policy 10.20, and amend as follows: Policy 10.W14 The City shalll"rel"are a implement its local mitigation strategy in accordance with the guidelines provided in the Local Mitigation Strategy: A Guidebook for Florida Cities and Counties aRd will be used in order to fulfill the requirements of Rule 9J-5.012, F.A.C. relating to post disaster planning, repair, and reconstruction. 23. Amend Policy 12.2 under Objective 12 of the Costal Management Goal as follows: Policy 12.2 Prior to 2991, tlhe City shall conduct a survey of land uses on parcels adjacent to marine waters. The survey shall include the location, acreage and linear feet of shoreline for each use. 24. Add a new Policy under Objective 12 of the Coastal Management Goal as follows: Policv 12.8 The use of areas designated "Water" on the Future Land Use Plan Map shall be limited to recreational and commercial boating (including water taxis and ferries), the provision of open space and urban relief. recreation. stormwater drainage. and natural resource protection and enhancement. and complv with the requirements of Chapter 24. "Environmental Protection...". of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances. Development in or above such areas in a manner that will diminish these functions shall be prohibited. 25. Amend Objective 5 under the Conservation Goal as follows: Objective 5 :J:e..fB,educe per capita water consumption rates by at least 10% through 20915 29 26. Amend Policy 5.2 under the Conservation Goal as follows: Policy 5.2 Prior to 2005, tThe City shall consider funding, either individually or cooperatively, at least one xeriscape demonstration project. 27. Delete Policy 5.4 under the Conservation Goal as follows: Policy 5.4 IH eeHjUBctioH with the Miami Dade 'Nater aHa Sewer DepartmeHt, the City shall eKplere the feasibility of iHstalliHg a traHsmissioH line from the North Dade Wastewater Treatment PllH1t to cOHvey reeyclea 'Nastev/ater for irrigation use at TlIffiberry Golf Course aHd FeuHders Park 28. Amend Policy 8.2 under the Conservation Goal as follows: Policy 8.2 DpOH PlaH adoptioB, Un order to comply with policies of the South Florida Water Management District directed toward conservation of potable water supply and to achieve a reduction in the current rates of water consumption the following performance standards shall apply... 29. Add a new Policy under Objective 8 of the Conservation Goal as follows: Policy 8.7 The City shall support. as appropriate. Miami-Dade Countv and the City of North Miami Beach in their development and implementation of the Water Supplv Facilities Workolan required bv Florida Statute. and the water conservation efforts of these and other agencies. 30 APPLICATION No.9 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EVONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Delete the Economic Development Element as follows: Economic Doveloj3ment Goal The City of ".yellt1lFa shall aetively j3romote and atteHlj3t to maintain or iHlj3rove the economie vitality ofthe City, in order te maintain a low mlolHicipal property tall rate. OBjeetive I By 2000, the City shall identify areas for improyement in the develepment approval preeess. Policy 1.1 The reYleW shoals consider all facets of the denlepment approval j3recess, from t-he formal applications to ideatifieation for targeted Businesses and report their fiading to the City Commission. Peliey 1.2 The deyelopment appre'ial preeess shall Be ellamiaed to identify opportuaities for streamlining to remO'ie any stej3s that are ooj3lieati'ie or eandidates for eoasolidatien. Policy 1.3 The Commanity De'ielopment Department should identify emerging development trends sHeh as Crime Preventien Through Environmental Design (CPTED) aad aew urBanism aesign techHiEj'lles fer eonsiaeration for aaa inclusien within the land deyelepment eede. Objeetiye 2 Prior te 2001, the City of ".yentura shall eonyene a meeting BetYieen the City, the :,"ventura Marketing Couaeil and the reeently formed ".ventura Chamber of COHlHleree to diseuss the preparation of a unified approaeh to marketing the City and Business attraetien. Poliey 2.1 The attraction of new Businesses to .'<ventura is a funetien Best delivered through a coorainated and eeoperative effort deo/eloped cognizant of ether's proposed j3rograms. OBjective 3 By 2001, the City of ".'/entura shall study and review the possiBility of cr-eating a Community Redevelopment ''''geney (CRA). Poliey 3.1 The study area for a CRA shall iaelude some portion, if not all, of the Hospital area, the ToonEler f.lley area, an8l0r the Biseayne Boulevard corridor. 31 APPLICATION No. to CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT AMENDMENTS 1. Delete the Urban Design Element as follows. The Figures 1 and 2 in this Element are deleted as well. Urban Design Geal To mrt-her establish ane enhanee f.yentura as a sustainable eem_it)' '(:ith an identifiable aesthetie lIrban eharaeter. Oiljeeti-/e 1 Wit-hill elle year ef aeeptioll af tile Plan, enaet Lalle Develepment Regulatiells tilat iffij'llement the eansept eontainee in the Urban Design Element. Poliey 1.1 In order to ensallfllge reee'lelopment, mixee lIse develepment will be eneoaragee v:ithin areas targetell far reeeyelepment. Po lie)' 1.2 The sehematie lane lIse patteffis displayed on the study area maps .,vithin this Blement are fer reforense anly and do not depiet exaet laeations or pr-eeise lane lIse ratios witilin the sabjeet areas. lIo'Ne'ler, the)' do represent tile City's desire to mix land uses within these areas. Poliey 1.3 Bliminate obstaeles t13 reae':elopment and infill de'/elopment presently foune in Lane Development Regalations. Polie)' 1. ~ DlIring plat and site plan review, tfllHsit arieHted design eOHeepts '.viii be eeHsieeree aHd eHeollraged. Poliey 1.5 Care eommereial areas shall be designee t13 inelllde lush tropieal landseaping and fer safe and emY/enient aeeess by all mades af traHsportation, ineluding blls serviee, Bieyeles and pedestrians. Peliey 1.6 Small parks (less than 5 aeres) are eHeellraged thnlllghout the City to pre'lide aato free zones fer residents and needed visual Breaks of green 'Nitilin :\ 'lentara' s lIrban f-ramework Poliey 1. 7 The loeatien ef parking, ear13 ellts, wallF",a)'s, Bike lanes, signage, lightillg, alld landseape treatments shall Be eeerdinated to provide mllJdmllm lIser safety, while impfO'lillg tile eeffij'lrehensi'.'e aesthetie appearanee ef :\-/entara. Peliey 1.8 The City ef f.'lelltara shall eHeellrage the proper plaeement ef pablie alld priyate IItilities lIndergr-ellnd withill tile right efV/ay er easements. Po lie)' 1.9 The desigll ef strastured parlcillg, ';;ithill mixee use deyelopmellt, IS elleellraged to illelude oppamlHities fer retail ar efRee uses at the street level. 32 Polie)' 1.10 The aesign and jllaeement of pUB lie Buildings should follow the mean design eoneejlts of pulling the Bliilding elose ta the front projlefly line and jllacing jlllfk-ing at the Fear of the site with aHlflle shaae and landsellfle treatments. Poliey 1.11 To assist jlrivate develajlers, tlle City shall prepare roadway edge treatment gHidelines that descriee and illlistrate jlrojler planning and design for right of way ami private jlroperty fremage. Poliey 1.12 The City shall emllad, an a jlreeess af mBJlpiHg ana elaGsifieatioIl of environmental rasourees that ellist witllin the City, ta aGeertaiH the Heea for eonservationfjlreservatioH. 33 APPLICATION No. 11 CITY OF A VENTURA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REDEVELOPMENT ELEMENT 1. Add a new Redevelopment Element as follows: Redevelopment Goal To provide for redevelopment and economic development in the City that accommodates growth while maintaining and improving the integrity of the built and natural environment. promotes an identifiable aesthetic urban character. and maintains or improves economic vitality in order to maintain a low municipal property tax rate. Obiective I The Land Development Regulations shall provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the Citv that accommodates growth and economic development while maintaining the integrity of the built and natural environment. Measure: Incorporation of the policv provisions into the Land Development Regulations. Policy 1.1 Redevelopment is herein defined as the demolition and reconstruction. renewal. alteration. or material change on/to lands not shown as vacant on Map 1-2 in the Future Land Use Element. as it is periodically amended. Policy 1.2 Redevelopment shall conform to the building height limitations. site development standards. and design guidelines established in the Land Development Regulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan. Policv 1.3 In order to minimize negative impacts to the City's infrastructure. traffic congestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times. and quality of life. the density and intensity of redevelopment shall be limited to reflect existing development patterns. in accordance with the Land Development Regulations. Policv 1.4. The Land Development Regulations and/or the Comprehensive Plan shall contain provisions that provide for appropriate transitions between different Future Land Use Districts. Zoning Districts. uses. and neighborhoods. and that buffer existing neighborhoods. buildings. uses and natural areas from the encroachment of incompatible uses. Policy 1.5. The City shall encourage pedestrian friendly design and walkable neighborhoods through its development review processes. design guidelines. and targeted redevelopment efforts. Policy 1.6. Policy 1.7. Redevelopment shall conform to site development standards as outlined in the Land Development Regulations. 34 Policv 1.7 The City shall coordinate with the private sector and other agencies as appropriate. to implement strategies to market the Citv of A ventura as a location for new businesses. promote the retention and expansion of existing businesses. ensure an adequate supplv of non-residential land uses to address economic development goals. provide services and employment opportunities to existing and future residents. and coordinate economic development. development. and redevelopment goals. Obiective 2 The Citv of Aventura shall encourage redevelopment that emphasizes well designed communities that contain a varietv of uses. housing types. amenities and public services: promotes good urban design: and that will result in the renewal and rehabilitation of blighted areas. Measure: The adoption and implementation of redevelopment plans that address the following policv provisions. Policv 2.1 In planning and designing all new development and redevelopment. the Citv shall vigorouslv promote implementation of the guidelines contained in redevelopment plans. the Comprehensive Plan. and Land Development Regulations. Policv 2.2 To promote housing diversity and to avoid creation of monotonous developments. the Citv shall vigorously promote a varietv of housing types in residential communities and Town Centers through its planning and redevelopment activities. Policv 2.3 In the provision of public facilities and services. the City shall give pnonty to the elimination of infrastructure deficiencies to facilitate the renewal or rehabilitation of blighted areas. Policv 2.4 In formulating or amending development regulations. A ventura shall avoid creating disincentives to redevelopment that otherwise conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Policv 2.5 Bv 2007. the Citv shall refine development/design guidelines through the land development regulations for the Town Center that provides for its redevelopment as a design-unified downtown that primarilv serves City residents. The Town Center shall be characterized bv a mixture of different urban functions integrated horizontally and verticallv. multi-modal transportation access and circulation. and high qualitv urban design. Policv 2.6 By 2007. the Citv shall review and amend its Land Development Regulations in order to reduce potential development/redevelopment intensities on the Biscayne Boulevard corridor. The City should also evaluate strategies to improve the Biscavne Boulevard corridor through cohesive design and development patterns. and appropriate redevelopment. Policv 2.7 In order to encourage redevelopment. mixed use development will be encouraged within areas targeted for redevelopment. 35 Policv 2.8 During plat and site plan review. transit-oriented design concepts will be considered and encouraged. Policv 2.9 Core commercial areas shall be designed to include lush tropical landscaping and for safe and convenient access bv all modes of transportation. including bus service. bicvcles and pedestrians. Policv 2.10 Small parks (less than 5 acres) are encouraged throughout the City to provide auto free zones for residents and needed visual breaks of green within Aventura's urban framework. Policy 2.11 The location of parking. curb cuts. walkways. bike lanes. signage. lighting. and landscape treatments shall be coordinated to provide maximum user safety. while improving the comprehensive aesthetic appearance of A ventura. Policy 2.12 The City of A ventura shall encourage the proper placement of public and private utilities underground within the right of way or easements. Policy 2.13 The design of structured parking. within mixed use development. IS encouraged to include opportunities for retail or office uses at the street level. Policy 2.14 The design and placement of public buildings should follow the urban design concepts of pulling the building close to the front property line and placing parking at the rear of the site with ample shade and landscape treatments. Policy 2.15 The City shall continue to identify. map and c1assifv environmental resources that exist within the City to ascertain the need for conservation/preservation. 36 City of Aventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C C C C C C C C C l l ~ l l I CHAPTER V. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The following Chapter includes a complete listing of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report recommendations by Element. These recommendations are made as a result of the evaluation and appraisal of the Aventura Comprehensive Plan that is documented in Chapters II., III., and IV. Please refer to these chapters for more information about the reasons that specific recommendations are being made. A. FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Amend the Future Land Use Element as follows: Recommendation LU-I. A number of the major issues facing the City, including building heights, concerns over the intensity of development, and ensuring compatibility between existing neighborhoods and new development and redevelopment, must be addressed through the City's land development regulations, It is therefore recommended that a new Objective and policies be added to the Future Land Use Element to state that by 2007, the City shall review and amend its land development regulations in order to provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the City. The revised land development regulations shall address strategies to: . accommodate growth while maintaining neighborhood integrity; . enSure appropriate height and site development requirements and design guidelines; . ensure appropriate transitions and linkages between different neighborhoods and uses; . encourage more walkable neighborhoods; . buffer neighborhoods and existing development from the encroachment of incompatible uses; . limit the intensity of future development and redevelopment in a manner that is consistent with current development patterns, and that minimizes further negative impacts to the City's infrastructure, traffic congestion, hurricane evacuation clearance times, and quality of life, and; . prevent redevelopment of a parcel in a manner that would significantly increase its existing intensity or density, unless redevelopment of said parcel will implement specific development and redevelopment goals that are or that might be established for particular areas. Recommendation LU-2. Policy l.l defines the City's residential land categories. It is recommended that Policy 1.1 be amended to the following: . under the Medium Density land use category delete "authorizes apartment buildings ranging" and replace with "allows a range in density". Also, add the following to the end of the second sentence ", but may also include single family detached, duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes" . under the Medium-High Density category delete "authorizes apartment buildings ranging from" and replace with "allows a range in density". Add the following new sentences: "The type of housing structure typically permitted in this category includes low, medium and high-rise apartments, but may also include single family 220 , " " '" ~ '" .. City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report " .. '" ~ detached, duplexes, triplexes, quadruplexes and townhouses. Additionally, the height of buildings and attainment of densities approaching the maximum shall also be contingent on the ability of the developer to ensure appropriate transitions and buffers with the surrounding neighborhood, and to alleviate impacts that will adversely impact service levels and quality of life." .. " .. . . Recommendation LU-3. Policy 1.2 defines the City's non-residential land use categories. It is recommended that Policy 1.2 be amended to: .., " .. . . Add text to the Business and Office Category to state that the maximum intensity allowable on a given site shall also be contingent on the ability of the developer to ensure appropriate transitions and buffers with the surrounding neighborhood, and to alleviate impacts that will adversely impact service levels of service and quality of life; . . . 'f/ 'f/ . Add text to the Town Center Category to clarify that such centers are not intended to be Regional Activity Centers, but are instead intended to primarily serve the City's existing and future residents and businesses, and; . '" . . . Add a Water Category which specifies that areas designated Water provide numerous benefits to the City of A ventura and are an important component of the City's multi-modal transportation network, stormwater drainage infrastructure, and natural and built environments. It should specify that the use of these areas shall be limited to recreational and commercial boating facilities (including water taxis and ferries), the provision of open space and urban relief, recreation, waterways, wetlands, flood control, stormwater drainage and storage, and natural resource protection and enhancement, and comply with the requirements of Chapter 24, "Environmental Protection...", of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances. It should further state that development in or above such areas in a manner that will diminish these functions shall be prohibited, and that development and redevelopment adjacent to these areas shall include provisions to enhance these functions where appropriate. .., '" '" ~ ... .. ... . " .. ... .. ... 'f/ " 'f/ " . " Recommendation LU-4. Policy 2.1 states that in planning and designing development and redevelopment, the City shall enforce the guidelines contained in the Comprehensive Plan's Urban Design Element. [t is recommended that this Policy be revised to replace the reference to "Urban Design Element" with "redevelopment plans, the Redevelopment Element, and land development regulations". y " .. " .. " 'f/ " 'f/ .. Recommendation LU-5. Policy 2.4 addresses the designation of sites and use of landscaping materials in public projects, an important consideration in development and redevelopment. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to call for the use of native landscaping materials where feasible and appropriate in public projects. " " .., .., .., Recommendation LU-6. Objective 3 states that decisions regarding the location, extent, and intensity of future land use in A ventura will be based on environmental .., , , ; 221 , - City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report conditions and the financial feasibility of providing services at levels that meet or exceed adopted levels of service by 2005. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to update the date to 2015, and to expand the text to also state that decisions regarding the location, extent and future land use in Aventura will be based on compatibility with and the minimization of adverse impacts on existing neighborhoods, and the ability to maintain the hurricane evacuation clearance times of 12 hours or less. Recommendation LV-7. Objective 5 states that by 2005 Aventura shall reduce the number of existing uses that are inconsistent with the uses designated in the Future Land Use Plan Map. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to update the date to 2015, and to state that the City shall continue to reduce the number of land uses inconsistent with the uses designated on the LUP Map. Recommendation LV-8.' Policy 5.1 identities a number of factors that the City will consider in evaluating compatibility among proximate land uses. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to include the existing character and function of the surrounding neighborhood, consistency with'the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and specific neighborhood development and redevelopment plans in the list of factors to be considered in compatibility evaluations. Recommendation LV-9. Policy 5.2 states that residential neighborhoods shall be protected from the intrusion of uses that will disrupt the neighborhood. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to remove the word residential, as all neighborhoods should be provided with this protection, regardless of function. Recommendation LV-to. It is recommended that the Future Land Use Element be amended to include a new Policy under Objective 5 to address criteria tor ensuring compatibility of new development or redevelopment with military installations, as required by s. 163.3177, F.S. The Policy should note that while there are no military installations within or proximate to the City at present, the City will adhere to State statutory requirements to ensure compatibility of new development and redevelopment with military operations if a military installation is located within or within one-half mile of its boundaries in the future. Recommendation LV-II. Objective 6 states that upon adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, all public and private activities regarding the use, development and redevelopment of land shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's goals. objectives, and policies. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to rellect the fact that the Comprehensive Plan has been adopted. Recommendation LV-12, Policy 2.1 states that the City shall undertake etforts to locate sites with confirmed historic, architectural. and archeological significance. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to state that by 2010 the City shall coordinate with the Miami-Dade County Office of Historic Preservation and Florida Department of State in order to identitY significant historically, architecturally, or archaeologically- significant sites, if any, within its jurisdiction. 222 . " ."I "" ~ -- ~ City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report - " <I 1 Recommendation LV-13. Policy 8.1 calls for the City to establish opportunities to amend the Comprehensive Plan. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to reflect the City's established procedures for Comprehensive Plan amendments. ~ 1 Recommendation LV-14. Policy 8.2 specifies the criteria by which applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan shall be evaluated. It is recommended that "impacts on the City's ability to maintain the hurricane evacuation clearance times of 12 hours or less" be added to the list of criteria. 1 1 1 1 , 1 Recommendation LV-15. Policy 9.1 states that the City shall maintain and enhance regulations governing the use and development of land. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to include protecting and minimizing negative impacts to the character and function of the surrounding neighborhoods to the list of items that are regulated by the land development regulations. 1 1 Recommendation LV-16. Policy 9.3 states that the City shall enact land development regulations within one year of adopting its Comprehensive Plan. It is recommended that this Policy be updated to reflect the fact that the Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations have been adopted, but may be amended from time to time. , 1 1 1 1 Recommendation LV-17. Objective II states that upon adoption of the Plan, the location, design and management of development and redevelopment shall ensure the protection of natural resources and systems. It is recommended that this Objective be amended to reflect the fact that the Comprehensive Plan has been adopted. I 1 1 I Recommendation LV-IS. Objective 12 states that the City shall coordinate its coastal planning area population densities with the South Florida Regional Planning Council and Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management. It is recommended that this Objective be amended to state that the City shall coordinate its coastal planning area population densities with the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management, and adjacent jurisdictions. 1 1 t , Recommendation LV-19. Policy 12.1 states that all proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments that increase population density shall be analyzed for impacts on hurricane evacuation routes and times included in the 1996 South Florida Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study. It is recommended that this Policy be revised to state that the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments that increase population density shall be analyzed for impacts on hurricane evacuation routes and times based on the best and most recent av~ilable South Florida Regional Planning Council data regarding hurricane evacuation clearance times in the City. I 1 Recommendation LV-20. It is recommended that a new Policy be added under Objective 12 stating that by 2007. the City shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies to ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation 223 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report clearance time formulas, and encourage the use of consistent evacuation clearance time standards by northeast Miami-Dade County municipalities. Recommendation LU-21. delete "by December 31, coordinate". It is recommended that Policy FLU-13.1 be amended to 1999", and amended to read "The City shall continue to Recommendation LU-22. Amend the Future Land Use Plan Map to delete the proposed Community Facility depicted adjacent to the proposed Park in the northwest area of the City (Hospital District). 224 , , . . , , , City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report . , , B. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS , . Amend the Transportation Element as follows: . , , Recommendation T-l. Add a new Objective to the Transportation Element stating that by 2007, the City shall review and amend its land development regulations in order to provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the City to ensure that new development enhances mobility options and that redevelopment does not further degrade transportation levels of service. , , , . . Recommendation T-2. Add a new Policy under Objective I stating that beginning in 2006, the City of Aventura shall annually evaluate the impact of the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area on its transportation system. the Strategic Intermodal Transportation System, and adopted level of service standards of roadways funded in accordance with Section 339.2819, F.S., and identitY strategies to alleviate or mitigate such impacts. In accordance with the new requirements, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) must be consulted in the evaluation of such impacts. The City shall coordinate with FDOT, Miami-Dade County, and other jurisdictions in the County in the development of common methodologies for measuring such impacts. I f it is determined that the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area is no longer adequate, the City shall explore the implementation of more impactful transportation management tools. . , . . . . . . . . . Recommendation T-3. Add a new Policy under Objective I of the Transportation Element stating that the City will continue to identify projects to support and fund mobility, enhance alternative modes of transportation, and ensure connectivity in its Capital Improvements Program in accordance with Section 163.3180, F.S. Recommendation T-4. Add a new Policy under Objective I stating that beginning in 2006, the City shall evaluate the impacts of proposed development and redevelopment on its transportation system, Strategic lntermodal System facilities, and the adopted level of service standards of transportation facilities that are funded in accordance with Section 339.2812, F.S., and identify strategies to alleviate or mitigate such impacts in coordination with the developer and other agencies as appropriate. [n accordance with the new requirements, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) must be consulted to assess the impact of a proposed development on level of service standards. The City shall coordinate with FDOT, Miami-Dade County, and other jurisdictions in the County in the development of common methodologies for measuring such impacts. Recommendation T-S. Add a new Policy under Objective I stating that by 2007 the City will develop impacts fees and other methods by which developers can mitigate impacts to the transportation system by contributing funds for alternative modes of transportation, particularly the expansion, operation and maintenance of the Circulator System. 225 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report Recommendation T-6. Add a new Policy under Objective 1 stating that the City shall adopt a method for assessing proportionate fair-share transportation impact mitigation options, in accordance with a model ordinance that will be developed by FOOT. Recommendation T-7. Add a new Policy under Objective 1 stating that the City shall maintain records to determine whether the 110% de minimus transportation impact threshold has been reached, and shall submit such documentation as part of its annual updates to the Capital Improvements Schedule, which shall be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan by amendment. Recommendation T-8. Amend Policies 1.1 and 1.2 to replace the references to the "Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Plan, Traftic Circulation Subelement 1997, Objective I Policy IS" with "Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan". Recommendation T-9. Amend Policy 3.2 to delete "upon adoption of this element and the Intergovernmental Coordination Element". Recommendation T-IO. Amend the Monitoring Measure under Objective 4 to delete or update the reference to the year and percent. Recommendation T-9. the Comprehensive Plan". Amend Policy 4.1 to delete "within one year of adoption of 226 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report C. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT Amend the Parks and Recreation Element as follows: Recommendation PR-l. Objective 2 states that the City will coordinate the provision of public and private resources to meet recreation demands within one year of Plan adoption. It is recommended that this Objective be amended to state that the City wi II continue to coordinate the provision of public and private resources to meet recreation demands, and that the reference to "within one year of Plan adoption" be deleted. Recommendation PR-2. Policy 2.1 states that there were no recreation system deficiencies at the date of the Comprehensive Plan's adoption. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to state that the City will continue to ensure that it meets and exceeds its established Level of Service Standard for Recreation and Open Space through the Concurrency Management System, the collection of Park Impacts Fees, and other strategies. Recommendation PR-3. Policy 3.1 states that the City will develop land development regulations to include appropriate definitions of open space needs and standards. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to state that the City will continue to ensure that open space requirements for new development and redevelopment are met through the implementation and enforcement of its land development regulations. 227 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report D. HOUSING ELEMENT Amend the Housing Element as follows: Recommendation H-l. Objective I and its policies address strategies to create and preserve affordable housing for all existing and future City residents. It is recommended that a new Policy be added under Objective I to state that the City shall support public and private sector efforts to provide an adequate supply of housing units that are affordable to households of all incomes in proportions that are reflective of the housing demand and needs. It should further state that developers are encouraged to provide a variety of housing types, including housing affordable to City residents of all income levels, in residential projects and communities. Recommendation H-2. Add a new Policy under Objective I stating that the City will coordinate, as appropriate, with the South Florida Regional Planning Council in the development and implementation of the Regional Housing Plan. Recommendation H-3. Objective 3 addresses the availability of sites for affordable housing, and states that due to the scarcity of land and high land values, affordable housing units will be distributed. It is recommended that this Objective be amended to state that "due to high and increasing property values and the scarcity of developable land. the City will coordinate with the private sector in order to encourage the provision of a variety of housing types, including housing affordable to City residents of all income levels, in residential and Town Center communities throughout the City". Recommendation H-4. Policy 3.1 states that the land development regulations will include appropriate criteria to allow diverse housing types. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to add "including housing atfordable to City residents of all income levels" after "type". 228 < ~ " . ., City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report , E. INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT < , Amend the Infrastructure Element as follows: < Recommendation I-I. Amend Policy 2.2 under Infrastructure Goal I, Objective 2 to delete "by 2000," and to read "The City of Aventura and Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department". , < , Recommendation 1-2. Amend the Monitoring Measure for Objective 3 under Infrastructure Goal I to replace the reference to "sanitary sewer supply" with "sanitary sewer collection system", , ; Recommendation 1-3. Policy 3.1 under Infrastructure Goal I, Objective 3 states that the City shall prohibit the use of new septic tanks, and that additional septic tanks shall not be permitted. It is recommended that this Policy be revised to state that the City shall evaluate options to connect all existing septic systems to public sanitary sewer and/or wastewater treatment facilities by 20 I O. ; ; ; ; Recommendation 1-4. Add a new Policy under Infrastructure Goal I, Objective 5 stating that the City shall review the water supply facility workplans of Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach, as they are adopted and/or periodically updated, in order to identify alternative projects that will increase its water supply, and shall coordinate with Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach, as appropriate. in the implementation of these projects. Recommendation 1-5. Amend Policy 1.2 under Infrastructure Goal 2, Objective I to delete "by 2003," and to read "shall continue to be identified". Recommendation 1-6. Amend Policy 1.1 under the Solid Waste Goal, Objective I, to update the date fo 2008. \ 229 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report F. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Amend the Capital Improvements Element as follows: Recom mendation CI-I. Amend Objective CI- I to delete "upon adoption of the Plan". Recommendation CI-2. Amend Policy CI-1.5 to delete "by 200 I ", and to delete the reference to public works facilities. Recommendation CI-3. Objective 2 states that land use decisions will be made in the context of available fiscal resources in order to ensure that scheduling and providing capital facilities for new development will not degrade adopted service levels, It is recommended that this Objective be amended to include "or negatively impact hurricane evacuation clearance times", Recommendation CI-4. Policy 2.1 states that capital facilities and infrastructure implications of land use and development plan implementation will be analyzed based on a number of factors, including elimination of below standard conditions and capacity deficits. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to include "maintenance or reduction of hurricane evacuation clearance times" in the list of factors, and to delete "upon adoption of the Plan". Recommendation CI-5. Objective 3 states that future development will be permitted only when adopted levels of service standards for services listed in the Capital Improvements Element will me upgraded or maintained. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to state that "future development will be permitted only when adopted levels of service standards for services listed in the Capital Improvements Element will be upgraded or maintained or when demonstrated negative impacts on hurricane evacuation clearance times will be mitigated by ensuring that adequate fiscal resources are made available, including the proportionate costs of improvement necessitated by the development". Recommendation CI-6. The Citis Five Year Capital Improvements Program (Appendix B), as included herein, is formally adopted into the City's Capital Improvements Element, and future updates to the Capital Improvements Program shall be adopted into the Comprehensive Plan by amendment on an annual basis. Outside revenue sources included in the Five Year Capital Improvements shall be guaranteed by developer agreements and interlocal agreements. The Capital Improvements Program shall be coordinated, as appropriate, with the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization's Long Range Transportation Plan and tbe Water Supply Facility Workplans of Miami-Dade County and North Miami Beach. 230 , , , City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report , G. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINA nON ELEMENT . . Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element as follows: . Recommendation IC-I. Objectives 1 and 3 of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and policies thereunder, address joint land use planning with other jurisdictions. It is recommended that new policies be added under Objective I and Objective 3 to call for increased coordination with adjacent jurisdictions to ensure compatible development and redevelopment, and address the unique challenges and opportunities that face northeast Miami-Dade and southeast Broward counties. . , . , . . Recommendation IC-2. Objective 1 addresses coordination with other local governments to identify opportunities for affordable housing. It is recommended that a new Policy stating that the City shall incorporate the recommendations of the joint Florida Department of Community Affairs/South Florida Regional Planning Council "Regional Affordable Housing Strategy" in its Comprehensive Plan, as appropriate, after the final recommendations are issued. . . . . . Recommendation IC-3. Objective 4 states that the City will ensure adequate and timely shelter within the region for residents of evacuation areas. It is recommended that this Objective be revised to state that the City will coordinate with the appropriate agencies to implement strategies to maintain hurricane evacuation clearance times to 12 hours of less, ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas, and ensure adequate and timely evacuation routes and shelter within the region for residents of evacuation areas. . . . . , . Recommendation IC-4. It is recommended that a new Policy be added under Objective 4 stating that the City shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies to ensure that updated data and methodologies are being utilized in hurricane evacuation clearance time formulas, and encourage the use of consistent evacuation clearance time standards by northeast Miami-Dade County municipalities. . , , , Recommendation IC-5. Policy 1.1 states that Aventura will make full use of coordination mechanisms to ensure consistency between its Comprehensive Plan and the comprehensive plans of adjacent jurisdictions. It is recommended that this Policy be amended to insert "and any Campus Master Plan that will impact or be impacted by the City" at the end of the Policy". , Recommendation IC-6. In addition, it is recommended that new policies providing for the tollowing be included under Objective I. , . In accordance with the adopted "Interlocal Agreement tor Public School Facility Planning in Miami-Dade County", the City shall participate as appropriate in Miami-Dade County Public School's School Site Planning and Construction Committee, and shall seek, where feasible and mutually acceptable. to collocate 231 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report schools with other public facilities, such as parks, libraries, and community centers to the extent possible. . The City shall utilize the procedures called for in the "lnterlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami-Dade County" and Sections 1013.33, F.S., in order to evaluate the appropriateness of prospective public school sites within the City. . The City will annually review Miami-Dade County Public School's Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan and the 5-Year Workplan, as provided for in the "'nterlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami-Dade County". This review will include an analysis of the Tentative District Educational Facilities Plan and the 5-Year Workplan's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and the identification of any necessary Comprehensive Plan amendments. . The City shall continue to coordinate with the State and other agencies, as appropriate, in achieving the goals, objectives, and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan. . The City shall continue to coordinate with the South Florida Regional Planning Council, and other agencies as appropriate, in achieving the goals, objectives, and policies of the South Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. . The City shall coordinate, as appropriate, with the State of Florida, South Florida Regional Planning Council, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and other agencies in the adoption of a Public Schools Element, in accordance with the established schedule, into the Comprehensive Plan. Areas to be addressed in the Public Schools Element include, but are not limited to, public school concurrency requirements, coordination with other jurisdiction in the development and implementation of uniform school concurrency procedures, proportionate share school impact mitigation options for developers, the collocation of schools with other public facilities, the location ofschools proximate to residential areas, the use of schools as emergency shelters, the location of existing and planned school facilities (including maps). Recommendation IC-7. It is recommended that new policies be added under Objective 2 of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to provide lor the lollowing: . The City shall support, as appropriate, Miami-Dade County's and North Miami Beach's development and implementation of the Water Supply Facilities Workplan required by Florida Statute, and the water conservation efforts of other agencies. 232 ~ ~ . City of Aventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report . . H. CONSERVATION AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT . Amend the Conservation and Coastal Management Element as follows: . . Recommendation CCM-I. Delete the reference to "within one year of Plan adoption" in Policy 6.1 under the Coastal Management Goal. . , Recommendation CCM-2. Objective 10 and policies 10.1 through 10.20 address the City's post-disaster redevelopment plan. It is recommended that Objective 10 be amended to state that the City shall implement pre- and post-emergency procedures in accordance with its adopted Emergency Procedures Manual, as it is amended from time to time. The policies thereunder should be replaced by policies that reflect the currently adopted plan and procedures, as outlined in this Chapter II.C., and to also reference Section 31-3 of the Miami-Dade County Code ofOrdirlances in Policy 10.9. . . , , , Recommendation CCM-3. Objective 12 of the Conservation & Coastal Management Element, and policies 12.1 through 12.7, address protection of the City's shorelines and water dependent uses. !t is recommended that a new Policy be added under Objective 12 to state that the use of areas designated Water on the Future Land Use Plan Map shall be limited to recreational and commercial boating (including water taxis and ferries), the provision of open space and urban relief, recreation, stormwater drainage, and natural resource protection and enhancement, and comply with the requirements of Chapter 24, "Environmental Protection...", of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances. It should further state that development in or above such areas in a manner that will diminish these functions shall be prohibited. Recommendation CCM-4. Delete the reference to "'prior to 2001" in Policy 12.2 under the Coastal Management Goal, Objective 12. Recommendation CCM-5. Update the date in Objective 5 under the Conservation Goal to 2015. Recommendation CCM-6. Delete the reference to "prior to 2005" in Policy 5.2 under the Conservat ion Goal. Recommendation CCM-7. Delete Policy 5.4 under Objective 5 of the Conservation Goal, as it is no longer applicable or relevant. Recommendation CCM-8. It is recommended that a new Policy be added under Conservation Objective 8 ofthe Coastal Management and Conservation Element to provide for the following: . The City shall support. as appropriate, Miami-Dade County and the City of North Miami Beach in their development and implementation of the Water Supply Facilities Workplan required by Florida Statute, and the water conservation efforts of other agencies. 233 City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report Recommendation CCM-9. Delete the reference to "upon Plan adoption" from Policy 8.2 under the Conservation Goal. 234 4J ,- ~ ,A ,~ 1.... y-..' City of A ventura 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report ~,- ;'''- ,- I. REDEVELOPMENT ELEMENT ."" .- - Consolidate and expand the Economic Development and Urban Design elements into a new Redevelopment Element that includes goals, objectives and policies that provide for the following: "'~ ... .... .. Recommendation R-t. By 2007, the City shall review and amend its land development regulations in order to provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment in the City, The revised land development regulations shall address strategies to: · accommodate growth while maintaining neighborhood integrity; . ensure appropriate height and site development requirements and design guidelines; . ensure appropriate transitions and linkages between different neighborhoods and uses; . encourage more walkable neighborhoods; . buffer neighborhoods and existing development from the encroachment of incompatible uses; . limit the intensity of future development and redevelopment in a manner that is consistent with current development patterns, and that minimizes further negative impacts to the City's infrastructure, traffic congestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times, and quality of life, and; . prevent redevelopment of a parcel in a manner that would significantly increase its existing intensity or density, unless redevelopment of said parcel will implement specific development and redevelopment goals that are or that might be established for particular areas, ..,y ,~ .. .. .. Recommendation R-2. The City shall coordinate with the private sector and other agencies as appropriate. to implement strategies to market the City of Aventura as a location for new businesses, promote the retention and expansion of existing businesses, ensure an adequate supply of non-residential land uses to address economic development goals. provide services and employment opportunities to existing and future residents. and coordinate economic development. development. and redevelopment goals; .' Recommendation R-3. By 2007, the City shall refine development/design guidelines through the land development regulations for the Town Center that provides for its redevelopment as a design-unified downtown that primarily serves City residents. The Town Center shall be characterized by a mixture of different urban functions integrated horizontally and vertically, multi-modal transportation access and circulation. and high quality urban design; Recommendation R-4. By 2007, the City shall review and amend its land development regulations in order to reduce potential development/redevelopment intensities on the Biscayne Boulevard corridor. The City should also evaluate strategies to improve the Biscayne Boulevard corridor through cohesive design and.. development patterns, and appropriate redevelopment. 235 , "'U """ co "'0 III """ CO c.. - o """ r-+ :::J'" c.... CO C o::J _" CO -i-< :::J'" _<0 co~!\:) 0"" 0 orno """COO') """-< Ill-< ~Oo ::J III """ o < ;;r\ _. en G)c..:::J'" """ "'U 0 o - "'0 C III "'0 ::J - ::J C/) S" cCC gG) o a ::J c ~"'O r-+ III ::J r-+ m -< mill!\:) )>co JJaoo __ _. 01 - Cogo~ III III 0 0 en ::J 3 co c.. "'0 II c.. """ )>)>co)> 3"'0 :::J"'< "'Ocom co """ ::J ::JIllenZ c.. en" -. -I 31llC5C coJJ"'U:D 3.COIll)> en "'0 ::J o ;:l. lS' !J~ . en 0> -0 m - -. co m en en )> r-+0..ii))>g3<<r-+r-+oo aO:J:Do>"'Q.co~aa co"9. I -co~ccoc~ . co~c-(C3 0> COCO o..;::::+o>ocooo =000.0. ::::JOO<_ O~ c m -. CO -oJ CO :J -. :J a. 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CD"'O """'0 n'\ ~ CD ~ ~ (")"'0 3r-+CDr-+ CD CD -- m ::J()"9.)> o.ooJJ 3 3 - I CD"'O 0 OJ ::J""", JJm r-+ CD en en :::r () CD CD JJ 0. ~CD)> <- "'0 3 CD 0 CD "'U ;4 5- m 3 ::J CD ::J r-+ en :E ::J m (") (") o ""'" 0. m ::J (") CD :E -- r-+ :::r -- r-+ ::J'" -- ::J ...... I\) o 0. m ~ en ~()JJ"""'--1 mOCD CD., ::J 3 (") :5_ m en CD CD ::J 3 3 <- :E en ;:+ CD CD m ~_ S" 3. co r-+ -enOCD"'O ::J""", --.0"(")0 o co- m-"'O JJ (") en 0 ()~ ~ -CD 0. en JJ~ CD "'OJJ OCD ;4(") o :E 3 ;:+3 ::J'" --CD ::J::J a. mm o =!"- o o..::J m ~en ~ enm o::J ........0.. . . . m 3 CD ::J a. 3 CD ::J r-+ en r-+ o CJ () )> m ::J a. z CD >< r-+ en r-+ CD -c en CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM FROM: City Commission .. C Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, C7Mrag r June 1, 2006 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Resolution of FPL Franchise Fee Dispute With County BACKGROUND Prior to the incorporation movement, Miami-Dade County entered into an Agreement with FPL which among other requirements, provided for FPL to pay the County a 6% Franchise Fee upon the gross receipts or revenues derived within the unincorporated areas of the County. In June of 1997, the City of Aventura along with the Village of Pinecrest entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County as part of the incorporation transition process that provided for the payment of FPL Franchise Fees collected by the County to the cities. Each newly incorporated city after that date entered into similar Agreements with the County for the disbursement of FPL Franchise Fees. In 2002, when the County issued the FPL Franchise Fee payment to the cities for fiscal year 2001/02, the amounts were reduced compared to the prior year dispute tremendous growth in the incorporated cities. After meeting with the County, it was determined the County budget officials unilaterally decreased the amounts based on their review of the methodology used by the County to calculate payments of the Franchise Fees to the new cities. They felt the calculation was flawed in that there was no adjustment included for the credit FPL enjoys for taxes paid on FPL properties within cities with their own Franchise Agreement. After several unsuccessful meetings with the County to reinstate the fee amount, the Cities of Key Biscayne, Miami Lakes, Pinecrest, Sunny Isles and Aventura hired the firm of Public Resources Management Group, Inc. to audit the entire Franchise Fee calculation and methodology used by the County. Memo to City Commission June 1,2006 Page 2 The report issued in 2005 revealed that the County did not calculate the Franchise Fees correctly and it was not in accordance with the contractual provisions of the Interlocal Agreements. Since the time the report was issued, we met with the County on several occasions to settle the dispute prior to recommending legal action to our respective governing bodies. I am pleased to advise at out last meeting, the County Manager and the respective cities reached a tentative settlement subject to the approval of each city's governing body. The Agreement is as follows: 1. A new methodology to calculate the Franchise Fees was revised to the satisfaction of the cities that will net to the City of Aventura an additional $200,000 in revenue annually on a going forward basis. 2. The County agreed to reimburse each city over a three year period the difference in the disputed Franchise Fee calculation method for three of the four prior years in which the matter was in dispute. This will result in payments to the City of Aventura in the amount of $500,000 for the next three years. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/act cc: David Wolpin, Esq., City Attorney Harry Kilgore, Director Finance Support Services CC01497-06 City of Aventura 2006 Founders Day November 12, 2006 Tentative Schedule of Events Founders Day Family Activities Founders Park Bayside 12 noon - 4:00 PM ,/ 4th Annual Aventura Star Talent Competition Finals ,/ "What's the Deal" game show with prizes ,/ Themed Interactive Art Wall "Sailing through Excellence" ,/ Theater and Games Tent ./ OJ, Music and Dancing ,/ Giant Slides and other inflatable/interactive rides ,/ Toddlers play area and games ,/ Face painters and interactive entertainers ,/ Arts and crafts ,/ Food vendors and dining tents 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6 PM Founders Day Concert Founders Park North 4 PM Gates Open Food Court Opens Welcome and Announcements National Anthem Opening Act "Beatlemania" Aventura Star Talent Competition Awards Main Event "America" All times are tentative and subject to change.