04-20-2006 Workshop
APRIL 20, 2006 9 A.M.
Aventura Government Center
19200 W. Country Club Drive
Aventura. Florida 33180
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Susan
Gottlieb at 9 a.m. Present were Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Bob Diamond, Billy
Joel, Harry Holzberg, Michael Stern, Vice Mayor Luz Urbaez Weinberg, Mayor Gottlieb,
City Manager Eric M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was
determined to be present, the meeting commenced.
1. GULFSTREAM PARK UPDATE: After consensus by the Commission to place this
item on the agenda, the City's special counsel, John Shubin, and Mr. Soroka
provided an u~date on the status of Gulfstream Park DRI, and specifically issues
relating to 213 Street.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to accept the proposed DRI development
order language relating to 213th Street.
Teresa Soroka noted that due to the elimination of run-off elections pursuant to the
recent charter amendment election, an amendment to the term of commencement of
office for newly elected officials was in order. Commission reviewed draft legislation
prepared by the City Attorney to provide that commencement of terms for newly
elected officials would be amended to the third day after the first Tuesday in March
of odd years following the general election.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed with first reading of ordinance
at May meeting.
Mr. Soroka noted that the terms of the current Board have expired and
reappointment should be addressed.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to advertise applications for membership
for Commission review.
4. OLDER AMERICANS MONTH (Mayor Gottlieb): Mayor Gottlieb discussed
correspondence she received from Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings requesting a resolution
from the City supporting the State Department of Elder Affairs' Communities for a
Lifetime Initiative.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed.
5. SISTER CITIES (Mayor Gottlieb) (Taken out of order) Mayor Gottlieb advised
Commission of her discussion with Dr. Itzhak Ben Gad, Consul General of Israel,
regarding a sister city relationship.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus not to proceed at this time.
6. INAUGURAL POSITIVE AGING AWARDS (Mayor Gottlieb): Mayor Gottlieb
discussed correspondence from the Alliance for Aging, Inc. requesting the city
participate in the Inaugural Positive Aging Awards.
CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Due to the time constraints, consensus to participate
in 2007.
Mayor Gottlieb distributed information from the Miami-Dade County League of Cities
requesting participation by elected officials on League committees.
7. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission
at this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting
adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Approved by the Commission on May 2, 2006.
Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing
will need a record of the proceedings and, lot such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,
wilich record includes the testimony and evidence upon wilich the appeal is to be based.
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