01-19-2006 Workshop A~ . MINUTES COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING JANUARY 19, 20069 A.M. Aventura Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura. Florida 33180 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Susan Gottlieb. Present were Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Bob Diamond, Harry Holzberg, Michael Stern, Luz Urbaez Weinberg (left the meeting at 11 a.m.), Vice Mayor Billy Joel, Mayor Gottlieb, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 4. AVENTURA MAGAZINE PUBLICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT (City Manager)(Taken out of order): Commissioner Stern left the room for this discussion. Mr. Soroka noted that the Aventura Magazine has published the City's Annual Report each year since 1998. Inasmuch as Commissioner Stern is a principal of Aventura Magazine, in order to comply with the County's Ethics Code, should the Commission desire to continue publication of the Annual Report in the Aventura Magazine, it would be necessary for a waiver to be authorized by the Commission. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus that waiver be granted. Resolution to be considered at February Commission meeting. Commissioner Stern returned to the meeting. 3. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (City Manager) (Taken out of order): Kathy O'Leary Richards and Bill O'Leary of O'Leary Design Associates, the city's landscape architect, presented a proposed Hurricane Landscape Restoration Plan. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to approve. 1. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES (Citv Manaqer): Mr. Soroka and Ron Book, the City's lobbyist, reviewed the proposed program. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to proceed with placement on February Commission meeting agenda for consideration and approval. Top two priorities to be further discussed by Commission at future Workshop meetings. 2. GULFSTREAM MATTERS UPDATE: (City Manager): Mr. Soroka reviewed the new points of a negotiated agreement for the purchase of the park property. It included obtaining 7 acres for $2.1 million and reducing the number of units that could be built on the adjoining property. John Shubin, Esq., the City's special counsel, updated the Commission on all matters relating to Gulfstream including the elimination of NE 213th as an access road to the project. Joseph Goldstein, Esq., and Don Cameron, representing Magna Entertainment, also addressed the Commission. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to move forward on park purchase agreement. City administration and counsel to continue monitoring the DRI. Mr. Soroka advised the Commission that the County Elections Department has requested the use of the City's Government Center for early voting for the two week periods prior to the September and November elections. It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the County's request. 5. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time. after motion made, seconded and animously p sed, he meeting adjourned at 11 :50 a.m. Approved by the Commission on February 7, 20 6. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and. for such purpose. may need to ensure that a verbatim rBcord of the proceedings is made, which record Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. 2 . T---T _d+....., "--T- .