02-16-2006 Workshop
City Commission
Workshop Meeting
19200 We<;t CountrY c:Juh Drive AventuTa. Fl,
February 16, 2006
Executive Conference Room
1. Traffic Advisory Board Recommendations (City Manager)*
Future Action Required: Resolution
2. Selection of Representative to Miami-Dade League of Cities
(Mayor Gottlieb)
3. City Government Channel Programming (Mayor Gottlieb)
4. Issuance of Key to the City (Mayor Gottlieb)
5. Adjournment
* Back-up Information Exists
This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are
disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the
Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-890 I, not later than two days prior to such proceeding.
DATE: January 24,2006
TO: City Commission
FROM: Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, Cit
SUBJECT: Traffic Advisory Board Recommendations
Attached hereto, please find the final recommendations adopted by the Traffic Advisory
Board at their January meeting.
This item will be placed on the February Workshop Meeting for further discussions.
cc: Robert M. Sherman, Director Community Services (wi attachment)
Tom Ribel, Chief of Police (wi attachment)
City of Aventura
Traffic Advisory Board Recommendations
1. William Island Road from NE 2ih Avenue to Biscayne
Boulevard and all intersecting street should be studied to
determine if U turns can be eliminated, if additional right-of-way
could be obtained to provide for more turning lanes onto
Biscayne Boulevard and limit turn movements at intersections.
2. All east-west intersection roads with Biscayne Boulevard should
be studied to determine if additional right-of-way could be
obtained to provide for more turning lanes.
3. The intersection of NE 20ih Street and NE 203 Street is
confusing and unsafe. FOOT should be requested to re-study
the intersection and recommend improvements.
4. The intersection of NE 20ih Street and Biscayne Boulevard
should be studied to determine if additional turning lanes could
be constructed.
5. The City should adopt regulations limiting construction worker
parking on off-site areas.