WHEREAS, the state mandated Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the City of
Aventura Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City Commission by Resolution No.
2005-71 on November 1, 2005; and
WHEREAS, one of the recommendations of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report
(the "EAR") is that the Land Development Regulations be revised to provide a cohesive
blueprint for development and redevelopment of the City by addressing certain
strategies to accommodate growth while maintaining neighborhood integrity and by
limiting the intensity of future development and redevelopment in a manner that is
consistent with current development patterns and that minimizes negative impacts on
the City's infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the City has held numerous workshop meetings and obtained
extensive input and participation by the public through these meetings; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager has presented and recommended the adoption of
revisions to the Land Development Regulations that will achieve the purposes of the
temporary moratorium which was imposed by Ordinance No. 2005-07 and will
incorporate the recommendations of the EAR and that will preserve the public health,
safety and welfare of the City;
WHEREAS, the City Commission has been designated as the Local Planning
Agency for the City pursuant to Section 163.3174 of the Florida Statutes; and
WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the proposed amendments
pursuant to the required public hearing and has recommended approval to the City
Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has held the required public hearings, duly
noticed in accordance with law; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed the action set forth in the
Ordinance and has determined that such action is consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and with the pending EAR based amendments.
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Section 1. Recitals Adopted. That the above stated recitals are hereby
adopted and confirmed.
Section 2. Code Amended. That Section 31-2 "Authority and purpose" of
Article I. "Purpose and Applicability", Section 31-21 "Definitions" of Article II "Definitions
and Rules of Construction", Section 31-143 "Residential Zoning Districts" of Article VII
"Use Regulations", Section 31-144 "Business Zoning Districts" of Article VII "Use
Regulations" and Section 31-145 "Town Center Zoning Districts" of Article VII "Use
Regulations" of Chapter 31, "Land Development Regulations" of the City Code are
hereby amended to read, as follows 1:
Section 31-2. Authority and purpose.
The LDRs shall provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment of the
City bv addressinq strateaies to accommodate qrowth while maintaininq neiqhborhood
inteqritv: ensure appropriate heiaht and site development requirements and desiqn
auidelines: ensure appropriate transitions and linkaqes between different
neiahborhoods and uses: encouraqe more walkable neiqhborhoods: buffer
neiahborhoods and existinq development from the encroachment of incompatible uses:
limit the intensitv of future development and redevelopment in a manner that is
consistent with current development patterns and that minimizes further neqative
impacts to the Citv's infrastructure. traffic conqestion. hurricane evacuation clearance
times and qualitv of life and prevent redevelopment of a residential parcel in a manner
that would increase its existinq densitv. unless redevelopment of said parcel is within a
redevelopment area described in or envisioned bv the City's Comprehensive Plan or will
implement specific development or redevelopment qoals or plans that mav be
established for particular areas bv the Citv Commission or redevelopment that is
provided bv expresslv authorized conditional use approval.
Section 31-21. Definitions.
* * *
Developer shall mean any person, corporation, partnership, other legal entities or a
governmental agency, undertaking any development and/or redevelopment as defined
in these LDRs.
Development shall mean the construction. alteration or material chanqe to vacant land
and will be limited in its applicabilitv to those properties shown on the City of Aventura
1 Underlined provisions constitute proposed additions to existing City Code text; GtrisksA lIuGlOllR
provisions indicate proposed deletions from existing City Code text.
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Vacant Land Map included as Fioure II.A.3 in the 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report
of the Citv's Comprehensive Plan. Development on all other parcels not shown as
vacant land on the City of Aventura Vacant Land Map will be considered
Redevelopment. unless otherwise expresslv provided herein. See
RedevelolJment.CorryiR~ Sl,lt Elf aRY Bl,lileiR~ a€ltivity er miniR~ el'lBFatioR, tAB makiR~ sf
nAY Rlatorial Ch3AgO iA the l;IS8 or apl=>oafaru:e at any strustlolfe or laRa, Sf tho aiviEliRg of
laRe iRte l'laF€lBls. The following activities or uses more specifically, but without
limitation, shall be taken for the purposes of these regulations to constitute
(1) ^ rOCoRstFl,lEltion, alteration of sr material €lhaF1~e iR the extORt or allllBamncB
of a strl,lGtl,lFO en land.
(2) P. GhaR~B in the intensity ef l,lSB sf lORe, Sl,lCA as an iRsreass in thB numBer sf
G'lIolliAg WRits in a strl;lGtl::Jro or QA 13ne, Qr an inGf03&O in tho Al;IFAber of 8l;1siROESOE,
FRanl,lfastl,lrin~ sstaBlisAmsnt, sr smass.
(~ 1) Alteration of shore or bank of a lake, pond, or canal, including any "coastal
construction" as defined in F.S. 9 161.021.
(4 f.l Commencement of drilling, mining, or excavation on a parcel of land,
except to obtain soil samples.
(a) OBmslitisn sf a strl,lGtuFo.
(9 ID Clearing of land as an adjunct of construction.
(71) Deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste, or fill on a parcel of land.
(5) The demolition of a lawful non-conformino solelv residential structure (which
mav include accessory uses) and construction of a commercial use on the same
parcel( s ).
(6) The demolition of a lawful non-conformino solei v commercial structure and
construction of a residential use on the same parcel(s).
The following operations or uses shall not be construed for the purpose of these
regulations to involve "development":
(1) Work by a highway or road agency or railroad company for the maintenance
of a road or railroad track, if the work is carried out on land within the boundaries of the
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(2) Work by any utility and other persons engaged in the distribution or
transmission of gas, water, sewerage, or electricity, for the purpose of inspecting,
repairing, renewing, or constructing within any established rights-of-way any sewers,
mains, pipes, cables utility tunnels, powerlines, towers, poles, tracks, or the like.
(3) Work for the maintenance, renewal, or alteration of any structure, if the work
affects only the interior or the color of the structure or the decoration of the exterior of
the structure.
(4) The use of any structure or land devoted to dwelling uses for any purposed
customarily incidental to enjoyment of the dwelling.
(5) A change in the ownership or form of ownership of any parcel or structure.
(6) The creation or termination of rights of access, riparian rights, easements,
covenants concerning development of land, or other rights in land.
(7) The use of any land for the purpose of growing plants, crops, trees, and other
agriculture or forestry products; raising livestock; or for other agricultural purposes.
(8) A change in use of a structure from a use within a zoning district to another
use in the same zoning district.
Development includes all other development customarily associated with it unless
otherwise specified. When appropriate to the context, development refers to the act of
development or to the result of development. Reference to any specific operation is not
intended to mean that the operation or activity when part of other operations or
activities, is not development. Reference to particular operations is not intended to limit
the generality of this definition.
Development Approval, development order or development permit shall mean any
building permit, site plan approval, conditional use approval, temporary use permit,
subdivision approval, change of land use district boundary, plan amendment or any
other official action to grant, deny or grant with conditions, issued by any official,
commission, or board of the City having the effect of permitting development andlor
Redevelopment (ResidentiaIJ shall mean the demolition and reconstruction. renewal.
alteration or material chance in the extent or appearance of a residentiallv zoned
structure or structures or sicnificant part of a structure or structures andlor a chance in
the intensity of use of land. such as an increase in the number of dwellinc units in a
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structure or on land. andlor an increase in the number of bedrooms. Redevelopment
shall not mean the demolition of a lawful non-conformina solelv commercial structure
and construction of a residential use on the same parcel(s).
Redevelopment (Commercial) shall mean the demolition and reconstruction. renewal.
alteration or material chanae in the extent or appearance of a commerciallv zoned
structure or structures or sianificant part of a structure or structures andlor a chanae in
the intensitv of use of land. such as an increase in floor area. Redevelopment shall not
mean the demolition of a lawful non-conformina solelv residential structure (which mav
include accessory uses) and construction of a commercial use on the same parcel(s).
Redevelopment includes all other development customarilv associated with it unless
otherwise specified. When appropriate to the context. redevelopment refers to the act
of redevelopment or to the result of redevelopment. Reference to anv specific
operation is not intended to mean that the operation or activitv when part of other
operations or activities. is not redevelopment. Reference to particular operations is not
intended to limit the aeneralitv of this definition.
Redevelopment Area means those redevelopment areas described in or envisoned bv
the Citv's Comprehensive Plan or redevelopment aoals and plans that mav be
established for particular areas bv the Citv Commission. The Biscavne Boulevard
Commercial Corridor described in the City's Comprehensive Plan as a redevelopment
area shall incorporate all commercial propertv with frontaae on Biscavne Boulevard
includina but not limited to the Aventura Mall and all of its associated outparcels.
Section 31.143. Residential Zoning Districts.
(a) Purpose. These residential districts are intended to provide for residential
development in conformance with the parcel's Future Land Use Map designation. A
residential parcel's zoning designation shall be equivalent to the designation of the
Future Land Use Map. The number of dwelling units permitted per gross acre of a
zoning parcel, as defined in the LDRs, shall not exceed the total number of dwelling
units permitted by the City's Comprehensive Plan designation for the zoning parcel.
The uses within this district shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than,
the corresponding Residential land Use Plan category or Town Center Land Use Plan
category permitted uses. These zoning districts shall be applied to land designated
Residential on the City's Future Land Use Map. A development parcel may have a
maximum number of dwelling units based on an adopted development order or
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Develooment of a Darcel shall be subiect to the Site Develooment Criteria set out in the
zonino districts of this Section. Subseouent redevelopment shall be limited to existino
density and number of bedrooms. More specifically. for any property on which the
density allowed by the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded by existino
develooment. the new density on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Deyelopment Standards and further proyided that if the development has received
site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
orovision with density lower than allowed by this Section. redevelooment shall be limited
to that lower densitv and to the existino number of bedrooms. Exceoted from this
orovision is redevelooment that is described in or envisioned in the Citv's
Comprehensive Plan or such additional parcells) that will implement specific
develooment or redevelooment ooals that may be established for oarticular areas by
the City Commission or redevelooment that is orovided bv exoresslv authorized
conditional use aooroval.
(b) Residential Single-Family District (RS1). The following regulations shall apply to all
RS 1 districts.
(3) Site development standards.
o. Develooment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelooment
shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exceotion that anv orooertv on
which the density allowed by the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bv existino
develooment. the new density on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Development Standards and further orovided that if development has received site
olan aporoval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
provision with densitv lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelooment shall be limited
to that lower density and to the existino number of bedrooms. unless otherwise
orovided by exoressly authorized conditional use approval.
(c) Single-Family Residential Districts (RS2). The following regulations shall apply to all
RS2 districts.
(3) Site development standards.
o. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelooment
shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exceotion that any orooerty on
which the density allowed by the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded by existino
development. the new density on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Develooment Standards and further provided that if the development has received
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
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site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
provision with density lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited
to that lower density and to the existinq number of bedrooms. unless otherwise
provided bv expresslv authorized conditional use approval.
(d) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3). The following regulations
shall apply to all RMF3 Districts.
(3) Site development standards.
k. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment
shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that any property on
which the density allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existinq
development. the new density on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received
site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
provision with density lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited
to that lower density and to the existinq number of bedrooms. unless otherwise
provided bv expresslv authorized conditional use approval.
(e) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3A). The following regulations
shall apply to all RMF3A Districts.
(3) Site development standards.
k. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment
shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that anv property on
which the density allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existinq
development. the new density on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received
site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
provision with density lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited
to that lower density and to the existinq number of bedrooms. unless otherwise
provided bv expresslv authorized conditional use approval.
(f) Multifamily High Density Residential Districts (RMF4). The following regulations shall
apply to all RMF4 Districts.
(1) Purpose of districts. The purpose and intent of this district is to provide suitable
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sites for the development of well-planned. environmentally compatible medium-high
density multifamily residential use in areas consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan Future Land Use Element. Densities shall not exceed 9Q 45 units per gross acre.
(2a) Conditional Use. The following uses may be established if first approved as a
conditional use:
a. All uses permitted in the CF zone.
b. Uses that exceed the heiaht limitation. to a maximum heiaht of 30 stories or
300 feet. or to a maximum heiaht of 35 stories or 350 feet for anv property which
was aranted a waiver pursuant to Section 3 of Ordinance 2005-07.
c. Uses that exceed the densitv limitation. to a maximum of 60 dwellina units per
aross acre.
(3) Site development standards.
b. Maximum height:
1. Duplexes: Two stories or 25 feet.
2. Townhouses: Three stories or 35 feet.
3. High-rise apartments: 4G 25 stories or 400 250 feet.
i. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment
shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that any property on
which the density allowed by the Site Development Standards is exceeded by existina
development. the new densitv on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the
Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received
site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this
provision with density than allowed by this Section. redevelopment shall be limited to
that lower density and to the existina number of bedrooms. unless otherwise provided
bv expressly authorized conditional use approval.
(g) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3B).
(4) i. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section.
Redevelopment shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that
any property on which the density allowed by the Site Development Standards is
exceeded bY existina development. the new density on redevelopment shall not exceed
that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the initial
development was constructed with densitv lower than allowed bv this Section.
redevelopment shall be limited to that lower density and to the existina number of
bedrooms. unless otherwise provided by expressly authorized conditional use approval.
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Section 31-144 Business Zoning Districts.
(a) Purpose. These business districts are intended to provide for commercial
development in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and provide for a variety of
zoning districts to accommodate the City's business and commerce needs. These
zoning districts may be applied to land designated Business and Office and Industrial
and Office on the City's Future Land Use Map, however, the uses within this district
shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Business
and Office and Industrial and Office category permitted uses.
Development and/or redevelopment of a parcel in the Business Zonina Districts shall be
subiect to the Site Development Standards set out in the zonina districts of this Section.
The floor area ratio permitted in Business Zonina Districts shall not exceed the
maximum of 2.0 as set out in the Business and Office Future Land Use Cateaorv in the
Citv's Comprehensive Plan.
(b) Neighborhood Business (B1) District. This district is intended to provide primarily for
retail sales to a surrounding neighborhood. Retail stores permitted therein are intended
to include primarily convenience goods which are usually a daily necessity for a
residential neighborhood. The district is appropriate for location on a collector or an
arterial roadway.
(1) Uses permitted. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered
or used, or land used in whole or part for other than one or more of the following
specific uses provided the requirements set forth elsewhere in this section are satisfied:
(lil) IAEltitLltieAEl Ell,lsh aEl I'llacoEl af '.\'aFGRip, Iil3rarieEl, R'\I,lElal,lmEl ana Elimilar fasilitieE.
(fig} Antique shops.
(i- 0) Restaurants and coffee houses or dining room where kitchen is screened or
located altogether within an enclosed building or room and with ample provisions for
carrying away or dissipating fumes, odors, smoke or noise and where premises are so
arranged and the business is so conducted as not to be offensive or create a nuisance
to occupants of adjoining premises or to passersby.
o j) Restaurants and cafes may serve alcoholic beverages where such service is
strictly incidental to the service of food and from a service bar only provided no
entertainment of any kind is furnished.
(* II No sign or any type of character shall be exhibited or displayed to the outside
denoting that alcoholic beverages are obtainable within.
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i!s1 Uses accessory to any of the above uses when located on the same plot.
(5) Site Development Standards
f. Development or redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section.
(c) Community Business (B2) District. This district is intended primarily to provide for
general commercial activity for a wide range of goods and services to the entire
community and sub region. Such businesses generally require locations convenient for
both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and would be expected to have orientation toward
and direct access to arterial roadways.
(2) Conditional use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use:
i. Uses that exceed the height limitations. UP to a maximum of 20 stories or 200 feet.
(5) Site development standards.
a. Floor area ratio and lot coverage and mlntmum landscaped open space
requirements: rer ~l,jrpeses ef tt-!is ~ar-allFa~t-! a., stFYstl,jre ~arkiRll st-!all net GOl,jRt as
paFt of tne floor area, Bl,jt Illay Be Gountea tewaFEI calGl,jlatien of tne f1eor area r-atie.
1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall
be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such
parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements.
2. rer these Bl,jilaings Ret exceptea l,jRaer SeGtieR ~1 144(G)(5)a.5 '!.'itt-! zore ~~
~(lrGeFlt af tho ref,Jl;Iir08 l=larkiA€) 10~3t0d \',ithiR a J3arkiR€l strl.lstl;lro: Tho flGor area Fatia
shall Be 9AQ at ORe story ana st-!all Be inGreases by 9.11 fer oast-! aaaitional story. Tho
total lot Ge'.'eFalle ~erlllittes fer all Bl,jilaiRllS eR tt-!e site st-!all Ret eXGees 40 ~er-GeRt of
tt-!e tetal let area. Tt-!e tetal llliRillll,jR'l lanasGa~ea OJ:leR s~aGe roEll,jirea st-!all Be ~~
~erGeRt ef tt-!e total let area. Howo'/er, if struGtl,jre ~arking level(s) ie/are 60l,jRtod
towaras GalGl,jlatieR ef tt-!e fleer area r-atio tt-!en tt-!e total let GOveralle ~erR'littea fer all
l3l,jilsiRllS en tt-!e site shall Ret eXGees ~ll percent ef the tetallet area. Jl.esitieRally, the
tetalllliRiR'll,j1ll laRdsGa~es e~en spaGe reEluiros st-!all Be ~5 ~erGeRt of tt-!e tetallot area.
a. rer tt-!ose Bl,jilsiRllS not eXGe~tes l,jRaer SestioR a1 144(c)(5)a.8 with a~ ~ercent
ee ~erGeRt of the r-eEll,jir-ed parkiRll lecates 'Nitt-!iR a ~arkinll strl,jGtl,jre: The fleer area
ratio sl:1all Be OA9 at ORe slery ana sl:1all Be inGreases by 0.11 fer oa61:1 assitional stery.
Tl:1e total let severalle ~orlllittea fer all Bl,jilsiRllS on the site shall Rot oxcees 40 perseRt
ef the total let ar-ea. The tetal llliRillll,jR'l landsGa~es epen s~aco reEll,jires shall Be ae
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 11
!'lerGent of tAe tetal let area. Hewever, if structure parkin!! level(s) is/are sountee
towares salsulatioR of the fleer area ratie tAen tAe total lot severago 1'I0rmittoe fer all
BuileiR!!S eR tRe site shall Ret oXGeoe d5 !'lerileRt of tRe tatallat araa. MeitioRally, the
tetal miRimum landscapoe el'loR s!'lase required shall Be d7 !'lor-sent of tRe tatallot area.
4. ror tRose buildiR!jS Rat oxse!'ltee in SectioR d1 144(6)(5)a.5 '.'.'itR €Ie percoRt 1QQ
percont of tRO requirae !'larkiR!j losatod '/IitA a !'larkiR!j structure: TAo f10er araa ratio
sRall Be QAQ at aRO story aRe sRall Be increasoe BY Q.11 fer oach aeeitianal story. TAo
tatal let sO'ler-a!jo !'lormittoe fer all buileiR!js OR tRO site shall Rat axsooe 45 !'lor-Gont of
tRO total lot area. Tho total minimum laRessaped ol'lon sl'laso r.equired shall Be dQ
porcont of tRe tatal lot aroa. Howavor, if strustura !'larking le'.'ol(s) is/are souRtoe
towares GalsulatioR ef tRO floor ar.ea mtie tRoR tho tatal lot co'/ora!jo !'lormittee for all
BuileiR€js on tRe site sRall Rot oxsooe d5 percoRt ef tRO tatal lot area. J'.eeitioRally tho
total miRimum laReS6a!'loa opon sl'Iaso roquir.ee sRall bo 4Q !'lorsoRt of tho total let aroa.
2. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for
each additional stOry. Structure parkina shall not count as part of the floor area. but
shall be counted in computina buildina heiaht. The total lot coveraae permitted for all
buildinas on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area
ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinas in this district in conformance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
~ 3. For shopping center buildings with over 1,000,000 square feet of gross leasable
area that provide public amenities including, but not limited to, public plazas, fountains
or other water features, seating areas and recreational walking areas and that do not
exceed 5 stories in height, the minimum landscaped open space shall be fifteen (15%)
percent of the total lot area. Said open space shall be extensively landscaped with
grass, trees and shrubbery in accordance with a landscape plan to be approved by the
City Manager. The non-leasable areas within enclosed or non-enclosed malls which
are landscaped with grass, trees and/or shrubbery, water areas therein, and areas
therein with permanent art display areas may be used as part of the required
landscaped open space provide such areas do not exceed ten (10) percent of the
required landscaped open space.
b. Maximum height: ~ 12 stories or 344- 120 feet overall maximum height, including
structure parking. ror !'lurl'loses of tl:lis para!jra!'lR B., structuro !'larkiR!j sRall not 130
Gmmtoe in somf'lutin€j RumBor of storios But sRall 130 sountoe in camf'lutiR!j El'Ior-a1l
maximum Roi!jRt. That portion of the building or structure within 200 feet of any
residential zone shall be subject to a height limitation of one foot for every two feet in
distance from the residential zoned plot unless the application of this requirement would
limit the building height to a minimum of 25 feet.
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Page 12
d. Setbacks: Far Ja~rJaasas af tRis Jaar-agHlJaR E!., str~€lt~ra JaarkiR@ iR€larJaar-ataE! witRin
the Bl;JildiAg enveleJ:)8 !Shall SOblRt te'JJ3Fd the AI;JFABer 0f steries.
Front vard: not less than 25 feet in depth
Street side vard: not less than 20 feet in depth
Side and Rear vard: There is no side or rear 'lard setback required for a plot
which is not adiacent to a street or allev. A side and rear 'lard setback of 20 feet
in depth is required for a plot adiacent to a residentiallv zoned district. street or
1. ThelSe BblildiA€J& '::t:lOlS9 tetal Al.JFAber af st0ries is bet/JeeR Z9Fe ana teA ~
fleer-IS, iAell;JsiR€J any strblctwF9 parking iAGerf)GF3to8 v.~ithiA tho BblileiAQ 8A\'slof)9, sRall
Rava a fr-ant yarE! Rat less thaR 25 faat iA E!aJath. ~'/al)' Jalat shall hava a streat siE!a yam
at Rat less tl=laR 2Q feet E!eJatl'l. Ther-a is Aa sid a ar rear yarE! setl3a€lk reEluireE! far a Jalot
\\'hish is nat adjacont to a stroot ar alloy. .'\ SiEi8 and rear yard sstbaek af 20 feC3t is
reEl~ir-ad when aE!jacaRt ta a resiE!eRtially zenaE! E!istri€lt, street or alley.
2. Those bbJildiAgs vJhose total Al:.IFFltaer at siGrist is tloPNaeA 11 lS8V8A aAd 29
12 fleer-IS, inell;Jding flAY stfl;Jctldro parkiAg iACOFpGF3toEJ 'NithiA the 8t.1ilding 8Avolepe,
shalll=lave a fr-aRt yarEl Rat less tl=laR J5 faet iR E!eJatR. ~\'ery Jalot shall have a street side
yarE! af Rat less tt-lan J5 feet iR E!aJatt-l. Tt-lere is Aa siE!e ar rear yarEl setl3ack reEl~ireEl fer
a plot wt-li€lh is Rat aE!jscent to a street er allay. ^ siE!e aRE! r-aar yam setl3ack at J5 feet
is req~iroE! wt-leR aElja€leRt ta a rosiE!eRtially zaneE! E!istriGt, street er alley.
d. Those BldileiRgE '.\'helSO tatal Rldmber af stCJFies oxceoEls 20 f.leoFs iRelldding
::lny strbletldre ~arkiR€J iAcer~er3tes ':,ithiA the Bl::JilEliAQ oAveI8~e, shall have a fF0At yam
Ret less tt-laR 45 feet iR E!eJatt-l. Every Jalat st-lall t-la'/e a streat siEJa yam ef Rat less tt-laR
45 feet iR E!eJath. Tt-lere is Ra siEJa ar rear yam sall3ack reEl~ireE! for a Jalat whi€lt-l is Rat
aE!jaseRt te a street er alley. .'I. siE!e aRE! mar yam setl3ask of 45 feet is reEl~ireE! wt-leR
adjaseRt ta a rasiE!eRtially zeReE! ElistriGt, straet er alley.
f. Development and redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this
(d) Heavy Business (B3) District. This district is intended to provide locations for
planned commercial centers, sharing a common identity, parking and other support
facilities developed according to an overall development plan; and for a wide range of
goods and services to serve a market beyond the community itself. Such commercial
concentrations are expected to draw substantial patronage from outside areas and are
not expected to serve the convenience needs of local residents. As such, these
centers should be oriented towards and have direct access to arterial roadways,
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 13
particularly major arterials.
(2) Conditional use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use:
a. Buildings or structures exceeding the height limitations set forth in this section, afl
aElElitional maximllm t-lei~t-lt of 199 feet UP to a maximum of 20 stories or 200 feet.
(6) Site development standards.
a. Floor area ratio and lot coverage aRfi m:n:mlJm lamissapefi 9f3eR SfJase
requirements: j;ar ~ur~ases of this ~am~Fa~t-l a., structure (3arl"in~ st-lall not sellnt as
part of tt-lo fleor area, Bllt may Be sellntaEl tQwar-d calslllation af tt-le f1aar aroa ratia.
1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall
be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such
parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements.
2. j;ar tt-lase Bllildings with zoro dd ~oFGent ef tt-le required (3arkin!illasateEl within a
parking stFlolstllre: Tt-le fleaI' area r-atio shall Be 9A9 at one stary and shall Be insreaseEl
BY 9.11 fer east-l aElElitienal story. Tt-le tatal let se\'erage (3oFmitteEl fer all BllilElin~s en
tt-le site st-lall not exseeEl 49 ~er-Gent ef tt-le tetallat area. Tt-lo tetal minimllm lanElssa~eEl
a~an space r-aquireel st-lall Be dd ~arsent of the tatal lat area. Hewever, if strllstllre
parking levol(s) is.'ar-a sallnteel tewaFds CalGlllatien af tt-le f1aar ar-aa mtia tt-lan tt-la tetal
let sa'/eFa~a permittoEl for all BllilElin~s on the sito sRall not exseeEl d8 porsont ef tt-le
totallat area. ^ElElitienally, tt-le total minimllm lanElssapeel open s(3aso roqllireEl shall be
d5 (3orsont ef tt-le tatallot area.
d. j;or tt-lose BllilElin~s witt-l dd ~ersent ee (3ersent ef tt-le requir-ad parkin~ lesatoEl
witt-lin a ~arkin~ strllstl-lre: Tt-le fleer aroa mtie st-lall Be gAg at one story aREl shall Be
insreaseEl BY 9.11 fer each aElElitienal stery. Tt-le total lot se'/er-a~e ~ermitteel fer all
BllilElin~s en the sito st-lall nat exsoeel 49 (3orsont ef tt-le tetal let area. Tt-le tetal
minimllm landssaped e(3en s~ase reqllired shall BO de ~erseAt ef tt-le total let area.
However, if strllstl-lre ~arkin~ le\<el(s) isJar-a cOllnteEl towaFels salsl-llation of tt-le floor area
mtio tt-len tt-le total lot sevem~e ~ermitteEl fer all BllildiRgs on the site st-lall not eXGeeEl
de ~ersant af tRa totallat area. !\ElElitienally, tt-la tetal minimllm lamlsca~aEl a~en s~ase
reqlliraEl st-lall Be d7 ~arceRt of tt-la tatallot araa.
4. j;ar tt-losa builElin~s '.vitt-l ee ~arsant 1 99 ~ercent af tt-la raqllireel ~arkin~ lesateEl
witt-l a ~aFkin~ strl-lstllr-a: Tt-le floor area mtio st-lall ba gAg at one story and st-lall Be
increased by 9.11 fer east-l aelElitienal story. Tt-le tetal lat saver-age permittee fer all
BllilElin~s en tt-le site st-lall not exseeEl 4 5 ~eFGent ef tt-le tetal lat area. The tetal
minimllm laRElssa~eEl e~eR s~aso Feqllir-ael st-lall ee dQ ~er-Gent of tt-le tebl lot area.
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 14
~o\'.'e'.~Gr, if stNGtblro parkinQlevel(c) is.'3re G01;1Ated to'/.'ardE calc\;;IlatioA of tho fleor ar83
ratie then the tetal lot 6everalile perFRitteEl fer all tll,lilElinlils en the site shall net 9)16eeEl
J5 persent ef the total lot area. .'\ElElitienally the tetal FRiniFRllFR lan€lssape€l open space
r-eElllir-e€l shall tle 49 perilent of the tetallot area.
2. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased by 0.11 for
each additional stOry. Structure oarkino shall not count as oart of the floor area. but
shall be counted in comoutina buildina heiaht. The total lot coyeraae oermitted for all
buildinas on the site shall not exceed 40 oercent of the total lot area. The floor area
ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinas in this district in conformance with the
Comorehensiye Plan.
b. Maximum height: :m J1...stories or ~ 120 feet oyerall maximum height, including
structure parking. F"er pl,lrl3eses of this par-alilraph tl., strl,lstl,lre parkinlil shall net tle
counte€l in seFRpl,ltinlil nUFRtler ef stor-ies tlllt shall tle cellnte€l in 6eFRpUtinlil e'/erall
maXiFRllFR height. That portion of the building or structure within 200 feet of any
residential zone shall be subject to a height limitation of one foot for every two feet in
distance from the residential zoned plot unless the application of this requirement would
limit the building height to a minimum of 25 feet.
d. Setbacks: F"er pl,lrpeses ef this paragr-aph d., strllQture parking inser-perate€l within
the tlllil€ling eRvelepe shall sellnt tev.'ar€l the nllFRtler ef steries.
Front vard: not less than 25 feet in deoth
Street side vard: not less than 20 feet in deoth
Side and Rear vard: There is no side or rear yard setback required for a olot
which is not adiacent to a street or alley. A side and rear yard setback of 20 feet
in deoth is reauired for a olot adiacent to a residentially zoned district. street or
1. TR0&8 bblilEiiAg& 'Nhose tat31 Rblmber sf sterie& is Be~"/e9F1 :l8FO 3ReI teA ~
f(esrc, incluaiAQ any ctr\;lstl.Jre flarkiA€I iRCQrf)Orated 'A'ithiA the Bl:IilEiiAQ oA'/slaps, shall
ha'/o a freAt yarEl net less than 25 feet in Elepth. Every plot shall have a str-eet siEle yar.g
ef net loss than 29 feet €lepth. There is no si€le er rear yar.g settlask reqllire€l fer a plet
whish is net a€ljacent to a street er alley. 1'. si€le an€l rear yam setl:Jask ef 29 feet is
reqllire€l when a€ljasent te a resi€leRtially zene€l distriQt, street er alley.
2. Those BblilEtiAg& 'JJhase total RblffiBor of star-iet is Boa\'oeR 11 seveR ClAd 2Q
12 fleers, inslll€liAlil any strllstllre par-kinlil inserper-ate€l within the tluil€ling en':elepe,
shallha\'e a frent yam net less than J5 feet in €lepth. Every plet shall have a street si€le
yar.g ef net less than J5 feet in €lepth. There is ne si€le er rear yam setbask reElllire€l fer
a plet whi6h is net aElja6ent to a str-eet er alloy. ,II, siEle aR€l r-oar yar.g settlaGk ef J5 feet
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 15
it Fe~wiFed wt:l()rl ndjaceAt t8 a fosie8Ati311y zOAO(;i di&triGt, ctreet or alloy.
~. Tl:1ese eblildiRgs wt:lese tetal Rblmeor et stories eX€laeds 20 floors iR€llueliRg
flAY &trblGtl..lf9 parkiA€I iAeerporates v..(ithiA tRe Bl:JilsiA€I en'/eIGpe, shall have a fFOAt Y3Fd
Ret lass tt:laR 45 feot iR do~tt:l. E'/ery I3let st:lall t:lavo a street sido yar-d ot Rot loss tt:laR
45 feet iR dal3tt:l. Tt:lom is RO side or r-ear yarE! setea€lk r-eElblired fer a I3let wt:li€lt:l is Ret
adjacaRt tEl a streat er alloy. .'1. side aRd r-ear yar.g sotea€lk ef 45 feet is r-eEjblirael wt:leR
adja€laRt te a resideRtially zeRad distri€lt, Eltr-eet er alley.
f. Develooment and redevelooment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this
(e) Office Park (OP) District. This district is intended to provide for high quality, semi-
professional and professional offices in a campus setting reflecting creative design and
environmentally compatible use of space and perimeter buffer areas. This zoning
district may be applied to land designated Business and Office and Industrial and Office
on the City's Future Land Use Map, however, the uses within this district shall be
consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Business and
Office and Industrial and Office category permitted uses.
(4) Site development standards.
b. Maximum height: No building or structure, or part thereof shall be erected to a height
exceeding ten stories or 479 100 feet overall maximum height, including structure
parking. ~er l3b1rl3esas ef tt:lis l3ara€lr-al3t:l e., Eltrblmblra l3arkiRg Elt:lall Ret eo €leblRted iR
compwtiRg Awmser of sterios Bl;It shall be C0l:.1Ated iA GGmpl:JtiAg Qvorall maximblm
c. Floor area ratio and lot coverage: ~er l3ur!lesas ef tt:lis !laragral3t:l G., stRl€ltl,lra
pnrkiAg chall Aat 60l;JAt aE part af tt.1e fleer arraa, bl:Jt may Be 60l:JAtea t()'..~:arEt GalGldlatieA
et tt:la fleer araa r-atio.
1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall
be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such
parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements.
2. ~er those eblildiRgS witt:l zer-e ~~ ~erGeRt of tt:la reElblirad !larkiRg leGated witl:1iR a
parkiRg stRlmblre: Tt:le fleer araa ratie st:lall ea 9.49 at eRa stery aRd st:lall 9a iRGreased
ey 9.11 fer eaGt:l additieRal Eltery. Tt:le tetal let Ge'leraga l3ermittad fer all 9uildiRgS eR
tt:la sita sl:1all Rat axceed 49 !lerGaRt at tt:la tetallet area. Hewa'/er, if stRl€ltblre l3arkiRg
18v81(s) iE/are e81;1Atee tevJflrd& ealG10IIatieA 01 tho f.loer aroa ratio theA the tatal lat
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 16
Ge'Jerage f)ormitted fer all B~i1sings OR tl:1o sito sl:1all ROt eXGeod ~8 f)erGORt of tl:1e total
lat area.
~. for tAesa B~ilsings '^,itl:1 ~~ pOrcORt aa !'lor-Gent of tAe rOEl~ires parkiR€! leGates
witAiR a !'larkiR€! str~Gtl,lr-e: TAe f1aer aroa ratie sAall bo 0.40 at ena story aRet sAall sa
increasos BY 0.11 fur eaGh assitioRal story. TAo total lot GO'/omgo !'lerFRittes for all
Bl,JilsiR€lS OR the site shall not oxcees 40 f)erGent af tl:18 tatal lot area. Hawever, if
str~ctl,Jre f)arkin€llovol(s) isiara Ge~ntod teware!s calc~latiaR ef tho fleer araa r.atio thon
tl:1e tetal let cavera€lo f)orFRittod fur all B~i1sings en tl:1e sito sl:1all nat oxcoos ~5 f)orGont
of tl:1e tetallet area.
4. for tl:1aso BuildiRgs '....itl:1 aa pOrGORt 100 f30rCORt of tl:1o reEl~ireet !'larking leGatoet
witl:1 a f)arkin€l strl,Jst~r-e: Tho floer aroa mtie shall Be 0.40 at eRO story ans shall be
increases BY 9.11 fur ea61:1 aetditional stel)'. Tho tetal lat covera€!e f)ermitteet far all
buildiR€ls eR tl:1o site sl:1all Ret excoos 45 f)ercont ef tl:1o total let area. Hewevor, if
structl,JrB f)arking 10'iol(s) iE/are Gauntes tewards cals~lation of tl:1o flear area r.atie tl:10R
tho tetal let sevom€le !'lorFRitteet fur all B~iletings on tl:1e sito shall not oxcood ~5 f)OrGORt
of tl:1o tatallet area.
2. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for
each additional stOry. Structure oarkino shall not count as Dart of the floor area. but
shall be counted in comoutino buildino heioht. The total lot coveraoe oermitted for all
buildinos on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area
ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinos in this district in conformance with the
Comorehensive Plan.
d. Setbacks: No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned
property or within ten feet of any street line. far f)~rf)osas af tl:1is !'laragraf)1:1 S.,
struct~re f)arkin€! incor!'lorateet within tAe B~ilding eRvala!'lo shall 6e~Rt tewaret tAe
nl,JFRBer af staries.
Front Yard: not less than 50 feet in deoth.
Street Side Yard: not less than 15 feet in deoth
Rear Yard: not less than 25 feet in deoth. Adjacent to anv RS districts. the rear
'lard setback shall be 30 feet in depth.
1. Tt:lOS8 bl;Jildingc '"Vt:leso tetal Al:;Imber af st0rie& is bOFr::aeA ZOFe ClAa teA f.lOOf&,
inollJEiing :lAY atrl;Jetl:.lFO p:JrkiA€J iR6QrpGF3teEt 'JJithin the 13b1i1aiAg envGlepe, &1=1311 Ravo a
fr-eRt yare! Rot loss tAaR 59 feet iR ete!'llA. E'iel)' !'llat shall Aa'ie a str-eet siete yare! of Ret
less thaR 15 feet etepth. Every !'llet ~peR 'I.-hiGA a str~stl,Jr-e is hereafter ereGteet shall
have a FRiRim~FR rear yarEl of 25 foet. -"Eljasent ta any RS ElistriGls tAo sotBacl< sl:1all BO
~9 feat.
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 17
2. Tt-lese euildings wt-lese tetal numeor ef stories exseeds ton fleers, inslusing
any structure l3arkiA~ iAGerJ'leFates witl=liA tl=le euildin~ envelel3e, sl=lall have a ~FOnt yar.e
not less tl=laA 50 feet iA sel3tl=l. Every I310t sl=lall l=Ia..,e a street sise yar.e ef Aet less tl=laA
25 feet in selltt-l. Every Illet ullen whict-l a structur-e is hor-oafter eresteS sl=l811 have a
A'liAiml,lFA rear yar€l of 25 feet. AEljaGent te aAY RS €listriGts tl=le setbaGk sl=lall Be ~5 feet.
~. Tl=lese buildings 'l.'hese tetal nUA'leer ef sterios oxsee€ls 20 fleors incll,l€lin€l
aAY structure l3arkiA~ inGorJ'loratod witl=liA the Bl,lildin€l eA'/elel3e, shalll=lave a fr-oAt yard
not less tnaA 45 feet in sel3th. Every I310t shall have a str-oot si€le yar€l ef not loss tl=laA
45 foot in selltn. Tnero is no siSe er rear yar-d setBaGk reEluiros fer a I3let ,....hich is net
a€ljaGeAt te a street er alley. A sido an€l rear yard sotbaGk ef 45 feet is reEll,lires INhon
aEljaGeAt to a resiseAtially zene€l €listric!, street or alley.
e. Minimum open space: Minimum open space shall be 22 percent of the net lot area.
Landscaped open space may include entrance features, passive recreational uses
and/or pedestrian walkways. This minimum requirement may also include 50 percent of
roof decks and other above grade surfaces which are provided and maintained for the
common benefit of all occupants of the building. Water bodies may be used as part of
the required landscaped open space but such water areas shall not be credited for
more than 20 percent of the required open space.
1. Tl=lese Bl,lilsiAgs wl=lese tetal numBer ef storios is BePt:eeA zere anS teA floors,
iAGIl,lsiA~ any struGtl,lres l3arking inGerl3erates witl=liA tl=le Bl,lilsing eAvelel3e, sl=lalll=lave a
A'liniml,lm el3en sllase ef 22 l3ercent ef tne not lot area. If structl,lre l3arkiA~ 18vel(s)
is/ar-o Gel,lntes tewarEls GalGulation ef tl=le fleor area ratio, tl=len the tetal minimum
laASSGapa€l al3eA sl3aGe reql,lira€l sl=lall Be 25 l3erGeAt ef tna tatallet ar-ea.
2. Thess 8ldilsiRfiJE \a.'hoso tatal AldFRber of stories exceoas tOR flQBFE, iA61ldaiRg 3RY
strldstldfsEt p:ukiA€J iAGerpBrated 'NithiA the 8ldildiAg 8Aveleps, shall have a miRirFIldFA
Ollen sl3aGe ef 25 Ilor-{)ent of tl=le Aet let area. If structl,lre llarkiA~ le'/ol(s) is/are Gel,lAteS
te'Nar.es GalGl,llatian af tl=lo floeI' area r-atia, tl=leA tl=le tetal FAiniml,lFA lanSsGal3eS el3eA
sl3aGe reql,lire€l sl=lall Be 26 perGeAt ef tl=l9 total lot area.
Q. Development and redevelopment shall be subject to the criteria set out in this
(f) Medical Office (MO) District. This district is intended to provide for medical offices
and other uses supporting the medical profession associated with the hospital. This
zoning district may be applied to land designated Business and Office on the City's
Future Land Use Map, however the uses within this district shall be consistent with, but
may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Business and Office category
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 18
permitted uses.
(2) Conditional Use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use:
b. Multi-family residential uses with a maximum densitv of 35 dwellina units oer aross
acre and with a minimum lot area of two aross acres.
(4) Site development standards.
b. Maximum height: No building or structure, or part thereof shall be erected to a height
exceeding teA twelve stories, or ~ 120 feet overall maximum height, including
structure parking, l,lnless etl:1eFwise s~eGifiee iA tl:1is sostiOA. For pl,lr~oses of tl:1is
~ar-agr-a~1:1 13., stFl,lGtl,lre ~arking sl:1all Aet bo Gel,lntee in cem~l,ltiAg nl,lmeer ef steFies el,lt
sl:1allee GOl,lntee iA Gem~lltiAg evorall maximllm l:1oight.
c. Setbacks: No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned
property or within ten feet of any street line. For ~Ilr~oses ef this ~aragr-a~A G.,
strllstllFe ~arking iAGeFpeFatee '....itAiA tho el,lileiAg en'/olopo shall GOIlAt towaFe tAo
numeer ef sterios.
Front vard: not less than 50 feet in deoth.
Street Side yard: not less than 20 feet in deoth.
Rear yard: not less than 25 feet in deoth.
1. Those blolildin€J& '...(RQS9 total Rl;Jrntaer of stories is eeWJ()()R zero and tOA flaOF&,
incllleiAg aAY strllGtl,lre ~arkiAg iAGOr~oratee witl:1in tl:1e 81lileiAg eAvelo~o, sl:1all l:1ave a
ffOAt ynrd not leSE tR3n t3Q toat if} de~th. Every plat &h311 h3'/O a street sisa yard at Rot
less thBR 2Q 100t if} eiepttl. Every plat blpOA VJhiGh :3 strl;JstblFe is hereafter eroctoEJ shall
h(1'Ie a miAimllm rear yaFEl ef 25 feet.
2. Tl:1ese ellildiAgS \'JAese tetal nllmber ef staries is eOtweeA 11 aAe 29 floors,
iAGlllei"g aAY stFllstllre ~aFkiAg iAceFpor-atoe \VitA/A tAo ellilding eAvelope, sRall Aave a
fr<JAt yar.e not less tl:1aA 50 feet iA ee~tA. Every plot sAall Aave a stFeot siee yaFEl sf Aet
less tRaA d9 feet iA ee~tl:1. Ever! plot Ilpon 'l.'l:1iGA a strUGtl,lre /s nOF9after eF9ctee sAall
have a m/AimllFR rear yaFt;! sf d9 feot.
d. TRese 81lileings 'NAose total Al,lFR80r of stoFies 9xseees 29 floOFS, iASIl,leiAg
aAY strl,lstllF9 ~arkiAg iRGeFpeFatee witAiA tAo ellileing oA'Jelepe, sAall have a fF9At yaFEl
net less tAaA 115 feet in eo~th. Every ~Iet sAall Aave a stroet siee yaFEl sf AOt loss tAaA
45 feet iA eeptA. Every plot ll~eA '....AiGR a strllstl,lre is l:1eF9after eresteEl sl:1all l:1ave a
FRiAiffil,lFR r-ear yart;! of 45 feet.
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 19
4. 1. For those properties lying between NE 206 Street to the south, NE 209
Street to the north, NE 28 Avenue to the east and East Dixie Highway to the west, the
following standards shall apply:
a. No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned
property of within ten feet of any street line.
b. Minimum front yard setback shall be ten feet in depth for the first two stories
of the structure and 15 feet in depth for any additional stories.
c. Minimum street side yard setback shall be ten feet in depth for the first two
stories and 15 feet for additional stories.
d. Minimum rear yard setback shall be ten feet in depth, except that the
minimum yard setback from Biscayne Boulevard in this district shall be 25 feet in depth.
d. Floor area ratio and lot coverage and minimum landscaped open space
requirements: Fer pl,lFl'leses of tl=lis par-a€!rapl=l d., strl,lstl,lre parkiR€! shall Rot eel,lRt as
part af tl=le fleer area, Bl,lt FRay Be Sal,lRtos tewars ealculatien ef tl=le floor area Fatie.
1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall
be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such
parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements.
2. Fer those Bl,lilsiR€!s witl=l zero dd peFseRt ef tl=lo r~quiFOa paFkin€!leeatod witl=liR a
parkiR€! stFl,lstl,lre: Tl=le fleer ar~a ratio shall 130 gAg at ORe story aRa sl=lall Be iRcroasod
BY 9.11 fGr oasl=l aasitioRal stery. Tl=le tetallet sevoFa€!o porFRittes fGr all sl,lilain€!s eR
tl=le sito sl=lall Ret exsoea <lg perseRt of tl=lo tetallet area. Tl=lo tetal FRiniFRl,lm landseapoa
epoR spasa r~E\l,lirod sl=lall 130 dd parsent ef tl=la tatal let area. Howovar, if strl,lstl,lr-e
parkiR€!lo'/ol(s) it/aro eel,lRtoa tewards calsl,llatieR ef tl=lo f10ar area Fatio tl=lOR tl=lo total
let ee'/eFa€!O I'lormittos fGr all Bl,lildings OR tl=lo site sl=lall not oxeooa dll parsoRt ef tl=lo
total let aroa. l\aaitioRally, tAO total FRiRiFRl,lFR landscapoa epen spaso roquiroa sl=lall 130
de porsoRt ef tl=le tetallot area.
d. For thoso Bl,lilain€!s witl=l dd pOrcORt ee poreent of tho reql,liros parking locatoa
'....ithin a parkiR€! strl,letl,lr-e: Tl=le f10er area r-atie shall Be gAg at eRO story aRa shall 130
iRsreasos BY 9.11 fer oaeA aasitieRal story. Tl=le total let cO'/er-a€!e pOFFRittes fGr all
buildings OR tAO site sl=lall Ret oxcooa <lg parsaRt of tAO tetal let aroa. TAO tetal
miRiml,lFR lanassapoa OpOR spaee FeE\l,lirod shall so de poreaRt of tl=lo tetal let araa.
Hewovor, if Strustl,lFO parkiR€!lovol(s) it/ar-e Sel,lAtes tewaras calsl,llatieR ef tl=le floor area
ratio tl=loR tRo total let sovar-age porFRittos fGr all bl,lilaings OR tl=lo sita &Rall ROt axsoos
- -- ---.----.--.--T"'.-.._"_._.u,,_^'_._.______~____~_""T.-.-- - n' ...._._. -__
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
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J5 ~erGent ef ttle tetallet area. /\ElElilienally, tt-le tetal miniml;JA'llanElsGa~eEl Cl~en s~aGe
reEjl,lireEl st-lall Be d7 ~erGent ef tt-le tetallet area.
4. Far tRese !al,lilElin!js v/itt-l ee ~erGent 1 00 ~or-sent of tt-lo requireEl ~arking leGateEl
'Nitl1 a I'larl<in!j strl,lctl,lre: Tl1e fleer area ratie shall be 0.10 at ono story and shall be
inGmaseE'l BY 0.11 fer eaGt-l aE'lE'litional story. Tt-le total let GeveFa!jo ~ermitteE'l fer all
buildings en tt-le site sRall net eXGeeEl 45 l'lerGent €If tt-le tetal lat area. Tt-le tetal
minimum lanE'lsoal'leE'l ol'len sl'laGe r-eEjuireE'l sl1all Be dB I'leroent ef tl1e tatal let area.
Hawovor, if slrl,lGturo parking loval(s) is/ara countod towar-ds calculatian ef tRo floor ar-ea
Fatia tt-lon tRo tatal lat oavor-a!jo 1'l0rmittoE'l fer all BllilE'lings an tRe site sRall nat oxoooE'l
d5 I'lor-sont af tRo tatallat aroa. l\E'lE'litianally tRo total miniml;Jm lanE'lsGal'loE'l al3en sl3aGo
r-eEjl;JireE'l sRall BO 4 9 130rGont af tRo total lot aroa.
& 2. For those properties lying between NE 206 Street to the south, NE 209 Street
to the north, NE 28 Avenue to the east and East Dixie Highway to the west, the
following standards shall apply: The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one
story and shall be increased by 0.11 for each additional story. The total lot coverage
permitted for all buildings on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area.
The minimum landscaped open space required shall be 33 percent of the total lot area.
3. Minimum landscaped open space reauired shall be 33 percent of the total lot
area. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for
each additional stOry. Structure parkina shall not count as part of the floor area. but
shall be counted in computina buildina heiaht. The total lot coveraae permitted for all
buildinas on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area
ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinas in this district in conformance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
f. Development and redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this
Sec. 31-145. Town Center Zoning Districts.
(a) Purpose. The purpose and intent of these districts is to provide suitable sites for the
development of structures combining residential and commercial uses in a well planned
and compatible manner. The uses within these districts shall be consistent with, but
may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Town Center Land Use Category
permitted uses. Residential densities shall not exceed 25 units per gross acre and
nonresidential densities shall not exceed a floor area of 2.0.
(b) Town Center District (TC1). The following regulations shall apply to all TC1 Districts:
- --'--r"'""'--'''''-'''''-----
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 21
(3) Conditional uses permitted. The following uses may be established if first approved
as a conditional use:
a. Those uses permitted in the RMF3 District.
b. Those uses permitted in the B1 District.
c. Those uses oermitted in the B1 District with increased floor area.
&- d. Sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption except with meals.
€k e. Uses that exceed the height limitations, including parking structures.
&, L. Aboveground storage tanks. Aboveground storage tanks (AST) only as an
accessory use and only for the purpose of storing fuel for emergency generators. ASTs
must conform to the following requirements:
1. Be of 550 gallons capacity or less.
2. Be installed and operated under a valid permit from the Miami-Dade County
Department of Environmental Resources Management.
3. Be fully screened by a masonry or concrete wall with a self-closing and locking
metal door or gate. Such wall shall be landscaped in accordance with the City's
Landscape Code.
4. Be located in a manner consistent with the site development standards of the
TC1 zoning district.
5. Installation of any AST shall require a building permit from the City. Application
for building permit shall be accompanied by a site plan indicating the location of
the AST relative to property lines, the primary structure served by the AST, any
other structures within 300 feet as well as a landscape plan prepared by a
Florida licensed architect or landscape architect and other supporting
documentation as deemed necessary by the City Manager or designee.
f, !L. Floor areas that are less than the minimum floor areas required by the
provisions of 31-145(5)g hereof.
lr. !h Allocations of interior spaces other than as set forth in section 31-145(b )(7)
R., L. Structured parking that is not incorporated into the building envelope of a
primary use structure, as required by section 31-145(9) hereof.
h 1. Structured parking that can be seen from a primary use building and that does
not have the area of the top level landscaped and/or decoratively paved in order to
provide amenity areas for building occupants, as required by section 31-238 of the
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 22
}.- k. Driveways for mixed-use projects exceeding 20 acres in size with a separation
of less than 150 feet of landscaped frontage as long as it is determined, as part of site
plan review that:
1. Landscaping for the total project site exceeds the minimum requirements of the
Code, and;
2. Traffic studies indicate that a lesser distance between driveways does not
constitute a safety hazard to either vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
*1 Off street parking that does not meet the requirements of section 31-171(b) or
(d) of this Code.
l.m. All uses permitted in the CF District.
R'I. All \,lses I'lermitled as assessor)' \,lses iA tho CF, COR'lR'l\,lAity Fasilitios DiEltrist
(10) Desian Standards. All develooment in the TC1 zonina district shall substantiallv
comolv with the aoolicable "Town Center Desian Guidelines" as orovided bv the Citv
(c) Town Center Marine District (TC2). The following regulations shall apply to all TC2
(12) Desian Standards. All develooment in the TC2 zonina district shall substantiallv
comolv with the aoolicable "Town Center Desian Guidelines" as orovided bv the City
Section 3. Severabilitv. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any
reason be held invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of
the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance, but they
shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand
notwithstanding the invalidity of any part.
Section 4. Inclusion in the Code. It is the intention of the City Commission,
and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be
Ordinance No. 2006- 02
Page 23
made a part of the Code of the City of Aventura; that the sections of this Ordinance
may be renumbered or re-Iettered to accomplish such intentions, and that the word
"Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately
upon adoption on second reading. This Ordinance shall not conflict with or be applied
in any manner that would conflict with any waiver granted by the City Commission
pursuant to Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2005-07. Accordingly, the previously existing
Land Development Regulations shall control any development or redevelopment that is
authorized by a Resolution granting any such waiver.
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Stern, who moved its
adoption at first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Auerbach, and
upon being put to a vote was as follows:
Commissioner Bob Diamond yes
Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes
Commissioner Harry Holzberg yes
Commissioner Michael Stern yes
Commissioner Luz Weinberg yes
Vice Mayor Billy Joel yes
Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Holzberg, who moved its
adoption at second reading. This motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Joel, and upon
being put to a vote was as follows:
Commissioner Bob Diamond yes
Commissioner Zev Auerbach yes
Commissioner Harry Holzberg yes
Commissioner Michael Stern yes
Commissioner Luz Weinberg yes
Vice Mayor Billy Joel yes
Mayor Susan Gottlieb yes
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Ordinance No. 2006- 02
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PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 7th day of February, 2006.
~ .
This Ordinance was filed in the Office of the City Clerk this tday of February. 2006.