01-09-2006 ScMo(}I/visory C/Joanl qory Pyott, Cliairperson Jue" qreen6erg sliapiro, <Via Cliairperson Steplianie osliinsfiy 'Valerie Lustgarten :Marina CBladiman CitY ~7UJJIer 'Em fM. Soro/ip, ICMj/-CfM (elf'lll'lIf;IIO h ~1UU1eme1It C01IUXJrN elia"" Scliaofs VS)I ~ 'Dr. 'J(JJtlierine <Bray ~urpfiy ,,/,V\"('e{{ell('(' City of Aventura Aventura City of Excellence School School Advisory Board AGENDA January 9, 2006 - 7:00 P.M. A ventura City of Excellence School 3333 NE 18Slh Street Aventura. Florida 33180 An "A" Rated School 1. CALL TO ORDER\ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 4. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT 5. VOLUNTEER HOURS REPORT 6. ACES PARENT INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS (Open Forum for Parents' Discussion) 9. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. al1 persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk. 305-466-8901. not later than two days prior to such proceeding. Agenda items may be viewed at the Office of the City Manager, City of Aventura Government Center, 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, Florida. 33180. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of any agenda item should contact the City Clerk at 305-466-8901. .--.----r------.------.'-----------