12-01-2005 Workshop A~~ ., 19200 West Countrv C1uh f>rive Avenhlra_ FT. City Commission Workshop Meeting December 1, 2005 10:00 A.M. Executive Conference Room AGENDA 1. Recommended Land Development Regulation Amendments (City Manager)* 2. Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-8901, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: City Commission r Eric M. Soroka, I~~M, City Mana November 21, 2005 SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to Land Development Regulations December 1, 2005 City Commission Workshop At the workshop meeting of November 17, 2005, staff presented proposed amendments to the Land Development Regulations. These amendments were based on a series of workshops over the past year relating to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the recommendations of that report. Based on discussion at the November 17, 2005 workshop, the following revisions are recommended: 1. A new phrase has been added to the paragraph added to "Authority and Purpose" of the Land Development Regulations to recognize redevelopment that is authorized by City Commission following conditional use approval. 2. The definition of "redevelopment" has now been separated into two definitions; one for residential development and one for commercial redevelopment. 3. The "Purpose" language for residential districts has been revised to remove the restriction on additional intensity (floor area) on redevelopment, but limits redevelopment to existing density and number of bedrooms. 4. The reduced density of 45 dwelling units per acre and the reduced height of 25 stories for RMF4 districts remains the same as presented at the first workshop, along with conditional use for density to 60 dwelling units per acre and height of 30 stories. 5. The "Purpose" language for business districts has been revised to remove the restriction on additional intensity (floor area) on - ..,.---...--- redevelopment and confirms that redevelopment will be subject to the revised site development standards. 6. The reduced height in the B2 zone of 12 stories for properties not fronting on Biscayne Boulevard and 7 stories for properties on Biscayne Boulevard, with conditional use to 12 stories, remains the same as presented at the first workshop. 7. The maximum density for residential uses in the MO district remains the same as presented at the first workshop at 25 dwelling units per acre. 8. The removal of the previous range in open space, lot coverage and setbacks depending on the amount of structured parking on site remains the same as presented at the first workshop. One of the public comments at the first workshop was that the City Commission should consider a vested rights process as part of these LOR amendments. Staff is not recommending any new vested rights procedure. The original 1999 LORs provided a mechanism for vested rights. An interpretation was made at that time by the City Attorney that vested rights may be claimed only on undeveloped land. Applications timely filed in 1999 were approved if they met the criteria of the code and those vested rights agreements remain in effect until the vacant land is developed or until the expiry date of the agreement. Vested rights applications were not accepted for developed property. The proposed revisions will allow development and redevelopment of commercial parcels to the proposed site development standards, development of residential parcels to the proposed site development standards and redevelopment of residential parcels"to existing density and number of bedrooms. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 2 I ,EAR Based LDR Amendments Description/Background of Proposed Amendments: Underlined provisions constitute proposed additions to existing text; striskeR tl=lreblgt-l provisions indicate proposed deletions from existing text. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Sec. 31-2. Authority and purpose. The LDRs shall provide a cohesive blueprint for development and redevelopment of the City bv addressinq strateqies to accommodate qrowth while maintaininq neiqhborhood inteqrity: ensure appropriate heiqht and site development requirements and desiqn quidelines: ensure appropriate transitions and linkaqes between different neiqhborhoods and uses: encouraqe more walkable neiqhborhoods: buffer neiqhborhoods and existinq development from the encroachment of incompatible uses: limit the intensity of future development and redevelopment in a manner that is consistent with current development patterns and that minimizes further neqative impacts to the City's infrastructure. traffic conqestion. hurricane evacuation clearance times and qualitv of life and prevent redevelopment of a residential parcel in a manner that would increase its existinq .densitv. unless redevelopment of said parcel is within a redevelopment area contained or envisioned bv the Citv's Comprehensive Plan or will implement specific development or redevelopment qoals or plans that mav be established. for particular areas bv the Citv Commission or is provided bv express Iv authorized conditional use approval. Sec. 31-21. Definitions. Developer shall mean any person, corporation, partnership, other legal entities or a governmental agency. undertaking any development and/or redevelopment as defined in these LDRs. Deve/opment shall mean the construction. alteration or material chanqe to vacant land and will be limited in its applicability to those properties shown on the City of Aventura Vacant Land Map included as Fiqure 11.A.3 in the 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Citv's Comprehensive Plan. Development on all other parcels not shown as vacant land on the City of Aventura Vacant Land Map will be considered Redevelopment. See Redevelopment.CarryiR[l o~t of aRY tJ~ileiR[l aetivity or miniR[l ol3eration, the mal{iR[l of any material sAan[le in tAe ~se or al3l3eaFaRse of any str~cturo or laRe, or lho dividing of land into pareols. The following activities or uses more specifically, but without limitation. shall be taken for the purposes of these regulations to constitute "development": (1) .^. resoRslr~etion. alloFatioR of or malerial change iR IAe ellleRt or al3l3eaFllRSe of a str~et~re en iand. ..,.-n...._ ..,.- [ ~Ieted: ~ 1 Deleted: Deleted: inlensitv or { Deleted: are or that miaht (2) .^. shan€le in the inteRcity of Ilse of lane, sllsh as an insrease in the R~",ller sf swelliRll ~Rits in a 6tr~6t~F8 sr SR laRs, sr aR iRsreass iR ths R~",llsr sf tHu:iR8SS8S, FRaRl;lfachuing ost:J.bIiEhmoflt, sr sffis9E. (6 1) Alteration of shore or bank of a lake, pond, or canal, including any "coastal construction" as defined in F.S. !l161.021. (4 f.) Commencement of drilling, mining, or excavation on a parcel of land, except to obtain soil samples. (5) De",slitillR sf a structure. (e;n Clearing of land as an adjunct of construction. (71) Deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste, or fill on a parcel of land. The following operations or uses shall not be construed for the purpose of these reguiations to involve "development": (1) Work by a highway or road agency or railroad company for the maintenance of a road or railroad track, if the work is carried out on land within the boundaries of the right-of-way. (2) Work by any utility and other persons engaged in the distribution or transmission of gas, water, sewerage, or electricity, for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, renewing, or constructing within any established rights-of-way any sewers, mains, pipes, cables utility tunnels, powerlines, towers, poles, tracks, or the like. (3) Work for the maintenance, renewal, or alteration of any structure, if the work affects only the interior or the color of the structure or the decoration of the exterior of the structure. (4) The use of any structure or land devoted to dwelling uses for any purposed customarily incidental to enjoyment of the dwelling. (5) A change in the ownership or form of ownership of any parcel or structure. (6) The creation or termination of rights of access, riparian rights, easements, covenants concerning development of land, or other rights in land. (7) The use of any land for the purpose of growing plants, crops, trees, and other agriculture or forestry products; raising livestock; or for other agricultural purposes. __.._-.,.-n..._ ~...,..- . (8) A change in use of a structure from a use within a zoning district to another use in the same zoning district. Development includes all other development customarily associated with it unless otherwise specified. When appropriate to the context, development refers to the act of development or to the result of development. Reference to any specific operation is not intended to mean that the operation or activity when part of other operations or activities, is not development. Reference to particular operations is not intended to limit the generality of this definition. Development Approval, development order or development permit shall mean any building permit, site plan approval, conditional use approval, temporary use permit, subdivision approval, change of land use district boundary, plan amendment or any other official action to grant, deny or grant with conditions, issued by any official, commission, or board of the City having the effect of permitting development andior redevelopment. Redevelopment (Residential) shall mean the demolition and reconstruction, renewal, alteration or material chanae in the extent or appearance of a residentiallv zoned structure or structures or sianificant part of a structure or structures andlor a chanae in the densitY- of use of land. such as an increase in the number of dwellina units in a structure or on land. andlor an increase in the number of bedrooms. . Redevelopment (Commercial) shall mean the demolition and reconstruction. renewal. alteration or material chanae in the extent or appearance of a commerciallv zoned structure or structures or sianificant part of a structure or structures andlor a chanae in the intensitv of use of land. such as an increase in floor area or an increase in the number of businesses. manufacturina establishment or offices. Redevelopment includes all other development customarilv associated with it unless otherwise specified. When appropriate to the context. redevelopment refers to the act of redevelopment or to the result of redevelopment. Reference to anv specific operation is not intended to mean that the operation or activity when part of other operations or activities. is not redevelopment. Reference to particular operations is not intended to limit the aeneralitv of this definition. Sec. 31-143. Residential Zoning Districts. (a) Purpose. These residentiai districts are intended to provide for residential development in conformance with the parcel's Future Land Use Map designation. A residential parcel's zoning designation shall be equivalent to the designation of the Future Land Use Map. The number of dwelling units permitted per gross acre of a zoning parcel, as defined in the 1Q.Rs,shaU notexceedthetotal -- -r---n- ~.-T- ( Deleted: ( Deleted:_ Deleted: floor area or an increase in the number of businesses manufacturinn Astablishment or ~11 { Deleted: DL number of dwelling units permitted by the City's Comprehensive Plan designation for the zoning parcel. The uses within this district shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Residential land Use Plan category or Town Center Land Use Plan category permitted uses. These zoning districts shall be applied to land designated Residential on the City's Future Land Use Map. A development parcel may have a maximum number of dwelling units based on an adopted development order or resolution. Develooment of a Darcel shall be subiectto the Site Develooment Criteria set out in the zonina districts of this Section. Subseauent redevelooment shall be limited to existina densitv and number of bedrooms. More soecificallv, for anv orooertv on which the densitv.allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bv existina develooment. the new densitv.on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Deveiopment Standards and further provided that if the develooment has received site plan aooroval. is under construction or existed orior to the effective date of this provision with densitv lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelooment shall be limited to that lower density and to the existina number of bedrooms. Excepted from this provision is redevelooment that is contained or envisioned in the Citv's Comorehensive Plan or such additional oarcells) that will imolement specific development or redevelooment aoals that mav be established for oarticular areas bv the City Commission or redevelooment that is provided bv exoresslv authorized conditional use aoorovaL (b) Residential Single-Family District (RS1). The following regulations shall apply to all RS1 districts. (3) Site development standards. a. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exceotion that anv orooertv on which the densitv .allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bv existina develooment. the new density .on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Develooment Standards and further provided that if develooment has received site plan aooroval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this provision with density I lower than allowed bv this Section,. redevelooment shall be limited to that lower density and to the existina number of bedrooms. (c) Single-Family Residential Districts (RS2). The following regulations shall apply to all RS2 districts. (3) Site development standards. -,.-'..--..- -'-r- ..' Deleted: and/or inlensijv. Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensilv ( Deleted: and/or intensity , "--) { Deleted: lor intensity. { Deleted: followino a oublic hearina ) Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: andfor inlensilv i Deleted: :nd~or in'i:'ilv Deleted: for IOtenSltv. Q. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that anv properlv on which the densitv .allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existinq development. the new density .on. redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this provision with density lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited to that lower densitv and to the existinq number of bedrooms. (d) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3). The following regulations shall apply to all RMF3 Districts. (3) Site development standards. k. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall foliow the Site Deveiopment Standards with the exception that anv propertv on which the density .allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existinq development. the new densitv .on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this provision with densitv lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited to that lower densitv and to the existinq number of bedrooms,.. (e) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3A). The following regulations shall apply to all RMF3A Districts. (3) Site development standards. k. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that anv propertv on which the densitv .allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existinq development. the new densitv .on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this provision with density lower than allowed bv this Section. redevelopment shall be limited to that lower density and to the existinq number of bedrooms. (f) Multifamily High Density Residential Districts (RMF4). The following regulations shall apply to all RMF4 Districts. Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: andlor intensity Deleted: lor intensity. Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: lorintensitv Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity i :::: ;~~:.~~:;:';~ (1) Purpose of districts. The purpose and intent of this district is to provide suitable sites for the development of well-planned, environmentally compatible medium-high density multifamily residential use in areas consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element. Densities shall not exceed ell 45 units per gross acre. (2a) Conditional Use. The following uses may be established if first approved as a conditional use: a. All uses permitted in the CF zone. b. Uses that exceed the heiaht limitation. to a maximum heiaht of 30 stories or 300 feet. c. Uses that exceed the density limitation, to a maximum of 60 dwellino units per oross acre. (3) Site development standards. b. Maximum height: 1. Duplexes: Two stories or 25 feet. 2. Townhouses: Three stories or 35 feet. 3. High-rise apartments: 4Q 25 stories or 400 250 feet. i. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that any property on which the density .allowedbv theuSite Development Standards is exceeded bv existino development. the new densitv .on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the development has received site plan approval. is under construction or existed prior to the effective date of this provision with densitv ihan allowed by this Section,redevelopment shall be limited to that lower densitv and to the existino number of bedrooms. . (g) Multifamily Medium Density Residential Districts (RMF3B). (4) i. Development shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelopment shall follow the Site Development Standards with the exception that anv propertv on which the densitv .allowed bv the Site Development Standards is exceeded bv existino development. the new densitv .on redevelopment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Development Standards and further provided that if the initial development was constructed with densitv I Jower than allowed bv this Section. redeveloQment shall be limited to that lower densitv and to the existino number of bedrooms. Sec. 31-144 Business Zoning Districts. Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity lower Deleted: lor intensity. Deleted: and/or intensity Deleted: and/or intensity .--J 1 I Deleted: and/or intensity { Deleted: lor intensity. (a) Purpose. These business districts are intended to provide for commercial development in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and provide for a variety of zoning districts to accommodate the City's business and commerce needs. These zoning districts may be applied to land designated Business and Office and Industrial and Office on the City's Future Land Use Map, however, the uses within this district shali be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Business and Office and Industrial and Office category permitted uses. Development and/or redevelopment of a parcel in the Business Zonina Districts shali be subiect to the Site Development Standards set out in the zonina districts of this Section. The floor area ratio permitted in Business Zonina Districts shali not exceed the maximum of 2.0 as set out in the Business and Office Future Land Use Cateaorv in the City's Comprehensive Plan. '(b) Neighborhood Business (B1) District. This district is intended to provide primarily for retail sales to a surrounding neighborhood. Retail stores permitted therein are intended to inciude primarily convenience goods which are usualiy a daily necessity for a residential neighborhood. The district is appropriate for location on a coliector or an arterial roadway. (1) Uses permitted. No building or structure, or part thereof, shali be erected, altered or used, or land used in whole or part for other than one or more of the foliowing specific uses provided the requirements set forth elsewhere in this section are satisfied: (g) IRstitutions S~CR GE: places sf wor-sRip, liBraries, m~ce~ms ami similar faGilities. (k 91 Antique shops. (i- ill Restaurants and coffee houses or dining room where kitchen is screened or located altogether within an enclosed building or room and with ample provisions for carrying away or dissipating fumes, odors, smoke or noise and where premises are sO arranged and the business is so conducted as not to be offensive or create a nuisance to occupants of adjoining premises or to passersby. (j j) Restaurants and cafes may serve alcoholic beverages where such service is strictly incidental to the service of food and from a service bar only provided no entertainment of any kind is furnished. (k il No sign or any type of character shali be exhibited or displayed to the outside denoting that aicoholic beverages are obtainable within. W Uses accessory to any of the above uses when located on the same plot. Deleted: Oevelooment of a Darcel shall be subiect to the Site Develooment Criteria set out in the zonina districts of this Section. Subseouent redevelonmenl shall he limited to Axistina density and/or intensity More soecificallv for any mooertv on which the density and/or intensity allowed bv the Sile Develoomenl Standards is exceeded bv existino develooment the new density and/or intensity on redevelooment shall nol exceed thai allowed in the Sile Oeveloomenl Standards and further orovided that if the develooment has received site olan aooroval is under construction or existina orior to the effective date of this orovision with densilv and/or intensilv lower than allowed bv this Section redevelooment shall be limited to that lower densilv and/or lntensilv EXC'.AotAd from this orovision is redevelooment that is contained or envisioned in the City's ComorehAnsive Plan or such additional oarcells) that will imolement soecific develooment or redevelooment ooals that may be established for oarticular areas bv the Cilv Commission followino a oublic - U U I Deleted: U Formatted: Font: Italic (5) Site DeveJoJJment Standards f. Development andlor redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. '(c) Community Business (B2) District. This district is intended primarily to provide for general commercial activity for a wide range of goods and services to the entire community and sub region. Such businesses generally require locations convenient for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and would be expected to have orientation toward and direct access to arterial roadways. (2) Conditional use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use: I. Uses that exceed the heioht limitation for properties frontino on Biscavne Boule.vard in this district. UP to a maximum heioht of 12 stories or 120 feet. (5) Site development standards. a. Floor area ratio and lot coverage and m:Rlmflm !fJRfi6Gaped ep8R &paGe requirements: For fl~rpOGOG ef this flaragraph a., str~Gt~re flarkin~ shall net count as part of tho floor oroa, but may ee eeuntcd toward cale~latien Elf the fleer (lrca ratio. 1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall be incorporated into the buiiding envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements. 2. Fer those buildings with zcre dd flereent ef the reEluirea fl(lrkin~ leeatea within a flarl(in~ str~Gt~re: The fleer area ratio shall be 9.49 at ene steF)' ana shall ee inereased by 0.11 fDr cach additional stery. The telal let Geverago flermillea for alle~ilaingG on tho site sRall net el(GeeEl 49 flerGent Elf the tetallet area. TRe tEltal minimum lanElscapeEl open space required sRallee dd flement ef tho total lot orea. Howevor, if struolurD porl(in~ level(s) islare Ge~nteEl tewarEls calGulatieA of the f1eor arca ratio than thc total lot covcrage flermilleEl fer all e~iIEliA~s an the site shall not exceed a8 percent af tRe tetal lat ar-ea. J\E1aitiaAally, tRe tetal minimum lanaSGafled eflen space r-eEl~irea sRall ee de flerGent eftRo total lot oroa. d. Fer thoso buildings with dd flercent ee flerGent ef lhe reEl~ireEl flarl~iA~ leGatea within a flarl(ing strue~ure: The flaer area ratio shallee 9.49 at ene story anEl sRallee incFOased by 0.11 for each additional story. The tEllallElt GEl'/erage flermilleEl fer alle~i1E1ings en the site shall Aet exceed 40 flerGeAt ef lhe tetallot area. The total minimum landscapod opon space reEl~irea shallee de flerGeAt Elf the tEltal lot aroa. Howovor, if structuro porldng le'lol(s) isiare ce~Alea tewaras -'-'~._---'----'--""'-""--'._'+--'--"--"'--'-"-'--'- .' Deleted: (5) Site development standarcls.'1I ...~ f. Develooment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelooment shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exeeotion that any Drooertv on which the density and/or intensity allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bv existina develooment the new density and/or intAn!'litv on redeVAlooffiAnt shall not exceed that allowed in the SitA Develooment Standards and further Drovided that if the develooment has received SitA alan aaoroval is under construction or existed Drior to the effective date of this orovision with den!'lltv and/or intensity lower than allowed bv this Section redevelaament !'lhall be limited to that lower density and/or ~11 , ~ Deleted: j ealelllation of 1110 f1aor area ratio lI1en tl1e tatal lot co\'era~e ~eFmittea fer all gyi/dings en tho sito shall net e,<cooe ~5 persent ef tAe total lot area. AaailiaRally, tRe tolal minimum laRa"s"~ea a~en spase re~Yiraa "Rail Be 37 !lsrGSnt af the tatallat arou. 4. Far tRose I3Yildings with 66 porsent 1 gG percent of tRe reE1~ir-ed parking leGated '.vitR a parking structure: TRe lIeer area ratio shall l3e GAG at ene stary and sRalll30 inGreaGec:lBY 0.11 for oaGh aaaitional story. TRG tatallat ca'.'eFa!la !lsrmillGa fer all e~ilaingc on tho Gita GRail nat e,waea 48 !lsrGant af Il1s talal lat ar-ea. TRe 101", minimum I"nascupad opan spasa reE1~ired shalll3s 39 persent of Iha talal lat araa. I-lawavor, if structura parlling lovol(s) isfara se~ntea towards sals~lation of tha flaar uroa mtio thon tRe tatal lot Govera!le pormillsa fer all b~ildings an tho sito shUll not e)(ceod 38 parcant of the totallat ar-ea' /\ddilionally tRe tatal minimum landscaped open spase re~uired shall sa 4G percent of tRo tstallst area. 2. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for each additional stOry. Structure oarkina shall not count as part of the floor area. but shall be counted in computina buildina heiaht and number of stories. The total lot coveraae permitted for all buildinas on the site shall not exceed 40 parcent of the total lot area. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinas in this district in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. b. Maximum height: For those properties frontina on Biscavne Boulevard. 7 stories or 70 feet overall maximum heiah!. includina structured parkina. For those properties not fronting on Biscayne Boulevard, ;W .1Lstories or ~ 120 feet overall maximum height, including structure parking. For p~rpases af tAis para€lFaph b., structuro parking shull not bo ea~ntoe in samp~tin€l n~meer af starias e~t shull bo countod in comp~ting avarall mmdm~m RoigR!. That portion of the building or structure within 200 feet of any residential zone shall be subject to a height limitation of one foot for every two feet in distance from the residential zoned plot unless the application of this requirement would limit the building height to a minimum of 25 fee!. c. Minimum lot area and width: There shall be no minimum required width or area of plot except as otherwise provided. d. Setbacks: Far p~rpasas af this paragrapR e., str~etura parlling iAssrparated witlliA tRo building aAvalape shull count towurd tho n~meer af stories. Front yard: not less than 25 feet in depth Street side yard: not less than 20 feet in depth Side and Rear yard: There is no side or rear vard setback reauired for a plot which is not adiacent to a street or allev. A side and rear vard setback T---- ~.-T.- of 20 feet in depth is required for a plot adjacent to a residentiallv zoned district. street or allev. 1. ThoGe buildingG .....hOGO tetal R~FRaer ef stories is aelweeR zere aRa teR sile f1eeFS, including any struct~re ~arl(jng iReorporelea VlitRin tRe a~i1aiRg eR'/elel'le, sRall Rave a frent yard net leGs than 25 foot in ael'ltR. ~'Jel')' I'llet shall Ra'/e a street siae yara ef net less tRaR 20 feet depth. There is Re siae er r-ear yar.a selback required for a plot WRiGR is not aEliaGeRt to a street er alley. .^. siEle aRa rear yarEl setsaGI< of 29 feet is reEi~ireEl wReR aEliaseRt ta a resiaaRtially zeRea aistriet, stroet ar alloy. 2. Those b~ilaings whose total number of stories is satweeR 11 seveR aAa 29 12 floors, including any structure parking incorporataa witRiR tRe s~i1aiAg eRvelal'le, shall Rave a froRt yara Retless tRan :35 feet in depth. Evel')' I'llat sRall Rave a street siae yara ef Retloss thaR :35 feet in dopth. TRere is Re siae er rear yar.a setaask reEi~irea for a plot which is not adjacontlo a street er alley. II siae aRa rear yard solbacl< of 35 foot is roquirod whoR aEliaseRt te a resiaeRtially zaRea aistrict, stroot or alloy. :3. Thoso buildings whoso total R~FRSer ef steries elweeas 20 flaers iRsl~aiAg any str~st~re parkiRg iRssrl'lsratea witRiR tRe builaiAg eAvelel'le, sRall Rave a fraRt yara Rat loss thQn 15 foot in doptR. Everl plat sRall Ra'io Q str-eot siae yar.a ef not loss thaR 11; feot iR aoptR. TRore is no sido er rear yara setbasl( reEi~irea fer a plet wRich is not adiacontto a stroot er alley. ^ siae aRa rear yard setsask ef 15 loot is roquirea wReR adjacont to a residontially zeRea aistriet, street ar alloy. e. Structure parking: All structure parking shall be compatibly designed to complement the primary use structure for which it serves. Parking structure ceiling heights shall be seven feet six inches except where greater heights may be required by other regulatory agencies. Pipes, ducts and mechanical equipment installed below the ceiling shall not be lower than seven feet zero inches above finish floor. f. Develooment andlor redevelooment shall be subiectto the criteria set out in this Section. I ~d) Heavy Business(B3) District. This district is intended to provide locations for planned commercial centers, sharing a common identity, parking and other support facilities developed according to an overall development plan; and for a wide range of goods and services to serve a market beyond the community itself. Such commercial concentrations are expected to draw substantial patronage from outside areas and are not expected to serve the convenience needs of local residents. As such, these c,enters should be oriented towards and have direct access to arterial roadways, particularly major arterials. ..,.- ---- Deleted: f Develooment shall be subiect to the criteria sel oul in this Section Redevelooment shall follow the Site Develoomenl Standards with the exceotion that any mODertv on which the density and/or intensity allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceooAd bvexistino develooment the new density and/or intensity on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Develooment Standards and further orovided that if the develooment has received site olan aODroval is under construction or existed Drior to the effective date of this Drovision with density and/or intensity lower than allowed bv this Section redevelooment shall be limited to that lower density and/or intensitv.'" ~ (2) Conditional use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use: a. Uses that exceed the heiaht limitation for properties frontina on Biscavne Boule.vard in this district. UP to a maximum heiaht of 12 stories or 120 feet. (6) Site development standards. a. Floor area ratio and lot coverage ami mfR/mum lamisGi1/3sfi SpSR Sf)8GS requirements: For ~~r~oses of this ~ara9ra~11 a., struGt~ra ~arkiR9 611all not Ga~Rt a6 part of the fioor area, but may be counted toward calc~latiaR af tl1a fiaar ar-ea Fatio. 1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements. 2. Far tRese 8uildings with zera 33 flercent of the requirea flarlling lacatea within a parking structure: The floor area ratio shall be 0.10 at ORa story aRa sl1all Ila increased by 0.11 for each additional story. Tl1a tatal lat cavarage flermitlaa lor all 8uilaiRgs eR the site sl1all net e)(ceea 10 flerGent of tl1a tatallat area. Tl1e total minimum landscaped open space rDquires sl1alllle 33 flerGeRt af tl1e total let area. However. if.str~eture flarlling level(s) islare eouRtes towarEls ealeulatien ef tl1e fleor area ratie tl1eR tl1e tetal let ceverage fler-mitles for all 8~ilsiRgS on the site shall not exceed 38 percont. of tl1e total lot ar-ea. .\ssitionally, the total minimum landsca~ea ofleR s~ace re~~irea sl1all Ile 38 ~ereeRt of tl1e total lot area. 3. Fer those buildings with 33 percent 611 percont of tRe re~uires flaFlliRg loeates witAiR a ~arl\ing structure: TAe fieer area ratie sAalllle Q.1Q at ORe story aRS sAall 8e iRcreases by 0.11 lor eacA asditional star;. TAe total lot eeverage ~ermitles for all buildings on the site shall Ret 6lwees 10 ~ereeAt ef tAe total let area. TAe tetai minimum laRElsca~ed efleR s~ace requires sAalllle 311 flereent ef tAe tetal let area. Hewever, if structure flarlliRg level(s) islar-e eeuRtes tewaFds ealeulatien of the floor area ratio then the totai lot coverage flermiltes for all buildings on the site shall not m(Qeed 35 percent ef tRe total lot area. I\ssitionally, tho total minimum landscaped open space re~uires sl1all Ile 37 ~erGaRt of tho total lot area. 1. Fer those buildings 'tIith 66 flercent 1 OQ ~ereent ef tAe re~uires flarlliRg locates witA a l3arl\ing structure: TAe floer area mtio sAalllle 0.1Q at eRe story aRs sAalllle increased by 0.11 for eacA assitienal stery. TAe tetallet eeverage fleFmiltes fer all Iluildings on the site sAall Rot m(Qoed 18 flereeRt ef tAa total let ar-ea. TAe total minimum landscapes ol3en space requirod shalllle 3Q ~er~eRt of tRa tetal let area. Hewover, if structure ~aFlliRg lev81(s) islaFe se~Rtes tewaFds ealsulatieR ef tho Iloor orca ratio then tho total lot covera~e flermiltes for all 1 Deleted:! llYileiA!lS en the sile sh311 not excoed J5 !)erceRt of tRe tolJllel3rea. /\eeiliclRally tRa telal minimum landscaped open space requireG shall lla 49 ~arcaAt of tha tatallat area. 2. The floor area ratio shall be 0.40 at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for each additional stOry. Structure parkina shall not count as part of the floor area. but shall be counted in computina buildina heiaht and number of stories. The total lot coveraqe permitted for all buildinqs on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinos in this district in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. b. Maximum height: For those properties frontino on Biscavne Boulevard. 7 stories or 70 feet overall maximum heiohl. includino structured parkino. For those properties not fronting on Biscayne Boulevard, :w 12....stories or 344 120 feet overall maximum height, including structure parking. Far ~~F~asa6 af tRis ~aFa~rapR s., structuro parlling shall AOt se CO~AtOG iA comp~tiA~ A~msar of stories s~t shall be cpuntes iA computing overall maximum heighl. That portion of the building or structure within 200 feet of any residential zone shall be subject to a height limitation of one foot for every two feet in distance from the residential zoned plot unless the application of this requirement would limit the building height to a minimum of 25 feel. c. Minimum lot area and width: There shall be no minimum required width or area of plot except as otherwise provided. d. Setbacks: For purposos of this paragraph G., structure ~arlliA~ iAcar~arateEl '....itRiA IRa s~ilding onvolopo sRall co~nt towars tRe n~mser of stories. Front vard: not less than 25 feet in depth Street side vard: not less than 20 feet in depth Side and Rear vard: There is no side or rear yard setback re~uired for a plot which is not adiacent to a street or allev. A side and rear yard setback of 20 feet in depth is reauired for a plot adiacent to a residentiallv zoned district. street or allev. 1. Thoso buildings whoco total numbor of stories is selweeA zem aAa teA sill !IaaFS, including any slr~cture parlliA~ incorporatea witRiA tRa s~ilaiA~ eAvelope, sRall have a front yarG not loss than 25 foot in daplR. Every !llet sRall Rave a street side yard of not loss than 20 feet deplR. TRere is Ae siae er r-ear yara selsacll requirod fm a plot '....hich is not adjacont 10 a street or alley. A siae aAa rear yard solbacll of 20 foot is required whon adjaceAt to a r-esiaentially zanea aistrict, street or alley, 2. TRoso s~i1dings whoso total numbor of slories is belween 11 seven aREI 29 12 fioors, iRel~ding any str~et~re !larl<in~ incorporatea '....iIRiA tRa s~ilaiA~ eAvele!le, shall have a front yara Aot less IRan de feet in ae!ltR. E'/llry !llat sRall Ra>.'9 a street side yard 01 not less than :l5 foet in deptl-1. Tllere is AS Eise sr Fear yard setback required for a plot which is not aEljacont to a stmot sr alley. fI. ciae aRa Fear yard setback of 35 foet ic re~~ir-eEl WRen aEljacent te a mciEleRtially zORea aistriG!. stroet or alloy. 3. TRoso buildings whoso total numser ef sleries el16eeaS 20 floerc including any structure pari<ing incorporalea wilRin tRe s~ildiA!! eR'lols!,e. CRail ha'le a front yard AOt le~~ tho A 4 a feet in depth. E'/ery plot shall Rave a street siae yara of not less than 4 a feet in aepth. There is ne side er rear yarn seteasl< required f{)r a plot which is not adjacent Ie a street er alley. t\ sido ana rear yar-€l setsacl'. ef 45 foet is re~~irea when oajocont to 0 residentially zenea aislriG!. street or alloy. f. Development andlor redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. (e) Office Park (OP) District. This district is intended to provide for high quality. semi-professional and professionai offices in a campus setting reflecting creative design and environmentally compatibie use of space and perimeter buffer areas. This zoning district may be applied to land designated Business and Office and Industrial and Office on the City's Future Land Use Map. however. the uses within this district shall be consistent with. but may be more restrictive than. the corresponding Business and Office and Industrial and Office category permitted uses. (4) Site development standards. v b. Maximum height: No building'or structure. or part thereof shall be erected to a height exceeding ten stories or 4+e 100 feet overall maximum height. including structure parking. For purposos ef tRis !,aragraph b.. structure parkin!! sRall Aet ee ce~Atea in computing numbor of storios e~t shall se ce~Atea in cemp~tin!! e\'erall maximum hoight. c. Floor area ratio and lot coverage: For purposos of tAis !,ara!!r-a!,R e.. stFUel~ro !,arlliA!! sRall Aet ee~nt as !,art of tho floor oroa. but may se ee~Alea le','lilFEl ealeulatien of tho fleer area HOllie. 1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements. 2. Fer those buildings with zero 33 percont of the roquirea !,arkiA!! leeatea .....itRin a !,arl<ing str~eturo: TAe fleer area ralie SAolI se 0.10 at eAe elery ami sRall se increased by 0.11 for easR oaaitienol stery. TRe lelal let eevera€le -- Deleted: f. Develoomenl shall be subiect 10 the criteria set out in this Section. Redevelooment shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exceotion that any orooertv on which the density and/or intensity allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bvexistino develooment the new density and/or intensity on redevelooment shall not exceed that allowed in the Site Develooment Standards and further orovided that if the develooment has received site olan aooroval is under construction or existed Drior to the effective date of this orovision with density and/or intensity lower than allowed bv this Section redevelooment shall be limited to that lower density and/or intensitv.'U ...~ flermiltod for 311 b~i1(jings on the site sh311 not exceed 4Q flercent of the tetallol aFea. Hewever, if str~cturo parking lovol(s) islare seuRleEllewar-as salGulalieR ef IRe lIeer area ralie IROR IRe letal 101 covorago pormilleE! fer all BuilE!iRlls eR IRe sita sl1all not exceed 38 percent ef tl1e total let area. 3. For those buildings with 33 perseRt ee poreont of Ihe re~uiree parl<iR!ij lesateE! within a parl<ing ctr~Glure: TRe 1I0or area ratio chall Be gAg at ene slory aRs sl1allse increases sy 0.11 for each additional stery. Tl1e tetallet ceveFa!je permittea fer allSuilain!ijc en tho sito shall Ret Ol<eeea 19 perGant af IRe telallet area. Hewever, if slr~Gture parking level(s) is/are eounlea lewards GalGulalion of IRa fleer arca ratie tl1en lhe lolal lot coverage pormittea fer all suilaings eR tRe site sl1all not exceed 35 pement ef the tetallot area. 1. Fer those buildings with 66 porcoRt1 gO percent ef 1l1e raEluir~s parkiRg leGates with a parl.ing ctructuro: The fleer area ratie sRallse 0.19 at ORe stery aRs sRall bo incroasod by 0.11 for eaGh aElaitional ctory. TAe tatallet soverage permittee for all buildings OR the site shall not o)(cood 15 pemeRt af tl1e total lot area. Hawovor, if structuro parking lovol(s) is/are eounted lawarEls calsulatieR ef lhe fleer area ratio then tho total lot eoverage permitted for all suilsin!js eR 1l1e site shall not o)(cood 35 porceRt of the lotallot area. 2. The floor area ratio shall be DAD at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for each additional stOry. Structure parkinG shall not count as part of the floor area. but shall be counted in computinG buildinG heiGht and number of stories. The total lot coveraGe permitted for all buildinGs on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinGS in this district in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. d. Setbacks: No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned property or within ten feet of any street line. For purposes ef this par-agr-apl1 a., structure parking incorporatod will1in lhe suilaing envelepo shall saunlloward lho number of clorios. Front Yard: not less than 50 feet in depth. Street Side Yard: not less than 15 feet in depth Rear Yard: not less than 25 feet in depth. Adiacent to anv RS districts. the rear 'lard setback shall be 30 feet in depth. 1. Tl10se suiiaiRgs wl10se total numBor of storios is sOpt.-eaR zere aRa teR floors, ineluaing any ctructurc parking incorporatod within the building on'/olope, shall l1ave a front yard not loss than 50 foot in depth. every plat sRall l1ave a streot sido yard of not 10SG than 15 loot depth. Ever! plot upon wRiel1 a stru61ure is l1arealior oroctoa shall have a minimum roar yare of 25 foel. .'\8jasont to any R8 aistrictc tho setback shall bo 30 foot. -- .-r._.._~ 2. TAose D~ildings wAose total R~mDer at stories eXGeess teR tleeFE, iAsl~aiAg any structure parl,iAg iAs"rparated within the 13~i1aiAg eA'telape. shall Rave a trant yara natless tRaA eO feet in aeptR. Every plat sl1all Rave a street siae yara ef Aotless thaA 25 feet in depth. Ever; fllot ~fleA wAien a str~el~re is nereafler ereetea sRall have a minimum roar yara sf 2e feel. I\EijaeeAlla aAY RS aistrists the setback shall be ae fool. a. Those buildings '.'.'hose tstal n~mBer of stories exe99as 29 f1eeFE: insl~aiAg any slr~st~re parking ineorfleratea withiA tRe suilaiA(l envelefle, sRall Ra','e a front yard not loss IRaA 4 e feet iA deplh. E','ery plst snail Rave a street siae yara sf nstloss tRan 45 feet in depth. Thoro is ns siae sr rear yar-i:l setsasl( reEluirea fsr a flist wRich is nst adjacent to a stroot ar alley. ^ sida ana r-ear yar-i:l setsasl, af 1&-f-eel--i5-Fe<:juimd when adjacont t" a residentially zoned aistrist, street ar alley. e. Minimum open space: Minimum open space shall be 22 percent of the net lot i!@g. Landscaped open space may include entrance features, passive recreational uses andlor pedestrian walkways. This minimum requirement may also include 50 percent of roof decks and other above grade surfaces which are provided and maintained for the common benefit of all occupants of the building. Water bodies may be used as part of the required landscaped open space but such water areas shall not be credited for more than 20 percent of the required open space. 1. TRsse buildings whoso latal numser sf stories is belweeA zeFll aAa teA flSSFS, incl~ain(l any struGturod flarl,iAg incorporated wilhin Ine Builain(l emelsfle, sRall nave a minimum eflen spase of 22 perGent sf the Aet let area. If slruGlure flarl(iA(llevel(s) islare counlod towards ealculalieA ef Iho floor area ralie, lI'leA IRe lelal minimum iandscapod opon spaco reEluirea shall be 25 perseAt sf IRe letal let area. 2. TRese buildings whoso Istal numser of slories exceeds ten flesrs, iAsluaiA(l any slruGlured parl(ing incorporated within tho suiiaing eAvelefle, sRall have a miAimlJm opon spaDa of 2e flerDont of tRe Aot lot aroa. If slrustur-e flarl(iAg level(s) islaro countod towards calculation sf the fleor area rati" , Ihen tRe tstal miAimum laAdsGaped opon spaco roquirod shall se 28 flerGent sf tRe Islal lot area. q. Development andlor redevelopment shall be subiectto the criteria set out in this Section. . (f) Medical Office (MO) District. This district is intended to provide for medical offices and other uses supporting the medical profession associated with the hospital. This zoning district may be applied to land designated Business and Office on the City's Future Land Use Map, however the uses within this district ~""""T-"-"'- ---r- Deleted: Q. Develooment shall be subiect to the criteria sel out in this Section RedevelonmAnt shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exceotion that any orooertv on which the densitY and/or intensity allowed bv the Site Oeveloomenl Standards is exceeded bv Axislino develooment the new density and/or intensity on redevelonment shall not exceed that alloWFld in the Site Oevelonment Srnnd;m1s and further orovided that if the develooment has received site olan aooroval is under construction or existed orior to the effective dale of this orovision with density and/or intensity lower th~n allowed bv this Section redevelooment shall be limited to that lower density and/or intensitv.' ...U shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Business and Office category permitted uses. (2) Conditional Use. The following uses if first approved as a conditional use: b. Multi-family residential uses with a maximum densitv of 25 dwellino units Der oross acre. (4) Site development standards. b. Maximum height: No building or structure, or part thereof shall be erected to a height exceeding ten stories, or m 100 feet overall maximum height, including structure parking, unless olherwise s~ecified in this section. For ~~r~oses of this ~aFa~r-a~h b., structure parllin~ shall not Be counted in cem~~lin~ A~m13er ef steries 13~t sholl be se~nted in computing overall malliFfl~m hei~ht. c. Setbacks: No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned property or within ten feet of any street line. For ~~r~eses ef this ~aFa~ra~h C., slr~sture parking incorporated within Ihe buildiA~ en'{ele~e shall se~nt leword the n~mber ef sleries. Front vard: not less than 50 feet in deDth. Street Side vard: not less than 20 feet in deDth. Rear vard: not less than 25 feet in deDth. 1. Those buildings whese letal A~mbar of slerias is betweeA zere aAS leA fleers, iAel~sin~ OAY structur€ porlling incer~erates w:thin Ihe BuilsiA~ eAvele~e, sRall Rave 0 lront yard net less tRon 50 feet in deplR. !;;:very ~Iet sRolI have a slreet sise yard of Aot loss than 20 foot in se~tR. Every plet ~~en wRisR a slructum is hereafter eroctes sRall have 0 minimum rear yard ef 25 feet. 2. Those buildings v.'Rose loIal numBor of slories is bew/eeA 11 ans 20 fleers, incl~ding any structure porlling incorporates witRiA IRe 13~ilsin~ en'/ele~e, shall Rave 0 Iront yard not lesG than 50 feet iA septh. Every plot sRall Rave a slreet side yard of not loss than 30 fDot in do~th. Every Illet ~lleA wRisR a slru6l~re is horoaftor erected sholl hovo a minimum rear yard of 30 feet. 3. Those 13~ildings whoso tolal n~mBer of stories e)(oeeds 20 fleers, iAsl~siAg any struclure parking incorporated within Ihe BuilsiA~ en\'elelle, sRall Rave a front yard not lOGS than 65 fDot in doptR. !;;:verl ~Iet sRall Ra'/e a slmet siae yard of net less than 15 feet in depth. Every plot upon whisR a strust~re is hereafter erected sholl have a minim~m rear yars ef 15 feet. -,.-.---....- 4. 1 For those properties lying between NE 206 Street to the south, NE 209 Street to the north, NE 28 Avenue to the east and East Dixie Highway to the west, the following standards shall apply: a. No parking areas shall be located within 30 feet of any residentially zoned property of within ten feet of any street line. b. Minimum front yard setback shall be ten feet in depth for the first two stories of the structure and 15 feet in depth for any additional stories. c. Minimum street side yard setback shall be ten feet in depth for the first two stories and 15 feet for additional stories. d. Minimum rear yard setback shall be ten feet in depth, except that the minimum yard setback from Biscayne &:>ulevard in this district shall be 25 feet in depth. d. Floor area ratio and lot coverage and minimum landscaped open space requirements: For purposes of thiz paragmph d., struct~re flarl(iR~ shall Rot sa~Rt as flart of the floor area, but may bo sa~Rted toward salc~latiaR of tAe flaor ar-ea ratio. 1. For all buildings: Any structure parking serving the primary use on the site shall be incorporated into the building envelope and shall be compatibly designed. Such parking structure shall comply with all minimum setback and buffer yard requirements. 2. Far thoze b~ildings with zoro 33 poroont of the re~~ired flaFI(iR~ laeatod ....'ithiR a flaFI(in~ structure: Tho floor aroa ratio shall bo 0.49 at aRe stery aRa shall se incroasod by 0.11 for oach additional stary. The tetal lot co...ora~e flermiltea for 011 buildings on tho sito sholl Rat o)(ceed 40 flerceRt of tha total lot ar-ea. Thc total minimum laRascafled aflen space re~uired shalllla 33 flaFGeRt of the total lot aroa. Howover, if str~ct~re flaFI(iR~ level(s) islara sa~Rtad tawards cal6~lation of tho floor arOa mtia thon the tatal lot covemgo flarmiltea far all ll~ilaiR~s on thc sito shall not Olmood 3B porcont of the tatal lat area. t'.daitianally, tho total miRim~m landssaflea efleR spase Fe~~ir-ea shall Ile 3e fleFceRt af thc total lot area. 3. For those Il~ildings with 33 percont 66 porcont af the re~~ired flarkin~ laeatea within 0 flari,ing ztF~ct~re: Tho floor aroa mtio shall be 0.40 at aRe stary aRd shall bo increasod by 0.11 for oach additional stor)'. The total lat eavera~e flermilted for all buildings OR tho site sholl not mmeed 40 porceRt af the tatallot area. The telal minimum landscaped open space required shalllla 36 flerGeRt of tha total lot arca. Howovor, if structure flarl\in~ levei(s) isfare ea~Rtaa tawaras salsulatiaR of the floor area ratio thon the tolal lot eoveraga flarmilted far all s~ildiR~S on tho sito shall not Olmood 35 porcont of the tatal lat ar-ea. o -~---r--..._- _. T'" I\deitiGAally, tRc total ffi',n1ffiUffi laAe"ca"ed o"eA ""ace re~uir~d sIlall Be 37 per-Gent of tho total lot aroa. 4. For those buildings witR 1313 Jlersent 199 Jlersent of tRe r-eEluires Jlarl'<in!J leGates with a parking strustuFO: TRe ~oor area ratio shall ee 9A9 at one Gtory aAs GRail ee insreases ey 9.11 for each additional story. TRe total lot sO'o'ora€je Jlermiltes for all l3uilsings en the site shall not excoes 45 Jlorsent of tRe total lot area. TRo total minimum laAsscapes oJlen space roquired shall ee JQ peroeAt of tRo total lot area. However, if structuro parl,<iA€j 1e'o'ol(5) is/are souAtes towars5 salsulation of tho floor area ratio than the total lot severa€je Jlermiltes for all builsings on the site shall not O)(cooEl 25 Jlereent of tRe total lot area. /\ElElitionally tRe tetal minimum landscaped opon sJlase reEluireEl sRall ee 49 JlerGent of tRe total lot area. e 2. For those properties lying between NE 206 Street to the south, NE 209 Street to the north, NE 28 Avenue to the east and East Dixie Highway to the west, the following standards snail apply: The maximum floor area ratio shall be DAD at one story and sh311 be increased by 0.11 for each additional story. The total lot coverage permitted for all buildings on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The minimum landscaped open space required shall be 33 percent of the total lot area. 3. Minimum landscaped open space reauired shall be 33 percent of the total lot area. The floor area ratio shall be DAD at one stOry and shall be increased bv 0.11 for each additional stOry. Structure parkina shall not count as part af the floor area, but shall be counted in computina buildina heiaht and number of stories. The total lot coveraae permitted for all buildinas on the site shall not exceed 40 percent of the total lot area. The floor area ratio shall not exceed 2.0 for all buildinas in this district in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. f. Development andlor redevelopment shall be subiect to the criteria set out in this Section. . Sec. 31-145. Town Center Zoning Districts. (a) Purpose. The purpose and intent of these districts is to provide suitable sites for the development of structures combining residential and commercial uses in a well planned and compatible manner. The uses within these districts shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the corresponding Town Center Land Use Category permitted uses. Residential densities shall not exceed 25 units per gross acre and nonresidential densities shall not exceed a floor area of 2.0. (b) Town Center District (TC1). The following regulations shall apply to all TC1 Districts: "'T".-... .- Deleted: f Develoomenl shall be subiect to the criteria set oul in this Section Redevelooment shall follow the Site Develooment Standards with the exceolion that any orooertv on which the density and/or intensity allowed bv the Site Develooment Standards is exceeded bvexislino develooment the new density and/or intensity on redevelooment shall nol exceed that allowed in the Site Develooment Standards and further Drovided that if the develooment has received site Dlan aooroval is under construction or existed Drior to the effective date of this orovision with densitv andfor intensitv lower than allowed bv this Section I' redevelooment shall be limited to that lower densitv and/or intensitY. 'II ...~ (3) Conditional uses permitted. The following uses may be established if first approved as a conditional use: a. Those uses permitted in the RMF3 District. b. Those uses permitted in the 81 District. c. Those uses permitted in the 81 District with increased floor area. S, d. Sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption except with meals. €!. e. Uses that exceed the height limitations, including parking structures. e.l Aboveground storage tanks. Aboveground storage tanks (AST) only as an accessory use and only for the purpose of storing fuel for emergency generators. ASTs must conform to the following requirements: ., 1. Be of 550 gailons capacity or less. 2. Be installed and operated under a valid permit from the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. 3. Be fully screened by a masonry or concrete wail with a self-closing and locking metal door or gate. Such wall shail be landscaped in accordance with the City's Landscape Code. 4. Be located in a manner consistent with the site deveiopment standards of the TC1 zoning district. 5. Instailation of any AST shall require a building permit from the City. Application for building permit shail be accompanied by a site plan indicating the location of the AST relative to property lines, the primary structure served by the AST, any other structures within 300 feet as weil as a landscape plan prepared by a Florida licensed architect or landscape architect and other supporting documentation as deemed necessary by the City Manager or designee. h 9.., Floor areas that are less than the minimum floor areas required by the provisions of 31-145(5)g hereof. ~ h, Allocations of interior spaces other than as set forth in section 31- 145(b )(7) hereof. ~ l Structured parking that is not incorporated into the building envelope of a primary use structure, as required by section 31-145(9) hereof. h h Structured parking that can be seen from a primary use building and that does not have the area of the top level landscaped and/or decoratively paved in order to provide amenity areas for building occupants, as required by section 31- 238 of the Code. a T- ~ .,,-.- ~ t Driveways for mixed-use projects exceeding 20 acres in size with a separation of less than 150 feet of landscaped frontage as long as it is determined, as part of site plan review that: 1. Landscaping for the total project site exceeds the minimum requirements of the Code, and; 2. Traffic studies indicate that a lesser distance between driveways does not constitute a safety hazard to either vehicular or pedestrian traffic. k.L. Off street parking that does not meet the requirements of section 31- 171(b) or (d) of this Code. I.m. All uses permitted in the CF District. m. ,^,II ~ses permitted as accossory ~ses in the CF, Cemm~nity Faeilities 9istFiGl (10) Desian Standards. All development in the TC1 zonina district shall conform to the "Town Center Desian Guidelines" as provided bv the Citv Manaaer. (c) Town Center Marine District (TC2). The following regulations shall apply to all TC2 Districts. (12) Desian Standards. All development in the TC2 zonina district shall conform to the "Town Center Desian Guidelines" as provided bv the Citv Manaaer. - -.,-----..~-.__r----~.- ~'T- City of )f.ventura Office CBuifdina 1feilJlits 1. crotaI CBan~ (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories levels of Parking 3 Surface Only 2. )f.ventura crown c.Pfaza Office CBuiJiJina (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories 2 levels of Parking Surface Only 3. )lventura c.Pfaza Office (}juiJiJina (}jiscayne (}joufevanl Number of Stories 2 levels of Parking Surface Only 4. CBan~of)f.merica (William's Isfantf) (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories 4 levels of Parking Surface Only J. 1far6our Centre fNP, 2!)t4 )Ivenue Number of Stories levels of Parking 11 6 (located in a separate parking garage) 6. Jaffe (}jiscayne (}joufevatrf Number of Stories levels of Parking 2 Surface Only 7. City NatiotuzC (]Jan( NE 19(11i Street Number of Stories levels of Parking 10 Surface Only 8. 'Bagk NatiotuzC CBan( NE 19(11i Street Number of Stories levels of Parking 10 Surface Only 9. .ft:ventura qowmment Center 'J.v. Country C{u6 (])rive Number of Stories 5 levels of Parking Surface and under the building 10. Wasliingwn !Mutual (jjiscayne (jjoufevarrl Number of Stories levels of Parking 9 5 (located under part of the building) 11. 1fSCBC .,n.ventura (jjou1evara Number of Stories levels of Parking 3 Surface Only 12. Country cCu6 Center 'J.v. Country C{u6 (])rive Number of Stories levels of Parking 10 6 (located under 3 stories of office) 13. Sun 'Trust (]Jan( .,n.ventura (jjoufevara Number of Stories levels of Parking 3 Surface Only 14. q'um6erry {JJan( NE 2!}t# lPface Number of Stories levels of Parking 3 Surface Only 15. HeaCtIi Soutli (Biscayne (Boulevard Number of Stories levels of Parking 2 2 (located under 2 stories of office) 16. ftventura Cl'eatatric (J)entistry (Biscayne (}Joufevard Number of Stories 2 levels of Parking Surface Only 17. ftventura Corporate Center I (Biscayne (Boulevard' Number of Stories 5 levels of Parking 2 unattached & Surface Parking 18. ftventura Corporate Center II (Biscayne (Boulevard Number of Stories 5 levels of Parking 2 unattached & Surface Parking 19. ftventura Corporate Center III (Biscayne (}Joulevard Number of Stories 6 levels of Parking 5 (located in attached garage) 20. ftventura Cl'liysicians (}Jiscayne (}Joufevard Number of Stories levels of Parking 2 Surface Only 21. 9rf.eaua{)f.rts 0uil4ing (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories levels of Parking 22. (jjiscayne 9rf.eaua{ {J'{aza (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories levels of Parking 23. Oneftwntura !NfE 3fP ftvenue Number of Stories levels of Parking 24. qreenfielii (jjui/ifing P.ast CDiJ(je 1CJ{Jliway Number of Stories levels of Parking 25. ftventura Office ~at( PAst CDiJ(je 1C'lfJliway Number of Stories levels of Parking 4 6 unattached 4 Surface Only 10 5 (located in attached garage) 5 6 unattached 1 Surface Only 26. Noclistein ana 7(p.ne 9deafCa! Office (}jiscayne (}joufevara Number of Stories levels of Parking 9 6 (located under 3 stories of office) Statistics of Office Buildings: . There are 26 Office buildings in Aventura (4 are under construction) · The average height of all existing buildings in the City is 5 stories . Most of the buildings are under 7 stories (73%) . The tallest building is the Harbour Centre which is 11 stories . 14 of the 26 buildings have only surface parking . 6 levels is the highest number of parking levels for any garage ,""'"' :"Y,'~""M'P":'S"''''''''''''''''''>''''<<<''''''~;~i:' ~, f BW>W1\RP COUll! f........'.,.."." [nAPtg COUNTY ! f ; t ! , I f " ! ~ , i I I \ f I J j I 1 I I ! ! !' I i I, , ci ::; CD 2: ltj g I .f ! " ~ , , ~ t , , ! I 1 i , i l ! 1 i ! ~ , ! l , l j' , ~' I I MIAMI i GARDENS OR, 192 ST, w X i5 ~ ~ ii 2: ltj g ~ , r *~ , ! 1 " ) i t: I i I I I Atlantic i Ocean ,\ ; :'; AVENTURA RESIDENCES LEGEND ...... Roadways City Boundary Zip Code Boundary Railroad -:::1 ...-----... ~"' ", ~," "",,,,1_,.., ,,', ""., ", "'^"""" ",,' ,,,,;dl<,,