Resolution No. 2024-59 City-Wide Vulnerability Assessment and Stormwater Masterplan Update Work Authorization with GIT Consulting LLC - September 3, 2024 CITY OF AVENTURA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-59
WHEREAS, the City of Aventura ("City") desires to complete a City-wide
Vulnerability Assessment and Stormwater Masterplan Update (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has
awarded the City a Resilient Florida Grant ("Grant") in an amount of $348,000 for the
Project; and
WHEREAS, the City accepted the Grant and entered into the Grant Agreement;
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that this Resolution is in the best interest
and welfare of the residents of the City.
Section 1. Recitals. That each of the above-stated recitals are hereby adopted,
confirmed, and incorporated herein.
Section 2. Acceptance and Approval. That the City Manager is hereby
authorized to execute the attached Work Authorization in an amount not to exceed
$342,120 for professional services by and between the City of Aventura and GIT
Consulting, LLC.
Section 3. Implementation. That the City Manager is authorized to do all things
necessary to carry out the aims of this Resolution.
Section 4. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective
immediately upon its adoption.
City of Aventura Resolution No. 2024-59
The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Friedland, who moved its
adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bloom, and upon being put to a
vote, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Amit Bloom Yes
Commissioner Rachel S. Friedland Yes
Commissioner Billy Joel Yes
Commissioner Paul A. Kruss Yes
Vice Mayor Dr. Linda Marks Yes
Mayor Howard S. Weinberg Yes
PASSED AND ADOPTED this V day of September, 2024.
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Work Authorization
Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment and Stormwater Masterplan Update
The City of Aventura (the "CITY") has engaged GIT Consulting, LLC (the "CONSULTANT")
under the existing Continuing Professional Services Agreement to prepare a scope of work to
provide professional services associated with Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment ("VA")
pursuant to Section 380.093, Florida Statutes (F.S.). The Project shall include public outreach and
stakeholder engagement.
Scope of Work
The CONSULTANT shall deliver the tasks and services outlined in detail below.
Task 1 - Project Management
Successful project management is crucial for any proj ect's success. It involves administrative tasks,
regular review meetings with CITY staff, an initial kick-off meeting, and a quality assurance and
control (QA/QC) plan for project deliverables. The services included are as follows:
A. The general administration of the project shall encompass project controls, team
coordination, and consistent communication with CITY staff. Additionally,
CONSULTANT shall conduct weekly monitoring of the work's progress to ensure
adherence to the set schedule, budget, and quality standards. The labor effort for this task
has been estimated based on project duration of 18 months.
B. Given the numerous components requiring review and planning to generate the needed
Vulnerability Assessment,monthly coordination meetings with the CITY staff are proposed
to ensure effective information exchange and project delivery. These meetings may be in
person or virtual. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for preparing and submitting
meeting minutes and agendas to the CITY. The labor effort for this task has been estimated
based on project duration of 18 months.
C. Upon receiving the Notice to Proceed, THE CONSULTANT shall conduct a project kick-
off meeting with CITY staff to review the requirements and gather the necessary
information for developing construction plans, documents, and permit applications.
D. THE CONSULTANT shall draft the agenda and record the minutes for the meeting,
providing them to the CITY within seven days for review and feedback. Following this,
THE CONSULTANT shall incorporate the CITY's comments and finalize the minutes.
E. The CONSULTANT shall prepare quarterly updates in accordance with FDEP grant
1.2. Project meeting agendas and meeting minutes in electronic format
1.3. Progress status reports in electronic format
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Task 2 - Identify Vulnerability Assessment Data Standards
The CONSULTANT and the CITY shall identify the data standards, to include the sea level rise
scenarios and planning horizons,needed to perform the VA based on the requirements as defined in
Section 380.093,F.S. The data standards shall be pursuant to the requirements that are defined in s.
380.093, F.S., as of the date of beginning data collection efforts.
2.1 The proposed data standards(sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons)to be used in
the VA.
Task 3 -Assemble Steering Committee
The CITY shall appoint up to 10 members to form the Steering Committee. This committee's
responsibility is to offer insights on Tasks 3-6, guide the study's direction, help pinpoint vulnerable
areas, contribute data and resources, and review project outcomes and suggestions. The
CONSULTANT shall work with the CITY and the Steering Committee to compile a contact list,
schedule two meetings, and discuss project objectives, progress, and expected results.
3.I.The email sent to potential steering committee members to request their participation on the
committee. The email shall include the project purpose, goals, schedule, project meeting
dates and locations, and overall desired outcomes; and
3.2 A list of local representatives that have confirmed participation on the steering committee.
The list shall include the name, organization/affiliation, position title, and contact
3.3 Steering Committee meeting agendas and meeting minutes in electronic format.
Task 4 - Conduct Steering Committee Meetings
The CONSULTANT will coordinate and schedule the quantity, dates, times, and locations for the
steering committee meetings, based on critical decision points in the project process. The purpose
of the steering committee meetings is to assist in reviewing the goals of the project, review draft
materials, provide input for study direction, assist in identifying geographic context, appropriate
modeling methodologies, assist in identifying available data and resources, identify relevant assets,
and review project findings and recommendations. A minimum of two steering committee meetings
is recommended, at the beginning and end of the project, however, more may be necessary to
provide guidance at critical decision points throughout the project process.
4.1 The Meeting agendas to include location, date, and time of meeting; and
4.2 Meeting sign-in sheets with attendee names and affiliation;
4.3 A copy of the presentation(s) and any materials created for distribution at the meeting,
as applicable; and
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4.4 A summary report of committee recommendations and guidance, to include attendee input,
meeting outcomes, methodologies selected, appropriate resources and data, relevant assets
and review of study deliverables for accuracy and applicability.
Task 5 -Acquire Background Data
The CONSULTANT shall research and compile the data needed to perform the VA based on the
requirements as defined in Section 380.093, F.S. Three main categories of data are required to
perform a VA:
i. Critical and regionally significant asset inventory
ii. Topographic data.
iii. Flood scenario-related data.
A. GIS metadata shall incorporate a layer for each of the four asset classes as defined in
paragraphs 380.093(2)(a)1-4,F.S.:
1. Transportation assets and evacuation routes, including airports, bridges, bus
terminals, ports,major roadways,marinas,rail facilities, and railroad bridges.
2. Critical infrastructure, including wastewater treatment facilities and lift stations,
stormwater treatment facilities and pump stations, drinking water facilities, water
utility conveyance systems, electric production and supply facilities, solid and
hazardous waste facilities, military installations, communications facilities, and
disaster debris management sites.
3. Critical community and emergency facilities, including schools, colleges,
universities, community centers, correctional facilities, disaster recovery centers,
emergency medical service facilities, emergency operation centers, fire stations,
health care facilities, hospitals, law enforcement facilities, local government
facilities, logistical staging areas, affordable public housing, risk shelter inventory,
and state government facilities.
4. Natural, cultural, and historical resources, including conservation lands, parks,
shorelines, surface waters,wetlands and historical and cultural assets.
B. GIS files and associated metadata shall adhere to the Resilient Florida Program's GIS Data
Standards, and raw data sources shall be defined within the associated metadata.
C. Sea level rise projection data shall include the 2017 National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) intermediate-high and intermediate-low projections for 2040 and
2070 at a minimum.
D. Storm surge data used shall be equal to or exceed the 100-year return period (1% annual
chance) flood event. The CONSULTANT shall identify data gaps, where missing data or
low-quality information may limit the VA's extent or reduce the accuracy of the results. The
CONSULTANT shall rectify any gaps of necessary data.
5.1 The proposed data standards (sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons) to be used in
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the VA.
5.2 A technical report to outline the data compiled and findings of the gap analysis;
5.3 A summary report to include recommendations to address the identified data gaps and
actions taken to rectify them; and
5.4 GIS files with appropriate metadata of the data compiled, to include locations of critical
assets owned or maintained by the CITY as well as regionally significant assets that are
classified and as defined in paragraphs 380.093(2)(a)1-4, F.S.
Task 6 - Exposure Analysis
The CONSULTANT will perform an exposure analysis to identify the depth of water caused by each
sea level rise, storm surge,and/or flood scenario. The water surface depths(i.e. flood scenarios)used
to evaluate assets shall include the following data: tidal flooding, current and future storm surge
flooding, rainfall-induced flooding, and compound flooding, all as applicable, as well as the
scenarios and standards used for the exposure analysis shall be pursuant to s. 380.093, F.S. GIS files
and associated metadata shall adhere to the Resilient Florida Program's GIS Data Standards, and
raw data sources shall be defined within the associated metadata.
6.1 The proposed data standards (sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons) to be used in
the VA.
6.2 A draft VA report that provides details on the modeling process,type of models utilized, and
resulting tables and maps illustrating flood depths for each flood scenario; and
6.3 GIS files with results of the exposure analysis for each flood scenario as well as the appropriate
metadata that identifies the methods used to create the flood layers.
Task 7 - Sensitivity Analysis
The CONSULTANT will perform the sensitivity analysis to measure the impact of flooding on assets
and to apply the data from the exposure analysis to the inventory of critical assets created in the
Acquire Background Data Task. The sensitivity analysis shall include an evaluation of the impact of
flood severity on each asset class and at each flood scenario and assign a risk level based on
percentages of land area inundated and number of critical assets affected.
7.1 The proposed data standards (sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons) to be used in
the VA.
7.2 An updated draft VA report that provides details on the findings of the exposure analysis
and the sensitivity analysis, and includes visual presentation of the data via maps and tables,
based on the statutorily-required scenarios and standards; and
7.3 An initial list of critical and regionally significant assets that are impacted by flooding. The
list of critical and regionally significant assets shall be prioritized by area or immediate need
and shall identify which flood scenario(s) impacts each asset.
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Task 8 - Public Outreach
The CONSULTANT will conduct a public meeting to present the results from the exposure analysis,
sensitivity analysis, and draft VA. The purpose of the meeting is to allow the public to provide
community- specific input on the results of the analyses and to reconsider methodologies and
assumptions used in the analysis for refinement. Additionally, during this meeting, the
CONSULTANT will conduct exercises to encourage the public to prioritize focus areas of flooding,
and the critical assets in preparation for the development of adaptation strategies and project
development. Criteria should be established to guide the public's input for the selection of focus
areas. The CONSULTANT shall prepare all social media notifications,meeting invitations, meeting
materials,presentations, and graphics utilized during the meeting, as applicable.
8.1 The proposed data standards (sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons) to be used in
the VA.
8.2 Meeting agenda to include location, date, and time of meeting;
8.3 Meeting sign-in sheet with attendee names and affiliation (i.e. local stakeholder, resident,
steering committee member, local government staff);
8.4 A copy of the presentation(s) and any materials created in preparation of or for distribution
at the meeting (i.e. social media posts, public announcements, graphics), as applicable;
8.5 A copy of the file of the video or audio recording from the meeting, if applicable; and
8.6 A summary report including attendee input and meeting outcomes,to include defining focus
areas recommended by the community.
Task 9 - Final Vulnerability Assessment Report, Maps,and Tables
The CONSULTANT shall finalize the VA report pursuant to the requirements in s. 380.093, F.S.,
and based upon the steering committee and public outreach efforts. The final VA shall include all
results from the exposure and sensitivity analyses, as well as a summary of identified risks. It
shall contain a list of critical and regionally significant assets that are impacted by flooding and sea-
level rise, specifying for each asset the flood scenario(s) impacting the asset. GIS files and
associated metadata must adhere to the Resilient Florida Program's GIS Data Standards, and raw
data sources shall be defined within the associated metadata.
9.1 The proposed data standards (sea level rise scenarios and planning horizons) to be used in
the VA.
9.2 Final VA Report that provides details on the results and conclusions, including illustrations
via maps and tables, based on the statutorily-required scenarios and standards in s. 380.093,
9.3 A final list of critical and regionally significant assets that are impacted by flooding. The
list of critical and regionally significant assets must be prioritized by area or immediate need
and must identify which flood scenario(s) impacts each asset;
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9.4 All electronic mapping data used to illustrate flooding and sea level rise impacts identified
in the VA, to include the geospatial data in an electronic file format and GIS metadata; and
9.5 A signed Vulnerability Assessment Compliance Checklist Certification.
Task 10 - Stormwater Master Plan Update
The Stormwater Master Plan update for Aventura involves a comprehensive assessment and
enhancement of the city's existing stormwater management systems. The CONSULTANT will
evaluate current infrastructure performance, identifying areas prone to flooding, and proposing
solutions to mitigate flood risks. This will involve hydraulic modeling, reviewing and updating
design criteria to reflect the latest regulatory standards, and incorporating sustainable practices.
The plan will also address future growth projections,climate change impacts,and integration with
green infrastructure to improve water quality and system resilience. The update aims to support
Task 6 .
10.1. Updated Stormwater Master Plan of the City of Aventura and simulations to provide data
for Task 6 and Task 7
Proposed Fee
The CONSULTANT shall deliver the tasks and services outlined in Tasks 1 through 10 for a fee
in an amount not to exceed $342,120.
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