July 27, 2022 City Commission Liaison Meeting Minutes •
J U LY 27, 2022
11:30 A.M.
Aventura Government Center
19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL
A City of Aventura Commission Liaison Meeting was held at the Aventura Government
Center on July 27, 2022 and called to order at 11 .30 a.m. The following Commission
Liaison members were in attendance: Commissioner Dr. Linda Marks and Commissioner
Robert Shelley'. Also present were Mayor Enid Weisman, City Manager Ronald J.
Wasson, City Clerk Ellisa L. Horvath, Assistant City Manager Bryan Pegues, Charter
Schools USA CEO Jon Hage 2, and Charter Schools USA South Florida Deputy Director
Rachel Windler-Freitag3.
Mr. Wasson provided a brief update on the possibility of land acquisition for a K-8 school
Mr. Hage and Ms. Windler-Freitag provided an update for the high school on the newly
designed web site, dedicated staff to update the web site, re-instated newsletter, and
improvement in communication gaps.
The Commission reviewed the web site and provided feedback on suggested changes
including moving the tuition-free public school statement to another page, including more
information on what a charter school is, improving the taglines, moving and changing the
language for the "we empower students box" to the front page, focusing on students to
be well versed in technology and innovation as well as leadership, and the school
provided as a "choice" not "service" by the City of Aventura. Commissioners will continue
to review the website and provide any additional comments.
Mr. Hage will provide Mr. Wasson with three possible dates to schedule a strategic
planning session for the high school, with the Commission and Charter Schools USA, in
Mr. Hage discussed working through any school issues through Mr. Wasson and Ms.
Wind ler-Freitag. The goal of having blue ribbon and nationally recognized schools was
A new flow of communication chart/protocols for both charter schools was reviewed as a
working document.
Mr. Wasson, as well as those in attendance, provided positive comments on the high
school principal.
'Participated via virtual communications media technology. Left the meeting at 12:51 p.m.
2 Participated via virtual communications media technology. Left the meeting at 12:26 p.m.
s Participated via virtual communications media technology. Left the meeting at 12:28 p.m.
City Commission Liaison Meeting Minutes
July 27, 2022
The Commission discussed the following items regarding the high school: progress
made, challenging transitions, both schools being on positive trajectories, possible article
in community newspaper on both schools, compliments on both school principals,
continuing to improve communications, Commission wearing two hats, the importance of
CSUSA attendance at Liaison Meetings, importance of continuity at both schools, and
providing the message to the public of working together for improvement.
Mr. Hage discussed the importance of recognition for CSUSA staff.
The new device policy for the high school was discussed. Mr. Hage will follow up on the
school's policy to allow students to provide any type of device they want instead of
requiring one type of device, as well as the plan in place for dealing with technical issues
for those devices.
Mr. Hage will provide Mr. Wasson with a legislative update and behind the scenes
movement regarding charter schools to distribute to the Commission. The importance of
the City's role in promoting the agenda in November was discussed.
Ms. Windler-Freitag will follow up on the prior and current requests to provide a television
studio at the high school for morning announcements, etc.
Providing breakfast for the teachers upon their return to school at both ACES and DSAHS
was discussed.
Mr. Wasson provided information on the possibility of land that may be available in the
future at Gulfstream, west of the high school. An update will be provided in the next six
Mr. Wasson provided an update on moving the tot lot that is located next to the high
school at the Waterways Park and possible areas for relocation were discussed. Mr.
Wasson will continue his search for locations.
The stop signs in the high school zone were discussed.
No members of the public provided comments.
The meeting adjourned at 1 .06 p.m.
Ellisa L. Horvath, MMC, ity Clerk
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