February 9, 2022 DSAHS Foundation, Inc. Minutes MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 2022 MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Don Soffer Aventura High School Foundation, Inc. The meeting of the Board of Directors was held on February 9, 2022 at Don Soffer Aventura High School. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Cindy Orlinsky, at 10:11 a.m. and following roll call by Ms. Orlinsky, the following board members were present: Andrea Beck, Brett Storch, Diane Gleit, and Gimol Bentes. Whitney Walters joined electronically at 10:17 a.m. The minutes from the November 2021 and December 2021 meeting were approved unanimously upon motion made by Dr. Beck and seconded by Ms. Storch. The Board discussed a Green Room donation for a TV Production class. Dr. McKee advised that the School receives grants for technology, which should cover this type of equipment. The Board discussed the Grant received by the School for the gym and learned that the equipment was ordered and delivered and that the chairs have been delayed but are expected to arrive in April 2022. Regarding storage, there is an indoor area to store the chairs. There is not enough storage for a table score table, but we can put a cover with the school logo on a folding table, which will be easier to store. The scoreboard is separate and will be placed back on a future Agenda. Regarding the Compass Campaign, we need an automated system to keep track of purchases as the current manual system is not sustainable. The Board addressed the upcoming Britto Unveiling Event. We hired Epiphany to assist with the event, which will be a carnival theme, equipped with games for students and their families, as well as community members, as well as food trucks, and a silent auction. Ms. Beck is coordinating entertainment with the school liaison in hopes that students can perform at the event. The Board approved a budget up to $50,000 upon motion made by Ms. Beck and seconded by Ms. Orlinsky. We also discussed the future of the Foundation because the Foundation will be dissolved as of April 1, 2022. The Board will continue to meet informally to finalize the Britto Unveiling Event. There being no further business or comments, the meeting was adjourned at 11:31 a.m. upon motion made by Ms. Storch and seconded by Ms. Bentes.