September 15, 2020 DSAHS Foundation, Inc. Minutes
Don Soffer Aventura High School Foundation, Inc.
The meeting of the Board of Directors was held on September 15, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. via
Virtual Communications Media Technology.
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Cindy Orlinsky, at 5:33 p.m. and following a roll
call by Ms. Orlinsky, the following were present: Brett Storch, Andrea Beck, and Raquel Rothman.
Board member Gimol Bentes joined the meeting at 5:40 p.m.
The DSAHS Meeting Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directors, which took place on August
26, 2020 were unanimously approved upon motion made by Ms. Rothman and seconded by Ms.
An update regarding the walk thru at DSAHS was provided by Ms. Beck and Ms. Bentes,
including the capital campaign brochure and consistency with the school colors, specifically the
shade of orange.
The status of the compass project was discussed. The compass will be smaller and will be
presented to the child at graduation. As such, the compass will likely be secured with Velcro or
adhered to a plaque. Ms. Beck will meet with the Orvietos to discuss the compass further and will
report back to the Board.
DSAHS should have a social media presence via its website, Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter, which shall include an email address and phone number. Ms. Orlinsky commented that the
social media outlets are all available and will discuss the accounts with the City Manager.
The Board unanimously agreed on the following logo for the Foundation and will refer to the
school more commonly as DSAHS once the school is more known and has been branded. The logo
for the Foundation shall be:
Further, upon comment by Robert Meyers, Esq., the Board will be advising the City
Commissioners on our progress.
The next meeting was scheduled for October 7, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. There being no further
business or comments, the meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m. upon motion made by Ms. Storch and
seconded by Ms. Rothman.