May 14, 2020 Commission Special Meeting MinutesAVENTURA CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MAY 14, 2020 9:00 A.M. Virtual Meeting Via Video Conferencing 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Enid Weisman at 9:03 a.m. The roll was called and the following were present: Mayor Enid Weisman, Vice Mayor Gladys Mezrahi, Commissioner Denise Landman, Commissioner Dr. Linda Marks, Commissioner Marc Narotsky, Commissioner Robert Shelley, Commissioner Howard Weinberg, City Manager Ronald J. Wasson, City Clerk Ellisa L. Horvath, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. Mayor Weisman provided a statement regarding the virtual format of the meeting held via video conferencing through Zoom, as specified on the meeting agenda and enabled by the Governor's Executive Order 2020-69 (extended through Executive Order 20- 112), as a result of the state of emergency due to COVID-19. Members of the public were given instructions for providing comments. 2. REQUEST FOR A MOTION TO RECONSIDER THE SELECTION OF THE VICE MAYOR, AND IF THE MOTION IS ADOPTED, CONSIDERATION OF A NEW MOTION TO SELECT A VICE MAYOR: Mayor Weisman explained the reasoning behind placing the item on the agenda, based on the possibility that the correct order of who should serve as Vice Mayor next had not been followed. Mr. Wolpin provided information on the procedure to follow regarding a motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider the selection of the Vice Mayor was offered by Mayor Weisman and seconded by Commissioner Landman. The Commission discussed the list of prior Vice Mayors and who was deemed to be next on the current Commission to serve in that capacity. Mrs. Horvath provided information based on the list of former Vice Mayors. The motion to reconsider passed (6-1), by roll call vote, with Commissioner Mezrahi voting no. A motion nominating Commissioner Weinberg to serve as Vice Mayor was offered by Commissioner Shelley, seconded by Commissioner Dr. Marks, and passed unanimously, by roll call vote. Aventura City Commission Special Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020 3. ZONING HEARINGS — QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mr. Wolpin reviewed and entered the quasi-judicial procedures into the record and read the following Resolution by title- RESOLUTIONS/PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA MODIFYING THE APPROVAL GRANTED THROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 2014-53, TO INSTALL LED CHANGEABLE COPY PANELS ON THE EASTERLY FACE OF THE COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGN LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND NE 203 STREET (IVES DAIRY ROAD) AND TO EXTEND THE EXPIRY DATE OF THE VARIANCE APPROVAL FROM JANUARY 6, 2020 TO JANUARY 6, 2030, ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mrs. Horvath administered the oath to all those wishing to offer testimony on the items. A motion for approval of the Resolution was offered by Commissioner Shelley and seconded by Commissioner Narotsky. Community Development Director Joanne Carr addressed the Commission and entered the staff report into the record, which recommended approval, subject to the conditions listed. The following provided testimony on behalf of the Applicant (Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc.): Greg Hibbs, Real Estate Representative — Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (5800 NW 77t" Court, Miami). Mr. Wasson and Mr. Wolpin clarified the differences for the three resolutions to be considered for Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. The Commission discussed the item. Mayor Weisman opened the item for public comment. Mrs. Horvath provided directions for members of the public to provide comments. There being no comments, Mayor Weisman closed the item for public input. The motion for approval of the Resolution passed unanimously, by roll call vote, and Resolution No. 2020-31 was adopted. Mr. Wolpin read the following Resolution title- B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA GRANTING APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 31- 193(e)(1) OF THE CITY CODE FOR ALTERATION OF A LEGAL NON- CONFORMING COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGN TO INSTALL LED CHANGEABLE COPY PANELS ON THE EASTERLY FACE OF THE SIGN LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF BISCAYNE BOULVARD AT ITS Page 2 of 5 Aventura City Commission Special Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020 INTERSECTION WITH THE WILLIAM LEHMAN CAUSEWAY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval of the Resolution was offered by Vice Mayor Weinberg and seconded by Commissioner Shelley. Community Development Director Joanne Carr addressed the Commission and entered the staff report into the record, which recommended approval, subject to the conditions listed. The following provided testimony on behalf of the Applicant (Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc.): Greg Hibbs, Real Estate Representative — Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (5800 NW 77t" Court, Miami). The Commission discussed the item. Mayor Weisman opened the item for public comment. Mrs. Horvath provided directions for members of the public to provide comments. There being no comments, Mayor Weisman closed the item for public input. The motion for approval of the Resolution passed unanimously, by roll call vote, and Resolution No. 2020-32 was adopted. 4. RESOLUTIONS/PUBLIC HEARINGS: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, APPROVING SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENTS (THE "AGREEMENT") CONCERNING COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGNS BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOORS, INC.; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND TO TAKE ALL ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE AGREEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval of the Resolution was offered by Commissioner Shelley and seconded by Commissioner Landman. Mr. Wasson explained the contract negotiated, based on prior Commission direction. The Commission discussed the item and possible amendments to increase the fees for the billboards at the Lehman Causeway location. Greg Hibbs, Real Estate Representative — Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (5800 NW 77t" Court, Miami) provided information and responded to questions. Brian Raducci, Assistant City Manager — Finance and Administration, provided information pertaining to an increase in fee percentages. Page 3 of 5 Aventura City Commission Special Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020 A motion to amend the portion of the contract pertaining to the Lehman Causeway billboards was offered by Commissioner Shelley and seconded by Commissioner Dr. Marks to include a 2% increase annually for the V and 4t" years and to include a 3% increase annually for the 5t" through 10t" years. Mr. Hibbs concurred with the amended terms. The motion to amend passed unanimously, by roll call vote. The motion as amended passed unanimously, by roll call vote, and Resolution No. 2020-33 was adopted. 5. CITY COMMISSION, IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE AVENTURA CITY OF EXCELLENCE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MOTION APPROVING THE AVENTURA CITY OF EXCELLENCE SCHOOL (ACES) 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Shelley and seconded by Commissioner Narotsky. Mr. Wasson explained the item. Rachel Windler-Freitag, Charter Schools USA South Florida Area Director, provided information on the difference in the school calendars. Mayor Weisman opened the item for public comment. Mrs. Horvath provided directions for members of the public to provide comments. There being no comments, Mayor Weisman closed the item for public input. The motion for approval passed unanimously, by roll call vote. 6. CITY COMMISSION, IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE DON SOFFER AVENTURA HIGH SCHOOL: MOTION APPROVING THE DON SOFFER AVENTURA HIGH SCHOOL (DSAHS) 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Narotsky and seconded by Commissioner Dr. Marks. Mr. Wasson explained the item. Mayor Weisman opened the item for public comment. Mrs. Horvath provided directions for members of the public to provide comments. There being no comments, Mayor Weisman closed the item for public input. The motion for approval passed unanimously, by roll call vote. 7. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING/PUBLIC HEARING: Mr. Wolpin read the following Ordinance title: Page 4 of 5 Aventura City Commission Special Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020 CITY COMMISSION, IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE DON SOFFER AVENTURA HIGH SCHOOL: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2019-09, WHICH ORDINANCE ADOPTED THE DON SOFFER AVENTURA HIGH SCHOOL BUDGET FUND 191 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 (JULY 1 — JUNE 30) BY REVISING THE 2019/2020 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DOCUMENT AS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval of the Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Shelley and seconded by Commissioner Narotsky. Mr. Wasson explained the adjustments made to the budget. Principal David McKnight provided information on the amendments and the food program for the students. The Commission discussed the food program for students during the summer months. Mr. Wasson will meet with the Principals for both schools and provide a report to the Commission regarding the food program needs for students. Mayor Weisman opened the public hearing. Mrs. Horvath provided directions for members of the public to provide comments. There being no comments, Mayor Weisman closed the public hearing. The motion for approval of the Ordinance passed unanimously, by roll call vote, on first reading. 8. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, a motion to adjourn was offered by Commissioner Narotsky, seconded by Commissioner Landman, and unanimously approved; thus, adjourning the meeting at 11.04 a.m. Ellisa L. Horvath, MMC, City Clerk Approved by the City Commission on June 9, 2020. Page 5 of 5