November 15, 2018 Commission Regular Workshop Meeting Minutes The City of CITY COMMISSION y eye WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES Aventura Government Center �Y ����JL NOVEMBER 15, 2018 19200 W Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 E 9:00 A.M. • 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Enid Weisman at 9:00 a.m. The following were present: Mayor Enid Weisman, Vice Mayor Dr. Linda Marks, Commissioner Denise Landman, Commissioner Gladys Mezrahi, Commissioner Marc Narotsky, Commissioner Robert Shelley, Commissioner Howard Weinberg, City Manager Ronald J. Wasson, City Clerk Ellisa L. Horvath, and City Attorneys David M. Wolpin and Matthew H. Mandel. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. The Commission welcomed Mr. Wasson as the new City Manager. 2. RESOLUTION URGING FDA TO ENACT AND ENFORCE REGULATIONS PROHIBITING SALE AND MARKETING OF E-CIGARETTES TO MINORS (Commissioner Weinberg): Commissioner Weinberg requested that the Commission consider enacting regulations regarding electronic cigarettes. Mr. Wolpin reviewed the City Code, the County's Ordinance regarding vaping, state law, and the recent approval of a constitutional amendment to treat e-cigarettes the same as regular cigarettes. City Manager Summary: It was the consensus of the City Commission for Mr. Wolpin to work with the City Manager and Police Chief on regulations for the City to prohibit vaping in the same areas as cigarettes, etc. City Lobbyist Ron Book will be invited to attend a future Workshop Meeting for an update. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Commissioner Shelley): Per the request of Commissioner Shelley, City Attorneys David Wolpin and Matt Mandel provided a review of the following items: litigation updates, the roles of elected and appointed officials with specific emphasis on Charter Section 4.02 involving daily operations and communications with and through the City Manager, and public records regarding Commission correspondence. City Manager Summary: No action — this was an informational item. The following additional items were discussed: Vice Mayor Dr. Marks provided a brief summary of the Commission Liaison Meeting held on November 13, 2018 and noted that Mr. Soroka would be providing a report in January on the Aventura Charter High School. Mayor Weisman reported that Mr. Soroka would also be responding to an email received by the Commission regarding the opening of 9th and 10th grades. Mayor Weisman noted that County Commissioner Dr. Karp would be invited to come back in January to discuss the referendum that was passed by the voters. Mr. Wasson will speak to City Lobbyist Ron Book and provide the Commission with dates to travel to Tallahassee. Aventura City Commission Regular Workshop Meeting Minutes—November 15, 2018 Mr. Wasson will ensure that the Waterways Park hours of operation is posted on the fence and provided to surrounding properties, and will review the City's landscaping plan as well as traffic issues and signage associated with 207th Street and 34th Avenue. It was the consensus of the Commission to send flowers to Mrs. Carr following the birth of her grandson. Commissioner Shelley was congratulated on his upcoming marriage. Mayor Weisman discussed a request from Rabbi Porta, Chabad North, to allow a menorah lighting in front of Government Center for one night. Mr. Wolpin provided legal information. It was the consensus of the Commission that it not be done this year, to allow the City time to review the item further. 4. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned by consensus at 10:22 a.m. .\\,,,,.1._ ov �t Ellisa L. Horvath, MMC y Clerk Approved by the City Commission on January 8, 2019. Page 2 of 2