01-29-06 111', I. Call to Order Agenda II. Approval of Minutes - December 5, 2005 III. Chairperson's Report IV. Review of Board Member Recommendations V. Other Business VI. Adjournment This meeting is open to the public. Notice pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if applicable, is hereby incorporated by reference. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, (305) 466-8901, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. Please be advised that one or more members of the A ventura City Commission may attend this meeting. TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MEETING December 5, 2005 - 3:30 p.m. Aventura Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. City Manager Eric M. Soroka called the roll. Members present: George Berlin Miles Kuttler Marjorie Rosenblatt Bertram Shapiro Fred Silverman Bob Werner Member absent: Eric Berger II. Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2005 meeting was offered by Mr. Berlin, seconded by Mr. Kuttler and unanimously passed. III. Chairperson's Report: None. V. Review of Board Member Recommendations: Each member submitted their recommendations for improvement in traffic, as attached hereto. Consensus that each member select the five suggestions they deem most important for discussion and possible recommendation to the City Commission by the Board at its next meeting. VI. Other Business: None. VII. Schedule of Future MeetinQ. January 19, 2006 at 1 p.m. VIII. Adiournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned. Teresa M. Soroka, MMC, City Clerk Approved by the Board on Memo Date: To: From: Subject: December 5,2005 City of A ventura Traffic Advisory Committee Fred Silverman, Member Three Suggested Traffic flow Improvements While these are not the only suggestions I hope to make before the term of this group is over, I would like to advance these three ideas at this time. A. Increase Outbound Traffic Capacity on to Biscayne Boulevard from key Arterial Streets:Widen outbound (west-bound) intersections with Biscayne Boulevard at Point East; William's Island Drive; 187th St; 191 ST St; 207th St; and 215th St; and elsewhere as needed. The one or two outbound lanes at these points are inadequate for given traffic volume and US 1 signal timing. Going to three-lanes (at most points - 2-southbound lanes and one free-flow northbound lanes) will speed up traffic leaving A ventura. In some cases small amounts of right-of-way may be needed - in others, there appears to be sufficient right-of-way in swales and set-backs, but the road needs to be reconfigured to handle three outbound lanes. Since congestion is not going to lessen, any costs now will be money well spent. Delay in implementing these Traffic System Measures (TSM) will cost residents and visitors more as these basic capacity upgrades are put-off. On US I, a number of Biscayne Boulevard left-hand turn queues onto these arterials (eastbound) are multi-Ianed showing the need for matching outbound capacity. In some cases increased inbound capacity might also be appropriate. Similar multi-lane outbound configurations should be applied at strip malls along the Biscayne Boulevard to help improve outbound traffic flow. Multi-lane turn configurations are common traffic management practice through the country and on the west side of Biscayne Boulevard and on US 1 itself. These techniques should be used on the eastside intersections. B. Regulate Parking for Construction Workers: The use of scattered vacant properties to "temporarily" park hundreds of construction workers is inappropriate and dangerous. While there might be sites where this is appropriate, the use of the property off 18th Street for the Venture project and other projects (now in their second year) shows a total disregard for already congested traffic on inadequate streets and intersections. All "temporary" construction workers parking must be considered with development orders. Busing workers into the City to their work site should be the norm until there is traffic relief. Silverman Three -Suggested Improvements 12/5/2005 Page 1 C. William;,: Island Drive: Traffic congestion is aggravated with three crossings of Williams Island Drive just east of the Biscayne Boulevards in.tersection. First, there is a turn into the Bank of America shortly after Biscayne Boulevard; then another with the Fresh Market Shopping center and a third full intersection at Imperial Point. Even if William's Island Drive had adequate capacity, this arrangement is unsafe, confusing and adds to congestion. An alternative access into the bank facility should be considered and this crossing closed. This access is also used for U-turns to and from Biscayne Boulevard, as well as access to the bank. A left hand turn bay might be added in the eastbound median before the stop sign at Imperial Point. Appropriate landscaping can be included in road designs. The conflicting movements and grossly inadequate roadway at the Williams Island Drive intersection needs to be upgraded and turns limited. A full traffic study, including adding a third-outbound westbound lane at Biscayne Boulevard is needed. Property access rights might have to be negotiated, but the traffic problem will not be reduced as more development occurs. In upcoming meetings, I would like to see the following, to help us make further recommendations: 1. Comments received by the City regarding traffic problems from City residents and business. 2. A description of the City's traffic improvement program included in the comprehensive plan update and funding suggestions and phasing. 3. A tour of the group to look at all the city's key intersections during one afternoon rush-hour. Silverman Three -Suggested Improvements 12/5/2005 Page 2 Aventura Traffic Advisory Board Traffic Flow Suggestions Dr. Miles E. Kuttler Location: NE 187th Street and NE 28th Court -- new traffic simal Problem: When the new traffic signal is red to eastbound traffic on NE 187th Street cars stack up in the single eastbound lane because legally parked cars on the south side of the street prevent eastbound cars from turning right. Goal: To allow eastbound traffic on NE 187th Street to continue to turn right (southbound) from the right lane when the traffic signal is red for eastbound traffic. Suggestion: Eliminate the last few on-street parking spaces in the right lane on the south side ofNE 187th Street just west ofNE 28th Court. This will improve flow of cars turning right and reduce back up of cars in the current single eastbound lane. Location: West Country Club Drive and Aventura Blvd. Problem: Back up of northbound cars on West Country Club Drive at the Aventura Blvd. traffic signal when the traffic signal is red. Goal: Allow improved flow for northbound cars on West Country Club Drive and adjust timing of traffic signal. Suggestion: Install flexible PVC delimiter poles between the northbound right lane and center lane on West Country Club Drive through the intersection and beyond to allow northbound traffic in the right lane to GO AT ALL TIMES. These poles will also prevent eastbound traffic on A ventura Blvd. from straying into that lane when turning left (northbound) onto West Country Club Drive. Location: Feeder streets into Biscavne Blvd. from NE 183rd Street to NE 207tb St. Problem: Excess flow into and out of the east-west streets on the east side of Biscayne Blvd. Goal: Improve flow by redirecting volume on these streets Suggestion: Selective use of one-way streets. Reduce number of southbound left turns off of Biscayne Blvd. but make the remaining southbound left turns two lanes each and make those streets one-way eastbound. Make the remaining streets one-way westbound with two left turn lanes to go southbound on Biscayne Blvd. Allow right in/right out wherever possible. Location: Biscavne Blvd. Problem: Blocked intersections Goal: Prevent intersections getting congested with cars blocking cross traffic because they got stuck in the intersection after their light turned red and the cross traffic light turned green. Suggestion: DON'T BLOCK THE BOX. Paint heavy white lines and/or cross- hatching to "box in" the major intersections on Biscayne Blvd. and post signs warning of heavy fmes for blocking the intersection. This solution would be good for the West Dixie Highway intersections at Miami Gardens Drive and at Ives Dairy Road. This solution has been very effective in New York City. Location: West Dixie Hie:bwav Problem: Excessive traffic on Biscayne Blvd. Goal: To reduce volume on Biscayne Blvd. Suggestion: Encourage the county to widen and/or improve flow of traffic on West Dixie Highway to make it a more attractive alternative to Biscayne Blvd. for northbound and southbound travel from Ives Dairy Road to NE 171st Street. Post signs suggesting West Dixie as an alternative to Biscayne Blvd. Every car that uses West Dixie is one less car on Biscayne Blvd. Location: Perimeter Road of A ventura Mall Problem: Congestion of traffic trying to circumnavigate the mall parking lot. Goal: Improve flow by reducing backup when cars try to make left turns. Suggestion: Make all traffic on Perimeter Road one-way counterclockwise. This will allow cars entering the mall parking lot from Biscayne Blvd. to flow smoothly since all traffic must turn right. Cars on Perimeter Road would then be able to turn right or left into various parking areas without having to wait for oncoming traffic to clear. Cars leaving various parking areas would also be able to flow into Perimeter Road since all traffic would be going in one direction and cars would not have to wait for oncoming cars to clear. Location: NE 207th Street east of Biscavne Blvd. Problem: Excessive traffic turning left into the A ventura Mall parking lot from Biscayne Blvd. East bound traffic on NE 201Jh Street turning southbound onto Biscayne Blvd. must cross multiple lanes of traffic in a very short distance in order to get into left turn lanes and then must cross multiple northbound lanes of Biscayne Blvd. to fmally enter the Mall parking lot. Goal: Reduce number of southbound cars on Biscayne Blvd. from enter the Mall via left turns. Suggestion: Make BOTH lanes of the NE 207th Street ramp east of Biscayne Blvd. into one-way eastbound lanes. Allow two lanes of traffic on NE 207th Street to turn right at all times onto NE 29th Place. Allow right in-right out only into Promenade Shoppes from westbound NE 20ih Street (near Chuckie Cheese). Allow right in-right out only for Biscayne Lakes Condominiums onto NE 207th Street. This would allow removal of multiple traffic lights and allow Mall traffic, using two full lanes of traffic, to flow directly toward the Mall with only one traffic signal at A ventura Blvd. and no other stops after crossing Biscayne Blvd. at NE 207th Street. If Perimeter Road is made one-way counterclockwise traffic could flow unimpeded onto Perimeter Road using merge lanes. Location: NE 183rd Street - Williams Island Blvd. Problem: Excessive back up of westbound traffic due to cars in right lane waiting to turn left (southbound) on Biscayne Blvd. Goal: Improve flow of westbound traffic on NE 183rd Street Suggestion: Make right lane ofNE 183rd Street a RIGHT TURN ONLY lane and install a small triangle or other such traffic flow limiter to prevent cars in the right lane from turning left (southbound) onto Biscayne Blvd. Another suggestion is to add another westbound lane for right turn only and allow the new center lane to turn right or left. Another suggestion is to make Jack Smith Road one-way southbound after the NE 183rd Street connector is completed. This would encourage Williams Island traffic to use NE 31 st Street and NE 185th Street to exit and/or cross Biscayne Blvd. untitled TRAFFIC CONTROL SUGGESTIONS ~ TRAFFIC PATROL POLICEMEN ON DUTY AT 29TH aVE AND 188TH sT TO CONTROL TRAFFIC FLOW /To AND FROM sCHOOL DAILY BETWEEN 7:45 AND 9:00 am., AND 2:45 PM TO 4PM. 2- PERMANENT YELLOW BLINKING SIGNS TO KEEP TRAFFIC AT 15 MPH DURING SCHOOL ENTRANCE AND CLOSURE HOURS;STOP SIGNS AND SPEED SIGNS IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY CONTRADICTORY MANDATE FROM DADE COUNTY. iF DADE COUNTY OBJECTS, SETTLE THE ISSUE IN COURT!! 3- DEDICATED VANS TO BRING CHILDREN TO AND FROM SCHOOL OTHER THAN SCHOOL BUSES FROM OUTLYING AREAS. 4- RIGID CONTROL OF SPEED LIMITS IN ALL DIRECTIONS IN A DESIGNATED SCHOOL ZONE. 5- TRAFFIC POLICE TO CONTROL AND MOVE TRAFFIC AT PEAK HOURS ALONG BISCAYNE BLVD, MIAMI GARDENS DRIVE AND IVES DAIRY ROAD. 6- TRAFFIC POLICE SHOULD BE REGULAR POLICEMEN AND NOT NOVICE TRAINEES. SUBMITTED BY DR. BERT SHAPIRO page 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC FLOW CITY OF AVENTURA . Improvement of intersection at N.E. 29th Place and N.E. 203rd Street . Request the County and/or F.D.O.T. to re-study a left hand turn going south on Dixie Highway from westbound N.E. 203rd Sf. _.3I2ecorY/i"'/7en cL~'i_i~IlS -IQ 1'm;~OYe... --;p:"CLp,c;C 110 c:.-<J /. . -/I1QI1,..Jl,,- / (l~ S /;I? o..,.je-, .. ..__._ .. /.!iscIiVDe IS/ve!-. 0...7 ;B'.J0- S'/-, w'/(!iI()/YlS -:Ls(rlNL Blve ./1 kf'. (? RULd,- fiJ fi II e Pi &t1lJc,r;:.s I f):c /<<oIt n '; e ou nf "Z Cl.Id...b--Ji.g/~. X/'/JrrS5'.fl91IfA)6- AA.i~ /nOv( e -nl:3,ffi .. YACi-tt CC-UI3 w /Jy -re(2.-lf)t~ C/uC- /)l2-ive. - (( /Atve. fJ1u. -fed ,e. It) If. _ __. ...___ __ . . :L=f hA~ he'ie.oZ. 0.-+ 1'?6'd -:;-1-. WI/(/7Ilee/J5~W/lChCJV)'OL;SfJ ~ Cr.;u.J C tf_e:te IS IU?.- t€ I C /I /) € S . .,5Eh-V (r;., <;; fl-o,. J) fJg r~1!- Jt.~~_H 7'6 wm - 1eh'Vt Ii N_(]/iV.[(WII:i ;0/ /) '! _" &0...1:9... B y~ /"rf'-i /2.fx,.. I'tJA.jL_\_._.~-f ...UJO c..t 1--..1 4j/((ll/..)g-7e ...____.dLLYe!1.s .('l1:d)rY] Cl1JlJlU7/~ IIEJAJts._fn..~LCI~7 o1~1 VI/) 7 -.. S'A/'.elZ..._..___.. ____._...._...... _. -~_N-to __J1lfj;JVI._if; II Po. c AJ5 n~/?: - (!f'b 'if. s--f)_.c&:~ 11.&E --_.ChtJb?flf) i I ~N~._EJ.i:.IAS-t ~~<;:..g:n~._.. ... ~ lie 1/]) {'AJG- :5 -10 ;{/3 y( ~-f. ll.tg,,~ -t _ PQ/ic.f-. ./ /LE. S'E: AJc:E ~:z1..-t::.._._.f.c..O_~S -fh A+ __.f2M6/ern s .." __ n _."___._'__.' ..._.... .. 9 e () elLo...:1e .-fA e...__6; 7' 'I esT /22Ll.hiZ"OJ2../c ;eoscAYSC~ t: ~' t. Memorandum To: Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, and City Manager cc: From: Bob Werner - Traffic Advisory Board Member Date: 12/5/2005 Re: Three suggestions Eric - as requested here are my three suggestions. 1. On 183m Street (William Island Blvd) going east from Biscayne Boulevard install "No U-Turn" signs at the access cross street in front of the Bank exit and also at Jack Smith Blvd. Many automobiles are entering 183m Sl and making a U-turn either at this Access Street or Jack Smith Blvd. This creates excessive delays in emptying out Williams Island Blvd (183m Sl). 2. Hurricane Wilma severely damaged the Mangrove area along 183m Sl alkla Williams Island Blvd. I had a suggestion from a citizen asking if the area could be paved and used to increase the number of lanes along 183m Slln examining the area doing so would provide more space to organize traffic that will turn right versus turning left. 3. Change the timing of lights at the 183rd Street and Biscayne intersection. After Hurricane Wilma when traffic lights were initially restored the timing permitted three or four cars to exit 183rd Sl and then allowed a series of cars to drive along Biscayne. The Biscayne timing was much shorter than normal. These two changes appeared to help minimize traffic holdups both on Biscayne and on 183rd St. I further recommend that the collective agencies that have an interest in the entire series of intersections around .Miami Gardens Drive and Biscayne meet and authorize a professional study to evaluate how computers and queuing theory can resolved the tie-ups f! tJ~- 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC FLOW CITY OF A VENTURA . Improvement of intersection at N.E. 29th Place and N.E. 203rd Street . Request the County and/or F.D.O.T. to re-study a left hand turn going south on Dixie Highway from westbound N.E. 203rd St.