December 5, 2017 Aventura Youth Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 0` m.,,11.), YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD
DECEMBER 5, 2017 — 5:00 p.m.
��'>, 11,0\1/4 v.• Aventura Government Center
Executive Conference Room
C ry ,. i..' Aventura, Florida 33180
1. Call to Order/Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m. by Mr.
Manor. The following members were present:
Nathaniel Manor, Chair
Sofia Korn
Dawson Miller
Eric Perczek
Rebecca Richmond-Parks
Gabriela Sartan
Alternates present: Emily Briskin
Valerie Hanz1
Brittany Steinfeld
Absent: Mayrav Lapidot
Others present: Ellisa L. Horvath, MMC, City Clerk
Susan L. Grant, City Manager
Arleen Llanes, Executive Assistant to City Clerk
2. Approval of Minutes — October 17, 2017: A motion to approve the minutes of
the October 17, 2017 meeting was offered by Ms. Sartan, seconded by Ms. Richmond-
Parks, and unanimously passed.
3. Discussion on Establishing a City Talks Program: Mrs. Horvath explained the
Commission's request for the Board to discuss the concept of creating a City Talks
Program and to provide a recommendation on whether or not it should be established.
The Board discussed the item and provided suggestions including the following: allow
City resident speakers (to provide personal point of view) and not limit it to only expert
speakers, allow interaction between the speaker and those in attendance, provide
broader topics (self-care, driving and signs, self-awareness, health awareness, etc.),
provide a disclaimer for topics that may be more mature in nature, and increase
awareness in the community regarding the program if established.
A motion to recommend that the City Commission establish a City Talks Program with
the suggestions provided by the Board was offered by Ms. Richmond-Parks, seconded
by Mr. Miller, and unanimously passed.
' Since Mayrav Lapidot was absent, Valerie Hanz served as a voting member at this meeting.
City of Aventura-Youth Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 12/05/2017
4. Discussion of Volunteer Opportunities: Mrs. Horvath will continue to provide
the Board with upcoming volunteer opportunities available through the City. It was
noted that the City's Departments will provide presentations to the Board at future
meetings to provide information on their respective roles in local government.
5. Other Business:
Board members suggested that additional events be held at the park and the library.
Mrs. Horvath discussed the notification system available on the City's website that
provides alerts for news, events, etc. and encouraged members to sign up, as well as
notifying other residents to do so.
Board members provided input on items in the City that they had received resident
comments about. Mrs. Horvath suggested that the members encourage those with
items to be addressed to contact the City Manager for assistance.
It was reported that the Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) was looking for areas to
place their artwork, which the City may want to consider in the future.
Mrs. Grant introduced herself as the new City Manager. The Board members
introduced themselves.
6. Public Comment: None.
7. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, a
motion to adjourn the meeting was offered by Ms. Richmond-Parks, seconded by Mr.
Miller, and unanimously passed; thus adjourning the meeting at 5:38 p.m.
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Ellisa L. Horvath, MM malty Clerk
Approved by the Board on February 12, 2018.
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