)• April 30, 2014— 3 p.m.
Qtrqf Government Center
Executive Conference Room
Aventura, Florida 33180
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mayor Susan
Gottlieb. City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka called the roll.
Members present: Mayor Susan Gottlieb
City Manager Eric M. Soroka
Sandi Jo Gordon
Benjamin Sens
Marina Wecksler (arrived at 3:25 pm)
2. Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the March 19, 2014 minutes was
offered by Ms. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Sens and unanimously passed.
3. Public Comments: None.
4. Review of Call to Artists RFP for Public Art at AACC or Government Center:
Mr. Soroka distributed the proposed RFP. A motion to approve, including
amendment to reference building code regulations that would pertain to the
sculpture and installation thereof, and minor typographical changes, was offered
by Mr. Sens, seconded by Ms. Gordon and unanimously passed.
5. Old Business: A motion to reconsider placement of the flag art sculpture was
offered by Mayor Gottlieb and seconded by Mr. Sens. The motion passed 3-1
with Ms. Gordon voting no. After discussion and site visit to potential locations, a
motion to revise the placement of the sculpture to the 5th floor reception area
was offered by Mayor Gottlieb, seconded by Mr. Sens and unanimously passed.
It was suggested that the installation be photographed for historical preservation.
6. New Business: Ms. Gordon distributed a photograph of a sculpture for possible
donation to the City. No consensus at this time.
The next meeting was scheduled for June 19, 2014 at 3 p.m.
7. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, after
motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting was adjourned.
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err sa M. Sorok:, M C, City Clerk
Approved by the Board on June 19, 201