05-19-2005 Workshop The Qty d City Commission AVentura Workshop Meeting . May 19, 2005 Following 10 a.m. Commission Meeting 10200 We<' rmmh'v rl..h neve Avent..",. Fl. Executive Conference Room AGENDA 1. Capital Improvement Program 2005-2010 (City Manager)* Future Action Required: Resolution 2. Proposed Traffic Advisory Board (City Commission)* Future Action Required: Ordinance 3. Proposed Turbo Lane For Biscayne Boulevard (Commissioner Urbaez Weinberg)* Future Action Required: Resolution 4. 21301 Biscayne Blvd Property (Mayor Gottlieb)* 5. Repeal of Resolution Prohibiting City Commission from Participating in City Advisory Board Meetings (Mayor Gottlieb)* Future Action Required: Resolution 6. City Manager Review 7. Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 199O, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-890 I, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. One or more members of the City's Advisory Boards may be in attendance. City of Aventura Capital Improvement Program In Brief 2005/06 - 2009/10 .""\ -\\/:'1;- .;. f". ...... "r ~ , .' '-, -, ,: - * * . -- ~ ::':...;::';-v": .-'I~. -- ~ I e e~ 01 &%(¡p CIP IN BRIEF 2005 - 2010 This document has been prepared by the Gty of Avemura to provide impot1ant information to the pubUc. This briefing is a summarized version of the 2005-2010 Capital Improvement Progrom document This document represents an update of the CIP that was originally prepared for the five year cycle of 2004 to 2009, The update process is important for the CIP to become a continuing and ongoing planning/implementation process. The last four years of last year's program were reevaluated in light of unanticipated needs, cost revisions, new project priorities and the financial condition of the City, In addition, the CIP was updated to add new projects in the fifth year (2009/10) to complete the cycle, Projects included within the framework of the program were based on input from Commissioners, staff, City consultants and citizens, The primary goal of the Capital Improvement Program is to develop a long - term plan of proposed capital expenditures, the means and methods of financing, and a schedule of priorities for implementation, The program forms the foundation for governmental participation in the development process and represents a commitment by the community toward the achievement and maintenance of a desirable high quality of life. Major emphasis was placed on the following projects: . Waterways Park Development . Transportation, Street Lighting & Safety Improvements . Stormwater Drainage Improvements . Citywide Beautification Improvements . Park Maintenance Projects 4,350,000 2,540,694 1,465,000 577,000 485,000 It is significant to note that the funding plan has little financial impact on residents and the community, Importantly, it continues to establish an ongoing mechanism to address the City's infÌastructure needs. A 5% increase in the operating ad valorem tax rate in 2008/09 is recommended to support diminished revenues from growth and increased costs associated with new facilities and expanded services. This would represent the first tax increase in the history of the City in an 12 year period, The average cost to a residential home would be $25,00 a year, It is anticipated that the City would still have the lowest tax rate in Miami-Dade County, CIP In Brief 1 OVERVIEW OF RECOMMENDED PROJECTS The proposed 2005 - 2010 Capital Improvement Program includes 22 projects in 5 functional categories with a total value of $14,294,037, The following represents the percentage of total funding that each functional category has been allocated: Beautification & Parks Facilities (38%), Transportation, Drainage and InfÌastructure Improvements (28%), Capital Equipment Purchase and Replacement (18%), Information/Communication Technology (15%) and Public Buildings and Facilities Improvements (I %), The following table presents a summarized breakdown ofthe costs ofthe various projects recommended for funding categorized by major function for each of the five years covered by the Capital Improvement Program, Capital Improvement Program 2005/06-2009/10 Summary By Function Program 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 TOTAL Beautification & Parks Facililies 2,368,500 $ 2,983,500 $ 60,000 $ $ $ 5,412,000 Transportation, Drainage & 1,130,694 1,140,000 550,000 595,000 590,000 4,005,694 InfrastNcture Public Buildings & Facilities 74,500 74,500 InfonnationfCommunication 592,950 453,000 362,000 427,000 367,150 2,202,100 Technology Capital Equipment 527,975 541,290 537,368 415,550 577,560 2,599,743 Totals 4,694,619 $ 5,117,790 $ 1,509,368 $ 1,437,550 $ 1,534,710 $ 14,294,037 Intonnatlon Technology IS% Transpor1al1on, Dralnsge & Intrestructure 28% Besutlflcs.on & Parks 38% Public Buildings 1% CIP In Brief 2 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS BY LOCATION AND YEAR The following outlines the major projects by location and the year they are proposed to be funded: Location Founders Park Improvements Waterways Park Development Country Club Drive Tennis Court NE 29~ A venue Improvements NE 27' Avenue Connector 'fiami Gardens Drive Improvements NE 209 & Blscayoe Blvd Median Hospital District Area Yacbt Club Drive HE 190the Street Improvements HE 207'" Street Williams Island Road Aventura Blvd Traffic Video Monitoring System HE 213" Street Outfall Improvements Community Center Improvements Capital Improvement Program 2005/06-2009/10 Summary By Location Beautification Improvements Drainage Park Improve Improve 2005-2007 2005-2007 20051116 Facilities Improve Transportation Improvements Street Ligbting 20061117 2005106 20051116 20051116 20061117 2005106 2006-08 2009/10 20071118 20051116 20081119 20051116 2005-2009 20061117 20051116 SUMMARY OF MAJOR REVISIONS The following represents the significant revisions or modifications to the proposed CIP compared to the prior document: Added Founders Park Improvements - $415,000, Added Miami Gardens Drive Extension Upgrades- $300,000, Added Country Club Drive Tennis Court Improvements - $70,000, Added NE 207tb Street Beautification Upgrades- $60,000. Added Yacht Club Drive Seawall Improvements - $100,000, Added NE 29tb Street Lighting Improvements - $140,000, Added NE I 90th Street Resurfacing - $140,000, Added Hospital District Road Resurfacing - $300,000 . . . . . . . . CIP In Brief 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 20OS - 2010 HIGHLIGHTS Development and construction ofthe expanded 6 acre Waterways Park facility on NE 213th Street. . A total of $415,000 in improvements to Founders Park that includes the expansion of the parking lot, playground equipment and a water splashpad play area, . Implementation of $1,004,700 Traffic Video Monitoring Program which provided for the installation of cameras at key intersections to allow the Police Department to monitor and respond to traffic conditions, . Utilizes a stormwater utility program to correct and improve drainage along roadways for certain areas of the City, A total of $1,465,000 worth of improvements will be completed during the five year period, . Implementation of $440,000 of transportation improvements that includes street lighting for NE 29th A venue and Miami Gardens Drive Extension and a new bus shelter at NE 213 th Street, . A total of $577,000 of Citywide beautification improvements including median landscaping is funded to continue to fulfill our goal of being the most beautiful City in South Florida, Major improvements include: NE 207th south swale area, Miami Gardens Drive Extension, and Biscayne Boulevard Median (NE 209-212 St), . Road maintenance projects that total $1,000,000 to resurface asphalt and enhance safety are included for NE Aventura Boulevard, Yacht Club Drive, Williams Island Road, NE I 90th Street and the Hospital District. . Provides the necessary equipment to continue to provide high quality and effective police services . Continues the implementation of technology improvements and management information systems to enhance the productivity and efficiency of city operations, . Ensures that the tools of production, vehicles, equipment and technology, are available for city operations, CIP In Brief 4 FUNDING PLAN SUMMARY The following represents an overview of the major points of the recommended funding plan: 1. Utilize "pay - as - you - go" financing through annual appropriations to fund the total five year amount of$14,294,037, No additional debt is recommended. 2, Utilize funding fÌom impact fees and grants in the amount of $1,956,000 to assist in the funding of the Waterways Park and police equipment, 3, Adopt a 5% increase in the operating ad valorem tax rate in 2008/09 to support diminished revenues from growth and increased costs associated with new facilities and expanded services, This would represent the first tax increase for general government purposes in the history of the City in a 12 year period, The average cost to a residential home would be $25.00 a year, It is anticipated that City would still have the lowest tax rate in Miami-Dade County, If operating expenditures increase at a higher rate than expected, unanticipated events reduce key revenue sources, or an unforeseen emergency occurs during the five year period other operating ad valorem tax rate increases will be required, It should be made clear that the funding plan is based on a series of projections and assumptions, If events occur that revise the projections and assumptions, the financing plan will have to be updated and amended. The following table reflects the distribution of all proposed projects to the funding source or mechanism, which is appropriate for funding the projects for each of the fiye years of the program. Capital Improvement Program 2005/06-2009/10 Summary By Funding Source Funding Source 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 TOTAL General 2,440,125 3,678,290 851,368 787,550 854,710 8,612,043 Police Impact Fees 178,500 99,500 108,000 55,000 90,000 531,000 Stonnwater Utility 515,000 600,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 1,465,000 Parks Development 1,000,000 75,000 o 0 o 1,075,000 Grants o 350,000 350,000 Transportation Fund 560,994 315,000 300,000 545,000 540,000 2,260,994 $ 4,694,619 $ 5,117,790 $ 1,509,368 $ 1,437,550 $ 1,534,710 $ 14,294,037 CIP In Brief 5 OVERVIEW FIVE YEAR FUNDING PLAN This chart provides an overview of the funding plan for the General Fund including projected revenues and expenditures over the next five years, TABLE 3 RECAP OF AVAILABLE RESOURCES vs PROPOSED APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2005106 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 TOTAL PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESOURCES $25,819,576 $26,805,959 $27,640,283 $29,398,074 $30,529,403 PROJECTED OPERATING EXPENDITURES 20,455,887 22,266,590 23,976,609 25,687456 27,537,040 SUBTOTAL 5,363,688 4,539,369 3,663,674 3,710,618 2,992,363 LESS DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 TRANSFER TO GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 3,073,688 2,249,369 1,373,674 1,420,618 702,363 BALANCE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR 9,216,543 9,850,106 8,421,185 8,943,491 9,576,559 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES FOR CIP 12,290,231 12099475 9794859 10,364,109 10,278,922 PAY.AS.YOU-GO PROPOSED APPROPRIATION - CIP 2,440,125 3,678,290 851,368 787,550 854,710 BALANCE IN CIP - END OF YEAR $9,850,106 $8,421,185 $8,943,491 $9,576,559 $9,424,212 The City's finances remain strong and healthy over the five year period, however the need for a tax increase in the forth year (2008/09) should be seriously evaluated by the City based on economic trends at that time, A 5% increase in the ad valorem tax rate in 2008/09 is recommended to support diminished revenues fÌom growth and increased costs associated with new facilities and expanded services, $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 CIP In Brief 2005/06 . ....~ ..- ~~""..-- ~ .. .. .." ..-- ....- .. - ~ ~ Revenues - Expenditures ----CIP -Fund Balance ---------"- ---..-------------. 2006/07 200708 2008/09 2009/10 6 2005/06 CAPITAL BUDGET The following projects are scheduled for the fiscal year beginning October I, 2004 and ending September 30, 2005: Project Amount Waterways Park Development Phase I $2,000,000 Citywide Beautification Improvements: 207th South Swale 83,500 Founders Park Improvements 215,000 Drainage Improvements Hospital District North Collector Yacht Club Drive Seawall Improvements 515,000 Street Lighting Improvements: Miami Gardens Drive 225,000 A ventura Boulevard Road Resurfacing 240,000 Traffic Video Monitoring System Program 54,700 Sidewalks - NE 27th Avenue 95,994 Community Center Improvements 24,500 Holiday Lighting for Government Center 50,000 Computers & Communications: 592,950 Capital Equipment 527,975 Total Capital Projects Expenditures $4,694,619 CIP In Brief 7 FIVE YEAR ESTIMATES The following tables represent estimates of revenues and expenditures relating to the General Fund during the five year period: TABLE 1 PROJECTION OF RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 2O04l20OS 200512006 2O06I200T 2O0moos 2O06t2009 2009110 CURRENT YEAR REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL GOVERMENT SERVICES AD VALOREM TAXES $11,757,000 $12,286,065 $12,636,936 $13,416,690 $14,020,441 $14,651,361 (,) AD VALOREM TAXES-INCREASE" 701,022 732,568 (bl FPL FRANCHISE FEES 1,822,000 1,876,660 1,932,960 1,990,949 2,050,677 2,112,197 (0) FRANCHISE FEES 300,000 309,000 318,270 327,818 337,653 347,782 (dj UTILITY TAXES 5,602,000 5,770,060 5,943,162 6,121,457 6,305,100 6,494,253 (oj CITY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 700,000 707,000 714,070 721,21t 728,423 735,707 (0 BUILDING RELATED REVENUE 1,300,000 850,000 650,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 (01 STATE SHARED REVENUES-UNRESTRICTED 308,500 319,298 330,473 342,039 354,011 366,401 (h1 HALF CENT SALES TAX 1,545,000 t,599,O75 1,655,043 1,712,969 1,772,923 t,834,975 (I) CHARGES FOR SERVICES 798,000 825,930 854,83B 884,757 915,723 947,774 UI FINES AND FORFEITURES 220,000 226,600 233,398 240,400 247,612 255,040 (') CHARTER SCHOOL LAND LEASE PAYMENTS 11,000 56,000 104,000 (I) CHARTER SCHOOL BUILDING LEASE PAYMENTS 2SO,OOO 250,000 250,000 250,000 (I) Mise, REVENUES 50,000 50,000 SO,OOO 50,000 SO,OOO 50,000 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 110,000 100,000 103,500 107,123 110.872 114,752 COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 25000 25000 25000 25 000 25 000 25 000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR REVENUES $24,537 ,500 $24,944,688 $25,899,651 $26,7Ot,412 $28,425,457 $29,521,812 TRANSFERS FROM TRANSPORTATION FUND 604,SOO 629,535 651,306 673,839 697,161 721,299 TRANSFERS FROM SCHOOL FUND 30,000 33,000 34,155 35,350 36,588 37,868 TRANSFERS FROM STORMWATER UTILITY 204,375 212,353 220,847 229,681 238,868 246,423 TOTAL AVAILABLE $ 25,376,375 $ 25,810,576 $ 26,805,959 $ 27 ,640,283 $ 29,398.074 $ 30,529,403 TABLE 2 PROJECTION OF OPERATING EXPENOITURES FOR GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Commission Office 0' tho City Monogo' Flnonco Support Sorvlcoo Logol CltyClo,. Public sorety Community Deyolopmont Community Sorvlcoo Non - Doportmontol TOTAL PROJECTED OPERATING EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVI CES 200-4l0S 200S/0S 200SIO7 2007108 2008108 2009110 $111,922 $ 114,160 $ 116,444 $ 118,773 $ 121,148 $ 123,571 723,835 781.742 844,281 911,824 984,770 1,063,5S1 1,166,871 1,260,221 1,361,038 1,469,921 ',587,515 ',714,516 238,000 242,760 247,615 252,568 257,619 262,771 262,898 283,930 306,644 331,176 357,670 386,283 9,078,277 10,2S8,4S3 11,181,714 12,188,068 13,163,113 14,216,163 1,487,464 1,387,464 1,341,524 1,29S,185 1,221,992 1,145,872 4,366,454 4,715,770 S,343,O32 S,770,47S 6,232,112 6,730,681 1 306840 1411 387 1 524 298 1638621 1761517 1893631 $ 18,742,S61 $ 2O,4S5,887 $ 22,266,590 $ 23,976,609 $ 25,687,4S6 $ 27,S37,040 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 1,365,000 485,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 400000 415000 41Soo0 415000 415000 415000 2,250,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 2,290,000 $ 2O,992,SS1 $ 22,745,887 $ 24,S56,590 $ 26,266,609 $ 27,977,456 $ 29,827,040 Gonoral Fund Trano'e, to '999 Debt Sorvlco Goneral Fund Trano'" to 2000 Debt Sorvlco Goneral Fund Trano'o, to 2002 Debt Sorvlco TOTAL PROJECTED DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENDITURES CIP In Brief CIP In Brief CITY OF A VENTURA CITY COMMISSION Mayor Susan Gottlieb Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Harry Holzberg Commissioner Billy Joel Commissioner Michael Stern Commissioner Luz Urbaez Weinberg CITY MANAGER Eric M. Soroka DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza & Guedes, P.A., City Attorney Harry M. Kilgore, Finance Support Services Robert M. Sherman, Community Services Teresa M. Soroka, City Clerk Thomas Ribel, Police Chief Joanne Carr, Planning Director Mariano Fernandez, Building Director/Official Dr. Katherine Bray Murphy, Charter School Principal ~ e e~ O¿ f.¡QJ &/ CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM FROM: City Commission cð Eric M, Soroka, ICMA-CM, Cit nag May 9, 2005 Proposed Traffic Advisory Board Ordinance TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Attached please find a draft of the proposed document to be discussed at the May Workshop Meeting, EMS/act Attachment CC01348-05 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, CREATING DIVISION 4 "TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD" OF ARTICLE III "ADVISORY BOARDS" OF CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION" OF THE CITY CODE BY CREATING SECTION 2-181 "CREATION, COMPOSITION AND QUALIFICATIONS," SECTION 2-182 "DURATION OF BOARD", SECTION 2-183 "ADVISORY CAPACITY", SECTION 2-184 "RULES OF PROCEDURE; QUORUM", SECTION 2-185 "JURISDICTION"; AND SECTION 2-186 "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR MEMBERS"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABIITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to create the City of Aventura Traffic Advisory Board to assist the City in alleviating motor vehicle traffic burdens which are encountered within the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals Adopted. That the above stated recital is hereby adopted and confirmed, Section 2. Code Revised. That Division 4 "Traffic Advisory Board" of Article III "Advisory Boards" of Chapter 2 "Administration" of the City Code is hereby created to read as follows: Division 4. Traffic Advisory Board. Sec. 2-181. Creation, composition and qualifications. A. There is hereby created and established the City of Aventura Traffic Advisory Board (the "Board") consisting of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City B. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Commission, Members of the Board shall be appointed in accordance with procedures established by the City Commission and shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Commission, Members of the Board shall serve without compensation and shall not be reimbursed for travel, mileage, or per diem expenses, Each member of the Board shall be a qualified elector of the City of Aventura who has continuously resided within the City for the six-month period immediately prior to the appointment, and shall not be an employee ofthe City, Two members of the Board shall be persons who reside in the portion of the City north of the Lehman Causeway, Two members of the Board shall be persons who reside in the portion of the City south of the Lehman Causeway, Three member of the Board shall be a person who may reside in any portion of the City, Any member of the Board who ceases to reside within the City Limits or within the portion of the City fÌom which he or she was appointed pursuant to subparagraph (ii) above, shall be deemed to have resigned as of the date of his or her change of residence, In the event of the resignation or removal of any member of the Board, the Mayor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy on such Board for the unexpired portion of the term of the member vacating such office, subject to approval of the City Commission, 2 (v) In appointing members of the Board, the following additional guidelines shall be considered: An appointee should have a demonstrated interest and/or experience in: (a) traffic management or traffic engineering; and (b) a commitment to serve and act in the best interests of the citizens of A ventura. C. In the event that a member of the Board shall be absent from a duly-called meeting of the Board for three consecutive meetings or in the event that a member has two unexcused absences in a six month period, then in that event such member shall be subject to removal as a member of the Board by vote of two- thirds of the remaining members of the Board, D. The City Manager or his designee shall serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Board and shall provide necessary staff support for the Board, Sec. 2-182. Duration ofthe Board. This Board shall sunset and dissolve a year from the first meeting of the Board unless its duration shall be extended by a Resolution of the City Commission, Sec. 2-183. Advisory capacity. The powers and duties of the Board shall be solely of an advisory nature to the City Commission and City Manager. Sec. 2-184. Rules of procedure; Quorum 3 A, The Board shall adopt rules of procedure not inconsistent with the ordinances ofthe City and the laws of the State of Florida and shall utilize Robert's Rules of Order recently revised 1990 Edition for the rules of procedure for the conduct of meetings of the Board, The Board may create additional rules for the conduct of its internal proceedings, B. During the first meeting of the Board, the members shall elect one of their members to act as Chairman and may elect a Vice-Chairman, c. Four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Board, Official action shall be taken by the Board only upon the concurring vote of a majority of the members present at an official meeting of the Board, except that at least four affirmative votes shall be required for official action, Sec. 2-185. Jurisdiction. A, The jurisdiction of the Board shall be solely advisory. Action of the Board shall be in the form of a written recommendation of advice to the City Manager and City Commission, The following matters shall be within the advisory jurisdiction of the Board: (I) Assist the City in the study and formulation of motor vehicle traffic mitigation and traffic management programs. (2) Provide specific recommendations on traffic flow improvements, (3) Encourage and facilitate opportunities for City residents and businesses to participate in the work of the Board. 4 (4) Provide specific recommendations to address traffic issues that may be governed by or under the jurisdiction of the State or County agencies, (5) Other motor vehicle traffic matters assigned by the City Commission and City Manager. B, The Board, either through its chairperson or the City Manager, shall report to the City Commission every other month on their progress, Sec. 2-186. Standards of Conduct for Members. All members of the Board shall be subject to the Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees, as set by federal, state, county, city or other applicable law pursuant to City Charter Section 7,03, Section 3. Severability. That the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part, Section 4. Inclusion in the Code. That it is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and made a part of the Code of the City of Aventura; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word "Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word, 5 Section 5. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading, The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption on first reading, This motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Harry Holzberg Commissioner Billy Joel Commissioner Michael Stem Commissioner Luz Urbàez Weinberg Mayor Susan Gottlieb The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Harry Holzberg Commissioner Billy Joel Commissioner Michael Stem Commissioner Luz Urbàez Weinberg Mayor Susan Gottlieb 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this - day of May, 2005, PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this _day of June, 2005, Susan Gottlieb, Mayor ATTEST: TERESA M, SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY F:/328.001/0rdmance/Traffic Advisory Board 4.4.05 7 CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM DATE: Eric M, Soroka, City Manager /)1 Luz Urbaez Weinberg, commissione~ May 2, 2005 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Proposed Turbo Lane for Biscayne Boulevard Please place on the Workshop Agenda, a discussion regarding the City requesting FDOT to study and if feasible implement a thru traffic lane southbound on Biscayne Boulevard from Ives Dairy road to Miami Gardens Drive, The purpose of this request is to expedite traffic flow and limit the impact of traffic lights, CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Eric M, Soroka, ICMA-C~, 7:Y Manager Susan Gottlieb, MayO~ May 4, 2005 DATE: SUBJECT: 21301 Biscayne Boulevard Property Please place on the May Workshop Meeting agenda a discussion to defer the sale of the city-owned property located at 21301 Biscayne Boulevard, SG/tms cc: Commission CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: DATE: Eric M, Soroka, ICMA-CM, City Manager Susan Gottlieb, MaYOrØ- May 4, 2005 FROM: SUBJECT: Repeal of Resolution Prohibiting City Commission Members From Participating in City's Advisory Board Meetings Please place on the May Workshop Meeting agenda a discussion to repeal the resolution prohibiting City Commission members from participating in the City's Advisory Board meetings, SG/tms cc: Commission