02-01-2005 Zev Auerbach Jay R. Beskin Ken Cohen Bob Diamond Manny Grossman Harry Holzberg A ~he City of ~ventura Q Citv M"""""" Eric M. Soroka City r~mm;"lno Jeffrey M. Perlow, Mayor Citv Clai Te«sa M. Soroka, CMC Citv Attorney Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza Guedes Boniske & Cole AGENDA FEBRUARY 1, 2005 6 PM Government Cente' 19200 We,t Country Club Onve Aventum,Florida33180 1. CALL TO ORDER\ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ZONING HEARINGS: SPECIALLY SET BY COMMISSION FOR 6 P.M. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please be advi,ed that the following items on the Commi"ion', agenda are quasi- judicial in nature. If you wi,h to object 0' comment upon any of these items. please infonn the Mayo, when he roque", public comments. An opportunity fo' pernon, to ,peak on each item will be made available aftee the applicant and ,tafT have made thei, pre,entation, on each item. All testimony, including public te"imony and evidence, will be made undee oath oc affinnation. Additionally, each p""on who give, te,timony may be ,ubject to c'"","><amination. If you ,efu,e eithee to be cro"-e><amined or to be sworn, you, te"imony will be given it, due weight. The genecal public will not be pecmitted to cro"-examine wilne"e" but the public may reque" the Commi"ion to ask que,tion, of ,tafT oc wilne"es on thei, behalf. P""on, 'epmenting ocganization, mu" pment evidence of thei, authority to 'peak roc the o'ganization. Furthee detail, of the quasi-judicial pl'OCedure, may be obtained from the Cleek. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL GRANTED THROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 2002-46 TO ALLOW A CHANGE IN EXTERIOR COLOR ON THE PHASE I BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN CENTER LOCATED AT 18741 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, A VENTURA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (It is anticipated that this item will be deferred) 4. AGENDA: Request for Deletions/Emergency Additions 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: Certificates of Completion to Aventura Government 101 A Citizens Academy participants 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Matters included under the Consent Agenda are self-explanatory and are not expected to require discussion or review. Items will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired by any member of the Commission, that item must be removed trom the Consent Agenda and considered separately. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 4,2005 Commission Meeting January 6,2005 Special Meeting January 20,2005 Workshop Meeting B. FeIn8Iy I, 2005 Cœønissiœ Moetiøg A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND OTHERWISE ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF A VENTURA AND MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND OTHERWISE ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF A VENTURA AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. D. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE CITY OF A VENTURA 2005 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. E. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT BY THE COMMISSION OF A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT PLAN TO FILL A VACANCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. F. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2003-12 WHICH ORDINANCE ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE 2003/2004 FISCAL YEAR BY REVISING THE 2003/2004 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET AS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO 2 FeIn8Iy I, 2005 CœønissiœMoetiøg CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. ORDINANCES: FIRST READING/PUBLIC INPUT: None. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: ORDINANCES: SECOND READING: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 26 "ELECTIONS" BY AMENDING ARTICLE II "CITY COMMISSION AND MAYOR", BY CREATING SECTION 26-34 "EARLY VOTING"; EXEMPTING CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH (I)(b) OF SECTION 101.657, FLORIDA STATUTES, CONCERNING EARLY VOTING AND INSTEAD AUTHORIZING A SHORTENED DURATION FOR EARLY VOTING FOR CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9. RESOLUTIONS - PUBLIC HEARING: None 10.OTHER BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING MARCH 8TH REFERENDUM (Commissioner Beskin) 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS 12. REPORTS 13. ADJOURNMENT SCHEDULE OF FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS WORKSHOP MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 2005 EARLY VOTING FEBRUARY 26-27, 2005 MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 1,2005 COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 10,2005 MUNICIPAL RUN-OFF (if necessary) MARCH 15, 2005 COMMISSION INSTALLATION MARCH 17,2005 10 A.M. 10 A.M.-5 P.M. 7 A.M.-7 P.M. 6 P.M. 7 A.M. - 7 P.M. 7 P.M. Thi, meeting is open to the public. In acco,dance with the Americans with Di"bilities Act of 1990, all p""on, who are disabled and who need 'pecial accommodation, to participate in thi, meeting because of that di"bility should contact the Office of the City Clerk. 305-466-8901, not late, than two days prioc to such proceeding. One 0' mo,e memb"" of the City of Aventuca Advisory Boacds may be in attendance. Anyone wi,hing to appeal any deci,ion made by the Aventum City Commission with ,e'pect to any matte, considcred at ,uch meeting 0' hearing will need a 'eco,d of the pcoceedings and, fo, such pUll'°se, may need to ensuce that a ve,batim ,ecord of the pcoceedings is made, which reco,d include, the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Agenda items may be viewed at the Office of the City C1e,k, City of Aventum Government Cente" 19200 W. Country Club Onve, Aventuca. Florida, 33180. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of any agenda item ,hould contact the City C1e,k at 305-466- 8901. 3 CITY OF AVENTURA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM BY: City commiSSiO~ Eric M. Soroka, -C City Manager Joanne Carr, AIC~ Planning Director TO: FROM: DATE: December 8, 2004 SUBJECT: Request of TRG Regina Square, Ltd. for Modification of Conditional Use approval granted through Resolution 2002-46 to change the color scheme of Phase 1 of the Town Center at 18741 Biscayne Boulevard (05-CU-02 Modification) -JaRllary 4, 2996- City Commission Meeting Agenda Item ~ F~bru.ilr'i /, 2.ov:)' RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission deny the request for modification of the color scheme for P~ase 1 of the Town Center redevelopment project as approved through Resolution No. 2002-46 as it does not meet the criteria for conditional use approval in Section 31-73 of the City Code. THE REQUEST The applicant, Clifford A. Schulman for TRG Regina Square, Ltd., is requesting that the exterior colors of the Phase 1 condominium buildings known as The Venture be changed from the earth tones presented at the September 3, 2002 City Commission public hearing to blue and white colors. (See Exhibit #1 for Letter of Intent) BACKGROUND OWNER OF PROPERTY TRG Regina Square, Ltd, APPLICANT Clifford A. Schulman ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 18741 Biscayne Boulevard Loehmann's Fashion Island Shopping Plaza (See Exhibit #2 for Location Plan and Exhibit #3 for Aerial Photograph) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of Tracts "B" and "C", Regina Square Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 113, Page 27 of the Public Records of Dade County SIZE OF PROPERTY Approximately 6.27 acres for Phase 1 site EXISTING ZONING TC1, Town Center District FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION Town Center (TC1 zone) HISTORY The Phase 1 development of the Town Center currently under construction on the Loehmann's Plaza site consists of two residential buildings with a total of 500 units and 18,799 square feet of retail space on the ground level of the north elevation of each building, The easterly building fronting on NE 29 Avenue is 11 stories high and the westerly building fronting on NE 187 Street is 7 stories high. Both buildings are connected by a five level parking garage that has been designed to complement the façade of the residential structures. On September 3, 2002, the applicant received Conditional Use Approval through Resolution No. 2002-46 to permit the following uses in Phase 1 of the Town Center development: 1. An 11 story residential building, where a maximum of 4 stories are permitted by Code. 2. A 7 story residential building, where a maximum of 4 stories are permitted by Code. 3, Floor area minimum of 750 square feet for one bedroom units, where a minimum of 900 square feet is required by Code. 4, Floor area minimum of 1,025 square feet for two bedroom units, where a minimum of 1050 square feet is required by Code. 5. Residential uses on the ground floor, where retail and office uses only are permitted on the ground floor by Code. 6, 825 parking spaces, where 1,066 parking spaces are required by Code. The conceptual master plan for the overall Town Center was approved as part of the administrative site plan approval for the Phase 1 development. Color renderings of the Phase 1 development and the Town Center plaza area were presented by the applicant at the September 3, 2002 public hearing. Those renderings showed an earth tone color scheme for both Phase 1 and the Town Center as a whole. Copies of the color 2 renderings are attached as Exhibit #4. The requested color change is shown on Exhibit #5. ANALYSIS Citizen Comments. The Community Development Department has received no written citizen comments about this application, Community Development Department Analysis - The Applicant is requesting modification to the conditional use approval granted through Resolution No. 2002-46 to change the color scheme of the Phase 1 buildings from earth tones to blue and white. This modification requires review of the conditional use approval criteria to ensure that all criteria continue to be met with this requested change. Criteria This request for modification to conditional use approval will be evaluated using the criteria in Section 31-73 of the City's land Development Regulations, as follows: (a) The proposed use shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The use is consistent with the City of Aventura Comprehensive Plan, which designates the future land use category for this site as Town Center. The requested modification does not change the proposed use of the land. (b) The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use shall not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety or general welfare. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety or general welfare, The requested modification does not change the proposed use of the land. (c) The proposed use shall be consistent with the community character of the immediate neighborhood of the proposed use. The proposed use is consistent with the community character of the immediate neighborhood of the proposed use. The requested modification does not change the proposed use of the land. There is an existing mix of retail, office and residential uses in the immediate neighborhood of NE 28 Court, NE 29 Avenue, NE 187 Street, NE 190 Street and NE 191 Street. The City Commission has reviewed the overall concept and future of this area of the City and has determined that a mixed use, town center development on this site will be beneficial to businesses and residents, (d) Utilities, roadway capacity, drainage and other necessary public facilities, including police, fire and emergency services, shall exist at the City's adopted levels of 3 service, or will be available concurrent with demand as provided for in the requirements of these LDRs. The applicant's engineer confirmed that utilities, roadway capacity, drainage and other necessary public facilities, including police, fire and emergency services, shall exist at the City's adopted levels of service or will be available concurrent with demand as provided for in the requirements of the City's land Development Regulations. The requested modification does not change the concurrency requirements. (e) Adequate measures exist or shall be taken to provide ingress and egress to the proposed use in a manner that minimizes traffic congestion in the public streets. The requested modification does not change the proposed ingress and egress to the proposed use. Ingress and egress to the Phase 1 parking structure is proposed through an entrance on NE 187 Street at NE 28 Court with an exit into the plaza to the north, a drop-off, pick-up area on both NE 29 Avenue and the westerly internal drive. The applicant submitted a Traffic Study which indicated that a traffic signal is required at this time at the intersection of NE 28 Court and NE 187 Street. Signal timing changes are required at the existing light at the intersection of NE 29 Avenue and NE 190 Street and at the existing light at the intersection of NE 187 Street and Biscayne Boulevard. The applicant has voluntarily agreed to fund the installation of a traffic signal and will make arrangements with Miami-Dade County for the timing changes at the existing signals, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy. The applicant has also indicated that it will support the City in a request to FDOT and the County to prohibit left turns at the intersection of NE 187 Street and Biscayne Boulevard and relocate the existing traffic signal at that intersection to the intersection of the present entrance road into loehmann's Plaza and Biscayne Boulevard. This will alleviate the existing traffic congestion at the corner NE 187 Street and Biscayne Boulevard. These improvements are conditions of Resolution No. 2002-46. (f) The establishment of the conditional use shall not impede the development of surrounding properties for uses permitted in the zoning district. The establishment of the conditional use will not impede the development of surrounding properties for uses permitted in the zoning district. The property to the north is zoned for similar mixed-use development. The property to the south is zoned Community Business district and contains an existing retail plaza, The properties to the east are zoned Town Center and Town Center Marine Districts and include an existing marina and an office/retail complex under construction. To the west of this site lie Biscayne Boulevard and the Florida East Coast Railway. (g) The design of the proposed use shall minimize adverse effects, including visual impacts, of the proposed use on adjacent property through the use of building orientation, setbacks, buffers, landscaping and other design criteria. 4 The Phase 1 buildings were designed to interface both with the existing center until future phases are constructed and with the master plan once it is completed. The earth tone color scheme originally presented is continued throughout all future phases of the Town Center master plan. A change to blue and white exterior colors on the Phase 1 buildings will not minimize visual impacts and will not create a unified theme of development of the Town Center that results in a "sense of place" if one part is blue and white and the balance is earth tones. The applicant's letter of intent states that the blue and white exterior colors will be compatible with the color of buildings on NE 188 Street and in the general area; however, the compatibility desired is compatibility with the balance of the adjacent Town Center and with the balance of the adjacent existing retail center until the future phases of the Town Center are constructed. Staffs review of publications on other Town Centers in South Florida and in other parts of the country show that earth tones are consistently used to create the comfortable environment desired for gathering areas. 5 Greenberg Traurig Clifford A. Schulman (305) 579-0613 Di,ectFax: (305)96t-5613 E-Mail: schulmanc@gtlaw.com October21,2004 Joann Carr, AICP Planning Director City of Aventura 19200 West Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 Re: Request for modification of color scheme for the project known as "The Venture" Dear Ms. Carr: This letter constitutes our request for Commission consideration for a modification of colors of the above-noted project. The project was granted Conditional Use Approval through adoption of Resolution No. 2002-46 on September 3, 2002. While we do not believe that the Conditional Use Approval formally encompassed approval of color schemes, staff has indicated that they feel Commission approval is required for any modification of the colors rendered in our proposal. After consultation with our design architects, Arquitectonica, a modified color scheme is felt to be more appropriate for the site and the general environs of this area ofthe City, including developments which have been approved at, near and around the site. A review of colors of buildings approved up and down N,E. 188th Street, including the City's own Charter School and Community Center, will show the compatibility of our proposed color scheme with those as-built and approved projects. We will submit, under separate cover, a rendering comparison of the prior color and the proposed new color shortly. However, we wanted to get this letter to you as soon as possible to get a place on the November 9, 2004 agenda. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, ~~'J~ r Clifford A. Schulman cc: Anne Cotter John Chappelear Rafael Millares EXHIBIT #1 05-CU-O2 (MOD) \\MIA-SR VO I \l593786vO 1 110121104\1 0840.0 17500 Greenbe'g Trou';g, ~A. I AHorney' allow 11221 Brickell Avenue I Miomi, Fl 33131 I Tel 305.579.0500 1 Fox 305.579.0717 I wwwgtiowcom ¡] , MIAMI GARDENS DR. EXHIBIT #3 05-CU-O2 (MOD) .5::X:,,;")i;¡~;" : " . ':~i::~~ . "',.:)":"-":::;if '. . - . "'. c '(11 :<; h m eX ,::I: c- ",DJ -:::¡ ~~ 5! á:~~:((~ . ~;; :;,~}i \tV~, J~*1ì"4'i~:;. ".,:, 'j' " ~' i,f iid Iii ¡f ~ Iii Iii Ii !~~ ! ¡:::","', i' ':;' ',',>', '",", . ~ 0 '¡~~ï~1 M"" ,- D,;:] COJJ 0::0 ":J;' 13 Hf3l3l3l3l3lr . , ' 00000 00 o~ , , .... IiIIII III ~ i ~ , ~ "Ii ~¡ ):a æ IhJ¡!!f..... rli.ll~ ~ ~q¡ i~¡ '.~ mill ;;11 r'lI.í¡ q¡ I:b IJI~~ '~~ ~t" ~I:b c;¡~ ~!Ii :t:a.~ !i III' ~~ §~ ~ s. g ~ ~ ::i mq" Q) ~ OJ CD Qj g ElJ; filii: ~ !III ~ ¡;; "I . . . ¡¡" ~ ~ ¡~ ~~ \. z EXHIBIT #5 05-CU-O2 (MOD) RESOLUTION NO. 2005- - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL GRANTED THROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 2002-46 TO ALLOW A CHANGE IN EXTERIOR COLOR ON THE PHASE 1 BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN CENTER LOCATED AT 18741 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, AVENTURA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property described herein is zoned TC1, Town Center District; and WHEREAS, the applicant, through Application No. 05-CU-02 (Modification), has applied for modification to the conditional use approval granted through Resolution No. 2002-46 to permit a change in the exterior color of the Phase 1 residential buildings from earth tones to blue and white; and WHEREAS, following proper notice, the City Commission has held a public hearing as provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the Application does/does not1 meet the criteria of the applicable codes and ordinances to the extent the application is granted/denied1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: t Language in bold italics indicates a recommendation and decision to be made by the City Commission at public hearing. Resolution No. 2005- - Page 2 Section 1. Application No. 05-CU-02 (Modification) for modification to the conditional use approval granted through Resolution No, 2002-46 to permit a change in the exterior color of the Phase 1 residential buildings from earth tones to blue and white on property legally described in Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, is hereby granted/denied!. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to cause the issuance of permits in accordance with the decision of the City Commission herein provided and to indicate' such decision upon the records of the City. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by , who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by , and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Resolution No. 2005- - Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 2005, JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M, SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY This Resolution was filed in the Office of the City Clerk this - day of January, 2005. CITY CLERK Exhibit "A" Lee:al Description A portion of Tracts B & C, REGINA SQUARE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 113, Page 27, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, lying in the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 52 South, Range 42 East, City of Aventura, Miami-Dade County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northeast corner of said Tract "CO; the following three (3) courses being along the Easterly and Southerly line of said Tract "CO said line also being along the Westerly right-of-way line of N.E. 29th Avenue and Northerly right-of-way line of N.E. 187th Street as shown on said Plat of REGINA SQUARE SUBDIVISION, (1) thence South 00E38'10" East for 260.56 feet to a point of curvature; (2) thence Southerly and Westerly along a 128.90 foot radius curve leading to the right, through a central angle of 90E41'25" for an arc of 204.03 feet to a point of tangency; (3) thence North 89E56'45" West for 126.02 feet to the Southwest corner of said Tract "CO; thence North 89E56'45" West along the South line of said Tract "B" also being said Northerly right-of- way of N.E. 187th Street for 364.91 feet; thence North 00E03' 15" East for 443,27 feet; thence South 89E56'45" East along a line parallel with said South line of Tract "B" for 616.05 feet; thence South OE38'10" East along the East line of said Tract "B" also being the West right-of-way line of N.E. 29th Avenue for 52.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. A'!ñe C~ of nventura _I:!!!.- ¥ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 4, 2005 6 p.m. Aventura Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Jay R. Beskin, Bob Diamond, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Commission observed a moment of silence for victims of the tsunami disaster in Asia. 3. ZONING HEARINGS: SPECIALLY SET BY COMMISSION FOR 6 P.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL GRANTED THROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 200246 TO ALLOW A CHANGE IN EXTERIOR COLOR ON THE PHASE 1 BUILDINGS IN THE TOWN CENTER LOCATED AT 18741 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, AVENTURA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. At the request of the applicant, a motion to defer this item to the February 1, 2005 Commission meeting was offered by Commissioner Diamond, seconded by Commissioner Grossman and unanimously passed. 4. AGENDA: REQUEST FOR DELETIONS/EMERGENCY ADDITIONS: A motion was offered by Commissioner Cohen, seconded by Commissioner Auerbach and unanimously passed to add to the agenda as an emergency item discussion of the County's request to change the date of the City's March election. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was offered by Commissioner Grossman, seconded by Commissioner Diamond, unanimously passed and the following action was taken: A. The minutes of the November 9, 2004 Commission Meeting, December 16, 2004 Special Meeting and December 16, 2004 Workshop Meeting were approved. B. Resolution No. 2005-01 was adopted as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ALONG THE WESTBOUND AND EASTBOUND FRONTAGE ROADS OF THE WILLIAM LEHMAN CAUSEWAY BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE NECESSARY AND EXPEDIENT ACTION TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. C. Resolution No. 2005-02 was adopted as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA AWARDING AND LETTING A BID/CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 04-12-3-2, POLICE EGRESS LANE AND DUMPSTER RELOCATION, TO PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING, INC. AT THE BID PRICE OF $77,375.98; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ASSOCIATED CONTRACTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE NECESSARY AND EXPEDIENT ACTION TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR SAID BID AWARD; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. ORDINANCES: FIRST READING/PUBLIC INPUT: None. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: ORDINANCES - SECOND READING: Mr. Wolpin read the following ordinance by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 31-21 "DEFINITIONS" OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE DEFINITIONS FOR "SECONDHAND JEWELRY" AND "SECONDHAND PRECIOUS METALS" AND TO AMEND SECTION 31-144(c) "COMMUNITY BUSINESS (B2) DISTRICT" OF THE CITY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF SECONDHAND JEWELRY AND SECONDHAND PRECIOUS METALS AS A PERMITTED USE; TO REQUIRE PROVISION OF SECURITY PLANS FOR ESTABLISHMENTS THAT PURCHASE AND SELL SECONDHAND JEWELRY AND SECONDHAND PRECIOUS METALS AND TO PROHIBIT PAWNSHOPS IN THE "COMMUNITY BUSINESS (B2) DISTRICT"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2 A motion for approval was offered by Commissioner Cohen and seconded by Commissioner Auerbach, Mayor Perlow opened the public hearing. The following individuals addressed the Commission: Robert Stock, Esq., 2875 NE 191st Street; and Mr. Levine, representing the International Jewelry Exchange. There being no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. The motion for approval passed unanimously by roll call vote and Ordinance No. 2005.()1 was enacted. 9. RESOLUTIONS - PUBLIC HEARING: None, 10.0THER BUSINESS: Ms. Soroka advised the Commission that the County has requested that the City consider rescheduling the March 1st election to March 8th, to coincide with the County's special election. After discussion, a motion was offered by Vice Mayor Cohen, seconded by Commissioner Diamond and unanimously passed not to change the date of the municipal election. Ms. Soroka further advised the Commission that if they did not wish to provide early voting in accordance with state statute, it would be necessary to opt out of this provision of the state statute and enact procedures specifically for the City of Aventura. A motion was offered by Vice Mayor Cohen, seconded by Commissioner Diamond and unanimously passed to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance opting out of the state statute mandating early voting, to be addressed at the January 6, 2005 Special Meeting. 11.PUBLIC COMMENTS: Joe Platnick, 18071 Biscayne Boulevard. Mayor Perlow recognized Senator Gwen Margolis and Representative Dan Gelber who were in attendance to present a check to the City for stormwater drainage in the amount of $215,000. 12. REPORTS. As submitted. 13. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. Teresa M. Soroka, CMC, City Clerk Approved by the Commission on Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 3 The Ctty of Avenfura -i)- '",,/ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 6, 2005 10 a.m. Aventura Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura, Florida 33180 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Jay R. Beskin, Bob Diamond, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 2. ORDINANCE: FIRST READING: At the direction of the Commission at its January 4, 2005 meeting, Mr. Wolpin prepared an ordinance to provide for the City to opt out of the state statute provisions regarding early voting, and he read the title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 26 "ELECTIONS" BY AMENDING ARTICLE II "CITY COMMISSION AND MAYOR", BY CREATING SECTION 26-34 "EARLY VOTING"; EXEMPTING CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH (1)(b) OF SECTION 101.657, FLORIDA STATUTES, CONCERNING EARLY VOTING AND INSTEAD AUTHORIZING A SHORTENED DURATION FOR EARLY VOTING FOR CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A motion for approval was offered by Vice Mayor Cohen, and seconded by Commissioner Diamond. Mayor Perlow opened the public hearing. There being no speakers, the public hearing was closed. The motion for approval passed unanimously by roll call vote. It was the consensus of the Commission that early voting be provided for any regular and run-off elections and that early voting be held at the Aventura Government Center, unless otherwise amended. 3. John Shubin, Esq., and Alan Tinter, the City's outside counsel and consultant, respectively, discussed the Gulfstream Park DR!. It was the consensus of the Commission to proceed as follows: 1) City Manager to notify the City of Hallandale Beach that it is not the City's desire to impede the development of this project, but wishes to insure that the City's concerns are addressed. 2) Mr. Shubin to contact Magna to discuss City's concerns 3) Prepare documentation regarding case for aggregation 4) Locate hard data to quantify impact of slot machines 5) Send letter to Broward County regarding the City's entitlement to mitigation 6) Schedule next meeting for February 3, 2005 for further discussion including possible legislative remedies. 4. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned at 12 p.m. Teresa M. Soroka, CMC, City Clerk Approved by the Commission on Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record indudes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 2 A'!ße C~ of fiventura -~- MINUTES COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING JANUARY 20, 2005 3 p.m. Aventura Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Avenlura. Florida 33180 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow at 3 p.m. Present were Commissioners lev Auerbach, Jay R. Beskin, Bob Diamond, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Vice Mayor Ken Cohen, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 1. REQUESTED LDR REVISION: Cliff Schulman, Esq., on behalf of his client, RJ LLC d/b/a OXXO Care Cleaners, requested amendment of the City's Land Development Regulations to permit dry cleaning services on premises in the Neighborhood Business District B1. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Staff directed to recommend conditional use approval mechanism for B-1 District to be considered at a future Workshop Meeting. 2. TSUNAMI RELIEF PROGRAM: Nadine Wentrow, Turnberry Associates Marketing Director, requested City's participation in Tsunami Relief Program. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to participate to the following extent a) Allow banners on businesses in the City with property owner/City Manager approval; b) allow flyer insert in employee payroll envelopes advertising program; c) publish article in Aventura Update; d) allow signage in medians; e) allow use of City name in relief efforts; and f) permit volunteers to place bands for sale throughout community. 3. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES: Mr. Soroka distributed proposed program. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus to amend second provision to delete "traffic" and replace with "development". Resolution adopting policy as amended to be considered at February 1st Commission meeting 4. FEC TRANSPORTATION UPDATE: Mayor Perlow reported on a meeting he attended November 22, 2004 in Fort Lauderdale regarding a feasibility study for transit line along FEC corridor. He also provided an update on a recent meeting with neighboring Mayors and City Managers regarding traffic transportation issues on Collins Avenue. Lastly, discussion ensued regarding the County's proposed use of transit tax funds. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: No further action necessary at this time. 5. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, after motion made, seconded and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Teresa M. Soroka, CMC, City Clerk Approved by the Commission on Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered al a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and. for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM City Commission ¡¿ Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, City ¿ ger, January 6, 2005 Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement Between the City and the Village of Miami Shores February 1, 2005 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item ~.ß RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing execution of the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with the Village of Miami Shores. BACKGROUND In order to improve cooperative relationships between law enforcement agencies and provide a mechanism to share police resources in the event of emergencies or certain demanding situations, Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, Florida Mutual Aid Act allows agencies to enter into Police Services Mutual Aid Agreements. The various departments use a basic Mutual Aid Agreement. The following list comprises the circumstances and conditions under which mutual aid may be requested: 1. 2. The joint multijurisdictional criminal investigations. Civil affray or disobedience, disturbances, riots, large protest demonstrations, controversial trials, political conventions, labor disputes and strikes. Any natural disaster. Incidents which require rescue operations and crowd and traffic control measures including, but not limited to, large-scale evacuations, aircraft and shipping disasters, fires explosions, gas line leaks, radiological incidents, train wrecks and derailments, chemical or hazardous waste spills, and electrical power failures. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Terrorist activities including, but not limited to, acts of sabotage. Escapes from disturbances within detention facilities. Hostage and barricade subject situations, and aircraft piracy. Control of major crime scenes, area searches, perimeter control, back-ups to emergency and in-process calls, pursuits, and missing person calls. Enemy attack. Transportation of evidence requiring security. Major events, e.g., sporting events, concerts, parades fairs, festivals and conventions. Security and escort duties for dignitaries. Emergency situations in which one agency cannot perform its functional objective. Incidents requiring utilization for specialized units, e.g., underwater recovery, aircraft, canine motorcycle, bomb, crime scene, marine patrol, and police information. Joint training in areas of mutual need. The Agreement is beneficial in our mission to protect the safety and quality of life of our residents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/act Attachment CCO1333-05 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND OTHERWISE ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Aventura to execute and otherwise enter into that certain Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Aventura and Miami Shores Village for law enforcement activities in substantially the form as attached hereto, Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to do all things necessary and expedient in order to effectuate the execution of the attached Agreement described in Section 1 above, and to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner , who moved its adoption, The motion was seconded by Commissioner , and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Resolution No. 2005-- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY /tms MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Between the Village of Miami Shores Police Department and the City of Aventura Police Department WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the governments of the Village of Miami Shores, Florida, and the City of Aventura, Florida, to ensure the public safety of their citizens by providing adequate levels of police services to address any foreseeable routine or emergency situation; and WHEREAS, because of the existing and continuing possibility of the occurrence of law enforcement problems and other natural and manmade conditions which are, or are likely to be, beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment or facilities of the participating municipal police departments; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure the preparation of these law enforcement agencies will be adequate to address any and all of these conditions, to protect the public peace and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people of the participating Dade County municipalities; and WHEREAS, the participating Dade County municipalities have the authority under Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, Florida Mutual Aid Act, to enter into a Mutual Aid Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN, that the Village of Miami Shores, subdivision of the State of Florida, and the undersigned representatives, in consideration of mutual promises to render valuable aid in times of necessity, do hereby agree to fully and faithfully abide by and be bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. Short title: Mutual Aid Agreement 2. Description: Since the Mutual Aid Agreement provides for the requesting and rendering of assistance for both routine and intensive law enforcement situations, this Mutual Aid Agreement combines the elements of both a voluntary cooperation agreement and a requested operational assistance agreemen~ as described in Chapter 23 Florida Statutes. 3. Definitions: A. Joint declaration: A document which enumerates the various conditions or situations where aid may be requested or rendered pursuant to this Agreement, as determined by concerned agency heads. Subsequent to execution by the concerned agency heads, the Joint Declaration shall be filed with the clerks of the respective political subdivisions and shall thereafter become part of this 4. Agreement. Said declaration may be amended or supplemented at any time by the agency heads by filing subsequent declarations with the clerks of the respective political subdivisions. B. Agency or participating law enforcement agency: Either the Village of Miami Shores Police Department or the participating municipal police department. C. Agency Head: Either the Chief of the Village of Miami Shores Police Department, or the Chief's designees, and the Chief of Police of the participating municipal police department, or the Chief's designees. D. Participating municipal police department: The police department of any municipality in Dade County, Florida, that has approved and executed this Agreement upon the approval of the governing body of the municipality. E. Certified law enforcement employees: Any law enforcement employee certified as provided in Chapter 943, Florida Statutes. Operations: A. In the event that a party to this Agreement is in need of assistance, as specified in the applicable Joint Declaration, an authorized representative of the police department requiring assistance shall notify the agency from which such assistance is requested. The authorized agency representative whose assistance is sought shall evaluate the situation and his available resources, and will respond in a manner deemed appropriate. B. Each party to this Agreement agrees to furnish necessary man power, equipment, facilities, and other resources and to render services to the other party as required to assist the requesting party in addressing the situation which caused the request; provided, however, that no party shall be required to deplete, unreasonably, its own manpower, equipment, facilities, and other resources and services in rendering such assistance. C. The agency heads of the participating law enforcement agencies, or their designees, shall establish procedures for giving control of the mission definition to the requesting agency, and for giving tactical control over accomplishing any such assigned mission and supervisory control over all personnel or equipment provided pursuant to this Agreement to the providing agency. 5. Powers, Privileges, Immunities, and Costs: A. All employees of the participating municipal police department, certified law enforcement employees as defined in Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, during such time that said employees are actually providing aid outside of the jurisdictional limits of the employing municipality pursuant to a request for aid made in accordance with this Agreement, shall pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities as if they were performing their duties in the political subdivision in which they are regularly employed. B. The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing the services, personnel, equip- ment, or facilities pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall bear any loss or damage to same and shall pay any and all expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of same. c. The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing aid pursuant to this Agreement shall compensate all of its employees rendering aid pursuant to this Agreement, during the time of rendering of such aid, and shall defray the actual travel and maintenance expenses of such employees while they are rendering such aid. Such compensation shall include any amounts paid or due for compensation due to personal injury or death while such employees are engaged in rendering such aid. Such compensation shall also include all benefits normally due such employees. D. All exemptions from ordinances and rules, and all pension, insurance, relief, disability, workers compensation, salary, death, and other benefits which apply to the activity of such officers, agents, or employees of any such agency, when performing their respective functions within the territorial limits of their respective agencies, shall apply to them to the same degree, manner, and extent while engaged in the performance of their functions and duties extraterritorial under the provisions of this Mutual Aid Agreement. The provision of this Agreement shall apply with equal effect to paid and auxiliary employees. 6. Indemnification: The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing aid pursuant to this Agreement agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the requesting law enforcement agency and its political subdivision in any suit, action or claim for damages resulting from any and all acts or conduct of employees of 7. said providing agency while providing aid pursuant to this Agreement, subject to Chapter 768, Florida Statutes, where applicable. Forfeitures: It is recognized that during the course of the operation of the Agreement, property subject to forfeiture under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, Florida Statutes, may be seized. The property shall be seized, forfeited, and equitably distributed among the participating agencies in proportion to the amount of investigation and participation performed by each agency. This shall occur pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. 8. Conflicts: Any conflict between this Agreement and the Florida Mutual Aid Act will be controlled by the provisions of the latter, whenever conditions exist that are within the definitions stated in Chapter 23, Florida Statutes. 9. Effective Date and Duration: This Agreement shall be in effect from date of signing, through and including January 1, 2010, and under no circumstances may this Agreement be renewed, amended or extended except in writing. 10. Cancellation: This Agreement may be canceled by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Cancellation will be at the discretion of the chief executive officers of the parties hereto. AGREED AND ACKNOWLEDGED this _day of ,200_. City Manager, Village of Miami Shores, FL City Manager, City of Aventura, Florida ATTEST: ATTEST: City Clerk, Village of Miami Shores, FL City Clerk, City of Aventura, Florida TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC/AAE APPROVED AS JO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Attorney, Village of Miami Shores, FL City Attorney, City of Aventura, Florida JOINT DECLARATION OF THE CHIEF OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE CHIEF OF THE VILLAGE OF MIAMI SHORES POLICE DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT A deputy sheriff or police officer of either of the participating law enforcement agencies shall be considered to be operating under the provisions of the Mutual Aid Agreement when: participating in law enforcement activities that are preplanned and approved by each respective agency head, or appropriately dispatched in response to a request for assistance from the other law enforcement agency. In compliance with, and under the authority of, the Mutual Aid Agreement, hereto entered into by the City of Aventura, Florida, and the Village of Miami Shores, Florida, it is hereby declared that the following list comprises the circumstances and conditions under which mutual aid may be requested and rendered regarding police operations pursuant to the Agreement. Said list may be amended or supplemented from time to time, as needs dictate by subsequent declarations. 1. Joint multi-jurisdictional criminal investigations 2. Civil affray or disobedience, disturbances, riots, large protest demonstrations, cQntroversial trials, political conventions, labor disputes, and strikes 3. Any natural disaster 4. Incidents which require rescue operations and crowd and traffic control measures, including, but not limited to, large-scale evacuations, aircraft and shipping disasters, fires, explosions, gas line leaks, radiological incidents, train wrecks and derailments, chemical or hazardous waste spills, and electrical power failures 5. Terrorist activities including, but not limited to, acts of sabotage 6. Escapes from or disturbances within detention facilities 7. Hostage and barricaded subject situations, and aircraft piracy 8. Control of major crime scenes, area searches, perimeter control, backups to emergency and in-progress calls, pursuits, and missing persons calls 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. DATE: Enemy attack Transportation of evidence requiring security Major events; e.g., sporting events, concerts, parades, fairs, festivals, and conventions Security and escort duties for dignitaries Emergency situations in which one agency cannot perform its functional objective Incidents requiring utilization of specialized units; e.g., underwater recovery, canine, motorcycle, crime scene, marine patrol enforcement or investigation, and police information Joint training in areas of mutual need Participating in exigent situations without a formal request which are spontaneous occurrences such as area searches for wanted subjects, perimeters, crimes in progress, escaped prisoners; traffic stops near municipal boundaries, request for assistance and no local unit is available or nearby, calls or transmissions indicating an officer is injured, calls indicating a crime of incident has occurred in which a citizen may likely be injured and the assisting municipality is closer to the area than the officer receiving the call Mutual enforcement of all existing applicable laws and ordinances and exercise of arrest powers within the area comprising the jurisdictional waters within respective municipal boundaries DATE: Chief of the Village of Miami Shores Police Dept. Village of Miami Shores, Florida Chief of City of Aventura Police Dept., Aventura, Florida THOMAS E. RIBEL ATTEST: ATTEST: Village of Miami Shores, FL, CITY CLERK City Clerk, City of Aventura TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC/AAE JOINT DECLARATION AMENDMENT UNDER VILLAGE OF MIAMI SHORES POLICE/ AVENTURA POLICE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This Agreement amends the Joint Declaration under the Mutual Aid Agreement of - , 2004, to include and permit concurrent marine patrol related jurisdiction between agencies on the waters, waterways, canals, channels, rivers, lakes, streams, and any and all other bodies of waters, including the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) that fall within either jurisdiction at this or any future time during the term of this Mutual Aid Agreement. It will be agreed between both Chiefs of Police of the Village of Miami Shores and the City of Aventura to the following conditions of concurrent marine patrol related jurisdiction: 1. Both agencies will be permitted to patrol jurisdictional waters of either jurisdiction, and to take enforcement actions as deemed appropriate under city, state, and federal laws, ruies, and regulations, and to write boating law violation citations, make arrests, and to attend court on be- half of the other agency. 2. Both agencies agree that any and all incidents, which require an initial (preliminary) policE! offense incident report (aiR), will be completed by the agency making the initial contact. Any follow-up investigations that are required are to be completed by the jurisdiction the incident occurred regardless of which agency completed the original offense incident report. 3. If an arrest is made by one agency that is operating in the jurisdictional waters of the other agency, and that arrest results in asset forfeiture proceedings, both agencies agree to a 50-50 share of the final asset distribution following the payment of all expenses relating to the prose- cution of the civil case. The jurisdiction of civil forfeiture action shall be filed by seizing agency. 4. Both agencies have the right to set their own days and hours for marine patrol and agree to provide assistance and aid to the other agency under the spirit of Mutual Aid Agreement. This Amendment shall become effective upon the signing of both Chiefs of Police and shall remain in effect until either the current Mutual Aid Agreement and Joint Declaration expires or either agency gives written notice to the other agency to rescind this Amendment. I accept the terms and conditions of the aforementioned Amendment to the current Mutual Aid Agreement and Joint Declaration between the City of Aventura Police Department and the Village of Miami Shores Police Department. Date Date , Village Manager Village of Miami Shores, Florida Eric M. Soroka, City Manager Aventura, Florida , Chief of Police Village of Miami Shores Police Dept. Thomas E. Ribel, Chief of Police City of Aventura Police Dept. (914;Joint Declaration) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM City Commission ~ Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, City. a ag January 6, 2005 Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement Between the City and Miami-Dade County February 1, 2005 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item ...k..:.c.... RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing execution of the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with Miami-Dade County. BACKGROUND In order to improve cooperative relationships between law enforcement agencies and provide a mechanism to share police resources in the event of emergencies or certain demanding situations, Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, Florida Mutual Aid Act allows agencies to enter into Police Services Mutual Aid Agreements. The various departments use a basic Mutual Aid Agreement. The following list comprises the circumstances and conditions under which mutual aid may be requested: 1. 2. The joint multijurisdictional criminal investigations. Civil affray or disobedience, disturbances, riots, large protest demonstrations, controversial trials, political conventions, labor disputes and strikes. Any natural disaster. Incidents which require rescue operations and crowd and traffic control measures including, but not limited to, large-scale evacuations, aircraft and shipping disasters, fires explosions, gas line leaks, radiological incidents, train wrecks and derailments, chemical or hazardous waste spills, and electrical power failures. Terrorist activities including, but not limited to, acts of sabotage. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Escapes from disturbances within detention facilities. Hostage and barricade subject situations, and aircraft piracy. Control of major crime scenes, area searches, perimeter control, back-ups to emergency and in-process calls, pursuits, and missing person calls. Enemy attack. Transportation of evidence requiring security. Major events, e.g., sporting events, concerts, parades fairs, festivals and conventions. Security and escort duties for dignitaries. Emergency situations in which one agency cannot perform its functional objective. Incidents requiring utilization for specialized units, e.g" underwater recovery, aircraft, canine motorcycle, bomb, crime scene, marine patrol, and police information. Joint training in areas of mutual need. The Agreement is beneficial in our mission to protect the safety and quality of life of our residents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/act Attachment CCO1332-05 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND OTHERWISE ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Aventura to execute and otherwise enter into that certain Mutual Aid Agreement between Metropolitan Dade County and the City of Aventura for law enforcement activities in substantially the form as attached hereto, The City Manager is hereby authorized to do all things necessary and Section 2. expedient in order to effectuate the execution of the attached Agreement described in Section 1 above, and to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption, The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner -' who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner -' and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Resolution No. 2005-- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY EMS/tms w e C a e w e p 0 e c W e s e v e ~ lf~ä~¡ ~~~~ ~~~"2~ ~ Miami-Dade Police Department Director's Office An Intern"iomlly Ac",d;ted Police Smi" November 2, 2004 Chief Thomas E. Ribel A ventura Police Department 19200 W. Country Club Drive A ventura, Florida 33180 RECEIVED ~~ 05 2004 J AVENTURA POLICE Dear Chief Ribel: On January 1, 2005, the Mutual Aid Agreement, Joint Declaration, and Addendum to the Joint Declaration, which currently exist between Miami-Dade County and your municipality, will expire. We are enclosing renewal documents that consist of five original Mutual Aid Agreements and five original Joint Declarations. The current Addendum has been incorporated in the renewal Joint Declaration. If the documents meet the requirements of your municipality, please effect their execution and return all five signed originals to: Commander Angela S. Brown Miami-Dade Police Department Budget, Planning and Resource Management Bureau 9105 NW 25 Street, Room 3055 Miami, Florida 33172 Once the documents are received, the appropriate Miami-Dade County officials will execute each one, authorizing the renewal agreements to become effective as described in paragraph 9 and supersede all prior Mutual Aid Agreements. After such execution, your agency will receive two fully executed originals. The Miami-Dade Police Department will file copies of all executed documents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as required by the Florida Mutual Aid Act. Should you require additional information, please contact Commander Angela S. Brown at 305-471-2520. Sincerely, x~. Robert Parker Director Enclosures (2) 9105 NW 25 Street. Miami, Florida. 33172-1500 Telephone (305) 471-2100 . Fax (305) 471-2163 . Website http://www.mdpd.com MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Between Miami-Dade County and Participating Municipal Police Departments Whereas, it is the responsibility of the governments of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and the participating Miami-Dade County municipalities to ensure the public safety of their citizens by providing adequate levels of police services to address any foreseeable routine or emergency situation; and Whereas, because of the existing and continuing possibility of the occurrence of law enforcement problems and other natural and man-made conditions which are, or are likely to be, beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, or facilities of the Miami-Dade Police Department or the participating municipal police departments; and Whereas, in order to ensure that preparation of these law enforcement agencies will be adequate to address any and all of these conditions, to protect the public peace and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people of the County of Miami-Dade and the participating Miami-Dade County municipalities; and Whereas, Miami-Dade County and the participating Miami-Dade County municipalities have the authority under Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, Florida Mutual Aid Act, to enter into á mutual aid agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN that Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and the undersigned representatives, in consideration r- for mutual promises to render valuable aid in times of necessity, do hereby agree to fully and faithfully abide by and be bound by the following tenDS and conditions: 1. Short title: Mutual Aid Agreement. 2, Description: Since this Mutual Aid Agreement provides for the requesting and rendering of assistance for both routine and law enforcement intensive situations, this Mutual Aid Agreement combines the elements of both a voluntary cooperation agreement and a requested operational assistance agreement, as described in Chapter 23, Florida Statutes. 3, Definitions: a- Joint declaration: A document which enumerates the various conditions or situations where aid may be requested or rendered pursuant to this Agreement,. as determined by concerned agency heads. Subsequent to execution by the concerned agency heads, the joint declaration shall be filed with the clerks of the respective political subdivisions and shall thereafter become part of this Agreement. Said declaration may be amended or supplemented at any time by the agency heads by filing subsequent declarations W\th the clerks of the respective political subdivisions. b. Agency or participating law enforcement agency: Either the Miami-Dade Police Department or the participating municipal police department. 2 4. c. Agency head: Either the Director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, or the Director's designees; and the Chief of Police of the participating municipal police department, or the Chiefs designees. d. Participating municipal police department: The police department of any municipality in Miami-Dade County, Florida, that has approved and executed this Agreement upon the approval of the governing body of that municipality. e. Certified law enforcement employee: Any law enforcement employee certified as provided in Chapter 943, Florida Statutes- Operations: a. In the event that a party to this Agreement is in need of assistance as specified in the applicable joint declaration, an authorized representative of the police department requiring assistance shall notify the agency ITom whom such assistance is requested- The authorized agency representative whose assistance is sought shall evaluate the situation and his available resources, and will respond in a manner deemed appropriate. b. Each party to this Agreement agrees to furnish necessary manpower, equipment, facilities, and other resources and to render services to the other party as required to assist the requesting party in addressing the situation which caused the request; provided, however, that no party shall be required to deplete unreasonably its own manpower, equipment, facilities, and other resources and services in rendering such assistance. 3 c. The agency heads of the participating law enforcement agencies, or their designees, shall establish procedures for giving control of the mission definition to the requesting agency, and for giving tactical control over accomplishing any such assigned mission and supervisory control over all personnel or equipment provided pursuant to this Agreement to the providing agency. 5. Powers, Privileges, Immunities, and Costs: a, All employees of the participating municipal police department, including certified law enforcement employees as defined in Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, during such time that said employees are actually providing aid outside of the jurisdictional limits of the employing municipality pursuant to a request for aid made in accordance with this Agreement, shall, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 23, Florida Statutes, have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities as if they were performing their duties in the political subdivision in which they are normally employed. b. The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing services, personnel, equipment, or facilities pursuant to thé provisions of this Agreement shall bear any loss or damage to same and shall pay any and all expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of same. 4 c, The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing aid pursuant to this Agreement shall compensate all of its employees rendering aid pursuant to this Agreement during the time of the rendering of such aid and shall deITay the actual travel and maintenance expenses of such employees while they are rendering such aid. Such compensation shall include any amounts paid or due for compensation due to personal injury or death while such employees are engaged in rendering such aid. Such compensation shall also include all benefits normally due such employees. d. All exemption ITom ordinance and rules, and all pension, insurance, relief, disability, workers' compensation, salary, death, and other benefits which apply to the activity of such officers, agents, or employees of any such agency when performing their respective functions within the territorial limits of their respective agencies shall apply to them to the same degree, manner, and extent while engaged in the performance of their functions and duties extra territorially under the provisions of this Mutual Aid Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply with equal effect to paid and auxiliary employees, 6, Indemnification: The political subdivision having financial responsibility for the law enforcement agency providing aid pursuant to this Agreement agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the requesting law enforcement agency and its political subdivision in any suit, action, or claim for damages resulting ITom any 5 and all acts or conduct of employees of said providing agency while providing aid pursuant to this Agreement, subject to Chapter 768, Florida Statutes, where applicable. 7, Forfeitures: It is recognized that during the course of the operation of this Agreement, property subject to forfeiture under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, Florida Statutes, may be seized. The property shall be seized, forfeited, and equitably distributed among the participating agencies in proportion to the amount of investigation and participation performed by each agency, This shall occur pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, 8. Conflicts: Any conflicts between this Agreement and the Florida Mutual Aid Act will be controlled by the provisions of the latter, whenever conditions exist that are within the definitions stated in Chapter 23, Florida Statutes. 9. Effective Date and Duration: This Agreement shall be in effect from date of signing, through and including, January 1, 2010. Under no circumstances may this Agreement be renewed, amended, or extended except in writing. 6 10. Cancellation: This Agreement may be cancelled by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Cancellation will be at the discretion of the chief executive officers of the parties hereto, AGREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED this day of ,200- City Manager City of Aventura, Florida County Manager Miami-Dade County, Florida ATTEST: ATTEST: City Clerk City of Aventura, Florida County Clerk Miami-Dade County, Florida APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Attorney City of Aventura, Florida County Attorney Miami-Dade County, Florida 7 JOINT DECLARATION BETWEEN THE DIRECTOR OF THE MIAMI-DADE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE CHIEF OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA POLICE DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT. A deputy sheriff or police officer of either of the participating law enforcement agencies shall be considered to be operating under the provisions of the mutual aid agreement when: participating in law enforcement activities that are preplanned and approved by each respective agency head, or appropriately dispatched in response to a request for assistance fÌ'om the other law enforcement agency. In compliance with and under the authority of the Mutual Aid Agreement heretofore entered into by the City of Aventura and Miami-Dade County, Florida, it is hereby declared that the following list comprises the circumstances and conditions under which mutual aid may be requested and rendered regarding police operations pursuant to the agreement. Said list may be amended or supplemented fÌ'om time to time as needs dictate by subsequent declarations. 1. Joint multijurisdictional criminal investigations. 2. Civil affÌ'ay or disobedience, disturbances, riots, large protest demonstrations, controversial trials, political conventions, labor disputes, and strikes. 3. Any natural disaster. 4. Incidents which require rescue operations and crowd and traffic control measures including, but not limited to, large-scale evacuations, aircraft and shipping disasters, fires, explosions, gas line leaks, radiological incidents, train wrecks and derailments, chemical or hazardous waste spills, and electrical power failures. 5. Terrorist activities including, but not limited to, acts of sabotage. 6. Escapes fÌ'om or disturbances within detention facilities. 7. Hostage and barricaded subject situations, and aircraft piracy. 8. Control of major crime scenes, area searches, perimeter control, back-ups to emergency and in-progress calls, pursuits, and missing person calls. 9. Enemy attack. 10. Transportation of evidence requiring security. II. Major events; e.g., sporting events, concerts, parades, fairs, festivals, and conventions. 12. Security and escort duties for digoitaries. 13. Emergency situations in which one agency cannot perform its functional objective. 14. Incidents requiring utilization of specialized units; e.g., underwater recovery, aircraft, canine, motorcycle, bomb, crime scene, marine patrol, and police information. 15. Joint training in areas of mutual need. 16. Joint enforcement of all traffic laws 24-hours per day all year, within the area described, beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Northeast 203 Street and the center line of the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railroad tracks, from the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks, west to the west right-of-way line of Northeast 26 Avenue, from the west right-of-way line of Northeast 26 Avenue, north to the north right-of-way line of Northeast 203 Street; from the north right-of-way line of Northeast 203 Street, east to the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks; from the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks, south to the south right-of-way line on Northeast 203 Street, inclusive of all areas within this description. 17. Joint enforcement of all traffic laws 24-hours per day all year, within the area described, beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way of Miami Gardens Drive and the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks; from the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks, west to the west right-of-way of West Dixie Highway; from the west right-of-way of West Dixie Highway, north to the north right-of-way of Miami Gardens Drive; from the north right-of-way of Miami Gardens Drive, east to the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks; from the center line of the FEC Railroad tracks, south to the south right-of-way of Miami Gardens Drive, inclusive of all areas within this description. The following procedures will apply in mutual aid operations: 1. Mutual aid requested or rendered will be approved by the Director/Chief of Police or designee. 2. Specific reporting instructions for personnel rendering mutual aid should be included in the request for mutual aid. In the absence of such instructions, personnel will report to the ranking on-duty supervisor on the scene. 3. Communications instructions will be included in each request for mutual aid and the Miami-Dade Police Depart~ent Cornmunications Bureau will maintain radio contact with the involved agencies until the mutual aid situation has ended. 4. Incidents requiring mass processing of arrestees, transporting prisoners, and operating temporary detention facilities will be handled per established procedures. Concurrent Jurisdiction: It is to the mutual benefit of the City of Aventura Police Department and the Miami-Dade Police Department, through voluntary cooperation, to exercise concurrent jurisdiction over the areas described in subparagraphs (a) and (b) below, in that officers, while 2 in another jurisdiction, are often present at events where immediate action is necessary, or are able to expeditiously conclude an investigation by identifying and arresting an offender. a) Concurrent law enforcement jurisdiction in and throughout the territo- rial limits of participating municipalities and Miami-Dade County, Florida, excluding those areas within the territorial limits of munici- palities not participating in this Joint Declaration and areas in which the Miami-Dade Police Department does not have law enforcement juris- diction, for arrests, made pursuant to the laws of arrest, for felonies and misdemeanors, including arrestable traffic offenses, which spontane- ously take place in the presence of the arresting officer, at such times as the arresting officer is traveling from place to place on official business outside of his or her jurisdiction, for example, to or from court, or at any time when the officer is within the territorial limits of his or her jurisdiction, and provided that, in the context of this Joint Declaration, "official business outside of his or her jurisdiction" shall not include routine patrol activities, preplanned operations, or undercover investigations. b) Concurrent law enforcement jurisdiction in and throughout the territorial limits of participating municipalities and Miami-Dade County, Florida, excluding those areas within the territorial limits of municipalities not participating in this Joint Declaration and areas in which the Miami-Dade Police Department does not have law enforcement jurisdiction, for arrests, made pursuant to the laws of arrest, of persons identified' as a result of investigations of any offense constituting a felony or any act of Domestic Violence as defined in Section 741.28, Florida Statutes, when such offense occurred in the municipality employing the arresting officer, should the arresting officer be a municipal law enforcement officer. However, absent a search warrant, concurrent jurisdiction under this subparagraph does not include authority to make nonconsensual or forcible entries into private dwellings, residences, living spaces or business spaces which are not open to the public, i.e., authority derived pursuant to this subparagraph may be exercised only when in places open to the public or private places into which the arresting officer has entered with the consent of an occupant entitled to give consent. When operating under mutual aid, municipal law enforcement officers may execute search warrants for offenses which occurred in the municipality. Municipal officers may execute the search warrant, impound all property, make arrests and file the Return and Inventory. Prior to any officer taking enforcement action pursuant to either paragraph (a) or (b) above, the officer shall notify the designated officer of the jurisdiction in which the action will be taken, unless exigent circumstances prevent such prior notification, in which case 3 notification shall be made as soon after the action as practicable. Furthermore, all arrests made pursuant to subparagraph (a) above shall be processed and coded pursuant to directions of the Clerk of the Court, in such manner as to insure that any revenues or surcharges generated as a result of said arrests shall be directed to the jurisdiction in which the arrest was made. Pursuant to this Joint Declaration, the City of Aventura Police Department shall, before exercising concurrent jurisdiction, adopt as part of its agency's Standard Operating Procedures, the following Standard Operating Procedure For Concurrent Law Enforcement Jurisdiction: STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR CONCURRENT LAW ENFORCEMENT JURISDICTION 1. PURPOSE: To provide specific guidelines for the use of concurrent law enforcement jurisdiction. II. POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City of Aventura Police Department that law enforcement officers may make arrests for felonies, misdemeanors and arrestable traffic offenses in unincorporated Miami-Dade County and within any municipality which participates in this Mutual Aid Agreement when the offense takes place in the officers' presence while officers are within their jurisdictions or while they are traveling ITom place to place on official business outside his or her jurisdiction, i.e., to or ITom court, or as a result of an investigation of any offense constituting a felony or act of Domestic Violence as defined in section 741.28, Florida Statutes, when the offense took place within the jurisdiction of the investigating officer. However, absent a search warrant, concurrent jurisdiction does not include authority to make forcible entries into private residences or businesses which are not open to the public, i.e., authority may only be exercised in places which are open to the public or with the consent of an occupant entitled to give consent. When operating under mutual aid, municipal law enforcement officers may execute search warrants for offenses which occurred in the municipality. Municipal officers may execute the search warrant, impound all property, make arrests and file the Return and Inventory. A. General Requirements: 1. Prior to taking any enforcement action, the officer shall notify the designated officer of the jurisdiction in which the action will be taken, unless exigent circum- stances prevent such prior notification, in which case notification shall be made as soon after the action as possible. 2. All arrests made pursuant to this Mutual Aid Agreement shall be coded and processed in such manner as to ensure that any revenues or surcharges generated shall be directed to the jurisdiction in which the arrest was made. 4 3. Officers shall not utilize unmarked vehicles to make traffic stops or to engage in vehicle pursuits. 4. Concurrent law enforcement jurisdiction pursuant to this Mutual Aid Agree- ment does not include preplanned operations, undercover investigations, stings, or sweeps. 5. Officers shall not conduct routine patrol activities outside of their jurisdiction, 6. Reports of any action taken pursuant to this Mutual Aid Agreement shall be faxed to the agency head of the agency within whose jurisdiction the action was taken as soon as possible after the action has taken place. 7. Any conflicts regarding jurisdiction will be resolved by allowing the agency within whose jurisdiction the action took place to take custody of any arrestees and/or crime scenes. 8. All concurrent jurisdiction stationary surveillance activities shall require notifi- cation of the agency within whose jurisdiction the surveillance takes place. The notification shall include the general location of the surveillance and a description of the vehicles involved. Mobile surveillaoce shall not require notification unless concurrent jurisdiction enforcement activities take place. ~ Thomas E. Ribel, Chief City of Aventura Police Department Date Robert Parker, Director Miami-Dade Police Department Date Harvey Ruvin County Clerk Date 5 AGENDA ITEM 6-D CITY OF A VENTURA LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES 2005 Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg City Manager Eric M. Soroka City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka City Attorney Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza & Guedes, P.A. CITY OF AVENTURA LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS AND PRIORITIES 2005 This document is intended to provide direction to the City Manager, City Attorney and Legislative Lobbyist as to the official City position regarding issues and pending legislation which would affect the operation of local government. This document further provides priorities for the acquisition of supplemental funding (grants) for various programs. The City of Aventura will endorse and support legislation that will: 1. Provide a dedicated revenue source for Charter School capital improvements at the same levels provided to the local school boards. 2. Impose development concurrency review on race track and fronton facilities that may be authorized to provide legalized slot machines to the public. 3. Authorize detection devices at traffic signals of red light runners and the issuance of citations. 4. Provide for the coordinated and comprehensive efforts for statewide and local security and anti-terrorist programs in conjunction with the Federal government. 5. Will not create revisions in municipal pension plans or State Statues that will impose additional mandated financial obligations for municipalities. 6. Adopt the 2005 Policy Statement of the Florida League of Cities. The City of Aventura will seek financial assistance and grants for the following projects: 1. 2. Funding for Stormwater drainage improvements. Funding for Park development. RESOLUTION NO. 2005"- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE CITY OF AVENTURA 2005 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM AND PRIORITIES ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City of Aventura 2005 Legislative Program and Priorities, attached hereto, is hereby adopted. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to take all action necessary to implement the purpose of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption hereof. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner _who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner , and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Resolution No. 2005-- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR A nEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY A nORNEY CITY OF AVENTURA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE: City Commission h~ Eric M. Soroka, ICMA-CM, City ~n r January 24, 2005 Recommendation to Appoint Member to the Police Pension Board of Trustees to Fill Vacancy TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 1, 2005 City Commission Meeting Agenda Item li RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution appointing Alan A. Lips as a member of the Police Pension Board of Trustees. BACKGROUND The Police Pension Plan Ordinance provides for the City Commission to appoint two (2) legal residents of the City from a list provided by the City Manager to the Police Pension Board of Trustees. Recently, one of the original appointments selected by the City Commission chose to resign. After advertising extensively in the various media formats available to the City, the City received two applicants for the vacancy. I interviewed each applicant and discussed the role of the Board and its responsibilities. Based on his extensive experience in dealing with pensions, I am recommending Alan A. Lips as a member of the Police Pension Board of Trustees. The other applicant was Marshal Cohen. All Trustees serve a term of two (2) years. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. EMS/act Attachment CCO1336-05 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT BY THE COMMISSION OF A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT PLAN TO FILL A VACANCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2004-07 established a Police Officers' Retirement Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 2004-07, two members of the Board of Trustees of the Police Officers' Retirement Plan shall be appointed by the City Commission from a list provided by the City Manager; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 2004-07, in the event of a vacancy, a replacement shall be chosen in the same manner as the person who has left office; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to provide for the appointment of a member to the Police Officers' Retirement Plan to replace the Commission's appointee, Harris C. Friedman, who has resigned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission hereby appoints Alan A. Lips to serve as one of its appointees to the Board of Trustees of the City of Aventura Police Officers' Retirement Plan, for a two-year term from the date of adoption of this resolution, to replace Harris C. Friedman, who has resigned. Section 2, adoption, This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: , , and Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow Resolution No. 2005-- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M, PERLOW. MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY /tms 3058646r40 L - _~pm ",-19- A - e.,.,.., ¡¡.,<, CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR AVENTURA POLICE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Potential boarrJ members must be registered volers who have resided in the City of Aventuta for six (6) months immediatety prior to an appointment 10 the 808rrJ. Applicants should have expressed interest and/or experience in finance, investments and/or familiarity with pension plans. ALAN A. LIPS (Please Print) Address: 1./Ø3!i ¡.It 31. IIV~ A'/6/fVff.A I fr. 3'!.Ji'o Home Phone: S,,",-"rt-"S'I Email Address: q,o'/8j,"CO - c,-. ,..., ~t.o Business Name: G~, fRE$rwI ~ea/~J"¡ Occupation: c.rA - PA"TNEk Business Address: I,{'l. 11 SrlEer Mf""'" B~",. Ii. 111'11 Business Phone: 1øS-tU"-3h. Fax: hS-IHV-UVo Name of Applicant: If Retired, list former business name, address and position: Qualifications: CPA '^,1Iè, ,I. to r¡; . 1" A.....c ,..,vd. to< en";" (Brieftydescribe the specifìcexperti nd/or .bìl~ies you can contribute as. me¡nber of this Board.). II in ",eI,; ..if( IIW/;", - 6..f1. ..¡;..,. c.. c...t;.,. .Hc..,¡,..:ri 4J WU , AI "'JiJ-lI~ ,;...... c..rr..:ñ;."...J ovCltj{+ oÞ .'fIU';" p)"'J. Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Government in Ihe Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that all board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requiremenls of the State of F d Financial Disclosure Requirements. 51g ,),/..1' Dater, Fax or Mall completed application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, FL 33180 (305) 488-8910 (305) 486-8919 Fax 2," 3058646740 055517 P m u, ~19~, 3", ALAN A. LIPS, CPA Batkground History: More tban 10 years of experience io public accountiog with aD exteosive backgrouod io real estate developDJeØt, management aDd cOllStructioo, manufacturiDg and proresslooaI services. ExpeMnCII 1995 to the Present: Gersoo. Preston. Robinson & Company. r.A.. Mio.mi &lM:h, Florida - (3(J5)868-3600 Part1Ier . Com:entrates 01l111te17U1lional Taxation. . Advises dients 011 ÜIbound ønd outboruul Í/lvestment stnlctuTÍ1lg. . Designs strategies ill pre-immigratioll tax planning. . Prepores eSÚlle tax plannillg for cUellts. . Mll1I4ges ønd (} IeTlees audit ønd review engagements. . Business aequisiJions planning, due diligem:e, Qlfd complex trtmsactions 1993-1995: BDO Seidman. A1IontIl. GA . SúJjJ member in audit department. . Focus 011 manufacturing alld distributiOIl. Educalional Btu:Jcground fllId CertifiCQ/ÌOn Bathelor's Degree ill accounting with hollOTSfrom the Ulliversity of Georgia ill 1993. Certified l'ublk Accoutú41lt ill Florûla Qlfd Georgia Master's Degree illltWllion fTOlll FIoridIlltúemtlliollal University ill 1998. Member of both the Florida ønd the AmeriCllR Illstitute of Pub/ú: AcCOUlltlJnts. MÚUl/i BeodI Deve1op1lle1lt Advisory Boord member President of the Florida Chllpter of AmeriCllR Men's ORT. Treasurer of Mount Sinai MediJ:al Center's Young President's Club. Boord member of Mount Sinai MediCIÚ Center Fouruhltion. ChaiTlllllll of Young Professionals Anti-Defll1/UlJÚJ/l League Member of the Mio.mi Beach Chœnber of Co_ree's Pi1Jor of Trustees. Member of the Aventura Marketing Coullcil Rmuultable Board Member of Help, Illc. Jewish NtIIioIIal Fund Board of Director CITY OF AVENTURA APPLICATION FOR AVENTURA POLICE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Polenllal boam members must be registered I/Oters who have I'tIsided in the City of Mentuta for sIX (6) months immediately prior /0 an appointment to the Board, Applicants should have expressed Interest andlorexperience in finance, investments and/or familiarity with pension plans. Name of Applicant: --/'IJ1J'A....5lf Au- ~ìfCJ (Please Print) Address: Jl.;1> C("c.,,-, ¿L..Jf3 0 t ll'~ ,A Vtf'o/tVl\.lt f-l- 1'3 1J"~ I , Home Phone: )P.)~':i'JÎ- 7.-"t"-'L-Email Address: MItA..t3-rv'34¡o e. )1DLÚt1 Business Na~e:-'-- '" .'. '------'-Ô~:~~tion: 1?~4.ii-""" Business Address: Business Phone: Fax: J°S'- 'In - 'L-4- (p"'\- If Retired, list former business name, address and position: hlt,( tJd ¿ ~"...,-t'ner-: J (,. t ø I(A-(;'it,r l..LJ;) Ot¿t.Jt1. II ¡/€'--ffLJut h.. J') If'e r If> S (1H..J: fJÄCtlJe-,,¡í Qualifications: SIE' IJ{' II yétH..f' A-ó It l1-C,c 'C>v..JrJ' 1,f«4;1 ~ (Briefly describe the speciflc expertise an~r eblliUes you can oontribute a. a member 01 '. his Board,) IhJJ I f'Þt1... A-..JAt.--¥"L,Ñv MT C-L..lt!i....4Y ILoc.ft...A'15 ... .111 I 1)r¡;r1L (/fi'~~I>"- Jb øØ1n-I1.""E: teJlfvUi".. ffc.:"" M-Jcct HO,J~ ¡".;,,~ ~JE 1/4;J<ffJ <IÞ,J rzrTi11L Cc-....c:JtAt..l"./~ 4t.e.&oX6,...t(Ç...r'r (.<.<f1~ '1J1'eI.l.. V ~ ..s ð<>-'\-~- Please attach a resume along with your application. I understand that in accordance with the State of Florida Governmenl in the Sunshine Law, this information may be made public. I understand that a/I board appointments are for voluntary, uncompensated services and I will be subject to the requirements of the State of Florida Financial Disclosure Requirements. ~ C-e-- Signature of Applicant Date ¡V/> vt:'/"f./f ~ I "2-00 '+ , Fax or Mall completeG application & resume to: Office of the City Manager Government Center 19200 West Country Club Drive. Avenlui'a. FL 33180 (305) 466~110 (305)46&-8919 Fait te'd Z9..Z L£6 <;:e£ t H3H63 , '~HS~~W Wd 6Z:te HOW ..e-,e-AON ManllaD Coltell 3610 Y..,ht Clob Drive Apt. 903 Avelltun, FI 33180 305--937-2462 November 1, 2004 Dear Sir or Madalll, Attached you wiD find ..y resume covering the years from 1972 to 1989. From the years 1989 lllItiI2001, I WIllI a contnctuala&ent opentlag as a aeeolla.ts payable auditor aDd fIIaetiooiag as a slllllle proprietorship. Ja 1000 I Incorponted.u a sub-chapler S corpontioQ 10 the state of Florida aDd I fuDctioned as the Presidellt. My eReats were multl-stoh ntaU orgaDlPdoM sueh as Dbeount Auto Parts, K&K supennamts, Office Depot add Albertsoa's opential: iB the Florida Market. Prior to lIIovlng to Aveatun 1111995, l1li lilY eDellts weft Joeated In tbe New ElIgland area. I serviced sueb eUeDts as KB Toys, Caldor's aDd Stop add Shop Supennarkets. My prlDl8ry nspoaslblUty, was to allalyze prior yean aeeoua" payable records alld to recover aDY profits due from the vendors serviclallDY cUeDts. My recoveries naged from $200,000 to over $3,000,000, depending upoa tbe .b.e of tbe clients business. I. addition I perfonned In a eo...lt8nt's upadty. by preparing a (onn.. report and advisiag my clieBt's what areas of their opentloas, lDerchandising or aceouatinl , eoufd be ÚDproVed. ze'd "9"" "'£6 <:e£ 1 N3HO3 "~HS~~W Wd e£:'e HOW ..e-1e-^OH . ""'"' ,r- ;-- £0"d / / Marshall cohen 69-40 108th Street Forest Hills. NY 11375 Office (212) 571-2088 Home (718) 544-1416 RetaU Executive Accomplished doer with expertise in merchandising and merchandising control. Results oriented manager. Skilled planner and analyst. persuasive communicator and supervisor. Effective team builder. BXDerience consultant Retail Computer Systems Installations 1989 - Present Directed the creation of data processing information-system department. Managed the successful installation of a turnkey system. Hired the hands~on technical staff. Initiated system operations within 6 weeks. . successful installation provided key merchandising and financial data, enabling company to be more efficient and competitive. . Created professional store operating manuals, which allowed for standardization and streamlining of information processing, resulting in time savings of over 60%. " Hahnes Divisional Vice presia.nt Merchandise Controller " ,">; 1977 - 1989 1983 - 1989 Responsible for flow of merchandise information to merchants. Created and implemented P.C. based planning aids for all levels of merchandise management. Provided training for buying and store line executives. . Created system to capture SKU data that increased sales 45% in the domestics area. . Reduced buyer's planning man hours 70% by developing computer programs to prepare assortment plans, vendor profitability analyses and seasonal conversions. . Initiated "Weekly 10 Best selling styles" reportr enabling merchants to immediately maKimize current sales opportunities, "'9"'" .1.£6 <;:0£ 1 N3HO~ "~HS~~H Hd '£:'0 NOW "0-10-AON .","" Marshall Cohen PagG 2 1977 - 1983 Divisional Viae President store Manager Managed the Hahnes, westfield, N.J- store. Supervised staff of 17 executives and 200 hourly associates. . Increased volume ~ to $18.500.000 by dramatically improving in-store merchandising and aggressively pursuing key items and classifications. Increased sales per square foot from 1lli to ~ . Improved net profit from 10.8% to ~ by increasing sales, changing merchandise mix and reducing expenses. J.M. Fields Divisional Kerohandi.. Manager 1914 - 1917 ,.-.. Merchandised domestics, curtains and draperies, lamps, gifts, hardware and paints. Divisional volume $30,000,000. . Built business from $7.5 million to $10 million in 9 months in a curtain and drapery area by focusing the assortment, promoting aggressively and weeding slow sellers. 1973 - 1974 Kacy's, paramus,BJ Store Divisional Kerchandise Manag.r Controlled the budget apparel operation in the Paramus store. . Increased sales $550.000 by employing merchandising and analytical skills to insure ownership of volume items. Linens and Things ~r.a supervisor, Specialty stor.. 1972 - 1973 Directed total operation of 6 specialty stores. . Installed a complete planning and open-to-buy system which targeted growth potential by store and classification. Education ---- City University of New York City university of New York BBA MBA Program ..a-d Z9..Z ¿£Eo sa£ , H3HO3 "~HS~~W Wd '£:,a HOW "a-,a-^OH CITY OF AVENTURA FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: City Commission é Eric M. Soroka, City ag '~ore, Fin nc ort Services Director TO: BY: DATE: January 26, 2005 SUBJECT: End of Year Budget Amending Ordinance 1st Reading O).-ú/. 05' City Commission Meeting Agenda Item ~ 2nd Reading 03 to - 0 5" City Commission Meeting Agenda Item- Recommendation It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached ordinance amending the 2003/2004 budget. Backaround As you are aware, we are in the process of closing the books for the 2003/2004 fiscal year. We are now to the point where we can formally amend the budget so that the adopted budget contains appropriations sufficient to cover all actual expenditures. The process is called the end of year "clean up" amendment and is done as a matter of course each year. General Fund For the City Managers office, lobbyist services were greater than budgeted due to billings from Blosser Sayfee as well as the increase in the Ron Book contract. Website maintenance was higher due to enhancements to the web page. For Legal, the budget did not anticipate the high level of legal matters which were handled during the year. Included were costs of the 199th Street Crossing, Gulfstream DRI and Cable Franchise transfers. For the City Clerk Department, legal advertising was greater than budgeted. Election expenses were not budgeted for the March 9, 2004 referendum election relating to terms of office and length of service. For the Public Safety Department, overtime was greater than budgeted primarily as a result of the costs relating to Hurricane Francis on September 3 and 4, 2004. Retirement was greater than budgeted due to the adoption of the Police Officers Defined Benefits Plan requiring 14.5% contribution on overtime, holiday pay and other pays rather than just salary. Gas and oil costs were greater due to unanticipated increase in the cost of gasoline. Page 2 Memorandum to City Commission End of Year Budget Amending Ordinance For the Community Development Department, an increase of $170,000 is required because the level of building activity was greater than projected during the year. This is more than offset by additional revenue for building permits ($476,000). For Community Services, engineering professional services were greater than budgeted by $28,000. This is offset by revenues in the same amount. Non departmental requires a total of $339,000 in additional appropriations. Liability & Property Insurance was $213,000 greater than budgeted. This was discussed with the City Commission on October 7, 2003 when we awarded the bid for insurance. Hurricane/Storm expenses were costs associated with preparing for and cleanup and restoration relating to Hurricane Frances. A portion of these amounts are included in federal grant revenue. The transfers to the debt service funds were due to costs relating to the 2002 loan from Florida Intergovernmental Finance Commission (FIFC). Capital Outlay/Public Safety appropriations need to be increased to reflect two grants received which were not included in the original budget. These amounts are offset by injecting federal grant revenues in the same amount. Capital Outlay appropriations for the Charter School addition need to be injected into the 2003/04 budget. These funds were included in the 2004/05 budget but the project progressed quicker than projected. For the General Fund total actual revenues were significantly greater than budgeted. The amount included in the budget amendment is only the amount necessary to offset the total over expenditure. Total actual General Fund Revenues were approximately $1,500,000 greater than budgeted. After reappropriation for open purchase orders and contracts for capital accounts, the total fund balance available to fund the 2004/05 and future budgets will be approximately $11.6 million, the same amount as included in the 2004/05 budget. Therefore, this amendment will not negatively impact future years' budgets or capital programs. The 2002 Loan Debt Service Fund and FIFC Debt Service Fund each require a $6,000 adjustment because I failed to include the other debt service costs when we prepared the original budget. The FIFC Project Fund needs to have $30,100 appropriated to cover various costs relating to the expansion of the Charter School building. The amount is offset by interest earnings. HMK/mn ORDINANCE NO. 2005-- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2003-12 WHICH ORDINANCE ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE 2003/2004 FISCAL YEAR BY REVISING THE 2003/2004 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET AS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, upon the periodic review and analysis of current budgetary commitments and obligations, and based upon the projected needs and requirements of the City and upon the recommendations of the City Manager (and the concurrence of the Finance Support Services Director as to Accounting Principles), it is deemed necessary to adjust, amend and implement the 2003/2004 Operating and Capital Budget as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The recitals contained in the preamble to this Ordinance are incorporated by reference herein. Section 2, The City Commission hereby authorizes the amendment of Ordinance No. 2003-12, which Ordinance adopted a budget for the 2003/2004 fiscal year, by revising the 2003/2004 budget as set forth on the attached Exhibit "A" which exhibits are deemed incorporated by reference as though set forth in full herein. Ordinance No. 2005-- Page 2 Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this Ordinance, Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Holzberg, who moved its adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Cohen, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Holzberg, who moved its adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Auerbach and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this 1st day of February, 2005. 2 Ordinance No. 2005-- Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 10th day of March, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY 3 locallv levied Taxes 3131000 Franchise Fee Electric 1,680,000 140,000 1,820,000 3141000 Utility Tax Electric 240,000 70,000 310,000 SUBTOTAL 1,920,000 210,000 2,130,000 Licenses & Permits 3221000 Building Permits 1,000,000 496,000 1,496,000 3291000 Engineering Penn its 10,000 28,000 38,000 SUBTOTAL 1,010,000 624,000 1,634,000 Interaovernmental Revenue 3312450 Federal Grants 0 264,000 264,000 3343701 State Grants 0 170,000 170,000 SUBTOTAL 434,000 434,000 OBJECT CODE Revenues Appendix A CATEGORY Budget Amendments GENERAL FUND 2803104 ADOP1ED BUDGET 2003104 REV18ED BUDGET 2003104 AMENDEO AMOUNT Total Amendments-Revenues Expenditures 3170 4815 3120 4911 4915 $ 1,168,000 City Manaaer Lobbyist Services 40,000 12,000 52,000 Web Site Maintenance 6,000 2,000 8,000 SUBTOTAL 46,000 14,000 60,000 leaal Legal Fees 220,000 93,000 313,000 SUBTOTAL 220,000 93,000 313,000 City Clerk Legal Adversising 40,000 11,000 51,000 Election Expenses 0 12,000 12,000 SUBTOTAL 40,000 23,000 63,000 Appendix A GENERAL FUND (CONTINUED) 28O3IM 2OOJIO4 2OOJIO4 OBJECT ADOPTED AMENDED REVISED COOE CA1EØORY 8UDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Expenditures Public Safety 1401 Overtime 300,000 50,000 350,000 2201 Retirement 630,852 67,000 697,852 5220 Gas & Oil 90,000 68,000 158,000 SUBTOTAL 1,020,852 185,000 1,205,852 Community DeveloDment 3101 Building Inspection Services 715,000 170,000 885,000 SUBTOTAL 715,000 170,000 885,000 Community Services 3110 Engineering 85,000 28,000 113,000 SUBTOTAL 85,000 28,000 113,000 Non Deoartmental 4501 Liability & Property Insurance 495,000 213,000 708,000 5904 Hurricane/Storm Expense 0 114,000 114,000 9125 Transfer to 2002 Debt Service Fund 396,507 6,000 402,507 9129 Transfer to FIDC Debt Serv Fund 0 6000 6,000 891,507 339,000 1,224,507 Capital Outlav/Public Safety 6403 2003 Local Law Enforcement Grant 0 20,000 20,000 6404 Dade Chiefs Byrne Grant 0 116,000 116,000 SUBTOTAL 0 136,000 136,000 Capital Outlay/Charter School Const. 6307 Charter School Constr. Middle Sch 0 180,000 180,000 SUBTOTAL 0 180,000 180,000 Total Amendments-Expenditures $t,1!1!1,QO ) OBJECT CODE 2002 LOAN DEBT SERVICE FUND 28Uo'84 ADOP1Ø) 8UOOEI' CAl£GORV 28OMI4 AMENDED AMOUNT Appendix A 20031Ð4 REVISED BUDGET Revenues Other Non-Revenue 3811000 Transfer from General Fund SUBTOTAL 396,507 396,507 Total Amendments-Revenues Expenditures Debt Service 7330 Other Debt Service Costs SUBTOTAL Total Amendments-Expenditures 6,000 6,000 $ 6,000 0 0 6,000 6,000 $ 6,000 FIFC DEBT SERVICE FOR CHARTER SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION 2OUID4 2OO3ID4 OBJECT ADOPTED AlIIENDED CODE CATEGORY BUDGET AMOUNT Revenues Other Non-Revenue 381100 Transfer from General Fund SUBTOTAL Total Amendments-Revenues Expenditures Debt Service 7330 Other Debt Service Costs SUBTOTAL T ota' Amendments-Expenditures 0 6,000 6,000 $ 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 $ 6,000 402,507 402,507 6,000 6,000 20031Ð4 REVISED BUDGET 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 08ÆCT CODE Revenues 2002 FIFC LOAN PROJECT FUND .... AÞOfJtED 8UDØET CA TEGORV Miscellaneous Revenues 3611000 Interest on Investments SUBTOTAL Total Amendments-Revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay 6307 Charter School Construction SUBTOTAL Total Amendments-Expenditures 0 0 .... AMEMDEÞ AMOUNT 30,100 30,100 $ 30,100 30,100 30,100 $ 30,100 Appendix A 2OOJIO4 REVISED BUDGET 30,100 30,100 30,100 30,100 FEBRUARY 1,2005 AGENDA ITEM 8 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 26 "ELECTIONS" BY AMENDING ARTICLE II "CITY COMMISSION AND MAYOR", BY CREATING SECTION 26-34 "EARLY VOTING"; EXEMPTING CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH (I)(b) OF SECTION 101.657, FLORIDA STATUTES, CONCERNING EARLY VOTING AND INSTEAD AUTHORIZING A SHORTENED DURATION FOR EARLY VOTING FOR CITY MAYORAL AND COMMISSION ELECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 100.3605(1), Florida Statutes, municipalities are authorized by Ordinance to exempt themselves from provisions of the State Election Code which do not expressly apply to municipalities; and WHEREAS, paragraph (1)(b) of Section 101.657 "Early Voting" of the Florida Statutes, enables early voting to be utilized but does not expressly apply to municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to exempt municipal Mayoral and Commission elections commencing with the March 2005 elections from the duration, hours of operation and other restrictions for early voting as provided by Section 1O1.657(1)(b), Florida Statutes, while enabling the City to provide for a sufficient, but shortened, schedule of early voting in advance of such municipal elections. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals Adopted. That each of the above stated recitals is hereby adopted and confirmed, Ordinance NO. 2005-02 Page 2 Section 2. City Code Amended; Early Votinl!. That Chapter 26 "Elections" of the City Code of the City of Aventura is hereby amended by amending Article II "City Commission and Mayor", by creating Section 26-34 "Early Voting," to read as follows: Sec. 26-34 Early Voting. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Section 3. Pursuant to Section 100.3605(1), Florida Statutes, it is hereby provided that commencing with the March 2005 municipal elections for Mayoral and Commission offices, all Mayoral and Commission elections are hereby exempted from the provisions of Section 101.657(J)(b), Florida Statutes, (the "Early Voting Statute"). The Early Voting Statute provides for early voting to begin on the fifteenth day before an election and end on the day before an election and provides other operational restrictions. In lieu of the above-described provisions of Section 101.657(J)(b), Florida Statutes, it is hereby provided that early voting shall be provided on the Saturday and Sunday immediately before an election, including regular elections and run-off elections for Mayor or Commissioner. Early voting shall be provided for up to eight (8) hours for each day on which early voting is allowed. The remaining paragraphs of Section 101.657, Florida Statutes, exclusive of paragraph (J )(b) thereof, shall continue to apply to the City's Mayoral and Commission elections as provided by law. The City Commission may, by Resolution, adopted in advance of a regular, runoff or special election for Mayor or Commissioner, alter the schedule of days and times for early voting from that which is provided above. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to take any action which is necessary or expedient to implement early voting in accordance with this section, Severability. That the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be 2 Ordinance NO. 2005-02 Page 3 held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part, Inclusion in Code. That it is the intention of the City Commission, and it Section 4. is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and made a part of the Code of the City of Aventura; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word "Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word. Section 5. Conflicts. That any portion of any City procedural resolution which is in conflict with the consideration and adoption of this Ordinance, shall not be applicable. Section 6. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Vice Mayor Cohen, who moved its adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Diamond and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow yes yes yes yes yes yes yes The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: 3 Ordinance NO. 2005-02 Page 4 Commissioner Zev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jefftey M. Perlow PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this 6th day of January, 2005. PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M, SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING THE CITY COMMISSION'S OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED INSTITUTION OF SLOT MACHINE GAMBLING AT RACE TRACK AND JAI ALAI FACILITIES WITHIN MIAMI-DADE AND BROWARD COUNTIES BASED ON THE FACT THAT NO STRATEGIES AND PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED AND IMPLEMENTED BY THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE AND ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES HAVING APPROPRIATE JURISDICTION TO ADDRESS THE MITIGATION OF ADVERSE IMPACTS INCLUDING INCREASED TRAFFIC, INCREASED DEMAND FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND POTENTIAL ADVERSE SOCIAL IMPACT; ENCOURAGING THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND OF MIAMI-DADE AND BROWARD COUNTIES TO REJECT THE SLOT MACHINE MEASURE AT THE MARCH 8, 2005 SPECIAL ELECTION IN MIAMI- DADE AND BROWARD COUNTIES; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, Florida and the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County (the "Counties"), have called special Countywide elections on March 8, 2005 for the purpose of enabling the electors of the Counties to determine whether slot machine gambling activities shall be authorized at race tracks and Jai-Alai frontons (the "Facilities") situated within each of the Counties; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the provision of slot machine gambling activities at Facilities located within the Counties, including, but not limited to, the Gulfstream Race Track which is located both within Broward County and Miami-Dade County, will expose the City of Aventura and its residents, businesses and guests to a multitude of adverse impacts including increased traffIC, increased demand for law enforcement, and potential adverse social impact; and Resolution No. 2005-- Page 2 WHEREAS, no strategies and programs have been developed and implemented by the Florida legislature and any govemmental agencies having appropriate jurisdiction to address the mitigation of such adverse impacts; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that it is in the best interest of the City and of the community to decline to institute slot machine gambling at the Facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA: Section 1. Recitals Adopted. That each of the above-stated recitals is hereby adopted and confirmed. Section 2. Opposition. That the City Commission hereby expresses its opposition to the institution of slot machine gambling activities at the Facilities without the development of strategies and implementation of programs for the mitigation of adverse impacts created by slot machine gambling activities, and respectfully recommends that the electors of the City and of the Counties vote "No" on the slot machine ballot item. Section 3. Implementation. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to take any necessary action in furtherance of the purposes of this Resolution, including the expenditure of City funds for the purpose of publicizing the City Commission's position on this issue as stated herein. Section 4. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption hereof. 2 Resolution No. 2005-- Page 3 The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner - who moved its adoption. This motion was seconded by Commissioner - and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Jay R. Beskin Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Ken Cohen Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 2005. JEFFREY M. PERLOW, MAYOR ATTEST: TERESA M. SOROKA, CMC CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CITY ATTORNEY 3