July 9, 2004 - 3 p.m.
Aventura Government Center
19200 West Country Club Drive
Aventura, Florida 33180
I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. City Clerk Teresa M.
Soroka called the roll
Members present:
Harris C. Friedman
Sg1. Marc Greenberg
Christine Hagan
Officer Michael Leoncini
Craig D. Shapiro
Others present:
Adam Levinson, Esq.
Eric M. Soroka, City Manager
Teresa M. Soroka, City Clerk
Harry Kilgore, Finance Support Services Director
II. Approval of Minutes: A motion was offered by Officer Leoncini, seconded by
Mr. Friedman and unanimously passed to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2004
Board meeting.
Adam Levinson, Esq., office of Robert D. Klausner, the Board's counsel, distributed
notebooks containing pertinent information for use by the Board. Mr. Levinson
reviewed local and state legislation affecting the Board.
III. Summary Plan Description: Mr. Levinson reviewed the proposed plan.
Counsel was directed to make changes as suggested by members.
IV. Operatina Rules and Procedures: Board members reviewed the proposed
rules and procedures, City Manager Eric M. Soroka noted changes which would be
incorporated by counsel in the next draft.
V. Proposals for Service for Actuarv, Investment Consultant, Third Party
Administrator: Mr. Levinson distributed draft RFPs for Actuarial Services, Third Party
Pension Administration and Independent Investment Consulting Services, with a list of
companies presently providing such services. A motion to authorize distribution of an
RFP for Independent Investment Consulting Services to the appropriate companies
listed on the Florida Public Pension Trustees Association (FPPT A) website was offered
by Mr. Shapiro, seconded by Officer Leoncini and unanimously passed. A motion to
distribute the RFP for Third Party Pension Administration to those appropriate
companies listed on the FPPTA website and to Administrative Services Co. was offered
by Mr. Friedman, seconded by Ms. Hagan and unanimously passed. Mr. Soroka to
provide a proposal from the city's actuary, Mellon & Company and a proposal from the
City's auditor, Keefe, McCullough, for the Board's consideration.
The next meeting was scheduled for August 13, 2004 at 4 p.m. A meeting to interview
interested parties responding to the RFPs was scheduled for August 20, 2004 at 9 a.m.
Approved by the Board on August 13, 2004