MARCH 1, 2004
Avcntura Charter [lclncnta" School
3333 NI "W" St""
1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by
Board Chairman, Gary Pyott. Present were members Gary Pyott, Julie Greenberg
Shapiro, Stephanie Oshinsky, Valerie Lustgarten, Luz Urbáez Weinberg, Eric M.
Soroka, Dr. Katherine Bray Murphy and Julie Renee Aim. As a quorum was
determined, the meeting commenced.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 2,2004 SAB Meeting. Mr. Pyott brought forth a
copy of last month's meeting minutes that was amended from what had been sent to
the Board prior to the meeting. The two minor changes were reviewed. The minutes
were approved after a motion by Luz Urbáez Weinberg that was seconded by Julie
Greenberg Shapiro. The motion was unanimously approved.
3. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Soroka reported on the February 26th Open House,
which drew in about 400 families and where Dr. Murphy conducted an overhead
detailed presentation on ACES. Mr. Soroka commended Dr. Murphy on that
presentation. The DCPS committee meeting was held regarding the ACES Middle
School expansion project. The issue will likely be reviewed by the DCPS during their
April meeting. Mr. Soroka has met with the contracted architects several times, and
planning is progressing well. Construction shall commence Summer 2004, with a
slated opening of August 2005. Mr. Soroka is still in the process of selecting the
school sign, and said he should have sample signs to show the Board by next
4. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: Dr. Murphy reported on the FCATs, which began today for
3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. She reported the FCAT Reading Program was completed on
2/27/2004 and participants received goodies and a pizza party outdoors. The new
cafeteria services have been a success with over 400 lunches being sold daily since
Asher's Place was retained last month. Awards assemblies were held on 2/26/2004.
There will be a field trip to Washington, D.C. scheduled for May 2004 for 5th graders
who serve on patrol. Dr. Murphy has now extended the field trip invitation to 5th grade
Principal Honor Roll students. The cost per student is expected to be at about
$500.00, and will include airfare, accommodations, food, transportation and
admissions to different sights.
5. UNIFORMS: Dr. Ed Fredie of Charter Schools U.S.A. reported that 58 surveys from
parents were returned noting dissatisfaction with the current service provider
Embroidered Products. Surveys are still being tabulated, with about 150 more to
review. CSUSA should have complete tabulation of surveys with packets of
comments to review by next Board meeting. The following companies placed contract
bids: Material Matters, M & 0 Kids, In Unison, Continental Uniforms, Chewing Gum
and Embroidered Products. CSUSA will make a recommendation to this Board as to
companies to consider. The Board will then make a recommendation to Dr. Murphy
and Mr. Soroka, who will then make a selection on the uniform service provider.
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6. CAFETERIA SERVICES: Dr. Fredie reported that since Asher's Place became ACES
cafeteria service provider, lunch orders rose from 100 to now 400 lunches being
served daily - an obvious sign that students are pleased with the food being provided.
7. ENROLLMENT UPDATE: Mr. Soroka reported on the current enrollment numbers,
which stand at 600.
8. SIBLING APPLICANTS UPDATE: Dr. Fredie of CSUSA reported on numbers of
Aventura residents sibling applicants for the upcoming school year, as noted on the re-
enrollment letters that parents returned. There are 36 for K, five for 1st, seven for 2nd,
four for 3rd, four for 4th and four for 5th grade - the average of these numbers are yet to
be confirmed. Admission preference remains as follows: Top priority extended to
siblings of Aventura resident-students already attending ACES; second to Aventura
Residents without a sibling; third to siblings of non-Aventura residents, and fourth to
non-residents of Aventura.
9. "RETURN PREFERENCE" for exiting 5th graders: Ms. Luz Urbáez-Weinberg
explained her interest in making this issue an item of the agenda in an effort to extend
priority admission status for current ACES 5th graders who would want to return to
ACES upon the opening of the Middle School expansion of 2006-2007 school year
when they would be entering yth grade. Mr. Soroka reported that the City has not yet
decided if the middle school will be o~ened for all three grades (6th, yth and 8th), or if it
would begin the first year with only 6t grade, or 6th and yth Since that has yet to be
decided, it would be difficult to establish preference guidelines at this time, explained
Mr. Soroka. Dr. Fredie of CSUSA reported that Ms. Urbáez-Weinberg's preference
recommendation could require amendment of the CSUSA charter since the exiting
ACES 5th graders would return to the middle school as new students to CSUSA. He
suggested that the standard preference already established be applied to the exiting
5th graders and maintained for all purposes in the meantime. Mr. Soroka reported that
he should know in about 60 days with what grades the ACES Middle School plans to
open. The issue could be revisited then. In the interim, Ms. Urbáez-Weinberg made a
motion, which Julie Greenber~ Shapiro seconded, stating that, pending City
Commission review, exiting 5t graders returning to the middle school's yth grade in
2006 will be subject to the standard preference guidelines. That is: #1. Siblings of
Aventura-resident ACES students; #2. Aventura Residents; #3. Siblings of non-
Aventura residents; and #4. Non-Aventura residents. The motion was unanimously
10. PARENT VOLUNTEER TRACKING: Ms. Beverly Gittleman and Ms. Jodi Brown
reported on the numbers of hours volunteered by ACES families to date. There was a
'typo' in their report last month were the number of ACES families was reported as
486. The correct number of ACES families is 468. Of the 468 families, only 118 have
completed all of their required volunteer service hours. 158 families have less than 10
hours, and 32 families have yet to complete any of their required volunteer hours for
the year. It was noted again that the deadline for completion of volunteer service
hours is Monday,
SAB March '04 Minutes - Page ~ of 3
5/24/2004. Ms. Urbáez-Weinberg asked Dr. Murphy if household members other than
parents, such as older siblings or cousins, could serve hours for the families. Dr.
Murphy responded with yes, and added that, given safety issues, the household
member serving the hours should be over the age of 18. Ms. Gittleman reminded
parents in attendance that the upcoming ACES BBQ on March 21st is a perfect
opportunity for parents to catch up on hours needed prior to the deadline.
11. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITES: Invitations have gone out to parents for The Fresh
Market Gala of May 4, 2004. It is expected to be as, if not more successful than last
October's gala. Parents are encouraged to participate. For every ticket sold or
bought, parents will receive one volunteer service hour credit. The Living Values
fund raiser for the Africa school well raised a total of $800.00. The ACES BBQ on
Sunday, March 21,2004 at the Community Recreation Center is not a fund raiser. The
$7.00 admission fee covers food and drinks. The Tree of Knowledge fundraising
project is still in the process of commencing. The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled
for the week of May 10th through the 14th, with 50% of monies collected returning to
ACES for our library.
12.0LD BUSINESS: There were no Old Business items for discussion.
13. NEW BUSINESS: Ms. Greenberg Shapiro inquired about a reported water leak in the
school, which Mr. Soroka reported has since been corrected. Ms. Lustgarten inquired
as to the damage on the tetherballs. Mr. Soroka reported that they would soon be
repaired. Ms. Urbáez-Weinberg inquired from Dr. Murphy and Ms. Aim as to the
general mood of the students with today having been the first day of FCA T testing. Dr.
Murphy reported the general mood was enthusiastic. The FCAT results are expected
in late May, early June.
There being no further business from the Board, S.A.B. Chairman, Gary Pyott then
opened the floor for discussion to attending parents. Issues reviewed and raised as
concern by parents included: Gifted assessment for students in K and 1, and
graduation for Kindergarteners. Dr. Murphy reported there are no plans for a K
graduation. Ms. Aim reported teachers are screening students to determine which
children can be referred to gifted assessment.
. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, April 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
14. ADJOURMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board at this
time, after motion made by Luz Urbáez Weinberg, seconded by Julie Greenberg
Shapiro, and unanimously passed, the ting ad'ourned at 8:15 p.m.
Approved by the Board on