2004-021 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ATTACHED SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS DISCRETIONARY FUNDS GRANT APPLICATION AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "An BETWEEN THE CITY OF AVENTURA AND MIAMI.DADE COUNTY FOR A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,100,000) FROM THE MIAMI- DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE AIMS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami-Dade County have authorized the issuance of general obligations bond (the "Bond") for the purpose of financing capital improvement programs for certain parks, beaches, natural areas and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS, to implement and give effect to the bond program, Miami-Dade County Florida enacted Ordinance 96-115, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance (the "County Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to improve the quality of life, to benefit property values, to promote prevention of juvenile crime by providing positive recreation opportunities, and to improve the recreation facilities for youth, adult, and senior citizens in the community through the improvement of our parks and natural areas; and WHEREAS, in order to foster those important values, the projects more specifically listed below have been identified for reimbursement pursuant to the terms of the County Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Ordinance, the passage of this resolution and the acts contemplated by this resolution are conditions to obtaining a grant; and Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 2 WHEREAS, The City of Aventura wishes to make application for the grant monies for the project listed below subject to all terms and conditions of the Ordinance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AVENTURA, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make application for a grant for the project as described in Exhibit "A" and in the amount listed below, and in connection with such application to execute such grant agreement and other contracts and documents, to expend Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds received for the purposes described in the funding request, to execute any necessary amendments to the grant application and contracts, and take such other acts as may be necessary to bind the City of Aventura ("the City") and accomplish the intent of this Resolution. Application shall be made with respect to each of the following project (the "Project") in the amounts set forth below. GRANT TITLE: WATERWAYS PARK EXPANSION TOTAL GRANT: $1,100,000 Section 2. The City shall complete the Project in accordance with the terms of the grant agreement, the Ordinance, and the administrative rules authorized by the Citizens' Oversight Committee (the "Committee") to implement the Ordinance. If the total cost of the Project exceeds the value allocated in the grant, then the City will provide any supplemental funds required to complete the Project. In the event that supplemental funds are necessary for completion of the Project, as the point in time that it is known that supplemental funds have been committed to the Project prior to Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 3 and as a condition of disbursement of further disbursement of grant funds. The requirement for the City to provide any supplemental funds required to complete the project may, at the sole discretion of the Committee, be modified in whole or in part by a reduction in scope of work consistent with the Ordinance. Section 3. The City recognizes and directs that any beach, park, or other public facility acquired, developed, rehabilitated, or restored with bond funds, including the Project, shall be open and accessible to the public without discrimination as to race, color, gender, age, religion, belief, residence, natural origin, marital status or disability. Section 4. To the extent allowed by law, the City shall commit any and all funds which may be required to operate, maintain and provide programming at the Project upon its completion. Section 5. No substitution in capital project funding by the City shall occur as a result of the grant for which the City is applying. Section 6. The City Manager is hereby authorized to do all things necessary and expedient in order to carry out the aims of this Resolution. Section 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Cohen, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Diamond and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Ken Cohen Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow yes yes ues yes absent yes yes Resolution No. 20O4-1!. Page 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 2004. .,¿/ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: r\~ CITY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 5 EXHIBIT" A" Safe Neighborhood Parks (SNP) Bond Program Discretionary Funds 2004 Grant Application Date: 3/3/2004 Applicant Information A. Applicant: CitY of Aventura B. Co-Applicant:- C. Contact Person: Robert M. Sherman Title: Director ofCommwIitv Services E-mail Address: shermanrúl1citvofaventura.com Mailing Address: 19200 West Countrv Club Drive City: Aventura State:R Zip: 33180 Telephone:305-466-8930 Fax: 305-466-3277 Grant Request Overview A. Grant Title (Park Name): Waterways Park Exoansion B. ParklLand Address: 3401 NE 213th Street C. County Conunission District (s) where park/land is located: -----1 D. Brief Grant Description: Six acre exoansion ofWaterwavs Park which will include the develooment of the following new facilities: One lighted softballfbaseball/soccer/football athletic field: two acre mangrove oreserve with 1.000 linear footboardwalk: one clustered fimess course: three oicnic shelters: one covered olavground: landscaoing: irrigation: Dark benches: water fountaings: securitY lighting and fencing: oarking for 59 velIicles. E. Please indicate total funding request for Discretionary Dollars: $1,100,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $3,100,000,00 Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 6 F. Source of conunitted match funds: CitY Funds -Documentation of all match funds must be attached to this application. Match will be verified prior to issuance of a contract. G. Grant Type(Please check all that apply): I. Development, Land Owned IZI If the applicant is a Not-For-Profit, has a Public Agency agreed to the development on the Public Agency's property? NIA If yes, please provide the name of the Public Agency: CitY of A ventura If no, give reason why they have not agreed: - II. Development, Land Leased by Applicant D Term of Lease: If the applicant is a Not-For-Profit, has a Public Agency agreed to the development on the Public Agency's leased property? NIA If yes, please provide the name of the Public Agency: Ifno, give reason why they have not agreed: III. Land Acquisition D If the applicant is a Not-For-Profit, has a Public Agency agreed to take title of the land? NIA If yes, please provide the name of the Public Agency: If no, give reason why they have not agreed: H. Grant Readiness fs the proposed project consistent with the Park Master Plan that has received all required approval and authorizations? YES Name and phone number of the Park & Recreation Department personnel providing this iriformation. Aventura CommunitY Services Deoartrnent 305-466-8930 Land Acouisition Staees Be..innin.. Date Endin.. Date Prooertv Identification Willin.. Seller Determination Aooraisals Acauisition Method of Acquisition: - DeveloDment Staees Be..innin.. Date Endin.. Date Planning 1/04 1/05 Schematic Designs 1/05 4/05 Construction Drawings 4/05 7/05 Construction 10/05 4/06 Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 7 Construction/Operating Commitments A. Describe the basis or justification for cost estimate: Consultin~ En~ineer's Estimate B. Are additional funds required for this project? (check one) YES 0 If yes, how much? iQJ)Q NO [8J List the other anticipated sources for this funding and amounts anticipated. Rill! Rill! Rill! Rill! Explain how these other sources of funding will be used to either complete or expand the SNP bond funded grant or total project: NI A If any of these other sources of funding fails to fully materialize, how will that affect the SNP bond funded grant or total project? NI A c. Upon completion, will the work funded by this grant result in increased or new annual maintenance and operation costs? YES IZI NO 0 D. Upon completion, will the work funded by this grant result in increased or new annual progranuning costs? YES IZI NO 0 E. Who will assume the increase costs? CitY of Aventura Applicant Certification I hereby certify the information provided in tlris application and any attachment is true and correct. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant. As a condition of the grant, I also agree to execute a grant agreement and to comply with all terms and conditions of the grant agreement, the Administrative Rules of the SNP Bond Program and the SNP Bond Ordinance. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Signature of Authorized Representative of Co-Applicant Date Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 8 ATTACHMENT A LINE ITEM BUGET FORM ¡BUDGET ITEMS [PLANNiNG; ...... ... [D-ESiGN;u. -- ¡p R OJECTAD MrNISTRA -Ii a N* ~RE~AGREE M ENT-so FTC 0 ST s- IToTALSoFTcosT .... ILANI);ßLDG:AcQuisliio N Ie oNsT R U eTI ON(l¡ ~ tb~~;bycle;-'~; -~;th .q~~~t¡(i ~ s ) : ¡o;:;~ ;;:;;:;It;~;:;~~¡¡ght~d . ~;:;ft¡'~Ù/~;:;~~~tib~~~¡;~Ù;¡;;:;;:;tb~ii . field [l:OOO¡¡;:;ear ¡;;:;ot b;:;~td;;;¡kfur-;;;:;gh;;;;;-;:;1¥;:;~~ ;:;~¡;';~ptes~1'\'e lïcl-;;~t~;~dF;;;:;~~~¿;:;~~~-tb;-~e~;~;¡;:;~s ... ITb;-~~ p¡~;';~~h~it~;s ..... . . lo;:;~ ~;:;~~t~d pl~ygt;:;;:;;:;d IE~~;t;:;;';;:;~~t~I.R~;;:;~di~;¡;:;n I¡~;g-'-;¡;:;;:;~~d.i~~d~~~p;;:;g_.. - .. Park Building w/office/st;:;t~g~/;e;!r;:;;:;ms ... . .... .. w .. . TOTAL SNP Grant Request %OF EXPENSE ¡ c' $43,000.00 35% $75,000:00. 135% -$64:000.00 -.--135% $50,OOQOO--1 $182,000.00---~5;;X- - -$0:00 .. -- ul .[ $75,000.00 135% $15,000.00 135% $3,000.00 . 135% $30,000.00135% $45,000.00 [35% $260,000-:-00-[35% $100,000.00 135% $40,000:00w 135% -.-------.-.-. .-. .-----1 ! i I -_w_---.I Resolution No. 2004-21 Page 9 ATTACHMENTB BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PRE-AGREEMENT SOFT COST BUDGET Environmental Remediation Studv in progress $42,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PRE-AGREEMENT CONSTRUCTION LINE ITEMS BUDGET $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CONSTRUCTION LINE ITEMS BUDGET See Attachment "A" $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FIXTURES, FURNITURE & EOUIPMENT BUDGET $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00