WHEREAS, the City of Aventura is desirous of amending the City's Land
Development Regulations to provide consistency with federal and state laws; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has been designated as the Local Planning
Agency for the City pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes; and
WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the proposed
amendments pursuant to the required public hearing and has recommended approval
to the City Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has held the required public hearings, duly
noticed in accordance with law; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed the action set forth in this
Ordinance and has determined that such action is consistent with the Comprehensive
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 2
Section 1.
That Section 31-241(a) of the City's Land
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for clarification of purpose, as follows 1:
Sec. 31-241(a). Purpose.
(7) Encouraqe co location amonq wireless telecommunications service providers
and enhance the ability of providers of telecommunications services to
provide such services to the community through an efficient and timely
application process pursuant to FS 365.172 as amended.
Section 2.
That Section 31-241(b) of the City's land
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for additional and revised definitions,
as follows 1:
Sec. 31-241(b) Definitions
"Applicant" means a person or entity with an application before the Citv for a
permit for a personal wireless service facility.
"Carrier" means a company licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) that provides wireless services. A tower builder or owner is
not a carrier unless licensed to provide personal wireless services.
"Colocation" means the use of a common mount by two or more wireless
"Commercial mobile radio services." Per Section 704 of the Telecommunications
Act of 1996. any of several technoloqies usinq radio siqnals at various
frequencies to send and receive voice. data and video. Accordinq to the FCC.
these services are "functionally equivalent services". Section 704 of the
Telecommunications Act prohibits unreasonable discrimination amonq
functionally equivalent services.
"Personal wireless services" is defined as commercial mobile services.
1 Underlined provisions constitute proposed additions to existing text; slriGkaA through provisions indicate
proposed deletions from existing text.
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 3
unlicensed wireless services and common carrier wireless exchanqe access
services. This definition includes analoq and diaital (800 MHz) cellular.
broadband PCS (1850-1900 MHz) services and enhanced specialized mobile
radio and paqinq services.
"Search area" means the qeoqraphic area in which a telecommunications facility
must be located in order to proyide FCC required coyeraqe. as certified throuqh
an affidavit by a Radio Frequency enqineer as to radio frequency waves or other
such appropriate technical expert.
'Telecommunications Tower or Tower" means any structure, and support
thereto, design and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or
more antennas intended for transmitting or receiving personal wireless services,
telephone, radio and similar communications purposes, including lattice,
monopole and guyed telecommunications towers. ...
'Telecommunications Tower Heiaht" - when referrinq to a communications tower
or other structure. the distance measured from the finished qrade of a parcel to
the hiqhest point on the tower or other structure. includinq the base pad and any
antenna. but excludinq liqhts and liqhtninq rods.
Section 3. That Section 31-241 (c) of the City's Land Development Regulations
is hereby amended to expand applicability of this section, as follows 1:
Sec. 31-241 (c). Applicability.
(4) AM Array. For purposes of this section. an AM array. consistinq of
one or more tower units and supportinq around system which
functions as one AM broadcastinq antenna. shall be considered one
tower. Measurements for setbacks and separation distances shall be
measured from the outer perimeter of the towers included in the AM
array. Additional tower units may be added within the perimeter of
the AM array by riqht.
Section 4.
That Section 31-241(d) of the City's Land
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for an application process,
timeframes, submission requirements and a special review fee as follows 1:
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Sec. 31-241(d). General Requirements/minimum standards.
The City shall qrant or deny a properly completed application for a permit for the
sitinq of a new wireless tower or antenna on property. buildinqs or structures within
the Citv's iurisdiction within ninetv (90) business davs after the date the DroDerlv
completed application is submitted in accordance with the City's application
procedures. provided that such permit complies with applicable federal requlations
and is consistent with state law and applicable local zoninq or land development
requlations. includinq any aesthetic requirements. Local buildinq requlations shall
The City shall notify the permit applicant within (20) business days after the date
the application is submitted as to whether the application is. for administrative
purposes only. properly completed and has been properly submitted. However.
such determination shall not be deemed as an approval of the application. Such
notification shall indicate with specificity any deficiencies which. if cured. shall make
the application properly completed.
If the City fails to qrant or deny a properly completed application for a permit
which has been properly submitted within the timeframes set forth in this section.
the permit shall be deemed automatically approved and the provider mav proceed
with placement of such facilities without interference or penalty. The timeframes
specified in this section shall be extended only to the extent that the permit has not
been qranted or denied because the City's procedures qenerally applicable to all
permits require action by the City and such action has not taken place within the
timeframes specified in this section. Under such circumstances. the City must act to
either qrant or deny the permit at its next reqularly scheduled meetinq or. otherwise.
the permit shall be deemed to be automatically approved.
(1) Lease Required. Any construction, installation or placement of a
telecommunications facility on any property owned, leased or otherwise controlled by
the City shall require a Lease Agreement executed by the City and the owner of the
facility, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. ...
(5) Engineering Report. All applicants for new telecommunications towers and
pre-existing telecommunications towers which are modified or reconstructed to
accommodate additional antennas shall submit a written report certified by a professional
engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. The report shall include:
a) Tl:1e 8¡¡¡¡IiGable sklndardG of G§.ite development plan fe¥iew of the entire
subiect property drawn to scale, including, without limitation:
j) a tax parcel number, a legal description of the parent tract and leased
parcel, total acres and SectionfTownship/Ranae of the subiect propertv:
ij) the lease parcel fullY dimensioned. includinq property lines. setbacks.
roads on or adiacent to the subiect property and easements;
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 5
iii) outline of all existina buildinas, includina purpose lie residential
buildinas. aaraaes. accessorv structures. etc.) on subiect property:
iv) all existina veaetation. by mass or individually by diameter. measured for
feet from the around of each stand-alone tree on the subject property;
v) proposed/existina securitv barrier. indicatina tvpe and extent as well as
point of controlled entrv:
vi) proposed/existina access easements. utility easements and parkina for
the telecommunications tower:
vii) all proposed chanaes to the subiect property: includina aradina.
veaetation removal. temporarv or permanent roads and driveways. stormwater
manaaement facilities and anv other construction or development attendant to the
telecommunications tower.
viii) scaled elevation drawina of proposed telecommunications tower,
includina location of all mounts. antennas. equipment buildinas. fencina and landscapina.
&-if applicable, on-site and adjacent land uses, and master plan
classification of the site, a visual imf3aGt analysiu ane f3l:1oto digitalizatien ef the
telecemR'1uniGations ¡ewer and all attachments including asseGiated buildings and
equipment ûentain9FG at tho f3FOf39Ry line, au well as at a distance of 2éQ feet and 500
feet from all f3ropertieu witl:1in tl:1at r-ange, or at other pointu agreee upon in a pr-e
apf3liGation meeting.
c) Type of telecommunications tower and specifics of design. includina:
h equipment brochures for the proposed tower such as manufacturer's
specifications or trade journals reprints. These shall be provided for the antennas.
mounts. equipment shelters. cables as well as cable runs and security barrier. if any;
ji, materials of the proposed tower specified by aeneric type and
specific treatment (je anodized aluminum. stained wood. painted fiberalass. etc). These
shall be provided for the antennas. mounts. equipment shelters. cables and cable runs
and security barrier. if any;
ill., colors of the proposed tower represented bv a color board showina
actual colors proposed. Colors shall be provided for the antennas. mounts. equipment
shelters. cables as well as cable runs and security barrier. if any:
jy, dimensions of the tower specified for all three directions: heiaht.
width and breadth. These shall be provided for the antennas. mounts. equipment
shelters and security barriers. if any; and
Y.., a visual impact analvsis. with a minimum of two (2) photo
diaitalization or photoaraphic superimpositions of the tower within the subject property.
The photo diaitalization or photoaraphic superimpositions shall be provided for all
attachments. includina: the antennas. mounts. equipment shelters. cables as well as
cable runs and securitv barrier. if anv. for the total heiaht. width and breadth. as well as at
a distance of 250 feet from all properties within that ranae or at other points aareed upon
in a pre-application conference.
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 6
h) Special Fee. The Citv shall have the riaht to retain independent technical
consultants and experts that it deems necessarv to properly evaluate applications for
individual towers. The special fee shall be based upon the hourly rate of the independent
technical consultant or expert that City deems necessarv to proDertv evaluate applications
for tower. The special fee shall be applicable to those applications reauirina special
review or evaluation. as determined by City staff. An incomplete application may be
presumed to require special review or evaluation. The special fee shall be paid bv the
applicant to the City. promptly upon written demand by the City to the applicant.
(7) Co-location Incentive. Pursuant to the intent of this section, the City shall
provide the following incentive to service providers:
a. The review of all applicationG Gubrnitted by pr-o'/ideFG Geeking to co locate
on a pr-e exiGting telecornrnunicationG tower or to rent space on a propoGed new
telecornmunicationG tower shall be completed by the City no mor-e than thirty (dO) daYG
follo'l.'ing the filing of a Citv shall arant or denv a properlv completed application for a
permit as provided in this section, for the co-location of a wireless communications facility
on property. buildinas or structures within the City's iurisdiction within forty-five (45)
business days after the date the properly completed application is initially submitted in
accordance with the City's application procedures. provided that such permit complies
with all applicable federal reaulations and applicable local zonina or land development
reaulations. includina but not limited to any aesthetic requirements. Local buildina
reaulations shall apply.
(20) Public Notice. For purposes of this section and notwithstanding any other
requirements with regard to public notice in the City's Code, any request for a SßØGiaI
exception conditional use on private property shall require a public hearing...
Section 5.
That Section 31-241(e) of the City's Land
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for consistency of timeframes in
Section 31-241, asfollows1:
Sec. 31-241 (e) Permitted uses on public property.
(2) Uses. All appliûantG for use in this section sl:1all fiFSt suBmit a letter ef intont
and all othor informatien as statea in sl,lBseütien (a) 1:19FOin to the City Manager'G office,
..."l:1isl:1 sl:1all De roviowed vlithin 30 daYG from the submiGsion of a ûompleted application.
The City Manager is authorized to execute lease agreements and waive requirements as
provided in subsection (d) on behalf of the City. ...
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 7
a. 3. No more than one telecommunications tower shall be located on a single
lot or single building site; and
Section 6. That Section 31-241 (f) of the City's Land Development Regulations
is hereby amended so as to provide for consistency of timeframes in Section 31-241, as
follows 1:
Sec. 31-241 (f). Permitted uses on private property.
(1 )c. The City shall respond to each such application wi#IiR pursuant to Section
31-241(d) takinq into consideration the time dictated by the nature and scope of the
individual request, subject to the generally applicable time frames and pursuant to the
intent of Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, but in no event more than
ðQ20 days for administrative zoning decisions. Building permit applications shall be
processed within a reasonable period of time.
(2)a. Antennas on pre-existing structures. Any additional wireless
communication facilities required within the existinq secured equipment compound
within the existinq site. such as communication cables. adiacent accessorv structures or
adjacent accessorv equipment used in the provision of cellular. enhanced specialized
mobile radio. or personal communications services. shall be deemed a permitted use or
activity. Local buildinq and land development requlations. includinq any aesthetic
requirements. shall apply. Any antenna which is not attached to a pre-existing
telecommunications tower may be approved by the City as an accessory use to any
commercial, industrial, professional, institutional or multi-family structure of eight or
more dwelling units, provided:
1. The antenna does not extend more than 30 feet above the highest point of
the structure;
2. The antenna complies with all applicable FCC and FAA regulations and all
applicable building codes; and
3. To minimize adverse visual impacts, antennas shall be selected based upon
the following priority:
i. Any stealthed antenna;
ii. Panel;
iii. Whip; and
iv. Dish.
(2)e. Additional Wireless Communications Facilities. Any additional wireless
communications facilities required within the existina secured equipment compound
within the existinq site. such as communications cables. adjacent accessorv structures
or adjacent accessorv equipment used in the provision of cellular. enhanced specialized
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 8
mobile radio or personal communications services. shall be deemed a permitted use or
activitv. Local buildina and land development requlations. includinq anv aesthetic
requirements. shall apply.
Section 7. That Section 31-241(g) of the City's Land Development
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for consistency with the development
applications in the City's Land Development Regulations, as follows1:
Sec. 31-241 (g). Specia! ExGeptioR Conditional use.
(1) General. The provisions listed in this section shall apply only where an
application for the construction of a telecommunications tower or for the placement of
an antenna in a zoning district does not meet the criteria for approval as provided in
subsections (d), (e) or (f) of this section. An applicant for a sf3esial exûeption
conditional use permit shall submit information described in subsection (d) and the
City's Code of Ordinances and any other reasonable information the City may require.
The following provisions shall govern the issuance for sf3esial oxsoption conditional use
permits: ...
(4) Factors considered in granting Sf)esial eXGepRoR conditional use permits for
(4)h. Design of the telecommunications tower with particular reference to design
characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual
SectionS. That Section 31-241(h) of the City's land Development
Regulations is hereby amended so as to provide for consistency with the development
applications in the City's Land Development Regulations, as follows 1:
Sec. 31-241(h). Buildings or other equipment facilities.
(3) Separation. The following separation requirements shall apply to all
telecommunications towers and antennas for which a special eJ<sof3tion
conditional use permit is required:
Section 9. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any
reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance
but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall
Ordinance No. 2004 - 06
Page 9
stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part.
Section 10. Inclusion in the Code. It is the intention of the City Commission,
and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be
made a part of the Code of the City of Aventura; that the sections of this Ordinance
may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word
"Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word.
Section 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon
adoption on second reading.
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Cohen, who moved its
adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Diamond and
upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner lev Auerbach
Commissioner Ken Cohen
Commissioner Bob Diamond
Commissioner Manny Grossman
Commissioner Harry Holzberg
Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin
Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow
The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Cohen, who moved its
adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Diamond
and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner lev Auerbach
Commissioner Ken Cohen
Commissioner Bob Diamond
Commissioner Manny Grossman
Commissioner Harry Holzberg
Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin
Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow
Ordinance No. 2004 - ~
Page 10
PASSED on first reading this 3rd day of February, 2004.
PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 2nd day of Mar h, 2004.
cITI~ '\
This dinance was filed in the Office of the City Clerk thiS~ay Ofþ---aJ.cJ-;, 2004.