01-22-2004 Workshop The City of MINUTES Aventura COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING -&- JANUARY 22, 2004 '.,,:/ Aventur. Government Center 19200 W. Country Club Drive Aventura, Fle,;da 33180 The meeting was caned to order at 9:25 a.m. by Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow. Present were Commissioners Zev Auerbach, Ken Cohen, Bob Diamond, Manny Grossman, Harry Holzberg, Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin, Mayor Perlow, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, City Clerk Teresa M. Soroka, and City Attorney David M. Wolpin. As a quorum was determined to be present, the meeting commenced. 1. FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES RESOLUTION: Commission discussed revision of the proposed resolution as deferred from the January 6th Commission meeting. CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to amend resolution to eliminate Section 1(e) and amend Section 1 (d) to include provision that the subject modification would be to protect municipal funding to enhance and benefit municipalities and include all other provisions as presented. 2. MEDIAN SIGNS: City Manager requested direction from the Commission to a) eliminate median signs; or b) unify the median signs throughout the City. CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus that administration review the various signs and provide Commission with a proposed plan for consolidation, elimination, and unification. City Manager to send reminder letters to condominiums regarding conformance with sign code ordinance. 3. NAMING OF 31sT AVENUE PARK: City Manager requested input as to the selection of a name for 31st Avenue Park. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus that Commission submit names to City Manager for further discussion at February Workshop meeting. In addition, Commission to discuss at a future meeting the name selection process for Waterways Park and any future park. 5. BISCAYNE COVE CONDO MEETING MATTER Nice Mavor Beskin): (Taken out of order) Vice Mayor Beskin expressed concern regarding this meeting and whether or not the appropriate City procedures were followed. CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: No action necessary. 4. CITIZEN'S EDUCATION COMMITTEE (Commissioner Diamond): Arthur Berger addressed the Commission with a proposal to establish a Citizen's Education Center whereby he would educate residents about the City's government structure, etc. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY: Consensus that Mr. Berger prepare a curriculum and present to the Commission for approval. 6. PROPOSED ETHICS PROVISIONS (Commissioner Diamond): Commissioner Diamond requested Commission approval to authorize the City Attorney to draft a proposed amendment to the City's ethics ordinance which would be more strict than existing city, county and state ethics provisions, including establishing provisions designed to ensure that even the appearance of any conflict of interest is avoided in relation to any municipal transaction or matter. CITY MANAGER'S SUMMARY: Consensus to direct City Attorney to amend City's current ethics ordinance to provide for more stringent provisions incorporating certain provisions outlined in the January 2004 report of the Miami-Dade County Ethics Commission and other concerns expressed by the Commission. 6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come b re the Commission at this time, after motion made, seconde and unanimously assed, the meeting adjourned at 11 :25 a.m. Approved by the Commission on February 3, 2004. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 2