2004-03 ORDINANCE NO. 2004-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CITY CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE VI "LOBBYING ACTIVITIES" OF CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION," BY REPEALING ALL OF ARTICLE VI, CONSISTING OF SECTION 2-371 THROUGH AND INCLUDING SECTION 2-377, EXCEPT FOR SECTION 2-375 "PENALTIES," AND ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE VI "LOBBYING ACTIVITIES" TO CONSIST OF SECTION 2-371 "LOBBYISTS" AND SECTION 2-375 "PENALTIES" OF CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION," BY ADOPTING SECTION 2- 11.1(S) OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING LOBBYING, AS MODIFIED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR RELATED FEES AND OTHER PROVISIONS CONCERNING LOBBYISTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Miami-Dade County (the "County") Commission has recently comprehensively revised the County lobbyist ordinance (the "County Lobbying Ordinance") as set forth in Section 2-11.I(s) of Miami-Dade County Code (the "County Code"); and WHEREAS, the staff of the County Ethics Commission has recommended that the revised County Lobbying Ordinance be adopted and followed by municipalities within the County; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to adopt and follow the provisions of the County Lobbying Ordinance as described herein, along with the modifications and other requirements specified herein. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A VENTURA, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals AdoDted. That each of the above stated recitals is hereby Ordinance No. 2004-03 Page 2 adopted and confirmed. Section 2. Repeal. That the City Code of the City of Aventura, Florida, is hereby amended by repealing Article VI "Lobbying Activities," consisting of Section 2- 371 through and including Section 2-377 of Chapter 2 "Administration," except for Section 2-375 "Penalties," which reads as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. Any fees owed to the City under the repealed provisions shall be due and owing to the City until paid in full. Section 3. Code Amended. That the City Code of the City of Aventura, Florida, is hereby amended by creating Article VI "Lobbying Activities" to consist of existing Section 2-375 "Penalties" and new Section 2-371 "Lobbyists" of Chapter 2 "Administration," to read as follows: Section 2-371. Lobbyists. The provisions of Section 2-l1.1(s) "Lobbying," of the Miami-Dade County Code (the "County Lobbying Ordinance") as it currently exists, as set forth in Exhibit "X," attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby adopted and shall apply within the City, except that in lieu of the fee for annual lobbyist registration which is specified by Section 2- 11.l(s)(2)(b) of the County Lobbying Ordinance, the fee payable to the City for registration of each lobbyist for the representation of each principal of the lobbyist shall be One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars (per principal represented), and the fee payable to the City for annual lobbyist registration for each lobbyist shall be Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. References in the County Lobbying Ordinance to County personnel shall be deemed to be references to City personnel who serve in comparable capacities to the County personnel referred to. References in the County Lobbying Ordinance to the County Commission or to a "County board or committee" shall be deemed to be references to the City Commission or to the City's boards as applicable. This Section 2- 371 shall prevail over any conflicting provision of the City Code. Section 4. Severability. That the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any 2 Ordinance No. 2004-03 Page 3 reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5. Inclusion in the Code. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of A ventura; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word "Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or other appropriate word. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption on second reading. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Grossman, who moved its adoption on first reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Holzberg and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Ken Cohen Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow no yes yes yes yes yes yes The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Commissioner Cohen who moved its adoption on second reading. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Diamond and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Commissioner lev Auerbach Commissioner Ken Cohen Commissioner Bob Diamond Commissioner Manny Grossman Commissioner Harry Holzberg Vice Mayor Jay R. Beskin Mayor Jeffrey M. Perlow no yes yes yes yes yes yes 3 Ordinance No. 2004-...D3 Page 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this 6th day of January, 2004. PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading this 3rd day of February, 2004. ~~YÒR APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Hfh,~ CITY ATTORNEY 4 Jnln:J-CUUY rßJ J J 'w nil j 2.11.1 I n/\ 1M I, UL (.) Ethics CO/lU1¡¡",on 10 "..der opi/li01ls on req'ml. Whenever any person ind"ded in the to:rm. dofuwd in B"b.ection (11)(1) 01 rou gh (6) and subsection (b)(9) is in doubt as \'0 the proper intorprctation Or applicntioo of this conflict of interest and Code of Ethic.. Ordinance .s to hÜns.lf or horself, or whenever any person who renders sarviees to the COlUtty is in dollbt ns to the applicability of the said ordinance os to him. self or herself, he or she mny <ubmit to tho Ethics C"mmi,.ion a full written sbtcment of the fnct" nIld qu.stiDl1S he or sho has. The Ethics ComInis. .i"o shall theo render an opinion to such person <\rId shall publish these opinions wiU10ut use of the name of the person advised ullless such por. scn requests the "se of his or her naine. (Ord. No. 711-26, f 1, 3-2(}.73; Ord. No. 77-13, § 4, 3.1.77; Ord. No. 97-105, § 2, 7-8-91) -? £'X"I+:t:hT /1)(11 -- MJAMI- )AlJE CDüN'rY C()DE Inspector Goneral shall verify the accu- racy of each affidavit executed by former coullty oillcers, department,,] persoru1el or employees, (6) My individual who is found to be in vi.olation of this Subsection (q) Bhnll be subject to the penalties provided it.1 either Sub_oction (~I)(l)or Subsection lu)(2), lOrd. No. 72-82, § 1, 11.21-72; Ord. No. 11.13, § 4, 3-1-17: Ord. No. 99-2, í 1, 1.21.99) (s) Lobbyil'l{!. (1) (0) A. used in this soction, "County per- sonnel" means those Collnty officer. and employecs specified in Section 2.11.1(i)(2) ofthc Miami-Dnde County Cmu1ìcl ofInterest and Cod. ofEth- ics OrdinAnce. (b) ^" "",d in this scction, "Lobbyist" means all persons, firms, or eorporo. l1ons employed or retoined by n prin. cipal who seeks to encourage the pnssago, dofent. or modifications of (1) ordinance, resolution, ac¡jon or decision of the County Commission; (2) any action, decision. recommen- dation of the County Manager or any County board or committee; or (3) any action, decision or recommenda. tion of County personll.! durin¡: the time period of the entire deci.ion. Supp. No. 30 making process on such acti"", deci. sion or reconuue1ldatioo which foresccably will b. heard l>r reo viewed by the County Commi.sion, or a County board or committee., "Lobbyist" specifion!\y includos the principal as well os any employee whose normn! scope of employment includeslobbyin¡; activities. Tho term "Lohbyist" specifically excludes the following persons: attorneys or other representatives retained 01' omployed solely for the purposo of represent. ;'1gindividuals, corpI>ration. or other entities durin!; pl1hhl'ly noticed quasi- judicial proceedinc' where 0,< low prohibits ex-parte cornn11mications; expert witnesses who provide only scientific, technical or other special- ized information oc testimony in pub. lie meetings; any person who only appears as a repre..ntotivo of a neighborhood association without compensation or reimbursement for the appearance. whether direct, in- direct or coutin!:"nt, to expr.ss sup- port of or opposition to any item; nny person wbo only appe.rs as n repre- s.ntative of" not-for-profit commu. nity based orgnnization for the pur- p"se of requesting a ~.nt without special compen.<;ation or reimburse- ment for the appear.nce; and em- ployees of a principal whoso normal seopo of employment does not in. clude lobbying activities. (2) All lobbyists shall register with the Clerk of the Boord of Connty Commissioners within five (5) bu.in.., days of br,in¡;; retnined as a lobbyist or befor. eng,,¡¡ing in any lobbyjn~ activities. whichever shall came first. ~:vory pers"n required to so register sholl: (a) Rel'ister 011 fom,s prepnrcd by the C1erk; (b) State tinder oath hi< or her l1ame, busi~o", adùre.. and the namo ,nd business addrrss of each penon or ontity which ha< employed said reg. 274 JHN-tJ-tUUq r~1 11,tO Hil Supp. No, 3~ r H^ NU, r, UJ ADM1NISTRATION (c) istrant to 10bby, If the lobbyi9t rep- resenLs 8 corporation, the corpora' tion sonll also be identified. Without limiting the fo«going, the lobbyist shall also identify .11 perBOM hold. ing, directly or indirectly, a fivo (5) pcrcent or morc ownership interest in sueh corporation, partn.robip, or trust. Rogistration of all lobbyists; shall ùerequit't'd prior to Jnnuary 15 of .a.h year and each pcnon who withdTawS as a lobbyist for a pllrlic. ular client shall file an appropriate notke of withdrawal. Tbe fee for ann\1¡¡j registrntion shall be fa", hun- dred snd ninety dollars ($490.00), Every registrant shall be required to state the exl.ot of any hwiness or professional relation-,hip with nny CUTreo, person described in sub«c. Hon (bXI). The re¡¡ïstratioo fees re- Quired by thi, subsection shal1 be deposited by the Clerk into a sepa. rate account nnd shall be expended for the purpose of recording, tran- scribing, administrntion and other costs inC\1rred in maintaioing theS<i records for nv.nability to the public. There shall ù. no fee required for filings notice of withdrawal and thc Board of County Conlntis.ioo.n may, in ito discretion, wnive the registra. tion roc upon 8 finding of finaneial hardship. Prior to conducting nny lobbyio¡, nl1 principals ml1,t file a form with the Clerk of thc Doord of County Com- missioner., signed by the principnl or the priJ\ojpnl', ropr.sentative, stat. ing that the lobbyist is 4\1thori.ed to «present the principal. Failure of 0 principal to file tho f"rm required by tho preceding sentcnce may be <"n. sidered in the evaluation of a bid or proposal It:! e,'idence that a propo.er or bidder is n"t a responsible contrac- tor. Each principal shall file a form with tho Clerk of the Board at the ! 2.11.1 point in time nt which a lobbyist ia no long-er nuthorized to represeut the princípat (3) fa) Any public officer, employee or ap- pointee who only appears in his or her officinl capßÓ.ty shall not be re- Quired to regi.ter as a lobùyist. (b) Any pt'rson who only appears in his or her illdividu..1 capacity for the purpose of self.ropÅ“.entation with. out eoo1pensati"D or reimbursement ",hether diroct, indirect Or eootin' gent, to expr... support of l1r oppo- sition to ony item, ,hon not be re- quired to register a. a 10bbyiBt. (41 Any per.on who only opp.ar. us a repre- sentative of n not-for-profit corporation or entity (such os a charitable or~anizotioo, or a trnde ""sociation or trade union) without special compensation or reimbW1le: ment for the appearance, whether direL1:, indirect or contjn~ent, to exprees support of or opposition to any item, shall register with the Clerk e. required by Ws subeec- \ion, but, upon requ""t, .halJ not b. reo qtrired to pay any regist,...lion fees, (5) Any person who appears n, n representa. tive for an individual or firm for an oral presentation before n county certification, evaluation, seJection, wchnical review or similar eolJ\rnittoe, .halllist on an affida- vit provided by the County, an individ\1nls who may mnke a presentntion, The affi. rlavitshnl! be filed by atstrwith lh. Clurk's office at the time the propesa! is submit- ted. For the purpose of th;s s\1b.ection only. the listed members of the preocnta. tion teRm ,h;ùl not be ll!quired to pay any registration fees. No person shall appear before nny oommittee on behalf of an individual or firm unle.. he or she ha. been listed ns part of Ute Ii",,', preeenta- tion team pursuant to thie p,usgraph or unless he or she i. registered with the Clerk's office and haa paid all applicable fees. (6) (a) Commencing July I, 1986, ond on July 1 or eaeh y.or thereoll.er, the 271.1 JHN-¿j-¿UUq r~1 II ;¿ð Hil ¡ 2'LI.1 r H^ NU, MIA!oU.DAJ)~; COUNTY CODE lobbyist shan submit to the Clerk of (I.e Board of C"unty Commissioners a signed statement under oath, as provided hercin, bating an lobbying expenditures in excess oftwenty-five doUars ($25.00) for the preceding ealendar ycar. A statement sh.n he filed even if there have been no ex- penditures during the repùrtin~ pe. riod. The stntemeot shan bat in de- tail ench expenditure by category, including food and beverage, enter- tainment, re,eareh, eOllllUl1IÚcotio", merlin advertising, publications, trave\. lodging nnd special events. (b\ The Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners shnll notif¡l1U1Y lob- hyist who fails to timely fiJ. an ex- pendit\1re report. In addition to ""y other penalties which may be im- posed ns providcd in subsection (s)(9), a fine offifty dol1a" \$50.00) per dny shall be aesossed for reports filed a(1;er the due date. Where 11 fine of fifty donnrs ($50.001 per dny is ns- sessed, the Ethics Commission shan not impoeo a fine as provided in subaection (z). Any lobbyist who Ülil, to file the req\1lred expellditure re- pert by September 1st shol1 be auto- maticoUy suspellded from lobbying until aU fines are paId unle.. the fine has beell appealed to thc ~;thics Commission, (c) The Clerk of the Doard of County CommIssioners ,hall notify the Com- mission on Ethics and Public Trust of the fa.ilure of n lobbyjst or princi- p,ll to file a report ondlor pay the assessed fines after notification. (d) A lobbyist or principal may nppeal a fine and tOny request a hearing ba- fore the Commi..ion an Bthies nnd Public Trust. A request for n henrjl1~ an thc fine must be filed with the Commissioo on Ethics and Public Trust wi1..h n fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the notification of the failure to file the required diac10- Supp. No. 3S sure form. The Commission an Eth. ics and Public 1'rusl .hall have the authority to waive the [me, in whole or part, based on good cnuse S¡'OWII, The Commi..ion on Ethics and Pub- Hc Trust sh.11 have the o\1t.hority to adopt ruks of procedure regordin~ "ppenls fronl the Clerk of the Board of County Commi,>ioaers. (7) No person may, in whole or in part. pay, give or a¡:rec to payor give a eolltingellcy fee to another persoll. No person may, ;n whole Dr in part, receive or ogr.e to re- ceive n contingency fee. As used hcrdn, "colltingency fee" means a fee, bonus. com- mission, or not1lnonetory b.nefit a' com- pensntion which is depend_llt on or In 'my way contingent on the passage, defeat, Or modification of: (1) !\r1 ordinance, resolu- tion, artion or decision of the County Commission; \2) any action, decisio" nr recommcndotioo of the County Mnnnzer or any County bonTd Dr comnlittee; or (3J any nction, decision or recommendation of County personnel during the time period of the elltire decision-mak.ing proce.. re- ¡:¡1tding such nction, decision or recom- me"datio" which forese.ably will be heard or reviewed by the CoWlty Commission, or n County board or committee, (8) 'l'he Clerk shall publish Jogs on a quar- terly olld nn annual basis ren.ding the lobbyist reg¡stratious which h:1ve been mad in occordaoce with lhis subsection (9), All log> req\1ired by U.is ordinance shall be prepared in a manner substan. tially similar to tho lngs prepared for the ~'loridn Le¡¡;'slature pursunnt to Sccìiol1 11.04.'5. l11orida Stntutes. (9) The Ethics Commission shan investigate nny person engaged in lobbyin¡: activities who may be in violation of this subsedion Ie). In the event that a violntion is found to ha<e b..n committed th. Ethics Com. mission may, in ndditi"n to the pcMlties set forth ill subsection [.1, prohibit. such person from lobbying before the County Commission or any committee, board or personnel o[(h. County as provided herein. 274.2 r, U4 JHN-¿j-¿UU4 ~Kl II ;¿~ Hn - . , .' rHK NU, y, U~ ADMINISTRATION Every lobbyist who i9 found to be in vio, lation of this section shall be prohibitcd from re¡:i<tering as a lobbyist Or lobbying in ncco.dance with tho followin~ schedule: I,L violation for a period of 90 days from the date of determination of vio13tioo; 2"" violation for. period of one (1) year from the date of doterminatiol1 or viola- tion; 3'. violation for a period of flve (5) years from the dete of determination of vio).- tion; A bidder or propO$cr shaJl be sl1bjoct to the deborment pr"vi.inns of Section 10-38 of the Code of Miami-Dade County as if the bidder or propo.er were a contrac-tor where the bidder or proposer has violated this seclioo, either directly or iJ1direotly or any cornbil1ntion thereof, on three (3) or more occasion8. As used herein, a "direct violation" shall mean n violation commit- ted by the bidder or proposer and an "indirect violation" shall mean a violation committed by a 1obbyist ,"pre.entin~ said bidder or proposer. Acontrect entered into in violation of this section shall 01,0 ren- der the contract viodable, The C01u1ty Manager ,hnn include the provisions of this subsection in :.II County bid docu- mont., RFP, RFQ, CBO and CDBG appli- cations; provided, however, the failure to do so shan not render any contract en- tered into os the resl1lt of 9\1ch fnilure illecnl per se. (10) All m~mbcr< of the County Commission, and all County pereonnal, shall be dili- gent to oscertain whether person. re- q\1ired to register pursuant to this Sttbsec- tion have been complied. Commissioners or County personnel mny not knowingly permit a parson who is not registered pursunnt to tlUs <ubsoetion to lobby the Cornnùssioner, or the relevant committee, bonrd or County personnel. (11) Except 08 otherwise provided in s"bse.c- tion (s)(9), the validity of any action or determination of the Board of County Comml."ioners or County personnel, board S"rp. No. 39 ~ 2.11.1 or committee shall not he af'foctecl bv the failure of any person to comply witi, the provisions of this subsaction(s). lOrd. No. 00-19, § 1, 2-8-00; Ord. No. 01-93, § 1, ~22-01; Ord. No. 01-162, § 1, 10-23-01JC dJ -/"1) (tl Cone of SUcn«. 1. Contracts for the provision of ~oods ;tnd service other than audit and independent private sector inspector general (IPSIG) conlrnets. (a) "Cone of SiJeoce" is hereby definod to mean a prohibition on, (i) ""y com- mumc.tion regarding a particular RFP, RFQ or bid between n potential vendor, service provider, bidder. lob- byiat, or consl1lt.<utt and the Co\1nty's professional staff ¡ncl\1ding, but not limited to, the County Msnagor wId his or ho. staff; (ii) any cDmn1unieu- lion re¡;ardinll a particl1lor RFP, RFQ or bid between the Mayor, County Commissione... Or their respective staffs and any member of tho County's profession3.l 9tafi' incloding, but not limited to, the Councy Manager and hi, or her staff; (iii) any communico- tion regarding a particu tar RFP, RFQ or bid between a potential vendor, service provider, bidder, lobbyist. or consultant and any member of the selection committee theref"r; (iv) any communication regarding a particu- lar RFP, RFQ or bid between the Mayor, County Commissioners or their respect,ive .taff. and any mem- ber of the .election committe. there- for; (vJ nny communication regard- ing a po.rticuJar RFP, RFQ or bid between a potential vendor, service provider, bldfier, lobbyist, or consult. ant nnn tho Mayor, County Contmis- sioner" and their respective staffs; al1d (vi) 11l1Y communicntion re¡;ard- ing a particular RFP, RFQ or bid between any mombor the County's profos<ion.lstslT I>tld any member of the selection committee therefor, The County Manager end the Chairper- son of the .election committee may 274.2.1 jtr-ll-¿UUj IHU Uq;q~ rn rM nu. E'xh~ h)+ 1/1A-)1 l' / 11. 3 ~ ARTICLE VI. LOBBYING ACTIVITIES' Sec. 2-371. Definitinn<. The fol1owing words. teTrOS and p}¡rascs, when \1sed in this "rlid.., sho1\ have the meanings ascribed to them in this Mction, except where the context deor1y indic~te8 a different meaning: ADeney means the City, inclnding a11 elected and appointed officials, C'.mpJoyees nnd persons acting on behnlf of the agency. Lobbyist. 11) Lobbyist melU1.$ Imy peroon who, for eompensetiôn or remuneration, direct or indirQct, seeks to influence the governmental dedsion-mclcing of the ngency or <celtS to encour~g(' tho passage, defeat Or modifir.ation of any ordinance, r~so]utio 1, contract, bid award, proposal, reconunendòtion, action or decision of tho "concy. Lobbyist does not mean: (2) n, A City employee whoa acting in his official capacity. Ar.y porson, or Its full-time employee, officer or ow,,"r, who IIllpeors before the City Commission, a City Board or committee, or the City M"",'¡:er or staff in nn individual capacity for t.ho purpose of self-representation or for the representa- tion of others without compensatiOll or reiU1bursemcnt to express support of or in h. "Cro.'s refere"ee-Quasi-judicia] matters for planning and zoning, * ~j4-3l et '"'I. State law reference-Lobbyist rcg-istrat;joo "nd reportillg, 1'.8. §§ 11.04.5 ct se'1., 112.32] 5 et seq. Supp. No.5 CD2:4Q CD jtr-ll-¿UUj IHU Uq;qb rn r H^ NU. r. 10 ADMIN lS'l'RATION ~ 2-375 °Plm.ition to nny ùrdinnnce, resolution, decision or action of the City Commis- ,ion, or any resolutiOll, action, recommendation or decision of nny City Bonrd, ~¡:ency or eommittee, or any :lotion, decision or rccommcndalioI1 of the City Manager. Person includes iI1dividnals, finns, associntioM, joint ventures, general nnd limited parL- nerships, c,stntes, trusts, business trus\.¡;, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporaUOJ\5, and "an other groups or eombin.tioos. (Ord. No. 97-05, ~ I, 2-4-97; Ord. No. 99-05, § 1, 4-G-99) Cl"OSS yr.fcrcnce-D"linitions generally, § 1-2. Sec. 2-372. Regi"t~~tion l"equi~ed, Alllobbyi'l.s shall, before engaging in any lobhyin~ ndivities, rÐI.~ster with the City Clcrk. (Ord. No. 97-05, § 2,2-4-97) Sec. 2.373. Re¡:jstntioll infol"mation. Every perSOI1 rol lJir.d to registor as n lobbyist sh:ill do so on forms prepared by the City Clerk and shl"]] .tate under onth his name :>Ild lmsiItess addro,q" the name aI1d business address of each person which has employed the rc[istrnnt w lobby, and the .pecifie i55l1e on which he h"s been employed to lobby. Separatn re¡;istratíons shall be required for cach specific issue 3l1d for ..ch "",player. (Ora. No. 97-05, § 3, 2-4-97) Set:. 2-374. Annual. statement of expenditure~, On Jnnllary I of eoch year, an lobbyists registered pursuant to this article shaU submit to the City Clerk n si¡:l1ed st"tement under oath listing .11 lobbying expendJtw-es for the preceding calendnr yeW". A .tnterð.ent shan be filed even if tbero hnve l1een no expenditures duriI1g the roporting pcriod. Annual statements shall b~ required until such time as tile lobbyist files a noLico of withdrawal of lobbying activities with the City Clerk. (Ord. No. 97.05, § 1, 2-4-97) See, 2-375, Penalties, [a) Whenever a vio],tion of t.his o.rtiele exists, the City Commission mny publicly T('prj. mnnd, cet1sure and/or pmbihit such lobhyist from lobbying before the City for" poriod of up to bllt not to exceed two ye"ro, ' (b) Tho penalties provided in. this section are cumuJ/Itive in nature. Nothing conloined in this "rtiele shall prevent the City from p\1rsuing any other Temedies aviJibblc to the City under the City's Code and/or State low for the enforcement of its ordinnnres. (Ord. No. 97.05, § 5, 2.4-97) Supp. No. ~ CD2:41 (í) ~tr-ll-¿UUj IKU U4'40 rn rM I~U, . , § 2-37fj AVENT OM CODE See, 2-376. Re¡:istration forms and disclosure statements to be public rceord5. All registrcÜ.ion forms "nd annual disc!osur. st"tements rcquir"d by u,is ar~.iclo sh~ll be public records '\1bject t" i11Spectioo nnd e~,'rnjnntion as provided for in )7,S. § 119.07, (Ord. No. 97-05, § 6, 2.1-97) Sec. 2-377, ltegistration fee- An aIUtUallobbyist registration fee in the ,.mount of $100.00 per calendar year for eaeh lobbyist shan be paid to the City Clerk at the time the lobbyist files a reg;stTntiol1 form. This foe is necessary to cover the administrativc expenditures required by this nrtide. (Ord. No. 97-05, § 7, 2-4-97) Secs. 2-378-2-390, Reserved. r. I I G)