02-02-2004 A ventura Charter Elementary School School Advisory Board February 2, 2004 7:00 P.M. ~ ~j &boof Adri8o(y JJourl Gary Pyott, Chairpel1lOn Julie Greenherg Shapiro, Vice Chairpel1lOn Luz Urbaez Weinberg, Recording Secretary Stephanie Oshinsky Valerie Lustgarten ~ Dr. Katherine Bray Murphy O(yMIDI/F Eric M. Soroka, lCMA-CM MJIl1.IIIf"lDentCom,p8ll,v Charter Schools USA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. City of Aventura Aventura Charter Elementary School School Advisory Board AGENDA February 2, 2004 - 7:00 P.M. Aventura Cluu1er Elementary School 3333 NE 188. Street Aventura, Florida 33180 CALL TO ORDER\ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 1, 2003 SAB Meeting CITY MANAGER'S REPORT PRINCIPAL'S REPORT UNIFORMS CAFETERIA SERVICES ELECTRONIC MASS MAILING UPDATE ENROLLMENT UPDATE PARENT VOLUNTEER TRACKING 10. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES 11. OLD BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADJOURNMENT This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persnns whn are disabled and whn need special accnmmodations to participate in this meeting because of tbat disability should contact the Office of tbe City Clerk, 305-466-890 I, not later tban two days prior to such proceeding. Agenda iterns may be viewed at the Office of the City Clerk, City of Aventura Govemment Center, 19200 West Cnuntry Club Drive, Aventura, Florida, 33180. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of any agenda item should contact the City Clerk at 305-466-8901. \~; MINUTES AVENTURA CHARTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOl SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING January 5, 2004 - 7:00 p.m. Aventura Charter Elementary School 3333 NE 188. Street A ventura, Ftorida 33180 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Board Chairman, Gary Pyatt. Present were members Gary Pyott, Julie Greenberg Shapiro, Valerie Lustgarten, Stephanie Oshinsky, Luz Urbáez Weinberg, City Manager Eric M. Soroka, and Dr. Katherine Bray Murphy, Principal. As a quorum was determined, the meeting commenced. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 1, 2003 SAB Meeting. The board reviewed the minutes from last meeting. Julie Greenberg Shapiro moved to approve the minutes, Valerie Lustgarten seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. 3. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Soroka reported that the drainage problem in the back of the school was corrected over the winter break. Tether balls will be installed in the playground within the next two weeks. Parent surveys will be going home soon. After safety discussions with the Aventura Police Department and due to the identified need for further instructional time with our K-1 children, dismissal time was changed to 3:00 p.m. for K-1, so effective 1/5/2004 all ACES students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. School sign is being researched, and Mr. Soroka should have further information regarding pricing and other issues, such as placement of the signs by the next board meeting. 4. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT: Dr. Murphy's report for this month included information on the audition and selection of 21 ACES students that will make up the ACES Dance Troupe. Progress reports went home 12/5/2003. School picture re-takes took place 12/10/2003. Multicultural week was held 12/15-19/2003 and it was very informative, fun and colorful for our students. The 5th grade students' field trip to the Miami Children's Museum was outstanding; FCAT Parent Night for the remaining grades will be scheduled soon, FCA T practice tests have been administered to grades 3-5, and the results will be discussed in the next Board meeting. An awards assembly will be held 2/5/2004 with key note speaker Kristie Kruger of Channel 1 0 News for 5th graders who participated in the 'DAR.E. To Say No To Drugs' program. The 2004-2005 school year application process began 1/5/2004 and over 130 applications have been received. Re-commitment letters for attending students will be going home on Friday 1/9/2004 and parents must include volunteer hours completed to date in that letter. 5. UNIFORMS: Tom Geismar of Charter Schools U.SA informed the Board that CSUSA has a proposal in place and is awaiting companies' responses to select a uniform provider for the next school year. Fabric and style choices will be re- evaluated. 6. CAFETERIA SERVICES: Mr. Geismar reported a contract has been secured with The Asher Company and they are scheduled to begin servicing ACES cafeteria commencing early February 2004. Starr caterers will be notified of termination this month. New per lunch-meal fee is $2.55 with unlimited juice and water inside the cafeteria. 7. ENROLLMENT UPDATE: Mr. Soroka reported on the current school enrollment numbers of ACES, which was at 596 the month of December, 8. PARENT VOLUNTEER TRACKING: Parent Volunteer Coordinator Beverly Gittleman reported on update of hours completed by ACES families to date. There are 486 ACES families, 359 families have one child attending ACES, which means their required number of volunteer hours for each school year is 20. There are 127 families with two or more students, and they are required to complete 30 volunteer hours per school year. Only 19 families have completed 30 or more hours, and there is an outstanding 167 families who have yet to serve any volunteer hours. Parents were reminded, as noted in the previous Board meeting, that the deadline to complete the required hours is 5/24/2004. Ms. Gittleman and Ms. Brown sent a letter home this week reminding parents of their volunteer requirement. Since deadline for completion of these hours was neglected from that letter, it will be included in the re-commitment letters that will go home Friday 1/9/2004. 9. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES: Beverly Gittleman updated the Board on current fund raising activities. The Tree of Knowledge/Apple Tree pricing was estimated at $4,000.00. At the Board meeting, a committee was established with three parents, Ms. Gittleman and Board member Stephanie Oshinsky to workout the Tree of Knowledge fundraising details. Through an art project in which all ACES families are encouraged to participate, ACES will be raising money for a school in South Africa - a participant of the worldwide Living Values program, That event is scheduled to begin mid February. Children will create artwork that will be sent home to parents with a choice to purchase cards and other items with their child's artwork imprinted on the items. Pricing sheets will accompany the artwork, There will be a BBO for ACES, as a fund raising activity, at Founders Park some time in March 2004. Volunteers are needed, This will be an opportunity for those families needing to complete their service hours to do so. Lastly, ACES will be offering a supply list package for parents to purchase for the next school year, which will include a student agenda. 10. OLD BUSINESS: Board members discussed issues and concerns presented to the Board by parents and by Board members. Mrs. Urbáez Weinberg reminded the Board that during the November meeting, there had been a male parent who suggested the implementation of an electronic mass mailing to keep parents informed of school events through the Internet. Tom Geismar of Charter Schools U.SA stated that he would look into the issue with CSUSA LT. (Information Technology) personnel, and advise Dr. Murphy who will then advise the Board by the next meeting, Julie Greenberg Shapiro brought up the issue of having a monthly school calendar, but after much discussion it was decided that a monthly calendar is not in our best interests because of potential changes in dates of events throughout the month and the ensuing confusion that could be created if parents are not timely notified of changes. 11. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business to be discussed. Items to be discussed for next meeting include: Uniforms update, cafeteria services update, electronic mass mailing information, school signs, and the FCAT practice test results. -Mr. Chairman, Gary Pyott opened the floor for discussion and comments from the parents in attendance at the meeting. Issues discussed with parents were: Uniforms; Cafeteria services; Parent volunteer hours; Use of additional hour K-1 children remain in school; School class photos scheduled for 2/6/2004; Accelerated reader program materials have been ordered and should arrive soon; and the Sunshine Math program is in progress. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, February 2, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. 12. ADJOURMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, after motion made by Luz Urbáez Weinberg, seconded by Julie Shapiro, and unanimously passed, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Luz Urbáez Weinberg, Recording Secretary Approved by the Board on