09-16-2010 Workshop The City of Aventura & ''1.". "y' 19200 West COllntrv C1l1h Drive Avenhna FI, 'B 1 RO City Commission Workshop Meeting September 16, 2010 9:00 A.M. Executive Conference Room AGENDA 1. Proposed Founders Park Playground Improvements (City Manager) 2. Request for Resolution by MDCLC to Support South Florida Park Coalition Charter (City Manager)* 3. Adjournment * Back-up Information Exists This meeting is open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 305-466-8901, not later than two days prior to such proceeding. ~ MDCLC ,., nFFU-:FR~ President Hoo. Mt,hael alVnn Councilman, North MI'mi Firs[ Vice President Han. Juan C. Bermudez Mayor. 00,.; Second Vice Presuienr Hon. Luis Gonzalez Councilman, City of Hidealt Third Via: PA::5ident Han Jo!ep/l Kelley Mayor, Ol>a.locb Secretall Hon. Dtede Weilhom Commissioner, Mi.ami Be~n Treasurer Hon Cir,dy i:.erner Mayor, PinecreSl Ri'WIl'n OF rllRFr.TMS KOft lev "'uerbach CommiHioner, ","ventura HOB. I... D. 81o<IIor A.SSt5t.nl Mayor, SaJ Harbot.tr Ko. lorda. W.leonanj Councilman, Bay Haroor l51.nds Hoa. Roxanna Rog Mayor. Biscayne Park Hon. RaFael Ca_1, Jr. Commissioner, Carat <labia Hon, Michacl DiPietro Councilman. Dorm Hon. Joyce. Davis Mayor, EI Ponal Hon. R S Stuver CornmiuioneT, Fk>ridaCity Hoft Judy luoskin Voce Mavor. Golden Beac/! Hon. Vi~n Casals.MuMz Cooncilwornaft,. Hialeah Hnft. Y"'" De La Cruz Mayor, HIaleah Gardens Hon. Jon A. Burgess Councilman, Homestud TB." Indiao Creek Hen Robert Vernon Mayor, Key Bi"aync Hon. Ramon Rodriguez. Mayor, Medley Hon, Francis Suarez Commissioner, Miami Moo Jose "Pepe;' Diu Vtce-Chl.1flft.n. M.ami-Oade Cou,..y Hon. Dr. Wilbal "T.." Holloway Board Membel Miami-Dade County School Board H<>r J..... WoIf..,n CommiSSIOner. Miami SefaCh Hon, Melvin L 8f1rtcm Councilman, Miami GardeM Hon Mithael Pini Mayor. ~l.mi Lakes Hon. Prospero Herrera Councilman. Mlami Shores Hon. Billy B'11\ Mayol. \f~aml Springs Hon Dr. Paul VO!lel Comm."SlODCf. ~onh 6a:!" Vlllasc Hon. -\n6rc:Pierre \ilyor, Not1h Miami Hon Myron Rosner \flavor North Miami Beach Ho~ Oorolh)' Johnsol'l Commi,'I'.sioner. Opa-Locka Hon. Howard Tendnch Cooncilman. Pa)meoQ 811' TB .~ P!necrest llan. Bti.n Be.ls&ev Commissioner, Sourb MilJIII Hon. :"icrm.n EdtICllp \Iayor, 5;unn\llsies Be..en T B .\, SUl1sllk lion OrJindo Lopez C"mmissioner. Sweerwlfcr ,Lfcm :)ocm:cr Drl"lo l'~ \[.....or. Virginia Gardens. lion Eduardo \.luhll'la \.I,,,or, Wo!SI '-liaml MIAMI-DADE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES 226 East Flagler Street. Suite 200 . Miami, FL33131 Phone 305.416.4155 Fax 305.416.4157 www.mdclc.org Richard Kuper, Esq Executive Director August 23,2010 J mm~rllAre Pa~t Prp.'tjtll'::nt Hon. Sitir)ey GibsDn Mayor, Mia",1 Gardens Pa~ Prfl!C;;tn~ntCl: Hon. Ricwd Steinberg Sllte Representative, Dislrict 106 Hon Manuel Marofto Mayor, Ciry of Sweetwater Hoft. Ed....do Go...le. Stale Representative, Distrlcl 102 Hon [sue Salver Counc:iJman. Town of Bay Harbor Islands HOD Julio Robaina Mayor. Ciry of Hialea/! Hoft. R.S. SlIIver Commissioner. City offlonda City Aon Wifraio "Willy" GO<1 Commissioner, City of~iami Hoo Paul vogel Commissioner, Cil'j ofNont\ Bay Village C'~I C:~uncpf Howard B Lenard. Esq. The Honorable Zev Auerbach Commissioner, City of A ventura 19200 W. Country Club Dr. A ventura, FL 33180 Dear Commissioner Auerbach: On Thursday night, August 5, 2010, at the MDCLC Board Meeting the enclosed resolution (and Charter) was unanimously passed urging the support for the adoption of the South Florida Park Coalition Charter by each of the League's member cities, towns and villages. The adoption of this Charter will create the first regional Park Coalition in the State of Florida and represents a first step toward implementing the Park and Open Space Master Plan principles for building a model park system that fosters economic prosperity through a healthier, more livable community. The following municipalities have already adopted the Charter through Board approved resolution; as well as the School Board and County: . City of Coral Gables . City of Doral . Town of Golden Beach . City of Hialeah . City of Hialeah Gardens . Village of Key Biscayne . City of Miami Beach . City 0 f Miami Gardens . City of North Miami . City of South Miami . City of Sunny Isle Beach We ask that your municipalities adopt the Charter by passing a resolution, If you have any questions, need additional information or would like for the Miami-Dade Park Department to give a presentation to your Board, please contact the Parks Director Jack Kardys at 305-755-7903. Commissioner Auerbach August 23, 2010 Page 2 of2 The South Florida Park Coalition is a great opportunity for sharing knowledge, and will help create greater collaboration and cooperation among agencies. We have much work to do and as a team of professionals working together we can leave a legacy of health, beauty and a renewed sense of place for the South Florida community. Richard Kuper, Esq. Executive Director RK/ym Enclosure: SFPC Charter and MDCLC Resolution C.C: Jack Kardys, Director, Miami-Dade Park and Recreation Department (MDPR) W. Howard Gregg, Deputy Director, MDPR Maria Nardi, Chief, Planning and Research Division, MDPR South FlSu:j.LlClP3Jk_~<.!li!ion ,\ Cualition of Cit:-. Count:-_ State and federal Parb in Miami-Dade County CHARTER I}reamble: The South Florida Park Coalition is created to foster a seamless, cnnnected, and sustainable parks system lor the South Florida community. The Coalition will meet. collaborate, share knowledge and professional expertise regarding park. recreation and conservation open spaces, Our work is rooted in the fundamental values of recreation opportunity and environmental stewardship, It is dedicated to building a model park system that \\'ill promote a greener. healthier, ;1I1d more li\'able South Florida community. \Ve believe that a model park system consists of parks and public spaces, recreation facilities. greemvays. hlueways. great streets and conservatiun lands, We believe that a sustainable, model Park System must be planned and created with an eye to its impact on the neighborhood. city. county and region as a \.vhole. It must be effective, efficient. fair and balanced. It must work with other public and pri\'ate agencies; and it must enhance the health, satety, happiness and \vell-being of all residents and visitors to South Florida, now and in the future, \Ve bel ieve that a model park system is integral to soci:l], environmental and economic sustainability: it must become a \ital part uf everyday human experience; it must \1e connected spiritually and physically: and it must provide accessibility for people of all means and abilities, The model Park System must raise the ljuality of life for the region anJ inspire generatil)!1S of people to care till' and contrihute to their communities Based on the beliefs of equit}', ac('css. beauty, seamless ness, sustainability and multiple benefits, Wc assert that the 'lodel Park System shall: . Ensure an accessible. diverse and halanced system uf passive and actin: recreation lIPp(\rtunities that promote safety, security and healthy lifestvks, . Ensure the preservation. protection and enhancement ut ecological resources to sustain and preserve biodiversity and the environmental health of the region. . Ensure the preservation, protection and enhancement of cultural resources to sustain landscapes and their historical and heritage features. . Ensure that park. recreation and conservation open spaces guide the shape or urban fom1, · Ensure that there is no net loss of park. recreation or conservation lands and mandate replacement ofland or equal value, context and significance, . Ensure community stewardship of park. recreation. and conservation open spaces by fostering educational and recreational programming. ci\ic art, volunteerism and support of philanthropic and grassroots organizations. . Ensure the continual enhancement of economic development and quality of lift, in the region by partnering and collaborating with the business communit~. . Ensure the equitable distributiun tlt" park. recreatiun and conservation llpen spaces for all communities in the region . E'.nsure and suppurt responsible gro\'\1h to Cllnserve em ironmental and cultural resuurl'es, promote eCllnomic investment. and suppurt neii,!hborh<)( ld stabi 1 ity. \,.,hi Ie reclaiming marginal and abandoned areas · Ensure the support and development of an interconnected framework of transportation alternatives such as transit, pedestrian, bicycle and waterway systems that link parks, recreation and conservation open spaces to each other and to communities. . Ensure high standards of design excellence, innovation and beauty to support economic, social and environmental sustainability of the region. ~ t RESOLUTION NO. 2010-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING THE SOUTH FLORIDA PARKS COALITION CHARTER AND THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH IT STANDS WHEREAS, parks. open spaces and preserves are vital to the quality of life of all residents of Miami Dade COWlty; and WHEREAS, the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, Inc. is committed to the fundamental and abiding values of equity, recreation opportunity and environmental stewardship; and WHEREAS, the South Florida Parks Coalition is comprised of park and recreational professionals from all city, county and state and federal jurisdictions, and WHEREAS, the South Florida Parks Coalition is dedicated to building a model parle system that will promote a greener, healthier, and more livable South Florida community; and WHEREAS, The South Florida Park Coalition is created to foster a seamless, connected, and sustainable parks system for the South Florida community, and WHEREAS, The South Florida Parks Coalition will meet, collaborate, coordinate and share knowledge and professional expertise regarding park, recreation and conservation open spaces; and WHEREAS. we know that there is strength in unity. RESOLUTION 2010-5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, Inc., endorses the Charter of the South Florida Parks Coalition, attached and included by reference, and fully supports the principles on which it stands: APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, Inc. at regular meeting assembled this 51"1 day Of~, 2010. ATTEST: ~~ DEEDE WEITHORN SECRETARY ~~~~ PRESIDENT RESOLUTION 2010-5